● Goodnight, Ghost ●
Goodnight, Ghost is a story by me, Yabe!
It's about a demon named Don and his adventures as a waiter at the Jelly Joni's Diner!
Meet all the adorable demon employees as Don uncovers the mysteries surrounding the diner!
Check out the About Goodnight, Ghost page for background of this story's creation and for content disclaimers!

● About Goodnight, Ghost●
Q: Who are you?
A: I'm Yabe! I'm obsessed with creating a lot of different multimedia—I produce music, love to draw, write, sing, and work on graphic design! You can find my music here.
Q: What's the story behind the story?
A: I'm working on my upcoming album, Roots & Branches. The second single I released for the album, Mayfly, featured a sleepy demon girl on the cover art.

There's a lot more to the song itself, but this sleepy demon girl started the motif of having a demon represent each song of the album. I would later on release the single Aphrodite's Favorite, with another demon girl.

Roots & Branches features an upcoming song called Elm, which is the song that the main character, Don, will be representing. Don was initially the "alter ego" and mascot character for my Twitch streams as YabeDON. As I started designing more and more demon girls for the upcoming songs, I created more and more lore surrounding them. This would eventually create the story of Goodnight, Ghost.
Q: The front page is a little confusing. How is the story organized?
A: The overarching story is called "Goodnight, Ghost". Think of this as the equivalent of saying "The Harry Potter Series" or "The Narnia Series". As of me typing this, I've completed TWO primary books of Goodnight, Ghost":
Book 1 is called Droneheads.
Book 2 is called Goofneck.
Book 2.5 is called Eggtartarus.
Generally, it goes:Book -> Act -> Chapter.Droneheads (Book 1) is organized in a unique way. You'll find out naturally from reading it!
Goofneck (Book 2) is a shorter book with a more straightforward number of chapters (Just ten!)
Eggtartarus (Book 2.5) is an even shorter spin-off book (5 tiny chapters)
Q: Sweet! Um. I don't like reading, though.
A: Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about that—I AM, however, in the process of recording an audiobook for Goodnight, Ghost. Some of the chapters already have rough drafts of the audio chapters for you to use if you'd like! A win for accessibility!Some disclaimers about the recordings:• Instead of simply reading the book aloud to you, I aim to make it more engaging by voice-acting, too.• Please note that I am NOT a professional voice actor—I'm trying my best! One day I hope to have a full diverse cast of VAs!• I'll really only be focusing on the text—meaning I won't be adding sound effects, music, or ambience to the audio.
Q: That's cool! Okay, what are the content disclaimers?
A: Well, first off let me request for you to please not pass off this writing as your own. Seems pretty obvious, but this isn't on a fanfic website. I don't even know how those work, but I consider this my intellectual property—please don't steal! Love you!
Q: Chiiiillllll, of course I won't do that.
What are the content disclaimers?
A: To start off, THIS STORY HAS VERY MATURE THEMES. This is intended to be a novel for ages 18+ and up. Please read at your own discretion! I know the main page makes it seem all happy-go-lucky, but it's very much not!
Anyway, here are the disclaimers:Content Warnings:
- Violence
- SA
- CA
- Self-harm
- Animal death
- Mental illness
- Transphobia
- SuicideOf course, this story obviously does not support any of the above.Now you may be thinking, 'Oh, my goodness, Yabe! That's, like, every trigger warning imaginable!'.Well—On a serious note, this story is a reflection of my experiences. No, not my direct experiences. Despite being fiction, different aspects of Goodnight, Ghost are microcosms and representations of things I have learned growing up with many kinds of people and how relationships are affected by our decisions. Sounds very vague, but it's a similar idea to what my album, Roots & Branches, entails. However, any names or references to real life are coincidental and have no deeper meaning outside of the context of the story. This is still considered a WIP and is subject to changes.With that out of the way, enjoy the story of Goodnight, Ghost!
● Droneheads ●
Welcome to the front page of Droneheads, the first book of the
Goodnight, Ghost series!This book introduces Don and all the other demon girls!
● Goofneck ●
Welcome to the front page of Goofneck, the second book of the
Goodnight, Ghost series!This book is about Goofneck. That's all I'll say :)
● Eggtartarus ●
Welcome to the front page of Eggtartarus, the bonus book of the
Goodnight, Ghost series!This book is a spin-off (that takes place before the events of Droneheads) about the misadventures of Crescent and Vein as they try to make the perfect egg tart! :)
● ACT 1: Is Hell Merciless? ●
● ACT 2: But Is It Really? ●
● ACT 3: Okay, But For Real? ●
● ACT 4: Now You're Lying ●
● ACT 5: Okay, I See Your Point ●
● ACT 6: Yeah, My Bad ●
● ACT 7: Yep, It's Merciless ●
Chapter 0 ● Prologue
ㅤㅤI’m floating like a ghost. No. It’s more like I’m swimming through the air in an empty city.ㅤㅤI’m trying to get away from something. It also swims, but it’s much larger and faster than me. Sometimes it seems like the farther I get away from the monster, the sharper the headache gets.ㅤㅤAnd in the back of my mind is the little girl I just met. The one I’m playing hide-and-seek with.ㅤㅤHer white hair. Her pink eyes. The veil over her head. Her annoying laugh. Her enthusiasm.ㅤㅤI hate every part of her. I hate her. But at this moment in time, I don’t have anyone else. I guess I have this snake slithering around my neck, but it’s not like I can really have a conversation with him.ㅤㅤI hope I keep my composure after all this is done.ㅤㅤAnd I won’t have to see her again.ㅤㅤMy fear of being trapped is the only thing motivating me right now. I can’t remember who I am, so I’m not aware of any family I’m attached to.ㅤㅤBut for some reason, I remember a specific feeling I’ve been having before I got here. Lately, I’ve felt invisible to everyone around me—like a ghost. I remember rarely hearing my parents’ voices throughout each day. Oh, that’s right. I have parents. Right. At the moment, my only memory of my parents is them saying “goodnight” to me at the end of the day. So I guess even I can admit that it’s nice to get some attention, even if it’s from a stranger.ㅤㅤI’m really hoping this is a dream, but putting everything into account…it’s obvious that it isn’t.ㅤㅤWherever I am, I don’t get hungry. Wherever I am, I can’t sleep. I am physically unable to sleep. I don’t even get sleepy. I guess that’s another thing motivating me, actually.ㅤㅤI want to be able to sleep soundly again. Be able to have someone say “goodnight” to me before I doze off.ㅤㅤHere, I just feel like I’m alone. What if my memories return, and I still have that same feeling—like I’m invisible to the people around me?ㅤㅤWouldn’t have anyone to say goodnight to me. Maybe myself, I guess. As I swim away from this monster, I might as well say it to myself.ㅤㅤGoodnight, ghost.
Chapter X-1 ● The Roots and the Branches
ㅤㅤNames are stupid. Sure, they’re important for identifying everyday objects. Like radios. Radios. Hm. I guess that wasn’t really a good example. No one uses radios anymore. I mean–radios are, like, integrated into other devices nowadays. Not an actual, physical radio. But how about trees? Yeah, those never go away. Unless you’re reading this in an apocalyptic future where you inhale oxygen from government-provided gas tank things that you’re only provided five of each week, trees are here to stay.ㅤㅤPoint is—anything could be called everything. And vice-versa, everything could be called anything. You could point at that large, brown cylindrical object that splits into multiple tiny branches and call it a radio. And you could call that tiny mechanical box that talks—okay, you get it. Names are . . . arbitrary. Yeah. That’s the word. And that’s only English. We haven’t even dove into the complexity of other languages.ㅤㅤBut okay. Honing it back on English. For objects, we need names to make sure you and I are talking about the same thing–a radio. To make sure we’re not barking up the wrong tree. Haha. But for people? Stupid. Names are stupid. When we call each other names like Ryan—sorry to any Ryans out there, but you’re being used as my example—we could also be calling them Sorasgoth the Annhilator or some shit.ㅤㅤOh! Actually, you know how—in some languages—you introduce yourself by saying ’I am called blank’? But in English, a literal translation like that sounds weird and unnatural for us. We just say ‘My name is blank’. The first option is an introduction based on others, while the latter is based on the self—what you yourself identify as. Pretty deep, right? Profound. Really makes you think. You’re a philosopher now, just from thinking about that. I think some of my favorite pieces of media are ones where the main character is nameless. They get a title instead. Like ‘Agent 5’, ‘The Ghost’, or ‘The Talk-Too-Mucher’. Oh, actually, that’s how some surnames started, I think. Like how the last name ‘Smith’ came from blacksmiths in the Dark Ages. Last names came from the job a person had. Don’t look that up and confirm, though—I don’t like being wrong. It was just something I read somewhere.Inmates have numbers. Football players have numbers. I mean, big corporations and universities have ID numbers for each breathing person. I could be Dude #17393. Names are just a way to make identification look nicer, I guess. So…arbitrary and stupid.ㅤㅤI know you’re getting annoyed. I’m making lots of quips, like a modern superhero movie would. Well, I am an unreliable narrator. You can’t even trust anything I say. But at least you’re getting entertained. Can’t promise that I’m funny to you, though. I bet you’ll trust me once I tell you my name.ㅤㅤOkay, no more bullshit. My name is Don. As for what I’m called…it’s something else. We’ll get to that later.ㅤㅤI’m a demon. For now, just think of my name as ‘demon’ without the ‘emo’. Haha. Just fucking with you. I’m definitely emo. Wait. Wait. Nevermind. That doesn’t work. I still need the ‘O’.ㅤㅤAnd just like names, demons are stupid, too. They have a caste system. Don’t know what that is? It’s all hierarchy stuff. If you’re strong, you get a high rank and a high position. But even more important to demons is heritage. Hell, if you’re the son or daughter of an already notorious demon like Astaroth, you get a high rank and a high position in demonic society—wouldn’t matter if you inherited his strength or not. Could be weak as hell—but as long as you’re the descendant of a big-name demon, you’re in the big leagues. Nepotism runs rampant with demons. Born into poverty? Well, then you’re a nothingburger. A mindless soldier for the stronger demons. Possibly even a slave for them.ㅤㅤNow let’s take the two dumbest things in the world—names and demons—and combine them.ㅤㅤDemon names. Now, before I educate your ignorant ass, you gotta understand. Demons are from Hell. And times have changed in Hell. You know that thing in horror movies where the demon is weakened just by someone saying their name? ‘A demon’s name is their power’-type plot point? As shittily as those movies represent us, it is true.ㅤㅤSo at some point in history, the high-ruling demons of Hell decided to stop using those kinds of names. So what was the new alternative?ㅤㅤNaming them after the shape of their horns. Now, us demons got our own language that can’t be understood by humans. And me. I can’t understand it. But I promise you—these horn names I’m talking about are entirely in English. Actual English. They can be inanimate objects or animals. Demons know a lot about culture on Earth, so they avoid the powerful Demonic Language–let’s call it Demolang–by defaulting to the most commonly spoken language, English.ㅤㅤSo imagine going from names like Astaroth and Paymon to names like Scissor, Pencil, or Elk. There’s probably one named Narwhal. Saying names like these to a demon doesn’t do jackshit. It’s hilarious for me, but guess which high-ranking demon decided this?ㅤㅤFuckin’ Astaroth. His 15th Reincarnation, actually. Great Duke of Hell. But yeah—basically, the most privileged demons are either Descendants or Reincarnation. Reincarnations get to keep their old names. But even then, they go by nicknames. Like ‘Asta’ for ‘Astaroth’.ㅤㅤNow here’s the sad part of this change that Astaroth made.ㅤㅤNot every demon is born with a horn. And by the law of association, not every demon gets a name. Biologically, stronger demons are born with horns. Kinda like how mammals are larger than not-mammals. Because of Astaroth, horns have become a symbol of power for demons. If you have a horn, you get a name.ㅤㅤBut there is one exception to this rule. A very specific species of demons that are born with horns but are weak. So weak, in fact, that they don’t deserve names. A species of demon that is well-hated because of their deceptive look.ㅤㅤAnd that’s the type of demon I am. But don’t worry. You’ll learn to love me, no matter how much of a weakass bitch I am. Moving on.ㅤㅤVein.
ㅤㅤAnd Cerus.ㅤㅤEven if they don’t sound like it, these are all names. They’re the other demons I know. There’re probably a few more, but who knows. That’s the fun of being an unreliable narrator.ㅤㅤDon’t worry too much about remembering these names for now. With some context, they’ll mean something.ㅤㅤAnd maybe then, names won’t be so stupid after all.ㅤㅤHaha. No, they’ll definitely still be stupid. Ryan. Pfft. Not even pronounced how it’s spelled.ㅤㅤSorry, Ryans.ㅤㅤLet me start you off with a story. And you know what? I’ll be a reliable narrator. No shady stuff. Also, come on–don’t think I didn’t notice. You’re confused on the alphanumerical chapters. I know just what you’re thinking. The fuck is “X-1”? It’s dumb, I know. I wrote this, after all.ㅤㅤTo make you less paranoid, I’ll try to be objective for every alphanumerical chapter. That’ll make you miss my snarkiness by the time we get to Chapter 1–The reaaaaal first chapter.ㅤㅤHere goes.
●●●ㅤㅤHell is merciless.ㅤㅤIt's especially merciless to the species of demon known as the Elm.ㅤㅤThe Elm are amorphous-type demons—like free-form amoeba. They never maintain the exact same shape, but they most often resemble an Elm tree when fully grown. Whatever pitch-black substance their bodies are made of is almost like a flame constantly being rekindled. They have internal organs, but they’re not usually visible.ㅤㅤThey have three main features. First are their tendrils that branch off into smaller and smaller ones, giving them the appearance of a tree. Second is the black and white mask on their upper body that changes based on the demon’s emotions.ㅤㅤAnd third are the horns. Two sharp, curved horns at the top of their body, and four U-shaped horns on what you could consider their waist.ㅤㅤBut it’s their tendrils that gives them purpose in Hell. Elm are known for being servants and slaves, laboring away for upper-class demons. Because they’re so expendable as tools, Elm demons don’t raise families. Instead, they’re born from surrogate mothers.ㅤㅤThere was one surrogate Elm demon. Although Elm demons are hermaphrodites, we can call this demon the mother. After serving her time laboring away for the upper-class demons, her only purpose became to birth more Elm demons for labor.ㅤㅤShe only was able to birth two Elm demons. By the second newborn Elm demon's birth, the mother’s fragile body experienced complications leading to her death, which is uncommon for these expendable demons that usually work well as surrogates.ㅤㅤNow we shift the focus to these two Elm demon children.ㅤㅤWe’ll call the firstborn Elm demon Akhijom--an approximate translation meaning “younger sibling” in Demonic Language. For the purposes of this story, he’ll be the older brother.ㅤㅤWe’ll call the second newborn Elm demon Yijom–“younger sibling”. She’s the younger sister.ㅤㅤYijom had a rare condition for a demon. Her horns grew uncontrollably fast when stressed. This was known as Overgrowth. Overgrowth didn’t just affect the horns on Yijom’s head. Overgrowth caused her waist horns to grow inwardly through her own body, stabbing through her internal organs in the process. The only positive caveat is that she regenerates at a faster speed than the average Elm demon. This creates a cycle of painful agony for her when stressed.ㅤㅤOnce Yijom was born, the firstborn Elm demon, Akhijom, grew excited. He sneaked into the room where the two midwife demons discussed their next plan of action. He overheard the complications and death of his own mother, caused by Yijom's Overgrowth.ㅤㅤHowever, he also overheard them plan to euthanize Yijom.ㅤㅤOnce one of the midwives left, Akhijom took action. With swift speed, Akhijom grabbed his sibling and attempted to flee. Unexpectedly, the one midwife was faster than he anticipated. Despite some intense trouble, he eventually sneaked away from the kingdom of Hell known as The Infernus.ㅤㅤIn Akhijom’s tendrils laid a quiet sleeping Yijom, as the two siblings headed towards the outskirts of Hell, known as The Lament.ㅤㅤOnce a demon escapes to the Lament, they are left alone to die, as there is very little supply of nutrients or consumption of human souls here. Only when an outcasted demon is caught attempting to re-enter The Infernus—that's when they're captured and killed.ㅤㅤElm demons are built different. Sorry. Objective. I’ll be objective and not sassy. Ahem. What they lack in power, they make up for in speed. Akhijom would often sneak into The Infernus and steal what little nutrients he could find back to The Lament. However, he gave most of his food to Yijom, leading him to be deprived of nutrients and become one of the weakest Elm demons imaginable.ㅤㅤAt first, he raised Yijom on his own, often extremely overprotective and untrusting of other outcasts because of how helpless and small Yijom was.

ㅤㅤThere was only one other demon he trusted with Yijom, however. This was the pariah demon, who we’ll just call Pariah. Pariah was an outcast that once served as a high-ranking Demon of Fate. Pariah's role was to inspect human lives occasionally during their lifetime, and gather information after their death. The Demon of Fate would then use this information as criteria to determine the human soul's eligibility for demon consumption once brought to Hell. Whether it was gourmet or not.ㅤㅤPariah was very secretive of their past. Pariah only barely helped the Elm siblings in terms of nutrients, sharing very little of their own. But what attracted Akhijom to Pariah is that they told the firstborn stories of their time as a Demon of Fate, viewing Earth from the confines of The Infernus. Pariah told Akhijom of how different cultures approached different things—the wars, the peace, the plagues, family, etc. Akhijom was fascinated by human culture. Demons experience time much faster than humans and on a different scale. Due to this, the information that Pariah provided Akhijom was somewhat outdated—it was life in the 1980s on Earth.ㅤㅤPariah was always accompanied by an odd, floating jellyfish-like demon known as an Ulma demon, so-named by the Pariah after the ulmaridae genus of jellyfish using their expansive knowledge of human discoveries. The Ulma demon couldn't speak Demolang and was very mellow. She was easily frightened and would cry at the drop of a hat.
●●●ㅤㅤOne day, Akhijom was engrossed in one of Pariah's stories and didn't notice his younger sibling and the Ulma demon wandering away. After realizing this, he became extremely worried and spent months trying to find her.ㅤㅤPariah tried to help, but could only do so much. Their skills as an oracle were in the past. They could only advise Akhijom on places they hadn’t checked yet.ㅤㅤAkhijom finally found Yijom playing with the Ulma demon inside of an abandoned building right outside the gates of The Infernus. Yijom should have known better than to play too close to the boundary. Assuming the Ulma demon had led Yijom this far away from him, Akhijom expanded his branch-like tendrils and snarled at the Ulma demon. The Ulma demon cried in fear of him.ㅤㅤYijom did not know any better and began to cry, too. Akhijom slowly crept closer and towered over the Ulma demon out of pure rage. Yijom's cries became louder and louder.ㅤㅤSuddenly, Yijom's cries turned into shrieks of pain. Her horns grew and expanded rapidly. Akhijom realized his mistake and retracted his tendrils, but it was too late. Not only were Yijom's waist horns growing inwardly through her internal organs, but her head horns were further branching in directions toward her body. She was stabbing herself with her own horns.ㅤㅤGushes of blood spilled everywhere as Akhijom picked up his sibling. With Yijom's bloodcurdling screams and the Ulma’s cries, Akhijom noticed some gate guards on patrol beginning to walk in their direction from outside the building. Despite Yijom's horns growing violently and beginning to pierce Akhijom's body, Akhijom dashed away as fast as possible, with the Ulma trailing behind.ㅤㅤThey escaped the guard's detection, but they didn't even reach halfway close to Pariah’s shelter when Yijom's horns started to pierce the ground, rendering her immobile. The Ulma attempted to ram into the base of Yijom's head horns. While futile, this gave Akhijom an idea. He turned one of his tendrils into a sharp blade and began to cut through the thinner branches of Yijom's horns. This was working successfully up until Akhijom reached the base of Yijom's head horns—his tendril blades just weren’t sharp enough. As more and more branching horns began to stab into Akhijom, he began to lose stamina and consciousness.
ㅤㅤSuddenly, a figure appeared and approached Yijom. With Akhijom’s vision blind by blood, tendrils, horns, and his fading consciousness, he couldn’t see who it was. The figure then planted their foot down onto the ground and spoke some incantation that did not sound like any Demonic Language Akhijom had ever heard. Luckily, this awoke Akhijom, who could only hear while he slowly regained his vision. Yijom's eyes began to glow red. Slowly, her horns began to wither and melt into her body–an extremely painful process for Elm demons. Yijom's shrieks of pain only became louder and dissonant as Akhijom could do nothing but listen. Yet some of the shrieks didn’t sound like Yijom.ㅤㅤEventually, the growing stopped. Afterward was nothing but the sound of Yijom crying in pain.ㅤㅤThings calmed down after a while. The figure was gone, leaving Akhijom, Yijom, and the Ulma there in bewilderment. Akhijom eventually regained his vision, picked himself up, and embraced Yijom covered in demonic blood. The Ulma demon, still afraid of Akhijom, hesitantly nudged him to go back to the inner Lament where they usually stayed with Pariah. Akhijom, still angry at the Ulma demon, hesitantly agreed. They headed back.ㅤㅤBut when they returned, Pariah was gone.ㅤㅤThe only thing left at their hut was the tip of Pariah's horn. Akhijom gently laid Yijom down and picked it up.ㅤㅤThoughts and memories of all the stories and knowledge Pariah gave Akhijom played in his head. About the beginning of a human's life. About school. About weddings. He recalled some of the caste systems that humans created independently. How fascinated he was by how similar they were to Hell’s caste system. He remembered learning about individuals in human history that caused wars. He remembered the vast knowledge of the universe and space that humans were able to uncover. He loved all of these memories.ㅤㅤBut then those fond memories turned into rage. Akhijom was absolutely furious at Pariah for deserting them when they needed help the most. He tightened his grip in anger, but the horn's sharp sides lightly cut him. He grew even angrier and threw it on the ground. He began to search around the hut for any supplies he could use.ㅤㅤMeanwhile, Yijom regained consciousness, and her horns grew back to normal size. She grew curious about the horn, picking it up with the Ulma watching closely. Unsurprisingly, she was cut by it as well and dropped the horn. Akhijom turned around and helped Yijom instantly, worried that she would have a rapid Overgrowth again. Yijom winced a bit, but after the intense pain she had felt, this was nothing. Akhijom was still on alert but was relieved that she was fine. The horn's mischief continued as Akhijom heard the Ulma chewing on something.ㅤㅤAkhijom became even more upset and shouted at the Ulma to spit the horn out, realizing the horn may give them clues as to where Pariah disappeared to. The Ulma demon spat it out and began to tear up. Akhijom panicked, knowing this had the potential to trigger Yijom's Overgrowth. Akhijom put aside his pride and did the unthinkable.ㅤㅤHe petted the top of the Ulma’s head. He had seen how much the Ulma was vulnerable to being petted after how much Yijom played with the Ulma. The Ulma squeaked happily, forgot all about the shouting, and began to nudge against Akhijom, much to Akhijom’s disgust.ㅤㅤYijom watched this all unfold and happily joined in on the embrace. Akhijom rolled his eyes, but accepted it. Eventually, all three of them took their rest.
●●●ㅤㅤAkhijom woke up and heard a loud whirring noise. His vision was much less accurate and blurred. His senses were less attuned than usual. Eventually, things started to unblur.ㅤㅤThere he was, lying still in shock.ㅤㅤAround him were these vast flashing colors and lights. These large vehicles surrounded him, blaring obnoxious, loud, cacophonic sounds. Police cars. Ambulances. He suddenly recalled the day Pariah explained to him motor vehicles and all the different kinds. He looked down at his tendrils, but in their place were these much smaller appendages covered in red blood.ㅤㅤHe started to hear some kind of foreign language. English. It was one of the languages that Pariah had taught him to speak over the course of hundreds of years.ㅤㅤ"Can you hear me?! Everything's going to be okay. We're taking you to the hospital," exclaimed one of the figures hovering over him.ㅤㅤAkhijom could not respond.ㅤㅤ"She doesn't seem responsive, but she's looking right at me," said the figure, speaking into a small black box.ㅤㅤ"Hey, the other girl is also hurt! Someone else get over here!" exclaimed another figure.ㅤㅤAkhijom turned toward the direction of the voice and saw what looked to be a bipedal creature with a tight fabric on its body rather than a cloak. A human. It couldn't be anything else. Based on the detailed descriptions from Pariah, this had to be a human. He expected them to look similar to some of the bipedal high-ranking demons he had previously seen. But it was just so different up front.ㅤㅤWith his back still on the ground, he turned to his left and saw a smaller human lying on the ground a few feet away from him.ㅤㅤAkhijom passed out again.
●●●ㅤㅤAkhijom woke up, this time in a bed with monitors beeping. There was a pole on wheels with a hook. A clear bag was hanging from the hook. A hospital room, as he remembered from Pariah. This is where sick humans go. He looked at his appendages. They were covered in white fabric. A human dressed in blue walked in.ㅤㅤ"Ooh! You're awake! How you feelin'?" asked the human. Akhijom knew this. She was a nurse.ㅤㅤAkhijom could not respond.ㅤㅤ"No worries. I'll be back later. Someone's actually here to see you!" exclaimed the nurse.ㅤㅤFor a few minutes, Akhijom started to think to himself. Did he just magically teleport to Earth? Why was he on the ground earlier? Wait. Could this be a so-called "dream"? Those visions that humans experienced when they slept? But most demons don't experience those. At least insignificant demons like the Elm. When they sleep, they wake up as if time never passed. This couldn't be a dream.ㅤㅤSuddenly, Akhijom felt on edge and began to sense another demon approaching. Two people appeared at the door.ㅤㅤA tall human woman was at the door with a human man behind her. The human man looked similar to the nurse—He was even dressed similarly.ㅤㅤBut Akhijom was more shocked at the woman. Akhijom didn't know about humans with horns.ㅤㅤThe woman looked shocked as well. After a few seconds, she shook her head and, in distress, cried and embraced Akhijom.ㅤㅤAkhijom hissed and snarled, thinking it might be an attack, but her warm embrace eventually calmed him. He shut up.ㅤㅤThe human man then told the woman that Akhijom was able to move now and free to go, going through the usual release process. The woman replied that she would take care of everything. She picked up the weak-bodied Akhijom and assured him that everything would be okay in English. Then, she suddenly spoke in Demolang and said:ㅤㅤ"Don't worry about what's happening. I promise it will make sense soon."ㅤㅤAkhijom was too shocked to speak.ㅤㅤThe woman placed Akhijom carefully onto a provided wheelchair. She showed Akhijom how to use it briefly and quietly. Akhijom tried to be careful not to make an enemy with someone he was unfamiliar with, so he followed her instruction. There's no telling what this odd human woman was capable of.ㅤㅤThe human woman then directed him to another room with the smaller human he'd seen when lying on the ground earlier. It was a baby girl—a younger version of a human woman.ㅤㅤCompared to him being covered in this white fabric—bandages—this little girl was sleeping soundly on her hospital bed.ㅤㅤShe had straight, short brown hair that curled at the ends. Long eyelashes, a small petite nose, and rosy cheeks were her most defining features. An infant. In human years, she had to have been around two. Seeing her in further detail, he noticed her horns. They had a striking resemblance to Yijom's horns. He pointed in shock and tried to utter a word.ㅤㅤThe woman playfully gave Akhijom a "shush" expression.ㅤㅤAkhijom then noticed the demon markings under the baby’s eye. Three teardrop-shaped marks under each eye. It was a marking apparent on all bipedal demons. In fact, he noticed it on the woman, too.ㅤㅤThey were, without a doubt, demons. Possibly high-ranking, even.
ㅤㅤAkhijom then looked closely at the woman. She was really pretty. She had a somewhat darker complexion and beautiful, wavy black hair. He suddenly became embarrassed for staring so long. The woman laughed and introduced herself.ㅤㅤ"You can call me Stag!" she exclaimed.ㅤㅤAkhijom uttered one of his first words in this new form.ㅤㅤ"S…Stag?" uttered Akhijom.ㅤㅤ"Yep! Look at this creature," she said as she pulled out a small rectangular device. Akhijom never learned about those weird-looking objects. The only devices he learned that humans carry around were ‘wallets’, ‘cellular phones’, ‘CD players’, and ‘Walkmans’. On the device Stag held was a picture of a small creature—a stag beetle! Akhijom remembered learning about these from Pariah.ㅤㅤ"See those weird mandibles sticking out of its face? They're shaped like my horns!" she excitedly explained, pointing at her horns.ㅤㅤAkhijom just stared silently in awe.ㅤㅤStag put the device away and proceeded to pick up the girl gently, making sure not to wake her up.ㅤㅤShe gestured for Akhijom to use the wheelchair to get out of the room. He struggled a bit, but Stag was able to help him out.

●●●ㅤㅤThe rest was a blur to Akhijom. He sat on the right front side of a car, which he knew was called the passenger seat. He alternated his glance from outside the window to the girl to Stag. As he looked outside, he began to recognize things. Stores. Umbrellas. Roads. Parts of Pariah’s stories about life on Earth matched what he was seeing.ㅤㅤStag caught some glances at Akhijom while she was driving.ㅤㅤ“I can’t tell if you’re surprised at what you’re seeing or not,” she said in English.ㅤㅤ“There is much . . . stuff,” Akhijom replied. He never knew his knowledge of English would come in handy. He figured he could get on this demon's good side if he spoke English.ㅤㅤ“Hmm. Stuff . . . ,” Stag muttered.ㅤㅤThings went silent. Akhijom felt embarrassed, as he couldn’t really find the right words to say.
Suddenly, they both heard crying from the car seat in the back. The baby had woken up.ㅤㅤStag looked in the rear view mirror and simply said, “Hey—Hey, it’ll be okay! We’ll be home soon!”ㅤㅤAkhijom was caught off guard and panicked.ㅤㅤ“Ah! Um—Okay!” Akhijom tried to say in English as he turned to face the backseat.ㅤㅤThe baby, at hearing Akhijom’s voice, looked at him, stopped crying, and just stared. She pointed at Akhijom and started giggling.ㅤㅤ“Gyyoat! Gyyoat!” she laughed.ㅤㅤ“G—Goat?!” Akhijom exclaimed in confusion.ㅤㅤAgain, Akhijom knew what goats were. He knew what they were from Pariah, who gave him a visual description of how they looked. What did goats have to do with him?ㅤㅤStag chuckled. She pulled down Akhijom’s passenger seat mirror.ㅤㅤ“Take a look at yourself—I think your sister might be a comedian!” Stag said.ㅤㅤThough most lower demons never see what their faces look like, Akhijom knew he was looking at a mirror—An object that allowed humans to see themselves.ㅤㅤ“Ah! Human?” Akhijom questioned in bewilderment.ㅤㅤ“Mhm. But humans don’t have horns!” Stag explained.ㅤㅤAkhijom kept looking at himself while the infant giggled in the backseat.ㅤㅤ“How I am human?” Akhijom tried to ask.ㅤㅤStag chuckled again.ㅤㅤ“Before that, let’s grab something to eat, okay?”ㅤㅤAkhijom pouted a bit, but his body reacted to the word ‘eat’. He was very hungry.ㅤㅤ“Eat! Gaaaaaah!” The baby said excitedly.ㅤㅤThey parked in front of a building, and Stag helped them both exit the car. Stag took a few moments to help Akhijom learn how to walk, but Akhijom was a quick learner. The girl happily grabbed Akhijom's hand. Akhijom knew not to mess with high-ranking demons, no matter how weak they may appear to be. Even if they were a little baby. He played along and held her hand as they walked to a food building. A restaurant, Akhijom remembered.ㅤㅤThe girl’s hands were soft and comforting. It gave him a feeling of nostalgia. The girl reminded him so much of Yijom. He began to suspect that, if he was who he was, then this girl could be Yijom. But as someone who lived his life with very little trust in others, he had reservations about this assumption.ㅤㅤ“That’s your demon sister, by the way,” Stag blurted out.ㅤㅤ“. . . ”ㅤㅤAkhijom was so abruptly surprised by her words. He impulsively grabbed the girl's face by her cheeks and squished her face. He stared straight at her eyes. He knew it. She truly was Yijom—There was no more mistaking it. He just knew.ㅤㅤ“Oi!” Yijom exclaimed.ㅤㅤ“Ah! Sorries,” Akhijom said as he unclasped his hand.ㅤㅤStag laughed some more as they entered the restaurant.ㅤㅤ“You laugh lots,” Akhijom muttered. It seemed he was slowly warming up to these two.
●●●ㅤㅤBecause Akhijom was so focused and surprised by Yijom, he didn’t have a chance to read the restaurant’s sign before they entered.ㅤㅤAnother horned human girl was behind the front counter.ㅤㅤ“Huh? Abughb—wha! Oh! Welcome to JJ’s. How many—Oh! Oh. Tch. Hey,” the girl spoke.ㅤㅤThe girl was definitely somewhat older than Akhijom's human body seemed to be. But there was more to it than that. She seemed . . . intimidating?ㅤㅤ"Hi, Sho! How has the shift been so far?" replied Stag.ㅤㅤ"Don't call me ‘Sho’. It's been okay," the one called 'Sho' answered. She stared at Akhijom and Yijom.ㅤㅤ“Are the two . . . ,” Sho began to ask.ㅤㅤ"Yep, Sho! They're both so adorable, but one's definitely more energetic than the other—honestly, I don’t notice much of a difference post-possession. I know the boy will warm up to us soon!" said Stag.ㅤㅤSho was visibly upset at being called ‘Sho’ again, but then her expression changed.ㅤㅤ"Wait. Boy? I could've sworn—"ㅤㅤSho's remark was interrupted as she turned her gaze toward Yijom, who was trying to reach a mint from the top of the front counter. Sho smirked. She grabbed one, unwrapped it, and gave it to Yijom.ㅤㅤ"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Yijom randomly shouted as she put the mint in her mouth.ㅤㅤAkhijom suddenly panicked and turned into ‘Defend-Little-Sister-With-His-Life’ mode.ㅤㅤ"Don't worry! She doesn't actually eat the mints. She just loves how they look. It’s so cute!" explained Stag.ㅤㅤAkhijom looked around and noticed that there were so many other people in the restaurant—they were customers. He was so focused on Yijom that he didn't even notice he was in the presence of so many humans.ㅤㅤThey all stared at Yijom. Akhijom got defensive and stood in front of Yijom.ㅤㅤ"The customers love her! They can't help but gawk over how cute she is when she grabs a mint!" said Stag.ㅤㅤIt took a few seconds for Akhijom to understand that—he then got embarrassed and turned towards the wall.ㅤㅤSho then blurted, "Heh—I like this one now. In some ways she . . . ? He? He acts like he used to, but I feel like I can mess with him a bit."ㅤㅤ"Sho . . . Leave him out of your mischief. Looks like some more customers are coming in. Let's go, you two!" Stag said as she guided Akhijom and Yijom to a room behind the counter.
●●●ㅤㅤThe moment Stag opened the door to the breakroom, something bright red zoomed toward Akhijom and knocked him backwards. When he opened his eyes, he couldn't believe it. It was the same Ulma demon.ㅤㅤAkhijom pushed the Ulma demon away, and she floated toward Yijom, who welcomed her with open arms.ㅤㅤYijom giggled and laughed out of pure joy.ㅤㅤFor the first time, Akhijom could feel himself smiling a little bit. He couldn’t help it after seeing how happy Yijom was to be reunited.ㅤㅤBut wait. Why did the Ulma look exactly like she did in Hell, while he had to take on this fragile human form?ㅤㅤStag laughed at the whole situation and guessed what Akhijom was thinking.ㅤㅤ“Ulma demons are a little different from us. They aren’t exactly . . . They aren’t exactly naturally-born demons,” Stag revealed.ㅤㅤAkhijom had to sit on that for a minute.ㅤㅤ“Ulma . . . fake demon?” said Akhijom as he pointed at the Ulma.ㅤㅤThe Ulma was upset at this remark and tried to ram into Akhijom with her horns. However, her horns, just like the rest of her body, was extremely soft and gelatinous. Akhijom grabbed the Ulma and started dribbling her like a basketball.ㅤㅤ“Heh . . . Stupid,” Akhijom taunted as the Ulma started crying.ㅤㅤYijom—rather than crying—became angry and puffed up her cheeks. She started swinging her arms at Akhijom.ㅤㅤ“No! No!” shouted Yijom.ㅤㅤAkhijom kept dribbling the Ulma with one arm while holding Yijom away with his other arm.ㅤㅤAkhijom felt a rush and started laughing. He felt so powerful and didn't even notice the evil smirk on his face.ㅤㅤSuddenly, he felt pain on the top of his head.ㅤㅤStag had given Akhijom a light chop on the head and scolded him. Akhijom stopped dribbling the Ulma, and Yijom stopped swinging.ㅤㅤ“HEY! Stop that! If you keep treating them like this, I am NOT going explain to you what’s going on!” scolded Stag.ㅤㅤAkhijom lost his smirk quickly. He was already lost as it was. He needed an explanation for what was going on.ㅤㅤ“Now say sorry to Tib and your little sister.”ㅤㅤTib? Is that what the Ulma was known as?ㅤㅤAkhijom continued his high of feeling powerful and shook his head in arrogance and stubbornness. He was sick of being thrown around for his whole life. He didn't care anymore. Even if there was a chance Stag was a high-ranking demon.ㅤㅤ“Oh, is that how you’re going to act after Tib and I saved you? Alright, then. You can stay here while I go back to work. If I come back and you’re doing ANYTHING mean to Tib or your little sister, I’ll take one of your horns and use it as a thermos!” Stag threatened.ㅤㅤStag stormed out the breakroom door. But before she closed it fully, she turned her head back.ㅤㅤ“By the way, a thermos is a special kind of cup for drinking, in case you didn’t know. A—anyway, reflect on your actions! Hmph!” Stag added before closing the door behind her.ㅤㅤAkhijom, Yijom, and Tib were standing in the breakroom awkwardly.ㅤㅤAkhijom remembered what happened between them three in the Lament. They had been through a lot together. He sighed and turned to them both.ㅤㅤ“S—Sor . . . Sorry,” Akhijom muttered with his arms folded in embarrassment. He didn't even notice he had spoken English. He looked away with his eyes closed.ㅤㅤYijom stared at Akhijom for a few seconds before walking up to him and hugging his legs.ㅤㅤ“Lub you! AAAAAAAAAA!” Yijom squealed in happiness.ㅤㅤAkhijom looked at Tib. He rolled his eyes and gestured for Tib to join them. Tib hesitated after her trauma of becoming a basketball.ㅤㅤAll it took was for Akhijom to gesture that he would pet Tib if she floated over to him. Tib forgot everything about being dribbled and floated toward him.ㅤㅤAs Akhijom patted Yijom and Tib, they all heard something fall on the floor behind them, along with the door creaking.ㅤㅤThe door behind them slowly opened to reveal that Stag was actually standing right outside the door and had dropped a pen. Her hands were covering her mouth.ㅤㅤ“Oh that . . . Oh that’s so cute. Oh, my God. Oh wait, no, can’t say that. Can I? Oh my goodness. I . . . Oh wow. I just . . . Oh . . . Haha . . . I just . . . I can’t, that is just . . . too cute . . . ” She gleeshed. Yeah. That’s the word. She walked up to them and group-hugged them all.ㅤㅤAkhijom felt warm. He had never felt like this before. In fact, he was so unfamiliar with this feeling that he ducked, escaped the hug, ran to the corner, and snarled with his sharp canines showing.ㅤㅤStag was surprised at this, but continued to keep hugging Tib and Yijom. She just looked at Akhijom and smiled.ㅤㅤStag then turned her gaze toward his horns.ㅤㅤShe stopped hugging the two, crossed her arms, and closed her eyes while deep in thought. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and snapped.ㅤㅤ“’Adonis’! Your name will be ‘Adonis’! Like the Greek Adonis! Yeah! Since your horns are just so . . . Perfect. And you have such a beautiful face! My sweet little Adonis . . . Aw—it’s so cute!” Stag rambled.ㅤㅤ“Adondis . . .” Akhijom repeated.ㅤㅤ“No, it’s ADONIS! You’re so close!” replied Stag.ㅤㅤ“Adrondis . . .”ㅤㅤ“Hm. You're somehow getting further away. Actually, how about this? Let’s nickname you ‘Don’, just like I nicknamed Shophar ‘Sho’. It’ll be easier for you to say, too!”ㅤㅤ“Don.”

ㅤㅤ“Perfect! Just like you, Don! Well I mean . . . if you treated your sister and Tib a little better.”ㅤㅤ“Don! Don! Don!” Yijom repeated and jumped.ㅤㅤStag then looked at Yijom, who gave the biggest smile in response.ㅤㅤ“Me! Me! AAAAAAAAAAA!” Yijom couldn’t contain her excitement.ㅤㅤStag analyzed Yijom's horns.ㅤㅤ“Hmm. Your horns branch off. And you're both Elm demons. Elma? Like a girl version of Elmo? No, that's weird. It also sounds too much like Ulma. Hm. Branch is just . . . not it. ‘Twig’? Aha—Ahem."ㅤㅤ"Twig!" Yijom repeated.ㅤㅤ"No! Don't like that one! Don't repeat it!" Stag pleaded.ㅤㅤ". . . " Yijom stared blankly.ㅤㅤStag pondered. Then snapped.ㅤㅤ"Okay, okay. Listen. What else branches off? The Mandelbrot system! You could be ‘Delby’!"ㅤㅤ"Mandy butt?" Yijom questioned.ㅤㅤ"It's like a . . . a system of . . . It's . . . Wow, how do I explain the Mandelbrot system to a child? Um. You know what, scratch that too. What is wrong with me? Why would ‘Delby’ ever be a good name?"ㅤㅤ" . . . " Yijom just kept silent.ㅤㅤ"Ah! Okay! Body parts! Like a neuron. No, how about arteries? ‘Art’ could be your name! ‘Art’?"ㅤㅤ“Fart . . . “ Yijom snickered. Then made a raspberry noise.ㅤㅤ"Stop that! Okay. How about ‘Riri’? From ‘artery’? I mean, it’s similar to Kiki. Ah, but then it’ll just be confusing. No. That's so not it. Okay . . . "ㅤㅤ"Fart . . . " Yijom repeated.ㅤㅤDon had gotten bored from this banter. He stared at Tib and was considering practicing his dribbling again.ㅤㅤ"WAIT! ‘VEINS’! OH MY GOODNESS! It's so unique and cute! How about that one? Easy to say, too! Or wait, just ‘Vein’. Not ‘Veins’!"ㅤㅤ"Vein! Vein! AAAAAA!" exclaimed Vein.ㅤㅤ"Oh, you are literally the most precious thing! Come here!"ㅤㅤStag smothered Vein in kisses and hugs.ㅤㅤVein. Don liked the sound of it. He learned a lot from Pariah—including basic human anatomy. He was always obsessed with how intricate it was, since he had such a simple amorphous body before.

ㅤㅤ"Vein," said Don.ㅤㅤ"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Vein bolted towards Don and gave him a big hug.ㅤㅤDon patted her head and smiled. He finally had something to call her, rather than Demolang for sister. Okay, objective writing aside–you know how weird it is to talk in the third-person? Anyway.ㅤㅤStag continued, “You're all adorable! Unfortunately, though, I do have to get back to work. I’ll grab some food for you first. But after that, I'm off in around two hours. Keep yourselves entertained, but don't break anything here! That's not why it's called a ‘break room’! Aha. That was a good one, Stag. Thanks, Stag. You're welcome, Stag."ㅤㅤStag shook her head in embarrassment and left.ㅤㅤDon, Vein, and Tib were left in the room. Again.ㅤㅤThey stood there for a few seconds. Vein started tapping her feet and looking around the room.ㅤㅤThere were all kinds of papers, records, awards, newspaper articles, and more.ㅤㅤ“Um—Uh . . . Owside!” Vein blurted and ran out the door.ㅤㅤ“Hoi!” Don shouted after her and darted out the door shortly after. Tib followed suit.ㅤㅤHell is still merciless.ㅤㅤBut Earth seemed to be a bit less merciless.●●●ㅤㅤHow was that? Pretty good, right? Now you know my backstory. I mean, kinda. Not really. Like, all that genuinely did happen, though. But…Ah, nevermind. But yeah, that’s how these alphanumerical chapters will be. Think of them as backstory for a lot of the stuff that happens in the main story. Speaking of, Chapter 1 is up next. Present day. And it definitely isn’t as long as this one. Haha.
Chapter 1 ● The Egg and the Tower
ㅤㅤYoke. Eggs. Everywhere. Are you serious? This is getting so stupid. I literally have not dropped a serving plate in years. I, like, probably spilled a drink once. And it definitely wasn’t on a customer. This is so fucking embarrassing. Whatever. It’s fine. I’m like, quiet and lowkey—no one will remember.ㅤㅤ“Tsk,” says the customer.ㅤㅤ“I . . . I’m so sorry, sir! I—I’ll clean this up right away!” I say, panicking out of my mind.ㅤㅤ“It’s fine. No, it’s fine. It’s all good,” the customer replies, clearly disappointed in me.ㅤㅤ“I’m so sorry! I’ll be right back!”ㅤㅤI brisk walk to the back. On the way, I look at Helix for validation.ㅤㅤShe gives me a thumbs up.ㅤㅤ“Don’t worry about it!” Helix seems to be saying with that thumb.ㅤㅤIt doesn’t help much, knowing how naturally social and great of a waitress Helix is compared to me. But it does help. I then look toward Shophar.ㅤㅤShe shakes her head and almost seems to snarl at me.ㅤㅤThat was more like it. I deserve it. What the fuck is wrong with me?ㅤㅤFinally, I look at the new girl. Like I said, she was introduced to us yesterday, but today’s her first legit day.ㅤㅤShe looks at me, does what seems to be half a smile, then goes back to cleaning up a table.ㅤㅤHer name is Cerus. Not ‘Keh-russ’. Pronounced ‘Cerus’, like in ‘rhinocerus’. You’d think it’s because her horn is shaped like a rhinocerus’ horn. But no, it’s because her horn is shaped like a rhinocerus beetle’s horn. That’s so extra. For what?ㅤㅤStag gives most of us our names. Even the ones who’ve been demons for a long time often get new names from Stag, since they can’t remember their previous names. I don’t know. For Cerus, I feel like she was kind of biased here. Her name is Stag because her horns are shaped like a stag beetle. Like, okay? Whatever. I think I’m just frustrated right now. And why does Cerus look at me like that? Why the fuck can’t she just smile like normal? And why does she got to look so cute trying to smile? Like, I don’t mean anything by it, though. You ever get overly nervous when you meet someone who looks nothing like how you expected them to look? Like, you mentally prepared yourself for normal cheddar, but instead it’s, like, brioche? Brioche, bro? Really? My palate was prepared for elementary school string cheese, not finely aged ‘Toilette du Fromage Carpe Diem’ cheese from Paris. I don’t know French. I mean. What am I even thinking about?ㅤㅤCome on, man. I’m 19. I’m grown. How am I getting nervous over some random pretty girl?ㅤㅤI struggle to grab the mop out of nervousness in the back.ㅤㅤ“You good?” I hear Helix say. Looks like she took someone’s order, then followed to help me.ㅤㅤ“Yeah. I’m a little nervous. You know,” I say.ㅤㅤ“I know?” says Helix.ㅤㅤ“Uhhh . . . Like, you know,” I reply.ㅤㅤ“Um. Anyway, let me help you out! No need to get nervous over the new girl! Haha!” She responds.ㅤㅤ“It’s not because of the new girl,” I mutter adamantly under my breath.ㅤㅤIt’s definitely because of the new girl. She was introduced to us yesterday, but today is her first day working. I’ve got to look good in front of the new employee, you know? But I already fucked up.ㅤㅤ“Well, either way, let me help you! Here,” She says as she gestures for me to hand her the mop bucket.ㅤㅤWe spend the next few minutes cleaning the mess and apologizing to the customer, leading Shophar to cover for us. Even the kitchen staff get backed up thanks to me.

ㅤㅤIt works out, somewhat. The customer seems enraged, but we remake his meal and give him 30% off his next time here. He eventually leaves, and it’s timed perfectly for my break.ㅤㅤStag only finds out after the fact. Stag and I are now in the break room. Now, don’t get me wrong. Stag is extremely kind and forgiving. I’ve made plenty of mistakes in the past. But she is clearly uber-disappointed in me. She looks like she’s fighting with herself to be stern, but also reassure me at the same time. I’m honestly not listening to her lecture.ㅤㅤ“You’ve been doing great . . . Is there something wrong? . . . We shouldn’t be making mistakes like this . . . Hold ourselves to a higher standard . . . ,” she rambles.ㅤㅤYeah, definitely picking up only a few words here and there. Instead, I’m watching two tibbie-wibbies trying to push each other off the shelf. They can literally float and suspend themselves in midair. I don’t get it. Maybe because they’re infant demons, they can’t float for too long? I don’t know.ㅤㅤ“Who’s going to win? Stay tuned!” Vein says to Tib. It looks like Vein is pretending to be a sports announcer, while Tib—along with the other tibbie-wibbies—are the audience.ㅤㅤVein is my little sister. She’s not much of a problem child, but she is known to create very unique problems. She hangs out in the break room with Tib. I’ll call Tib our little ‘creature friend’, if that makes sense. Hey, man–I’m the one who wants to call Tib our pet. But no one agrees.ㅤㅤ“. . . And if we make mistakes like this, how can we hold ourselves to that standard? Just because you—Oi! Vein, please be quiet for a moment, okay?” says Stag.ㅤㅤ“Okay! Sorry!” replies Vein.ㅤㅤThese two tibbie wibbies are Tob and Wob. They're either best friends or enemies. I literally cannot tell. If I'm gonna be honest, I don't have a way to tell them apart from other tibbie-wibbies. I just know it's them because they're always up to some shit.ㅤㅤ"What's this? Tob is going to use his Tob Punch!" whispers Vein quietly, yet enthusiastically.ㅤㅤ"Meep!" exclaims Tib.ㅤㅤMeanwhile, Stag continues her rant.ㅤㅤ"Does that make sense? Also, Tib—Can you keep it down, please?!"ㅤㅤStag is clearly becoming more and more irritated.ㅤㅤTib is an absolute crybaby. She, along with the rest of the tibbie-wibbies, are Ulma demons. The Ulma are floating, spherical demons with tendril-like arms that resemble jellyfish or octopus tentacles. They're translucent and shiny like jelly. The reason they're called ulma is because of some specific genus of jellyfish. Ulma-something. Here, I'll look it up real quick. Um, yeah. It's ‘ulmaridae’. I don't really know. Vein loves this stuff. I just kinda—ㅤㅤ"DON! LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU! PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN NOW!" shrieks Stag.ㅤㅤOh, shit. Literally zoned out and completely forgot I was being lectured.ㅤㅤ"Sorry, Stag. I, just, um. I wasn't, I wasn't trying to . . . I'm sorry." I say. Damn. Caught me so off guard I can't speak.ㅤㅤStag sighs.ㅤㅤ"Don, baby. Look at me. Be honest. Is it the new girl?" Stag asked.ㅤㅤOhhhhhhh my God.ㅤㅤ"No." I say. Nothing else. Just a simple 'no'. Fuck that Cerus girl. I mean, not literally. Respect demon women. But, like, I hate her existence. I know she didn't do anything wrong. I'm just frustrated.ㅤㅤStag smirks a little bit.ㅤㅤ"Oh, okay," she says, smiling.ㅤㅤGod, I know exactly what she's thinking, and I hate it. Come to think of it, I couldn't even do that if I wanted to. You know–fuck her. I mean, I could find a way. Wow, I sound so gross right now. Nevermind, please ignore that thought.ㅤㅤ"Speaking of Cerus, it's almost time for her break! I can introduce her to Vein!" exclaims Stag, cheerfully.ㅤㅤI don't know what it is with these ex-succubae, dude. They're always like, everywhere. Wait, is that demonist? I'm gonna stop thinking to myself before I cancel Brain Don. It's just—Stag changes moods sooooooo fast. Like, it's legitimately an ex-succubae thing. They're genetically used to only experiencing one thing—Lust. Take that away, and she's going through every color on a mood ring.ㅤㅤ"I'll go call her in! You might as well be here for it, Don! Oh, this'll be so cute!" she says, excitedly.ㅤㅤShe leaves the room to get Cerus. I sit down, only feeling slightly nervous. I watch Tob push Wob down onto another shelf right under. I wish I bet money on that—I had a feeling Tob would win.ㅤㅤYou know, that actually reminds me of my dream last night. Pretty brutal, but I thought it was cool either way. Here, let me run you through it. It'll probably calm me down anyway.
●●●ㅤㅤI was standing in front of a five-story tower. When I say "tower", I mean, like, imagine a really old church tower. Each floor had a balcony with a pretty low handrail.ㅤㅤPeople were jumping from different levels of the tower. Some were jumping from the second floor and getting slight injuries. Others were jumping off from, let's say, the third floor. These people were falling and breaking bones. By the fourth floor, people were either dying from compound fractures, fatal head wounds, or bleeding out. It was a violent scene.ㅤㅤI had been hearing about it on the news. The St. Martin's Tower Incident. It happened two weeks ago, when one person stood atop the fifth floor and jumped down to his death. People were able to see the person jump down as it was happening, even recording footage and uploading it to shock websites. Within a few days, everyone had heard about it. It wasn't until a week ago that others were starting to jump off as well. For some reason, people were even streaming themselves before the jump. They wouldn’t mutter a single word for the entire duration of the stream and would stare directly into the camera eerily. No visible expression. I saw some of the clips, and they made me uneasy.ㅤㅤSo why was I there? I don't know. I was just watching in awe. It was disturbing yet fascinating. Now don't worry, I'm not some serial killer documentary nerd, but it was astoundingly gross.
It was too mesmerizing to not get a closer look. Mind you, my real-life self wouldn't act like my dream self.ㅤㅤBut my dream self wanted more.ㅤㅤI started to hear sirens and emergency vehicles in the distance. I wanted to get closer to the tower and further from the vehicles. I started following behind a younger man, probably around five years older than me. I followed him to the fourth floor. He stood at the edge, ready to jump. He didn’t acknowledge me, so I tried to tap him on the shoulder.ㅤㅤHe turned to look at me, and just stared for a few seconds. I felt chills from his emotionless expression with absolutely no thoughts.ㅤㅤAs he jumped, I thought about the feeling of free-falling—no control over your own kinetic energy.ㅤㅤFor some reason, I didn’t stop him.ㅤㅤSeconds after, I saw a body drop above from the fifth floor. After I heard it land, I peered towards the edge and saw the body. This one was bleeding out.ㅤㅤI slowly inched towards the edge myself until I heard a shout.ㅤㅤ“Stop! Please!” shouted a voice behind me.ㅤㅤMy eyes came into focus on the firefighter behind me, as well as the firetrucks at the scene.ㅤㅤAs he tried to run towards me and grab me, I jumped.ㅤㅤAs I fell, I started to feel a terrifying sense of freedom. Ironic how I could be feeling free while unable to control my body’s momentum. I was plummeting to my imminent death in slow motion.ㅤㅤI remember hitting the ground and waking up the way anyone would while falling to their death in a dream.ㅤㅤDamn. What a cool-ass dream. Like something straight out of an apocalyptic movie. I remember being left with chills when I woke up, but still cool, regardless.ㅤㅤMy mind wanders back to real life. I hear sobbing and shrieking.
●●●ㅤㅤVein is on the floor in a fetal position, writhing in pain. The tibbie-wibbies were gathered around her, crying even more than usual.ㅤㅤWhat the fuck is going on?ㅤㅤI feel Tib nudging me, begging for help. I dash over to the other side of the room and pick up Vein in my arms. I look down at her. Her eyes are shut, but every now and then I see her open her eyes for a moment. They’re bloodshot red. She’s shaking immensely and uncontrollably.ㅤㅤI hear the door slam open—Stag is standing in the hallway with Cerus close behind.ㅤㅤI don’t even notice it, but I start sobbing a little bit myself.ㅤㅤ“I . . . Please . . . H—help her . . . ,” I mutter the best I can.ㅤㅤStag, without a word, grabs Vein from me.ㅤㅤShe then says, “Please stay with Cerus—I’ll handle this. I know you don’t like being separated from Vein like this, but please.”ㅤㅤShe dashes outside the room.ㅤㅤTib and the tibbie-wibbies follow behind her out of panic, scrambling in disarray until they catch up.ㅤㅤI’m left there looking like a complete mess with none other than the new girl.
Chapter 2 ● The Beet and the Beetles
ㅤㅤToo many things at once. Not really thinking, I begin to speak.ㅤㅤ“Hey, Cerus. Um. Sorry if I seem a little nervous. I’m worried about Vein. Oh, that’s right. Stag didn’t get to introduce you both. That little girl earlier was my little sister, Vein. She helps out every now and then with the restaurant, but, of course, she does that voluntarily. Don’t worry, she doesn’t do any strenuous work. No child labor here. Ha. She takes care of the tibbie-wibbies—you know, those little jellyfish demons that followed Stag outside. Yeah, they’re pretty cute. I wish you could have been introduced to Vein.”ㅤㅤI realize I’m rambling at like 50 miles per hour. I shut up for a few seconds and give Cerus a second to speak.ㅤㅤ“I hope she’s okay. T—thanks for explaining. Yeah, I can imagine she’s a sweet girl,” says Cerus.ㅤㅤ“She sure is. Haha,” I respond.ㅤㅤCerus just nervously smiles at me. Fuck, I don’t know what to say. I’m so worried about Vein. I’ve seen her in lots of pain before, but not like that. The closest was her bee sting, but she honestly took that like a champ. What could she be feeling that could make her scream like that?ㅤㅤ“Stag is so nice, by the way. I’m sure she’ll make sure Vein is okay," Cerus remarks.ㅤㅤ"Y—Yeah, she is," I respond.ㅤㅤI know I could make this less awkward, but I'm visibly worried about Vein. I don't really know what to say.ㅤㅤCerus takes notice.ㅤㅤ"You’re probably stressed out. We can try to get your mind off of it for now. What do you usually do during your lunch break?” Cerus asks as she sits down. She seems a little bit nervous. Can't blame her, it's her first day. She wouldn't want to look bad in front of a long-time employee. And vice-versa.ㅤㅤ“Oh, yeah. I’m usually just playing with Vein or doodling. I’m not really b—big on social media, so I don’t do much outside of that,” I answer while I take a seat as well.ㅤㅤ“Me neither. I’m kind of a shy person, usually.”ㅤㅤShe is kind of shy, but I'm out-shying her right now.ㅤㅤ“You . . . don’t seem THAT shy. I’m the one stuttering my words and dropping eggs. Haha,” I try to banter, realizing how bad I’m making myself look.ㅤㅤ“Oh, you’re fine. No, I’m just really . . . comfortable here. I don’t know. I don’t know any other people with a horn like me.”ㅤㅤThat’s right. Now that I think about it, the other demon girls have been with Stag for a while. Cerus is around my age from what I know. Probably a little older? She must’ve lived for this long without knowing any other demon girls.ㅤㅤ“Well, I’m glad you’re cozy here!” I say. Suddenly, I hear my phone’s alarm ring—My lunch break is almost over.ㅤㅤ“That’s me—Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. You can just relax in the break room for now. I think. I think Helix is almost on break soon, so you can probably get to know her, too!” I tell her.ㅤㅤFuck, dude. It sounds like I’m pushing her onto Helix, as if she’s a hassle to deal with. Am I overthinking this? I think it’ll be okay. I don’t really have a choice—I’m not going to let Shophar handle the customers on her own, especially after my hiccup this morning.ㅤㅤ“Oh. Yeah, that’s fine. Actually, Helix has been training me, so I’ve already been getting to know her. Anyway, good luck with the rest of your shift,” she says.ㅤㅤI’m so dumb. That makes sense. Of course Helix is training her. I didn’t need to say that. It’s okay. I’m pretty sure Cerus can tell that I’m nervous.ㅤㅤ“Thanks. I’ll talk to you later,” I say.ㅤㅤ“Mhm,” She says.ㅤㅤI grab my bistro apron and head out. Luckily, the restaurant doesn’t seem too busy right now. But I know it’ll get hectic very soon. I reach into my pocket to check the time.ㅤㅤLooks like I left my phone in the break room. Oh, speaking of phones, Cerus probably would want to use the restaurant wi-fi. I might as well use this opportunity to give her the password.ㅤㅤI head back towards the break room and knock quickly. I begin to open the door in a rush.ㅤㅤ“W—wait! Wait—”ㅤㅤToo late.ㅤㅤCerus’ dress shirt is unbuttoned, and her undershirt is pulled down one side with her left shoulder exposed. Cerus is placing some kind of skin cream on her left shoulder. For a split second, I see gigantic bruises, including cuts and scars.ㅤㅤI turn away and slam the door. I wait a few seconds. A billion thoughts are racing through.ㅤㅤ“Um! It’s! It’s okay now! Haha!” she says, frantically from the other side of the door.ㅤㅤ“Y—you sure?” I ask for reassurance.ㅤㅤ“Haha, yeah! Yeah . . . ” she responds.ㅤㅤI open the door slowly, and she’s sitting by the table with her phone in one hand. Her right elbow is on the table with her head resting on her wrist. She’s trying to seem casual and collected, but her face is clearly flushed.

ㅤㅤ“I . . . left my phone,” I say as I pick it up off the shelf where I left it, “By the way, th—the wifi is JJWifi and the password is ontib46. No caps or spaces.”ㅤㅤ“O—oh! Thanks. Thanks. Yeah,” She responds.ㅤㅤ“Eyup,” I say, also trying to seem casual, “Well. Talk to you later!”ㅤㅤI begin to walk out, but suddenly feel a tug on my shirt.ㅤㅤ“Um. Please don’t tell—“ㅤㅤ“I didn’t see anything,” I interrupt as I turn around and look at her.ㅤㅤ“ . . . ”ㅤㅤShe is beet red. She tilts her head, leans on my chest, and softly taps her singular forehead horn onto my neck. She quickly steps back.ㅤㅤ“Thanks. Please don’t think anything different of me,” she says.ㅤㅤ“No worries,” I reassure her. Holy shit. What the fuck is happening right now.ㅤㅤA few moments of silence.

ㅤㅤ“Anyway! Time to get back to work! G—good luck with your break! Enjoy! I meant enjoy your break! Good luck with work! Good luck with work later! Good!” I panic.ㅤㅤI bolt out of the door.ㅤㅤHelix is standing right outside.ㅤㅤ“Hey, Don! You got this?” she asks.ㅤㅤ“Yessir!” I say, jokingly.ㅤㅤ“Sweet—don’t give a Shophar a hard time, okay?” she lightly scolds. Helix leans over and sees Cerus on her phone behind me. She pauses for a moment, then her mood seems to change.ㅤㅤ“Wait, it was just you two?” she whispers, even though I’m pretty sure Cerus can just barely hear.ㅤㅤ“Yes? Didn’t you see Stag dash out of the restaurant with Vein?” I question.ㅤㅤ“Oh. Hm. No, I’ve been focusing on the other side of the restaurant for the past thirty-ish minutes. Did something happen?”ㅤㅤ“Vein was in fetal position and shrieking in pain. I’m kind of worried.”ㅤㅤ“For real? I would consider this a family emergency, but since Stag is kind of your family, I’m sure she’s got it under control. Do you think you can focus on JJ’s right now? If not, it’s understandable,” Helix says.ㅤㅤ“I’ll be fine. Maybe it’ll keep my mind busy.”ㅤㅤ“Okay,” she responds. After knowing Helix for so long, I can hear a slight tinge of irritation in her voice.ㅤㅤI brush that aside and continue my job.

●●●ㅤㅤWork is over, and I start walking to the bus stop since I didn’t take the scooter today. I didn’t see Stag nor Vein for the rest of the work shift. Helix was basically with Cerus the rest of the day, so it was very uneventful for me. Luckily no more spills.ㅤㅤI see the following text from Stag sent sometime before the end of my shift:ㅤㅤㅤㅤHope the rest of work went well! Sorry for being a little stern with you. I know you usually do a great job as our cute little waiter. The stress of dealing with an unsatisfied customer is never fun.ㅤㅤㅤㅤAnyway, I know you're worried about Vein. She's doing better now! We're at home, just got back from the hospital. It looks like some stomach issues, but I'll tell you the details later! Get home safe!ㅤㅤThat's a relief. I can get home without any worries.ㅤㅤI usually stop by the Drop Shop—or as I like to call it—and say hi to Drop. It’s actually called Kay and Ken Flowers. Very simple name that is–in no way, shape, or form–as cool as the Drop Shop.ㅤㅤ"Hey, Drop!" I exclaim.ㅤㅤ"Hiya, Don! No Vein today?" she says.ㅤㅤ"Nope, she caught a stomach bug and is home right now. How was your day?" I say.ㅤㅤ"Good, good. Oh! Also—a little treat for Vein."ㅤㅤDrop hands me a Bunban keychain. Bunban, a really cute mascot character that Vein is obsessed with, is wearing a sailor uniform on this keychain. Pretty cute.

ㅤㅤ"Aaaaand since you told me about her stomach bug—Don't tell Papa—here's something on the house as a get-well gift," Drop says as she hands me an assorted bouquet of multi-colored hydrangeas—Vein's favorite flower. Though she does call them ‘coral flowers’ because of their appearance and her obsession with sea animals.ㅤㅤ"Thanks. I'll make sure to pass the message along," I say.ㅤㅤ"Of course! I miss her already," Drop says.ㅤㅤI honestly don't know too much about Drop—just that she's technically a half-demon. She's got a pair of teardrop-shaped horns and always dresses in cute frilly clothes. Not to stereotype, but she's a picturesque flower girl. Her defining features are her short, straight, black hair and bright green eyes. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a slight crush on her as a kid.ㅤㅤThen she accidentally burned down her dad’s original flower shop. I mean, that's not a reason to lose a crush on someone, is it? Anyway, she's older than me and probably out of my league.ㅤㅤI look up at the Drop Shop. You know what? For a flower shop right next door to JJ's, I think the new building is so much better. I'd say it may even be a good thing she committed unintentional arson. Or whatever that's called.ㅤㅤI say bye and head home with a bouquet in my hands and a keychain in my pocket. What a wild day. My thoughts wander back to the door incident with Cerus. Sheesh. I am a good boy. Get those nasty thoughts out of here.

Chapter 3 ● The Crater and the Drone
ㅤㅤI'm at the dinner table with Stag. Vein is asleep—knocked out after the hospital trip—in her room, apparently.ㅤㅤ"So? How was Cerus today? She seemed a bit shy at first, but that's normal for anyone. What did you think?" Stag interrogates me, expectedly.ㅤㅤ"She was alright. Easy to talk to. You know me."ㅤㅤ"That's great to hear! I texted her afterward and explained the situation. I'm glad Helix was able to help her around."ㅤㅤ"Yeah," I say, "So what ended up causing Vein's stomach pain?"ㅤㅤ"It's complicated. As you know, Vein's horn growth is abnormally faster than yours. What you may not know is—her horns grow inward, too. As in, toward her body. Very uncommon for Elm demons."ㅤㅤ"Wait, for real?"ㅤㅤ"Yep. This isn't true for her head horns, but you and Vein both grow waist horns, right?"ㅤㅤI nod.ㅤㅤ"Right, but waist horns grow extremely slow. They take hundreds of years in Hell to grow even one-third their full size for an average Elm demon like yourself, which is why they're not prominent on your 19-year-old body. Even taking into account post-possession."ㅤㅤMakes sense so far.ㅤㅤ"Even though we regularly trim Vein's horns, there's only so much we can do for the inward growth of her waist horns," she continues to explain.ㅤㅤ"Wait, is that the main reason for the surgeries she has every few years?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"That's right. I know I never really explained them to you but told you they were horn-related. Every few years, Vein's waist horns grow inwardly to the point where it pokes or almost punctures her abdominal organs. We do a decent job of trying to detect that before it does. But really, all we can do is wait for Vein to feel it, unfortunately."ㅤㅤI always knew Vein’s surgeries were for horn-trimming—but inside her body? That sounds horrifying. Wait, wait.ㅤㅤ"Didn't she just have a surgery, like, two weeks ago?" I question.ㅤㅤ"Yes. That's why I'm confused. Even with her rapid growth disease, this was way too fast. I've . . . honestly never seen this before. It's on a whole other level."ㅤㅤ"What the hell? What's making this happen?"ㅤㅤ"No clue. And stop cursing, Don. Unfortunate that it occurred the same day as our new demon-for-hire. For now, go get some rest. Go on, I'll take care of things here," Stag says.ㅤㅤI go to my room and doodle a bit. Then I head to sleep.
●●●ㅤㅤI can hear water flowing—it's such a calming sound. I can hear young children playing—it's a nice contrast to the sound of flowing water. As my eyes start to gain focus, I get a better look at where I am.ㅤㅤI'm laying on my back looking up directly at the sky. I'd say it’s a pretty scene, but it’s overshadowed by a large circle. Actually, the sky itself is a circle.ㅤㅤI gain my composure and sit up.ㅤㅤ"Come on, Jeem! Get up!" says a young boy, helping me up.ㅤㅤ"Sorry, Yusuf. I didn't mean to doze off," I reply.ㅤㅤYusuf just smiles with his hands behind his back. I look around.ㅤㅤI'm inside a ginormous crater. Below ground level and standing on a circular gray platform the size of at least two football fields. The top edges of the crater, where the ground level is, seems to be around eight stories tall.ㅤㅤWhat’s particular about this dome is the running water—there are six large pipes sticking out from the sides of the crater. The reason I call the gigantic thing I'm standing on a ‘platform’ is because . . . we're on water. Almost like a circular cement-island. The pipes seem to be supplying filtered water to the crater. Mind you, the body of water underneath us is very shallow. Probably would reach just a little above your ankles. I can’t see exactly where the water is drained to.ㅤㅤPositioned around the circular platform are multiple, smaller, trapezoidal platforms. Kids are playing either on the platform or in the shallow water. There are also two large buildings off in the distance, where I assume more children are.

ㅤㅤSuddenly, I remember how I got here.ㅤㅤI, along with Yusuf and some other children of varying ages, were brought en masse to this crater. We were lowered slowly via some gigantic crane machine with some older woman in a suit. All I remember is that the suited woman was very kind and warm.ㅤㅤ"Dude! Look what I decided on for today's meal! I told you yesterday—the surprise would be worth it!" Yusuf says with the biggest grin on his face.ㅤㅤHe shows me what he’s holding behind his back: A clear container of chicken alfredo.ㅤㅤItalian. We haven't had that in so long, I think to myself. Yusuf asks me what I decided on for my meal.ㅤㅤ"Chicken nuggets," I say, hesitantly.ㅤㅤ"Aw, come on! There was nothing stopping you from getting something tastier!" retorts Yusuf.ㅤㅤ"It was just . . . there on the front. And I get it a lot," I respond.ㅤㅤ"You need to get out of your comfort zone . . . Come on! Let's eat so we can play! I'll walk with you to the Quarters," Yusuf offers. I shyly answer by nodding.ㅤㅤYusuf grabs a hold of my hand, and we walk together to the larger building towards the center of the circular platform. As I reach the building with Yusuf in front of me, I start to recall more and more details.ㅤㅤThis building is known as the Quarters, where the crater's children eat and sleep. It even has a gigantic cafeteria room, as well as a kitchen for those who want to try their hands at cooking. These are the overachievers who order ingredients from Ms. G rather than a full freshly-made meal. Unfortunately, Yusuf is one of these overachievers.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, it was pretty fun to make—not as much of a hassle as I thought. We should try to cook together again!" Yusuf exclaims excitedly.ㅤㅤ"I don't know. Last time I did, the meal was disgusting," I say.ㅤㅤ"What did I tell you? Comfort zones, dude. Comfort zones," Yusuf continues.ㅤㅤAfter we eat our meals, Yusuf brings me back outside. We head toward the other building closer to the edge of the circular platform, nearer to the water.ㅤㅤThat's right. This building is known as the Park. It's basically a recreational facility with seemingly countless rooms. I pass by racquetball rooms, ping pong tables, basketball courts, and more.ㅤㅤWe spend some time there in a video game room, playing some fighting game. Eventually, we both decide to leave and play outside. On the way out, we see the suited woman outside the Park entrance.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Ms. G!" says Yusuf. I hide behind him.ㅤㅤ"Hey, you two! I'm still getting my names together—Yusuf and Jaimie, right?"ㅤㅤ"Yes, ma'am, that's us!" responds Yusuf.ㅤㅤ"Oh, I'm good at this. Anyway, enjoy your time outside. We got some good weather all day. As always, use your Order Gear to call me over or request anything," Ms. G says.ㅤㅤ"Yes, we definitely will!" Yusuf says. It seems that Yusuf is impatient and wants this conversation to end as quickly as possible.ㅤㅤWe brisk walk toward one edge of the circular platform. Speaking with Ms. G jogs some more memories.ㅤㅤMs. G is one of the facilitators for the Craterscape program. She teaches us, cooks for us, and raises us. She sometimes even plays games with us. But that’s rare, with how busy she is.ㅤㅤI don't really know too much about the Crater program's background. All I know is that no one here, other than Ms. G, is over the age of thirteen. We can request virtually anything within reason: Bikes, video games from a provided list, meals, ingredients, etc. It’s almost utopian in a way.ㅤㅤThe main limit is that the Park is our only indoor recreational center. They can expand it when needed, but the main circular platform can’t have too much space taken up by buildings. Obviously, we can't order anything that can't be brought down with the Crane. We also can't order anything that would allow us to leave the Crater. Besides, Ms. G is usually keeping watch of us.ㅤㅤYusuf is convinced that there's something called the Internet, where people from all over the world share ideas. Probably a rumor started by one of the older kids. It sounds like such a foreign concept, with how we only communicate with the children and Ms. G. When we try to ask Ms. G specific questions about the Craterscape program, she's usually dismissive.ㅤㅤOne day, Yusuf and I play a video game that has this specific high-tech device: a drone. We play through the game, but I secretly plan to order a drone and surprise him. I go out of my comfort zone and specifically request an entertainment item by myself—something Yusuf usually does for me.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Hm. I won't reject your request, but according to the program guidelines, you need to make sure under no circumstances does it fly above the crater," Ms. G says.ㅤㅤ"Y—yes, ma'am," I respond.ㅤㅤFor the next few days waiting for the drone to arrive, it’s just the standard set of activities for Yusuf, the other kids, and I. Play in the water, play video games, eat our meals, etc. Like I said, it’s very utopian. But. The drone. It seems to be taking longer than usual for it to arrive. Ms. G reassures me it’ll arrive and just needs to be tweaked first. I assume she means it needs to be limited in maximum height. I’m slightly annoyed by this, since I promised I wouldn't fly it that high anyway.ㅤㅤSome more days pass. I start to get impatient.ㅤㅤ"You . . . okay, Jeem? You seem a little angry," says Yusuf.ㅤㅤ"It's okay. I'm okay. It's whatever," I say.ㅤㅤ"Alright. Whatever you say, dude. Wait, wait! Our delivery is here!" he says.ㅤㅤI roll my eyes, knowing it'll be everyone else's deliveries but mine.ㅤㅤ"Haha! I got a kendama! You remember this from that one game we played? I'm gonna try to get good at thi—Ow!" Yusuf says, hurting his arm with the kendama's wooden ball.ㅤㅤ"Man . . . wait. No way. Is that yours? That's crazy. Why is she bringing it towards you?" Yusuf exclaims.ㅤㅤMs. G is carrying a large unlabeled box towards me. I can't believe it—it's finally. It's finally here! It's finally–ㅤㅤ"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! DON, WAKE UP!!"ㅤㅤVein is shaking my shoulders to wake me up.
Chapter 4 ● The Lovely Kitcheness and Her Subjects
ㅤㅤVein sometimes does the really weird-ass thing where she places her mouth on my arm and blows into it, making a farting noise. I notice her begin to bring her mouth toward my arm, so I quickly dart out of bed to dodge her.ㅤㅤ"Vein, come on—Don’t do that. It’s so weird," I beg, barely awake.ㅤㅤVein looks at me and reaches into the hood of the pullover hoodie she's wearing. She pulls out a tibbie-wibbie.ㅤㅤ"Hehe. Look, Don. I stole Theb," she brags.ㅤㅤWho the fuck is Theb?ㅤㅤ"Uh, wow. Wait. You shouldn't be sneaking tibbie-wibbies away from the others. What if Theb needs to be with Thab and Thoob and Thayb and Thabetrious and whoever else there is?" I say, making names up jokingly.ㅤㅤ"Nuh-uh, Thab likes to be alone," Vein says, adamantly.ㅤㅤWait, there actually is a Thab. I swear I just guessed that.ㅤㅤ"Cool. Anyway, let's get out of bed. Thanks for the extremely polite awakening," I say.ㅤㅤI absolutely love sleeping, bro. I be having these cool-ass dreams. Most of them are pretty memorable, even a few hours after waking up. I start to recall the drone that I almost had. Shit, man. I'm so curious what was going to happen. Can't be upset at Vein, though. I usually oversleep when I have dreams like these.ㅤㅤStag usually wakes up extremely early to do some preliminary opening setup at the restaurant, so I’m the one who usually takes Vein to the restaurant. Vein is homeschooled, which makes things a little difficult for me sometimes. I wish I could say she’s spoiled, but I don't know. She doesn’t ask for much. Neither do I. We're both pretty satisfied with the way we live. As long as I have my art supplies and Vein has her library card, we're good. The most I've asked for is a Vespa. You know, those cute Italian scooters. The wildest thing Vein requested, outside of her billions of aquarium visits, was to take capoeira lessons, which is her weekend grind. Deadass. Don't ask me why. If anything, it means I can be less protective of her someday.ㅤㅤThe Drop Shop isn't open by the time we get to the restaurant, hence why I greet Drop on the way home. I do love the smell of the place on the way to work.ㅤㅤI arrive at JJ's. I look up at the sign: Jelly Joni's. Nope, it's not a chain. It's also not a fast-food restaurant. How would I describe it? It's a diner, I guess is what you'd call it. Definitely not a family diner. Maybe something more like a gourmet diner? I stare at the sign and imagine the events that could unfold the moment I walk in. Will Vein make a scene and embarrass me in front of Cerus? Possibly. Will I spill an eggs benedict onto a customer? I pray not. Or I mean, I guess I don't pray, since I'm a demon. Well, some of us do. You’ll see what I mean.ㅤㅤ"Don, let's go already!" Vein says impatiently.ㅤㅤ"Hm? Oh, yeah. Let's go," I reply.ㅤㅤI open the door and see Stag behind the cash register. I scan from the main waiting area. It looks like Vein and I are the first ones here apart from the kitchen staff. Stag greets me with just a smile, since she seems pretty busy setting up.ㅤㅤStag's been taking care of Vein and I for the longest time. According to her, I was shy but rambunctious as a kid. Shophar tells me that I once grabbed Vein and ran in the middle of the street like an idiot and got into a pretty rough accident with a motorcyclist. Stag doesn’t talk about it much. Never goes into detail about it. Trust me—growing up, I've tried to be like an annoying kid that bothers their mom about something until she gives in, but Stag never does. Says it’s for my own good. I'll get that info out of her one day. Especially because it’s around the time in my life that I can’t remember clearly.
ㅤㅤI get to the breakroom with Vein, who is instantly bombarded by tibbie-wibbies. Tib floats toward me and I reluctantly pat her jelly-ass head.ㅤㅤThe break room television is actually on this time. It's on our local news network. Something about a recent serial murderer who hasn't been caught. Hasn’t been identified. Kind of scary, but the area around the diner is mostly safe, so I'm never worried. Call me jinxing things, but had I never seen the TV, I wouldn't even have known about the killer. I'll be fine. We haven't had any major incidents in the area since the flower shop fire.ㅤㅤI tell Vein to behave, put my apron on, grab my server's pad, and get ready to clean some tables.ㅤㅤOf course, not without greeting the kitchen staff first. It’s part of my usual routine—it kinda gets me in the jive of talking to people so early in the morning. You know, prepares me for customers. You know how not every customer is nice nor understands what service workers go through? Well…there are also service workers who are pieces of dogshit.ㅤㅤ"He—y . . . Hey Tel . . . ," I say, going out of my—What did that kid say in my dream? Comfort zone? Yeah, that was it.ㅤㅤ"What's up, Don? You plan to have Swan make an extra bend-a-dick for you again?" says Tel.ㅤㅤThere's absolutely zero reason to say ‘bend-a-dick’. Like, it's not even a jab at me. I don't even have one, my guy. And even if I did, literally how is that a jab? How am I being made fun of here? How could I be offended? It's more like she's making fun of the eggs benny.ㅤㅤ" . . . ," I stand silently.ㅤㅤI have zero idea how to respond to ‘bend-a-dick’.ㅤㅤ"Uh—um. Anyway! Don't fuck up today, D-boy," Tel says, pointing a wooden ladle at me.ㅤㅤ’D-boy’. That's a new one. I can't tell if she's realizing that her dick joke didn't land. I'm too lazy to think about Tel right now. She's a handful when you're in front of her, but here's the good thing—I barely see her throughout the day!ㅤㅤAll I'll tell you is this: Scorpion stingers are called telsons. She has a horn on the right side of her forehead shaped like one. It's pretty obvious that she's supposed to have two, but some accident happened. I don't know, man. She's a motorcyclist—those helmets aren't easy to wear with horns. Although I've never confirmed if it's from a motor accident, I'm, like, 85.56% sure. I sure as hell am never going to ask her about it. Oh, and don’t worry. She’s not the one who hit Vein and I a long time ago. Wouldn’t even make sense chronologically.

ㅤㅤShe brushes her interaction with me aside and goes back to work. I hate that she’s good at her job. She also just over exaggerates everything she does. Just like a theater kid. Yeah, that pretty much sums her up. She isn't even actually taller than me. She just wears insanely high platform scene boots at work. Who the fuck wears platform boots in the kitchen? And bakes? At the same time?ㅤㅤ"Oh, so now you're into me instead of the new girl, huh?" she says as she notices me staring.ㅤㅤ"Whatever," I say. I leave Tel’s area and walk towards Anvil.ㅤㅤBefore we continue, I know you’re probably curious about who Tel mentioned earlier. Her name’s Swan. Not an actual Swan. She’s our head chef. She’s pretty cool, but we’ll get to her later. Right now, we—ㅤㅤ"AH! WOAH!" I shriek.ㅤㅤAnvil turns around with the biggest fucking kitchen guillotine I have seen.ㅤㅤ" . . . Oh. Sorry, Don. Just got new one. Been love it," Anvil's English is not the greatest in terms of grammar, but it is the greatest in terms of sex appeal. Okay. Please don't start thinking that I'm horny for, like, our entire staff. Especially not Tel. Well, I mean, Tel's actually kind of cute if you take all that theater kid shit out of the way. I’m getting off-topic. Anvil's just very buff and hot, okay? If she stabbed me, I probably wouldn't even mind. Butcher chefs hit different, you know?ㅤㅤGo ahead, guess what her horns are shaped like. Did you get it? Yeah? You're wrong. It's not shaped like an anvil. I don't know what Stag saw, but that looks less like an anvil and more like a croissant. Which is so ironic because we have another demon girl named Crescent. Gah, I hate it here. Anvil's also got this donut above her head. I know, I know. It's a halo. Apparently, she's a ‘fallen angel’ or something. Look. No one tells me details about anything, dude. And I don’t go out of my way to ask.

ㅤㅤ"Good luck at working," Anvil says. She's quiet, but definitely not timid. She's one of those people who seem intimidating at first but end up actually being really nice. She's part of the reason Vein got over her phobia of knives. Somewhat. Either way, I owe her a lot more than I show.ㅤㅤ"Thanks, Anvil. Loving the new knife," I say, casually.ㅤㅤReady to meet Swan? Yeah? Well, too bad, because. Because someone just fell on the back of my shirt just now. Someone with gigantic, puffy, and curly locks of hair.ㅤㅤ"Doooooooonnnnnnnnnn," I hear a very raspy voice say.ㅤㅤ"H—hey, Crescent."ㅤㅤOh, god, she smells so nice. And not at all like meat or cookie dough.ㅤㅤ"Carry meeeeee~," she says.ㅤㅤ"Y—y—you. You know I'm n—not strong enough to do that . . . " I say, admittedly. I’m usually fine with Crescent, but she makes me more nervous when she does this.ㅤㅤ"Fiiiine. I guess I'll just waaaaaaalk to the register," she says.ㅤㅤBro, it's literally like. 15 feet away.ㅤㅤLooks like she was doing some prep cook work while training under our line cook, Ante. Crescent’s actually our cashier and bus girl, but she’s working pretty hard to become our prep cook. Crescent really looks up to Swan and wants to be a head chef like her one day.ㅤㅤBut she has one fatal flaw. She’s a schleepy, shmoozy girl. Vein coined those words.

ㅤㅤShe’s a Drude. She’s a nightmare demon that can supposedly lay on top of people while they sleep and torment them with nightmares. You know—basically, a sleep paralysis demon-type vibe.ㅤㅤOnly she sucks at being a nightmare demon. Ante told me that Crescent is the way she is because she happens to be a Descendant of the laziest demon ever: Belphegor, the Demon of Sloth. Whether that’s true or not, she is definitely slothful.ㅤㅤOne time, she fell asleep on my lap when we were kids. I eventually fell into a bout of drowsiness, too. I fell asleep and had one of the most pleasant dreams I’ve ever experienced. I can’t remember exactly, but I remember floating through a flower field. At one point, there were gigantic Ulma demons in the sky that transformed into cute windmill huts. I went into one of them, and the view from the window was a serene mountainside scene. I went back inside the hut and saw a flute on a table. I remember picking it up and playing it perfectly.ㅤㅤI never told Crescent about that dream, but later on, she told me that she was interested in wind instruments—She first heard an oboe in a kid's movie and loved how it sounded. But I think she's always hesitated because of her breathing capacity, since she grew up with asthma. I tell her that plenty of asthmatic people play wind instruments, but she insists that she wouldn't be able to. I eventually asked her if she would ever consider playing the flute, and she said it would be interesting.ㅤㅤBut anyway, the dream itself was bizarre. But it was weirdly soothing. I honestly haven't thought about this dream in years, but it's one I remember pretty vividly. Crescent definitely has some weird dream powers.ㅤㅤI shoo Crescent away. Just kidding, I help her just a little bit to the cash register. Let’s go back to the kitchen and continue the morning tour!ㅤㅤHm. The dishwasher—where our senior chef usually works—is empty. I think she was on vacation? It’s a bummer, since she’s usually fun to talk to. She’s also really into dreams and loves to try and interpret some of mine. Welp. That’s for another time.ㅤㅤThere she is. The one and only, Swa—JUST KIDDING! Let’s greet Ante, our amazing line cook.ㅤㅤ“Hey, Don!” Ante greets me. She is literally the chillest dude in the world. If you’re ever having a stressful day, just spend five minutes talking to Ante, and you will be so relaxed. Not Crescent-level relaxed, but relaxed.ㅤㅤ“Hey, Ante. How was Crescent’s training this morning?” I ask.ㅤㅤ“Um. She did her . . . best! She hasn’t accidentally cut her hand today, which is progress! I know she’ll get better! How are things with you? I heard what happened yesterday from Stag. Is Vein in the breakroom?”ㅤㅤ“Yeah, she’s doing fine. Almost as if she never had that stomach bug yesterday.”ㅤㅤ“That’s good to hear! Oh. Sorry it was a short talk, but I gotta get back to work. Good luck with your shift!”ㅤㅤShit, dude. Wish I didn’t spend so much time bantering with Tel. I need more chill energy points from Ante. Her horns are shaped like an antelope's, in case you were curious. I love the way her long, pretty horns stick out of her pretty afro. As cute as she is, I consider her a childhood friend. I mean. I definitely could still date her. Like, it's not impossible. But it'd also be super weird in a way. She was one of the first demons to approach me other than Stag. At least from what I can remember. From the early days, it was only Stag, our senior chef, Shophar, Ante, Crescent, Vein, and I. That's right, you don't get to know our senior chef just yet. You have to unlock her first. Fool.

ㅤㅤI'm just saying, if Ante starts dating anyone, they'd have to be damn-near perfect. No one deserves Ante.ㅤㅤ"Thanks, Ante! You too, dude!" I say. I'd usually fist-bump her here, but she's got cooking things in her hands.ㅤㅤAlrighty, time to clean the tables, baby!ㅤㅤAw, what’s wrong? You wanted to meet Swan? Is that right? You wanted to meet Swan-y Wannie? Damn, bro, that’s crazy. Because guess what? I’m not g—ㅤㅤ“Wait. Don. Have you seen Swan? She went outside like 30 minutes ago to help a bit with some inventory. I haven’t seen her since. I’m sure the other waitresses will arrive soon to clean the tables. Since you’re here, can you actually go to the back and look for Swan real quick? Please? For the one time?” Ante interrupts my thoughts.ㅤㅤOh. Fuck you. Haha. I’m just playing. I knew that would happen. All part of the plan. Anyway. Uh, let’s look for Swan.
●●●ㅤㅤI leave through the back exit. Lo and behold, Swan is crouched right next to the door outside.ㅤㅤ. . . Crying?ㅤㅤWait, fuck—what’s goin on?ㅤㅤThis is very unlike Swan. She’s the pro. She carries Jelly Joni’s on her back. She’s always calm and collected, barely speaking. Now her head is buried in her arms. It was going to be the coolest introduction. No, no.ㅤㅤ“Swan?” I say softly.ㅤㅤSwan flinches and hits her head on the back wall, letting out a short cry of pain. Luckily, it didn’t hit her horns.ㅤㅤ“Oh. Don. Hi. Didn’t see you there. Haha,” she says, stifling her sniffles.ㅤㅤ“I—it’s not a big deal,” I say, kind of awkwardly.ㅤㅤA few moments of silence followed by more sniffling.ㅤㅤ“Do . . . Do you want me to go, or . . . ” I start to say.ㅤㅤSwan grabs my arm and pulls me down to crouch with her.ㅤㅤ“No, no. Stay here for a bit. I don’t want to be alone right now,” Swan says.ㅤㅤSwan is 25 years old. She’s pretty young for a head chef, but we all know her skills are the real deal. Top it off with her beautiful hair, bright eyes, and her mysteriousness, and she’s literally every dude’s dream. I’m not Helix—I don’t know a lot about the other demon girls’ backgrounds—only the bare minimum. For Swan, I just know she’s been studying culinary arts since she was a young girl. She grew up with parents who wanted her to excel at one specific thing, so they paid for everything they could to make sure Swan could live up to their expectations. When they noticed her talent in culinary arts, they didn’t hesitate to splurge on the best teachers this side of the country could offer.

ㅤㅤVein talks to her a little bit–and I mean a very little bit–about sea animals. Swan likes marine biology, too, apparently.ㅤㅤWith that in mind, I’ve heard that she’s socially inept and has trouble expressing herself. Not very far from how I act myself. But I’m more social than she is.ㅤㅤIf I’m going to be real for a second, I honestly don’t know how much of the way I act can be attributed to my attentive disorder. I’m full of impulsive, intrusive, and irregular interaction. Haha. Alliteration. Sorry, being real right now.ㅤㅤI know I don’t act the way I do because of a condition. I know that whatever I am, whoever I am, I am because I choose to be this way. I don’t give a fuck how cheesy that sounds, because that’s how I decided I’ll live. I don’t know what kind of illnesses or trauma Swan suffers from, but if I learned to stop feeling sorry for myself, then how the fuck could I not sit here and listen to Swan? Our age difference doesn’t fucking matter. Okay. I’m getting really serious here. I know I’ve only just introduced Swan, but all you need to know is: Everyone knows her as being perfect. Everyone looks up to her. Even I do. Especially now.ㅤㅤ“I . . . I’m not really good at speaking, Swan. But I can try to be a good listener,” I say.ㅤㅤ“Thank you, Don,” She says with some irregular breathing.ㅤㅤA panic attack. I know how that feels all too well. It isn’t fun. It’s extremely painful. I don’t have them often, but they’ve come and go. Come to think of it, I’m lucky I didn’t have one yesterday when Vein collapsed.ㅤㅤ“It’s not. Ah, it’s not like. God, It’s so hard to explain, Don,” Swan mutters.ㅤㅤ“Take your time. Everyone can handle JJ’s without us for however long you need,” I say, trying to comfort her while lying under my breath. No shot. Swan carries JJ's on her back like. Like a mother possum and her kids. You ever seen that shit? It's nasty, but kind of cute. Oh, my God, I need to be serious right now.ㅤㅤ“. . . Don’t laugh, okay? Taro is at the vet. He’s not . . . been feeling well. I can tell what the vets are going to tell me after work today. I know this sounds like such a basic reason to be sad—“ㅤㅤ“No, no. Don’t say that,” I interrupt. I’m not going to give her a chance to start self-deprecating herself or minimizing her own pain.ㅤㅤ“I’m sorry. You’re right. But yeah, it’s not just Taro. It’s like. Everything’s happening at once. You know how I’m alone in my apartment? I don’t know how to approach people or invite anyone over. And even if I did, how would I even entertain them? What would I talk about? I don’t have the same experiences as other people and I can barely even relate to you all. And. The thought of going home alone. Without even my own pet there with me. I don’t know. It’s disturbing. And of course, I’ve thought about getting another pet. But then it would become an endless cycle. I couldn’t even bring Taro to the restaurant, because I know—as a cook—how important it is to stay sanitary. I know Veins friends—like Tib and the smaller ones—are not the same as dogs, and that they can stay clean more easily. But I can’t help but be jealous that they can stay in the breakroom. And. And It’s not a matter of the people around me. I love you all. But at the end of the day, I’m alone. I grew up with so many guys hitting on me. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes, but I’ve always found myself alone. Even if I were to date someone, it would feel like a bandaid. I’m. I can’t call it loneliness, because I know in my heart, I could reach out to you all. But I just can’t.”ㅤㅤI'm not entirely sure what to say. I understand what she's saying and can relate to a certain degree, but I can't try and act like I know her pain. I'm able to go home to Vein and Stag. She doesn’t have that. I say the only thing I can.ㅤㅤ“Mhm. I’m here right now. I’m listening. Please say everything you feel comfortable saying right now. I feel like it’s so important to be vulnerable when you get an attack,” I reply.ㅤㅤ“With the way—“ㅤㅤ“AHA! There you both are! What were . . . ” Helix’s voice quivers as she realizes what’s happening, “Oh, I am so so, so sorry! Oh, my gosh, are you both—Um, is she—“ㅤㅤ“Helix. Can you please tell Stag to give Swan the day off? I’ll do what I can. I’ll make up her hours for her. I don’t care. Tell her it’s from me.”ㅤㅤ“Y—yes! Of course! Um, be right back!” Helix says.ㅤㅤSwan puts her head back down and doesn’t avert her gaze from the ground.ㅤㅤ“Just. Stay here for a while, please,” Swan pleads.ㅤㅤWithout saying a word, I agree and stay right there.ㅤㅤSwan and I sit down in the back of Jelly Joni’s for the next 15 minutes in silence. I begin to doze off.
Chapter 5 ● The Dolphin and the Diary
ㅤㅤI look down. I have small feet. My hands are delicate. I look to my left and see that I'm holding hands with an older boy. Then I look directly in front of me. There is an orangutan staring directly at my face. I'm at a zoo.ㅤㅤ"Jazzy, you like the orangutan?" the boy asks.ㅤㅤ"Mhm!" I say.ㅤㅤ"Not to be mean, but I think she's kind of ugly," he says.ㅤㅤ"No, she's not!" I say, clearly upset at his comment.ㅤㅤ"Jeez. It was a joke. Kind of. Well, either way, you’ll be at the dolphin exhibit pretty soon. But I got a surprise for you when we get there!” he replies.ㅤㅤ“Wait, wait! What is it?” I ask.ㅤㅤ“Tsk. Tsk. You’ll see. Also—that’s not how surprises work.”ㅤㅤWe arrive at the outdoor aquatic amphitheater.ㅤㅤ“Wait! This doesn’t look like a dolphin exhibit! Where’s the tank?” I ask the boy.ㅤㅤ“Haha! This is the dolphin exhibit. It’s connected to the dolphins’ tank. Oop, here’s our guide.”ㅤㅤAn employee comes up to us.ㅤㅤ“Welcome to the Dolphin Delight Hands-On Exhibit! I'm Claire, and I'll be your guide for today! Oliver Jackson, right?” she says and asks.ㅤㅤ“Yep! Nice to meet you, Claire. This is Jasmine,” the boy answers, gesturing towards me.ㅤㅤClaire crouches down and talks directly to me.ㅤㅤ“Well, hi there, Jasmine! Are you ready to meet our lovely dolphin? Her name is Delpha!” she asks me.ㅤㅤ“YES! I can’t wait!” I reply in excitement.ㅤㅤClaire continues to explain to us that this amphitheater is where they host the dolphin show that takes place later on in the day. But before show hours, it’s where they have a special hands-on interaction event for the guests with a seasonal pass.ㅤㅤIt's a really fun experience. I get to feed the dolphin, shake her hand, and watch her perform amazing tricks up close. It's such a nice break from constantly practicing.ㅤㅤThe rest of the day is so enjoyable! Jackson and I see so many different animals, and I can't wait to write all about it when I get home.ㅤㅤSoon, however, the light overcast turns into an extremely strong storm. We are now stranded at the zoo. Right as we were about to leave.ㅤㅤWe remain in the gift shop, which had just sold out of ponchos and umbrellas. Even the cashier seems gloomy from the storm, as it’s nearing closing time, and he won’t be able to leave until it’s over. According to Jackson, there was no warning for this storm. The torrent of winds and rain continue for the next three hours straight. We are able to entertain ourselves in the small arcade room, but even that gets stale. Plus, Jackson didn't bring that much money for the arcade.ㅤㅤJackson clearly starts to get impatient, but the storm seems to react. It gets even stronger—the winds begin to knock down trash bins outside, the gift shop windows being to creak, and I start to get even more scared. A lightning strike not more than a few miles out makes a loud, deep noise that leads me to burying my face into Jackson's chest out of fear. Jackson holds me close. I close my eyes for a few seconds.ㅤㅤSuddenly, things change. Things feel…different. In the time that I’ve had my eyes closed, the air becomes heavier. I feel a slight pounding pain in my chest.ㅤㅤI open my eyes. Jackson is gone. In fact, the gift shop is devoid of any life. No cashier. No other guests—Just the sound of idle arcade machines.ㅤㅤI walk over toward one of the machines: it’s a safari-themed arcade game where you free animals that are being held captive by poachers. The poacher on the screen taunts the player that he will sell the animals for a major profit. Then, a kind-looking wildlife park ranger tells me that it's up to me to save the animals. And that up to two people can play.ㅤㅤAll of a sudden, the arcade machine’s bright and vibrant colors desaturate. In fact, my entire vision is rapidly turning monochrome. The park ranger's face starts to deform. Her left eye rolls back into her skull. Her skin begins to melt slowly. Blood is leaking from her mouth and left eye. Then, her words start to go off-script.ㅤㅤ"You’re the only one who can do this. It’s up to you and only you. You can find every excuse to keep yourself from your responsibilities. But who else is going to save these animals? Look around. There’s no one else in this gift shop. Those dead bodies will be on coats. On peoples’ walls. They’ll be looking right at you. Unless you do something. This seems silly to you, doesn’t it? After all, this is just a game. But you’re just a 7-year-old. I’m sure everything is silly to you. Well, what would Jackson think if you just stood by and let these animals be murdered?”ㅤㅤThe violent hurricane rips the roof off of the gift shop. Electricity goes out, and a wave of heavy hail starts to hit me. I get on my knees, crying, but can do very little. Slowly, the safari arcade machine begins to shift forward.ㅤㅤ“What would he think of all your secrets? That you could be doing so much more than you are?”ㅤㅤThe machine tilts forward, and I hear some of the cables behind it snap and unplug. The disconnections cause the voice to distort violently.ㅤㅤ“He would hate you. He would hate you. He would hate you.”ㅤㅤThe same line repeats as the machine begins to fall onto me.ㅤㅤBefore it has a chance to land, a voice wakes me.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Don. Wake up," says Stag.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Hm? Oh, wait—where's Swan?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"She's out for the day, just like you requested. I will say that, although I don't know exactly what's going on, I'm proud of you for doing what you did. Swan only told me a little bit, but she clearly needs the day off. She didn't want to wake you and feared you'd hate being carried by Anvil to the break room, so the most I did was place my jacket behind your head as a pillow," Stag explains.ㅤㅤI would not have minded being carried by Anvil. I would just like to be awake while it happens.ㅤㅤI reply, "Ah, ok. Well, that was out of my comfort zone. Hah. Um. But, anyway! I'm a demon of my word—I'll get back to work."ㅤㅤ"Okay, but make sure to get some water and . . . fix your hair," she says.ㅤㅤ"Oh, true. Um. Thanks," I say, still woozy from just waking up.ㅤㅤI'm so fucking sick of my dreams getting blue-balled. If I'm going to die in a dream, let me die! Seriously! Also, my subconscious has been really creative with the names lately. Claire. She was kind of cute. I'd smash. The dolphin girl. I mean. Anyway. I need to stop crushing on my subconscious creations, that's fucking cringe.ㅤㅤHm. The girl I saw the first-person perspective of—She kind of reminded me of Vein. You know, with the obsession with sea animals. What was her name again? Shit, it was just off the top of my head. It was, like, a pretty common name. It started with a 'J'! J . . . J—Jaimie? No, wait, that's the crater girl. ‘Jane’? Damn it. I lost it. It could’ve been Jebidiah for all I fucking know. How the hell do I remember the hot dolphin guide girl more than who I literally was? Pisses me off. I'm about to start a dream journal. I'm sick of these details getting lost. I don't care how cringey it is to write one. No one needs to know but me. This is my weird-ass hobby. Wait, I feel like it's presumptuous to call dreaming a ‘hobby’. Maybe the overthinking of dreams? That can be the ‘hobby’ part of it.ㅤㅤWait–who cares right now? I need to know what else happened to Swan. Should she be alone right now? I don't even have her number. I drink some water, and go to the manager's room.ㅤㅤ"Stag, d—did you ask Swan if. If she was okay to be alone?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"I didn't ask that directly, but she did say that you being there helped a lot. And that she'd be fine if she got some more rest."ㅤㅤ"Ah, ok," I say.ㅤㅤDo I call bullshit? Will she really be fine? For now, I'm just going to trust Swan's words to Stag.ㅤㅤI go the dining area and—damn. It is packed. Wait–who's doing the main cooking? Oh, no.ㅤㅤCheck in the kitchen. Just real quick. Go for it.ㅤㅤThere it is.ㅤㅤAnte, with her hands full, is taking on Swan's role alongside her own. God, our senior chef would usually be able to cover for her, but like I said—she's off today.ㅤㅤTel, who’s trained to be a baker, is trying to be a cook. While also being a baker.ㅤㅤCrescent, moving at two miles per hour, is trying to cover for some of Ante's usual roles from her minimal training.ㅤㅤWait, Crescent was mainly cashiering. Ah, shit. I head back to the front dining area and peer over to the cash register.ㅤㅤShophar is clearly half-cashiering and half-serving. It looks like Helix is taking on most of the active customers. Wait. Wait, I didn't even check the schedules today. Do we not have a third waitress? Oh, wait—me. Oh, my god. That's right—Cerus isn’t even in today. She had a family emergency or something like that. Even if she was in today, Helix wouldn't be able to train her very much. And that’s probably for the better. And for, um, me too. Kind of.ㅤㅤI'll spare you from the roasts I get from Shophar and Tel throughout the day. Oh, my god. If Shophar let me call her ‘Sho’, then their names would be Sho and Tel. Show and Tell. Bro, that's genius. There's absolutely nothing I can develop that into. Also, Shophar hates that nickname. Anyway, the rest of the day goes relatively well at the expense of the entire staff’s exhaustion. At one point, Stag even helps out with some serving and waiting, which some of our older, loyal customers enjoy. Brings them back to the good, old days before all these millennials showed up, right? Sorry, old people are annoying. I mean, respect your elders and all that. But I don't consider strangers my elders. Is that messed up? Okay, I'm legitimately sorry—that was out of pocket. Our older, loyal patrons—I'll call them 'OLPs'—our olps are actually pretty chill. I remember running around the diner as a kid while only Stag, Shophar, and our senior chef did actual work. Stag would always apologize to the olps for us always playing around—but for the most part, the olps thought it was cute and added to the atmosphere. Damn. Remember when we were a family diner? Not a fancy, upscale one.
●●●ㅤㅤWe have a quick staff meeting nearing close.ㅤㅤ"We are understaffed," declares Stag.ㅤㅤWe all simultaneously nod our heads in agreement. Like we're in an A.A. group.ㅤㅤ"We need to hire more staff," declares Stag.ㅤㅤOnce again, nods throughout.ㅤㅤ"Staff. More of it," declares Stag.ㅤㅤNods, but slightly more off-sync.ㅤㅤTel raises her hand like a motherfucking theater kid.ㅤㅤ"Yes, Tel?" asks Stag.ㅤㅤ"Sarge, what kind of staff are we exactly looking for?" She questions with a salute. God, what the fuck is that ‘sarge’ for? I hate her.ㅤㅤ"Well . . . " Stag begins to answer.ㅤㅤShe goes down a shorter list than I thought. I’m only barely listening.ㅤㅤAnother waitress.ㅤㅤA saute chef.ㅤㅤA dedicated bartender.ㅤㅤAnd finally—an assistant manager.ㅤㅤWe don't really respond. Stag knows as well as we do that, well, none of us know how she finds suitable hosts, or even demons for that matter. It's all kept under wraps by Stag. She tells us nothing about how she even found most of us, despite us all coming from vastly different places. I mean, come on. Anvil is from the Czech Republic and Swan's parents were from Trinidad. Does Stag channel some weird demon energy to communicate with other countries?ㅤㅤBasically—How the fuck are we supposed to help?ㅤㅤStag sighs.ㅤㅤ"This is just a heads up. I'll do what I can to find us some more employees. I know some people," she says.ㅤㅤSoooooo suspicious. But none of us question her. Most, if not all, of us here were at our lowest when she took us in and helped us find places to stay.ㅤㅤSome nods.ㅤㅤStag also uses this opportunity to ask the staff for general ideas. Promotions, holiday specials, etc.ㅤㅤTel answers that we should have slam poetry nights, to which Stag shoots down, because we are considered a ‘fine dining’ restaurant. Thank goodness. Apparently, we shouldn't even have live music. With exceptions, of course.ㅤㅤCrescent requests that we get rid of the Employee of the Month Award, since it ‘dehumanizes’ the other staff and makes them feel worse. Which is only the case for her. Also, because Helix gets Employee of the Month way too often. Everyone else, knowing how hard Helix works on the service side of things, shoots Crescent down before Stag even gets to.ㅤㅤI suggest we dress up as demons for Halloween, which was coming up pretty quick. We've done it before, but it was a long time ago. Just as I expect, Stag shoots it down because of the ‘fine dining’ thing. Tch.ㅤㅤAnte interrupts the suggestions with a question, which no one seemed to address. Looks like only half of us were listening earlier as Stag went down her list.ㅤㅤ"Excuse me, Stag. Earlier—Did. Did you say 'bartender'? I know we serve drinks now. But. We don't have a dedicated bar," she asks.ㅤㅤI honestly didn't notice her say ‘bartender’, especially since I was so honed in on ‘assistant manager’.ㅤㅤStag winks.ㅤㅤ"Not yet we don't," she teases.ㅤㅤBro. Why didn't she bring this up first?ㅤㅤ"We're actually going to close the restaurant for around a month for renovation!" says Stag, excitedly.ㅤㅤUm. That's, like, such a pretty important detail to leave out.ㅤㅤ"In that time, I'm going to find us these four new employees. Well—three, assuming one of you become the assistant manager," Stag reveals.ㅤㅤNow everybody is paying full attention.ㅤㅤSuddenly, a tiny voice shoots up.ㅤㅤ"Um! I think the cushomers should meet Tib and the tweebies!" says Vein.ㅤㅤEveryone turns to her in the back. Vein wasn't done with suggestion time.ㅤㅤ"Oh, Vein—honey. The customers can't see Tib and the tibbie-wibbies. They're like ghosts to them, remember?" Stag says.ㅤㅤ"Oh, I forgot," replies Vein, looking disappointed. She is a pretty forgetful kid. Only remembers all the details when it comes to things she likes. Not that she doesn't like Tib. But, yeah.ㅤㅤ"Couldn't Tib be like . . . You know. Our mascot? Even some fine dining restaurants have cute mascots," I suggest. I know it'll be shot down, but I want to cheer up Vein.ㅤㅤ"Hm," Stag ponders, "You know what? I'll think about it. We're already having renovations done. Might be time for a logo change."ㅤㅤNo way. Vein, you genius! Your idea led to me lookin’ cool as fuck. Would be cool if Cerus was here, too. Haha.ㅤㅤNo one really has any other suggestions, so we dismiss.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Vein!"ㅤㅤ"Honey!"ㅤㅤDrop picks Vein up and swings her around. Vein giggles and laughs. Drop puts Vein down, kneels down, and pats her head.ㅤㅤ"You feeling better, cutie?" asks Drop.ㅤㅤ"Mhm! My tummy feels all good now!" Vein answers.ㅤㅤShe sucks in her stomach for a few seconds before letting out a large puff of air.ㅤㅤ"Oh, you are just too cute! Did you like the Bunban keychain?" Drop continues.ㅤㅤVein turns around with her Bunban backpack. The sailor Bunban keychain is hanging off one of the zippers.ㅤㅤ"Heehee! I love you, Honey!" Vein snickers. It's a little confusing. Stag calls Vein and I ‘honey’, as if we were her children, right? But Vein gave Drop the nickname ‘Honey’ because her droplet-shaped horns also look like a bee's stinger. I don't know what goes on in Vein's mind.ㅤㅤStag suddenly snaps.ㅤㅤ"Hey, Drop—could I actually buy an arrangement right now? It's for Swan. She wasn't feeling well today. I'll also pay for the hydrangeas yesterday," she says.ㅤㅤ"Yikes! Two in a row? But also, don't worry about the hydrangeas. I can take that from my own paycheck."ㅤㅤ"You sure?"ㅤㅤ"Please, Stag. After all you, Joni, and Papa did for me. This is nothing."ㅤㅤ"Okay, I'll accept your kindness! What would you suggest for Swan?"ㅤㅤDrop's going to say daisies. Specifically gerbera daisies.ㅤㅤ"Gerbera daisies are perfect for that," says Drop, "If that works for you, I can arrange something."ㅤㅤ"Perfect!" Stag replies. Drop starts heading toward the back. Stag looks around for a second, then suddenly snaps again.ㅤㅤ"Hey, Drop—wait. I know Swan's favorite color is yellow. Why don't we do sunflowers?" Stag says.ㅤㅤ"I mean, we can! But I'll let you know, we do have yellow gerbera daisies," Drop mentions.ㅤㅤ"Well, I feel like sunflowers have more . . . umph, you know? I want Swan to be able to see the big sunflowers and think of us—that we're thinking of her. Always. Right?" Stag says.ㅤㅤ"Hm. You know, that can work. Sunflowers really pop in contrast to a room. It would definitely be something she’d notice often," says Drop.●●●ㅤㅤ"Looks like Swan has her notifications off. I don't want to stop by her place just for her not to be there. For now, let's go home," Stag says.ㅤㅤStag, you should know better than anyone that Swan only goes out to do groceries. Oh, wait, that's probably what Stag meant. She might be getting groceries.ㅤㅤStag, Vein, and I arrive home together. After dinner, Stag goes straight to bed from exhaustion, so it's up to me to tuck Vein in.
●●●ㅤㅤ“Um…” Vein starts to say as I place her blanket over her.ㅤㅤ“What’s up?” I ask.ㅤㅤVein looks at me with a solemn, sad look in her eyes.ㅤㅤ“Is this ever going to stop happening?” she says.ㅤㅤI grit my teeth for a bit. I’ve always been overprotective of Vein. I won’t bore you to death with the details, but she’s pretty much always been there for me just as much as I’ve always been there for her. Despite the fact that we've always had a caretaker in our lives, there were just so many times when it felt like all we had was each other.ㅤㅤ“Yeah. I’ll make sure of it,” I promise her.ㅤㅤShe gives a faint smile.ㅤㅤThese aches aren’t normal for anyone. It’s so wild to me that her pain tolerance is so high for a nine-year-old. Against all physical and mental odds, she’s a trooper.ㅤㅤAs I hold her hand, I do something I haven’t done in a long time—I decide to give her a peck on the cheek before saying goodnight.●●●ㅤㅤI get to my room. I reach into my supplies and pull out one of my unused notebooks. By the way, I'm really into stationery. I don't know man, something about office supplies gets me all nerdy. Like, this is separate from my hobby as a visual artist. I love taking notes and shit. The only reason I've hesitated on a dream journal is because. I don’t know, I think I fell for the stigma of, ‘Oh, a dream journal? That's so cringey!’ㅤㅤWhatever. Anything to help me remember my dreams. I know. I could also use my phone. But I don’t trust this fucking thing to hold onto my subconscious thoughts.ㅤㅤI write down my dream from two nights ago.ㅤㅤSt. Martin's Tower. Kind of morbid, but I don't consider it a nightmare. More like a movie.ㅤㅤI write down my dream from last night.ㅤㅤThe Crater. By far, my favorite dream, as of recently. It was so fully fleshed out. My subconscious is so creative with all that detail. Sucks it ended too soon.ㅤㅤFuck it, I might as well write down the nostalgic dream I thought about this morning.ㅤㅤThe Windmill. You know, the one I had a long time ago with Crescent napping on me.ㅤㅤCan't, of course, forget the dream I had this morning.ㅤㅤThe Hot Dolphin Girl. Wait. No, I can come up with a better title. Um.ㅤㅤThe Zoo? The Zoo—that's better. Now, what was the girl's name? Ugh. Wait, wait. It was a common 'J' girl name. Fuck, dude. Let me look up common names real quick.ㅤㅤOkay. Jennifer. Julia. Juliana. Juliet. Jessica. Josephine. Jasmine. Jacqueline. Jaelyn. I swear it was one of these. It's literally gone now. Ugh. As a placeholder, I'll write ‘Jaelyn’ in pencil.ㅤㅤThat's probably good for now. Let's hope for a cool dream tonight.ㅤㅤGood night.
Chapter Y-1 ● The Bridge and the Angel
ㅤㅤWell? How was it? First five chapters—Pretty simple, right? Nothing too crazy. Just me vibing. Plus, you got to meet most of the JJ’s crew. Cool, so—before we get to the dream I have after I start the dream journal, you’re getting another alphanumerical chapter. Y-1, baby! Here goes. Oh! Just a heads up–the version of me from the numbered chapters doesn’t know what goes on in these alphanumerical chapters. He’s ignorant. I’m the smart one. Haha. Alright. Let’s start Y-1. Another heads up–it’s not about me.●●●ㅤㅤHell is merciless. She was a high-ranking Succubus named Stag after her horns, which looked like the mandibles of a stag beetle. In a way, her rank as a Succubus was similar to the power of a stag beetle. Relative to its size, of course. I could crush a stag beetle.ㅤㅤStag the Succubus really only had two things running through her mind at any given moment.ㅤㅤFirst of which is the most stereotypical thing for a Succubus to think about.ㅤㅤSex.ㅤㅤSex. Sex. Sex.ㅤㅤWas she horny? Maybe. All she knew was: She was obsessed.ㅤㅤMany are familiar with the concept of a Succubus. A beautiful, voluptuous, lust-filled demon whose goal is to seduce men and destroy their physical and mental health until they can no longer function. These men go into a vegetative state until they die painfully. But one of the lesser-known skills of Succubae is their ability to manipulate the dreams of their victims. They can induce hypnotizing, erotic dreams into their victims with their own appearances, making the mental destruction process much easier. Men eventually lose their minds and desire only the Succubus. Their gradual downfalls and the reason for them are the perfect sin, leading their souls to be sustainable nutrients when they arrive in Hell.ㅤㅤHell is merciless. The common Succubus will wait up to hundreds of years in Hell’s time before they receive an assignment from the higher-ups. They’re given specific prospects for seduction—lustful, desperate men whose emotional states are already crumbling. Each Succubus is assigned a survey demon.ㅤㅤSurvey demons are high-ranked and typically offspring of one of the three Infernal Judges of Hell. Each survey demon obtains the ability to view a human’s present life, but only for a short span of time. They essentially can only “check in” on a human, but then have to “recharge” before doing so again. This is one of the two reasons it takes so long for Succubae to be given assignments.ㅤㅤThe other overarching reason for the delay is that angels dwell on Earth, disguising themselves as humans. Demons can’t detect angels and have to use extra precaution when making appearances on Earth. If an angel catches a demon, the demon is done for. Survey demons take extra time to make sure the chances of an angel on patrol near their human prospect is low.ㅤㅤTraveling between Hell and Earth isn’t easy. Actually, the boundary between Hell and Earth, in general, is very strong on account of Who made it. Lots of survey demons die in their training to even view human life from the confines of Hell. As always, there’s an exception to this.ㅤㅤStag is a Mare. As in ‘mare’ from the word ‘nightmare’. She’s a demon with dream-related abilities–this demon kind also includes Incubae and Drudes. Mares are held in high regard–they’re typically nobles at the least. You see, dreams are the boundary between reality and subconsciousness. In parallel, they’re like how death is the bridge between life and the afterlife. Mares have the unique ability to phase between Hell and Earth easily. The only reason they don’t do it as often as they used to is because this method alerts angels instantly.ㅤㅤWhich is why they need survey demons.ㅤㅤOh, right. Mares are difficult to breed—mass-producing Mares with surrogate Incubae and Succubae has always proved a failure. They’re rarely born and tend to be kind of cocky because of their strength. Yet many Succubae and Incubae let their cockiness get ahead of them, and they fall victim to angels during their assignments.ㅤㅤStag wasn’t like that. She was a natural talent. Even putting aside her rare shapeshifting ability, her seduction skills were second-to-none. They were even recognized by the 18th reincarnation of Asmodeus, Demon of Lust. It was Asmo whose favor for Stag led to her high rank and notoriety. Asmo specifically requested Stag to tutor his daughter.ㅤㅤThat’s right. Stag was trusted by higher-ups. She needed very minimal help from whichever survey demon was assigned for each of her missions. Stag was extremely sneaky. She used every enchantress tactic throughout her years. Having even been on Earth during the 1940s, she even experienced much of the turmoil throughout the world at the time. During that time of war, she took advantage of men's time away from their families and their lonesomeness. She didn't even hesitate to seduce women, too. Her prowess was on an entire other level in comparison with the other Succubae and Incubae. Some Succubae grew jealous, while others reveled in their respect for her.ㅤㅤOne such Succubus was the young Shophar. As if intended to be a sacrilegious jab, Asmo named his daughter Shophar after the horn instrument of the same name. Asmo was known to be very eccentric. No one was surprised when he named her Shophar instead of Ram, which is what her horns directly resembled. It was standard practice for high-ranking demons such as Asmo to have copious amounts of demonic concubines—all of whom were treated with the same amount of respect: little to none. However, Asmo loved his daughter Shophar, as she was his only successful offspring after hundreds of years of attempts. But while he spoiled her, he was not overprotective. Shophar was proving to be a natural talent as a Succubus, and she didn't seem to need Asmo's constant supervision. Shophar had many attendants, servants, and slaves who were commanded to play with her and teach her the basics.ㅤㅤShophar, however, enjoyed the time she spent with Stag the most. Stag was her idol—The perfect, ideal Succubus. Stag was a regular guest at the Asmo residence, which many lesser Succubae were constantly envious of. While Stag was not specifically designated to be Shophar's only Succubus teacher, Stag treated Shophar like her own apprentice. Almost like a daughter. Shophar looked up to Stag and would often mimic her appearance. One time, Shophar even tried to scrape off parts of her horn to look like Stag, to which Stag scolded her for. Stag wanted Sho, as she called Shophar, to grow up to be the absolute best Succubus. To surpass Stag in every avenue.ㅤㅤAnd that was Shophar. Always on Stag’s mind. Other than sex, of course.
●●●ㅤㅤOne day, Stag self-assigned herself to a man that her survey demon recommended. The survey demon warned, however, that she hadn’t yet performed a full survey of the area the human resided in to check for possible angel activity. But Stag was known to carry out missions early, despite her previous survey demons’ warnings.ㅤㅤOf course, this specific mission would change everything.ㅤㅤYou see, monogamy and romantic love are rare, though not impossible, in Hell. Stag was at a rank where she could decide whether to have multiple demon partners or one. No one would ever think to reject her. Yes, Succubae live promiscuous lives, but they can settle down with a demon romantic partner as long as their rank and status are sufficient.ㅤㅤSuccubae have historically fell in love with humans, albeit very few times. This is considered a sign of weakness and is instant grounds for execution—banishment is not an option, since Mare demons have potential to be powerful enough to betray Hell.ㅤㅤIn hindsight, Stag wasn't sure exactly why this situation blossomed into what it did when compared to her previous victims' missions. She did suspect one thing–becoming a victim of circumstance. Humans called it the suspension-bridge effect: if Person A were on a thin, swinging bridge and was in front of Person B, Person A would misattribute their pounding heart and raised adrenaline to falsely being attracted to Person B.ㅤㅤStag's swinging bridge, in this case, was an angel. She didn't notice the angel at first. Like previously mentioned, demons don’t have an ‘angel sensor’ of any kind.ㅤㅤHer encounter with the metaphorical bridge began in the middle of her mission. Her assigned human male to conquer was named Antonio. At this point, Stag's survey demon was hands-off on the situation, as she had other matters to attend to. Besides, Stag was a pro. She barely needed help. While Stag was going about her usual routine with her to-be victim, things took a drastic turn.ㅤㅤAntonio introduced her to a friend of his. This friend was slightly off-putting. He seemed normal at first glance, but seemed to be somewhat out-of-touch. He definitely wasn't a foreigner by any means, but he just seemed . . . off. Stag quickly became suspicious of him. He had to have been a plant, she thought—a spy for the angels. Worst-case scenario was that he was an angel taking on a human form.ㅤㅤStag eased off her usual aggressive approach on Antonio and took on her signature slow-burn technique that would not only guarantee success, but would also deter any suspicious angels. She decided she would spend the next five years staying on Earth—Antonio was too good of a victim to pass up on.ㅤㅤBut the problem was Antonio's friend. Should she try to avoid him? Or would that come across as suspicious, if his friend really was an angel?ㅤㅤHis name was Benny. He was outgoing, but a little awkward. He would sometimes make jokes that didn't land and apologized very often. Antonio teased him about it. Antonio, on the other hand, was confident, handsome, and charming. He was a real estate agent and was pretty well-off. His accomplishments, success, and suave assured Stag that he would be a worthy trophy for a Succubus. Benny was tight-lipped about his profession, which led Stag to be even more convinced that he was an angel. Stag continued with her usual façade of being an accomplished businesswoman working for one of the biggest banks in the country, with plenty of false evidence provided by Hell.
●●●ㅤㅤOn one occasion, Antonio told Stag that Benny had just gotten a girlfriend, who was actually one of Antonio's college classmates back in the day. Benny had apparently been gleeshing to Antonio about her for the past few days, constantly talking about how in love he was. Benny would just not shut up about her. And so, Antonio suggested they go on a double date.ㅤㅤNow Stag was confused. Would an angel go this far to catch a Succubus? Having a human girlfriend? Or was Benny's girlfriend also an angel?ㅤㅤThe double date went great. Antonio and Stag were a picture-perfect couple. Benny and his girlfriend, Rosa, were cute in their own way. Benny was the awkward boyfriend, and Rosa was the lovely girlfriend that teased him. They joked, laughed, and ate. Not many fancy malls existed at the time, but with their social status, they spent the next few hours at one of the newest malls in the area.ㅤㅤThen they went out for drinks. As they sat at a bar, Stag stared at Antonio in a drunken stupor. He was extremely attractive. Stag would even argue that he was physically on par with some Incubae. By this point, she had already had sex with him multiple times. But to be frank—Succubae don't give it a second thought.ㅤㅤ"Are you enjoying yourself? It looks like Benny and Rosa are havin' a little trouble. Want to give them a push?" Antonio said in Tagalog.ㅤㅤThis caught Stag off guard, and she looked at Benny and Rosa. She remembered her mission. She had gotten cocky and started to lose sight of the two main goals: Avoid angels and ruin Antonio. She was hesitant but knew it was a better idea to play along.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, let's do it," Stag replied.ㅤㅤAntonio was getting more and more drunk. He started to ask Benny invasive questions. How kinky were him and Rosa? Where was the first place they fucked? Did he ever see himself with Rosa long term?ㅤㅤ"W—Woah, Antonio! You m—must be really drunk, man! We . . . W—We haven't done anything like that!" Benny said. He seemed extremely embarrassed at the question—he couldn't even make eye contact with Rosa.ㅤㅤRosa, on the other hand, was playing with her glass, unamused at the situation.ㅤㅤPathetic, thought Stag. She was embarrassed for him. For herself, too. She couldn't believe she was worried about this man being an angel. This man was a genuine, bonafide loser. He was definitely not acting. Still, she thought. Why didn't he like talking about his job?ㅤㅤ"Hey," Stag said, changing the topic, "Tell us what you do for a living."ㅤㅤ"I—I um. Ahah. I'm—," Benny stuttered.ㅤㅤ"A what, pussy? Come on! You gotta look better in front of your girl!" teased Antonio. Antonio mentioned that they’d only recently become friends, so it made some sense that not even Antonio knew. However, Antonio was clearly being pushier about it than usual.ㅤㅤ"Nothing, man! Don't worry about it! I—I'm gonna go smoke for a while," Benny said.ㅤㅤRosa looked disappointed but continued to drink. Antonio realized that he upset Benny and offered to check up on him outside.ㅤㅤBut Stag, with some newfound confidence—and some alcohol—insisted she do it. Her previous fear became curiosity. She stepped outside and stood next to Benny. Stag pulled out her own cigarette.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Hey, Elena," Benny said, with a little bit more assurance than earlier.ㅤㅤ"Come on, Benny. Why don't you like talking about your job?" Stag initiated.ㅤㅤBenny sighed.ㅤㅤ"I'm . . . I'm a school teacher," he replied.ㅤㅤStag accidentally dropped her cigarette. Wait. Why would he be embarrassed about that? She recalled the notes she learned about this country she had never been assigned to before. The Philippines. Recovering from a war—check. Third world country—check. Shady politics—check. Nothing she wasn't familiar with. Although she did like the food a bit more than in other countries. Were teachers not appreciated here or something?ㅤㅤ"What's wrong with that?" Stag asked.ㅤㅤ"N—nothing's wrong with it. I just . . . You're all so high-class and dignified. Bro's a real estate agent, you're a banker, and Rosa's a nurse. I know she's way out of my league, but I really like her and don't want to look worse each time," Benny replied.ㅤㅤThat was it, Stag thought. Men don't become teachers. That's uncommon. That wasn't a ‘man's job’. Gender stigmas were rampant in this country, just as it was in other countries. As a demon who slept with men and women both, the thought never occurred to her.ㅤㅤ"Well, that's stupid. Just be proud of being a teacher, dumbass. Kids are fun. What school?" Stag said, jokingly.ㅤㅤSuddenly, Benny's face lit up.ㅤㅤ"15th Avenue Elementary in Cubao! Oh, I love them! Kids are so cute. They can be really rowdy in this area, but they always warm up to me," he rambled on.ㅤㅤAs someone who was sort of a teacher herself, Stag began to feel some connection to Benny. While she was revered as a powerful and talented Succubus, she did like the time she spent talking to Shophar.ㅤㅤ"Have you ever taken care of kids?" Benny asked.ㅤㅤStag thought about it.ㅤㅤ"Well, yeah. Just one. I take care of a family friend's kid sometimes. She's energetic and a handful," Stag says, nonchalantly.ㅤㅤ"Oh, that's so admirable! Make sure to treasure her then!" Benny exclaimed.ㅤㅤA slight pause, then his face became sorrowful.ㅤㅤ" . . . You. You never know when a day is their last," he continued.ㅤㅤStag dropped her second cigarette.ㅤㅤ"Did something . . . " Stag began to ask, lighting her third cigarette. She put two-and-two together. A student of his must have passed away.ㅤㅤ"I had a daughter. Not even two years old. I was young. Made lots of mistakes. My girlfriend at the time left me," he answered.ㅤㅤIt was like he was speaking in bullet points. He wasn't crying and he wasn't angry. He just looked broken.ㅤㅤ"I didn't want to be a teacher at the time," he continued.ㅤㅤStag realized it wasn't a topic he enjoyed talking about. Yes, he was the one who brought it up, she thought. But it seemed like it was for her own good. At the very least, she thought, he definitely wasn't an angel.ㅤㅤBefore Benny had a chance to elaborate, Antonio opened the door.ㅤㅤ"How is he?" He asked Stag. Before she even had a chance to answer, he turned toward Benny.ㅤㅤ"Benny, Benny. We were just messing around. Let's head back, bro," said Antonio.ㅤㅤThe four didn’t spend much longer at the bar. Stag hadn’t reached the point where she was living with Antonio, but she spent lots of nights at his place. Even that night, she slept with him.
●●●ㅤㅤMore and more time passed. While Antonio went to work, Stag would pretend to go in for work as well. She actually spent this time ‘researching’ Earth—That is, walking around and living a normal human life. This was not usually in the agenda of a Succubus, but Stag found it valuable. Even her previous survey demons have turned a blind eye to her prolonged "research".ㅤㅤOne week, Antonio mentioned a three-day-long business trip. After Stag helped pack his suitcase and saw him off, she took this opportunity to do some ‘research’.ㅤㅤAfter the one-on-one with Benny, she wanted to go to a specific small shopping district near his school. She was kind of starting to miss Shophar. It’d been a while since she returned to Hell, but she didn't want to ruin the momentum of her mission.ㅤㅤShe had a chance to meet locals, try out some family-owned snack shops, and have some delightful small talk with strangers. While this wasn't the safest place in the world for a woman like her, she found these mundane parts of human life to be wholesome and endearing.ㅤㅤLittle girls were selling flowers in the streets, and Stag bought a flower from every single one she passed by. Stag’s love for flowers was definitely not a demonlike characteristic, so she kept it lowkey. But here she was, carrying flowers in her hands.ㅤㅤAs she approached the school, she saw Benny greeting children as the school day was over. This wasn't planned, but Stag wasn’t against the idea of stopping by to greet a friend. Benny noticed her outside the gate and walked up as the children were leaving.ㅤㅤ"Oi! Didn't expect to see you here! Shouldn't you be at work right now?" Benny asked.ㅤㅤ"It's my day off. Figured I should pass by your school," Stag lied.ㅤㅤBenny noticed the flowers.ㅤㅤ“Oh? Are those for Antonio? I didn’t think he was the kind of guy to have his girlfriend buy him flowers,” Benny joked.ㅤㅤStag rolled her eyes and replied, “Of course not. These were from those kids in the street. I just decided to help them or whatever. I was going to throw them away.”ㅤㅤ“What a waste!” Benny exclaimed.ㅤㅤStag raised an eyebrow.ㅤㅤ“Oh—I’m sorry, didn’t mean it like that. Here, I can take them off your hands. They could stay in my classroom,” Benny offered.ㅤㅤStag gave him the flowers. She secretly regretted putting on a stoic facade, but she could always buy more flowers later.ㅤㅤThey caught up a bit, and Benny offered to take her to a local restaurant after he finished up work. He made a joke promising that he wasn't trying to cheat on Rosa. He swiftly apologized for the joke.ㅤㅤAfter seeing him like this, Stag started to appreciate him. They shared a good evening talking about everything and anything. It was apparent that Benny had grown comfortable talking to Stag. He seemed to have lost his awkwardness and nervousness around her.ㅤㅤEventually, the topics shifted into a more serious tone.ㅤㅤ"Um. Sorry to bring the mood down. Rosa hasn't been talking to me lately. She barely answers her landline. When we meet up, she doesn't talk much. What should I do to make her speak to me more?" Benny asked for advice.ㅤㅤThis is stupid, Stag thought. She recognized what Rosa was doing from the start. It was obvious that Rosa was leading him on. But for what?ㅤㅤFor the moment, Stag thought about her picture-perfect relationship with Antonio and how she could use it to satisfy Benny with some shallow advice. Her relationship with Antonio . . .ㅤㅤIt was just sex. There wasn’t really much more to it than that.ㅤㅤWell, she thought, when they first started dating, Antonio did start buying things for her that she wanted. But knowing Benny, he might actually go broke doing that.ㅤㅤWait. Wait, wait, Stag thought. Where was Antonio? A business trip, right? The one that started two days ago.ㅤㅤ"Wait. Benny. When did you last talk to Rosa?" Stag asked.ㅤㅤ"Eh? Hm. March 3," Benny answered.ㅤㅤTwo days ago.ㅤㅤ"Has she answered any phone calls? Or met with you since?" Stag asked.ㅤㅤ"No. That's why I'm worried," Benny admitted.ㅤㅤThere's no way, she thought.ㅤㅤIn all of her time as a Succubus, no human ever dared to cheat on her. And how could they? Stag was the perfect specimen. An amazing Succubus with curves and charms that could woo anybody. She especially boasted the rare ability that other Succubae didn’t have—the ability to take the form of any existing creature she made contact with, as long as they had similar mass.ㅤㅤThen it hit her.ㅤㅤShe fucked up. Stag had completely forgotten to induce dreams into Antonio. She spent so much of her time in fear of Benny possibly being an angel. Her paranoia and clouded judgment led to a tunnel vision toward Benny rather than Antonio. She neglected the most important way to guarantee a Succubus’ success.ㅤㅤ"Benny. Has she mentioned Antonio at all?" she asked, slightly panicked.ㅤㅤ"Antonio? Well, I mean, the few times that we talk, she keeps talking about our double date a few weeks ago. She seemed to really enjoy it," Benny admitted.ㅤㅤUnbelievable. Maybe she was overthinking. Either way, it was time to go home and restrategize.ㅤㅤ"Benny, I think you should just work harder to talk to her more. Anyway, I have to go. It was good talking to you," Stag said, just trying to end the conversation as soon as possible.ㅤㅤThey shared the bill, and Stag stood up to leave. But Benny had one more thing to say.ㅤㅤ"Elena. I . . . I don't think I'm happy like this," he spoke softly.ㅤㅤStag stood bewildered. She had never heard that from a human before. Stag didn't know what to say. She was a Succubus. She didn't know how to console someone like this.ㅤㅤExcept for one way. She grabbed his hand.ㅤㅤ"For now, just get some rest," Stag said. She let go, and they went their separate ways.ㅤㅤShe couldn't believe what she had done. She had induced a dream into Benny.
●●●ㅤㅤWhat kind of dream exactly? She wasn't sure. She did it so impulsively without a chance to think it through. Stag could only induce erotic dreams, which usually have a hypnotic effect on their victims. Knowing Benny, though, would that be the kind of thing to relieve his stress?ㅤㅤIt was the third day—Antonio would be returning from his ‘business trip’. They hadn’t arranged to meet that night, so Stag was ready to show up at his place and give him a piece of her mind. In her frustration, she couldn’t think of any better plan. Stag couldn’t just use her shapeshifting ability to spy on him, since shapeshifting can be detected by angels. Matter of fact, Stag usually shapeshifts only once for each mission. Plus, it leaves Stag weak for a while—something she couldn’t afford right now.ㅤㅤEverything was falling apart. She would have to be more aggressive and forceful on Antonio. There was no way she was going to lose this potential trophy, even if it put her at risk of being found by an angel. But more than that—she was angry. Legitimately angry. She had been the perfect girlfriend for Antonio. She satisfied all his sexual fantasies and treated him like her king. All without inducing dreams. Without any direct psychological control. And if he really decided to cheat on her, then was she really an amazing seductress?ㅤㅤWas Stag worthless if she didn’t manipulate her victims to fall for her?ㅤㅤThat evening, she began to head over to Antonio's. There was a little bit of night life. Some people bar crawling, stumbling across the streets. Meanwhile, Stag was fuming.ㅤㅤShe knocked on his door. No answer. She knocked on his door. No answer. She started pounding on the door.ㅤㅤShe heard rustling behind the door until it opened.ㅤㅤAntonio was there, standing. Stag expected him to look like he just got out of bed. But he was in a suit. He looked like he had just gotten home from work. She peered over his shoulder. No sign of Rosa.ㅤㅤ"E—Elena. I didn't think I'd s—see you tonight—"ㅤㅤ"Are you cheating on me?" Stag interrupted.ㅤㅤAntonio fell silent. He hesitated before speaking.ㅤㅤ"What? What? How could—"ㅤㅤ"All I'm asking is: Are you cheating on me?" Stag said, slightly louder.ㅤㅤ"Ele—Elena—"ㅤㅤ"ARE YOU CHEATING ON M—" Stag stopped mid-yell.ㅤㅤShe didn’t see his suitcase anywhere.ㅤㅤHe always kept his suitcase in the living room. Didn’t she help pack his suitcase? Where was it? He couldn’t keep it in a car—he didn’t have one. He always took the taxi. Maybe he could’ve left it at the office. But if he just came back from a business trip, he wouldn’t have had the time to stop by the building. Also—even if he didn’t actually go on a business trip—why wasn’t the suitcase here? Something wasn’t adding up.ㅤㅤWhere did he just come from? Where did he just leave his suitcase?ㅤㅤAntonio noticed where Stag's eyes wandered—where he usually kept it.ㅤㅤ"A—Actually you know what? What's your problem, bitch? What the fuck makes you think you can question me like that? Shouting at me? What, can you not trust me anymore? Well, I can’t trust you, either. I've been a good boyfriend to you. Who the fuck do you think you are? Get the fuck out of my face. You were just a spoiled bitch, anyway!" Antonio shouted.ㅤㅤStag was shocked and started backing away.ㅤㅤ"Antonio, what’s wro—"ㅤㅤStag blanked out for a second. She was on her knees and on the floor. She felt pain on her cheek.ㅤㅤ"I said, GET THE FUCK OUT!" Antonio continued as he grabbed a mug and threw it at Stag.ㅤㅤIt hit her shoulder, fell on the floor, and shattered.ㅤㅤShe looked at the mug’s shards on the floor. One shard reflected her eyes back at her—She saw an expression she’d never seen before.ㅤㅤNo. That wasn’t exactly true. She’d seen this same expression when she silently killed the woman whose form she copied. The woman who never screamed, even until she breathed her last breath. The woman who wasn’t considered a trophy like Antonio. No–deep in Stag’s mind, she wasn’t a woman. She was just a scared little girl. A young girl whose life was stolen by trafficking, only to be killed mercilessly by a demon.ㅤㅤElena.ㅤㅤStag didn't know what to think. She inched away as Antonio grabbed a kitchen knife. She thought about all the time she had spent with Antonio. Weren't they the perfect couple?ㅤㅤShe winced, looked down, and realized a shard was stuck to her palm. This wasn’t her blood. This was Elena’s.ㅤㅤShe suddenly thought about Benny. How he treated everyone around him. How he treated strangers. How he didn't care about the shallow parts of humanity. How he cared. What would he think if he knew Stag murdered someone in cold blood?ㅤㅤAntonio stepped forward.ㅤㅤ“You think you’re hot shit? You think I’m crazy? You think I’m crazy? You think I’m the one who’s fucking crazy? Maybe I am! Look at me, waving a knife around. But I don’t give a fuck anymore. You act like you’re so above everyone else. Just because you make more money than I do–do you think I’m your fucking dog? I work so hard every day–No, no. Fuck that. No, look at me. Look at me! I’m not your fucking sex object. That’s all it is, right? All I was? New guy shows up, and you start going out of your way to talk to him every chance you get? Well, there we go! You have Benny now. You can fuck him all you want, you fucking slut! That lonely pussy would love to be your dog.”ㅤㅤAntonio crept closer.ㅤㅤ“And yeah, I am cheating on you. That fucking stuck-up attitude of yours. Makes me sick. Rosa is better for me. And you’re not going to make me feel guilty about it. You think I didn’t notice how often you ask about Benny? You’re obsessed with this loser. I’m not stupid. You’re the one who never noticed that Rosa used Benny to get to me. I’m not the asshole here. Hey, I really wanted to be friends with Benny. But you just couldn’t keep your hands off of him, huh?”ㅤㅤAntonio was now centimeters away from Stag, knife in hand.ㅤㅤ“Get the fuck out, Elena. Get the–”ㅤㅤStag blanked out again.ㅤㅤBut this time, she was on top of Antonio's lifeless body. A gigantic slash across his chest. Human blood dripping and spreading on the floor.ㅤㅤOh, no, she thought. This is not how Succubus kill. This is not protocol. This isn't the same as the way she killed Elena. This was worse. This—ㅤㅤA gasp behind her. Then a scream.ㅤㅤA neighbor. She must have heard the shouting. Horns. Sharp, long fangs. A tail. Slit pupils. Claws. Stag knew what she looked like right now. Stag stood up, pushed the neighbor out of the way, and ran.ㅤㅤShe ran and ran. She wanted to see Benny. She wanted to talk to him. She wanted to cry to him. She wanted to tell him what she was feeling. She wanted to tell him how painful it was to feel like she wasn't enough. She wanted to be honest with him and tell her what her goal was all along, so she could admit that what she really wanted was to find someone like him.ㅤㅤShe arrived at an empty street. Only one street light was on. A silhouette was underneath, but she could barely make out who it was.ㅤㅤIt was Benny.ㅤㅤWait—this is too convenient, Stag thought to herself.ㅤㅤStag, as confused as she was, began to approach him.ㅤㅤ"B—Benny? Why are you—"ㅤㅤSuddenly, she couldn't see. She had been blinded.ㅤㅤShe turned her back towards him and fell to the ground. She opened her eyes opposite of his direction toward what should have been the darkness. But instead, it was pure white. Everything had turned pure white. Stag's eyes were starting to burn, so she closed her eyes again.ㅤㅤ"What's—what's happening?!" Stag screamed in demonic language. Then she realized.ㅤㅤIt couldn't be. An angel.ㅤㅤ"D O N O T B E A F R A I D," the angel said in angelic language, which Stag was able to understand for some reason. Their voice echoed with a deep, commanding boom.ㅤㅤLaughable. Stag knew she was doomed. And the last words she would hear were ripped straight out of the New Testament.ㅤㅤ"Seriously—don't be afraid. Relax," The angel continued. The voice was a lot more mellow this time.ㅤㅤWhat?ㅤㅤ"This isn't Benny. I'm Azazel. Not to be confused with Azrael. You know? The Angel of Death? The one who killed a bunch of firstborns because their parents were stupid? Anyway. Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you."ㅤㅤStag was, for the billionth time that night, speechless.ㅤㅤ"Sorry for the spooky welcome. I thought it'd be funny," said Azazel.ㅤㅤStag sat silent, continuing to face the opposite direction.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, it's unfortunate that you can't really look at me," continued Azazel.ㅤㅤAzazel could tell how confused Stag was.ㅤㅤ"Um. Okay. I'll explain. I'm a Fallen angel. You know. Didn't like how things were being run. Fell from Heaven. Can't really own a physical form without God's blessing, so um. Here I am, sharing form with a human host. Look. I mean, don't physically look. I don't care that you killed Antonio. After seeing how he treated Benny, I was starting to think about it, too. Just joking. Anyway, I really didn't see this coming. You? A Succubus? You really gave it away with that dream Benny and I shared. You're a nasty one, Elena! Honestly, if I was still a real angel, I would have noticed you were a demon much earlier. No offense," said Azazel.ㅤㅤStag could not believe it. There isn't much known about how Heaven is run. Fallen angels are obviously a concept, since the founder of Hell's kingdom is Fallen himself. But the assumption is that Fallen angels fully become demons or reside in Hell. What was Azazel doing here?ㅤㅤ"I guess your name's not Elena, is it? Well, I'm not the Angel of Reading Minds. I told you my name. Tell me yours," Azazel said.ㅤㅤStag was skeptical and was honestly at Azazel's mercy.ㅤㅤ" . . . S—Stag," Stag said nervously with her eyes still closed.ㅤㅤ"’Sus Tag’, huh? Must be some new demonic language. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I like this thing going on between you and Be—Oh, no."ㅤㅤStag looked up. It was Rosier. One of Asmo's strongest Incubae commanders. She quickly closed her eyes again.ㅤㅤ"Oh—Okay, let's calm down, Mr. Incubus—I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, let's just—"ㅤㅤStag heard a piercing sound—flesh being torn and ripped. Even with her eyes closed, she could tell. The pure white light was gone. Stag stood up slowly, opened her eyes, and turned around.ㅤㅤRosier had stabbed Benny's body straight through the heart. All the light from Azazel was gone.ㅤㅤStag screamed. She finally found someone she could talk to. Someone she didn't have to save face for every time she spoke to him. When she was at her lowest, her thoughts were full of him. And she just wanted to share one more memory with him. If there was a suspension-bridge effect leading to these feelings, then Azazel was the bridge, and Benny was Person B.ㅤㅤLove. Love. Love.ㅤㅤShe couldn't get her mind off of love. She couldn’t think of anything else. Was she in love? Maybe. All she knew was: She was obsessed.ㅤㅤShe fell in love.ㅤㅤHell’s greatest Succubus had fallen in love.ㅤㅤBut by the time she’d realized it, she had already been heartbroken.
Chapter 6 ● The Fountain and the Mall
ㅤㅤI feel a rush. Not a good one—like, the kind when all your blood is rushing to your head. I’m hanging from something.ㅤㅤI can’t even move. Slowly my vision unblurs, and I see the ground and sky reversed. An orange and red sky. My ears regain their hearing. It’s the sound of someone shrieking. But it doesn’t sound human.ㅤㅤThen it begins. I start to feel immense pain throughout my body. My head is thumping, with both a pounding and piercing pain. My view begins to get covered, as these branch-like objects appear. They appear to have wrapped themselves around my legs and arms, suspending me upside-down. More and more begin to grow from each other, until I am almost cocooned in a sphere of branches. But right before I’m completely covered, I catch a glimpse of where the screaming is coming from. I see a terrifying sight. It’s a horrific, eldritch creature. I can barely comprehend where its face begins and ends. Its flesh is melting and regrowing—you can see bones and muscle being torn apart. At the same time, more seem to take their place. Mangled body parts peeking out from its flesh, as if there were children within its body trying to escape. There are only a few main distinguishable features–a single horn that branches into four gigantic spikes and a pair of maroon-colored wings oozing with an indescribable substance.ㅤㅤMy view becomes entirely covered by the branches.●●●ㅤㅤI’m now in an abandoned town. The red sky is still there, but above me where it should be. In front of me is a quadrupedal creature. It’s almost like a canine beast of sorts. It has a pair of wings similar to the maroon wings from earlier, but they seem much smaller and physically solid. Just like the eldritch creature, this has a horn that separates into four horns—but these four horns are also smaller. I assume that it’s a juvenile version of that creature from earlier. I also notice a large, aquatic-esque tail—almost like a whale’s or a shark’s. Seeing how terrifying the grown version of it was, I hesitate to approach it.ㅤㅤBut I don’t control myself. I start to move toward it slowly, and the creature does the same. I reach out a hand to it. As I look down, I don’t see a hand, however. What I see is a pitch-black spike. Or claw. It’s hard to tell. The creature gets close to the spike and inspects it. It suddenly backs away for a bit. Then eases up again. Eventually, my spike hand slowly rubs the top of the creature’s head. I can barely tell, but it seems like the creature likes being petted. It doesn’t make a single sound through all of this.ㅤㅤAfter a while, the creature lightly bites my spike hand and pulls me. It lets go and begins to walk away. It then looks behind as if to say, “Follow me.”ㅤㅤI follow it through the abandoned town. The desolate environment seems somewhat nostalgic. Buildings that seem to be made of the same material throughout are collapsed. Small tents and cabins demolished. We finally get to what appears to be the center of this town. It’s a circular-shaped plaza of sorts with a broken fountain. The creature dashes toward the fountain and gestures for me to look inside the fountain’s bowl using its snout. I walk over slowly. As I peer over in the bowl, we see a body.ㅤㅤIt’s a young woman. I inspect closely. She seems alive.ㅤㅤI make some sort of sound, but I can’t understand myself. The creature nudges me in response. It seems the creature doesn’t want to wake up the woman and would rather me wake her up in its stead. My naive fearlessness brings me closer to the woman. I look at her face. I know she’s a woman. But for some reason, my consciousness tells me that her existence is a mystery to me. As if I had never seen a woman before. I begin to shake her. She slowly wakes up, she opens her eyes, and flinches.ㅤㅤShe looks at me. Then she looks at the creature and shrieks. The creature suddenly gets in a defensive position without making a sound. I just get taken aback.ㅤㅤThe woman stops screaming. She takes a deep breath and sighs.ㅤㅤ“Deep breaths. Deeeeeep breaths,” she says.ㅤㅤI inch closer to her. I gently poke her hand with my spike.ㅤㅤ“Oh! Wow—You’re adorable! Oh, I guess. I guess you can’t understand me, can you?” she says.ㅤㅤI stare at her with no response.ㅤㅤ“Looks like the case. Well, sorry for screaming—” she turns toward the creature, “you just caught me off guard! That’s all. Please don’t attack me, okay?” she says.ㅤㅤThe creature nods. I glance at it in confusion.ㅤㅤ“Um. Even if you can’t understand me, hopefully, the sounds you’re hearing will stick with you? I don’t know. Well anyway . . . ” she continues.ㅤㅤThe woman is friendly.ㅤㅤ“I’m Joni. It’s nice to meet you two cuties!”
●●●ㅤㅤFuck! What the hell? What the hell, what the hell?!ㅤㅤBlueballed for the billionth time?! I can’t believe my subconsciousness was creative enough to include Joni—a person I've never met before—in my nonsensical dream. Random-ass backstory for someone who is essentially fictional to me. Haha.ㅤㅤVein is once again waking me up.ㅤㅤ“Breakfast, Don! Breakfast! AAAAAAAAA!” Vein says.ㅤㅤThat’s one thing that’s never changed about Vein. Her abhorrent screaming.ㅤㅤ“Wait, Vein. I have to write something down real quick,” I say as I get up to my desk to jot my dream down.ㅤㅤ“Hm? What are you writing?” Vein asks.ㅤㅤ“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it, Vein,” I say.ㅤㅤ“Ehe! Hm? Is that a diary?” Vein asks.ㅤㅤ“D . . . Diary? No! It’s a dream journal. Don’t make it sound any more lame than it already does!” I cry.ㅤㅤ“Ahaha! Don’s Diary! Oh. Sorry. Don’s Not Lame Diary,” Vein responds.ㅤㅤI just sigh, and we head down the stairs. I’ll write it down later. I have a pretty good memory. Kind of.ㅤㅤIt’s Saturday. The restaurant is closed. Stag will be dropping Vein off at her capoeira class. I’ll usually clean around the house or do some light groceries. Errands here and there.ㅤㅤBut today, I’m going to be hanging out with Helix and Ante—we made plans last weekend to try and find gifts together for Crescent’s birthday this Wednesday. Otherwise, Crescent would usually be invited to these hangouts. Unlike me, Helix and Ante are very online and have big social media presences—more-so Helix than Ante, though. Crescent is online, too, but she never posts on her accounts—she just browses through her feed.ㅤㅤAnd so, Ante and I force Helix to promise not to post anything. Don’t want Crescent to have FOMO and ask why we hung out without her. She already gets ’dehumanized’ too easily.ㅤㅤYes, Shophar and Ante are best friends. But honestly, Shophar is the one who never wants to hang out with us. She always has her own night plans.ㅤㅤBut think about it. Ante is like, the chillest person, right? And Shophar’s, like. Evil. Shophar is only ever really talkative when she’s chilling with Ante. I don’t get it—must be some weird friendship dynamic, but I’m with it.ㅤㅤCome to think of it, I don’t think I’ve talked about Shophar enough. You might be thinking, “How in the world is Shophar a waitress when she’s so bitchy all the time?”ㅤㅤWell. That’s the thing. We have some weird-ass customers. Shophar does her job extremely well from a technical perspective. She checks in on customers regularly, takes orders swiftly, and customers are satisfied. But she does not put on a customer service mask. She acts the exact same in and out of work. She’s ironically the realest of us all at JJ’s. Anyway, yeah. Our customers? They enjoy it. They literally like being bashed and disrespected by Shophar. She’s super snarky and a smart-ass with our customers, but they love it. We even have a select few customers that specifically request for Shophar to be their waitress. I don’t know, man. Well. I say that, but in all reality: Shophar is hot as fuck. She’s a succubus, dude. I mean. Come on. But hey—it’s because I know she’s a succubus that I don’t let it faze me. Trust me. If I were going to get dished by someone from JJ’s, it would be Anvil.ㅤㅤOk, ok. Back to today’s events. I’m actually pretty excited. I always enjoy my time with Helix and Ante. I’ll admit—I get nervous with them, but I’m definitely comfortable with them. Helix always turns our talking topics into drama and/or the inside scoop on the other employees. She’s a ‘bubbly, gleeshy girl’. Vein’s words. Speaking of Vein—Vein absolutely LOVES Helix. Because Vein is a sheltered, homeschooled girl, Helix tries to teach a little her bit about the real world. Or so she says. I have no idea what they talk about when Helix is in the break room alone with Vein. I’ve seen Helix pick up Vein and rub her own face against Vein’s. Vein would usually love this, but Helix’s horns stick out from the sides of her head. Which make it a little difficult for Vein to do face-to-face hugs like that. I’ll give Stag some credit for the name Helix. Her horns really are shaped like helices. They’re literal spirals coming out of the sides. Kind of gives them the illusion of side ponytails. Also, she loves to wear her hair in space buns. I don’t know—probably a stupid detail, but I think it’s kind of cute.ㅤㅤIn case you don’t know, demons get their names in Hell. But we don’t usually get those details when Stag introduces a new demon. Helix’s name could have been ‘Spiral’ back in Hell for all we know. That’s what I mean when I say that Stag gives us our names.ㅤㅤMost of us don’t have any memories from when we were in Hell.ㅤㅤYou can probably imagine from my earlier list of demons who I first met at JJ’s, Helix joined the team late. She literally joined us just last year. Which is wild, because you honestly wouldn’t be able to tell. This social butterfly inserted herself into our group so quickly, you’d think she was a childhood friend.ㅤㅤOkay. So I don’t really have a car, but I don’t really mind. I love riding my Vespa. Yes, I could look cooler with a motorcycle like Tel. But two things:ㅤㅤ1. I associate motorcycles with Tel.
ㅤㅤ2. I associate motorcycles with the accident I apparently had as a child.
ㅤㅤ3. Oh, wait. One more. Scooters are just cuter.
●●●ㅤㅤI ride my Vespa to Helix’s place, where us three meet up. We greet each other and take Helix’s car. We leave on the way to the nearby mall.ㅤㅤ“Sooooo . . . ,” Helix began, “What are we going to do while the restaurant is closed?”ㅤㅤOh. I just remembered Stag told me a little bit over dinner about that topic.ㅤㅤ“Stag told me a little bit over dinner about that topic,” I say. Fuck. I hate when my thoughts project one-to-one with my words. I think about some fucked-up stuff, so I need to be wary of that. What if spoke my thoughts about Anvil or Cerus out loud?ㅤㅤ“Oh? What did she say?” Helix asks enthusiastically.ㅤㅤ“She told me not to tell you guys when I hang out today,” I say.ㅤㅤ“. . . ,” Helix goes silent.ㅤㅤ“I’m just playing. She said she didn’t mind. So—we’ve had good numbers financially the last two years, and Stag wanted to expand our ‘fine-dining’ atmosphere some more with a full bar. As for how we’ll be paid for the next month . . . ” I explain and pause for dramatic effect.ㅤㅤ“Well?” Helix says impatiently.ㅤㅤ“Paid leave, baby!” I reveal to them.ㅤㅤ“WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOOOOOO!” Helix cheers her weird-ass signature cheer.ㅤㅤ“Oh, my God, that’s sweet!” cheers Ante. God, she’s so chill. She’s on her phone so she seems to be only half-attentive.ㅤㅤ“Wow. How is JJ’s able to afford that?” asks Helix.ㅤㅤ“I dunno. Stag is a mystery makeshift mom. Hehe. Alliteration,” I say out loud.ㅤㅤThe car falls silent.ㅤㅤI literally just talked about not doing this out loud. Whatever. They know me well enough.ㅤㅤPause. This isn’t the mall. Where are we? This is an apartment complex. Not a mall. Apartment.ㅤㅤ“Um. Helix?” I ask.ㅤㅤ“Surprise! We’re picking up . . . badum . . . badum . . . ” Helix begins to answer.ㅤㅤPlease no. Don’t tell me.ㅤㅤ“Cerus!”ㅤㅤAha.ㅤㅤI see Cerus exit the front door. That explains why Ante was on her phone. She was texting Cerus that we were almost here. Ante is in the passenger. Which means. Bro.ㅤㅤ“Hi, Cerus! Glad you could join us!” says Ante.ㅤㅤ“H—hey, guys! And Don!” she says.ㅤㅤ’And Don’? Kill me.ㅤㅤ“Get comfortable in the back! But not too comfortable, haha!” Helix laughs. After a few seconds, she shakes her head and looks disappointed.ㅤㅤ“Seriously. I’m watching you, Don,” Helix says, looking at me through the rearview.ㅤㅤI swear today’s the day I’m going to kill Helix. Ante elbows Helix. Helix says a slight ‘ow’ but brushes it off. As Cerus gets in the backseat, I catch myself staring at her.ㅤㅤShe’s got curly hair, similar to Crescent. But it’s just a little more unkempt, which I find really cute. It's cut much shorter above her chin. She even braided one part of her hair. Obsessed. The main thing that distinguishes her hair is her bangs. They cover majority of her forehead, but you can barely see her thick eyebrows. Her long eyelashes are my favorite. Okay. I’ll stop before I give off the wrong impression.ㅤㅤWait, wait. Also, she’s got a cute, small nose—a mole sits right underneath her lips, and she’s got some scattered freckles. Oh, oh! Her pointed demon ears—which human don’t see, of course—are much longer than mine. Only one dangling earring.ㅤㅤUh, yeah. Now you know what she looks like. You just get a few more extra details than usual. Oh, and her outfit is insanely cute, by the way. Actually losing my mind. She’s wearing a white dress shirt underneath an oversized baby blue sweater. Navy blue grid-patterned miniskirt. Chelseas.ㅤㅤOkay, now I’m really done.ㅤㅤWait, looking at her sweater makes me think of her shoulder. Which makes me think of that secret of hers I’m keeping. Which makes me realize that I haven’t really thought about it much. Probably because her leaning on my chest afterwards kind of distracted me.ㅤㅤWas that self-harm? Is she being abused at home? These apartments are super small, though. I can’t imagine more than two people living in one of these. Does she live with someone? Do I need to kill a motherfucker?ㅤㅤUgh. Let’s just focus on the task at hand.ㅤㅤOh, wait, ok—Ok. Last one. I promise. Her horn. A singular horn, coming from her forehead. At the tip of this main horn are four smaller horn protrusions that branch out—ㅤㅤWait.ㅤㅤHow obsessed am I with Cerus that I projected her horns onto that dog-thing from my dreams?ㅤㅤ“U—um. Hey, Don,” Cerus finally speaks up.ㅤㅤShiiiiiit. Look away. No, wait. Makes it obvious. Look directly at her face. Be casual.ㅤㅤ“Hey, Cerus!” I say, over-enthusiastically.ㅤㅤShe’s the one who turns away in embarrassment. She must still be uncomfortable about our last encounter. I don't care. That shit is so cute, bro.ㅤㅤThe rest of the car ride is some good small talk. Ante never really had a chance to talk to Cerus, so a majority of the conversation is between them two getting to know each other.
●●●ㅤㅤWe get to the mall. Ante hits it off with Cerus, and it seems like they're getting along well. Frankly, I don't think there's a single person who wouldn't get along with Ante. That was confusing. Double negative, but you get my point. Ante is chill.ㅤㅤSo they're walking side-by-side. Meanwhile, Helix and I follow behind them shortly. Now's my chance to get pissed off at Helix.ㅤㅤ"Helix. Why didn't you tell me, you actual idiot?" I say, quietly.ㅤㅤ"Don, I'm sorry! I thought it'd be funny, that's all! It—it's actually kind of backfiring, though . . . ," Helix responds.ㅤㅤ"Ugh. Whatever. Wait, what do you mean backfiring?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"N—nothing! I'm sorry, that's all! I should've told you! Ok, ok—W—what should we get Crescent?" she responds and asks.ㅤㅤFine, I won't stay mad at her. She seems kind of shaken up at me being pissed. I'm just a little bit upset. In a way, Helix is kind of cute when she's flustered like this. Although, not as much as Cerus. No offense.ㅤㅤ"Easy. New pillowcase. Or a new pillow," I answer.ㅤㅤ"Don, come on. We did that last year! And we also did stuffed animals, so don't suggest that, either. I mean, she did say that she'll never get tired of getting stuffed animals and plushies as gifts, but I want to make it special this year—She's turning 22!" Helix replies.ㅤㅤOh, yeah. We did do that last year. Huh. Maybe my memory isn't as good as I give it credit for. Also.ㅤㅤ"22? Is it really that special of a year?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"I don't know. It's a nice, even number," Helix responds.ㅤㅤHelix is that friend. You know, the one who goes over the top for any event. When Crescent first made an Instagram account, Helix bought her a cake for it. It was so fucking stupid. But memorable. Also, we didn't just buy plushies for her birthday last year. Helix made it so that each of the plushies had small personal birthday cards written and placed inside their zippers. The catch is that the cards were actually acrostic poems that spelled out the location of gift cards scattered around the break room for her to scavenger hunt. And she made both Ante and I write our own acrostics. It was so unnecessary. And stupid, considering how lazy Crescent is.ㅤㅤImpulsively, I blurt out the worst thing imaginable.ㅤㅤ"Maybe a notebook would be nice? She sleeps a lot—maybe she'd want to start a dream journal. I don't know."ㅤㅤShut up, shut up, shut up! Why did I say that?ㅤㅤ"Don, haha! You're bugging. That's so goofy! Who even writes dream journals?" Helix replies, chuckling.ㅤㅤAlright. I know it's not Helix's fault directly, but I can't help being slightly irritated.ㅤㅤ"Okay, Helix. Fine. You know what? I'll just get her that. A nice, expensive notebook she could use one way or another. That's my thoughtful gift. Come up with your own and stop asking me if you're going to shoot it down with no better suggestion, bro," I say.ㅤㅤHelix looks devastated.ㅤㅤ"Don! I—I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that! Don, seriously! I was just—"ㅤㅤ"Alright," I interrupt.ㅤㅤ"No! For real, Don! I just like to tease you! Don't take it like that! I know you're into dreams and stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if you had your own dream journal, and I'd fully respect that! I—I—I just wanted to poke fun," Helix desperately tries to explain.ㅤㅤShe continues, “I'm sorry I tease you too much, Don. I don't mean for it to come across that way. I know Tel and Shophar both tease you in a mean way, and you usually pay more attention to them than me. I've honestly been trying to be a bit more harsh to you lately—I'll admit. You just haven't been paying attention to me recently. A—as friends, of course."ㅤㅤTch. What a stupid thing to admit.ㅤㅤ"Don't be so roundabout it. Just tell me if something I'm doing or not doing is bothering you, and I'll fix it. You're kind of an important friend who's done a lot to help me, and I'll try to change for the better. I don't pick up social cues very well and have trouble hyperfocusing on random things. You have to be direct with me, or I won't notice. Then I get a little frustrated. I don't know, man," I respond.
ㅤㅤHer face is flushed red. She must be embarrassed over admitting to being passive-aggressive.ㅤㅤ" . . . and cooking isn't actually as hard as a lot of people think. You could probably set aside an hour per day with—You two okay, back there?" Ante interrupts her own conversation with Cerus after noticing us getting louder behind.ㅤㅤ"N—nothing, it's nothing! Nothing. We're good. I was just telling Don that I left something in the car. I’ll get it later. Let's k—keep finding gifts. Any thoughts?" Helix replies with a question.ㅤㅤIt’s rare to find Helix so nervous. I tell you, man. I’m built different.ㅤㅤ"I would think jewelry, since Crescent is into fashion. But then again, it might not be what you'd imagine for a gift from her best friends," answers Ante.ㅤㅤ"Um!" Cerus interjects.ㅤㅤWe all look at her as we go down an escalator.ㅤㅤ"I . . . I don't know Crescent very well. But her hair is pretty similar to mine! She seems to have a lot of volume to her hair, so maybe a cute scrunchie would be a good gift for her?" suggests Cerus.ㅤㅤAll three of us are so absorbed with Cerus' lovable innocence, and—without caring what she actually said—agree wholeheartedly.ㅤㅤ"Oh, that's genius, Cerus!" says Helix.ㅤㅤ"I’m down for that!” says Ante.ㅤㅤCerus blushes. Eye candy.ㅤㅤAnte is a shopaholic and the most fashionable of us all here. She often goes to this mall with Shophar and would easily be able to find us a cute scrunchie.ㅤㅤAs we walk through the mall, I hear a piano playing. It's the music store. I urge the three to stop by. Ahem. My ulterior motive is to show off my decent piano skills to Cerus.ㅤㅤI think Helix starts to catch on. She sighs, but gives in. She herself knows a little bit of the piano I've taught her. But let me tell you—Helix has a great singing voice. Ante is nothing to joke, either. They both have angelic voices. Angelic? I meant. Haha. Nevermind, I'll stop those kinds of jokes. I know you don't laugh at them anyway.ㅤㅤI open the door for the girls. Upon closing the door behind me, I see a child standing still next to a pillar connected with the escalators. The area is dimly lit, so the child is mostly a silhouette to me. A boy? I’m leaning toward boy, but I’m unsure. I can see the kid holding hands with someone taller, but they’re behind the pillar. I can’t see very well, but . . .ㅤㅤI think the kid’s looking at me.ㅤㅤIt’s unnerving. I can barely see their eyes, but I don’t even think I’ve seen them blink.ㅤㅤBefore I can get a closer look, the hand pulls the kid, and they disappear into the area behind the escalator.ㅤㅤFuckin’ creepy-ass kid.●●●ㅤㅤThis music store is pretty chill. It's called Windmill Music & Arts. Its logo is this cute windmill with a treble clef in the center. The owner and employees let you try out keyboards, pianos, and guitars. They even have an almost-soundproof drum room.ㅤㅤWe jam out a bit to some popular songs, to which Helix and Ante sing along quietly to. I hum a little bit while I play. I can sing decently, but my range sucks. I also can't multitask and sing alongside piano.ㅤㅤHelix and her extroverted-self urge Cerus to sing, too. Cerus admits she knows the songs but can't really sing that well. Ante and I both can tell Cerus is shy about singing. So we tell her it's no pressure.ㅤㅤBut Helix urges her a little more. Come on, Helix! For someone who can usually read the atmosphere, what the hell are you doing, dude?ㅤㅤ"I—I'm sorry. I don't really like my own singing voice," Cerus responds.ㅤㅤ"Come on, Helix, let's just jam out!" I say, trying to keep the mood up.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, but I don't want her to feel left out," says Helix.ㅤㅤ"No, it's okay! You all sing really well! I just like listening," Cerus admits.ㅤㅤHelix looks disappointed, but we continue. We have a great time. At one point, I see Cerus lip-syncing along to some of the songs in the reflection of the baby grand I'm playing on.ㅤㅤMy eyes wander to the left. A little bit past the guitar section. It's an assortment of other instruments. I see the wind instruments and remember the Windmill dream I had as a kid. You know, the one where Crescent napped on me. How fitting for the music store I'm at.ㅤㅤHold on. Wait. This is probably not a coincidence. I’m going to go out of my comfort zone.ㅤㅤ"Don, why'd you stop?" asked Ante.ㅤㅤ"We . . . We should get Crescent . . . We should get her a flute," I say.
Chapter 7 ● The Oboe and the Flute
ㅤㅤ"Huh?" Helix says, "That is the most random thing you've said in a while, Don."ㅤㅤEven Ante looks confused.ㅤㅤ"Wait. Hasn't Crescent told you all how she wanted to play a wind instrument as a kid?" I say, trying to explain myself.ㅤㅤ"No?" Helix says as she and Ante look at each other for confirmation. Cerus is just spectating, looking directly at me as I speak.ㅤㅤ"We were talking about instruments as kids. You know, back when I started taking piano lessons. She mentioned how she watched some princess movie with a soundtrack using the oboe. She liked the sound of it and asked her mom what instrument it was. I guess her mom was musically inclined and could tell an oboe from other wind instruments? Anyway, she told me she was interested in playing one but avoided it because of her asthma," I explain.ㅤㅤThen I add a little more teasing. As revenge.ㅤㅤ"Come on, Helix! You usually know everything about everybody at JJ's!" I say with a smirk.ㅤㅤHelix looks bewildered. She then collects herself, albeit with a little bit of clear nervousness. She's easy to read.ㅤㅤ"Tsk, tsk, Don. I—I knew that. She told me, too. I just. Forgot. That's all," Helix says.ㅤㅤAlright. I just give her a glare.ㅤㅤ"I'm playing! Just joking—h, my God! Um. I'm just a little bit salty that Crescent didn't tell me that at some point. Hmph," Helix says jokingly.ㅤㅤAnte speaks up, “I mean, it makes sense. Crescent could have told Don that when they were little. If anything, I'm the one who should feel left out, since I knew them, too. But it's okay! We were just kids, after all.” She's so chill.ㅤㅤ"I thought it's fine for asthmatic people to play wind instruments, though," Helix says.ㅤㅤ"Yeah. It's fine if it's not severe asthma. She would be fine. Maybe it's a complex about not wanting to be a musician like her mom?" I interject.ㅤㅤ"I think that's overthinking it," says Helix.ㅤㅤGrr. It was just an idea. She’s getting on my nerves.ㅤㅤ"W—wait. If she likes oboes, why a flute?" Cerus suddenly asks.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, I was going to ask that, too," says Helix.ㅤㅤI breathe in.ㅤㅤ"I saw it in a dream," I answer.ㅤㅤEveryone just stares at me for a few seconds. Helix had better not laugh.ㅤㅤ"I—I can explain! Crescent is a Mare, right? A dream demon? But she, like, sucks at being a Mare and can’t control her powers, right? So . . . one time—long time ago—she napped on me. And—and that night I had a specific dream—"ㅤㅤ"Don. I'm not going to poke fun at you. Um. I want to trust you, but it's just that flutes aren't a cheap gift. If we do get her a wind instrument, wouldn't it make more sense to get an oboe?" Helix says.ㅤㅤI’m peeved at Helix constantly shooting me down, but…she makes a valid point. Even so—I want to convince them of Crescent’s dream-inducing abilities. That her subconscious wishes can be more trustworthy than her spoken ones.ㅤㅤHesitantly, I explain the happy-go-lucky windmill dream, despite how stupid it sounds. You remember the detail about the Ulma demon transforming into a windmill hut? Shit's embarrassing to say out loud. In front of Cerus.ㅤㅤ"But it makes sense, right? Since she's a Mare? 'Sleep-paralysis' demons? They can induce nightmares! But Cerus sucks at it? You said that yourself, right, Ante? And Helix—you told me it’s because she’s the descendent of Belphegor! So because she's not good at giving nightmares—instead, I got a really nice, relaxing dream? And it's, like, a projection of her thoughts? Right? That makes sense? You three have had sleepovers last year! At some point you must have experienced it, too!" I say as I finish my thoughts, attempting to finally vindicate myself.ㅤㅤHelix and Ante look at each other again, while Cerus nods her head in agreement. Looks like it makes sense to her, at least.ㅤㅤAnte is the one who speaks up.ㅤㅤ"Don—That would make sense, but . . . I think you misunderstand what I said to you back then. When I said that ‘Crescent isn't good at giving nightmares’, I meant that, well, she doesn't give nightmares at all. She can’t project or induce dreams. At all. She has none of her powers as a Mare.”ㅤㅤHuh?ㅤㅤ"I mean, I can't 100% prove it. I’ve never directly asked her. But yeah, at those sleepovers—I just had normal dreams. We usually slept over at Helix's. Crescent and I would always share a couch bed. She would sleep right next to me. For one of those sleepovers, I had a weird dream about being a spy. The next time we slept over, it was a moderately scary dream about zombies. I think we had just watched a movie about zombies. Yeah, that was it. I didn't consider it a nightmare. The third sleepover—well, I can't remember what my dream was. But I don't remember it being anything significant. Or anything that would be a projection from Crescent. If that makes sense," Ante explains.ㅤㅤI don’t give up.ㅤㅤ"Maybe she didn't touch you? Don't Mares have to make physical skin contact with their victims?" I ask in desperation.ㅤㅤ"Crescent moves a lot in her sleep. I've waken up in the middle of the night with her hand on my face. If she did have the abilities of a Mare demon, then at some point in those three sleepovers, her abilities would have affected my dreams," Ante confirms.ㅤㅤI probably need to clarify something. Historically, demons' abilities weren't just for human victims. Demons can affect other demons. If they're the same demonkind, though, the effects might be less severe or won't work at all. But either way—yes, they can use their abilities on each other.ㅤㅤWhen a demon finds a human host through Permapos, their powers weaken. Depending on the host's age and mental state—as well as affinity to the demon—they can keep at least a little bit of their powers.ㅤㅤBut for Mare demons, this law is somewhat muddled. It's completely unpredictable. There’s even a chance for a Mare's powers to actually get stronger than when they were in Hell. According to Stag.ㅤㅤOur only Mares are Stag, Shophar, and Crescent. Stag is a succubus, but she lost all of her abilities to induce dreams. Shophar’s got stronger, so she has to be careful with her abilities. For Crescent, my assumption was that she still has her powers, but they’re weakened. How did a conversation go from talking about a flute to me questioning everything I thought I knew about one of my best friends?ㅤㅤBasically, if what Ante said is true—that Crescent has no dream abilities—then what was that dream? Was it just a coincidence that the dream I had while Crescent napped on me involved a windmill and a wind instrument? Like, Crescent didn’t tell me about the oboe thing until after I had the dream.ㅤㅤI know it wasn’t a normal dream. Crescent has to have weakened dream abilities. Something. Some kind of ability.ㅤㅤI decide to lie.ㅤㅤ“Okay! Okay. Maybe Cerus doesn’t have the power to control dreams. And maybe I didn’t tell her about this dream out of embarrassment for it. She still said that she would be interested in the flute!” I say.ㅤㅤThat didn't happen. The word 'flute' has never left Crescent's mouth. At least not in front of me.ㅤㅤI’m starting to realize that this fight is literally not worth it. Now I’m lying to my friends. Who cares about the flute anymore? I’m even embarrassing myself in front of Cerus. I’m being so impulsive. Maybe I’m full of pride right now, but I just can’t take the idea of being wrong for so long. There’s literally no way that dream wasn’t some kind of special dream. It couldn’t have been a coincidence. My breathing starts to lose its rhythm.ㅤㅤ“Really? Hm . . .” Helix ponders.ㅤㅤ“Don?” I hear Cerus speak, “Why don’t we just ask her?”ㅤㅤ“I . . . ” I start to speak, but look at Cerus.ㅤㅤ“Don, let’s ask her,” Helix agrees. I give in.ㅤㅤWe leave the music store for the call.ㅤㅤAnte pulls out her phone, calls Crescent, and gestures for us to be quiet.ㅤㅤ“Hey, Crescent! Yeah, I’m just at the grocery store. Mhm. Yeah. Oh, I wanted to ask you something. I know it’s really sudden, but I’ll tell you straight up. Do you have any demon powers?”ㅤㅤThe rest of us wait eagerly.ㅤㅤ“Ah, ok. Wow. Why? Oh, I was just curious. We never really have demon talk, you know? Yeah, that was it. Sorry it was so sudden. Me? Oh, I was apparently an insignificant demon. A vengeful demon, is what I’m called. Yeah, I can do a little bit. Yeah. Physical strength. Yep, that’s why I’d always win any athletic games when we were kids,” Ante tells Crescent over the phone.ㅤㅤSome small talk after that. Ante says goodbye and soon ends the call. She looks at us.ㅤㅤ“She doesn’t. She doesn’t have any powers,” Ante confirms.ㅤㅤWhat the fuck.ㅤㅤ“Okay—So she’s basically a normal human girl, but with horns, sharp fangs, and pointy ears,” asserts Helix.ㅤㅤWhat the fuck.ㅤㅤ“I mean. It’s not really a big deal, right? All this means is that Don misunderstood something. It doesn’t change the fact that Crescent would love to play the oboe. I think it’d be cute. Let's all chip in to get her an oboe. Nothing pushes someone to learn how to do something than a gift,” Helix concludes.ㅤㅤAnte agrees, while I’m just here devastated. I don’t know why I’m so upset, but I’m going to get to the bottom of this.ㅤㅤ“Um! I have an idea. Can we try something?” Cerus suddenly says with confidence, “Let’s ask Crescent what she thinks of windmills. It’s a weird question, but it wouldn’t reveal anything directly about the birthday gift. Whatever she answers would probably give us another clue as to what Don dreamt about. I also think it’s too specific to be a coincidence, especially if she’s interested in the flute like Don said.”ㅤㅤI love her. Okay, maybe not like that. Not yet, at least. I am just swooning, is all. I feel even more guilty for lying now.ㅤㅤHelix, who seemed satisfied with buying an oboe, gives in to Cerus. Because who wouldn’t?ㅤㅤAnte calls again and asks the question nonchalantly. Her excuse is “it’s for a personality quiz”.ㅤㅤAnte and Crescent talk for a few more minutes.ㅤㅤ“Crescent said she associates windmills with the Windmill music store at this mall. She suddenly went on a tangent about how much she loves when we jam out here and wants to hang out soon,” Ante says.ㅤㅤNothing conclusive.ㅤㅤ“And that she loves the wind instrument section,” Ante reveals.ㅤㅤOh, shit. This is huge. Wait. Not really. Still doesn’t narrow it down between oboe and flute. This does mean something, though.ㅤㅤ“I know what you’re all thinking. That my windmill dream was just my own dream. That it has nothing to do with Crescent. But I swear. I’ve never looked at the wind instrument section ‘til today,” I say as a final hail mary. No lie this time.ㅤㅤNo one seems convinced. Helix suddenly speaks up.ㅤㅤ“At this point, I think we should just vote for one or the other. I’m sure Crescent would like one or the other, it sounds like. Let’s not think too hard about all the dream stuff. Let’s just focus on her birthday. Who says we go with the oboe?”ㅤㅤShe’s right. I’m not 100% convinced, but I should come back to my senses and focus on the birthday.ㅤㅤOnly Helix and Ante raise their hands. I swear Cerus is flirting with me by doing this, dude.ㅤㅤ“Well, this does us no good. We could probably afford both, but they’re different instruments. I wouldn’t want her to try and learn both at once, haha,” Helix says as a follow-up.ㅤㅤHelix looks at me with a smirk.ㅤㅤ“RPS?” she asks.ㅤㅤRock, paper, scissors. The best way to solve a major financial decision.ㅤㅤ“Best out of three?” I respond.ㅤㅤ“Let’s do it,” Helix says.ㅤㅤWithin two rounds, RPS is over.ㅤㅤ“I hate this! You’re always cheating somehow!” Helix cries.ㅤㅤ“Hehe,” I chuckle.ㅤㅤHelix continues to be a sore loser and says, “Whatever, fine! Let’s buy a fl—“ㅤㅤMy vision blurs, a sharp, high-pitched sound bursts through my ears, and I shut my eyes in pain.ㅤㅤBefore I even get to shout, the sound is gone.ㅤㅤI open my eyes.ㅤㅤNothing happened.ㅤㅤI’m still at the mall. I’m with the three girls. We just finished our game of RPS.ㅤㅤ“BOOM, Don!” Helix gleefully cheers.ㅤㅤI look down and see my hands in a fist and hers with her palm facing me.ㅤㅤ“Best out of five, haha! Shouldn’t have offered to keep going! But you took your chances!” Helix gloats as she puts her hand on her hips.ㅤㅤ“Wha—But I—“ㅤㅤ“No, Don! You called me a sore loser earlier—you’re not allowed to be one, too!” Helix declares.ㅤㅤI am so taken aback by what’s happening that I just keep quiet.ㅤㅤHelix continues, “By the way, Don—a flute is way more difficult to play than an oboe!”ㅤㅤShe’s rubbing her victory in my face. I know she’s just teasing, but it’s a little frustrating, considering what she said earlier.ㅤㅤ“Stop being a sore winner. Let’s be mature and move on,” I say.ㅤㅤEveryone can tell I’m irritated, but it’s less from Helix and more from…whatever the hell just happened. Helix stops pestering. I hope I didn’t make the situation too awkward.ㅤㅤWe buy an oboe.
●●●ㅤㅤWith the gift out of the way, we spend the rest of the day at the mall just messing around. We feel a little bit guilty about excluding Crescent, but it’s just for the one time. Plus, more time with Cerus. Ante, of course, buys a few clothes. Plenty of good sales today. It’s a good stress relief. We’ve mostly gotten over the minor arguments from earlier.ㅤㅤBut I’m not over what happened to me. I have zero recollection of going for best-out-of-five. It feels like I was on the verge of a panic attack earlier. Not only that, but in all honesty, that dream situation really hurt my self-esteem. Who thought that the nicest dream I’ve had would be the most fucking obnoxious?ㅤㅤWe head back into Helix’s car. Helix suggests we form a group chat to plan for the birthday gift. Like, to decide who will wrap it and present it to Crescent. We decide together for Ante to hold onto it.ㅤㅤBut you know what that means? Haha. That’s right—Cerus’ number, baby! Aha. I’m so fucking stupid. Gleeshing over getting a girl’s number. And not even from asking her directly. Help.ㅤㅤBefore we leave the parking lot, the group chat is formed. Ante starts it off by sending a wholesome ‘Hi!’ GIF. Helix sends a stupid meme. I say ‘yo’, and Cerus says ‘hi’. After that, we start heading home.ㅤㅤI stare out the car window and expect to start having more thoughts about the conversation earlier. We’re all tired, so it’ll probably be a silent car ride home, unlike the ride from home.ㅤㅤInstead, I get a new text. Must be the group chat. Wait. Waaaaaaait. Haha. What. It’s from Cerus. Like, only Cerus. It says the following:ㅤㅤㅤㅤhey don. i have 1 more idea gor your dreamㅤㅤOh, she just sent another text:ㅤㅤㅤㅤ*forㅤㅤI turn to my right and look at her. It’s the evening, but I can see she’s embarrassed. Aha.ㅤㅤI text her:ㅤㅤㅤㅤhey cerus! thanks for having my back earlier! but what do you mean? :0ㅤㅤShe answers:ㅤㅤㅤㅤill tell u later. im going to do something. dnt be surprisedㅤㅤHuh? What is she about to do?ㅤㅤI look at her with confusion.ㅤㅤShe turns to the right, staring at the window. Being extremely stealthy, Cerus slowly reaches her hand over to my side while keeping her head turned toward the window.ㅤㅤShe brushes her soft fingers across my right hand, as if she were just trying to find it. She then grabs my hand.ㅤㅤMy heart is. Aha. It’s on fire. Or thumping. Whatever the fuck. I don’t fucking know. Shit. Shit. Aha. What is happening.ㅤㅤShe lets go.ㅤㅤShe looks to me. For about a second. I catch her face completely flushed red in between the street lights shining through the car window. She turns back toward the window.ㅤㅤI’m sure I’m also flushed and red.
Chapter 8 ● The Droneheads and the Fireworks
ㅤㅤHelix and Ante have zero idea. I spend the rest of the car ride thinking about Cerus. Simple as that. I may never wash this hand again.ㅤㅤJust joking. Just fucking joking. Ok. Ok. Ok. I'll do a better job of thinking rationally so that half my thoughts aren't just me cursing about Cerus.ㅤㅤWe unfortunately drop Cerus off at her house. We say our goodbyes there, arrive at Helix's, and Ante and I go back home. We would usually try to hang out at Helix's after, but we are knocked out.ㅤㅤBut as tired as I am—after I arrive home and clean myself up—I can't sleep. And don't worry, we ate dinner at the mall. So I’m not any more malnourished than usual.ㅤㅤI lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. A very stereotypical teenage moment. Except I'm not a teenager, I'm a grown-ass man.ㅤㅤ’dnt be surprised’—that's what she texted before she did that. Of course I'm going to be fucking surprised. Ok, look. I'm not an absolute incel who loses his mind at a girl's touch. I tried dating this girl that went to Helix’s high school. I forget how I met her. I think it was at an art show. Funnily enough, we bonded over our mutual love of space and astrophysics. Not art. She was kind of nerdy and wanted a "mysterious silent" type guy. She confessed to me, I think? We dated for not even two months. Helix knew the girl in one of her classes last year. And hated her. Helix was so pissed that I dated her—She didn't even talk to me outside of work back then. That relationship was a disaster. I lost my virginity to that girl in the back of an Ultima. Shut up—I know. I lost my virginity at 18. Leave me alone. Alright. Now, I sound so desperate to sound cool. I will shut up about this.ㅤㅤI’m not usually on my phone late at night. But just for tonight, I pull my phone out and mess around to look at memes. I’m actually just waiting to get a text from Cerus explaining what she was trying to achieve there.ㅤㅤNo response. Did she fall asleep? Should I ask first? Bro, I literally just got her number tonight. That would be so weird. I’m not going to. But, ugh, I am so curious.ㅤㅤI’m on my phone for around an hour and a half before I start to fade.ㅤㅤI fall asleep.
●●●ㅤㅤI’m sitting on gray cement looking at a white object with a lens. It was finally here. The drone had finally arrived. And unboxing it was not an easy task, even with Yusuf’s help.ㅤㅤ“Jeem! I had no idea you requested a drone! Why didn’t I think of that?! You’re a genius!” exclaims Yusuf.ㅤㅤI smile at Yusuf, but slightly blush at his compliment. He gestures a high five, which I excitedly return with my own.ㅤㅤ“That’s crazy! I never expected you to request something as crazy as a drone! Are you really Jeem? Did you finally get out of your comfort zone? Haha!” Yusuf can't keep himself still. He is so hyper.ㅤㅤHe continues, “Well? Go ahead and turn it on! Let’s see it in action,” he requests.ㅤㅤI read the instructions and turn it on. It works.ㅤㅤWe play around with it, having it fly pretty high, impressing the other kids. Ms. G is fine with it. She seems to be impressed and is enjoying the show, too. We start to become relatively popular with some of the other kids. Even older ones. Yusuf and I become known as the two ‘Droneheads’ among the children.ㅤㅤSoon, other kids begin wanting their own drones through the Order Gear. Unfortunately, Ms. G announces that we cannot have any more drones requested. They are a liability and have to be modified in order to be allowed, which takes a lot of time and effort from the facilitators’ side. Our drone is to be the first and last drone allowed in the Crater.ㅤㅤTruthfully, we have more kids impressed by us, the Droneheads, than we do kids that are jealous. With some time, Ms. G begins to like what Yusuf and I have created—our little ‘drone shows’ are an easy way to gather all the kids together. It helps Ms. G whenever she needs to make an announcement—whether it’s about a hot item that’s out of stock, or a new sport being added to the recreational Park. Our drone shows create a bigger sense of a tightly-knit community. I slowly gain more and more confidence. With Yusuf by my side, I become very popular.ㅤㅤWith popularity comes more kids to meet. Enter Sammy and Seth. They’re twins that are younger than Yusuf and I—they’re both about five years old, and they are probably the Droneheads’ biggest fans. They always follow Yusuf and I around, making it to every drone show. But they also always get into fights with each other. Then there's Min-Min, a cute one-year-old crybaby. As the youngest in the Crater—almost every time we catch her—she's in Ms. G's arms. Crying. But she does cheer up every time we hold a drone show. Min-min has older brothers, Bao and Feng. Bao is around our age, and Feng is one of the older kids. They're also pretty big Dronehead fans, too.ㅤㅤWithin a week and a half, these five join the Droneheads.ㅤㅤSammy, Seth, Min-min, Bao, Feng, Yusuf, and I. We are the Droneheads. We create visually stunning and extraordinary wonders with the drone.ㅤㅤAs time goes on, our drone shows get more and more extravagant. Yusuf is really creative. We both order pompoms, paper streamers, string crafts, and small LED lights to add to the hype. We attach masks, googly eyes, and plenty more to make the drone more lovable as a character. We name it ‘Droney’ to make it easier to remember for the smaller kids. We even let kids other than the Droneheads take turns using the controller for Droney, of course. The best part of all is that Ms. G fully supports us in our cute endeavors as the Droneheads. Although never admitted out loud, Yusuf and I were clearly becoming Ms. G's favorites.ㅤㅤWhich becomes a problem.ㅤㅤCamilla is an older child in the Crater. She's most likely around Feng's age, but I'm honestly unsure. She used to be one of the more popular kids in the Crater—in fact, she kind of still is. She has a few friends around the Crater, but nowadays, most prefer to play with us than her. Of course, Ms. G raises all of us kids with fairy tales, fables, and basic moral principles so that we don't only become smart, but also kindhearted—just like her.ㅤㅤBut Camilla has always been a little more irritative than most kids. She's popular because she's pretty, and a lot of the kids look up to her. Camilla can cook, teach some of the younger kids basic life skills, and is athletic. She's almost a spitting image of Ms. G.ㅤㅤBut unlike Ms. G, she's known to have a bit of a temperament issue.ㅤㅤI never really get along with Camilla, but she is by no means a bully. Most of the time, she seems fun to play with. I've seen a lot of the other kids constantly playing with her. It's just that—if you irritate her even a little bit—she will assert her dominance and shout at whoever wronged her. It doesn't happen too often. But when it does, she is terrifying. Not good for my frail, shy personality.
●●●ㅤㅤOne time a while ago, Yusuf and I asked Camilla to play with us. She agreed, and we played some ping pong. She was really good at ping pong. Yusuf wasn't bad himself, but he stood no chance against Camilla. Eventually, I joined in on Yusuf's side. Camilla, being the older kid, challenged us to fight a two-versus-one ping pong battle.ㅤㅤI was absolutely terrible. I kept trying and trying, with Yusuf giving me some tips on how to improve my form. As I kept failing, Camilla seemed to be getting impatient. She asked if we could either hurry up or have me stop playing. Yusuf came to my defense instantly and told Camilla that she shouldn’t say something like that. That I'm new to the game and would get better with some practice. That if I can't play, then he wouldn't either.ㅤㅤShe did not seem to take kindly to being lectured by a younger kid. I remember seeing Camilla's eyes. Although Yusuf was the one talking, she was looking straight at me. I was completely terrified. Her breathing got faster, and I felt as if she were about to approach me and hurt me.ㅤㅤBut she didn't. After Yusuf finished telling her off, Camilla's face calmed. She closed her eyes and her breathing slowed back to normal. After a few seconds, she said:ㅤㅤ"You two play on your own."
●●●ㅤㅤIt seems as though she's forgotten about that happening. After all, similar events have occurred with so many other kids—we are insignificant to her. I've come to find out since then that Ms. G had been having private sessions with Camilla to work on her temper. Because if you think about it, Camilla would be the perfect child out of all of us. If just not for that temperament. Who knows what she would have done during that ping pong incident if Ms. G wasn’t helping Camilla with her temper?ㅤㅤBack to the drone hype. Yusuf and I eventually notice some of Camilla's friends start to hang out with us Droneheads more often. As they do, we also notice Camilla—she's been doing a lot of things solo. Recently been cooking on her own, practicing racquetball solo, and studying on her own. It's seldom that we see her with friends. At the same time, Ms. G has been helping us Droneheads—she even calls kids over when we're about to begin a show. Ms. G calls it a ‘wonderful way to bring us all together’. Unfortunately, she begins to neglect her care for Camilla, who no longer even attends the shows.ㅤㅤA few weeks pass by, and Yusuf often stops in his tracks when he notices Camilla on her own. Based on Camilla's prior behavior, Yusuf tells me that he plans to reach out to Camilla. He plans to reassure her that we're all her friends and that she's always welcome to the Droneheads.ㅤㅤI tell him not to. I do everything in my power to convince him that it's not a good idea. I don't want her in the Droneheads. I don't want her close to Yusuf. I don't want her. She's everything I'm terrified of.ㅤㅤBut he's stubborn. He's adamant that he should talk to her. He tells me that no one should be left alone like that if they clearly aren't enjoying it.ㅤㅤWith my recent burst in confidence, I'm also stubborn. I plead Yusuf not to go. At one point, I even grab Yusuf's hand and squeeze it, shaking at the thought of Yusuf and Camilla spending time together.ㅤㅤHe looks at my shaking hand. He pulls it off gently and finally gives in to me. He doesn't go to Camilla.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm outside. It's nighttime. I'm on a well-lit stage. This portable stage was originally made for small events and announcements, but now–it's about to be the location for the biggest drone show.ㅤㅤWe are going to use fireworks.ㅤㅤMs. G had other facilitators visit the Crater to help set up a gigantic projector screen for all the kids to see. Seats and lighting were set up outside. She spent a lot of time briefing us Droneheads on fireworks safety. Bao and Feng are going to be working the audiovisual aspects of the show. Yusuf is going to be the MC and host. Sammy and Seth are going to show the kids to their seats. Min-min is going to kind of just be there, carried by Ms. G.ㅤㅤAnd I'm going to control Droney. It’s a role that I’ve gotten used to. A role that everyone’s acknowledged that I’m the best at.ㅤㅤIt’s a project that we’ve been working on for a long time. All the kids have been excited, being told about the biggest drone show yet. Despite how talkative the members of the Droneheads are, we’ve been able to keep the fireworks aspect of it a secret. None of the kids have ever seen fireworks. Even us Droneheads have only used small-scale fireworks for practice. Fireworks have been strictly forbidden from the Crater for environmental reasons. But today was a special occasion.ㅤㅤThe show goes off without a hitch. Fireworks and glittery confetti are shot into the sky. I control Droney to fly through hundreds of glistening papers in the air. Through Droney, I obtain a close-up view of the fireworks as they go off and project it onto the screen. Children are laughing and cheering, and everyone is celebrating. As I control Droney, I look at the beautiful sight in front of me. It’s indescribable. I myself knew about fireworks but have never seen them in front of me. Each burst is deafening, but I am eager for more. As my two senses of sight and sound are overwhelmed, I notice the vibrations of each burst echo throughout my body. I love everything about what I'm experiencing. And the best part is that I am the reason for all this.ㅤㅤIt has been exactly a year since the beginning of the Craterscape program.ㅤㅤBEEP! BEEP!
Chapter 9 ● The Texts and the Fourth Floor
ㅤㅤWhy. Why didn’t I delete my alarm from last week?ㅤㅤFuck.ㅤㅤI try to go back to sleep. Around 15 minutes pass by, and I can't.ㅤㅤI swear. Last week, I needed to wake up early on Sunday morning to join Stag as she took the exam for renewing our food handler’s permit. I must've accidentally set it as a weekly alarm. I hate everything.ㅤㅤOtherwise, I would usually sleep in. Hey. Speaking of Sunday morning, one of our employees goes to church. Guess who? Anvil. I mean. She’s a ‘fallen angel’, but like. I don’t know why she does go to church. Like, she was literally a Seraph—one the most powerful ranks for an angel, apparently. She also takes her little sister Claw, who was actually a cherubim. You know, those little baby angels you see in the interior design of old people’s houses? I’m curious what church Anvil goes to. Anyway.ㅤㅤUm. Holy shit. I’ll be honest. I’ve been trying to distract myself by thinking about Anvil. But. Haha. That dream. I literally don’t know what to think. In all of my life, I don’t think I have ever had a dream sequel. There are too many things I’m thinking of right now. For now, I’ll do some quick research on dream sequels.ㅤㅤOkay. Hm. There isn’t much. Little is known on what specifically causes dream continuity. Is there a part of the brain that holds on to memories of dreams? Well, it doesn’t matter. The details of this dream were too specific. There’s no way. Is my subconscious really that creative? Is this related to demon abilities? Maybe. But Crescent, Stag, and Shophar are the only Mare demons. I didn’t make skin-to-skin contact with any of them yesterday.ㅤㅤWait. Contact. Cerus. No way.ㅤㅤCerus must be a Mare.ㅤㅤThat’s why she touched my hand. To show me that she was a Mare. I guess I‘ve never thought about the kind of demon Cerus is. I didn’t consider it. She's one of the lucky Mare demons able to keep their ability to manipulate dreams post-possession.ㅤㅤActually, wait. This doesn't make sense. Her showing me that she's a Mare doesn't really help my case with Crescent about the windmill dream, like she said she would. It doesn't prove nor disprove anything about Crescent. Only that Cerus has Mare abilities. Is Cerus a Succubus? I could see that. Haha. Ok. Maybe she could be a "sleep paralysis" demon like a Drude or Basty? That's not short for bastard, also. They're really called Basty.ㅤㅤWell, I figure it makes more sense to ask Cerus herself.ㅤㅤOh, by the way. I’m not too salty about that dream’s ending. It was amazing. That fireworks scene was so beautiful. I’ve seen fireworks shows for the Fourth of July. But seeing one in a pitch-black sky along with the projector’s view was from another universe. I mean it literally was. Dream-universe or whatever. Even if I don’t get another dream sequel again, I’ll be satisfied. Way better than the first crater dream's ending. That piece-of-shit cliffhanger. At the same time, though, I am really curious about the Camilla chick. The dream’s plot seemed like a setup for something to happen with her. It was especially weird that I had prior memories with Camilla that didn’t actually take place during the dream. You know—that ping pong thing. I don’t know, man.ㅤㅤI just woke up, so I don't know if I should text Cerus right away. Ah, whatever. I'll go for it. This dream with overly specific details is bothering me. Also, I really want to text her.ㅤㅤI text her:ㅤㅤㅤㅤgood morning, cerus! sorry to text you so suddenly. i wanted to ask you what you meant by yesterdayㅤㅤThe less specific, the better.ㅤㅤShould I send a meme? To liven up the mood? No, not a meme—Just a good morning GIF. Wait, no, no. I’m good. That’s fine. Just text.ㅤㅤI give it a few seconds. It is early. I can’t expect an immediate response. Shit. I should've waited later to text? Actually, no. This makes me look cool. Like, I wake up early and am productive or something.ㅤㅤOkay, let me run through that dream again. I remember most of the names. I was Jeem. Or Jaimie, I think is the real name. Yusuf is the cool, nice boy that is ride-or-die homies with Jeem. There were those twins and the three siblings. Min-min was really cute with her chubby cheeks. But I will say—her being a crybaby reminds me too much of Tib. Yuck. Then there was Camilla, the bully. But not really? Well, she got what she deserved after treating Jeem like she was useless. Oh, let's not forget Ms. G.—Ms. G was kind of a baddie. I can't even lie, man. She can take care of my requests if you know what I'm saying. Sorry. Horny Don. Wet dreams are gross, but like. I wouldn't mind one every now and then, you know?ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤPlease ignore me.ㅤㅤAlthough the story is fictional, I'd like to think this story takes place in the future, considering how complicated the Crater setup seemed. Very sci-fi. Actually, wait. The video games Jeem and Yusuf played seemed kind of out-of-date. Like, barely any of them had online multiplayer. I don't know. But that doesn't make sense with the drone. Aren't drones a newer technology? I guess it doesn't really matter. It's a dream.ㅤㅤSo Cerus implanted that dream, huh? Maybe she watched a movie or something. Wasn’t an erotic dream, so that cancels out her being a Succubus. I guess this all explains the first Crater dream. You know, from her first day working. When she tapped her horn on my neck. Aha.ㅤㅤAnyway, let me write down this dream.ㅤㅤBefore I get a chance to, my phone buzzes. I snatch it up instantly without a second thought.ㅤㅤIt's Cerus:ㅤㅤㅤㅤur text woke me upㅤㅤHUH?! FUCK.ㅤㅤI begin typing fast, neglecting my usual grammar.ㅤㅤㅤㅤaaaaa im so sorry I just happendd to wake up rly esrly ><ㅤㅤI'm so fucking stupid. Also, she needs to text better. ‘ur’ isn't the same as ‘your’.ㅤㅤWhile I start typing up the fixes to my typos, she responds.ㅤㅤㅤㅤjkㅤㅤBro? Is this girl insane? Couldn't even type out ‘I was just kidding’? No exclamation marks? I literally cannot read her.ㅤㅤUgh. This just makes me want her more. She continues sending more messages:ㅤㅤㅤㅤive been awake. sry i didnt text u again last niteㅤㅤㅤㅤi was tiredㅤㅤShe texts like a boyfriend, bro. I respond:ㅤㅤㅤㅤoh fr :0? i was also tired! it was fun hanging out yesterday :)ㅤㅤㅤㅤhope u didn’t feel too awkward with the whole flute oboe debate hahaㅤㅤShe shortly replies:ㅤㅤㅤㅤnwㅤㅤDude, I thought I was the silent mysterious type. This girl is a clam. A literal clam that opens up to do whatever clams do when they open up. I want her.ㅤㅤShe sends another text:ㅤㅤㅤㅤit was like a courtroom show. it was cuteㅤㅤWhatever, dude. This girl is funny. It's not that she texts completely differently from how she acts in person—she's just unpredictable.ㅤㅤShe continues:ㅤㅤㅤㅤnvmㅤㅤㅤㅤignore thtㅤㅤㅤㅤlets talk abt what I did in the carㅤㅤHuh? I can't tell if she's a coward or not. She's taking some kind of initiative. But also trying to change the subject. Mind games going crazy here. I can't freak out every time, or I'll really just be overthinking things. I won't let my enormous crush cloud my judgment.ㅤㅤㅤㅤhaha you're right! it was like a courtoom show lolㅤㅤㅤㅤyea i didn't expect u to grab my hand!ㅤㅤㅤㅤwere you trying to use your powers as a mare? :0ㅤㅤI go on the offensive and bring up the main topic ASAP.ㅤㅤShe replies:ㅤㅤㅤㅤmare ?ㅤㅤㅤㅤu mean the dream demon thing u all were talking abt ?ㅤㅤI reply with 'yes'. She continues:ㅤㅤㅤㅤi thought tht was funny. doesnt mare also mean female horse ?ㅤㅤWait, what? Does it really? Let me look it up. Holy shit, she's right. Bro, I live in the suburbs. I wouldn't know that. I respond with:ㅤㅤㅤㅤyea haha. but this is like "mare" from the word "nightmare". it also means night goblin or demon :0ㅤㅤㅤㅤand yea. were u trying to show me that you can control dreams?ㅤㅤCerus continues with her response:ㅤㅤㅤㅤare u calling me a horse ???ㅤㅤI think. Is she trying to flirt? It's like, cutely innocent. I'm not taking the risk of her not actually trying to flirt. If she is, I swear she's really being a tryhard. It might be a case where she doesn't have many friends, so she doesn't know how to really joke around with people. I mean—I'm not trying to be judgmental. This is my assumption based on her personality. She's way shyer than I am. Like, I know I was shy when I first met her, but I feel like I've gotten to know her a little bit more these past few days. I'll dismiss her goofy accusation:ㅤㅤㅤㅤno haha lol ><ㅤㅤㅤㅤso i had this dream last night where i was a girl named jaimie or jeem. i won't waste your time with details, but basically i was in a cement crater with a bunch of other kidsㅤㅤㅤㅤthe crazy part is that last night's dream was like a sequel bc i had a dream with the same thing a few days ago too! the night of your first day working at jelly joni's! :0ㅤㅤI wait a few seconds, then continue:ㅤㅤㅤㅤis it from a movie or something? :0ㅤㅤI wonder what she's going to say. The suspense is killing me. Hm. It's been a good twenty seconds. She said she's been up for a while. I don't know, maybe she used the restroom or something. Fuck, dude, I want to know so bad! Oh, oh, okay. I see the three dots. She's typing. Ah, ok. She responds:ㅤㅤㅤㅤnot rly.ㅤㅤOkay. So now I'm still confused why the dream's plot is so intricate. Oh, shoot, looks like she's still typing more:ㅤㅤㅤㅤlets meet up. ill tell uㅤㅤOkay. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.ㅤㅤAlright. Okay. I respond:ㅤㅤㅤㅤyea surr3! just lmk when and where! :)ㅤㅤㅤㅤ*sureㅤㅤMy hands are so fucking shaky. I instinctively and impulsively type out and send the following message:ㅤㅤㅤㅤshould I invite helix and ante again?ㅤㅤLike a fucking idiot. I try to turn off my cellular data to keep the message from sending, but it’s too late. Why the fuck did I do that? I know, I'm used to being such a fucking cuck. But why did I bring it on myself? After turning my data back on, her response loads on screen:ㅤㅤㅤㅤno. or u will become a defendent again! :0ㅤㅤLET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!ㅤㅤAlright. Sorry. Little freakout. Won't get riled up about how she spelled defendant. Also, did she just use an exclamation mark? And a colon-zero face? I think she's trying to text like me. Fuck, that's adorable. Losing my shit right now.ㅤㅤSome more back and forth happens to plan our meetup, but nothing that could be considered flirting.ㅤㅤShe invites me over to her place.
●●●ㅤㅤStag is out today. Jelly Joni's is usually open on Sundays, but not this week. Something about prepping for the bar construction. You see, Stag usually runs her restaurant-related errands on Saturday. But this time, she stayed home all day yesterday and took Vein with her today. Though she's my caretaker, I am technically an adult. But I still owe it to her to let her know where I am. I know she can be kind of a worrywart. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever directly mentioned this.ㅤㅤYou’re probably under the impression that Vein and I were orphans. Like I said before, we’ve always been under someone’s direct care. It’s more like a single-mom-that-couldn’t-take-care-of-us-so-she-had-to-leave-us-with-someone-else-type situation.ㅤㅤI remember my mom pretty well. She was really sweet, but she was often stressed out and irritable. Not necessarily strict or anything. Very different from Stag. Both work hard as hell, though. Oh, and if you’re curious about my dad—he dipped when I was 8. A year after we moved to America. He was a data analyst for a small tech company from the 90s. Despite that, he was always traveling. Honestly, I didn’t really see him much growing up, so I don’t have much to say about him. I dislike him for obvious reasons—but at the same time, I just never really knew him. Maybe he’ll pop back in my life and be like, “My beautiful son—I’m so sorry. I had to leave the family to save the world. And now, it’s your turn,” as he hands me some badass armor thing. Haha.ㅤㅤYou might be wondering how Vein was born, with our age gap being as wide as it is. 19-year-old brother and 9-year-old sister. Well—one of the reasons is that my dad briefly met up with my mom when I was 10, promising to stay this time. Moment my mom found out she was pregnant, he dipped again. For real this time. Dad of the year, huh? Best part? I didn’t see him even once when they met up that year. No “#1 Dad” cards for that motherfucker.ㅤㅤAnyway, it turned out that our mom couldn't support us. Not just because her English wasn’t the best, but also because Vein was a frail and anemic infant. Not a cheap child to raise. Mom wasn’t even around by the time Stag and I learned that Vein was autistic. Knowing Mom, that would’ve destroyed her. Especially with how she handled my condition. You’ve probably picked up on it by now, but it’s ADHD.ㅤㅤThroughout my years, I've gone through a lot in regards to my ADHD, but I've been raised by Stag to never consider it as a reason to bring myself down. Being a waiter has helped a lot, for sure. But I will say. It didn’t help my mom that I've always been extremely unathletic and could barely help her out with errands. It kind of doesn't help Stag, either. When my mom could no longer financially and physically take care of us both, she began to reach out to a few foster homes for help. Stag discovered my mother’s specific case and reached out to her before she decided on one.ㅤㅤStag and I obviously don't tell Vein the specifics of this—just a simplified version for a 9-year-old.ㅤㅤBut anyway. Back to today. I text Stag that I'm out looking for my own gift for Crescent apart from our group gift. She replies with a thumbs up. Hehe. I love lying and being evil.
●●●ㅤㅤListen. I know I only met Cerus a few days ago. This isn't some fucking romance movie where motherfuckers get married after knowing each other for, like, two days. Yes, I'm mad crushing on her. And it's lowkey fucking me up. But I promise—I really want to get to the bottom of this.ㅤㅤHehe. Haha.ㅤㅤI'm in front of her apartment complex. The same one from yesterday. Now that I get a good look at it, it's actually really nice. It's in an area with more commercial and high-class shopping than my house. Looks to be around six floors.ㅤㅤAs we agreed, Cerus is waiting for me in the front lobby.ㅤㅤI look at the woman working the front desk, hoping she says something like ’Oh, aren't you two a cute couple?’ or something to intensify the tension.ㅤㅤShe doesn't.ㅤㅤWithout saying much other than a simple nervous greeting, Cerus leads me to her place. Awkward silence in the elevator. I don't even know how to strike up a conversation right now. Fourth floor.ㅤㅤ"This is it," she says. Monotone.ㅤㅤOutside of her window is a beautiful view of . . . the parking lot.ㅤㅤCerus hands me a glass of water. I carefully avoid contact with her hand to keep track for my little dream experiment. I sit down on a barstool with the kitchen island. Cerus pulls a barstool to the other side.ㅤㅤYou don't need to know the details of how I'm feeling right now. You'll get so annoyed. Just be thankful I didn't spill the water as she handed it to me.ㅤㅤI speak up.ㅤㅤ"Sorry, I'm not saying much. Kind of overwhelmed by your apartment. It's nice!" I say. Which is true. Even the parking lot view. Kinda.ㅤㅤ"It's okay. Glad you like it," Cerus says.ㅤㅤI am more mentally prepared this time around compared to our break room moment. I'm on the uptake.ㅤㅤ"So what did you want to talk about? The dream I had?" I ask. I was this close to adding ‘Or did you just want to talk to me?’. Stay professional, D-boy.ㅤㅤ"Yes. You said it was about Jaimie?" Cerus answers and asks.ㅤㅤ"Well, it wasn't third-person. I actually was the girl named Jaimie in the dream. D—don't worry, though! It wasn't that weird. I've had other dreams where I'm playing a girl. But yeah. Jaimie or Jeem. Does it sound familiar?" I ask. Looks like it's about to be a back-and-forth interrogation.ㅤㅤ"U—um. Kind of. It sounds a lot like . . . like a story that I'm writing," Cerus responds.ㅤㅤOh, that's sick as fuck.ㅤㅤ"A story? Sounds super cool! You like to write?" I continue the round of questions.ㅤㅤ"Y—yeah. Just a little side hobby of mine," Cerus answers.ㅤㅤ"Well, looks like you were projecting a vision for your story to my subconscious with your Mare powers! And I'm loving the story so far! This is actually kind of sick. Did you actually know you were a dream demon?" I conclude and ask.ㅤㅤ"I—I didn't," she says.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Did you touch my hand in the car to find out if you were or not? Everything's pointing to you being one."ㅤㅤ"Y—yeah. That's it, actually. I g—guess I am one, then. You must be right," Cerus agrees.ㅤㅤShe doesn't sound convinced. Well, I'm not going to keep prying about it. There's too much evidence for her not to be a Mare.ㅤㅤ"I guess this could kind of be a way for me to read your story, then! I could just dream it. This is so cool!" I say excitedly.ㅤㅤThen I realize I need to provide a disclaimer.ㅤㅤ"If you want me to, of course!"ㅤㅤ"Oh. No, yeah. I—I won't be embarrassed about the story. Yeah. Instead of letting you read it, I also want to find out what you think of the rest of the story," Cerus says, looking intrigued by the thought.ㅤㅤDude, this is insane. It's like my dream come true. Aside from the fact that I get to know Cerus more, I finally have a legitimate encounter with a Mare! At least—one that isn’t my adoptive mom, a sleepy idiot, or a hot Succubus that would only give me wet dreams. But just imagine. Dream continuity. Dream sequels. Intricate dream plot lines. This is going to be so cool. It'll be like indirect lucid dreaming. Haha. Maybe I'll ask Cerus to kill off a character for me. Wait, no. That's fucked up. It's mostly kids in the Crater.ㅤㅤ"Sweet! I'll do my best not to affect your vision for the story. I'll just observe and give minimal critique! How about that?" I bargain.ㅤㅤ"Yes. That'd be ideal," Cerus says. She seems deep in thought.ㅤㅤCerus then asks the most seemingly innuendo-sounding question I have ever heard.ㅤㅤ"Do you want to dream about it again tonight?"ㅤㅤI don't know. I mean, it's not a sexually-driven question. But it's like. Weirdly sexy. The way she asked it. Stop it, Horny Don. Oh, my God. I get it. She's saying that she'll have to make contact with me. Holy shit. Horny Don. Stop being a fucking incel for two seconds, bro.ㅤㅤ"Ye—A—s," I say as my voice cracks. Fuck.ㅤㅤ"O—okay. I'll grab your hand, okay?" she says.ㅤㅤ"Alright," I say. I'm not just stepping out of this comfort zone. I'm curbstomping it. This one’s for you, Yusuf. Oh, wait. I just realized. This means that Cerus wrote Yusuf’s line about comfort zones. How ironic.ㅤㅤI stare at her hands as they grab my right hand. She has such pretty hands, dude. Oh, fuck—she smells nice, too, dude. Holy shit, are they soft. She has a mole in between her right hand's middle and ring finger. Okay, I'm being weird as fuck.ㅤㅤI look up at her face. Yep. I'm losing my mind.ㅤㅤShe lets go, looks down, grabs her water, drinks it, and looks back up. Beet red.ㅤㅤ"Y—you have soft hands," she says.ㅤㅤHello? Look who the fuck's talking. Idiot. No, you.ㅤㅤ"You do, too! Haha!"ㅤㅤLook. I'm trying, man. My ex from highschool didn't even remotely make me feel this way. I don't know how to act.ㅤㅤWe sit in silence for a few seconds.ㅤㅤI fidget and look around the apartment's living room. Very simple. Minimal and tasteful.ㅤㅤ"D—Don. Since you drove all the way here on your scooter, y—you want to play something?" Cerus suddenly blurts out.ㅤㅤ"Oh, uh, sure!" I respond.ㅤㅤ"Okay. Let's go to my room," Cerus says.
Chapter 10 ● The Room and the Mister
ㅤㅤWhat. A. Mess.ㅤㅤNo. Mess doesn’t even begin to describe one-quintillionth of what I see right now. Another meteor could hit Earth, murder every land-dweller, and still look more pristine. The heat death of the universe could diligently paint a Van Gogh piece. World War 17 could patiently chisel a masterpiece out of shrapnel. A nuclear disaster could lay waste to the cities surrounding it, corrupt the inhabitants living around it, and curse the future generations to come. Yet it would still sculpt the most elegant and poetic piece of pottery—a ceramic beauty that would seduce even the harshest of art critics—in comparison to this goddamn room.ㅤㅤHer room is riddled with empty water bottles, aluminum cans, scattered video game cartridges, wires, mismatched video game posters, and bean bags. A gaming laptop sits on top of a small desk in the corner. Its fans are loud as fuck. There's even a minifridge. Something’s leaking out of it. Carpet’s already stained underneath. There are square sheets of paper taped to the wall that are conveniently Cerus-hand-sized. It can be assumed that they are covering holes. Well. At least the posters look level. Somehow, the room smells nice. Oh, there's an outlet air freshener.ㅤㅤ"Sorry for the mess. I'll clean it up later," she says.ㅤㅤGirl. This ain't a mess. You just opened Pandora's Box. This is sacreligious. And we're both demons.ㅤㅤ"Don't worry about it," I say. I'm worried about it.ㅤㅤI sit down hesitantly on a bean bag. I actually don't regret it at all. It smells like her. Hell, yeah.ㅤㅤCerus loads up one of her consoles and hands me its default controller. She pulls out her expensive, premium-looking controller. She then grabs another bean bag and sets it next to me.ㅤㅤWe play a racing game for a few hours. It's kind of fun, but we're both pretty quiet for most of the game. It's a relatively popular racing game among car enthusiasts. I've actually played this a little bit at Ante's house.ㅤㅤBut I'm no match for Cerus. She's an absolute beast at this. She barely takes her face off the screen as we play this game. This must be one of the games she's mastered, and she doesn't know how to hold back with guests.ㅤㅤI make a quick comment about how this game reminds me of another popular racing game, though it's a more tame one involving race karts and randomized abilities throughout a race. She snaps out of it. She seems to have realized that she's smoking me too much.ㅤㅤShe replies that she actually has the game I'm talking about. We switch to that game, and it ends up being a much more leveled playing ground for us. We both seem to be even in terms of skill at this game. Despite the randomized bananas that I keep slipping on.ㅤㅤWe actually have a lot of fun playing this game. We end up joking each other as we use abilities on each other. She lightly punches my shoulder when I get her with a shell. We both bump shoulders, laugh, and have a great time.ㅤㅤWe eventually switch to a first-person shooter videogame and play the co-op campaign together. We both seem to start improving our communication, which this game requires a lot of in order to progress. We even come up with our own mini-handshake involving a dap, fist-bump, and a snap. I honestly forget my crush on Cerus for a while, and I legitimately realize that I'm making a really good friend.ㅤㅤWe play this game for around four hours until we're halfway through the campaign. We decide that we should call it a night, as it's getting a little late. Can you believe it? Two adults bonding over a video game. Beautiful.ㅤㅤI snap out of friendship mode and look at Cerus again. I'm definitely still crushing on her, but this helped me see her in a new light. She's an absolute bum, but she's a lovable friend who’ll enjoy her time with you once she’s grown comfortable with you.ㅤㅤWe go for some water before I get ready to head out at the front door.ㅤㅤ"Thanks for today, Don!" Cerus says with a lot more confidence than before.ㅤㅤ"Of course! That was stupid fun. We should definitely do this again. Plus, I can find out more about the Crater story. Do you actually have a title for the story yet?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"No, not yet, exactly," she says.ㅤㅤ"Well, I'll temporarily call it the ‘Crater’ for now, if that's cool. Or actually...What about the ‘Droneheads’? A little less direct. Do you write with that laptop in your room?"ㅤㅤ"Oh, that? Um. Yeah. Better than writing on paper," she responds.ㅤㅤ"Cool! Well, yeah, I definitely would rather dream it than read it. It also gives me an excuse to do this!" I say as I jokingly punch her shoulder.ㅤㅤShe laughs and we say our goodbyes for the evening. She walks me to the elevator, and I'm going down. What a day.ㅤㅤThe best part is that, this time, I know what kind of dream I'll have tonight. I'm so fucking excited, bro.
●●●ㅤㅤI get home and eat dinner with Stag and Vein. I catch Stag up on the group gift we decided for Crescent, making sure Vein promises to stay quiet about it. I obviously don't go into detail. Stag loves the idea, but then asks what I decided on for my own personal gift to her. I completely forgot about that lie. I tell her I couldn't find anything today and will order a cute keychain from a show she likes online. Which I will have to follow through on.ㅤㅤI go up to my room. I check my phone. No messages from Cerus. I guess she's asleep. The group chat also looks dead. I doodle for a bit, drawing how Yusuf looked like in the dream. Is this fan art? Haha. I'm now Cerus' number one fan and am eager to sleep tonight.ㅤㅤBut before that, I make sure to update my dream journal, since I finally have a chance without any interruptions.ㅤㅤThe Fountain. It's the dream where I encountered that terrifying monster and its canine form. Meanwhile, I was a weird spiky thing. Interesting, but definitely one of my more abstract dreams that decided to use Joni's name in vain.ㅤㅤThe Droneheads Part Two. Oh, my goodness—was it such a trip to experience a dream sequel. And it's the sequel of my favorite dream! And it got me closer to my crush! And a bunch of other things. I owe this dream my life. Bless your heart, Jaimie. You were conceived by my crush. Who will be my wife someday. You’re like my daughter, basically. My fictional daughter. Oh. Probably should update Part 1 with The Droneheads instead of The Crater.ㅤㅤOkay. Can't wait to dream about the Droneheads again. Good night.ㅤㅤI actually spend about thirty minutes in bed, unable to sleep. I'm too excited. I eventually do fall asleep.
●●●ㅤㅤ“YOU ASSHOLE!” Yusuf shouts.ㅤㅤSome kids gasp, while others just seem scared.ㅤㅤAs for me—I’m crying.ㅤㅤCamilla slaps him across the face. Not enough to knock him down, but enough to leave him bewildered.ㅤㅤ“CAMILLA! STOP! STOP! PLEASE! YUSUF! STOP RIGHT NOW! STOP RIGHT THIS INSTANT!” shouts Ms. G.ㅤㅤNeither listen, and they begin to fight. Yusuf tackles Camilla to the ground. Camilla is able to get him off and stranglehold him. As the older kid, Camilla clearly overpowers Yusuf. But he doesn’t stop. He bites Camilla’s arm. As she winces away, Yusuf starts to throw as many fists as he can. Some land on Camilla’s stomach, but none land on her face—she’s taller, stronger, and more agile. She socks Yusuf in the face once, and he’s knocked back.ㅤㅤBut Yusuf still doesn’t stop. He gets back up and tries to kick Camilla, who grabs his leg mid-kick. She slams him on the ground.ㅤㅤI watch in horror as it all goes down. Most kids are shaking in terror, while some are cheering for Yusuf. I’m shaking the most out of anyone.ㅤㅤI can’t do anything. I can see how battered Yusuf’s face is. His nose is broken and bleeding, and his gums are showing with his missing teeth. At most, Camilla’s stomach is in pain and she has a bite mark on her arm. She starts charging toward his body on the ground.ㅤㅤFeng grabs Camilla and tries to hold her back. Feng gets elbowed in the stomach.ㅤㅤI finally go out of my comfort zone. I’m still shaking, but I clench my teeth and dash to stand in front of Yusuf.ㅤㅤOr so I fantasize.ㅤㅤI’m a coward. I do nothing but watch. I look around for Ms. G, hoping she would interfere, but she's nowhere to be found.ㅤㅤCamilla is now on top of Yusuf and continues to clobber him. Repeatedly punching his face without any mercy.ㅤㅤI want to close my eyes. I want to. I need to.ㅤㅤBut I can’t.ㅤㅤCamilla grabs the broken controller, with its tattered, sharp edges sticking out. She raises it over his face and…I can’t describe what she does to him. All I can describe is the sound of plastic and aluminum hitting skin. Over and over.ㅤㅤAfter a few seconds, she finally stops. Her heavy breathing is accompanied by her head slowly turning towards me.ㅤㅤShe gets up off of Yusuf and prepares to dart towards me.ㅤㅤSimultaneously, Ms. G appears. She pulls out a small rectangular device. It makes a high-pitched electric sound. She quickly darts behind Camilla and presses it against her back.ㅤㅤCamilla shakes violently for about a second. Ms. G pulls the device away, and Camilla is lying on the ground.ㅤㅤOlder kids are now covering the eyes of the younger kids. Sammy and Bao tend to Yusuf. Feng tends to Camilla. Min-min is crying the loudest she ever has while in the arms of Seth.ㅤㅤMs. G is out of breath, sweating profusely.ㅤㅤI look at the aftermath. I’m confused and speechless. Nothing is making sense. This was supposed to be the best night ever. Now it’s a haunting moment that keeps repeating itself. And the worst part is that I am the reason for all of this.ㅤㅤIt has been one year since the beginning of the Craterscape program.
●●●ㅤㅤI’m now sitting alone in the detention ward’s waiting room. It’s a section in the Quarters that most kids never want to go to. I'm not in trouble. But I was involved in some trouble. Hours have passed since the one-year anniversary drone show, so it's late at night.ㅤㅤHow? How did this happen? It was all so fast. The fireworks drone show had finished. Some lights were turned back on, and everyone was helping clean up. I was also about to help, but then there were younger kids that wanted to try out the controller for the drone. So I let them. It was the usual. Just the usual.ㅤㅤBut shortly after a few kids took turns, Camilla was hovering over me. I was frightened. I was deathly afraid of what she would do to me.ㅤㅤBut she smiled. She asked if she could have a try at it. I hesitated, but I gave in. I didn’t realize how much I would regret doing so. She used the controller properly but barely flew the drone. It was more like—like she kept it within the same four-foot radius. I could see the other kids getting impatient. I wanted them to have a turn. So I asked Camilla nicely to return it.ㅤㅤ“I’m not done, Jaimie,” she said.ㅤㅤI repeated myself again.ㅤㅤ“I said I’m not done, Jaimie. Don’t be a little kid. I almost never get to use it. I’ll give it back when I’m done. Go get Yusuf if you want to take it from me,” she answered.ㅤㅤAnd something snapped. I don’t know what it was. It was obvious with the way she was using the controller—she was just trying to get a rise out of me. But I couldn’t help it. I was sick of her effect on Yusuf. Yusuf cared for Camilla, but she treated him like he was just my bodyguard.ㅤㅤSo I pushed her.ㅤㅤAnd she barely moved an inch. All she did was look at me and smile. Then she broke the controller.ㅤㅤAnd that's what created this mess. Yusuf took notice and used words from a videogame that he knew not to use.ㅤㅤI don’t really want to reimagine what happened after. I’m here now. Sitting here. Alone. No Seth, no Sammy, no Min-Min, no Bao, no Feng. And worst of all—No Yusuf. No Droneheads to be there for me. I hate this feeling of being alone. I want Yusuf here. But I don't know where he is.ㅤㅤI don't even know where Camilla or Ms. G are.ㅤㅤI wait for what seems like hours without anything to do. I start to yawn multiple times since it's late for me. But my mind is active. I grow a little frustrated, as this is what kids would usually go through when they cause problems. But I didn't start this. Camilla did.ㅤㅤI didn't do anything. This isn't my fault. Am I really the reason for all this?ㅤㅤI hear a knock on the door. It must be Ms. G. She'll tell me that Yusuf is okay. She'll tell me that Camilla will be punished. And that everything will be fine.ㅤㅤThe door slowly opens.ㅤㅤA man.ㅤㅤI flinch out of habit. I've never seen this facilitator. I don't like men. Ms. G knows this, so I've never spoken to the male facilitators since I got here.ㅤㅤThe man enters the room and closes the door behind him. He's wearing the same uniform that Ms. G wears and looks to be around her same age.ㅤㅤHe's holding a clipboard. He stands in front of me. He looks at me without saying a word, scanning up and down until he jots something down.ㅤㅤHe clicks his pen repeatedly.ㅤㅤThen he speaks.ㅤㅤ"It's an honor to meet you, Jaimie! Ms. Dronehead herself! Haha!" he says.ㅤㅤPen click.ㅤㅤI don't want to talk to him right now, so I don't respond.ㅤㅤ"Don't worry—I don't bite! I'll be taking care of you and the other children while Ms. G handles some things," he explains, continuing to click his pen repeatedly.ㅤㅤI turn my eyes away from him. I don't like men.ㅤㅤ"Oh, boy. I didn't even say my name. You can tell I'm new to this, huh? Let me try again. It's nice to meet you, Jaimie. I'm Mr. E!"ㅤㅤPen click.ㅤㅤI'm too tired to respond. I don't care about Mr. E.ㅤㅤMy eyes start to close and close and close and close.ㅤㅤPen click.
Chapter Y-2 ● The Midwife and the Siblings
ㅤㅤHey. Um. Yeah. I don’t have much to say. I probably didn’t do that dream with Yusuf any justice. It was a lot more gruesome and way more vivid when I actually dreamt it. I feel like . . . I could even smell his blood in the dream.ㅤㅤWell. Not to detract too much from that, but we are going to switch it back to Stag mode. Hence why the chapter is called Y-2. I think you’ll like this one.●●●ㅤㅤHell is merciless. Stag was waiting alone in a small room. It was a confinement chamber in the Subinfernus, where demons that defy protocol await their sentence. It's a place that no demon wants to go to. Stag was in trouble. Tens of years in Hell’s time have passed since her failed mission with Antonio, so she had no concept of time at this point.ㅤㅤThere is no trial. The Three Infernal Judges talk amongst themselves what the plan of punitive action is for a demon. But their decision is almost always banishment to the Lament, where the demon will die slowly from soul malnutrition.ㅤㅤAs mentioned before, this is not the case for stronger demons with the potential to betray Hell. Strong, high-ranking demons may enjoy the fruits of their position, but the risk is much higher for execution should they fail.ㅤㅤAfter the events of Stag's previous and final mission as a Succubus that ended in failure, there was constant commotion among demons throughout the inner kingdom.ㅤㅤStag, the mighty Aphrodite of Hell, had fallen. She had allowed an angel to infiltrate and compromise her mission.ㅤㅤWhat happened? Well, when Azazel appeared, several other survey demons felt his presence through their surveillance. Asmo was alerted, and he sent Rosier to save Stag from being captured. After Rosier killed Benny, Azazel disappeared. Rosier retreated with Stag.ㅤㅤNo one believed Stag when she claimed that Azazel was a Fallen angel, as Fallen angels reside in Hell and fully become demons. There are no Fallen angels that keep their ability to shine Heavenly Light. And finally, there are no Fallen angels that reside on Earth.ㅤㅤAzazel. It was the name that echoed in Stag's head. Again, demons do not know very much about angels.ㅤㅤShe wasn't sure who to blame her failure on. Was it Benny, the man who distracted her from her goal, leaving her vulnerable? Was it Antonio, the man who betrayed her at her lowest? Or was it Azazel, who appeared and alerted Rosier?ㅤㅤWait. There was one more individual she had failed to consider.ㅤㅤHer assigned survey demon.ㅤㅤHow ironic that an offspring of the Three Infernal Judges, who would most likely sentence her to death, was partly to blame. The survey demon was supposed to alert Stag if any angels were possibly present in the area. The most that the survey demon had warned Stag about was that the people of the Philippines were very religious, so there was a higher chance of angel activity. This was the reason that Stag was on edge during her initial encounter with Benny.ㅤㅤMaybe Azazel's odd case as a Fallen angel on Earth gave the survey demon some difficulty? Who knows? Stag couldn't be certain. Either way, that was the survey demon’s responsibility.ㅤㅤStag has had many different survey demons assigned to her. But every survey demon was familiar with Stag or has at least heard of her legacy. Even when a survey demon was newly assigned to Stag, they already knew that it would be an easy job—that Stag would handle most of it on her own.ㅤㅤBut that's not to say they shouldn't do their job. And so Stag was frustrated. In this solitary moment in the confinement chamber, Stag found herself angry at the survey demon. They had only met once before she left to Earth.ㅤㅤShe waited in the Subinfernus for a few more years, being fed minimal scraps of low-quality human soul while the decision for her outcome was being made. She stayed there. Alone. No Benny. No Asmo. And worst of all—no Shophar. She hated this feeling of being alone. She wanted Shophar here.ㅤㅤOne day, the door opened—this time, it wasn't for food.ㅤㅤIt was Asta, Beri, and Amay.ㅤㅤAstaroth—the 15th reincarnation of the Great Duke of Hell that commands the Throne and Calumniator guard demons. He seemed to be a major player in the decision for Stag's punishment and was also to be the messenger for what will be done. He appeared as an enormous humanoid demon with folded wings. His hair was luscious and vibrant, and he wore a sharp crown over his mask. His horns were spirals, and his robe covered most of his body. Stag was surprised Astaroth himself showed up and not Verrine, who would usually represent him due to how busy he often was.ㅤㅤBerith—a Fallen angel and ex-prince of the Cherubim. He rose to power as one of the highest-ranking demons serving next to Asta as another Great Duke of Hell. He played a role in trying to understand Stag's claims of encountering a Fallen angel. He appeared as an older man with shorter hair. Stag knew he had wings, but they were covered by his cloak.ㅤㅤAmaymon—one of the Four Princes of Spirits representing the South and the direct superior of Asmo. He appeared as a humanoid demon as well, but he was very muscular. Amay had poisonous breath that could kill other demons, so he wore a specially-procured facial mask to filter his breath. He was wearing a warrior's helmet with large protruding covers to fit his pointed horns.ㅤㅤStag was extremely nervous. All three of these demons were high-profile. Most demons never get a chance to even see any of these three up front.
●●●ㅤㅤAsta and Amay did most of the talking, while Beri seemed to take the backseat. As they explained the next steps for Stag, she was thankful for one thing—that no one knew that she had fallen in love with a human.ㅤㅤ"Stag. You are a success story. One of our finest. Very disappointed that this has occurred. This is an issue that someone of your rank should have been able to handle," Amay sternly began in demonic language.ㅤㅤ"Amay. Let us not keep trying to intimidate and provoke her. She has brought many a soul to our platters. I would like to address this directly and timely," Asta spoke.ㅤㅤ"Apologies, Great Duke Asta," Amay looked back at Stag, "While the responsibility for this catastrophe falls within your jurisdiction, we have examined the situation and have found fault with your Infernal survey demon."ㅤㅤStag's face lit up.ㅤㅤ"She is an inexperienced survey demon that received proper training. Rest assured we are making the proper measures to address her inactions. However, both your transgressions are major and may have compromised our security had you been captured," Amay continued.ㅤㅤStag did not bother to argue about Azazel being a Fallen angel. Especially with an expert like Beri present in the room.ㅤㅤ"However, Beri would like to speak about his findings concerning your situation," Amay says.ㅤㅤBeri stands in the front.ㅤㅤ"We have heard your claims. You assert that the angel you encountered was a Fallen that remained on Earth, with most of their angelic powers, yes?" Beri spoke.ㅤㅤStag nodded, embarrassed that she was about to be told off in front of Astaroth.ㅤㅤ"Hm. It sounds an awful lot like you were attempting to cover for your transgressions," Beri continued.ㅤㅤStag winced.ㅤㅤ"But I have heard the account of Asmodeus. You are a diligent and respected demon. Outside of this failure, you are the idyllic image of a high-ranking Succubus."ㅤㅤStag lifted up her head. Asta stepped forward.ㅤㅤ"Therefore, your punishment will be less severe. While we cannot allow you to continue your role as a Succubus, you will continue to be a noble in Hell. Thank Asmodeus who has vouched for you," Asta declared.ㅤㅤStag was devastated and relieved at the same time. If she wasn't going to be a high-ranking Succubus, what kind of noble demon would she be?ㅤㅤ"Great Duke Asta. What will become of my role in Hell?" Stag questioned.ㅤㅤAsta and Amay looked at each other and nodded.ㅤㅤ"You will become an Infernal Sage," Asta revealed.ㅤㅤAn Infernal Sage. Derived from the human term ‘sage-femme’.ㅤㅤStag was going to be demoted to a midwife.
●●●ㅤㅤStag was led out of the confinement chamber by the three Archdemons.ㅤㅤ"Not only are you to be thankful to Asmodeus. The Three Infernal Judges agreed to his request for your demotion rather than execution. However, before you are sent to the Infernal Sages, you will meet with your previous survey demon before she is exiled to the Lament. You will discuss what was underperformed, and we will record your communication. This is to prevent an event such as this from reoccurring going forward," Amay explained as they walked through the Subinfernus. Finally, they arrived to see two Calumniator demons, or Asta's warriors, detaining a seemingly weak demon.ㅤㅤThere she was. Stag's survey demon.ㅤㅤ"As one of the Exiled, she has lost the right to her name. A disgrace as a descendant of the Infernal Judges. You will refer to her however you so desire. You may now speak with her," Asta says.ㅤㅤStag stepped in front of her. The survey demon seemed very calm for someone who was about to be exiled. This infuriated Stag, as her entire future was destroyed. Stag wasn't even sure if she could see Shophar again because of this survey demon.ㅤㅤThe survey demon was tall, as expected of an offspring of the Infernal Judges. She had large eyes and a singular horn with four smaller, angled horns sticking out. She was humanoid but had a very apparent feature—she was clearly the descendent of Minos, one of the Three Infernal Judges, based on her large serpentine tail.ㅤㅤ"You . . .," Stag began very aggressively. She stopped herself from completely lashing out in the presence of three Archdemons. But she was ready to be stern.ㅤㅤ"You ruined everything. Why couldn't you detect that angel?!" Stag demanded, raising her voice.ㅤㅤ"Hm," the survey demon spoke and turned toward one of the two Calumniator demons, "Should she really be talking to me? She seems somewhat upset."ㅤㅤThe Calumniator demon swiped her in the stomach with the hilt of his Devil's Trident. The survey demon grunted in pain.ㅤㅤServes her right, Stag thought to herself.ㅤㅤ"H . . . Haha. Go ahead and exile me! I performed my job as I should. This foolish Succubus wronged herself by allowing herself to fall in love with a human!" the survey demon remarked.ㅤㅤ"Bold claim. I am a masterful Succubus! I would never fall to such meaningless temptation," Stag responded.ㅤㅤ"Tch. So you say," The demon replies. She had stopped to check in on Stag once in her five years on Earth, and she happened to see Stag eating dinner with Benny.ㅤㅤ"You were eating alone with the human that would reveal himself to be the angel!" She argued.ㅤㅤ"Yes, because I did not know he was an angel—YOU would have told me if you had performed your role sufficiently!" Stag accused. The two snarled their fangs at each other.ㅤㅤThe three Archdemons were enjoying the show.ㅤㅤ"I DID! If only all you incorrigible Demons of Lust stopped complaining and started creating your own original ideas—I wouldn't be so adamant about this!" the survey demon says.ㅤㅤWhat? What was she talking about, Stag thought.ㅤㅤ"Well. This is proving to be unproductive. This survey demon is clearly losing her mind. We will continue with her banishment. Your time has been wasted, Stag. Let us simply have you sent to the Infernal Sages," Asta says.ㅤㅤAs the three Archdemons led Stag away, the survey demon continued her rant.ㅤㅤ"IT WAS YOU ALL! ASMO AND THAT LITTLE SUCCUBUS—ALL THE DEMONS OF LUST! YOU STOLE LAPLACE FROM ME!" she shouted. Once again, she was shut up by the Calumniator demons.
●●●ㅤㅤHundreds of years passed. Stag had grown used to her role as an Infernal Sage. She accepted her fate as a noble demon that still did grunt work. Her studious nature led her to easily pick up on her new role as a midwife, learning all the possible birth complications for demons. Even insignificant demons. Speaking of insignificant demons—this day was to be just another day of aiding a surrogate demon in birthing demon children. In fact, this specific Elm demon had been a patient of Stag's before.ㅤㅤWith Stag and another Infernal Sage, the team of two midwives faced their most difficult situation yet. Stag had learned about this occurring from her study, but it was such a rare occurrence, especially in insignificant demons that are often prolific.ㅤㅤThis Elm demon was dying. And it was caused by her offspring's Overgrowth. Overgrowth was an extremely rare complication for Branching demons, which the Elm fall under. The Branching were a category of tree-like phantom demons with quick-moving branching arms perfect for grunt work and construction.ㅤㅤThe two Sages could not save the Elm demon mother. But they did save the child.ㅤㅤOvergrowth is not a communicable disease. It is a hereditary one. And Hell could not risk this Elm seedling becoming a surrogate mother and spreading the disease. Stag held the tiny demon in her hand as the senior Infernal Sage explained what would have to happen to her. The Sage left briefly to confirm with the authorities how to dispose of her.ㅤㅤStag despised this situation. She recalled everything she'd experienced—taking care of Shophar, seeing the smiling face of the children that Benny taught, and even the adorable families in the shopping district.ㅤㅤThis small, circular demon baby deserved to live. She deserved to enjoy life like Shophar. Like those children in the Philippines. And even if she did live, she shouldn't be slaving away her whole existence in Hell.ㅤㅤStag wanted to do something to save her. But she couldn't. She was already at the mercy of the Archdemons. Any more transgressions, and she would have to die.ㅤㅤBut wouldn't that have been worth it? For her to die and save this baby?ㅤㅤBefore she could think, a quick shadow dashed across and pushed Stag.ㅤㅤIt was an Elm demon, holding the baby in his arms. And not just any Elm demon. It was the baby's older brother that Stag had previously helped in the birth of.ㅤㅤIt must have overheard the conversation. Stag thought fast—she couldn't let him escape with the baby, or it would be another demerit against her.ㅤㅤThis Elm demon was fast, but Stag was faster. She spread her large wings, which even the other Sage did not have, and snatched the older brother.
●●●ㅤㅤAs Stag used her strength to bring the two Elm demons to the authorities, she felt unnerved. Yes, she felt guilty for destroying both their lives. But it was more physical than that. She felt slightly tired and out of breath, like her energy had been drained. It must have been one of the Elm demon's abilities as a Branching demon, she thought.ㅤㅤStag was commended for her work in subjugating the two demons and bringing them forward. While Stag felt enormous guilt, she was also excited. Would this be enough reason for her to visit Asmo? Would she be able to visit Asmo's residence again and see Shophar?ㅤㅤHell was always quick with execution. There was usually no extravagant public execution to set an example. They were performed privately, quickly, and quietly. With the two children already in captivity, the Calumniator demons didn’t see a need to delay the secondborn's execution, even with Stag still there. The firstborn, who was sedated at the moment, would only be exiled per protocol. Even though he clearly had a desire to betray Hell, he just wasn't strong enough to do so.ㅤㅤAs the Calumniators prepared to stab their Devil's Trident through the heart of the secondborn, Stag winced but kept her eyes open.ㅤㅤThey stabbed the secondborn multiple times. With each time, she shrieked in immense pain. The cacophonic screams intensified through Stag's overly sensitive ears. She couldn't take it.ㅤㅤBut the baby was not dying. Her body kept repairing rapidly. Even when the trident did stab through her, her inwardly growing waist horns shielded her heart from being pierced.ㅤㅤSuddenly, the secondborn baby's horns grew rapidly, too. It was just like the books and documents she had read on Overgrowth. A terrifying overgrowing network of sharp horns dividing and interweaving.ㅤㅤThe firstborn woke to the sounds of the screams and escaped the grasp of the Calumniator demons in the middle of the frenzy, but was soon horrified by what he saw. His sister was experiencing Overgrowth.ㅤㅤThe Calumniator demons, caught off-guard, were overwhelmed and fell unconscious to the multiple stabs of the horns. They weren’t dead and would eventually heal—but they were immobilized.ㅤㅤStag used her immense power, as well as her claws and fangs, to swipe through the Overgrowth before it became too large. She eventually got to the two main head horns and was able to slice them at the base, ending the Overgrowth.ㅤㅤThe other authorities had already been contacted and were on their way. Stag held the baby in her hands, to which the firstborn began to snarl and hiss at. Stag breathed slowly and handed the baby to her brother.ㅤㅤ"Take her and leave. Leave The Infernus. Go to The Lament. Raise her and take care of her. Don't let them catch you," Stag told the firstborn.ㅤㅤThe firstborn stopped his snarling. Confused, he took his sibling and dashed away.ㅤㅤOnce again, Stag had messed up. But she was sure she would be forgiven, since she initially captured them and stopped the situation from escalating even more.
●●●ㅤㅤStag was not only forgiven—she was commended even more than she expected. Although she let them escape, she had done her due diligence in making sure they did not wreak more havoc in Hell. In fact, her wish had come true, and Asmo invited her to dine at his palace as a reward. She would get to see Shophar!ㅤㅤIt was as if those hundreds of years never passed. The moment Shophar saw Stag, she embraced her. Shophar had grown, and this caused Stag's eyes to water just a bit. Asmo chuckled at the encounter. He told Stag to take care of Shophar until it was time for dinner.ㅤㅤStag still kept most, if not all, her Succubus skills. Shophar also seemed to have steadily improved, but admitted that she missed Stag's teaching style.ㅤㅤStag played with Shophar for so long that day. They played old games, as well as new games that Shophar introduced. Stag was so happy. The happiest she had been since the time she spent with Benny. It was so long ago now.ㅤㅤBut now Shophar also reminded her of the Elm siblings.ㅤㅤEach time Stag looked at Shophar's smiling face, she remembered the Elm siblings. She had essentially saved them, so her guilt should've been gone. But why did she still feel guilty?ㅤㅤThen she realized. Shophar. Shophar seemed happy, but was she saved the same way that the Elm demons were? Even with all these servants and slaves, could Shophar ever really be happy in the way that freedom can provide?ㅤㅤEvery beautiful and painful memory replayed in her head as she looked at the little Succubus. And she was done regretting her decisions. She was done being heartbroken. She was done standing idly while other children lived like the Elm siblings did.ㅤㅤShe felt as though this room was a tower. She looked from Shophar to the balcony. Outside of Hell would be like jumping off this tower—it would be dangerous. But they’d be free.ㅤㅤStag mustered every piece of courage and prepared to get out of her comfort zone.
Chapter 11 ● The Ache and the Cambion
ㅤㅤMy eyes open. I didn't like it. I didn't like that dream. I hated it. I hated that dream.ㅤㅤI was so uncomfortable. Yuck. A zombie dream would’ve been better. Even the St. Martin's Tower dream would’ve been fine.ㅤㅤYusuf. My man. He ain't deserve that. Fuck that Camilla bitch. Man, fuck that stupid bitch. If I was Jaimie, I would've not given a fuck about being weak and went straight for her fucking throat.ㅤㅤShit. Forgot it's just a story. Damn. Cerus must be going through something, bro. That, or she's extremely creative with controlling my emotions with her writing. I'll ask her today if she's writing the story in first-person the same way I'm experiencing the dream. Yeah, I'll do that. Probably in person at work today. After all, she is working today.ㅤㅤToday is Monday. October 10, 2016. Today and tomorrow. The last two days before Jelly Joni's closes for a month's worth of renovation. Imagine being Cerus and only working three days before you get paid leave. Lucky her. Watch her forget everything she'll have learned from three days of work. Good thing my body clock woke up in time for work. Didn't really set any alarms.ㅤㅤI head out with Vein on my scooter, and we head to JJ's.
●●●ㅤㅤOkay. I'm in the break room to drop Vein off. If you’re confused about Vein’s school situation—she’s homeschooled, just like I used to be. Stag doesn’t really have to do much as the manager, so she teaches Vein when she can. Vein has worksheets to complete when Stag needs to work on something for the restaurant directly. Not really sure how legal this is, but Stag’s always managed to bypass legalities. Don’t ask me how.ㅤㅤThe TV is on. It's that serial murderer again. They actually have camera footage this time, but it's really distorted. The news isn’t showing the actual footage itself—just a still image of the victim’s censored and pixelated corpse at the edge of an alleyway.ㅤㅤHold on. Okay. Now it’s showing some of the footage that took place before that photo. The news anchor narrates the events after providing a disclaimer about the graphics of them.ㅤㅤ“At around 10:34 P.M. last night, you can see here—the victim starts staggering along the street, clutching onto their lower chest. They then throw up in the center of the security camera feed. Here is where things take a turn for the mysterious. It looks like they are getting pulled by nothing. Investigators claim that it looks as if an invisible, supernatural force is tugging them into the alleyway. Here, we see the victim recovering from their incapacitated state, realizing what’s happening. At first, investigators believed some kind of wire or hook trap was used. But here we can see the victim attempting to fight back against something. Police say no evidence of a trap was used at the scene. No fingerprints other than the victims were found either. This security camera’s audio also didn’t pick up any shouting—just the sound of the victim’s feet shuffling on the cement. Oh, right here. We won’t show the victim’s outcome, but around here is where they—“ㅤㅤ“AAAAAAAA!” Vein shouts. Her shout is accompanied by the sound of pencils scattering across the floor.ㅤㅤ“Come on, Vein—try to be careful. Here,” I say, helping her pick up her supplies.ㅤㅤI look back at the TV.ㅤㅤ“—gruesome. While the staggering and leading into an alleyway have been seen before, this decapitation has been considered by investigators to be quite different from the killer’s typical MO for homicide. The police are continuing the search issued two weeks ago, and officials are requesting locals in the area to stay indoors. A lockdown is expected within the next week. Back to you, Allen,” the reporter finishes up.ㅤㅤAs Vein pulls out her schoolwork, I snap out of my trance. I'm just…surprised they haven't made any progress on finding this killer. I know, I know. Could be some rogue demon or something. I got no way of knowing. I’d be able to see them in person, but not through a recording. And—let’s not forget—I wouldn’t stand a chance if it was a demon.ㅤㅤStag doesn’t watch the news, so she probably doesn’t know about this. Maybe we could get some of the demon girls to fight them? Ah, but. At the same time, Stag wants us to stay lowkey. None of us would even know where to start looking. I don’t know! It could also just be some insanely smart serial killer genius. Who knows?ㅤㅤLike I said, the killings are three cities away from me, so I’m not worried. Knock on wood or whatever. Anyway. I shift my focus back to JJ’s and check who's in today.ㅤㅤHelix, Shophar, Cerus, and I. Those are our servers today. Anvil, Ante, Crescent, Stein, and Swan. Our kitchen staff today. Looks like Tel's out today. Yes!ㅤㅤWho's Stein, you ask? None other than our senior chef! She can do it all—cook, bake, clean, wash the dishes—she's just great at what she does. Nowadays, she focuses on washing the dishes, but helps out where she can. Here, I'll talk to her.ㅤㅤI enter the kitchen and standardly greet Ante and Crescent, keeping the birthday secret intact. Anvil hasn't arrived yet.ㅤㅤI get to Stein. Out of curiosity, I prepare to tell her the usual.ㅤㅤ"Hey, Miss Stein! Guess what? I've been having absolutely crazy dreams lately!" I say enthusiastically.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Donny! What'd you dream about? I want to know!" she exclaims.ㅤㅤ"Well, I probably don't have time to go through the best one in detail, but I'll at least tell you about the St. Martin's Tower dream I had."ㅤㅤI briefly explain to her about the mass suicide at the St. Martin's Tower.ㅤㅤ"Oh, that's a very harsh dream! Were you okay after having that?" Stein asks.ㅤㅤ"Don't worry, I'm fine. What do you think it means?" I follow up.ㅤㅤStein is obsessed with dreams, just like me. But she's more eccentric. She wears a lot of jewelry, but it's specifically all gemstones and crystals. To sum it up, she's one of those people obsessed with energy crystals. Very spiritual. But her interest in my dreams has always been something I love about her.ㅤㅤ"Hm. How I see it is—it's a dream representing hidden desires. Impulsiveness and willingness to commit to actions without much thinking or preparation. Intrusive thoughts that take over. These kinds of thoughts can be either healthy or dangerous," She explains.ㅤㅤ’Either healthy or dangerous’. I feel like that applies to literally everything. Very vague. But I still appreciate her.ㅤㅤ"I see. Oh, by the way, how was your vacation?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"It was fantastic! I went to Jade Cove in California and collected lots of jade. Not that valuable spiritually, but they’re definitely pretty. I have souvenirs for everyone after work!" Stein responds.ㅤㅤShe's so fun. Although she's the eldest of all of us here, both demon and human-wise, she's probably one of the more energetic ones here. She has two forehead horns that almost look like mug handles. Well, they each look specifically like the handle on a fancy German beer stein. She's very slender and tall. Her long, straight, and silver hair accentuates her witch-like appearance. When it's down, of course. She usually ties it up at work.

ㅤㅤI move on to Swan. She's one I want to focus on.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Swan. Just wanted to say good morning," I say, somewhat reserved after our last encounter.ㅤㅤ"Don. Thank you for last week," Swan says.ㅤㅤSilence.ㅤㅤI know Swan to some extent. She doesn’t like to dwell on the negative. When any one of the kitchen staff mess up an order–Actually, even with my eggs benedict mishap last week–she never scolds. Never reprimands us. She just…moves on. Instead of causing us to be complacent, her silence actually pushes us to do better. Otherwise, she’ll just keep solving our mistakes for us. I don't know what happened to her dog this past weekend. I can't imagine it would have been good news. I don't want to bring it up, either.ㅤㅤ"O—Of course. I'm always willing to listen. Have a great shift!" I quickly say. I should probably leave it at that.ㅤㅤI exit the kitchen to see Anvil just entering. But she's not alone.ㅤㅤAh, fuck. She's with Claw. You remember the ex-cherubim I mentioned earlier? Anvil's little sister? Here she is.ㅤㅤ"Where's Vein? I want to see Vein RIGHT NOW!" Claw shouts.ㅤㅤAnvil wacks her in the back of the head.ㅤㅤ"Ow!" Claw shrieks.ㅤㅤ"Be quiet. I go to kitchen. Behave," Anvil says.ㅤㅤClaw's horns are shaped like. Like. Like motherfucking claws. There isn't much more to it than that. It's like, when she became a demon, she was like, ‘give me the most basic thing ever’! She's short and has light brown hair, just like her sister. Her blue eyes also resemble her sister’s. But she is so annoying. Maybe not so much to me, but definitely to Vein. The most she does to me is make fun of how shy I am.

ㅤㅤ"She's in the breakroom," I say. She was going to find out eventually. Poor Vein. I'm so sorry. Your sacrifice will not be in . . . Haha. Nevermind.ㅤㅤWithout even greeting me, Claw dashes toward the breakroom. On days when Claw doesn't have school, Stag lets her stay at Jelly Joni’s similar to how Vein does. She's a little older than Vein. I think thirteen? Something like that. She's obsessed with Vein. I mean, I am, too. But she's on another level.ㅤㅤI greet Anvil, who's looking absolutely sexy as fuck today. Helix and Shophar walk in slowly after. But I'm excited for the star of the show.ㅤㅤ"Hey, Don," Cerus calls out.ㅤㅤ"What's up?" I say. We perform our little handshake. Shophar and Helix witness it in action. They are speechless.ㅤㅤHelix walks up to me before I get to keep talking to Cerus.ㅤㅤ"Don! I've known you for over a year—where's our handshake?!" She says. Haha, she's jealous.ㅤㅤ"Oh, here," I say as I karate chop her head with my server's pad.
●●●ㅤㅤEverything goes well. By the time all the staff arrive, Stag explains the closing situation and the paid leave. Helix is training Cerus, who forgot to put on her server's apron. Even though we get more than the usual influx of customers because of the closing in two days, we handle things pretty well. Unfortunately, I don't have the chance to talk to Cerus about the recent Droneheads dream. But everything's good.ㅤㅤUntil I hear screaming coming from the breakroom. I assure the customers everything's fine, and dash toward it.ㅤㅤClaw, what did you do?ㅤㅤI arrive to see Cerus standing in the doorway outside of the breakroom. Claw is holding Vein in her arms, crying.ㅤㅤOh, no. Once again, Vein is experiencing the pain of her Overgrowth. Why does this keep happening?ㅤㅤI grab Vein from Claw and rush outside the front entrance of the restaurant. It's dangerous to have Vein ride in the back of the scooter like this, so Stag jumps in to help like before.ㅤㅤㅤㅤThis is breaking my heart. Nothing hurts me more than seeing Vein in agony. I really want to join Stag this time to the hospital. But I know the restaurant really needs me today. I can't have Helix, Shophar, and Cerus handle everything today. It's fine. Stag can take care of Vein on her own. But I just want to be there for Vein.ㅤㅤWeirdly enough, Anvil steps out, and we have to cover for her. Claw decides to join her. Which is honestly for the best. Claw would be really bored here without Vein.ㅤㅤI walk back into the restaurant, and most of the employees can see that I'm not really feeling it today. Still, I put on my customer service mask and do my job.ㅤㅤWhat's causing this? It always happens inconveniently when Cerus is in, throwing me off my usual chillness.ㅤㅤWait. Yeah. It’s only on the days when Cerus is in.ㅤㅤIs Vein, like, allergic to Cerus or something? Come to think of it, they still haven't met. Does Stag notice this? I should call her the next chance I get.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Stag? Is she feeling better?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Y—yes. Sorry, honey. I'm just a little distraught right now. She's okay. We had to have another emergency surgery for her," Stag answers over the phone.ㅤㅤ"That's good to hear. Do you think—," I begin to say.ㅤㅤ"It has to do with Cerus?" Stag interjects.ㅤㅤ"Yeah."ㅤㅤ"So you noticed, too. I'll look more into this. I actually know someone. The one who'll be our bartender can probably shed some light on this," Stag says.ㅤㅤOh? Looks like she already has some people lined up for the new positions.ㅤㅤThere isn't much more to talk about after that. I know Stag is busy. I mean, I am, too. I get back to work.ㅤㅤThe rest of the day is fine. Although I'm worried in the back of my head, I toughen up and get through the work day. After cleanup and closing, I once again get ready to head home on my own.ㅤㅤUntil someone calls for me.ㅤㅤ"Don?" Helix asks as I turn around. Cerus is right behind her.ㅤㅤ"Oh. What's up, Helix?" I say.ㅤㅤ"Cerus and I were thinking. You've been going through a lot lately. This is the second time you've been worried about Vein. You even stayed with Swan to make sure she was okay. We. We want to treat you out tonight. Is there something you're craving? Or do you want to just go out somewhere? Bowling?" Helix asks.ㅤㅤBowling. I guess that wouldn't be half-bad. Kind of unsanitary, though. No—wait. I don't want Cerus' hands touching any bowling balls. Or feeling any holes. Holy shit, I need to chill the fuck out. Hm. Oh! Let's go! Karaoke is perfect! The best-case scenario is that I finally get to hear Cerus' cute singing voice. Plus—The vibe of going to a karaoke bar is always fun, even if you don't sing. I'll show Cerus how fun the Southeast Asian culture of karaoke can be!ㅤㅤ"Bowling would be fun, but I'm much more down for karaoke. That would help me let loose all my sorrows, troubles, aches, and pains," I say, half-jokingly.ㅤㅤ"Ooh! Karaoke it is! Don't worry, Cerus—you won't have to sing. Just let me and Don go wild!" Helix reassures.ㅤㅤ"N—no. I'll sing. I'll try to sing this time," Cerus challenges herself.ㅤㅤ"Oh? Oh? Oh?" Helix excitedly remarks then continues, "Also, it sucks, but Ante won't be able to make it—she has an assignment due tomorrow. Crescent is exhausted and wants to sleep. Um. This probably won't work, but . . . "ㅤㅤHelix turns around.ㅤㅤ"Hey, Shophar! Cerus, Don, and I are going to karaoke to cheer him up! Y—you trying to join?" Helix calls over, obviously nervous.ㅤㅤ" . . . ," Shophar looks in our direction blankly. She seems surprised. She looks directly at me, then at Cerus. She smirks.ㅤㅤ"Sure. Why not," Shophar responds.ㅤㅤHuh? Um. Okay? Didn’t expect that.ㅤㅤ"O—Oh. Perfect! I'll grab my stuff, and we can head out soon," Helix says.ㅤㅤ"Can we stop by the Drop Shop? Cerus hasn't met Drop yet," I request.ㅤㅤ"Of course!" Helix responds. Cerus nods her head.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Drop!"ㅤㅤ"Don! I saw Stag's car dash by through the window. I didn't notice it come back. And Vein isn't here—Did something happen again? Another stomach bug?" Drop inquires. She has insane memory. Not as good as Swan’s photographic memory, though.ㅤㅤBut that’s why Drop is so good at knowing all these flowers. Even though she always tries to push for gerbera daisies.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, something like that. I'll get something for Vein today. Probably not hydrangeas, to spice it up. How about. Hm. Let's do something cute, like a succulent. What's the rose-patterned one again?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Echeveria?"ㅤㅤ"Yeah, that one."ㅤㅤ"Coming right up! And don't think I forgot to say ‘hi’ to you all, too! Hi, Shophar, Helix, and . . . Ooh, I don't think we've met yet!" Drop exclaims and reaches out her hand. Helix jumps in first.ㅤㅤ"Heya! It's been a while since I've stopped by, Drop! This is Cerus—she's our newest, cutest waitress! Cerus, this is Drop. Her horns are pretty unique, right? Drop's dad is usually here—he owns the flower shop. He's actually known Stag for a long time," Helix introduces Cerus.ㅤㅤ"H—Hi, Drop," Cerus says as she avoids shaking hands. Drop notices and pulls her hand back. What a natural. Absolute queen.ㅤㅤ"Nice to meet you, Cerus! Yeah, my dad actually met Stag through my mom. Unfortunately, my mom passed away two years ago. It was around right before Helix joined the JJ's staff. O-Oh, and no need to give condolences! I'm not as sad about it anymore! Besides, she would've wanted me to stay positive, haha! Anyway, We've all known each other for a long time." Drop explains.ㅤㅤLike I mentioned on Thursday, Drop is half-demon, half-human. These are called Cambions. No, it's not a forbidden situation like a succubus falling in love with a human. Cambions are fair game in the demon world. A long time ago, Cambions were made when a demon forcibly impregnated a human girl, which is really fucked up in hindsight. Apparently, angels retaliated against that really bad a while back, so we stopped that practice. That's one battle I'm glad we demons lost. I'm personally thankful for that. Eyuk.ㅤㅤNo, Drop is the product of a fully-consenting relationship between her demon mom and her human dad. Drop was born a while back during one of her mom’s missions on Earth. Afterwards, her mom had to return to Hell. It was Stag who eventually helped her mom return to Earth and permanently live here.ㅤㅤCambions have always been a rarity. They're just like Succubae in that sense. In case you didn't know, Succubae are very difficult to conceive. Shophar was apparently the 1,604th attempt of some high-ranking Incubae dude. Don't really remember the details. Drop was a fourth try, man. That's crazy. Her parents must've had that raw, kinky demon sex, bro. Sorry.ㅤㅤAnyway, Drop’s mother was the 19th reincarnation of Samael—another ‘fallen angel’ that became the Elemental Demon of Fire. I still don't really understand the whole ‘fallen angel’ thing, but the ‘Elemental Demon of Fire’ is a cool-ass title to have. From what I've learned about Drop—as a kid, she was told that her mother was a Drude demon—the same kind of mare demon that Crescent is. Not long after her death two years ago, Drop accidentally used her inherited fire powers in her sleep, which she didn't even know she had.ㅤㅤBasically, she didn't even know she was the daughter of an extremely powerful archdemon until after her mom passed away. And after the flower shop burned down. Drop was heavily depressed back then, so you can imagine why we’re all so proud of her getting through it. Drop guesses that her flames are a much weaker version of her mom's, which makes sense.ㅤㅤWhile Drop loves her mom, she is a little bit salty that her mom's actual status was hidden from her.ㅤㅤAlright. So Cerus and Drop have officially been introduced. Damn. All these ladies are fine as fuck, dude. I'm sorry, but that's just the way the wind blows. It blows hard. Okay. Stop the horny. Wait. You don't even know why they're all girls, huh? You're like:ㅤㅤDon, why are you the only dude among the demons here?ㅤㅤTo which I say:ㅤㅤMind your own business.ㅤㅤAt least for the part about me being the only dude. Seriously, don't worry about it. And don't worry about why I don't have a dick. That's for another time.ㅤㅤAll you need to know is: This demon-host process called Permanent Possession was started by Stag. We usually call it Permapos for short. But if you want to call it P.P., that’s up to you. As with many things, Stag doesn’t tell me much.ㅤㅤPossession itself is a weird concept. Very misunderstood by humans based on their horror movies. But they did get something right.ㅤㅤThere are Spectra demons, which you probably know as ghosts, that have been able to historically possess humans. But they’re weak. Their possession is always temporary and on a much smaller scale. For example—once a Spectra possesses a human, they can only travel within places that the human has been to. Some are so weak that they can only stay within the area where the human died. Hence the thing where ghosts haunt specific buildings.ㅤㅤBut Permapos is different. There’s more to it than being the permanent version of Spectra possession. Stag has only told me the following:ㅤㅤ1. The method for Permapos is based on the angels' method of possession. Not Spectra. With Spectra, the demon’s mind has taken over the human’s, which slowly deteriorates. With angels, the human’s mind is intact, while the angel’s mind is mostly dormant. With Permapos, both minds essentially combine, but the human memories take over. Like with me. I have all my memories from before I was possessed at 12-years-old. Even some sad ones. I have almost no memories of my time in Hell. Just what Stag tells me.ㅤㅤ2. Permapos only works on girls. It’s some biological reason. I didn't really pay attention to biology in high school, but apparently, during early development in the womb, all humans' fetal genitalia are the same and—What was the word Stag used? ‘Penistypical’? No, wait. ‘Phenotypical’. Yeah. They're all phenotypically female. Something, something gestation, something, something, Y chromosome, something, something ‘testes’. I don't know. It's a mix of spiritual and biological reasoning that sounds like pseudoscience to me. Angels are sort of like pre-humans, right? They’re hermaphrodites, yet they're usually referred to with male pronouns. So it’s a little odd to me.ㅤㅤAhem. I don't know how my thoughts reach that level of a tangent, but anyway.ㅤㅤWe finish introductions, and we head over to the karaoke place. With Shophar following behind menacingly.
Chapter 12 ● The Karaoke and the Door
ㅤㅤHoly shit. Cerus cannot sing for shit. I thought it'd at least be like. Cutely offkey or something.
My fucking ears. Please. Helix. Help.ㅤㅤ"Haha, alright, Cerus, I th—think it's Shophar's turn to sing!" Helix begs.ㅤㅤCerus does not listen. In fact, how could she with how loud she's singing?ㅤㅤ"CERUS, PLEASE! FOR THE LOVE OF ASTAROTH!" Helix screams. In the process, she flails her arms with the karaoke room’s tambourine in hand. She accidentally hits me in the arm with it, giving me a small, visible cut.ㅤㅤCerus still does not hear Helix’s plea. Meanwhile, Helix is trying to apologize, but I can’t hear her. I’m only reading her lips. I mouth that it’s alright. If only Crescent were here to sedate her. Oh, right. She doesn’t actually have powers.ㅤㅤShophar? She's wearing headphones. Bitch. Why'd she even come here?ㅤㅤI text Shophar. Yes, I have her number. But only for emergencies. If this isn't an emergency, I don't know what is.ㅤㅤㅤㅤshophar. you still have your succubus powers. is there anything that can induce sleep? to sedate cerus?ㅤㅤI can clearly see her read the text. She shakes her head.ㅤㅤFuck. Okay. Helix is apparently some descendent of Beelzebub, but the direct child of Amaymon. They're both just some guys. I don't know shit about demons history-wise. Beelzebub sounds strong, but I doubt the irrelevant-sounding Amaymon dude has any powers or anything. At least, Helix has never told me. Unless?ㅤㅤI text Helix:ㅤㅤㅤㅤyou have to have something that can stop herㅤㅤㅤㅤfrom what i understand, she doesn’t like physical touchㅤㅤㅤㅤive never directly asked u before. do u have demon powers that can stop her?ㅤㅤShe responds:ㅤㅤㅤㅤmy demon dad amaymon had poisonous breath. not me. im a clean girl :DㅤㅤPlus a meme. How does she have time to find a meme during a moment like this? I continue:ㅤㅤㅤㅤwhat about beelzebub? isn't he something?ㅤㅤShe replies:ㅤㅤㅤㅤhe was a prince of hell! he made oracles, represented envy, and attracted flies. not me. im a clean girl lol :dㅤㅤㅤㅤ*:DㅤㅤBro, come on.ㅤㅤThankfully, the song ends and Cerus stops banshee-ing.ㅤㅤ"O—Okay! Now it's Shophar's turn to sing! Shophar?" I say as I snatch the mic away, hand it to Shophar, and sit down.ㅤㅤShophar takes off her headphones and surprisingly agrees to sing. She chooses an overtly sexual R&B song.ㅤㅤWe all sit in awe as Shophar sings. Her voice is unlike anything we've heard before. I don't know if it has to do with her being a Succubus, but man. She is extremely sexy right now.ㅤㅤAs she gets to the first chorus, she turns toward me. She starts moving towards me. She gets on top of the booth seating and pushes her knee against my groin. In the middle of the chorus, she moves and sits on top of my lap. She looks directly into my eyes, and I can’t speak or turn away. She starts to move her waist. It's mesmerizing. I can't. I'm. I—ㅤㅤ"SHOPHAR!" Helix shouts.ㅤㅤShophar stops singing and moving. She makes a slight ‘tsk’ noise and stands up. The background track continues to play.ㅤㅤ"I'm going to get a drink. Have fun," She says. She walks out of the karaoke room.ㅤㅤI don't know what just happened. I can't really think right now. I just. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. It was terrifying. Is this what a Succubus is capable of? I’m shaking a little bit.ㅤㅤI look over and see Helix with her arms crossed and her eyebrows slanted. She's pissed.ㅤㅤCerus is completely beet red as usual. But her hand is covering her mouth.ㅤㅤ"Helix, I swear! I couldn't move! I really—"ㅤㅤ"It's okay, Don. It's not your fault. She should know better than to do that. Un-fucking-believable," Helix replies. It's rare to hear her curse.ㅤㅤIt's a little awkward for a few seconds with just us three. Helix unfolds and puts her arms down. But her hands are in a fist.ㅤㅤ"It's not fair," Helix starts to say.ㅤㅤ"What do you—"ㅤㅤ"IT'S NOT FAIR!" Helix shouts. Cerus is taken aback.ㅤㅤ"Helix, calm down," I try to console her.ㅤㅤHelix starts to cry.ㅤㅤ"It's not fair. Every time. You're surrounded by all these pretty girls. A new girl joins in, and something always happens. And my emotions are always out of control. When I was the new girl, you were so nice to me. I could tell you were shy, but you were always trying your best. You're even doing that with Cerus. Ugh. I've always liked that about you. It's not always your fault, like tonight. But every now and then, I just can't take it. And all I can do is just sit by and let it happen," Helix starts to rant.ㅤㅤ"I—I don't know what you're talking about, Helix. You need to be more dire—"ㅤㅤHelix starts to bawl.ㅤㅤ"I like you, Don! I've liked you for the longest time! You don't ever make it a point to notice anything about how I feel! I know I'm guilty for not telling you directly, but how can I?! How can I?! When every single time I open up to you—You! You're super honest with me and want me to work on myself. Be direct?! How the hell am I supposed to be direct with you?! I'm nothing but a coward. I have so much trouble with confrontation. I can't. I always have to talk about things behind people's backs, even when it's harmless. I act all social and easy to talk to, but I have my own problems that I can't talk about," Helix cries.ㅤㅤI'm sorry—what? She what now?ㅤㅤ"Helix. I—"ㅤㅤ"Don't start. I know. I know, I know, I know, I know, and I know! You'll never see me as more than a friend. I'm not even trying to ask you out. I—I've. I've already accepted a long time ago that it would never work out. I'm just. Ugh! My parents, too! Everybody! Treating me like I should be the perfect child. I chose not to go to university. It was my own choice. I've stopped trying to tell them. It was my own choice. I may not be sure of what I want to do. I'm not sure about a lot of things. The only thing I've been sure about is how I feel about you, Don! And this is what I get? My coworker grinding on you?! In front of me?! I'm so fucking tired. So fucking tired of this bullshit. Ugh! C—Cerus. I—I'm sorry. I don't know exactly what's happening, but I'm r—really angry right now. And it's not y—your fault. Ugh. I'm. I'm going to go outside for a bit. P—pray that I don't see Shophar, or I might kill that bitch. I don't give a fuck if she's older than me," Helix says and storms out.ㅤㅤIt's just me and Cerus.
●●●ㅤㅤThat. That was crazy. Um. In any other multiverse, this is where it would be fine to talk about the Droneheads with Cerus. But um. Uh. Hm.ㅤㅤI'm going to shut up.ㅤㅤHelix and Shophar have never got along, ever since Helix joined last year. They've never really directly fought because, well, they never really talk to each other. I grew up with Shophar, and even I'm scared of her. Most of us are. But I think Helix is the only one that's expressed actual hatred toward her. Ante is the only one who Shophar ever really opens up to anymore. And even when we try to ask Ante about Shophar, Ante is determined to respect Shophar's privacy.ㅤㅤShophar is promiscuous. She's an absolute free spirit. I've seen her leave work with so many different guys. I feel like she's gained us the same amount of customers that she's lost. I don't remember much about when I first met her. But I've always been scared of her. During work, she's usually professional. To be honest, that's the only time I've ever really spoken to her.ㅤㅤBut sometimes I think about the fact that she didn’t possess a human being—that the Shophar I see is her actual Succubus form. That she’s stronger now than she was in Hell. That she’s lived much longer than her earthly looks show. And that she remembers all her memories of growing up in Hell. That can’t be good for her mentally. Being cursed with probably thousands of years of memories compared to the rest of us demons with human minds.ㅤㅤBut that also has me thinking about Stag. Stag, on the other hand, used her shapeshifting ability in Hell one last time before she transported herself to Earth and lost it. So Stag is stuck like this. That also means that none of us but Shophar have ever seen Stag’s original demon form. Stag is the weirdest part in all this.ㅤㅤYou see, Shophar has known Stag since she was little. That's about it. So it's never made sense that Shophar seems to specifically despise Stag. Like, Shophar is obedient to a fault. She seems to accept that Stag is the reason she can remain on Earth the way she can, but she clearly bears some kind of grudge. Stag, as always, tells me the least amount that she can.ㅤㅤBut. I can't believe it. Helix? She went to the same public high school as Ante and Crescent. Even before Permapos, when she was still human. It’s a coincidence Helix was the one possessed. Ante was relatively popular—but Helix? Apparently, everyone knew her. She was on the student council and would stay for afterschool activities—she often would go directly from school to work the later shift. She's a hard worker. And. I've kind of been taking her for granted. Like. It’s only been a year since I met her, but I sometimes would suspect that she may like me. But she's so social that I would end up assuming that's how she acts with everyone. And in a way, she kind of does. I've seen how she acts around people. You can call me dense, but there's never been a clear way of knowing.ㅤㅤHelix mentioned that Beelzebub represented envy. This will make me sound like an asshole, but is part of the reason she acts the way she does because of her ancestry? No. No. Then she wouldn't have lashed out like that out of nowhere. She has never done this before. It wouldn't make sense for her envy to just suddenly burst like that. Maybe. Either way, I don't know. I haven't really been in love before. I mean. I don't know if Helix is in love with me or just crushing on me by saying ‘like’. I don't know how I feel right now. I need time to think. But.ㅤㅤIt's just Cerus and I in this room.ㅤㅤ"That was a lot, h—haha," I say.ㅤㅤCerus doesn't know what to say, it looks like.ㅤㅤIt's a little fucked up to do, but I'll talk about the Droneheads to at least make the situation less awkward.ㅤㅤ"We should get our minds off of what happened for now. After all, Both Helix and Shophar look like they want to be left alone right now. About the Droneheads. My dream last night was kind of really uncomfortable. I'm surprised you wrote that. I—I mean it's not bad or anything! Just really intense. It's amazing how you got me to feel so frustrated like that, even when I woke up," I start to ramble.ㅤㅤ"What . . . What was the last thing that happened?" Cerus asks.ㅤㅤ"Jeem was in the detention ward, and a new facilitator dude named Mr. E showed up," I say.ㅤㅤCerus falls silent for a moment.ㅤㅤ"Y—yeah. That's after the fight scene with Y—Yusuf and Camilla. Pretty brutal, right? I put lots of detail i—in that scene," Cerus says. She's not at all like how she was at the end of our last hangout. She seems like she's back to being nervous. I mean, who wouldn't? Especially after witnessing Helix and Shophar just now.ㅤㅤ"It was crazy. I couldn't move as Jeem. You really drove home the fact that Jeem was a coward. But I mean—I feel for her. I know what it's like to be really weak and not be able to do anything. Anyway, I'm pretty excited to find out about Mr. E. He seems like a nice guy," I say.ㅤㅤCerus says nothing for a few seconds, then speaks up.ㅤㅤ"Well, I don't want to give away a—anything. We already made contact with the handshake this morning, so you should dream the next part tonight," Cerus says.ㅤㅤThat fight scene. I hate thinking about it. I've grown attached to Yusuf, the poor kid. The way they fought was so painful. I swear, Camilla could have almost beat Yusuf to death with the way she was attacking him. She could honestly have killed him.ㅤㅤKill? Wait. Wasn't Helix going to . . . ? Oh, no. It was in the spur of the moment that I didn’t even notice she said it. I completely glossed over the fact that. That Helix said if she saw Shoph—ㅤㅤScreaming. Not the first time today that I've heard screaming in another room.ㅤㅤI dash over to the main bar of the karaoke.ㅤㅤShophar has Helix held down on the bar counter, grabbing her by the hair.ㅤㅤI don't like this. No, no, no, no, no, no. Fuck, no. I don't want to see this again. This isn't a dream any fucking more. I have to do something. Okay, okay. First, dial 9-1-1. No, wait. That'll escalate the situation. Things will be way worse. Oh, fuck. She's pounding her head onto the counter. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Oh, fuck. Helix’s face. It’s… Shit! Should I call Stag? Ugh. I don't know. I don't fucking know! I don't fucking know! I don't—ㅤㅤOh, fuck. Fuck. Not now. It’s happening again. The thing at the mall. My vision is blurring. The high-pitched noise is back. I won’t shut my eyes this time—I need to help Helix. Please. Whatever this is, please—
●●●ㅤㅤWhat?ㅤㅤWhat the fuck is going on?ㅤㅤI'm. I'm staring at my ceiling? My own ceiling? In my room?ㅤㅤLet me check the time. What? Where the fuck’s my phone? Whatever. My alarm clock says it’s Tuesday, October 11. 3:34 AM. I was just at the karaoke bar. If we stayed at the karaoke bar until close, then I would have gotten home around 1:00 AM. I would have checked to see if Vein was sleeping in her room, changed, brushed my teeth, set my alarm, and gone to bed. And I would be asleep by now. Is that what happened? And I just woke up from a dream? But that wouldn't make sense. The karaoke bar was real. I'm so certain everything was real. That doesn't make any sense.ㅤㅤIt's the morning of the last day of Jelly Joni's. It would be the morning after the karaoke bar. I don’t understand. Maybe it really was a dream. But how much of it? I’m so unbelievably confused. And where’s my phone? I could check it to see if I have the message where I sent the karaoke bar’s address to Cerus and Helix. Even my breath is minty. So I did brush my teeth. I just don’t remember doing it.ㅤㅤI'm extremely confused. I do feel sleepy, though. If I think too hard about it, then I won't get any sleep and will just be groggy. Which I really shouldn't be for my last day. I don’t know. Wait. Should I text Helix and Shophar? Ugh. I don't know what's going on anymore. My phone’s probably in my jacket or something. I'll just. I'll. Sleep.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm sitting on a bench. I'm cradling Min-Min in my arms. Sammy and Seth are on each side of us. Bao is playing with some other kids. I don't see Feng.ㅤㅤI look at my hands. There are some slight scars on my palm from when I was on the ground watching Yusuf fight Camilla. Same with my knees and elbows. I shake Min-Min, and she smiles.ㅤㅤWe're right outside of the Quarters. A lot of the children are playing like they normally are. Almost everyone is either here outside, sleeping, or playing in the Park. But no Yusuf. No Camilla.ㅤㅤAnd no Ms. G.ㅤㅤI hear a pen click.ㅤㅤMr. E is watching the kids in her stead, joining in their games every now and then. He's definitely more engaged with the kids than Ms. G was. But I still don't like him. I don't like men.ㅤㅤI remember. After Mr. E introduced himself to me, he explained that Ms. G was going take care of Yusuf's injuries, so she would have to be away for a while. But then he revealed bad news to me.ㅤㅤCamilla was just fine. And she would be released back to the Crater with everyone very soon. That she had been punished and wouldn't act like that again.ㅤㅤMr. E promised me that Camilla would not attack me. I would be safe from her. He even encouraged me to try and make up with her by becoming her friend.ㅤㅤI refused by shaking my head. The only thing I asked him was whether Yusuf was in the Crater at all. If so, I planned to go out of my comfort zone and try to get him out of the Quarter's nursing section.ㅤㅤBut Mr. E told me Yusuf isn’t in the Crater. Ms. G and Yusuf are going to stay far away for a while.ㅤㅤEven now, I still really don't like Mr. E. He acts all nice and kind like Ms. G, but I don't trust men. Especially not him. He talks so slowly and is always clicking his pen. I hate that sound.
●●●ㅤㅤDays pass. Nothing changes. The kids notice I don't really play with them. I'm usually just sitting on my own, holding Min-Min. When the rest of the Droneheads try to console me, I sort of send them away. Eventually, they leave me alone.ㅤㅤIt's two weeks later that two of the children return.ㅤㅤFeng and Camilla.ㅤㅤThey seem different. Not in their stature, but moreso their expressions. Mr. E gathers all the kids and asks them all to welcome the two back with open arms. He says to forget what happened in the past and to focus on the future.ㅤㅤWithin a few hours, the two are back as if nothing happened. Feng notices that I want to be left alone. He doesn't say anything about where he's been.ㅤㅤCamilla is playing with the other kids. Every time she catches me staring at her, she just smiles at me. I don't sense anything from these smiles. No resentment. But at the same time, no compassion. It's harrowing.ㅤㅤWhenever I overhear a kid trying to ask about the night of the final drone show, Camilla responds with, "Everything's okay, now! We’ve all made up and apologized.”ㅤㅤIt's not. And we didn’t. But I’m not going to speak up about it.ㅤㅤYusuf isn't here. Ms. G isn't here.ㅤㅤThe only thing left here is Droney. This device got me into this mess. It made me good friends with the other Droneheads, but none of them are Yusuf. It doesn't even work without the controller. If Ms. G were here, she could make an exception and have the controller fixed or order an entire new set.ㅤㅤObviously, I'm just fantasizing at this point.ㅤㅤAs time passes, I can see how great Camilla's doing. She volunteers to help Mr. E out with anything and everything. She continues teaching the younger kids just as she did before the Droneheads. She's prospering more than she ever has before.ㅤㅤMr. E eventually confiscates Droney after noticing that it only reminds me of Yusuf and ruins my mood.ㅤㅤBut speaking of Mr. E, I notice three things.ㅤㅤThe first thing: He always has his clipboard. When he doesn’t have it in his hands, it’s always somewhere near him. And I can never get close enough to read it before he notices and tells me not to be nosy. Like I said, he’s always clicking his pen repeatedly. It’s so annoying.ㅤㅤThe second thing: Mr. E is almost always with Camilla. I mean, there was a point where Yusuf and I were always with Ms. G, but we both definitely had our own private collusions with each other. What Mr. E and Camilla have seems to go beyond favoritism. It reminds me too much of…nevermind.ㅤㅤWhen Camilla voluntarily teaches the kids, Mr. E is always right there beside her. When Camilla is playing sports where none of the kids stand a chance, Mr. E is right there, ready to play against her to set the score. When Camilla is cooking or baking, Mr. E lends a helping hand. When Camilla is doing anything, Mr. E is right there. This goes way past anything I've seen from Ms. G.ㅤㅤThe third thing I notice: Mr. E does not tuck the younger children in.ㅤㅤThe most he says is ‘good night’ to each of the age-assigned sleeping rooms, only passing by the entrance of each door. Ms. G would actually walk into each and every one of the sleeping quarters' rooms, say ‘good night’, and proceed to tuck in the younger children. Mr. E just passes by. It's almost as if he's saving time to head to bed sooner.
●●●ㅤㅤTonight, I decide to stay up past our curfew. I mean, Mr. E seems to be careless with the nightly check-in, since he's always focused on Camilla. I sneakily head over to the older kids' sleeping quarters. Everyone seems asleep. Maybe I should wake Feng up? No. We haven't really spoken in a while. He might be surprised and wake the other kids. I don't exactly know where Camilla's bed is, since they aren't arranged alphabetically.ㅤㅤBut I do notice one empty bed. No new children have been added to the Crater anytime recently. As far as I'm concerned, we've only added new children twice this year.ㅤㅤI walk away from the sleeping quarters and head towards the facilitator's section. I never wander here, as there is an ID-activated door. There are no cameras anywhere in the Crater. Ms. G herself said that the Crater program prides itself on the privacy of the children.ㅤㅤBut Ms. G warned us that we should never wander towards the facilitator's section, since the alarm system will wake the other kids. But I don't care. If I don't find out what's going on between them now, I fear I’ll never get out of this comfort zone again.ㅤㅤI see the small LED pad on the ID-activated door. It currently says "UNLOCKED". I’m not sure if it’s usually like this, but I don’t care. It's now or never.ㅤㅤI take the risk and step toward the ID-activated door.ㅤㅤIt opens. No alarm.ㅤㅤWhat I see is standard. A hallway. Around six doors—three of them on each side alternating in a zigzag pattern. They each have peeking windows like a school classroom door. At the very end is the emergency exit. But it's dimly lit. Only a third of the fluorescent lights are on. As I start to sneak through the hallway quietly, I notice that most of the lights are off in the rooms based on the peeking windows.ㅤㅤUntil I get to the fifth room. I see a faint light coming from the peeking window. The door is slightly ajar. I approach it very quietly.ㅤㅤI hear moaning.ㅤㅤAs my eyes peer through the door's ajar opening, I can't believe what I see.ㅤㅤMr. E is naked. And he's on top of Camilla.ㅤㅤI'm in disbelief. This is disgusting.ㅤㅤMr. E and Camilla are…ㅤㅤI begin to feel something coming up in my throat. Before I even have a chance to vomit, I dash away.ㅤㅤI dash away and run through the ID-activated door. I run all the way back to my own sleeping quarters. I try to lie in bed, but I feel the vomit coming back up. I get up and go to the restroom to vomit. It hurts. It hurts. It's all so disgusting. It's so disgusting. It's so disgusting.
Chapter 13 ● The Final Day and the Red Honey
ㅤㅤI'm in the karaoke room. In the same spot as before. Sitting in the booth.ㅤㅤWith Shophar on top of my lap. No one else is in the room.ㅤㅤShe's singing the same song she was singing before.ㅤㅤI can't move.ㅤㅤShe strips off my shirt. She slowly stands up from my lap and begins to remove my jeans. All while continuing to sing.ㅤㅤI hate this. I don't want it. I don’t fucking want it.ㅤㅤBut I can't move. I close my eyes. I feel her touching my shoulders as she repositions herself on top of me.ㅤㅤI open my eyes, and I'm inside a white room. It looks exactly like the room in the facilitator's section. Where Mr. E and Camilla were.ㅤㅤBut I'm on the bed. And Shophar is on top of me.ㅤㅤI'm scared. I'm fucking terrified. I'm fucking terrified and I don't want this.ㅤㅤI can't move. I can't do a thing. I can't speak.ㅤㅤShophar. Please stop.ㅤㅤShe doesn't stop.
●●●ㅤㅤI wake up and vomit.ㅤㅤMy bed is full of vomit. I place my hands on the sides of my head and scream.ㅤㅤWhat the fuck, Cerus?ㅤㅤWhy the fuck did you write that?ㅤㅤWhy the fuck?ㅤㅤStag storms into the room.ㅤㅤ"Don?! Is everything okay? Oh, my goodness. Oh. Don, honey. I—What happened? A—Are you sick? Let me take your temperature," Stag says.ㅤㅤI avoid Stag's hand. I don't want to be touched right now. I don't want anyone near me right now.ㅤㅤ"Don. Please. Let me help you," Stag says.ㅤㅤ"I'm sorry. I just had a really, really m—messed up, messed up nightmare. I've n—never, never f—felt like that before," I admit.ㅤㅤ"Don. I understand. Take deep breaths," Stag tells me.ㅤㅤI'm trying, Stag. I'm trying to take deep breaths. I'm trying. I'm panicking. I just woke up and I'm panicking. I can't breathe. I can't. I can't—ㅤㅤ"Don?"ㅤㅤIt's Vein. She's by my side holding my hand.ㅤㅤOh. Ah. Haha. I'm. Really feeling it right now.ㅤㅤI didn't even notice that I'm crying.ㅤㅤVein gets up on the bed and kisses my cheek. She squeezes me.ㅤㅤI'm able to calm down. What time? Shit. Still can’t find my phone. Clock says 7:17 AM. Today's the final day of Jelly Joni's before the month-long close.
●●●ㅤㅤStag decides to drive us both to the restaurant. None of us could go back to sleep, so we're all going to the restaurant at the same early time as her. Couldn’t find my phone or wallet in my jacket, so there’s that. Just another thing to add to the shit I’m feeling today. Great.ㅤㅤ"Don. I'm not going to ask you the specifics. I just want you away from yourself at home. If you can't work today, that's fine. You can just stay in the breakroom with Vein."ㅤㅤ"No, it's okay. I can work. Sorry about earlier," I say.ㅤㅤ"Please don't apologize. Let's just focus on other things right now. Vein? Are you okay, too?"ㅤㅤ"Mhm!" Vein says in the backseat, swinging her legs.ㅤㅤI love Vein so much. I'm so happy she's okay. Especially after yesterday. I'm so fucking stressed. I decide not to tell Stag that I lost my phone and wallet. I don’t need to be told off about it right now. I’ll just grab a cheap, temporary phone after work with my extra cash.ㅤㅤOh. What's going to happen today at work? Will Shoph—Will she be there today? And is Helix going to show up? Would her face be all bruised?ㅤㅤWe arrive at the restaurant. No one is here yet, obviously. My hands are kind of shaky. But I swear I can still serve. I put on my server's apron in the breakroom and look at the schedule.ㅤㅤHelix, Sh—Shophar, Cerus, and I.ㅤㅤAnvil, Ante, Tel, Stein, and Swan. Crescent is out today. Her birthday is tomorrow.ㅤㅤSlowly, the kitchen staff arrive. I greet them.ㅤㅤI do some light cleaning.ㅤㅤThe door opens.ㅤㅤIt's Helix. She looks completely fine. I don't understand. I continue cleaning.ㅤㅤNext to show up is Cerus. I'm too exhausted to question her. I continue cleaning.ㅤㅤFinally, Shophar enters. I'm terrified but powerless to think right now. I continue cleaning.ㅤㅤI just continue cleaning. I avoid all seriousness. I just want to get through the work day.ㅤㅤI don't pay attention to how Shophar and Helix interact. I don't care right now. I just want to get through the work day.ㅤㅤI don't pay attention to how much Helix trains Cerus. I just want to get through this.ㅤㅤI don't pay attention to whether they pay attention to me.ㅤㅤI keep going through the work day mindlessly, ignoring the other three waitresses as much as I can. At one point, Stag leaves the restaurant. She comes back a few hours later and introduces us to our future bartender. I'm not in the mood. Her name is Tower. She's apparently a genius that graduated from a top-tier university in Pakistan. Her horns are shaped similar to a radio tower. I'm glad she'll join us, but I'm just not in the mood right now. I give minimal greetings.ㅤㅤThe final day ends very anticlimactically. I don't stop by Drop. I just go straight home with Stag and Vein. No one tries to talk to me other than the kitchen staff. The kitchen staff don't notice anything among the waitresses. I only recall a few details. I remember that Cerus walked into the restaurant already wearing her apron. Maybe she accidentally brought it home yesterday before karaoke and after karaoke. I don’t know. She never went to the breakroom. She left before Vein and I, because we stayed longer waiting for Stag, who was our ride. So Cerus never met Vein. Again. Even on the last day. Shortly after getting home, I leave discretely to buy a temporary phone. I end up going with a really outdated third-party smartphone. I get back home and call the karaoke bar, asking if they’ve seen a wallet and phone anywhere. And they haven’t. Of course not. Great.ㅤㅤI'm sitting at my desk in front of my dream journal. I don't know what to write. It's only been The Droneheads. And the karaoke nightmare. I don't want to think about it right now. So I won't. I can't draw right now either. Too exhausted to even read up on any nerdy astrophysics news. I'll just sleep in early.ㅤㅤA buzz. My phone.ㅤㅤAh. That’s right. I don’t have my contacts anymore. The text preview on my home screen reads:ㅤㅤㅤㅤdon, i dnt know where u . . .ㅤㅤThat’s Cerus. I can tell just from the shorthand texting. I don't think I want to read it right now. I never touched Cerus today. I don't think I'll have a Droneheads dream. I really don't want to have a Droneheads dream. Should I even sleep? Would that risk having a Droneheads dream? I know I didn't make any contact with her. I'll. I'll go to sleep.
●●●ㅤㅤIt's Tib. Tib is in front of me? Tib is pulling me. Pulling me away from something. I look down. I have spike hands again. I feel small. I look behind, where Tib is pulling me away from.ㅤㅤIt's the creature. With the red wings. The red bleeding wings. I start to hear the horrifying screams again. As I get farther and farther away, I see its bleeding wings drip like honey. Red honey. That's what I'll call it. That's what I'll call the creature.ㅤㅤIt's in its full gigantic form. The four divided horns are extended. Its flesh is reforming over and over. Flesh, muscle, bone. Flesh, muscle, bone.ㅤㅤUnderneath it is an injured person—the woman who called herself Joni.ㅤㅤTib brings me over to an abandoned building, right next to a wall. Red sky.ㅤㅤI feel very sad, but Tib squeezes her own face and makes funny faces. I'm suddenly cheered up and gleeful.ㅤㅤTib and I wait in this abandoned building for what feels like years. I start to get really hungry.ㅤㅤOne day, I notice a shadow and make a slight crying sound.ㅤㅤAnd I see another horrific-looking creature—A tall being with terrifying tendrils for arms. Each tendril branching off into smaller ones. Near the top of its pitch-black body is a black and white mask with a frightening pattern. And above this mask are two giant horns.ㅤㅤBut. It feels like home. This creature feels like home. The creature and I run toward each other.ㅤㅤI don't understand. For some reason, I know I'm Don. I'm dreaming right now. I'm lucid dreaming, but I can't control what's happening. I'm aware of everything.ㅤㅤAnd somehow, I just know. This creature I see is myself.ㅤㅤThat's Don. This small body belongs to Vein.ㅤㅤI'm seeing from Vein's perspective.ㅤㅤI am in Hell. And we are demons.ㅤㅤI’m dreaming Vein’s past in Hell.
●●●ㅤㅤEverything is slowly coming back to me. My memories from Hell. I know what happens next. I, as Vein, will become stressed. I will experience Overgrowth in Vein’s original demon form. I will be stabbed repeatedly by my own horns. The original Don will grab me and try to escape from here—the boundary between The Lament and The Infernus.ㅤㅤBut Vein’s horns will grow too fast. Too fast to the point that the original Don will no longer be able to help me. He will lose consciousness. Eventually somebody saves them—I mean us. But I don’t know who. Even with my memories coming back, I don’t think I ever saw who saved us. Maybe seeing it from Vein’s perspective will shed some light. For some reason, I remember the name Pariah. It might have been Pariah who saved us, but I’m doubtful.ㅤㅤAs the events of the dream play out, I watch it all unfold. Sure enough, I feel every painful stab that Vein experienced that day. I watch the original Don get stabbed and lose consciousness. I can’t wake up. I know this is a dream, but I can’t wake up. Even with all this pain. It fucking hurts. It hurts.ㅤㅤWait. This next part happening right now.ㅤㅤI don’t think this part is in my own memory.ㅤㅤThere it is. The Red Honey. It's in front of me. My body is upside-down from my own Overgrowth. It inches towards me as the thorns spreading from each of my horns begin to cover my view. It's the same scene I saw at the beginning of the Fountain dream.ㅤㅤThe Red Honey screams. Just as my view is covered by my horns, I hear a stomp and an incantation muffled by the horns.ㅤㅤWho’s…voice is that?ㅤㅤThat’s not Joni’s. That’s not Pariah’s.ㅤㅤWho is behind me?ㅤㅤI start to feel myself in sharp pain. The horns begin to melt into me slowly. It hurts even more, but I start to regain my view.ㅤㅤThe Red Honey, still in its disgusting bleeding form, is in front of me. Don and Tib are underneath me. I’m too weak to turn around and see who’s behind me. The one who saved us. For some reason, I’m no longer terrified of The Red Honey, despite its appearance. I know why. This is the same bipedal, canine creature that I became friends with. I try to turn around and see who’s behind me with no success. The Red Honey approaches me and forcefully breaks off the rest of my excess horns. Although it helps, it’s agonizing. Meanwhile, I hear the one behind me walking away.ㅤㅤSoon enough, The Red Honey wanders away until I can no longer see it in my view. It leaves a mess of blood and flesh along its way out.ㅤㅤThe Overgrowth subsides completely, and the original Don regains his sight and consciousness.ㅤㅤAnd I'm awake.
●●●ㅤㅤWhat? That was so trippy. Where do I even begin?ㅤㅤI was experiencing the dream as Vein? In her original demon form? In Hell?ㅤㅤAnd that masked creature was me?ㅤㅤThat's what an Elm demon looks like? The thing Stag told me I am?ㅤㅤIf so, I'm kind of ugly. But also cool, in some ways.ㅤㅤWhy did I ever forget this? Why is it coming back? Ugh, there are so many questions.ㅤㅤIt's morning. I check my phone. Wednesday, October 12. Crescent’s birthday. A more reasonable time of 11:40 AM. No work today. No work for a while, actually. The text preview from Cerus is still there. I think. I have a lot of questions in my mind right now, but I think I’m ready to read this.ㅤㅤI open the full message:ㅤㅤㅤㅤdon, i dnt know where u are in the droneheads story. if u are where i think u are, i can explainㅤㅤㅤㅤpls come overㅤㅤㅤㅤu might just need 1 more niteㅤㅤI’m so fucking sick of this. I throw my stupid-ass, cheap-ass phone across the room. But this leads me to notice something on my arm. It’s a small cut. Huh. That’s weird. I don’t remember getting…ㅤㅤWait. Yes, I do.ㅤㅤThat’s the cut from when Helix hit me with the tambourine.ㅤㅤDuring karaoke.
Chapter 14 ● The Cup and the Truth
ㅤㅤWhy do I have this cut? So we did do karaoke? Now I regret not asking Helix about it yesterday. I can’t even text anyone but Cerus without their contacts saved. Speaking of Cerus–her text. Do I even want to see her? I'm kind of pissed. Pissed about that last Crater dream with Mr. E. Reading that kind of story is one thing.ㅤㅤKnowing that I would experience the story in first-person and not warning me is fucked up.ㅤㅤFucking disgusting. Granted, it's obviously not written in support of pedophilia. But still, give me a fucking warning. What the absolute hell?ㅤㅤAnd besides that, I'm still trying to wrap my head around my dream just now. I don't want to just instantly believe that dream is historically accurate. My dream-self can be deceiving. I'll be skeptical for now. I mean, everything in that dream does match up with the vague clues that Stag has given me growing up. With some caveats. Man. I didn’t think seeing myself in a dream would knock me out of this anxiety I’ve had the past day. Now I’m burdened with curiosity. I'll lay down the brass tacks. Actually, I'll go ahead and add a little section in my dream journal.ㅤㅤWhat I knew before the dream last night:
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Vein and I were originally Elm demons.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Elm demons are weak.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● With Permanent Possession—Permapos—Vein and I are sharing mind and body with our human host consensually.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Our memories belong to our hosts—like I said, this is the case for most of us. But not all.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Joni was Stag's long-time best friend that helped start the restaurant.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Joni disappeared shortly before Vein and I were adopted by Stag.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Joni was human. Although she couldn't see our horns and other demon parts, Joni was aware of Permapos.ㅤㅤWhat I learned from the dream last night:
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● I now know exactly what an Elm demon looks like. What I looked like.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Vein's Overgrowth is wildly more intense and uncontrollable in her original Elm demon form in comparison to now.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● It's. It's not fun. It hurts a lot. This was the second dream where I experienced how it felt.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Somebody saved us during her Overgrowth attack.What I still don't know:
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Are these actually Vein’s past memories?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● If so, what triggered these dreams? I didn't make contact with any Mares yesterday.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● How does Vein's original Elm form look like? I only saw it in first-person. Those little stubby spike hands are all I have to go off of.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Who is Joni?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Who is the Pariah that I remembered in the dream?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● What is the Red Honey creature?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● Should I stop being mean to Tib? Considering how she tried to save Vein? Well, I can answer that one right now. No.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ● What happened near the karaoke bar?ㅤㅤThis is way more than when I questioned what I knew about Crescent. This time, my curiosity is taking over my worry. There's a lot for me to uncover. It hasn't even been a full week, but all of this started happening when Cerus arrived.ㅤㅤAnd it looks like she's the only one that can help me answer these questions. Except the Tib one.
●●●ㅤㅤI knock on her apartment door. Thank goodness it's not one of those apartment complexes where you need an ID for the front entrance, the elevator, the toilet, the mailroom, the gym, the ability to perceive physical objects within the vicinity of the building, and everything else. Fuck unnecessary security. Sorry. Unnecessary rant.ㅤㅤCerus lives alone, huh? It's clear that no one else lives here but her. Otherwise, her room wouldn't be a post-hurricane scene. Sorry if you've been in a hurricane. Distasteful joke on my end.ㅤㅤHehe. Looks like I'm back on my groove. I'm a natural comedian. Can't help it. Teehee. No more of my wishy-washiness from yesterday.ㅤㅤBut yeah, Cerus. I wonder if she's an orphan or really just lives away from her family.ㅤㅤThe door opens.ㅤㅤ"D—Don," Cerus says.ㅤㅤI breathe in and breathe out. I can't cause a scene. I can't lash out at her in her own apartment. I need to handle this like an adult.ㅤㅤ"Hey," I respond.ㅤㅤ"Sit—Sit down for now."ㅤㅤI do just that. She fills a cup with water. She doesn't hand me the cup directly. She places it on the table, knowing that I don't want to make contact with her.ㅤㅤI think I have Resting Bitch Face. I need to calm down.ㅤㅤ"Don, I—"ㅤㅤ"Cerus. In any other case, I would let you say what you want to say first. But I genuinely feel like I've been violated. I didn't consent to seeing what I saw. Even for the sake of your writing's plot twist or shock factor, I don't think it should have been at the expense of my mental health," I say, right off the bat.ㅤㅤ"It's not what you th—"ㅤㅤ"It's not what I think? You wrote this. I wanted to support your art. I may not be a writer, but I loved reading growing up. I grew up shy and antisocial, just like you. Of course, I'm going to be a lonely bookworm kid. I appreciate forms of art that I don't participate in creating. But the way you had me experience your art isn't good for me. The art isn't bad, but the way you gave it to me is. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to guilt trip you. I just want you to know that I was uncomfortable. It wasn't right," I interject.ㅤㅤCerus goes completely silent. I make a loud audible sigh.ㅤㅤ"I'll let you explain yourself, okay? But let me say some more. Even if I've known you for less than a week, I still consider you a friend. I may not know that much about you, but I’ve always liked the idea of becoming close to people without having to pry into their past lives. I really like to enjoy my time with people going forward. It’s usually easy for me to get over past mistakes. As long as they've learned from them. And. And I think what frustrates me a little is how similar you are to me. No. It frustrates me a lot. Yes, we're both shy. Yes, we both stutter a lot. But it's more than that. There's some kind of struggle about your past that you just can't be vulnerable about. This is a rare occasion where, if I care enough about you, I will pry into your past. You hurt me with that dream. I feel I deserve to know what was going through your mind when you wrote that,” I say. I feel myself getting pretty emotional. I'm starting to tear up.ㅤㅤI continue.ㅤㅤI wince a little bit. I'm about to regret everything.ㅤㅤ"I—I . . . I . . . " I say, planning to confess my crush on her. Wait! No. No! Why the fuck? Why the fuck should I do this? It's such a weird time. Wrong time.ㅤㅤI stop myself.ㅤㅤ"I'll. I'll listen. I feel like I haven't said everything I want to say, but I can't think too hard right now. After the last Droneheads dream, I had a . . . I had a nightmare. I appeared in the karaoke room. Alone with Shophar. And she . . . She . . . She continued to sexually assau—No. I won’t sugarcoat it. She raped me. I was raped," I confess instead.ㅤㅤCerus gasps and places her hand over her mouth.ㅤㅤ"I . . . I'm sorry, Don."ㅤㅤI sigh. Probably didn't need to say that.ㅤㅤCerus, who’s been clenching her fists and jaw, finally relaxes. Though her hands are still shaky.ㅤㅤ"Th-thank you—Thank you for being honest with me. From the start, you’ve been very honest with everyone around you. I. Even I. Even I haven't been. I really, really appreciate you for that," Cerus says.ㅤㅤCerus pauses. I don't know what to say.ㅤㅤ"If you. If you don't mind—and you don't have to say it in detail—where are you in the story?" Cerus asks.ㅤㅤIt's okay. I think I'm comfortable enough to say it.ㅤㅤ"The facilitator's room. Jeem decided to sneak in and check," I reveal.ㅤㅤCerus drops to her knees behind the kitchen island. She starts to sob.ㅤㅤWhat is going on? Girl, YOU wrote this.ㅤㅤCerus slowly gets back up.ㅤㅤ"Don. D—don. If. If this is how you react to that scene . . . then. Oh. No, no. I'm. I'm so sorry, Don," Cerus says.ㅤㅤShe's starting to realize how messed up it was, huh? Not to be mean, but it does serve her right.ㅤㅤCerus looks at me directly in the eye, then quickly darts her vision away. She begins to say the most unimaginable string of words possible right now.ㅤㅤ"It. It gets worse," Cerus says, holding back more tears.ㅤㅤHuh? What? What the fuck? Worse?ㅤㅤ"C—can I try to explain myself? You have a right not to believe me," Cerus says.ㅤㅤI'm getting nervous. My breathing is getting heavier.ㅤㅤ". . . Go for it," I tell her.ㅤㅤ"O—Okay. Don," she starts. She's stopped crying and has calmed down.ㅤㅤWhy is she being so dramatic about it?ㅤㅤ"You're. You're a Mare."
●●●ㅤㅤ"I'm sorry? I'm a Mare?" I question.ㅤㅤ"Yes," Cerus answers, "In the sense th—that you are affected by dreams. But you don't manipulate or implant dreams like your definition of a Mare. I think. I think you actually do the opposite. You absorb dreams. You're like. Like an ’Anti-Mare’. A ‘dream-eater’."ㅤㅤA what? ‘Dream-eater’? Sounds like an attack move from a childhood game of mine.ㅤㅤ"Please explain. I'm losing my mind right now trying not to laugh at 'dream-eater'," I say.ㅤㅤCerus lightly chuckles.ㅤㅤ"Um. I mean, think about it. Crescent doesn't have any Mare powers. But you absorbed her dream when she napped on you. That wasn't a dream you would’ve had. It was her dream. She wanted to buy an oboe from the windmill store. Which is why you saw that in her dream," Crescent explains.ㅤㅤ“Hold on—that would make sense, but I told you. It was a flute in my dream. A flute. Not an oboe. Don’t want to go down that rabbit hole again,” I say.ㅤㅤ“Are you absolutely sure…Actually, I trust you. Okay. You say it was a flute.”ㅤㅤCerus looks a little lost in thought. After a few seconds, she speaks up again.ㅤㅤ“I still think the contents of your dream can't be coincidental—they’re too close to Crescent’s association between windmills and wind instruments,” she says.ㅤㅤ“Thanks. At least one person believes me,” I say.ㅤㅤYeah, this actually makes sense. I literally never thought about that before—I’m a Mare. Either Stag’s been lying to me, or—and this is the more likely answer—she has no idea I’m a Mare.ㅤㅤIs it possible that no one knows that I have this ability except Cerus?ㅤㅤWait. It’s making even more sense. All my dreams recently. Whoever I touched on a specific day affected my dream afterward.ㅤㅤSt. Martin's Tower. Wednesday night. I made skin contact with Stag. It was really busy, so I never got to play with Vein or hold her hand like I usually would. So St. Martin's Tower was meant to be Stag’s dream? Why? What did Stein say—impulsiveness? Intrusive thoughts? What's impulsive about Stag? Maybe it's something to do with her past . . .ㅤㅤThe first Droneheads dream. Thursday night. Cerus must have been writing the story at the time. She tapped her horn on me out of embarrassment. That was the skin contact. So I dreamt about her story.ㅤㅤThe Zoo. Friday morning. It was the dream where I was a girl with a common ‘J’ name. The only person I touched that day was . . . Swan? Then the name would’ve been Jasmine—Swan’s human name. That seemed like such a realistic dream, though. There's no way. Was it something like her memories? Was that Swan as a child? Wait. The part where the arcade machine started talking. That part wasn't realistic. It was a mesh of her actual memories and how she perceived herself.ㅤㅤThe Fountain. Friday night. Oh. That was. Vein. I held Vein's hand that night. Even kissed her on the cheek. If those were Vein’s memories, then that really was Joni. What was a human like her doing in Hell?!ㅤㅤThe second Droneheads dream. Saturday night. More of Cerus' writing. The fireworks.ㅤㅤThe third Droneheads dream. Sunday night. The fight between Yusuf and Camilla.ㅤㅤThe fourth Droneheads dream. Monday night. My least favorite.ㅤㅤAnd it was mixed with the karaoke bar nightmare. Monday night, too. I made contact with Shophar that night in real life. Based on what I’ve experienced so far, it seems there are two things I can deduce about this ‘dream-eating’ ability:ㅤㅤ1. Whoever I touch before sleeping affects my dream.ㅤㅤ2. Dreams can blend together if I come into contact with multiple people before sleep.ㅤㅤBut that still doesn’t answer a question about Monday night. The karaoke bar.ㅤㅤ"Cerus. I wasn't in the mood, so I didn't ask yesterday—what happened when we went to the karaoke bar? Do you remember anything?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"I'll. I'll get to that. I promise. But first, let me explain to you how I came up with the story of the Droneheads," Cerus responds.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Okay. Still pretty confused, but go for it," I say.ㅤㅤ"Well. The truth is that I didn't come up with the Droneheads and the crater. Um. How do I put this? Don. Please don't get angry at me," Cerus begs.ㅤㅤNo. Don't tell me. This is too wild and wacky. Too wacky and wild. Too wacky tobaccy. Don't tell me she's going to say what I think she's going to say. I thought there might be a slight chance, but no way. Please.ㅤㅤ"Um. Okay. I won't," I say. Please.ㅤㅤ"I'm Jaimie. Those dreams are my memories."
Chapter 15 ● The Storm and the Scythes
ㅤㅤㅤHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.ㅤㅤBitch, what?ㅤㅤThat is not at all what I thought she was going to say.ㅤㅤHonest. Deadass. I mean, I considered it, but life isn’t some sci-fi child experiment bullshit. I thought she was going to say she stole the story from someone. Some form of plagiarism. But um. What the fuck? How dumb am I? Cerus is Jeem?ㅤㅤThis girl keeps dropping bombs like it's nothing. Next, she'll say ‘I—I like you, Don! Teehee!’. The fuck?ㅤㅤ"Don, I don't hate you or anything . . . ," she begins to say.ㅤㅤDoes that count? It's close enough to ‘I like you’. ‘I don't hate you". Yeah. Pretty much the same thing. It's all semantics.ㅤㅤ" . . . but you've kind of been. Kind of been a guinea pig for me."ㅤㅤToday may be the day I kill Cerus. What the hell is she talking about? ‘Guinea pig’?ㅤㅤ"Um. Please explain," I demand. I'll be honest. I'm getting a little irritated from being constantly lied to recently.ㅤㅤ"S—So. You weren't initially wrong. I actually am a Mare. Like, an actual Mare. I've known this for the longest time. I'm a special kind of Mare—I can't control my abilities. It's more of a curse than an ability.ㅤㅤI only have one dream. Every night, I only have one, singular dream. The same dream, over and over and over and over again. Every si—single time I sleep. I always dream. And it's always the same dream. Even when I nap for a few hours. It's the same dream with the same duration. If I wake up twice and sleep twice in one night, I have the dream twice. And it's not a dream where I die. If I could have that instead, I would. But I never die. And I can't. I even avoid sleeping if I can. I hate sleeping.ㅤㅤI can't even describe to you the dream until you experience it. Because it's. It's really hard to talk about. Just like you said—I'm shy. But I'm. I'm introverted and closed off for another reason. You can probably tell that I'm uncomfortable with physical touch. There's . . . definitely a lot more to it, but one of the main reasons is. That as a Mare, I transmit this dream to everyone I come in contact with. They have the exact dream. They may even have it for the next few days. It's unpredictable.ㅤㅤIt started after the events of the Craterscape program—anyone I touch. If I touch someone on Day 1 and see them on Day 2, they seem broken. They look horrified. And they can barely speak. They even vomit sometimes when they see me. I've tried to make friends that end up being unable to function for weeks after coming into contact with me. It’s a reflection of how I was the first few years after the Craterscape program. It’s an endless cycle of reliving the event that haunts me repeatedly. It’s a curse. I'm a curse."ㅤㅤHoly shit, bro.ㅤㅤ"And . . . And what is that dream? Generally speaking?" I ask, attempting to get some clues on it.ㅤㅤ"I—I can tell you this. It's the last part of the Droneheads dream. It's what you will experience if you come in contact with me and sleep tonight," she says.ㅤㅤ’u mite just need 1 more nite’ㅤㅤAh, that's why she said that in her text.ㅤㅤUm. I think I'll pass after hearing all that.ㅤㅤ"I think I'll pass after hearing all that," I say.ㅤㅤ"P—please hear me out, Don. You are the first person I've met to not have the entire dream upon contact. See–I was really embarrassed when you saw my scars on Thursday. Out of. O—Out of my own embarrassment, I actually. Ah. I actually leaned on your chest. I—I'm sorry about that, by the way," she says.ㅤㅤ"No biggie. Continue, please," I say, tapping my feet.ㅤㅤ"O—okay. Well, I was really afraid for you—that you would have the dream. That you would break. All because of my embarrassment on Thursday. I hated myself for it. I honestly couldn't sleep that night out of fear for you. I had just met you—you were a really nice guy, caring for your sister while still making time to talk to me. You were already stressed for your sister, and I thought I was going to make it worse. I really decided not to work the next day, just to make sure my presence didn't make it worse for you.ㅤㅤBut I later heard that you were just fine. I wasn't sure. Did you not have the dream at all? I had to find out. And—and so I took the risk and touched your hand in the car on Saturday. I couldn't help but be embarrassed. I never touch people.ㅤㅤAnd then you texted me the next morning. About what you were dreaming about each time I touched you.ㅤㅤYou were dreaming the events that lead up to the dream. You were dreaming everything about the Craterscape program.ㅤㅤAnd you would eventually get to my dream. I just didn't know when," Cerus explains in detail.ㅤㅤSheesh. Haha. Well. That is a lot to take in. So I really was just her little experiment. To experience her trauma. Without her telling me.ㅤㅤI'm legitimately pissed. You’re telling me that it gets worse than the most recent Droneheads dream I had? And she wants me to experience it? Can't believe I was ever fucking crushing on this girl.ㅤㅤ"Don't touch me. I'm leaving," I say sternly.ㅤㅤ"D—Don? Wait! Wait! I need! I need to explain what happened at the karaoke bar! You said you wouldn't get angry!" Cerus says.ㅤㅤ"I don't care. I don't want to hear it right now. I take back what I said about you being someone I consider a friend. I'm going to go home," I say.ㅤㅤ"Don, please! Please! P—Please! Please . . . " she cries and begs as she falls to her knees.ㅤㅤI leave the apartment.
●●●ㅤㅤFuck this shit. Fuck all this shit. It's lie after lie after fucking lie.ㅤㅤI didn’t ask for this ability, okay? And–And I didn’t even start having these kinds of dream until the St. Martin’s Tower dream. And…wait. That was after Cerus and I were introduced. I didn’t have the dream-eating ability until I met Cerus.ㅤㅤIt's conveniently raining. Only a light drizzle for now, but it's supposed to thunderstorm later. And I brought my fucking scooter like an idiot. I wasn't thinking.ㅤㅤI'll be okay as long as I get home before it pours.ㅤㅤAs I ride home, some of the unanswered questions linger.ㅤㅤWhat happened at the karaoke bar? Why did Cerus’s appearance trigger this weird ‘dream-eating’ ability of mine? If it was triggered by her appearance, then why did it work with Crescent a long time ago?ㅤㅤWait. Scratch all those questions. I still can’t believe it. The Craterscape is real. I've been experiencing history. Not a fantasy. Yusuf and Jaimie are real people.ㅤㅤAs if jinxing myself, it starts pouring. I ride a bit slower to be on the safe side. Ah. I’m starting to skid and slide.ㅤㅤFuck this. This is scary. I don't want to hydroplane.ㅤㅤI decide to park nearby a bus stop around two miles from home. I sit down underneath the bus stop shelter. I'll wait it out.ㅤㅤI pull my phone out. No messages. We're good. I can just look at memes or some shit.ㅤㅤA good thirty-ish minutes roll by, and the storm doesn't die down. My phone is almost out of batteries. Please. I'm so sick of weird shit happening.ㅤㅤAh, fuck.ㅤㅤThere's some weird motherfucker standing in the rain. They start walking toward me. Hm. Okay, cool. They're completely drenched and sit down on the other end of the bench under the shelter.ㅤㅤThey lean forward, spread their legs, and lay their arms down. They laugh a little and tilt their head up.ㅤㅤOut of this person's head sprout four scythe-shaped horns—two on the forehead and two on the back of their head. Simultaneously, a tail uncurls from behind them.ㅤㅤI'm taken aback and stand up.ㅤㅤ"Don't worry. I'm a demon. Just like you. I have my own host, too. See?" they say as they lift their hands up.ㅤㅤThe demon's black nails suddenly extend to become extremely razor-sharp claws. I've never seen this before. I'm kind of scared. I can't trust this stranger.ㅤㅤI get a closer look at them. Female in appearance. She's wearing a long, dark gray dress. Even though it's mostly torn up and revealing some of her skin, it complements her really long, black, and clearly overgrown straight hair. Her bangs cover the majority of her face. She almost looks like that creature from one of my favorite horror movies. Her eyes are a bit bloodshot, too. Classic. I try not to stare too long. She retracts her nail-claws.ㅤㅤ"No need to be scared. Like I said. I'm just like you."ㅤㅤShe smiles with her mouth wide open. Her canines do the same thing her nails did. They extend to almost walrus-level proportions. I avoid looking at her eyes.ㅤㅤOkay. I need to calm down. I can't be judgmental. Not after I saw my original Elm demon form.ㅤㅤ"It's nice to m—meet you. I'm Don. It's really cold and rainy. Are you okay, all soaked like that?" I introduce myself and ask. Don’t worry, I'm always wearing techwear and a bunch of waterproof shit. I'm usually fine in situations like this.ㅤㅤShe laughs.ㅤㅤ"I'm alright. Thanks for asking, Don. I'm Scythe. You probably expected that from these, huh?" she says, pointing to her horns.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, I thought that might be the c—case. What brings you to this area? Demons with Permanent Possession usually go through Stag and become employees at Jelly Joni's—is that why you're here? Or do you not have any idea what I'm talking about?" I say.ㅤㅤShe laughs again.ㅤㅤ"Sort of. Kind of. I'm an old friend of Stag. I even knew Joni! I doubt they remember me, though. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be working there. Don't think I could. I mean, look at me! Haha!" Scythe gestures to herself and how she's completely tattered.ㅤㅤ"I mean. I'm sure Stag would be willing to take you in and clean you up! She's usually open with helping any and all demons that go through Permanent Possession!" I say, encouragingly.ㅤㅤA lightning strike in the distance. Thunder erupts seconds after.ㅤㅤ"You're cute, Don. I appreciate it. I'll pass, though. Just wanted to stop by and say 'hi' to them. But it looks like they're closed," Scythe says.ㅤㅤ"W—wow! Thanks. Yeah. When I think about it, we're actually going to be closed for a month, so it probably might not have worked out well for you. But I wish you good luck with what you have to do!" I say. She's still a stranger, demon or not. Need to be cautious. Especially since she has those razor-sharp nails.ㅤㅤ"You're adorable. I can see why Stag takes care of demons like you. So sweet,” she says eerily as she scoots in closer to me.ㅤㅤShe places her hand under my chin and lifts my chin up with her pointing finger. My space bubble. Jeez. It happened so quickly, but I swear she was doing it so slowly. Or can I just not move?ㅤㅤI don't want this stranger to touch me. Especially considering what I just learned from Cerus. Great. Now I'm going to eat a complete and random stranger's dreams. Either way, I need to be careful. Her nails can extend and kill me instantly.ㅤㅤShe places her hands down.ㅤㅤ"Th—thank you! I'm n—not told that often, haha!" I say. I awkwardly go back on my phone. It's on two percent battery. Fuck this janky-ass phone.ㅤㅤScythe just sits there in silence. I can feel her staring at me.

ㅤㅤI'm scrolling through memes, but I am not really paying attention to them. I’m nervous and shaking. What am I going to do once I run out of battery? I can't draw in this nasty humid weather. Plus, it'd be a little embarrassing to draw in front of a creepy stranger like this.ㅤㅤOne percent. I can still feel her staring at me.ㅤㅤMy phone surprisingly lasts around for around five more minutes. It eventually turns off. Shit.ㅤㅤI pretend-scroll through a black screen for a few seconds. We're both still sitting there in silence. I have no idea what to do. I don’t even know if she can see my phone’s black screen from the angle she’s sitting. If I turn to check or tilt my phone, then it’ll be obvious what I’m doing. Okay. I’ll put my phone away so I don’t risk it. Fuck. I can tell she’s still glaring at me. What do I talk about? I don't want to reveal too much about myself right now. Shit, after today? Do I honestly even know myself?ㅤㅤ"Are you a girl?" Scythe suddenly blurts out.ㅤㅤHuh? Aw, not this shit.ㅤㅤ"I'm sorry?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"You look like a girl but dress like a boy. Are you a girl?" Scythe pesters.ㅤㅤDamn. Mind your own business. Holy shit.ㅤㅤ"It's complicated, but I'm a boy. Y—you don't need to worry about it, Scythe! Thank you, though!" I say. I don't want to get on her bad side.ㅤㅤ"Hm," Scythe mutters.ㅤㅤSome more silence.ㅤㅤ"Do you have breasts? Like a girl's breasts?" Scythe asks.ㅤㅤHELLO?!ㅤㅤ"Um. I d—don't really want to answer that, Scythe. Haha," I say.ㅤㅤ"Hm. That's okay," Scythe mutters again.ㅤㅤRead the fucking room, Scythe! Jeez. Made it sound like I was apologizing. She's the one who should apologize.ㅤㅤTime could not go by any slower.ㅤㅤBut luckily, after around three more minutes after that dreadful conversation, the storm lifts. It goes back to drizzling lightly. The lightning is gone.ㅤㅤ"Well. That's my cue to leave. It was nice meeting you, Don. Hope you decide what you want to be," Scythe says.ㅤㅤBitch. I'm a fucking boy. Didn't I just fucking say that earlier?!ㅤㅤ"Y—you, too, Scythe! T—take it easy!" I say. I get up to go back on my scooter.ㅤㅤScythe walks away in the opposite direction. It's a little foggy, but I see her walking aimlessly in the distance. I don't really care. That just ruined my mood even more.ㅤㅤI drive off home. I’m just glad she didn’t mug me. I’d hate to be mugged. Last thing I need is to lose my brand new, but trashy, phone. Again. Actually. Hold on. Is that what happened? Was I fucking mugged on the night of karaoke? I have no idea what happened between karaoke and me getting home. Except for the fact that I didn’t have my phone and wallet. The jacket I wore that night has zippers. They wouldn’t have fell out. Ah, shit.ㅤㅤYep. I was mugged. And I have no memory of it.
Chapter Z-1 ● The Coven and the Children
ㅤㅤYeah. Things got intense there. Moral of the story: don’t let your dick control your actions. Pretty girl got me fucked up there. Anyway. This alphanumerical chapter focuses on someone new. So have fun. Cast aside all your preconceived stereotypes about Italian-Americans.●●●ㅤㅤGionna was raised in New York City. She experienced the boom of the Stregheria movement. Primarily a Wiccan movement, Stregheria originated in the 1970s, centered around modern religious witchcraft, and mainly involved the Italian-American witchcraft community in places like New York City. Gionna's Pagan background within a coven led her to believe in Wiccan virtues revolving around nature.ㅤㅤIf you’re unfamiliar with the religion known as Wicca, the following one-sentence explanation will do very little justice to fully describe it. But it’ll try.ㅤㅤAs previously stated, Wicca is a modern Pagan religion based on worshiping nature with common practices including witchcraft, forming of groups called covens, adoption of the pentagram as a primary symbol, and harvest celebrations.ㅤㅤThough Wiccans' witchcraft is often misconstrued with 'devil-worshiping' and other misidentified beliefs, Gionna simply held onto the duotheistic belief of the Goddess of the Moon and the Horned God.ㅤㅤThe modern "Strega tradition", as Stregheria was often called, was perfect for Gionna. She could embrace her heritage as a descendant of Italian witches and truly be the best Wiccan she could be, connecting with the natural world around her. She was kind, loving, and compassionate.ㅤㅤBut with Gionna's addiction to witchcraft, she began to fall into a different kind of magick.ㅤㅤThe occult. Some aspects of the occult line up with Wiccan beliefs, but for the most part—they are considered separate concepts.ㅤㅤWiccan practice includes sacred circles for rituals and observance of festivals focusing on the moon, solstices and equinoxes—just to name a few. The focus is on the natural.ㅤㅤThe occult refers to practices involving the mystical, extrasensory deprivation, astrology, spiritualism, dream interpretation—just to name a few. The focus is on the supernatural.ㅤㅤGionna sought to engage these concepts as her interests shifted from Wicca to the occult. This was not a good look for her family. Although she hid her occultist research material from her parents, she was eventually found out. The backlash she faced led her to eventually run away from home. She was around 20 years old.ㅤㅤGionna eventually found herself in a clandestine occultist group aiming to communicate with the afterlife. She had found her calling. This is what she was the most interested in. The afterlife.ㅤㅤAt first, the group's goal was to communicate with the humans of the afterlife. Relatives, loved ones, or famous individuals that had passed on. But to no avail. They were largely unsuccessful. So they turned to a different aspect of the afterlife.ㅤㅤHell. It was an Abrahamic concept that she delved into just a small amount. This group was obsessed with the concept of Hell. They poured seemingly countless hours into researching Hell's creatures from historical documentation.ㅤㅤSpina's classification of demons. Psellus' classification of demons. Agrippa's classification of demons. Solomon's classification of demons. King James' classification of demons. The ancient Greek's classification of demons.ㅤㅤThere were just too many books on demonology. And it seemed as though all these historical writers could never quite agree on which demons were which.ㅤㅤSo this group tried it all. Their new goal: communicate with a demon. Of course, they understood the risks. While they clearly did not fully agree with how certain popular movies at the time depicted exorcisms, they still did not fancy the idea of becoming possessed by a demon. They just wanted to talk to one.ㅤㅤAnd after four years of attempts based on heavy research, they obtained it—communication with the afterlife. But not in the way they expected. They received a response after their ritual.ㅤㅤDuring sleep. Through their dreams.
●●●ㅤㅤMost of Gionna's new coven began experiencing these dreams. They were communicating with specific demons. Demons of Fate, as they were called. These were high-ranking demons that observed and assessed human lives. The coven was initially surprised that these Fates knew the English language. But they dared not question.ㅤㅤWhat they were more confused about was why demons with such an important role were fine with communicating with humans. If they were the ones monitoring and assessing human lives, then should they have been talking to these humans?ㅤㅤEvery night after a ritual, most members of the coven would have similar dreams where they each came into contact with a Demon of Fate. The coven members weren’t sure how it worked, but they always remembered the details of their dreams.ㅤㅤThe Fates would often provide their own names. But these names seemed so arbitrary. And they were in English. The names were usually inanimate objects or animals rather than the kinds of names they were expecting. They expected names like Astaroth.ㅤㅤInstead, they got names like 'Scissor' and 'Straw'. The most demon-sounding name they got was 'Oryx'. But an oryx turned out to be just a genus of antelopes.ㅤㅤThe Fates were terrifying. Most of the coven described their voices as sounding like 'multiple voices of different pitches speaking together in unison'. Eventually, most of the coven could communicate regularly with the Fates with confidence, no longer getting frightened by their voices.ㅤㅤThe Fates were unexpectedly friendly. Their English was formal, respectful, and eloquent. One member of the coven had the courage to ask his dream's Fate why their names were so peculiar. Thankfully, the Fates had no problem answering. The Fates even made a joke about the 15th Reincarnation of Astaroth, who decided to change to these kinds of names.ㅤㅤMost of the coven was enjoying this regular communication with the Demons of Fate through their dreams. They decided to adopt the name ’Kismet’, meaning ’fate’ in Turkish.ㅤㅤYes. Most of the coven. Everyone in Kismet could communicate with their own Demons of Fate. Everyone except Gionna.ㅤㅤShe was so frustrated. The whole reason she deserted her family was to experience something like this. Now that she was so close to grasping it, she fell short. While the rest of Kismet were bragging about their most recent conversation with their Fates, she had nothing. She had normal dreams. Meaningless dreams. Dreams she would forget. This went on for three months.ㅤㅤOne day towards the end of the third month, the Fates all told their respective witch the same thing via dreams. The Demons of Fate were planning something big. And they needed these humans' help for it.ㅤㅤThe Fates described it as a project—its goal was find a way for a demon to share a body with a human without driving the human to insanity, which was the usual case for temporary possession.ㅤㅤIt was the concept of Permanent Possession.ㅤㅤThe Fates explained it this way: The smartest demons in Hell had been researching methods of achieving Permanent Possession by utilizing some of their Fallen angels' abilities, since angels could already perform long-term forms of possession.ㅤㅤThe Fates claimed that, if they succeeded with this project, they could establish better relations with the humans. They bargained that they would even provide humans with extra abilities if they shared a body with a demon. Abilities that could be used to save humanity from pain and unnecessary death.ㅤㅤTo get there, they needed the humans' help with three things:ㅤㅤOne—Await for one witch to meet with the leader of the project in their dream.ㅤㅤTwo—Follow that demon’s exact instructions to help with the project's development.ㅤㅤThe third thing seemed so simple, but the Fates stressed that it was the most important:ㅤㅤThree—Deter angels by continuing to practice occult no differently than they typically would.ㅤㅤThe coven was extremely interested by this proposition. And the witches collectively agreed to accept it. The question was:ㅤㅤWho would be assigned to meet with the head of the project?ㅤㅤGionna was frustrated, believing that she wouldn't be able to help very much with this project—let alone be the one to meet with the project leader. But the night after Kismet accepted the Fate's proposition, Gionna finally experienced what she’d been longing for: A demon dream.ㅤㅤAnd the demon she met with was terrifying. A gigantic, muscular warrior with a muzzle covering his mouth. The other coven members described their Demons of Fate as average-sized creatures that looked like normal humans, but with slight variations, like a serpent's tail or a goat's hooves accompanied by horns.ㅤㅤThis demon Gionna met with was not a Demon of Fate. He introduced himself as Amay.ㅤㅤAmay spoke to Gionna in an echoing, commanding voice fit for his appearance as a warrior demon. He told her to assert herself as the leader of the coven under his oath and wait for further instruction.ㅤㅤGionna woke up and doubted the other witches would believe her. But when they gathered, their Demons of Fate all said the same thing. That Gionna was to be the leader—the main liaison between Hell and Earth to direct this project.ㅤㅤGionna couldn't be happier.
●●●ㅤㅤOver the course of a year and a half, a lot changed in Gionna's life. Every night, she would meet with Amay in a dream to discuss plans of action. Gionna would even try to take naps to try and meet with him, which didn’t work. Only during a full night's sleep would Amay meet with her.ㅤㅤSo she loyally followed Amay's instructions and relayed information to the rest of Kismet.ㅤㅤHorse race bets. Auctions. Casinos. Investments. Eventually lottery tickets, too.ㅤㅤKismet gained unbelievable amounts of financial capital from the Demons of Fate and Amay's instructions. They won large sums of money and kept most of it under wraps. They eventually had millions of dollars under their belt. And they were determined to succeed with Permanent Possession and gain demonic powers.ㅤㅤWhen the time came, the next phase for the project began. Under Amay and Gionna's direction, when the time came, they purchased a large piece of land in the middle of Oklahoma. The plan was to be as discrete as possible.ㅤㅤThey would dig out a gigantic crater in the ground.ㅤㅤThey then hired knowledgeable contractors to dig the crater, add metal housing to avoid issues with natural erosion, and create a drainage system. A large, gray circular platform would be placed in the center, with smaller trapezoidal platforms surrounding it. These trapezoidal platforms incorporated a hydraulic lifting system and would rise up consecutively like spiral stairs in the event of an emergency—in case someone needed to evacuate the crater. After this crater was set up, Gionna awaited her next instruction from Amay.ㅤㅤ"You will gather children from all over Earth. No child should be above a young adolescent age, as it will not work with our method of Permanent Possession. Bring the highest variety of children you can find. Our objective is to assess which specific kind of child will be the most suitable for Permanent Possession. Without your assistance, our research cannot determine what aptitude is needed."ㅤㅤ"Prince Amay. How do I go about bringing children? The laws of this country do not allow child abduction. I also do not believe I could morally perform that action, if I am to be honest," spoke Gionna. She had to admit—putting aside her 1980s slang to speak formally to an ancient demon's reincarnation was quite exhausting.ㅤㅤ"Our most intellectual demons have acquired sufficient information on your country. There are foster homes and orphanages. These are the children you may bring," answered Amay.ㅤㅤAnd so she—along with the rest of Kismet—did just that, qualifying for adopting multiple children. It was a little shady, but Gionna was willing to walk on thin ice for the greater good. These demons most likely had their own ulterior motives, but the outcome would ultimately be in humanity's favor.ㅤㅤThis project became known as the Craterscape program.
●●●ㅤㅤGionna was extremely organized. She embodied every aspect of being a leader. Amicable, orderly, and coordinated. She organized a majority of the Craterscape program on the Earth side of things. She recorded all the information from meetings with Amay, as well as the other witches' meetings with their respective Fates. Each time another witch offered to be the secretary and lighten the load, they did not perform as well as Gionna—they always yielded the role back to Gionna.ㅤㅤUnlike the rest of the coven, she memorized which of the children were actually adopted under her name. The other witches were much more loose with memorizing which child belonged to whom.ㅤㅤGionna had adopted five children. Three of them were immigrant siblings originally from Hong Kong, China. One was a first generation Turkish-American child, whose parents originated from the city of İzmir. And one was a French immigrant raised in the commune of Grigny in Paris.ㅤㅤMin. Bao. Feng. Yusuf. Camilla.ㅤㅤGionna found these particular kids to be adorable. But once all of Kismet’s adopted children were gathered together, she knew to keep her distance. In fact, almost all details of the Craterscape program and adoptive parents were kept from the children. To them, this was a new home where foster children from all around the world would live together in peace.ㅤㅤAnd so the Craterscape program began. Rather than using the hydraulic trapezoidal platform stairs to bring the children down, a gigantic crane was used in order to keep the stairs' existence a secret from the children.ㅤㅤBut what about monitoring the children? The witches of the coven had limited knowledge on what kind of data to gather for the Fates. Could cameras be installed and shown to the demons? No. Gionna was against the idea of having these children live knowing they were under constant dystopian, Panopticon-like surveillance.ㅤㅤAmay assured Gionna that while cameras would be helpful, they were mostly unnecessary for their research. Demons of Fate, including survey demons, could check in on the Crater momentarily. He assigned the witches to focus on recording the human aspects of data, such as the childrens' medical data, ethnic background, behavioral analysis, etc.ㅤㅤThe witches did not want to hire new non-coven-associated employees for risk of being reported for illegal activity. This inadvertently caused issues, because the task of raising the children could not be evenly split with the task of recording data on the children.ㅤㅤBut Gionna was up to the challenge.ㅤㅤShe offered to be the sole caretaker of all the Craterscape children. The other witches were astounded by her courage, but were also not very surprised by that point. Gionna would raise the children, take minimal notes, provide as much information to the rest of the witches, and organize announcements for the children. The other witches would occasionally visit to help with medical checkups and heavier lifting. But for the most part, it was only Gionna in the Craterscape with the children.ㅤㅤAnd so, Gionna went by Ms. G.

●●●ㅤㅤMs. G performed her job as the caretaker flawlessly. Though difficult, she was able to put aside her love for her five children in particular, and treated all the Craterscape children evenly and fairly.ㅤㅤThe coven had done a fantastic job of gathering a great variety of children. And not just physically varied. There were social kids, shy kids, loud kids, quiet kids, kind kids, mean kids, clean kids, messy kids, and so on. While some children formed cliques, they all relatively got along.ㅤㅤThe more items that the children requested, the more the witches—now known as facilitators—came to understand their personalities and goals. It was clear which children had desires to become doctors, engineers, caretakers, athletes, or other future career paths.ㅤㅤWhile she treated the children equally, she did keep a keen eye on her adopted children.ㅤㅤMin, Bao, and Feng were of different ages, but would regularly spend time together as siblings.ㅤㅤYusuf was very social, yet was best friends with one of the shyest children of Craterscape named Jaimie.ㅤㅤCamilla was perfect. She excelled at everything the Craterscape challenged her with, required or not. Ms. G wasn't sure what kind of child the demons were looking for, but if Camilla wasn't the ideal test subject, then who else could be?ㅤㅤTest subject. She didn't like that term. These were children—part of the nature that Ms. G grew up appreciating. Children. These were children. Not test subjects. If all went well, these children would eventually be guaranteed successful career paths through the coven's network and financial connections.ㅤㅤAs time went on, Ms. G noticed Camilla's tendencies to lash out at other children. Ms. G recalled Camilla's background and how Camilla acted when she first left her adoption home. She was lonely. Untrusting. She was raised in one of the poorest areas of Paris with no one to help her. Ms. G decided to set aside time to help Camilla with her anger issues. While this did not technically count as favoritism, she still decided to ask Amay for approval. Amay was completely fine with the idea. He also briefly confirmed that the demons were in favor of Camilla, but preferred she not fall so easily to wrath. Ms. G was excited. She had a reason to spend one-on-one time with Camilla, her own daughter.ㅤㅤAnd Camilla was delightful. Camilla was exceedingly respectful toward Ms. G and listened to her every piece of advice. She was showing immense progress.ㅤㅤBut things changed when the shy little girl named Jaimie became just a little less shy. She ordered a drone—a new expensive piece of technology that was difficult to obtain commercially at the time. With their money, it was possible to obtain one—but it most likely wasn't worth it. Ms. G initially planned to reject little Jaimie's request. But then she thought about it. She offered an idea to the rest of the witches and the Fates.ㅤㅤThe drone could indirectly be another way to monitor the children. It would make her life a little easier, since she was now taking extra time for Camilla. It wasn’t as invasive as planting multiple cameras to spy on the kids, so she felt morally fine with it. The witches and demons approved of the idea, but it would take longer to deliver to Jaimie in order to make adjustments to the drone. ㅤㅤThe drone was being developed and modified by the witches under the Fate's scrutiny.ㅤㅤBut before serious development on the drone began, the Fates told the witches to stop. They proposed a new technology being developed in Hell alongside Permanent Possession. It was a method that would allow even the Fates to view the drone's footage live—not just the witches.ㅤㅤThey would instill an artificial soul into the drone. This was developed by an intelligent demon and prodigy named Scythe. No, the drone wouldn’t become sentient—that's not what artificial souls were for. At least yet. As far as Scythe was able to accomplish, artificial souls were moreso a way to link non-living objects with Hell, allowing the survey demons to monitor Earth constantly rather than momentarily. It was a new procedure that was still difficult to achieve and was planned to eventually be used for other demons such as Succubae.ㅤㅤThe witches and demons applied it to the drone. And they were successful. The demons could tap into the drone and watch the children from its point of view. It was the only camera in the entire Craterscape.
●●●ㅤㅤJaimie and Yusuf's drone shows were sensational. The Droneheads. Ms. G was amazed. What a creative and delightful twist! And it was organized by none other than her own child Yusuf. She was even delighted at the coincidental serendipity that four of her adoptive children were spending time together as the Droneheads. Yusuf, Min, Bao, and Feng. She became absorbed in helping the Droneheads out, since it was helping her out as well. Even the other witches were obsessed with the children's interactions.ㅤㅤWhat did the demons think of this? Well, they watched all of it happen from the drone's point of view. They were somewhat entertained by the extravagance and creativity of these young humans.ㅤㅤBut more than that, they were pleased. There was a sudden paradigm shift in the demon's instruction. They desired all focus to be on the Droneheads and their shows. There was nothing but complete support from the Fates. They seemed to love the Droneheads. Everyone did.ㅤㅤEveryone except for Camilla.●●●ㅤㅤIt was unbelievable what Camilla was capable of. Yusuf was completely battered. Ms. G was so terrified of Camilla that she did not want to try and detain the child. She resorted to using a stun gun to subdue Camilla, leading to the least amount of bodily harm to the both of them.ㅤㅤWhile unbelievably upset at both of them, they were her children. She called the rest of the coven to bring the crane and have them sent to a hospital. Feng was incredibly worried and begged Ms. G to take him with her, to which she agreed. Ms. G used this opportunity to question Feng about how the fight began, since she had not seen it start. It was obvious Camilla broke Droney's controller. But why this?ㅤㅤMeanwhile, what did the demons think about this? Well, Ms. G knew none of the witches would be able to contact the demons until they slept that night, so it was up to her to solve the situation. The two injured children stayed at a nearby hospital in separate rooms. Ms. G was watching Yusuf, while Feng and another facilitator were watching Camilla.
●●●ㅤㅤWhen nighttime came and it was time to sleep, Ms. G was utterly dumbfounded when she met with Amay.ㅤㅤAmay did not care for Yusuf nor Camilla. He was only focused on Jaimie.ㅤㅤMs. G was infuriated. Each time she tried to bring the conversation back to her concern for Yusuf's health, Amay was lightly dismissive and would return to questions about Jaimie. How did Jaimie respond to the fight? What kind of emotions did Jaimie exhibit when Camilla was about to charge at her? Did Jaimie's interests change with the biggest drone show? Did Jaimie still want to be a physicist? Was Jaimie hurt?ㅤㅤ'Was Jaimie hurt?' Ms. G couldn't stand it. Jaimie. Jaimie. Jaimie. That girl caused this to happen. It was Jaimie’s fault that Yusuf was this injured. It was Jaimie’s fault that Ms. G had neglected Camilla and led her to go down a destructive path.ㅤㅤBut Ms. G knew better. No. It wasn't her fault. She was just an imaginative girl who wanted to bring light to the other children along with Yusuf. Rationally, this was Camilla's fault. Ms. G knew not to direct her anger toward Jaimie.ㅤㅤUntil the next day, when Ms. G ignored all rationality. She received the news about Yusuf. Thankfully, he did survive the attack.ㅤㅤBut he would be permanently paralyzed. He would be permanently disfigured.ㅤㅤAnd worst of all—the intensity of his traumatic brain injuries meant that he would most likely be suffering from cognitive disabilities for the rest of his life.ㅤㅤHell is merciless.
Chapter 16 ● The Spectra and the Favor
ㅤㅤI have accepted that I was mugged. Great. So it turns out that whatever shit is going on, my memories aren’t updated. I have no memory of getting mugged, but it’s clear that I did. Cerus kind of confirmed that we did do karaoke, but I left before she explained what actually happened. My temper really didn’t help me solve my mysteries. Anyway, I’m home after meeting that demon woman named Scythe. Bro. Should I sleep? I'm about to dream some stupid shit from some stupid bitch I don't even know. I'm lowkey curious, but I'm pissed that I was touched without permission. Even if I didn't have this ability—don't you dare fucking touch me. Fuck Scythe. Asking invasive-ass questions, too.ㅤㅤUgh. Okay. Sorry. I'll calm down. Temper. Gotta work on that.ㅤㅤIt’s Wednesday night. I’m once again sitting at my desk. I've already eaten dinner. Stag and Vein stayed home all day. It was high time they spent actual time together as makeshift mama and chill child. When I got home, Vein was asleep on Stag's lap on the couch. It was adorable. See? Vein and Stag are a much cuter duo than Vein and Tib.ㅤㅤOh. Tib. I've barely talked about Tib, have I? Ugh, you're probably annoyed that I only go into detail about some of the demons when I feel like it. But I swear! I just have a really tunnel-vision attention span. And it can easily be snatched by something else at a moment's notice. Like this ant crawling on my doodling journal right now. Wait. I can't kill it while it's on the drawing of Yusuf. We don't want Drawing Yusuf to look like Post-Fight Yusuf. Sorry. Bad joke. Bad joke. Sorry, Yusuf. You're the homie. Oh, it's off the journal now. Slam. Dead ant.ㅤㅤAnyway.ㅤㅤLike I said before—Tib is an Ulma demon. And like you heard before—Tib can't be seen by the human eye. It's like how humans can't see our horns, long ears, tails, fangs, etc. Oh, by the way, did you know that humans will still see the physical effects of our demon body parts? Like, if I knocked a cup down with my horns in front of a human, it would appear like something invisible knocked it down. So we have to be careful. Demon hair has the ability to create a minor illusion around our horns, but it’s still difficult to wear hats.ㅤㅤSo Tib. She's about the size of my torso. Like a 40-inch plushie or something. Um. My memories before Permapos and after are pretty simple: I didn't know Tib. Then one day, I did. She sort of just appeared. Stag brought her in, I assume. From what I understand, the tibbie-wibbies showed up later on, much to Vein's delight. They basically live at the diner. While we don't bring them home because it'd be a mess, I think it's also because they just like the diner more. According to Stag, Tib and the tibbie-wibbies knew Joni, so they probably like the restaurant more because of that. They also like spending most of their time in the break room during the day and throughout the diner after close. But they sleep pretty often, so we're never worried that they'll make a mess at the diner. I wonder if they dream. Anyway.ㅤㅤStag tells me that they're artificially-created Spectra demons. That some genius demon took parts of a Spectra, created empty demonic vessels with them, and managed to instill artificial souls into them. They're essentially robot-zombie-ghosts. Wild.ㅤㅤDid you also know that Tib has two older brothers? They're named Buron and Ranro. All three of their names are from that Ulma-something genus thing. A specific species of it. I'll look it up again real quick. Uh. Okay. Yeah. It was 'tiburonia granrojo'. Not gonna lie. Stag was pretty creative with this one. But yeah. Buron and Ranro are gigantic, so we have to keep them in some storage facility we're renting out. Stag stops by to spend time with them and feed them every weekend. Don't worry. They're easily entertained, and we have plenty of amenities in the storage.ㅤㅤ . . .ㅤㅤSorry. My mind's wandering back to Cerus and everything she told me. Well. More like, everything she lied to me about. Ugh. If I think about it too hard, I'll regret it. Plus, it's clear that I could learn more about myself and my past if I make contact with Vein. But do I want a Vein dream to mix in with a stranger's dream? A.K.A. a Scythe-Vein collab? Hell, nah. Also, Vein's asleep and I don't want to bother her.ㅤㅤWhatever. Good night.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm in bed. Staring at my ceiling. Wait.ㅤㅤHuh?ㅤㅤHm?ㅤㅤWait, this is just my room. It’s still nighttime.ㅤㅤIs my janky temp phone where it usually is? Yeah. It's on the nightstand. Dude? Are my lucid dreaming skills god-tier all of a sudden? Can I summon Anvil here? Yes. Let's think about Anvil. Yeah. Ahem.ㅤㅤ . . .ㅤㅤOkay, that was weird. No Anvil. Okay. So I am lucid dreaming or something. But not the type where I can control things.ㅤㅤI get up and walk around the house. Everything looks . . .ㅤㅤNormal.ㅤㅤWait.ㅤㅤI think I'm just awake.ㅤㅤI check my phone again. Three hours have passed since I fell asleep. So what? I didn't dream? Huh? I have literally dreamed every single sleep or nap ever since meeting Cerus. This is so unexpected.ㅤㅤI'm. Definitely still a little sleepy. I'll . . . I'll go ahead and try to go back to sleep. Good night.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm in bed. Staring at my ceiling. It's morning.ㅤㅤNo dream again. What in the world? Also, yeah. I sleep on my back. Stop judging me. I had a rough acne breakout as a freshman in high school and just got used to it.ㅤㅤHonestly? I need a break from dreams. Well. Not really. I love dreams too much. They're kind of my escape. This sucks. Did I lose my ability to eat dreams? Or my ability to dream in general? No. I'm overthinking it. Maybe there's some rule where I have to know the person whose dreams I'm eating. But wait, I didn't really know Cerus that well during my first Crater dream. Man, I don't know!ㅤㅤI'm sure if I come into contact with someone today, it'll be fine.ㅤㅤI look at my phone one more time. Hm? A text from the group chat. Yikes, but Cerus is part of that. Whatever.ㅤㅤWait. Crescent's birthday. Oh, fuck. That was yesterday. Did we plan anything? No, we didn't really. Okay. Don't go into panic mode. Can’t really tell which one’s Ante and which one is Helix. But I'm reading the text, and it looks like Ante just went to Crescent's house yesterday and spent some time with her. She obviously gifted the oboe from all of us. I still need to give Crescent the keychain I bought for her.ㅤㅤSo nobody's mad at me or anything. Phew. Sorry, Crescent. The last two days have kind of been torturous for me. It's fine. Now that the birthday gift surprise is out of the way, we should just do a chill belated hangout to celebrate her birthday. Yeah. I'll try and set that up today.ㅤㅤOh. A number just texted me. It’s not Cerus, since I already saved her number on this new phone yesterday. The message is asking if Helix is okay. Must be Ante, then. Ante didn't talk much to Helix on the final day of JJ's, but Ante did notice that Helix seemed off. Even when she was training Cerus. I respond:ㅤㅤㅤㅤi'm not sure. some things went down during karaoke. it didn't end well. :( also this is ante right? new phoneㅤㅤI say that–even though I don't really know what actually happened. If Helix and Shophar really fought. Ante replies:ㅤㅤㅤㅤyeah it’s me. so anyway helix told me. shophar made some kind of move on you, which pissed her off. helix shouted at shophar, and shophar ended up just going home. you all rode separately, so things just got awkward after that and you all just went home, too.ㅤㅤThat's. Not at all what I remember.ㅤㅤOh. One more text from Ante:ㅤㅤㅤㅤi'll be honest, don. helix told me that she finally confessed to you, but not in the way she wantedㅤㅤHaha. She continues:ㅤㅤㅤㅤi actually like how you two look together. but just bc yall would look good doesn’t mean it would work out. but thats just me. sorry to hear it happened the way it did. take your time.ㅤㅤㅤㅤshe really does like you, don.ㅤㅤㅤㅤbut anyway, i think it's a good idea for you to keep your distance for now. we can celebrate crescent's bday together another time and let her know. i can tell there's some awkwardness in the gc.ㅤㅤHelix is cute. But I don't know. I don't know how compatible we'd be. Ugh. Don't think about it too much. Right now, my heart only belongs to Anvil or Drop. Older women swag.ㅤㅤThen what should I do today? Ugh. Before I get to respond to Ante, Stag knocks and opens my door.ㅤㅤ"Good morning, my sweet Adonis! Do you have plans today?" Stag says. Ah, shoot. Please. No errands today.ㅤㅤ"Um. Not really," I say. I've been lying to Stag too much lately. No more. My heart can't take it. Still haven’t even told her about the mugging.ㅤㅤ"Ooh! In that case, could you do me a big favor?" Stag continues. Man. Dang it.ㅤㅤ"Y—yeah. Of course," I respond. Here it is.ㅤㅤ"You seem kind of tired. You sure you're up for it?" Stag tries to confirm.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, no—Yeah. I'm good. I'll do it. No biggie," I reassure her.ㅤㅤ"Alright. So. I'd like you to show our newest waitress around town. You know—just so she gets a feel for the area," Stag says.ㅤㅤHuh? Please don't make me hang out with Cerus. Stag corrects herself.ㅤㅤ"Oh! I'm not talking about Cerus, by the way! Sorry, I wasn't clear there. I'm talking about our newest hire that'll start in a month after the renovation! Her name is Wing!" Stag says, visibly excited and eager.ㅤㅤ"Oh. That sounds kind of exciting and eager," I say. That doesn't even make sense. Stupid Don.ㅤㅤ"She's a cutie! But treat her with respect, okay, baby? She lives a very . . . different life from us," Stag says.ㅤㅤI don't like the sound of that.ㅤㅤ"I'll do my best! I hope she'll acclimate better than Cerus did, haha," I say. Shut up. That was unnecessary to say.ㅤㅤ"Oh, you mean about Vein's Overgrowth on the days Cerus worked? Yeah. It's unfortunate it happened for Cerus' two days. I'm still having Tower look into it. Well, I'll go call Wing and tell her to meet us here, okay? You can take my car, if you'd like. I doubt she'd be comfortable riding in the back of a scooter with someone she just met. No offense to your cute Vespa and your cute face," Stag says.ㅤㅤDid she say Tower? Wasn't that our future bartender? Huh. So Tower’s the friend of Stag's that knew more about Overgrowth. Well, that's cool. I wasn't in the best mood when I met Tower, so my idea of her is a little jumbled up. Anyway.ㅤㅤ"Sounds good."ㅤㅤAs Stag leaves the room, I finish responding to Ante:ㅤㅤㅤㅤthank you for being honest abt this. ill take time to think about things. cant wait to hang out again!ㅤㅤAnd send.
Chapter 17 ● The Skates and the Wings
ㅤㅤI decide to dress a little nicer than usual. Not just bumming out in athletic clothes like always. Wearing a nice plaid long sleeve shirt over a white tee. Some nice trousers. White canvas sneakers. At least I'm presentable in front of our new waitress.ㅤㅤThere is she is, parking. Damn. She's got a nice ride. She gets out of the car and . . .ㅤㅤShe's wearing an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. The hoodie is covering most of her head, so I can't get a good look at her face. I’m with it.ㅤㅤBut as she walks toward the house and tilts her head up . . .ㅤㅤPlease have mercy on my little soul.ㅤㅤShe is stunningly gorgeous. Oh, my goodness. I don't think she's exactly my type, but her face is . . . beat. She looks amazing. Even though I'm dressed nicer than her, I feel like I'm standing in front of someone in a prom dress or something. Holy shit.ㅤㅤ"This is Wing! Wing, this is Don! Don—show her around! I think you could take her to our nearby city park, the mall…then maybe to Kay and Ken Flowers? Ooh! The farmer's market is open today, too. She's got to see all the nice parts of the area," Stag talks as Wing and I shake hands.ㅤㅤOh, fuck. I'm going to eat her dreams. Well. Let's see. Should be better than whatever Scythe's was going to be.ㅤㅤCome to think of it. The phrasing of 'eat' implies that I take the dreams from people. As in, they no longer have their own dream. I steal their dream from them. I don't know if that's true, but Cerus made it sound like that.ㅤㅤIf so . . . Does that mean Cerus has been able to get a good night's rest each time I eat her dreams?ㅤㅤ"Hi, Don. Nice to meet you. I'm Wing."ㅤㅤShe isn't very expressive. Also, now that I get a good look at her face, she seems kind of familiar.ㅤㅤ"Hi, W—Wing!"ㅤㅤDamn. I got nervous out of nowhere. Stag continues.ㅤㅤ"I won't preface much, because I'm sure you'll get to know her, Don. She's from a pretty big modeling agency. Anyway—I'll go ahead back inside to do some paperwork and take care of Vein. You both have a great day!" Stag explains.
●●●ㅤㅤIt makes sense. That's where I've seen her before. She was literally on a gigantic poster outside a clothing store when we went to the mall last Saturday. Holy moly.ㅤㅤThis is a date, bro. A blind date. Awesome. I mean. I won't make it weird. I promise. There won't be any Cerus moments with Wing. I'll make sure of it. Going to stay professional. She isn't really my type anyway. But she is a baddie. Haha.ㅤㅤBut I also thought demons were supposed to be lowkey. I mean. Yes, it’s true that no one would be able to tell she's a demon. I'm assuming her name is Wing because she's hiding wings under her hoodie. I lowkey want to see her wings. Probably stereotypical devil bat wings. Can't really see her horns with her big hood in the way. Once that’s off, the illusion should wear off, too. As far as I'm concerned, she's a pretty face attached to a body. Wow. That is the most misogynistic thing I've said. It's the hoodie, bro. It’s sabotaging my psyche.ㅤㅤWe get through some small talk as I drive to our nearby city park. Unexpectedly, I'm not too nervous. I think her outfit choice is helping me feel a bit more confident. But also overdressed.ㅤㅤ"That's wild. So you work for a big modeling agency! Which one? I think I've seen you on some of the high-end clothing store posters at the mall," I say, trying to ease into a conversation.ㅤㅤ"Vitor Models," she answers.ㅤㅤVitor? Like, Vitor Belfort? MMA guy? Anyway.ㅤㅤ. . .ㅤㅤOh. She's not saying anything else. Huh. I guess this is about to be a one-way conversation. Which is funny because I'm the big introvert here. What else do I talk about? Demon talk? Yeah. Might as well. I am kind of curious.ㅤㅤ"If you don't mind me asking—Did Stag find out what kind of demon you are? I assume you didn’t know before meeting her, like the rest of us. O—Oh! It's okay if you don't want to tell me," I inquire.ㅤㅤAlthough I'm driving, I see her head turn to look at me. I sense anger. Was that a sensitive question? I gave a disclaimer. She doesn’t have to tell me. Come on. She's glaring at me, dude. Fuck. Okay. She turned her head back down.ㅤㅤ"I'm the 20th reincarnation of Abyzou. She's known for causing infertility and miscarriages," she answers.ㅤㅤAbyzou. That’s her real, true demon name. Damn. That's harsh. Gotta look into this. You got unlucky as a fucked-up reincarnation, Wing. But in a way, that's actually pretty sick, though. I've never met a direct reincarnation before. Only descendants. After thinking to myself, Wing continues.ㅤㅤ"All reincarnations of Abyzou can't have kids of their own. I can't," She continues.ㅤㅤAh. We dove straight into the deep end. We’re spelunking into some deep shit. How was I supposed to know this topic would lead to—Oh, good. We're already at the park.ㅤㅤ"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure it'll . . . be fine. Looks like we're here!" I say. I dunno, man.ㅤㅤWe get out quietly. I usually keep my skating stuff in Stag's car, so I'm going to go for it.ㅤㅤ"Can you skate?" I ask her.ㅤㅤ"Yes. I skated growing up. Nothing crazy," Wing responds.ㅤㅤ"Roller skates or board?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Both."ㅤㅤShe and I are going to get along well.ㅤㅤ"I only have one of each. Do you want to skate or would you rather skate?" I ask.ㅤㅤShe gives a slight chuckle.ㅤㅤ"I'll take the board."
●●●ㅤㅤWe decide to just chill at the relatively small skate park. No one really uses it. It's just, like, two ramps, a ledge, and a rail. There's a half-pipe on the other side of the tennis court, but I'm not that good at skating. No vert for me. If you expected a cute walk through the park under the shadow of the trees, you were so wrong. We are sweaty and icky. Luckily, it's fall, so it's not too hot. We're probably going to pass on the mall today. Maybe I can take her to a nearby barcade instead. You know. Arcade bar. Just in case you're not as cool and knowledgeable as me.ㅤㅤWhile just skating around and being dumb, we begin to talk more. But it's mainly demon talk. Which is really rare for me. Looks like she doesn't like talking too much about her human life.ㅤㅤ"Elm demon? Never heard of them. Sound kind of weak," Wing says.ㅤㅤAh. She's tactless, it seems like. I won’t let her get under my skin.ㅤㅤ"I mean. Yeah. We're insignificant demons that do grunt work and stuff," I say. Not worth getting an attitude over.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Stag also told me I'm the daughter of Andras. Great Marquis of Hell," she says.ㅤㅤA reincarnation and daughter of an extremely high-rank-sounding demon? Is she bragging? Is she trying to look cool? Because it's working.ㅤㅤ"Ooh. That's hype. Let me look him up," I respond.ㅤㅤHe is an owl. Old Owl Head-looking ass. Sorry. I'm roasting her dad. He just looks so funny. LMDAO. Laughing my demon ass off. Oh, actually—the horns work well, since there are horned owls. Yeah, he's got an owl head. His wings are a very prominent feature, it looks like. That checks out. Oh. Some depict him as having a raven head, but it looks like owl head depictions are more prevalent.ㅤㅤ"He's a big shot. You get any of his powers and stuff?" I ask, nonchalantly.ㅤㅤ"Yeah. Stag said that, back in Hell, I used to command thirty Infernal Legions. Something like that," she says, twirling some locks of hair sticking out of her hoodie.ㅤㅤShow-off. Also, that didn’t really answer my question. She obviously doesn’t anymore. And she clearly doesn’t have any memories of it. Yet somehow, Stag knows.ㅤㅤ"That's hype. It says here that he was a really strong warrior. Did you get super strength or something?" I ask.ㅤㅤ" . . . No," she says.ㅤㅤSo she's a tryhard. Kind of cute, actually.ㅤㅤBut she can skate pretty well. Her kickflips are solid. She fell once earlier, but I mean. I've fallen like five times. Not too embarrassed about it. Roller skates are not my forte.ㅤㅤ"Oh," I say. What else am I supposed to say?ㅤㅤ"What can you do? I doubt you can branch your arms off like you said Elm demons do," she asks. Haha. She's trying to put me in my spot, huh?ㅤㅤ"I can drain people's energy on a really small scale. Like, I can tire people out just a little bit. It's why I avoid touching people as much as I can. Doesn’t usually work with a quick handshake, so no issues there," I say. This is true, by the way. Sorry I never mentioned it.ㅤㅤAlso—I don't think I should mention dream-eating to her. She might get conscious about it. I don't even know if I still have it or not after last night.ㅤㅤ"Oh. It doesn’t work on my sister, by the way. Probably because she’s an Elm demon herself. But anyone else, yeah," I clarify.ㅤㅤ"And your sister doesn’t have these powers herself?" Wing asks as her eyes wander to my right hand.ㅤㅤ"No. She didn’t get any demon abilities,” I answer.ㅤㅤ"Hm. You said it doesn’t work with handshakes," she says, walking closer to me.ㅤㅤShe grabs my hand.ㅤㅤ"Drain it," she commands.ㅤㅤI kind of blush a little bit. Come on, man.ㅤㅤ"U—Um. I'm trying. Rrrg. Do you feel anything?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Hm. I guess I'm breathing differently," she says, as her breathing gets louder.ㅤㅤThis is kind of hot. She smells nice, too.ㅤㅤShe looks up at me, then abruptly shakes her hand off of me.ㅤㅤShe seems out of breath. Hehe. Ooh. She's taking off her hoodie.ㅤㅤOh.ㅤㅤHer horns are shaped like wings. I thought it was because she had wings. I get a better look at her face.ㅤㅤHer makeup is impeccable. I don't know why she beat her face when she decided to wear this outfit, but I'm all for it. The contrast is mwah—French kiss. She's got freckles. Definitely more prominent than Cerus. Wait. Shut up about Cerus—I don't care about Cerus right now.

ㅤㅤShe catches me staring directly at her face.ㅤㅤ"Hm? Something on my face?" She says with a smirk.ㅤㅤ"N—nothing. You got some . . . Cool horns. Sick," I say. Good save, Stupid Don.ㅤㅤ"Yeah. I have actual wings, too. They look like angel wings because of my dad. My demon dad," She says, taking off her hoodie by lifting it off. I catch a glimpse of her midriff—Wait. You don't need to know that. Nothing.ㅤㅤShe's wearing a plain white tee with a really low neck—off-shoulder on one side. She turns around, and there are two wings sprouting out above her shoulder blades. Looks like the tee was modified to fit the wings. I’m sure her body would create an illusion if she were to wear a regular-fitting tee with holes on the shoulder blades. Anyway, there’s a tattoo of some Korean characters in between the wings. Hangul, I think it's called. Can't read it.ㅤㅤThe wings themselves are not at all bat wings. They look exactly like the most stereotypical angel wings, but they're mostly brown instead of white. Kind of like an . . . owl. Haha. Owl Wing Headass. Sorry, Wing.ㅤㅤShe undoes her gigantic hair bun to reveal that her wavy black hair is insanely long. It reaches all the way to her waist. It almost looks like a third wing.ㅤㅤ"Dang! That's sick. You're like a fallen angel. But . . . you're not, right?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Right. Stag told me Andras mimics angels. So I’m just like my demon dad," She confirms.ㅤㅤ"They look so . . . soft," I say, mesmerized by the fluffiness.ㅤㅤ"Do you want to feel them?" Wing offers.ㅤㅤ"Sure, if that's cool."ㅤㅤI swear if some bullshit happens—like she moans or some shit. I'll be pissed. But I wouldn't mind.ㅤㅤI gently caress her wings. Sorry. Not caress. I literally just touch them for, like, half a second.ㅤㅤWait. Holy shit. This is soft as fuck. Nevermind. I am caressing them now.ㅤㅤEhehe. They’re so soft . . . I glance at her face.ㅤㅤShe's deadpan. Actually, wait. No. She looks disgusted by me.ㅤㅤ"Is it uncomfortable?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"N—No. It just feels like you're feeling my arm. But I don't like it. Stop," she says. So it is uncomfortable.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Okay," I say, very disappointed. They were soft, though. Tch.ㅤㅤ"I thought it'd feel good or something," she says.ㅤㅤWhat? What the hell could she possibly mean by that?ㅤㅤ"Haha, sucks to suck. They were really soft. Like, unbelievably soft. Like, I-just-want-to-stuff-my-face-in-them soft," I say. I'm warming up to her so much that I'm sounding like a fucking theater kid.ㅤㅤHer disappointed face turns to a short chuckle.ㅤㅤ"Maybe I'll let you do that one day," she says, smirking.ㅤㅤBefore I get to respond, she tries to skate away toward the ledge, but almost instantaneously trips and eats it. I run toward her to help her up.ㅤㅤ"You okay?" I say.ㅤㅤ"Ugh . . . I'm . . . o—okay," she says. She looks like she's about to cry. I can tell the kind of person she is. She doesn't want to look bad in front of people. She wants to seem like a perfect person, but she's really not. It's okay, Wing. I feel you, bro. But I mean. It could also be because she’s a model and shouldn’t injure herself. I didn’t really take that into consideration when bringing her to a skate park. Woops.ㅤㅤI try to help her up by her sleeve instead of her hand, but she grabs my hand instead. Yeah. If I don't get a Wing dream tonight, then I should just die.ㅤㅤI start to think. She seems really well-off. Why is she going to work part-time at JJ's?ㅤㅤ"Why are you going to work part-time at Jelly Joni's?" I ask, also trying to change the subject.ㅤㅤ" . . . Demons . . . ," she begins to say, "I wanted to meet other demons."ㅤㅤ"That's fair. I think our other newest waitress, Cerus, wanted something similar," I say.ㅤㅤ"Cerus? Do you like her?" she asks. Wow. What a question. Bro. I need to breathe in and breath out. I shall not stutter.ㅤㅤI breathe in and breathe out.ㅤㅤ"N—No. I don't."ㅤㅤFuck.ㅤㅤ"Hm. Okay," she replies. She's fully back up and continues skating. She doesn't like being compared to others, it seems. Even though that wasn't my intention at all.
●●●ㅤㅤWe're at the farmer's market. It's a nice fall day, but we're kind of all nasty after skating. Wing's makeup looks just fine. Amazing how it stays on. Our local farmer's market isn't the most remarkable, but we do get some lemonade. I buy apples to give to Stag and Vein later. Ooh. Since we're going to the Drop Shop later, I should get something for Drop. I'll grab her a gourd. Because why not.ㅤㅤWe make our way to the Drop Shop.
Chapter 18 ● The Asters and the Traffic
ㅤㅤ"Drop!"ㅤㅤ"Don! And . . . Wow, Don. You've been meeting lots of new people lately!"ㅤㅤAt first, I'm confused by Drop saying 'people' and not 'demons'. Then I realize that Wing has her hood on again. There's a human customer, so I lean in to whisper to Drop.ㅤㅤ"She's a demon—she'll be our new waitress once JJ's opens again. I'm just showing her around the area," I whisper.ㅤㅤ"Oh!" Drop turns to Wing, "I'm Drop! And you are?"ㅤㅤ"Wing," Wing answers. She looks kind of . . . upset. They shake hands, though Drop is much more enthusiastic.ㅤㅤ"That's a lovely name! Well, were you two looking for something in particular?" Drop asks.ㅤㅤ"First—I have a gourd for you," I say, handing Drop a gourd.ㅤㅤ"Ooh! A butternut squash! I'll paint something cute on her face and display her on the window around Halloween week! Thank you, Don! I love her!" Drop says. She gives me a big hug.ㅤㅤAnd I can feel Wing's glare behind me. This girl is territorial, and we're not even a thing. Like, at all.ㅤㅤAnd don't worry, Drop doesn't make skin contact with me in the process. Though I would like to eat Drop's dreams. Haha. Oh, the energy-draining thing isn’t like the dream-eating. Energy-draining only works with my hands, by the way. Dang. I leave a lot of details out, huh? What? You going to cry about it? Huh? Are you a little goo-goo-ga-ga baby? Hm? Huh?ㅤㅤ"O—Of course, Drop! Um. We're just going to look around for now. I might get something simple for Stag! U—Unless, Wing, you want something? I'll treat you!" I say.ㅤㅤ"Okay. I do want something," Wing says without hesitation.ㅤㅤ"Sounds good! Do you want something specific?" Drop asks Wing.ㅤㅤDo not do it. Do not say gerbera daisies, Drop.ㅤㅤDrop continues, "One of our really popular flowers are ger—"ㅤㅤ"I'm just going to look around for now with Don. Thanks," Wing interrupts.ㅤㅤ"Okay! Go ahead! I'll go talk to the other customer, but let me know if you find something. It was nice to meet you, Wing!" Drop says as she walks over to the human.ㅤㅤWing and I start to walk around, but Wing quickly leans in towards me and whispers.ㅤㅤ"Do you like her?" she asks quietly.ㅤㅤBruh. Man, you know what.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, a little. Childhood crush," I respond. I choose chaos today.ㅤㅤHer eyebrows instantly curl down in frustration.ㅤㅤShe immediately grabs my arm and points to a flower. Um. I think those are just normal purple asters.ㅤㅤ"Those are so cute, Don! Get these for me!" she says loudly, despite this being a small florist shop.ㅤㅤI notice her eyes blink toward Drop's direction. But Drop is busy talking with the other customer. Dedicated.ㅤㅤYour weird plan's not working, Wing. But I am blushing. And you smell nice.ㅤㅤ"Your weird plan's not working, Wing. But I am blushing, and you smell nice," I say.ㅤㅤOh, fuck. Wait. I did not mean to say that out loud. Deadass. Seriously, I didn't mean to.ㅤㅤShe lets go of my arm with her jaw dropped. I think she’s blushing. Casanova Don.ㅤㅤUm. Uh. Think fast. I turn toward the other customer.ㅤㅤ"Hi! Sorry—just one moment—Drop, we'll buy a small aster bouquet whenever you're ready. Sorry for interrupting!" I say.ㅤㅤWithin a few minutes, Drop helps us buy it at the counter. Wing stays adjacent to me without saying a word. I give my goodbyes to Drop and the customer, with Wing trailing behind.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Wing—Is everything okay?" I ask as we walk to the car.ㅤㅤ"Yeah. I'm just messing with you. That's all," she mutters.ㅤㅤAlright. So she says.ㅤㅤWe get in the car with the bouquet and leave for our next destination—the barcade—which actually isn't too far from JJ's and the Drop Shop.ㅤㅤ"I do want to ask, Wing—is there a specific reason you want to go by 'Wing' and not 'Abyzou'?"ㅤㅤ"It should be obvious. I don't want to be associated with miscarriages," she replies.ㅤㅤThat makes sense. It's like your name being Nimrod. Mussolini. Or Hitler. Or Sadam Hussein. Or Elizabeth Bathory. Or Ted Bundy. Or Pol Pot. Yikes.ㅤㅤ"Oh. You didn't have to tell me about being Abyzou, by the way. Sorry if it seemed like I was pressuring you to tell me earlier," I say.ㅤㅤ"No, I wanted to tell you, Don," she says. Aw.ㅤㅤ"So . . . Stag didn't give you the name 'Wing'?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"She did. My human name is Gail. At least my American name is. Short for Abigail. Coincidentally like Abyzou. It's convenient. But I like Wing. I’m glad Stag chose that name for me," she replies.ㅤㅤOn the way to the barcade, an ambulance and multiple police cars pass by us.ㅤㅤ"Yikes. I wonder what's going on. Hopefully we can still relax at the barcade," I say.ㅤㅤCompletely blocked off. We're stuck in traffic. The fact that we're closer to the more upscale social area, plus some accident—well, of course we're going to be stuck. We're actually not too far from Cerus' apartment.ㅤㅤOh, shit. Did something happen to Cerus?ㅤㅤWe inch closer to a police officer who's also directing traffic. It's moving so slow that I have a chance to ask the police officer what's going on.ㅤㅤ"Hm. Doesn't look like there are any children with you both. It's gruesome, but there was a disemboweled body in the alleyway between that bar and apartment complex down the road."ㅤㅤThe barcade and Cerus' apartment?! Oh. No, he's pointing to an entirely different bar and apartment complex. I don't know why I'm so on edge.ㅤㅤ"That is gruesome. Hopefully this traffic eases up," I say.ㅤㅤ"Well, that's optimistic, son. The part that's difficult is trying to convince the crowd of people nearby that they should stay home. This is the work of a serial killer that's been centering their activity a few cities away. But recently, they brought their murders here. They might still be in the area. In fact, you two should reconsider your plans if you're going to stay here," The officer says.ㅤㅤ"Is it that serial killer that's been showing up on the news lately?" I inquire out of curiosity.ㅤㅤ"I think so. Are you talking about the one that we got some recent footage of lately?" he asks me.ㅤㅤ"Hm. Oh, yeah. I did see that earlier this week. That's the one," I respond.ㅤㅤ"I can't tell you much, but if you're interested—we recently uncovered that the killer is female. In her late 20s to early 30s, based on the rare footage we captured. We caught her actual body in one shot right before she started pulling what we’ve been calling ‘invisible strings’."ㅤㅤDamn, bro. Scythe had to be around that age. Imagine if Scythe was the killer and I had one of those 'close encounters with the villain'-type things. It's definitely not impossible—demon body parts like horns don't show up in recorded footage. But nah, Scythe is a friend of Stag's. All the demons have crazy personalities, so she probably isn't much different from, like, how insane Tel is. Scythe might even end up being one of the new employees next month, anyway. She was probably lying to me to keep it a surprise. Using cross-elimination, she would have to be our saute chef. Tower is our bartender and Wing is our waitress. I highly, highly, highly, highly doubt Scythe would be our new assistant manager.ㅤㅤ"That's crazy. You wouldn't expect that, huh," I retort.ㅤㅤ"Oh, it's crazy, son. We're going to check the camera footage right outside of the alleyway to see if it caught her walking by. Oh. Looks like you're going to have to keep moving. There's a detour down the road if you decide to go back home. See ya, son."ㅤㅤHe has us continue to follow the flow of traffic.ㅤㅤ"Wing, you want to go back home instead? We can just hang out with Stag and my little sister, Vein," I suggest. If anything happened to Wing under my watch, I would curl up into a ball and die violently.ㅤㅤ"I've already met Vein. But yeah. I'm fine with that. You probably don't want to see me drunk, anyway," she agrees.ㅤㅤYeah. Probably saving myself from some unnecessary drama by doing this. Thanks, serial killer! Wait, that's fucked up. Sorry.
●●●ㅤㅤWe arrive back home, and Stag invites Wing to stay for dinner. Vein is happy to have a guest over, and she steals Wing to her room to show Wing how good she is at some game she's been playing a lot of. Some sandbox game with avatars that look like Lego minifigures that's been pretty popular lately. Every time I ask her what kind of game it is, she tries to explain that it’s full of custom community-made games. I usually pretend to understand.ㅤㅤ"Well? Was she easy to get along with?" Stag asks.ㅤㅤ"Yeah. She seems a bit . . . spoiled. I don't know. I'm sure she's a hard worker, though, considering she's well-paid at her age and still willing to work another job."ㅤㅤ"She did specifically want to work at JJ's to meet other demons. After . . . finding her, I had some other options lined up, but she opted for being a waitress alongside her existing career."ㅤㅤStag is always talking about these new employees so casually. I have to ask. I’ve asked plenty of times before, but I can't stop trying.ㅤㅤ"Stag . . . I have to know. Where do we get our employees from? Actually . . . what about me? I have so many questions about what I really am. I know my memories are human, and that there's a lapse in my memories from when Don the demon took over. But there's just . . . there's so much that I don't know. I don’t understand myself."ㅤㅤStag stares at me, surprised, as she stops her cooking. I've never worded it like that before. And I hope it'll lead her to tell me.ㅤㅤ"Don . . . "ㅤㅤI continue, "I've been havi—I had this dream. Where I saw a creature—a terrifying phantom with a mask. Branching arms that extended and morphed. It was ugly. But seeing it felt like home. And I want to know more. Please. I just want some clarity. You know I've already experienced so much confusion about my identity growing up. And now, I'm at a point where I . . . can't even feel like myself until I know more about myself. ”ㅤㅤI leave out details of my Vein dreams on purpose.ㅤㅤ"Honey. There's . . . so much. There's so much you don't know. And it's always been for your own safety. I'm . . . I'm sorry I only give you so few details here and there. But I just can't—"ㅤㅤ"I'VE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH!" I shout in frustration.ㅤㅤI initially planned to shout more, but I remember that Wing is upstairs with Vein. I go back to normal speaking volume. Though my voice is wavering somewhat. Stag doesn't speak.ㅤㅤ"That’s just it, right? You always stress focusing on the future instead of the past. I know. I know you, Stag. I know you’re a better mom to me than my own mom ever was. But you never ask why I don’t call you ‘Mom’. It’s easy for someone like Vein. But I can’t just let go of the years before I met you. And before I was possessed. Those years. Those experiences have to mean something. Now, all of a sudden, I’m learning all these things about the other half of me. Things that you’ve kept from me. You chalk it up to keeping me safe?ㅤㅤI've b—been through so much lately. I can feel my mental health deteriorating. I don't know what I am. I don't know who I am. Am I Don the human or Don the demon? Ugh! And—and. Mare demons, like Succubae, don't need hosts, right? You and Shophar have physical forms and don't need a human host. But what about Crescent? She's a Mare! Even simple questions like these, I never get an answer to.”ㅤㅤ" . . . " Stag doesn't speak. She knows me too well. She knows I have more to say. She won’t say anything until she’s sure I’m done. Do I open up? I do trust her. In fact, I should trust her.ㅤㅤ"I'm a Mare. But like. I’m kind of an 'Anti-Mare'. I eat people's dreams. Did you know that? Did you know that I now have the ability to take other people's dreams from them? And it's hurting me. I'm living vicariously through others' trauma. Sometimes it's in the form of their actual memories. Other times, it's allegorical. St. Martin's Tower. It's a dream I had after coming into skin contact with you. People were impulsively committing suicide by jumping off a tall tower. I looked it up afterwards. There are multiple places called “St. Martin’s Tower”. One in New York, another in Spain, and the third one in the Netherlands. The one in the Netherlands looked like what I saw in the dream. What does it mean? Even Stein said it represented impulsiveness. But even then, I can't keep trying to dig and dig and dig into what my family and friends are going through."ㅤㅤI, a 19-year-old, am throwing a tantrum at my adoptive mom. I've really fallen from grace. But I hope it's worth it.ㅤㅤStag has to have known about this dream-eating ability. She knows I’m done talking. It’s her turn.ㅤㅤ"St. Martin’s Tower. That…that’s a real place. I saw a photo of it recently in a travel magazine. Impulsiveness? I can’t be sure, but if what you’re saying is true—if that was my dream that you had…Then that dream was allegorical. It probably has something to do with how I left Hell, and it was mixed in with that photo of the tower I saw. Don, honey… This ability of yours . . . I promise you—I didn't know about it. Outside of branching tendrils, Elm demons can drain energy with their appendages. When you were possessed, this translated into you draining energy with your hands. That’s it. That’s all I know. Don. I love you, and I admit that I keep things from you. And I'm sorry. But this 'dream-eating' ability is not one of them. I've never heard of this."ㅤㅤThen what? So this ability did just manifest the moment I met Cerus?ㅤㅤStag continues, "I'll tell you about yourself. Your memories. From what I know. I'll tell you about how I find other demon employees. But I can't go into detail about Joni and the restaurant itself. I just can't. I hope you can understand."ㅤㅤ"I'm fine with that. I just need to know me."ㅤㅤSuddenly, shouting from upstairs.ㅤㅤ"UGH! WHAT IS YOUR FREAKING DEAL?! WHY IS IT SO HARD TO HIT THEM?! I HATE THIS GAME! HOW DO YOU EVEN WIN?!"ㅤㅤIt's Wing. Vein must be laughing out of her mind right now.
●●●ㅤㅤDinner is pretty much prepared but needs extra time before we eat. So Stag sits me down at the dining table to talk.ㅤㅤ"Okay. I'll start with how I used to be a Succubus."ㅤㅤAnd so Stag described her life. Her upbringing in Hell. Her role as Shophar's babysitter. How she was the best Succubus on this side of the Hell-isphere. Hehe. But wow. I kind of assumed she was a terrible Succubus that got kicked out of Hell or something.ㅤㅤ" . . . But then I basically became a bad Succubus that almost got kicked out of Hell," says Stag.ㅤㅤ"Oh. But . . . you didn't get kicked out? Also—if Shophar loved you so much, why does she hate you now?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"W—We'll get there. And! And Sho doesn't hate me! I mean. She shouldn't, right? Ahem. Anyway. I . . . um . . . I made a big mistake, and I was demoted to being a midwife," Stag explains.ㅤㅤ"What's a midwife again? Like a godmother?" I ask. I don't know that stuff.ㅤㅤ"Don. A midwife is an obstetrician."ㅤㅤ"A what?" I ask. I heard ‘ostrich’.ㅤㅤ"It's the person that helps women give birth," Stag says and sighs, "I sometimes forget that human biology isn't your best subject and you're not really into health sciences . . . But anyway! I actually helped your demon mother give birth to you."ㅤㅤ"What?! Oh, my goodness. You knew me since I was a blob? What do baby Elm demons even look like?"ㅤㅤ"You look like little seeds with tiny horns and a mask. Little stubby arms and legs. You were the cutest thing. A little feisty, but very cute!"ㅤㅤThat must be what Vein looked like, too. Later, I swear I'm going to try and draw what I have in my head based on her description. Oh, hold on.ㅤㅤ"What . . . What was my demon mother like?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Your demon mother never spoke a word. She wasn't really able to enjoy her life as a worker-surrogate demon. She simply gave birth to you. The most I heard from her were her, well, screams of pain as you were born. I'm sorry, Don. I just don't know anything about her. I can't even recall what her mask looked like."ㅤㅤ"Oh . . . Then about Vein?"ㅤㅤ"Vein's birth was where my entire life changed. Like I've said to you before, Overgrowth is much more intense in demon form. Unfortunately, Vein's birth is how your mother passed away. And Overgrowth was enough reason for Vein to be sent to death."ㅤㅤStag continues, explaining how I, as Don the demon, overheard her and the other midwife planning to have Vein sent for execution. I snatched Vein away. Then Stag captured us. Vein had an Overgrowth attack, Stag saved us, and then she let us free. She explains how I left to the Lament with Vein.ㅤㅤThis is matching up with my Vein dreams—The dreams I’ve dubbed The Fountain and The Red Honey.ㅤㅤBut what Stag doesn't know is exactly what happened after I left to the Lament with Vein.ㅤㅤ"Wait. Do you know who Pariah is?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Pariah? No, I don't. That's a noun meaning an outcast, or someone who's ostracized. What do you know about this 'Pariah'?"ㅤㅤHere she goes again with the ostrich talk. The few memories that came back as a result of having the two Vein dreams weren't enough to help me remember what Pariah looked like. But I was hoping Stag would know who Pariah was.ㅤㅤI try to explain, "Um. I don't actually know. I had a dream about Vein's memories. It's where I saw my demon-self from Vein's point of view. Vein had a really bad Overgrowth attack. And there was this demon that was taking care of us. I called them Pariah. I think they might have helped save us, along with . . . Joni? And . . . and . . . there was this creature that—"ㅤㅤ"Don. You . . . You dreamt about Vein's memories?! And saw Joni?! That's . . . that's crazy! You have to tell me in detail later! Oh, my goodness! And. Wait. Don. I think. I think I know who Pariah is."ㅤㅤLooks like I’ll finally get closure for this.ㅤㅤ"Let me guess—are you Pariah? Wouldn't you have become an outcast after letting me escape with Vein?"ㅤㅤ"No, honey. Succubae are usually executed when they mess up. They didn't execute me. The reason is because . . . after I let you escape, the higher-ups were under the assumption that Vein's Overgrowth was too powerful to stop, since it even stopped the police demons. Think of it as me getting a reward for ‘doing the best I could’."ㅤㅤ"Oh. Then who in the world could Pariah be?" I ask. I'm at the edge of my seat.ㅤㅤ"I believe Pariah is someone you just met recently. Pariah is Tower, our future bartender."
Chapter 19 ● The Sidekick and the Airport
ㅤㅤTower. She's someone I glossed over. This past Tuesday–that final day before JJ's close–Stag did what she usually does—introduce a new employee to the team before they start their first day. But I was honestly not paying much attention. Because of the whole Shophar thing. Ugh.ㅤㅤ"Tower? Wh-What? Does she have her demon memories? Or her human memories? Does she remember me?" I ask a wave of questions.ㅤㅤ"Don—too many questions at once, honey! I'll get to all that! But yes, from what Tower has told me—I'm almost certain she's the Pariah you're speaking of. And to answer your first question—Yes, she fully has both her demon and human memories intact."ㅤㅤ"I remember you saying she was a genius—what did you mean by that?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"NUST. National University of Sciences and Technology in Islamabad, Pakistan. A relatively newer university, but it's well-acclaimed. The thing is . . . I knew Tower back in Hell. We kind of go way back. You can think of her as my sidekick from when I was a professional Succubus. But she was only my sidekick once. It was for the same mission where I messed up really bad. I actually blamed her for it. She got exiled, and I got demoted. It wasn't until later on that we would meet again–but as friends. Tower is both a genius as a human and a demon. Her demon and human memories have completely meshed together mutually."ㅤㅤ"That's . . . so cool. What kind of demon is she?"ㅤㅤ"Tower is a survey demon. A Demon of Fate to be exact. We often just call them 'Fates'. They're the ones that assess human lives—they find out which human souls are fit to go to Hell for demons' consumption. Which is why they tend to be the smartest demons with vast amounts of human knowledge. And Tower remembers you. Of course she does."ㅤㅤPariah. I kind of remember. She deserted us after Vein had that Overgrowth attack in the dream. And I . . . remember hating her for it.ㅤㅤBut Pariah—no, Tower—I feel as though she had a bigger role in my life. I can’t exactly put it into words. I feel like she . . . like she also taught me a lot. Maybe about Earth?ㅤㅤ“A survey demon . . . Stag, I sort of remember little pieces of what Tower taught me. What does Tower remember about me?”ㅤㅤ“Oh, Don. I may have known you at birth, but Tower is the one who knew you the most as a young demon. We made a deal, and she agreed to watch over you both in Hell until you were ready for Permapos. The craziest part is—your demon-self and human-self didn’t differ much in personality. In fact, that’s the case for all the demons with hosts.”ㅤㅤ“Affinity, right? Demons can only permanently possess a human with similar traits as them?”ㅤㅤ“Yep! Tower’s blended memories are a result of her having so much human knowledge before staying on Earth. So since Tower taught you so much about Earth—your demon memories remained for about two months after you first possessed your host. Eventually, your human memories completely took over. That’s why there’s a gap in your memory. That gap is the two months when your demon-self tried to get accustomed to human life. Also! Your possession actually happened right in the middle of the motorcycle accident. So all in all, your possession is just…very different from everyone else's.”ㅤㅤ“Oh. Wow. So then . . . how do you find us? What . . . ”ㅤㅤ“It’s through Tower. In Hell, she—along with another extremely smart demon—developed Permanent Possession. It combined Tower’s findings on angelic possession and the other demon’s development of artificial souls. You know, the reason that Tib exists. But more than that, Tower is the whole reason for all of this—why you’re even here,” Stag explains.ㅤㅤI can’t believe I glossed over someone so important.ㅤㅤStag continues, “When Tower first developed Permapos, we didn’t have any way to run trials on it. Using it on me or Shophar wouldn’t be a good test, since Succubae already have physical human forms. Succubae don’t need to possess someone to be on Earth. But keep in mind that I can’t travel back and forth like I used to, since I lost the blessing of the Fates’. Shophar was too young to ever get the blessing of the Fates’. So both of us still needed Permapos to go to Earth. But, of course, it would be permanent. Other than that, we knew absolutely nothing about the side effects of Permapos that we know now.”ㅤㅤ“So you’re telling me…you weren’t the first one to go to Earth?” I question.ㅤㅤ“I was the third. Shophar was the fourth. The order after that isn’t too important,” Stag says.ㅤㅤ“Why?” I ask.ㅤㅤStag sighs. It’s a question she doesn’t want to answer.ㅤㅤ“By the fifth Permapos, we understood how it worked. All the side effects. The weakening or strengthening of demonic powers. Loss of demon memories. Even the fact that Tower could only use it once a year in Earth’s time. By that point, we had found a way to locate the human being possessed. It became my job to find the newly possessed human and explain to them what’s happening so they wouldn’t lose their mind in confusion. With you and Vein, we even discovered that it was possible to choose what humans get possessed ahead of time. We didn’t try that again until Helix. Before that, it was…difficult. Any human—and I mean around the globe—could be possessed. We weren’t even sure if it worked or not the first few times around. This is why we have such a ethnically-diverse group. The diversity of demon species, however—that’s on purpose. Something Tower went for as part of her research.”ㅤㅤ“That makes sense. But…you’re avoiding telling me who the first two demons were on purpose, aren’t you?” I ask.ㅤㅤStag’s eye twitches, and she sighs again.ㅤㅤ“Maybe it’s my guilt. To be honest, my guilt is what’s driven a lot of what I do. Like raising Shophar, you, and Vein. I love you all, of course! But… Starting out, I knew it wasn’t the best way to go about this. But clinging onto the past is what’s made me happy now. I just don’t think it’s the best for you,” Stag says.ㅤㅤ“Fine. I won’t ask who the first two are,” I say.ㅤㅤA look of relief on Stag’s face. She continues.ㅤㅤ“To make it up to you, there’s one more thing I’ll tell you. After I was transported to Earth permanently, there hasn’t been a way for me to really communicate directly with Tower back in Hell. But that’s where Anvil and Claw came along. They’re not here through Permapos. They’re here voluntarily. I…honestly don’t know much about them. But Anvil is the one who can move between Hell and Earth as many times as she wants. I don’t understand why or how. I’ve tried asking once, but didn’t get a clear answer. Because of how important she is, I can’t lose her trust. So I don’t pry into it. She’s the messenger between Tower and I. Through Anvil, Tower tells me what demon she’s planning to transport and where.”ㅤㅤThis is the most I’ve ever learned in the span of a few minutes.ㅤㅤI get up from my seat and hug Stag from behind. Avoiding skin contact, of course.ㅤㅤ“Thank you, Stag. I love you. I don’t call you ‘Mom’, because you’re more than anything blood could represent.”ㅤㅤStag starts to sniffle a little bit. Ah, no wait. It’s crying. She’s definitely completely crying. After a few minutes, she calms down.ㅤㅤ“I can’t help it! Don, you know exactly how to get through to me. I’ll tell you something you deserve to know, at least. Vein was the sixth demon. You were the seventh demon. Which means that, for a year, your demon selves were separated. Vein was on Earth, and you were in Hell. I was hoping we could transport you both together, but that wasn’t possible. Only this past week did Tower tell me exactly how she transported you both. She left a piece of her horn in the Lament because some wild Serpent demons found her. She’s not very strong, but her stamina helped her get away. Vein touched the horn fragment first, then you.”ㅤㅤStag’s definition of “I’ll tell you one more thing” is never accurate. But I’m not complaining.ㅤㅤ“Okay, okay. I’m less upset at Tower for abandoning Vein and I. Anyway, here’s a stupid question I just came up with. So what about Crescent? Why no physical demon form for her?"ㅤㅤ"Oh. That's because Drude demons are little imps. They're like little gremlins. Crescent wouldn't pass as a human at all. It was kind of necessary."ㅤㅤI am going to draw an ugly-ass version of Crescent later. But okay. So I can't ask about Joni. And the mission that Stag failed seems to be a sensitive topic. You see, the info I was able to get out of Stag just now should satisfy me, but I have to ask one last thing.ㅤㅤ"I promise this is my last question. Who was the other demon that helped create Permapos?" I ask.ㅤㅤStag twitches again. But before she even gets a chance to answer, we hear shouting down the stairs.ㅤㅤ"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"ㅤㅤVein comes running down the stairs dragging Wing along by the hand.ㅤㅤ"W-wait up, Vein! Oh-oh my gosh!" Wing cries.ㅤㅤ"I smell food! Is it ready, Mama?! Weem is hungry!" Vein asks.ㅤㅤWeem.ㅤㅤ"I . . . I can wait if I need to . . . " Wing says, embarrassed by Vein's words.ㅤㅤOnce again, Stag doesn’t have a chance to speak. Wing's stomach growls. Right as her stomach finishes growling, Vein's growls even louder, almost as if they're having an intestinal conversation. Um. Weird wording. Sorry.ㅤㅤWing's face is red. Not beet red. But red.ㅤㅤ"It is indeed ready! Don and I were just reminiscing about the time he went on a date with a girl and left his wallet at home, so he—"ㅤㅤ"Stag, what the heck?!" I exclaim.ㅤㅤ"I'm just messing with you! My cute Adonis!" Stag says, gesturing that she wants to pinch my cheeks. I shake my head 'no'. Don-cheek-squish privileges revoked.ㅤㅤWing giggles. Vein gets in her chair and plops her chin down on the table.
●●●ㅤㅤWe're now seeing Wing off. Stag is holding Vein's hand at our entrance, and I'm walking Wing to her car.ㅤㅤ"Thanks for joining us. Had lots of fun! Sorry we couldn't go to the barcade. Wouldn't want you all mangled up," I say, jokingly.ㅤㅤ"You're cute," Wing says.ㅤㅤI . . . huh?ㅤㅤ"Oh. Oh, um. Thanks," I say.ㅤㅤ"Say it back," she says, playfully pointing her car keys at me.ㅤㅤDo I say 'it back'?ㅤㅤ"I'm cute," I respond.ㅤㅤWing laughs and starts her car.ㅤㅤ"Thanks for today, Don," Wing says. She backs up too fast and her car's bottom rear scratches our downhill driveway. She corrects herself and drives away.ㅤㅤWhat a dork. A really attractive dork.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm now in front of my doodling sketchbook. Alright. Here's what I think baby demon Vein looks like. There. Little orb thing. And Crescent. Yeah. Weird little gremlin thing. This is awesome.ㅤㅤI look at my dream journal. I mean. Fuck it. I'll call it the Don Hon. 'Hon' meaning "book". Gotta pronounce it weird, though. Better than 'dream journal' or 'Don Diary'.ㅤㅤBut yeah. I look at it and realize that I have no dreams to write about. Let's hope tonight brings me some weird dream related to Wing.ㅤㅤWill it be Wing's memories? Will it be an allegorical dream representing some childhood trauma or something? Or will I not dream at all?ㅤㅤI’ll find out.ㅤㅤGoodnight.
●●●ㅤㅤFlight delayed. I have to stay here for a day. My home is nowhere near Incheon. Our destination is nowhere near Incheon. I look up and see a business woman. That's my aunt. I've been spending a lot of time with her ever since I was featured on that movie special. Auntie is wearing a really nice business suit, and she looks very stressed. We were going to travel internationally to Japan for a photo op with other actors from the special.ㅤㅤI'm very pretty.ㅤㅤWith a whole day to spend in Incheon, I ask Auntie if we can leave the airport and go sight-seeing. I've never really been to the area near the airport.ㅤㅤ"No."ㅤㅤWe have to stay here. I don't have a choice. Auntie is tenacious. I beg and beg, but to no avail. I'm stuck with her.ㅤㅤI don't have much to entertain myself with. Auntie gives me her touch screen MP3 player, which has a few games on it. But it doesn't keep me entertained for long. At one point, she takes me to one of the nice airport lounges, where we can relax as much as we want.ㅤㅤBut I don't really want to relax. As Auntie stands up to go to the bar area, I sneak out of the lounge.ㅤㅤTime to wander around the airport.ㅤㅤI take some elevators. I have trouble reaching the tallest floor button, and an older stranger kindly presses the button for me. There are some cute gift shops here. I have some allowance that Auntie gave me to use for food, so I buy myself some ice cream. I'm a little girl, but my appearance gives people the image of importance. It's not too hard for these cashiers to pay attention to me.ㅤㅤThen it happens.ㅤㅤA teenager nearby whispers to his friend, while pointing at me.ㅤㅤIt doesn't take people very long to notice that I'm the lead child actor in the country's newest, most popular zombie movie. People start to swarm over me, asking if they can get a quick picture of me. At first, I'm able to accommodate, as I'm somewhat used to it. Then more and more people arrive. People drop what they're doing at whatever stands, restaurants, or shops they're at.ㅤㅤAs more and more people start to flood around me, I start to get a massive headache. I begin to feel overwhelmed. That movie gave me my fame, but I didn't really enjoy the filming of it. It was very violent for me. And when I watched myself in the final edit with full effects, I came to dislike the movie as a whole. I hate thinking about it, but all these people won't stop talking about my scenes in it.ㅤㅤThe crowd is . . . Clawing at each other? They're . . . They're biting each other. There's blood spilling everywhere. What's happening? This is just like the movie. The crowd of people waiting to take photos and speak to me are attacking each other like savages. Their eyes are red and their skin is becoming pale. People are collapsing and violently shaking as they fall. But they get up again.ㅤㅤI feel myself vomit a little bit, but I swallow it. I can’t ruin my image and make a mess here. This is exactly like the movie.ㅤㅤThis continues for a few more minutes. I'm completely ignored while everyone in the crowd becomes maniacal and violent. People topple on top of me, and I'm able to push them off. I step away a bit from the crowd. I want to run, but I shout one thing before I do.ㅤㅤ"HEY! I'M HERE, TOO!"ㅤㅤThe zombified crowd turns their head toward me. I expect them to start running after me. But they don't. They turn their heads back towards each other and continue their gnawing.ㅤㅤConfused and horrified, I run away in the direction that I came from. But once I enter the elevator and look at the buttons, I can't remember. I can't remember what floor the lounge was on. I can't remember which floor Auntie was on. The zombies notice that I entered the elevator and dart towards it. The elevator is closed, but the front is glass, so I can clearly see them piling on top of each other trying to get through. I press the first floor button repeatedly.ㅤㅤBefore the elevator starts to lower, their sheer weight and force break the glass door. Around ten zombies enter through the cracks. The sharp edges of the cracks pierce through their body, but it appears they don’t feel pain. Other zombies have their clothes trapped in the door as the elevator lowers, pulling them with extreme force to their own demise.ㅤㅤI'm surrounded by zombies, but none of them pay attention to me. I'm still frightened by their appearance. Their mouths are filled with blood, with some black fluid pouring out, too. They're pushing against me in this cramped elevator, but I'm still ignored. I'm slowly crushed until I close my eyes. While they're closed, I feel the pressure against me go away.ㅤㅤI open my eyes, and I'm back in the lounge with Auntie. She looks very upset with me. That's right. She just finished scolding me for walking off on my own. We're in the lounge, but in a different room from before. I pout, stomp over to the restroom, and look at myself in the mirror. I have markings right under my eye. I turn my body backwards and notice small brown wings sprout out of my back. They're gorgeous. I smirk.ㅤㅤAnd I'm awake.
Chapter 20 ● The Call and the Dent
ㅤㅤI scramble towards my dream journal and jot down as many details of my dream as I can.ㅤㅤSo I was Wing. It was a combination of memories and allegory—Wing really was stuck at the Incheon airport going to Japan after starring in a zombie movie she didn't like. Then her hatred of the movie manifested in the dream. It's just like the Zoo dream, where Swan's loneliness manifested as a twisted arcade machine. Or sense of responsibility. I dunno. I still don’t understand Swan all that much. At the same time, I can’t really decipher why the zombies ignored Wing. Anyway.ㅤㅤThis is pretty cool. So my dream-eating still works. Scythe was probably a Mare whose ability deactivates mine. She's like my foil. Just makes me hate her more. I rank her right underneath Tel on the hatred scale. Nah, wait—her invasive-ass questions definitely make her worse than Tel.ㅤㅤWing didn't enjoy fame as a child actress. That must be why she eventually shifted towards modeling rather than acting. Ironically, she's less of a theater kid than Tel. I didn't like zombie movies as a kid, so it makes sense that I've never seen her movie. Let me look it up.ㅤㅤHm. Made To Wake is the English translation. A movie about a single pregnant mother, along with her young daughter and a stranger, doing everything she can to survive a zombie outbreak that starts in the middle of a music festival near her neighborhood. Sounds fun. Don't know if I'll watch it. Yep. Wing was the young daughter.ㅤㅤAlright. Obviously, no work today. As long as Stag doesn’t give me any errands, today should be relatively relaxing. Watch Stag arrange for me to meet with Scythe as our new saute chef. Haha.
●●●ㅤㅤOctober 14, Thursday. Stag is preparing breakfast and notices me walking down the stairs.ㅤㅤ"Oh, good morning! Don, after breakfast, would you be willing to meet our n—"ㅤㅤMy phone vibrates and a ring tone sounds. A call.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Um. Can I take this real quick? No one would call me this early unless it's important."ㅤㅤ"Oh, that's fine. I'll tell you about our saute chef later," Stag says.ㅤㅤI take the call. An unfamiliar voice speaks.ㅤㅤ"Is this Misaki Aquino?"ㅤㅤNo. Fuck that name. Ugh.ㅤㅤ"Y—yes. That's me," I respond. The last name is from Stag's human surname. My biological mom's surname was Watanabe, which Stag has Vein and I keep as our maiden name. I haven't made the effort to legally change my human name to Adonis. I will, eventually.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Misaki. I'm with the police department. Are you okay to answer some questions for me?"ㅤㅤHoly shit. That's nerve-wracking. I say yes. He continues on to introduce himself as an officer with our local police department before asking questions. He says he won't ask too many questions over the phone, but will ask some preliminary questions. It sounds like I'll need to go to the police department in person.ㅤㅤ"I understand that you were recently seen with Julia Becker. Is this true?"ㅤㅤJulia Becker. Julia is Cerus’ human name. I saw on her restaurant uniform nameplate. Obviously, her real name is Jaimie, but she must be going by Julia as a pseudonym. I don’t know how accurate her last name is.ㅤㅤ"Yes, that's correct."ㅤㅤI'm still in the dining room, and Stag can tell I'm visibly nervous. Stag seems very curious. She shakes her head and can tell I want to be on my own for this call. She goes upstairs to wake Vein up.ㅤㅤ"I'm not sure if you are aware, but Julia has been missing for the past 48 hours. I'm showing that you were with her prior to these past 48 hours, and I will need to have you come down to the police department for questioning."ㅤㅤWhat?ㅤㅤ"Um. S—Sure. I'll be there."ㅤㅤWe arrange for me to go there later this afternoon. On the bright side, I won't have to go on a date with Scythe.ㅤㅤI hope Stag won't be too worried.
●●●ㅤㅤ"You visited Julia on your own, Misaki?"ㅤㅤI can't do this, man.ㅤㅤ"I'm sorry—may I request to be called Adonis? I don't go by Misaki anymore."ㅤㅤ"Um. Sure. No problem. You visited Julia on your own, Adonis?"ㅤㅤ"Yes, I did."ㅤㅤI know not to say more than I need to.ㅤㅤ"Hm. What was the purpose of your visit?"ㅤㅤ"It was simply to spend time with her. We had met for the first time last week as coworkers and later began to spend time together outside of work."ㅤㅤ"I see. You work at Jelly Joni's?"ㅤㅤ"Yes."ㅤㅤ"Need to try that place. Been hearing good things about it. But alright. It really doesn't seem like there's much to ask you. There's plenty of surveillance footage from her apartment security of you entering and leaving twice. Nothing to note really. She left her apartment plenty of times after your two visits. The most recent time that she left her apartment is when we haven't seen her return, of course. Are you aware of the murder that occurred yesterday a few blocks down from her apartment?"ㅤㅤ"Yes."ㅤㅤ"Good. So we're trying to see if there's a connection between the two. And don't worry. After forensics took a look, Julia was not the victim of the murder. Is there anything you can tell me you noticed about Julia? Like who she was speaking to around the time before her disappearance?"ㅤㅤ"Not much. Me, along with two other employees of Jelly Joni's, took her with us to the mall on Saturday to shop for a gift. Then we went out for karaoke. That's about it."ㅤㅤ"Right. We saw footage of her leaving in a car picking her up on Saturday. That checks out."ㅤㅤThis officer continues to ask me a few more minor identification questions. He smirks a little bit when I explain to him the situation for my name. I already hate him.ㅤㅤAfter a few more questions, I'm free to go. There are only minor forms to sign, and it looks like Helix and Ante will be contacted soon. Does that count as snitching? I ain't no fucking snitch. I mean, we didn't commit any crime. Helix is a clean girl, remember? Haha. Ahem.ㅤㅤStag meets me outside of the police department. Vein is asleep in the car. I explain to Stag the general situation. She was already worried when I told her about Cerus going missing. Hopefully, this gives her some peace of mind.ㅤㅤIt doesn't.ㅤㅤShe's panicked even more.ㅤㅤ"They don't know?! It might be connected to the murder?! Oh, my God! Don!"ㅤㅤShe squeezes me. She makes sure not to make skin contact.ㅤㅤㅤ"She's such a sweet girl! But Tower told me her demonkind. She’s a Hellhound. They can get aggressive. I hope nothing bad happened! Don, do you know anything? Oh, maybe you should've asked for a lawyer before answering questions! Ah, but it might’ve complicated things even more! But Cerus! Do you know anything else about Cerus?”ㅤㅤOh, shit. How much do I tell her?ㅤㅤ"Um. Yeah. Hellhound," I answer.ㅤㅤ"Oh, Don. I really don’t know that much about Cerus. Cerus was originally from Arkansas. That’s it! I didn't get that much information from Tower about her. Oh, my God, Don! Oh, my God, Don! Poor girl!"ㅤㅤ"I don't think you should worry too much, Stag."ㅤㅤI say that, but Cerus doesn't know too many people. She'd be an easy victim. But at the same time, not having too many connections may help the police trace her disappearance.ㅤㅤ"I'll try not to. Ugh. I'm sure you're shaken right now. Would you still be able to meet with our new saute chef? It's completely fine if not. I told her the situation. Don't worry, she doesn't think you're a criminal."ㅤㅤBro. She’s hinting at Scythe being our new saute chef, isn’t she? Haha. Jokingly, I think Scythe is a criminal, dude. At least she acts like one. Damn. Whatever. Stag has done too much for me. I'll do her this favor. It'll help me get my mind off of this for now.ㅤㅤ"I'm okay to meet up. I actually feel like you might be more shaken up than me."ㅤㅤ"You may be right, honey. Oh, I'm sorry. I just have so much to do today. Especially with this new information now. I'll need to account for all her finances and contact the PD myself. Thank you, Don."ㅤㅤ"Of course, Stag," I say. Poor Stag. I mean–I’m definitely worried, too.ㅤㅤBut I have to admit. There a small part of me that thinks Cerus deserves this after manipulating me. It’s really messed up, I know.ㅤㅤ"Appreciate you so much, my cute Adonis. I'll text our new saute chef to meet us at—"ㅤㅤ"Her name is Scythe, right?"ㅤㅤStag's expression suddenly changes. Looking at her from the passenger seat, I can’t really explain the face she’s making. Actually, it’s as if she’d just watched someone die. Some exaggerated twitches from her eyes. Then I notice she tightens her grip on the steering wheel.ㅤㅤ"N—No. Her name is 'Dent'. Where . . . Where did you hear the name 'Scythe' from?" Stag questions. She seems even more shaken up.ㅤㅤDent? Who the fuck is Dent? What? Then is Scythe actually going to be our assistant manager?ㅤㅤ"Scythe? Isn't she going to be our new employee? Well, anyway, I met her on Wednesday evening during the storm at a bus stop. She said she wasn't going to be working at Jelly Joni's. I didn't believe her and thought you both arranged her to be our new saute chef as a surprise."ㅤㅤStag’s eye keeps twitching, man. It’s something she’s always done since I first met her, but it only gets like this if she’s really stressed. Like re—ㅤㅤ“Oh, SHIT!” I shout as my chest tightens. Literally. The seatbelt suddenly digs into it. My head forcefully jerks forward and back, slamming me back into the headrest.ㅤㅤStag had stomped the brakes to avoid hitting the car in front of us. It’s a simple red light, but Stag didn’t seem to notice.ㅤㅤStag’s breathing heavily for a few seconds. She restarts the car. The light turns green, and we continue.ㅤㅤ“Don, honey. I… I’m so sorry. I don’t—I don’t know what happened, I just… I’m sorry. I lost myself for a little bit,” She says, continuing to breathe erratically.ㅤㅤI'm a little bit confused. I decide not to dwell on what just happened.ㅤㅤ"I'm a little bit confused, Stag. Is Scythe not part of Jelly Joni's? Isn't she going to be our assistant manager? That’s the last new employee we need,” I ask.ㅤㅤA head with two horns pokes out from between Stag and I. Clearly, a seatbelt has been unfastened.ㅤㅤ“Mama,” Vein says slowly, having just woken up abruptly, “My boobs hurt.”ㅤㅤ“Wha—Vein! Don’t say that word! Who? Who taught you? Who—Wait, baby, are you hurt? Are you okay? And put your seatbelt back on!” Stag says.ㅤㅤI need to calm Stag down. I chime in.ㅤㅤ“Vein, it’s all good. Just the seatbelt. A duck or whatever was crossing the road and Stag was just trying not to turn it into peking duck.”ㅤㅤ“Peking…” Vein repeats, still a little ditzy from waking up. I look in the rear view, and she’s closing her eyes again. Within five minutes of silence, she’s out again.ㅤㅤI fumble for a few seconds to lean back and fasten her seatbelt for her. Stag looks in the rear view to confirm that Vein’s asleep. She quickly glances at me, then back at the road.ㅤㅤ“Don, ple—“ㅤㅤ“Sorry for cursing,” I say.ㅤㅤ"Honey. No, that’s not what I—Ah. To answer your question, Scythe is not. She is not one of our employees . . . I didn't know she was even in this state. That's . . . Oh, my God, Don. I can’t believe you met her! This is bad news. This is bad. You didn't have any way of knowing, but I wish you’d told me this earlier!" Stag explains.ㅤㅤNo way. Why is Stag this worried?ㅤㅤ"Who . . . who is she? I thought you and Tower keep track of every demon from Hell who moves to Earth?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"I don't think I can tell you too much. She's not someone we can keep track of. I'll need to bring this up with Tower. Scythe is not a good person. In fact, she's a very bad person. I . . . I should make sure Dent is okay. Maybe I'll try to gather everyone here. No. That might not be safe. Jelly Joni's? Wait, no. No one should be near Jelly Joni's today. Maybe we'll be the safest with Tib's older brothers at the storage facility. Tell me what you told her, okay, Don?"ㅤㅤDude. This is crazy. Stag is in complete panic mode. I describe to her my conversation with Scythe.ㅤㅤ"Oh, God. So you did mention Jelly Joni's to her. It's okay. You didn't know. Okay. Let's have Dent, Tower, and Wing meet us at the house first. I'll have everyone else go to the storage facility," Stag plans in a panic.ㅤㅤ"Is there anything that you can tell me?"ㅤㅤ"Um. Scythe and Tower are what you might call arch enemies. Scythe is kind of confusing. Even I don't know that much about her," Stag reveals.ㅤㅤ"Oh," I say. Wait.ㅤㅤ"Is Scythe the other smart demon? The one you mentioned worked on Permanent Possession with Tower?" I inquire.ㅤㅤ"Oh. I told you about that l, didn't I? Yes. That would be Scythe. She's very smart from a technical perspective, so we have to be extra cautious. I know nothing about her human host or whether she's fully a demon or not. I mean, it seems like she has most of her demon memories based on your conversation with her. Ugh. This is going to be a mess," Stag answers.ㅤㅤWe drive home, I go to my room, and Stag calls up our newest employees. Tower, Wing, and Dent.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Welcome, Dent! Sorry about the whole mess of a schedule! Thanks for coming on short notice," Stag says.ㅤㅤ"It's no problem. You must be Don!" Dent greets me.ㅤㅤMhm. At this point, I firmly believe that demons naturally find really pretty hosts during Permapos. Stag is probably keeping that fact from me. Because damn. Dent is cute. She's got really pretty black hair with gold highlights, a darker complexion, and really gorgeous hazel eyes. She seems to be a little bit older than me. Probably around Shophar's age.ㅤㅤAnd—of course—that means I’ll no doubt be shy about this.ㅤㅤ"Heya, D—Dent," I say. I really fucked up saying her one-syllable name. We shake hands, and I don't even give it a second thought. I need to stop that. It's unsanitary. And dream-eating.ㅤㅤ"Sit down, sit down! Yep, right there on our couch. Would you like coffee or water?" Stag asks.ㅤㅤ"I'll take you up on some coffee!" Dent replies.ㅤㅤShe's very friendly, it seems. Easy to talk to. She's wearing a denim jacket, striped trousers, and some cute combat boots. I like her style a lot. Kind of hipster. She'd look great with a beanie. Tel and I are the only ones who wear beanies pretty often. Stag goes to brew some coffee while I sit down on the couch opposite to Dent. For someone who's pretty introverted, I've been spending a lot of time with new people lately.ㅤㅤBut Dent seems really cool. I want to get to know her. Ooh. She's also wearing a shirt from one of my favorite bands. An Australian indie rock band that I love. I might ask her about it. But first, I’ve got to know about her horns and name. I don't see a dent on her.ㅤㅤBefore I get to ask, though, Dent speaks first.ㅤㅤ"Stag told me your name was Adonis. You've got some really pretty horns! Mine are jagged," Dent says.ㅤㅤ"Th-thank you. And your horns look sick! Do you mind me asking why your name is Dent? It—It's okay if it's personal!" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Haha! No, it's not a problem! I don't mind telling you. 'Dent' is short for 'Denticle'. They're what shark scales are called! Stag said that was already my name in Hell, and that she couldn’t really think of a better name. She must have figured 'Shark' would be a little confusing, since I don't have a horn shaped like a shark's dorsal fin."ㅤㅤ"Ooh! Let me look that up really quick," I say. That's so cool. Yeah. Sure enough, her horns are shaped like shark scales. There's one on each side of her head. That's badass as fuck.

ㅤㅤPretty much out of nowhere, Vein rockets down from upstairs.ㅤㅤVein immediately sits next to Dent on the couch and looks right up at her.ㅤㅤ"Hi! I'm Vein! What's your name?" Vein says.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Vein! I’m Dent! Stag told me all about you—You're so cute!" Dent says.ㅤㅤUh oh. Don't call Vein 'cute'. That's equivalent to being in front of a duck that was just born. Imprint. Vein is going to cling to you, Dent. Vein chuckles.ㅤㅤ”Demp," Vein cheerfully says as she approaches Dent.ㅤㅤAnd they hug. That's . . . Okay, I'll admit. That's pretty cute.ㅤㅤ"Are . . . are your horns like shark scales?" Vein asks. Vein is cooler than me for knowing all this marine biology shit. I'd like to show off in front of Dent, too.ㅤㅤ"Yes, that’s right! Wow, you're so smart! You like sea animals, Vein?" Dent asks back.ㅤㅤ"Yeppy yep! My favorite animal is the whale shark! 'Rhincodon typus'! What's yours?" says Vein.ㅤㅤUgh. What a show-off.ㅤㅤ"Hm. My boyfriend and I both like pallas cats! They're very funny-looking," Dent answers while pulling out her phone to show Vein and I her lock screen.ㅤㅤYeah. It's the goofiest, dumbest looking cat ever. But I’m more focused on the fact that Dent has a boyfriend. Other than Shophar’s multiple exes, this is the first time I’ve heard one of our demon girls actually having a boyfriend. Even Stein–as old as she is in human years–is pretty much celibate. I want to ask Dent if her boyfriend knows she’s a demon, but I decide that’s a question for another time.ㅤㅤ"It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!" Vein exclaims. She hugs Dent again. The word “cute” is getting thrown around a little too much.ㅤㅤSuddenly, the door opens. Stag asks me to get it.ㅤㅤIt's Tower and Wing.ㅤㅤ"Hey, Don," says Wing.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Don! Wing and I here just met outside! I know things are a little weird right now, but hopefully we can work something out," says Tower.ㅤㅤIt’s Tower. Now that I look at her, I'm getting some chills. Pariah. I didn't recall that much about Pariah from the dreams, but enough to recall the feeling of being abandoned by her at our worst moments. I know her reason why, but I get a little bit agitated. Then I recall that Tower is two people in one. Different from the rest of us. I don't know if there’s a switch between them, or if they share consciousness simultaneously. I'll be sensitive and not be aggressive towards the wrong side.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Wing and Tower! Let's take a seat. I think Stag made enough coffee for all the three of you—come meet Dent," I greet.ㅤㅤBoy. It's a party in here. While everyone is introduced to each other, I keep looking at Tower.ㅤㅤTower is wearing a hijab. I guess I never mentioned that. Her singular horn juts out of her forehead. She's wearing a wool sweater with some jeans. She really does seem like just another demon girl. But I can think of her as someone who's almost like my babysitter in a way. Demon babysitter. I probably shouldn't bring up any of Tower's past with Wing and Dent here. Stag would kill me.

ㅤㅤVein is having the time of her life jumping among all three of her new friends. Vein, you have no idea that Tower helped raise both of us, do you?ㅤㅤI overhear Dent mention that she was the daughter of Furcas, a Knight of Hell that ruled 20 legions of demons. Although he was a Knight, he was also known as a teacher in Hell. That's pretty neat. Dent says she has nothing from him. Stag makes a joke that she probably got Furcas' smarts—Stag follows up by revealing that Dent graduated from UPenn. Yeah. Looks like we got two scholars over here. Wing instantly chimes in and attempts to brag about her demon self and her job in the modeling industry.ㅤㅤIn the midst of the introductions and small talk, I suddenly feel my phone vibrate.ㅤㅤI excuse myself, go to the kitchen, and answer the call.ㅤㅤAnother unfamiliar voice.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Ms. Aquino. I'm Officer Jake with the police department. I believe you were questioned earlier today regarding the disappearance of Julia Becker?"ㅤㅤAh, shit. Here we go again.ㅤㅤ"Yes."ㅤㅤ"Do you know if Julia has any parents or close relatives? We don't have anything on file."ㅤㅤ"Not that I know of."ㅤㅤ"I see. Well, I have some unfortunate news," Officer Jake begins to say.ㅤㅤI don't like this.ㅤㅤ"Julia Becker. We . . . We found her body in the restroom of a bar a few blocks near her apartment."
Chapter Z-2 ● The Cameras and the Rain
ㅤㅤI don’t like thinking too much about this part. So I won’t. Don’t have anything to say either. Anyway, here’s part two of the story of Gionna. Ms. G. Whatever.●●●ㅤㅤAmay was speaking to Ms. G through her dream, as he typically would.ㅤㅤExcept this time, with news that she clearly would not like. News regarding Yusuf.ㅤㅤ"What good will he be? Even if he were to recover, he would not be able to speak fluently. He would lack any physical power to accommodate possession.”ㅤㅤ“...”ㅤㅤMs. G couldn’t think of a rational response.ㅤㅤ”Oh, I see. He is your son. You have grown attached."ㅤㅤMs. G was caught dead to rights.ㅤㅤ"I’m begging you, Amay. I'll . . . I'll take care of him. But—But please don’t hurt him anymore than he already has been. He doesn't deserve to die," Ms. G begged.ㅤㅤAmay took a deep breath.ㅤㅤ"I hear your plea. Considering your contributions to this project, I would like to fulfill your desires. However, there is no feasible way for him to live in society meaningfully to you humans. He is permanently disabled. He is not a warrior, he is not useful, and he would put this project at risk if placed back into society."ㅤㅤ"Pl—Please. There has to be some way. Anything! Look, you can t—take my life instead. Please spare him!" Ms. G continued.ㅤㅤ"That is an impossible request. Clearly, you are much more valuable than him. Gionna. We will have to cast him aside and continue our focus on Jaimie."ㅤㅤJaimie. That name again. Her anger once shifted toward the timid child she associated that name with. Ms. G went back to her original belief. In essence, Jaimie was to blame. Out of all her legally adopted children, Ms. G spent the most time with Camilla during their anger management sessions. But she did notice something about Yusuf. He was held back by Jaimie. Ms. G had even noticed an instance where Yusuf began walking toward the lone Camilla during the Droneheads’ height of fame. Knowing Yusuf, it was most likely to try and comfort Camilla. And she noticed how, moments later, Jaimie forcefully pulled him back.ㅤㅤMs. G wasn’t a fool. She knew Camilla was the one who hurt Yusuf. Yet she couldn’t blame the girl. Her adoptive daughter.ㅤㅤ"Why?! Why Jaimie?! Wasn't Camilla perfect for Craterscape?!" Ms. G demanded.ㅤㅤAmay was clearly losing his patience and changed his tone.ㅤㅤ"Do not question me, human. Camilla is not in the right mind to be the host for what we have planned. While it is true that we initially favored her, we have amended our direction. If possessed, Camilla’s nature would not combine with our demons well. She would not listen to us and would go against our plans. Volatility without obedience is useless. Jaimie, however, is perfect. She is dependent. She cannot function without the ones dear to her. She is lonely. Yet she is depraved and volatile in her own right–both of which will be valuable as a host. We have data indicating that Yusuf desired to help Camilla, but was stopped by Jaimie. This has even led to destruction in all their relationships. That is Jaimie. And that is the true behavior we have been seeking for a host. It is vital. You do not seem to agree."ㅤㅤ"Urgh! Fucking Jaimie!" Ms. G cursed.ㅤㅤ"I see. This is unfortunate. You yourself truly do not appear to be in the emotional state to manage our project. And this may pose a threat to Jaimie. I did not expect this to happen.”ㅤㅤWithin Ms. G’s dream, Amay sat still in his throne for a moment.ㅤㅤ”You will need some time away from the crater. Now that we are sure of our host, I am certain that we will be able to manage without you. I must admit that your skills are valuable. Perhaps you will be ready at a later time to return to us. I do not believe you would report this to any human authorities, due to your involvement in it. In the meantime, I will arrange for another human to watch the children. Yes. Let us utilize the human that has tended to Camilla. He has been performing exceedingly well in his reports based on his data."ㅤㅤ“Amay, plea—“ㅤㅤ“Enough. For your efforts, I can promise you this. If by some chance we are able to find some use for Yusuf, we will spare his life. But he would be subservient to our needs. Otherwise, we will dispose of him. Farewell, Gionna.”ㅤㅤMs. G couldn't believe it. After all she had done, she'd be put aside. Surely the other facilitators would have something to say as well.
●●●ㅤㅤ“Gionna . . . Don’t over exaggerate. This will be worth it. And who knows? Maybe we’ll have powers that can heal him in the future.”ㅤㅤ“Eric! They’re going to fucking kill Yusuf!”ㅤㅤ“Honestly, I don’t think Amay would specifically order to have Yusuf killed.”ㅤㅤ“Yes, he would! He basically did!”ㅤㅤ“Gionna. You’re becoming delusional. Look at how far Amay’s gotten us—we have to trust him. You’ve been spending too much time with the kids. In fact, that’s probably why he wanted me to go for it. If he says not to let you in, then I won’t let you in.”ㅤㅤ“Fuck you!” Ms. G shouted and stormed out.ㅤㅤEric called out in the distance.ㅤㅤ“I’m following Amay on this one! It’ll be worth it! I mean, it’s also high time I spend time with the kids! Not just as a check-up nurse!” Eric said, with a chuckle at the end.ㅤㅤFor the most part, Ms. G got along well with the other witches. Eric was easy to get along with. But at that moment, Ms. G was seething at him. At all the witches. They deactivated her ID and ability to get into the Craterscape. All because their Fates told them the same thing.ㅤㅤDo not let Gionna into the Craterscape.ㅤㅤWith some time, the witches began to change things around the Craterscape. Previously, the other witches never showed their face to the children. They would always be wearing medical PPE or find other ways to hide their faces.ㅤㅤThings were different now. Once Eric was introduced as ’Mr. E’, the other facilitators installed very small, incognito cameras around the vicinity of the Craterscape. There was no way the children would be able to notice them. For the most part, things still ran smoothly. Mr. E was not as diligent as Ms. G, but they managed to keep the project going.ㅤㅤMs. G no longer dreamt.ㅤㅤOne of the witches named Anna felt pity for Ms. G's lack of knowledge on what was going on. She would sneak off in the evening to update Ms. G on what was going on. She stopped by Ms. G's place to give her extra monitor feeds of the cameras, allowing her to switch between them. Although Ms. G was peeved at the idea of installing these cameras, she let it slide–she had to see what was going on with the children.ㅤㅤAs Ms. G flipped between camera views, she didn’t see much change. Most of the kids continued to play, as if they never knew Yusuf, Camilla, nor Feng. In her eyes, it seemed as if her own adopted children meant so little to the rest of the children. Only Jaimie looked lonely. Good, Ms. G thought.ㅤㅤWait—What about Feng?ㅤㅤWhy wasn’t Feng left behind? He didn’t do anything wrong. He wasn’t injured. At most, he was elbowed in the stomach by Camilla.ㅤㅤMs. G asked Anna one day why Feng was kept away from the Craterscape.ㅤㅤ“Oh. It’s a little dark. I don’t really like what they’re doing either,” Anna admitted.ㅤㅤ“‘A little dark’? What else could they possibly be doing?!”ㅤㅤ“They’re seriously brainwashing Camilla and Feng.”ㅤㅤ“Brainwashing? Like in a dumb B movie? What is this?”ㅤㅤ“No. Seriously. We got directions from the Fates to chant these specific string of phrases, and it’s working. They warned not to try it on anyone else. We had to completely block out our ears. Even had to develop some talisman thingies to keep ourselves from getting affected by it. Anyway, we were told that Feng seriously had strong feelings for Camilla. And it might conflict with his relationship with Jaimie, since they were close. Oh—Camilla’s also being brainwashed of her hatred for Jaimie.”ㅤㅤ“That sounds so stupid. There’s no way it’s actually working.”ㅤㅤ“It seriously has been working. We’re planning to have Camilla and Feng sent back to the Craterscape. You’ll see it in the camera feed.”
●●●ㅤㅤSure enough, Feng and Camilla were back. And Anna was right. They acted as if the fight between Yusuf and Camilla never happened. And Feng barely spent time with Camilla nor Jaimie. Jaimie continued to be alone. At one point, Ms. G saw Eric confiscate the drone, even though it previously gave the demons a view of the Craterscape. Ms. G couldn’t believe that the demons were so cognizant of Jaimie’s mental health that they would remove their own ability to see the happenings at the Craterscape. Or maybe they were planning to instill souls into each of the new cameras, Ms. G thought. She would have to ask Anna.ㅤㅤBut that was the issue. Anna stopped visiting.ㅤㅤConsequently, Ms. G no longer had direct updates as to what was happening in the Craterscape. Only through the camera feeds was Ms. G able to keep things in check. But Ms. G didn’t understand. She kept flipping through the cameras. Everything seemed like usual. Just Mr. E with his clipboard taking extensive notes. Then Ms. G thought about where the cameras were placed. From the live footage, it was clear they were installed on the inclines of the Craterscape, the outside of the buildings, and inside the main rooms.ㅤㅤThere had to be a reason Anna stopped appearing. Ms. G needed to get to the bottom of this. She knew the other witches were adamant about following through with the project—there was no way they would help her.ㅤㅤShe had to save the kids and get to the bottom of this. There must be more to the project than the demons were letting them know.ㅤㅤIf demons caused this disaster in the first place, then they could fix it. There had to be another demon that she could try to summon on her own. Someone higher in rank than Amay.ㅤㅤShe flipped through her copious books on demonology. Someone. Anyone. But…ㅤㅤAmay was a mighty warrior demon. He was very powerful. There’s no way that Ms. G would be able to summon a demon stronger than Amay. It was hopeless.ㅤㅤBut wait, she thought. Aren’t demons afraid of angels? Aren’t angels their main weakness? According to the Fates, the angels have their own language, so incanting an angel is much different than what she knew. And it also wasn’t very occultic. She couldn't just summon an angel like she would a demon. They're under the direct supervision and command of archangels. Contrary to popular belief, angels are more dangerous than demons.ㅤㅤShe remembered reading about something else. Fallen angels. They were somewhat in-between angels and demons. Yet they were very powerful, often high-ranking, and still classified as demons. Some of them had to be stronger than Amay. They definitely weren’t under the supervision of something as powerful as an archangel. She just needed to find out which Fallen angel to summon, and exactly how to.ㅤㅤAnd so she continued the research she had been doing before. And she came across a specific name, complete with unique titles associated.ㅤㅤThe Scapegoat. The Bringer of Knowledge. The Fallen angel that taught mankind how to create weapons.ㅤㅤThe name she found was Azazel.ㅤㅤAccording to Ms. G’s documents, Azazel was a Nephilim. A very specific kind of Fallen angel. The most powerful of all demons—Nephilim are Fallen angels that stem from the beginning of the universe and provided humans with forbidden knowledge. Giant, powerful titans. They were usually highly-ranked, but Azazel didn’t seem to fit in the caste system like the other Fallen angels. According to what she found, he was a super-powered Fallen angel, which were already powerful on their own.ㅤㅤAzazel was sometimes depicted as having 7 heads and 14 faces. 12 wings. Sometimes associated with taking the form of a giant serpent or bird. He was strong.ㅤㅤThis seemed to be the perfect demon to summon against Amay. But . . . there was no way such a powerful demon would be willing to help her cause. Still, she was already losing her trust in the Fates. How else could she stand a chance other than to fight fire with fire?ㅤㅤShe knew this would be a gigantic risk, as the Nephilim could potentially bring complete destruction. According to her research, Nephilim even stand a chance against lower-ranked angels. If this Nephilim did anything destructive, surely a higher-ranked angel would come to humanity's rescue.ㅤㅤSo she did what she recalled little Yusuf saying. She would go out of her comfort area.
●●●ㅤㅤShe kept on trying. She had plenty of resources, money, and time to do so. Ms. G tried the oldest incantations she could find. As she did so, she would often check the Craterscape cameras, and she noticed something odd. It was Camilla.ㅤㅤShe was spending a lot of time with Eric. In any camera view that showed Camilla, Eric was almost always there. In any camera view that showed Eric, Camilla was there right next to him. It was a little unsettling, but at the same time, it wasn't much different from how often Jaimie and Yusuf used to be with Ms. G. Ms. G didn't know Eric to be lethargic, but she did notice how often he yawned. She grew frustrated at this, since she always made the effort to get plenty of sleep before taking care of the kids. Regardless, Eric's extra care for Camilla made sense, since Eric tended to Camilla after her fight with Yusuf. And the fact that she was brainwashed would probably imply that she needed some extra care. But still. Feng wasn't being given the same attention as Camilla.ㅤㅤMeanwhile, Jaimie was being Jaimie. But a Jaimie without Yusuf. As usual, she continued to be alone. All alone in the camera feed.
●●●ㅤㅤMs. G kept on attempting her summon of Azazel. As she researched more, it seemed that Azazel—although particularly powerful—seemed to have compassion on humans. Azazel provided humans with not just the knowledge to create weapons, but also cosmetics—fine minerals and ornaments for beauty. It seemed as though Azazel just liked the way that humans lived and wanted to provide them with more. With this in mind, Ms. G was convinced. It had to be Azazel to help her. If only she could get his attention. There weren’t any other demons documented like him.ㅤㅤPeriodically, Ms. G would visit Yusuf in the hospital, but he was still recovering very slowly. Ms. G was thankful that he remained untouched by the other witches. Ms. G considered taking him and running away. But it would be extremely difficult with his current paralyzed state. Plus, if she was caught kidnapping her own child, the rest of her shady history would be uncovered, too.ㅤㅤMs. G just kept continuing her research on Azazel, watching the Crater's camera feeds, and visiting Yusuf.ㅤㅤThen one day, Jaimie stopped appearing in the camera feed. Did she disappear? There's nowhere she could run away to. Maybe in the facilitator’s section? There's no way. No child has access to that section.ㅤㅤMs. G thought about it. That would be silly. It wouldn't be anyone but Eric and the occasional visiting facilitator that would need to help out, like Mason or Casey. As said before, Anna was nowhere to be found.ㅤㅤWell, either way, Ms. G didn't find it necessary to watch the camera feed as the night neared the children's curfew.ㅤㅤThen Ms. G caught sight of her–Jaimie. She walked to the restroom. Then went back to her bed. This happened a few more times throughout the day. And this is the only thing that Jaimie did.ㅤㅤIt made sense. The cameras were installed above the beds, and Jaimie slept on a bottom bunk. So that was it. Jaimie didn't disappear. She just never left her bed. She only seemed to leave it to use the restroom. She didn't even seem to eat. Ms. G was confused. Wouldn't Amay want Jaimie to stay healthy? Why wasn’t Mr. E doing anything to help her? They were obviously watching Jaimie, too.ㅤㅤBut it was more troubling than that. The fact of the matter is that Jaimie was so under the weather that she wouldn't eat. Ms. G put her aggression towards Jaimie aside and felt sorry for her. Ms. G’s back-and-forth feelings toward Jaimie kicked in. In retrospect, Jaimie really did nothing wrong. It was more that Jaimie could have done something right. Ms. G only wished that someone had reached out to Camilla before she started the fight and permanently damaged Yusuf.ㅤㅤTime and time went on, and Jaimie continued to suffer from anorexia. The poor little girl just wouldn't eat.
●●●ㅤㅤMs. G finally found it. The secret was in the Dead Sea Scrolls. There was one small passage in the Book of Enoch that completed a phrase of the incantation she had been trying to use. This had to be it.ㅤㅤSo she used it. She felt different this time as she delivered the incantation. She expected no visible result and for her to meet Azazel in her dream later that night, similar to how it worked with Amay.ㅤㅤBut that wasn't the case. It was instant.ㅤㅤThe entire room suddenly went completely white. Too white that Ms. G's eyes started to burn. She closed her eyes as soon as possible, but she still felt the presence of something powerful.ㅤㅤAnd a voice erupted.ㅤㅤ“D O—N O T—B E—A F R A I D.”ㅤㅤMs. G froze. The voice was so commanding and loud. She felt the gravity around her become stronger, and she fell to her knees with her forehead to the ground. She felt her pants become a little soaked in fear.ㅤㅤ“W H A T—D I D—I—J U S T—T E L L—Y O U?! Y O U—S U M M O N—M E, T H E N—B E C O M E—T O O—A F R A I D—T O—S A Y—A N Y T H I N G?! W H A T—D O—Y O U—W A N T?!”ㅤㅤ“I . . . I . . . I . . . I . . . I—I’m . . . I n—need-“ㅤㅤ“S P E A K—S O—T H A T—I—C A N—U N D E R S T A N D!”ㅤㅤMs. G felt a gust of air blow in her direction at those words. She couldn’t stand it.ㅤㅤ“A—Azazel-“ㅤㅤ“D O—N O T—S A Y—M Y—N A M E!”ㅤㅤMs. G started crying.ㅤㅤ“ . . . ”ㅤㅤThings went silent in this whitespace. Just the sound of Ms. G's crying.ㅤㅤ“ . . . Okay.”ㅤㅤThe voice became somewhat softer, but still commanding.ㅤㅤ“ . . . Look. I’ve just had a bad wrap with humans, and my last encounter didn’t end so well. The last human I overtook was murdered by a powerful demon in front of me. I learned that I need to assert my power. I was careless.”ㅤㅤMs. G's sobbing slowed down.ㅤㅤ“I get it. I’m terrifying. A human hasn’t seen me in hundreds of years. Look—the only way for me to speak to you in a reasonable way without destroying your eyes and ears is for me to possess you. But that will be permanent until you die. I can’t remain in this form for long or else true angels will find me. If you want to tell me something, you have to tell me now, even with how scary my current form is. Otherwise, I will leave, and you will have accomplished nothing.”ㅤㅤMs. G's crying completely stopped, and she strengthened herself. Her eyes were in so much pain, and her ears were ringing from Azazel’s deafening voice. It hurt too much.ㅤㅤ“Please! Please, possess me! I can’t—I can’t take this! It hurts so m—much!”ㅤㅤ“Are you sure? You won’t be able to reverse this decision. You haven’t even told me what your goal is.”ㅤㅤ“I know you can help me! That’s all I a—ask! Please!”ㅤㅤ“So be it. Empty your thoughts.”ㅤㅤAmidst the physical torment, Ms. G tried her best to ignore the pain.ㅤㅤYsudiromn. Sescyabult. Ueromine.”ㅤㅤMs. G felt something on the back of her head. Unexpectedly, it was not painful. In fact, it was very soft and somewhat soothing. It must have been a wing of Azazel's. Even with her eyes closed, it was so bright because of the whitespace. The pressure on her head began to increase, but not enough to be painful.ㅤㅤThen everything went completely black.
●●●ㅤㅤMs. G woke up staring at her wall. She was sitting on the ground with her back against the opposite wall. She looked down at the puddle below her and remembered. She had wet herself.ㅤㅤShe cleaned herself and washed her face. She stared at herself in the mirror, confused and beginning to remember her agreement with Azazel. Was he already there? How would he show up?ㅤㅤMs. G went through the rest of the day as usual. Cleaned around her living space and ran basic errands. She was eager, as well as anxious, for when Azazel would appear. But she continued her routine. When she got home that night, she turned on the camera monitors and began to watch. Ms. G watched for a few minutes as the children prepared to go to sleep—Jaimie was also doing her usual routine of barely leaving the bed.ㅤㅤThen she heard it—A voice in her head. Ms. G was startled, but fell silent. It was the same thunderous voice as before, but it was much more mellow this time around. And it didn't hurt her ears.ㅤㅤ"What . . . in all things that are holy is going on?!" The voice spoke.ㅤㅤMs. G put her hands over her ears. Yes—it was definitely coming from the inside of her head.ㅤㅤ"Alright. So you still haven't directly told me what you need from me. Honestly, I'm really confused here. All I've gotten from today is that you're a normal human that goes about their day. Then you become a complete child stalker at night. You'd be great food for some demons. But while I say that, I can sense you've contacted a demon before me. There's more to this, isn't there?"ㅤㅤMs. G began breathing in and out slowly. Live communication with a demon. She had been dreaming of this moment. But in the same moment, she focused on calming her fear. She was not in the mood to hyperventilate.ㅤㅤ"Didn't I say not to get scared? That's exactly why we're doing this. Come on. Gionna, right? I'll give it a second."ㅤㅤAfter around a minute, Ms. G successfully calmed down. After one more big breath, she began to explain everything to Azazel. Although if anyone overheard her, they would think she was talking to herself.ㅤㅤShe explained it all. Her communication with the Demons of Fate, the Crater program, the fight, and more. Although her voice still waivered somewhat, Azazel was patient and said nothing throughout her explanation.ㅤㅤ" . . . Hold on. This is a very unique story. But in terms of the events unfolding at the Crater itself, I've witnessed something similar. My last host also took care of children, you see. And though he was a kind-hearted human, one of his coworkers was evil. So I think I have an idea—a hunch, if you will—of what's going on at the Crater. You said you usually don't watch the camera feed past the children's curfew, right?"ㅤㅤ"That's correct," Ms. G confirmed. She was slowly gaining more confidence in talking to Azazel. Just as she did with Amay. She did want to remain skeptical, though. Especially after Amay's betrayal.ㅤㅤ"Do it this time. Watch past curfew. And check the rooms you usually don't see. Check . . . Eric was his name, right? Check Eric's room. And brace yourself."ㅤㅤMs. G didn't understand. What could possibly be happening?
●●●ㅤㅤAs Ms. G let the time pass, more and more children were beginning to sleep. During this time, Ms. G strengthened her mental fortitude and began to ask Azazel about himself without referring to him by his name.ㅤㅤAzazel went on to talk about himself.ㅤㅤ"I noticed your books over there. It's funny how much about me is documented incorrectly. At least the half-truth. Yes. I'm a Fallen angel. But from a long, long time ago. You see, I didn't really understand why angels became so hands-off of things. Even during ancient times, I disliked the amount of information withheld from humans. I even knew Enoch, who ended up becoming the most powerful angel ever, M—Metatron. Even saying the name is a little nerve-wracking. Let's just call him Metat. Once Metat noticed that little sliver of hesitation in me, I was cast out of Heaven. But as one of the oldest, most powerful angels ever, I didn't go down without a fight.ㅤㅤIt looks like you know about me being one of the first Nephilim. I think some Greek texts equate me to a Titan—their god named Prometheus. You should see my actual form. I'm gigantic. But even then, I wasn't powerful enough to defeat Metat. Now, to explain how I got to my current situation. I’m what I am now because of a combination of my power and hatred of Hell. That's right—All these texts about me ever being a commander in Hell are wrong.ㅤㅤI didn't agree with how the Demons of Pride ran things. Back in my days as an angel, I actually fought Leviathan, perhaps the most powerful Demon of Pride—maybe even the most powerful demon ever. Yes, I'm considered a demon, but I don't exactly like being one. I'm kind of in between things.ㅤㅤI've been to Hell. Although it took a lot of mettle, I was able to leave and go back to Earth after realizing how much I disliked it there. I was also hated by demons because of how I helped destroy Leviathan. I'm an outcast in every way.ㅤㅤAnd so, I ended up just staying with humans. I'm very discrete, and most angels believe that I've been in Hell and rose in power there. Which is not the case. While I’m very intrigued by humans, I definitely don’t like all humans, though. My last host was this really kind fellow in the Philippines. But his friend ended up cheating with his girlfriend. And things went south when a Succubus got involved. I've been laying low ever since. Then you came along. No one has enchanted those words to summon me since my days as an angel. Oh. I've been rambling on, but it looks like it's around time. Take a look."ㅤㅤMs. G was completely engrossed in Azazel's backstory and friendliness that she forgot their main goal. With her coffee in hand, she kept her eyes on the camera feed.ㅤㅤ"Right there. That's the older kids' room right? Look at your daughter. Camilla, right?" asked Azazel.ㅤㅤMs. G nodded. Which didn't make sense since Azazel and her shared this body. But as far as she was knew, there weren't any physical changes to her body with Azazel inhabiting her. Ms. G shifted her focus to Camilla.ㅤㅤCamilla got up very slowly and quietly. She then walked out of the room. Ms. G wasn't surprised. Back when Ms. G took care of the children, the ones that weren't potty-trained would use their Order Gear to call her in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Older kids just get up and go. Luckily for Mr. E, most of the kids were already trained by Ms. G to use the restroom themselves.ㅤㅤ"I know what you're thinking. But I don't think she's going to the restroom," said Azazel.ㅤㅤMs. G watched as Camilla walked toward the . . . facilitator's room? Ms. G never thought it important to check the facilitator's room. After all, it was usually just Eric.ㅤㅤShe switched cameras to the hallway camera. She could see the dim lights in Eric's room from the hallway. Was he sleep deprived during the day because he refused to sleep at a reasonable hour?ㅤㅤMs. G switched to the camera showing the entrance of the facilitator's section. There was an ID-activated door that she was very familiar with. Did Camilla suddenly gain special access? There's no way she would make it through. And what would she even be going there for? If she needed Mr. E, she could call him using the Order Gear.ㅤㅤThe door opened for Camilla. Surprised, Ms. G switched to the hallway camera. Camilla walked toward Mr. E's room.ㅤㅤShe wondered what Camilla needed Mr. E for.ㅤㅤNothing happened for a few minutes. Whatever favor Camilla needed, it was taking a long time. Ms. G started listening closely to the camera mic output.ㅤㅤ"Here it is, Ms. G. I'm sorry," said Azazel.ㅤㅤMoaning. Coming from Ms. G's own daughter. Alone with a man far from her age.
●●●ㅤㅤ"HEY! OPEN THIS UP!" Ms. G was shouting at the entrance of the Crater, banging on the gate in the middle of the night. Her cell phone was full of unreturned calls. No one was answering. She went through calling each facilitator again. She then called the remote security office's phone, which Casey was in charge of. She usually worked the night shift as a monitor on these days.ㅤㅤ" . . . Gionna. It's early in the morning. I don't get why you're all of a sudden so fired up today to try and get in. You already know I won't let you i-"ㅤㅤ"That piece of shit Eric is having sex with my underaged daughter, Casey! Let me the fuck inside so I can kill him!" demanded Ms. G.ㅤㅤ"Wha—what? W—what are you t—talking about? Y—You're going ins—insane, Gionna! G—go home already!"ㅤㅤ"I saw it! Anna left me extra camera feed monitors! I'm not a fucking idiot, Casey!"ㅤㅤ"O—Oh. Anna was more guilty than we thought. W—well. I'm still not letting you in! I'm sorry it's your daughter, but there's nothing we can do about it!" said Casey.ㅤㅤ"Nothing you can do about it?! What the fuck, Casey? You knew what was happening, and you did nothing?!" exclaimed Ms. G.ㅤㅤ"Look, Gionna. I know it's messed up! But it's for the greater good, okay?! The demons gave us instructions to let it happen!"ㅤㅤ"Are you fucking kidding me, Casey?! There can't be a single good reason why they would be okay with this!"ㅤㅤ"Shut up! Yes, they do! It's Jaimie—Jaimie saw them doing it a few weeks ago."ㅤㅤ"What the fuck?! Tell me! I have a right to know what's going!"ㅤㅤ"F—fine! That's right! Jaimie saw them having sex! Camilla later confronted her about it. Camilla noticed the facilitator's room was ajar that night and deduced Jaimie was the only one who would have the guts to do that. After prying Jaimie, Camilla confirmed her suspicions. She told Mr. E everything.ㅤㅤRather than Jaimie trying to blackmail Camilla, Camilla threatened Jaimie that she would kill her if it ever got out. Camilla also threatened that Mr. E would gladly get rid of Jaimie if she tried to out them both. That's right! Despite the brainwashing, Camilla found herself hating Jaimie again. But instead of the demons requesting to brainwash Camilla again, they started to support what the trauma was doing to Jaimie. They said…They said that the mental toll on Jaimie will help her be the perfect host! I—I don't get it either, but I'm trusting them! In . . . In fact, I'm going to deactivate the missing camera feed we've been looking for. That must be yours! Stay out of this, Gionna!"ㅤㅤMs. G hung up. She didn't want to hear any more. She just wanted to end Eric's life.ㅤㅤ"Please. Please help me! Break this gate! Please!" Ms. G cried out to Azazel.ㅤㅤ"I'm sorry, Ms. G. I made a promise to myself long ago that I would never impede on a human host's life again. I'll sound like a hypocrite, but I promised I would be hands-off, just as the angels are. In the past, the times I've tried to help a human's life have proven to make things worse. Even in rare cases like yours, where my host is actually aware that I'm possessing them, I still have to refuse helping them physically. I assumed that you summoned me to ask for my knowledge, not my power. I'm a book, not a weapon."ㅤㅤ"NO! No, no, no, no, no!"ㅤㅤMs. G could do nothing. The heavy physical security, including the electric fences, would prevent her from being able to do anything. She cried and cried until she fell asleep—right there in front of the gate.
●●●ㅤㅤMs. G woke up cursing Azazel.ㅤㅤ"Ms. G. Don't do it. You know I could easily kill you with your own body. Don't test me."ㅤㅤMs. G screamed in frustration. She didn't know what to do. Azazel suggested she go home for now, to which she hesitantly gave in to.ㅤㅤSure enough, her camera monitors from Anna were no longer showing the camera feed.ㅤㅤWhat happened to Anna, then?! Casey said she was "guilty". Whatever they did to Anna—would they have done the same to Ms. G if not for her usefulness?ㅤㅤThe next two days were spent in agony. Azazel stayed quiet for most of it.ㅤㅤMs. G cried and cried. It was as if her eyes would stay permanently bloodshot.ㅤㅤSuddenly, there was knocking on her door.ㅤㅤ"Wh-Who is it?! Go away! I—I'm busy right now!"ㅤㅤ"Please, Gionna. It's me. Mason. I want to talk to you," says a voice from the other side of the door.ㅤㅤ"I might fucking kill you if I see you, asshole! All of you!"ㅤㅤ"I'll be quick. Let me just explain things. Casey told me you know some of it."ㅤㅤ"Y—You can tell me from there!"ㅤㅤ"You have to let me in. It's easier to show you, Gionna."ㅤㅤ"I don't want to see ANYTHING about what's happening to my poor baby!"ㅤㅤ"Please, Gionna. It'll be quick. I have to show you."ㅤㅤ"UGH! FINE!"ㅤㅤThe moment Ms. G unlocked the door, Mason burst through the door.ㅤㅤHe pulled out a syringe and pierced Ms. G in the stomach.ㅤㅤ"W—Wha—"ㅤㅤMs. G fell to the ground, immobilized.ㅤㅤMason then pulled a pistol out of his side.ㅤㅤ"Sorry, Gionna. Nothing personal. You broke two of Amay's rules. The second rule—Listen to their every instruction. Third—continue to practice occult. This is for us. For humanity as a whole."ㅤㅤTears streamed down Ms. G's eyes as her face muscles were paralyzed.ㅤㅤA flash of white.ㅤㅤ"W—"ㅤㅤMason could not even finish his words when he began screaming in agony. His eyes were burning and his flesh began to bubble up and enflame.ㅤㅤMs. G's eyes were not. Her skin was fine. And she could move.ㅤㅤ"D O—Y O U—W A N T—M E—T O—K I L L—H I M?!" Azazel commanded for an answer. However, he was speaking directly from Ms. G’s mouth this time. Not in her mind.ㅤㅤMs. G could barely process what was going on. She was standing and could clearly see the outlines of all the objects in her home, despite how bright everything was. She could also barely see gigantic wings sprouting from her back all the way to her peripheral vision.ㅤㅤ"I—S A I D, D O—Y O U—W A N T—"ㅤㅤ"Yes! W—Wait, no! No!" Ms. G answered. This was so odd to her, because her own voice was interrupting her own voice.
●●●ㅤㅤMs. G lived a relatively sheltered life as a Wiccan. She was born into a family known for producing some of the greatest American Wiccan high priests and priestesses. She did not ever imagine something like this would happen to her own daughter. And her daughter seemed to be partly instigating it.ㅤㅤThinking this as she towered over Mason, bloody and cowering in fear with his eyes bleeding, her rage began to build up.ㅤㅤBut she decided to let Azazel control the situation.ㅤㅤ"What should I say?" Ms. G asked Azazel.ㅤㅤ"Honestly, who cares? He probably wouldn't have any information we need. I say we go to the Craterscape and kill Mr. E. And save the children before the demons command the other facilitators to create more chaos."ㅤㅤMs. G lived in a more rural home away from any potentially curious neighbors. She decided she would just leave Mason there and made her way toward the Craterscape. At this point, she didn't care about what might happen.ㅤㅤAs she began stepping away, Mason spoke in between his whimpers of pain.ㅤㅤ"Y—You're t—too late . . . I have n—no fucking clue wh—what you are . . . but they're already possessing J—Jaimie. You're too . . . You're too—"ㅤㅤThe sound of a quick whip swept by behind Ms. G.ㅤㅤMason's voice was gone. Ms. G decided it better not to turn around and see what happened. It seemed Azazel decided Mason was better off dead.ㅤㅤAnd now they gained some horrific news.ㅤㅤJaimie was already being possessed. The main goal of Craterscape.
●●●ㅤㅤAzazel traveled unbelievably fast using Ms. G's body. And Ms. G's body remained unharmed. Ms. G would arrive at the Craterscape in no time. They were completely in sync, hovering about ten feet off the ground. Ms. G was not afraid of heights, much to Azazel’s relief.ㅤㅤAs they flew, Ms. G concluded some of the technical parts of how Azazel’s possession worked.ㅤㅤAzazel primarily spoke through her mind. However, he had the ability to control her body and speak through her vocal chords. In fact, it seemed that when Azazel’s physical abilities and power are in use, he must speak through her body and can’t speak through her head. Due to this, they could not speak at the same time when Azazel’s abilities are in use.ㅤㅤAs they began to arrive, they noticed the drastic change in weather. The sky was dim. And red. And not the shade of red one would usually witness during a sunset.ㅤㅤA gigantic red and black swirl of clouds a few miles ahead, directly above where the Crater would be.ㅤㅤMs. G felt water droplets on her newly-obtained angelic body. Light drizzle.ㅤㅤBut as she looked down, these were not normal water droplets. They were red droplets. They did not feel like much, but these droplets gave her a very bad feeling.ㅤㅤMs. G and Azazel arrived, and a powerful roar reverberated in their ears. They both flew directly over the gate and couldn't believe what they saw.ㅤㅤChildren's bodies lay throughout the main platform.ㅤㅤThe surrounding trapezoidal platforms are extended upwards like a spiral staircase with their mechanical bridges activated in between. There are some bodies on the lower trapezoidal platforms, presumably from attempting to escape.ㅤㅤThe bodies of the children.ㅤㅤMs. G recognized them all. The red rain continued to drizzle down, and Ms. G noticed that the children's clothes were being seared by the rain. Their exposed skin was . . . melting? Every body part that the rain met with, the skin was falling apart.ㅤㅤA headless mangled corpse on the floor right outside the Quarters. Ms. G could make out that it was a grown man's body, but just barely. All four of his limbs were severed off. Bones were visible, and blood was oozing in every direction. Ms. G would have loved to vomit at this moment, but it seemed her angelic body would not let her.ㅤㅤShe turned her gaze closer toward the center of the platform. She scanned the various adult bodies scattered among the children's bodies throughout—these clearly belonged to the rest of the facilitators. It was as if she was scanning the situation in slow motion. As her view neared the center, she saw the bodies of her three children—Min, Bao, and Feng.ㅤㅤAnd in the center was none other than her own daughter, Camilla. She seemed to be alive.ㅤㅤCompletely shocked at the bodies of the children, Ms. G somehow barely noticed it.ㅤㅤCamilla was underneath the claws of the most disgusting creature she had ever seen. An amorphous blob of flesh, blood, and bones. It was not obvious whether the appendages underneath were legs, arms, or tentacles.ㅤㅤIt was Jaimie.
Chapter 21 ● The Dream
CONTENT WARNING: PLEASE REFER TO THE MAIN PAGE FOR CONTENT DISCLAIMERSㅤㅤCerus doesn't deserve this. No matter what she did to me, it doesn't warrant this. Not this.ㅤㅤI was told she was stabbed twice. Then the perpetrator bludgeoned her face in.ㅤㅤAnd now I'm sitting here next to her hospital bed. Her face looks so fragile behind the oxygen mask. It has black and blues, but she still looks beautiful to me. Her horn seems intact, but it's a different shade of red than it was before. Her cute freckles are still visible.ㅤㅤShe's alive. That gives me some slight peace of mind.ㅤㅤBut she's stuck in a comatose state.ㅤㅤI want to caress her or hold her hand. But I don't know. If I did, I would experience her dream. Yeah, I know she wanted me to. But I just don’t think it’d be a good idea right now.ㅤㅤThis is all just so bad. So fucking bad. How did things even end up like this? I was just working at Jelly Joni’s a week ago—now this?ㅤㅤAfter I got the call telling me about Cerus, Stag brought the three future employees—Tower, Wing, and Dent—to the storage facility along with Vein. The rest of the employees were to meet there as well. Stag even begged Drop to close the flower shop for the day and meet at the facility. Drop said her father would be able to keep it open today, but Stag recommended he stay home for his own safety as well.ㅤㅤThe facility itself is about an hour away, which is a bit unfortunate. But judging from Stag's fear of Scythe, it's probably a good thing that it's so far away from our place and the restaurant. Also, it’s a mystery why we haven’t come up with an alternative name for it. My hunch is so that it’s kept a secret. Because of that, even I’ve hesitated creating my own nickname for the storage facility.ㅤㅤVein was so worried for me and wanted to join me to the hospital, but I had to be stern and tell her no. I know Vein can't be with Cerus.ㅤㅤWhich is another piece of the puzzle that I can't comprehend. I wish I had a chance to talk to Tower and ask if she knows anything about why. Yes—I could call Stag and ask her to put me onto Tower via phone. But I can't risk anything happening to Cerus while I'm on a call. I want to be with her and give her my full attention at every moment in case anything happens.ㅤㅤShe's barely alive.ㅤㅤBarely. I barely got to say goodbye. I didn't like the way the doctors explained the situation to me. They were beating around the bush while talking about it, but they were hinting that she pretty much wouldn’t fucking make it. I hate sugarcoating. But I know I shouldn't take it out on the hospital staff.ㅤㅤI'm physically and mentally exhausted. I haven't eaten the whole day since breakfast. It's nighttime. Friday, October 14, 2016. Same day that I got the morning call about Cerus missing and was interrogated. I want to sleep so bad, but I refuse to. I want to be with Cerus right now. Need to be there for her every second. I'm sure Helix and Ante would want to be here, too. But Scythe seems to be so dangerous that Stag won’t let them.ㅤㅤI know. It's a bad look. To you, it probably seems like Stag let her own son stay close to some evil demon while keeping the rest of the demons safe. I promise it's not the case. Stag knows I would've refused to go to the storage facility. She knows I would have opted to stay here with Cerus no matter what.ㅤㅤPlus, I've met Scythe. If she somehow appears, I'm sure I'd be able to talk to her in a civilized manner. Maybe. Until she starts questioning my gender again.ㅤㅤSo what? Is Scythe the serial killer? I never saw that victim near the barcade from the day I hung out with Wing. You know, the one that was gutted alive. But just from the description of that police officer directing traffic, the fatal injuries would align with the gigantic nail-claws that Scythe showed me.ㅤㅤBut Cerus? Here, she was clearly stabbed by a knife. Scythe's claws would have done an insurmountably bigger amount of damage to her body than a knife. There's no indication that the serial killer is the culprit behind Cerus here. Plus, the serial killer has successfully murdered all her victims so far. Cerus is still alive.ㅤㅤHere's my current hypothesis: Scythe is the serial killer. But someone else hurt Cerus. Whether Scythe and the stabber are related—that's another question to answer.ㅤㅤBut still—this doesn't make sense. Demons can't just run amok like in ancient times. Angels can now detect when demons unjustly interfere with human lives, which includes straight-up murdering them. Granted, I would not want an angel to appear near my area. If they see me, I'm dead. Yes, I'm turned on by the sexy Anvil, but even I'm aware that she’s a powerful Fallen angel. I'm pretty sure even her little sister Claw could destroy me. Ex-Seraphim and Ex-Cherubim are no laughing matter.ㅤㅤLet me reel it all back in.ㅤㅤCerus manipulated me. She used me for closure without telling me. She called me her 'experiment'. That was distasteful. But I still want to forgive her like a dumbass.ㅤㅤI just can't. Does that mean I care for her still? Absolutely. I know it was a spur of the moment thing, but I can still consider her a friend, right?ㅤㅤNone of that seems like it will matter for much longer. She’s going to die. And it pisses me the fuck off.ㅤㅤI'm fucking angry at her. How could she die before she fully explains herself? Wait, no. How could she die before I apologize for cutting her off like that? For walking out on the explanation that I asked for?ㅤㅤHow could she die before I told her how I felt about her? That all this frustration wasn't just because I was manipulated? That I can fully admit—despite knowing her for such a short amount of time—that . . . That I like her. Love? I don't know. How could I love someone that hurt me?ㅤㅤWait. No. I think that might be a symbol. I think . . . I think because I still care for her after she hurt me . . . I think that means that I love her. I think that might be what love is. Caring for someone even if they hurt you. That through all the pain and suffering someone may have caused you, you still care for them. Is that fucked up or what? Definitely codependent. Am I just a pushover?ㅤㅤAgh! I don't fucking know. Love has too many definitions. Sure, fuck it. I'll call this love. Maybe not solely a 'romantic' love, but definitely love.ㅤㅤBro, who the fuck cares? She's dying.ㅤㅤI look down.ㅤㅤI . . . I'm holding her hand.ㅤㅤI didn't even notice. I let go instantly. Oh, shit. Um. Uh. This is the most scandalous thing I've ever done. I think I'm going to Hell for this.ㅤㅤHaha. Shut up. I know! I'm making jokes right now. But shit. I genuinely did not even notice I grabbed her hand. What a fucking idiot. Shit. Shit.ㅤㅤAll good. Maybe, I can just stay awake. Maybe I can stay awake until I grab one of the other demon's hands. Hell, I shook Dent's hands earlier. But that's probably not enough. Maybe if I grab all of their hands, their dreams will overpower Cerus' dream. So that I won't have it. Yeah. Maybe that'll work. I just need to stay awake.ㅤㅤS . . . Stay awake.ㅤㅤ. . .ㅤㅤFuck! Just dozed and hit my forehead on the side rail of the hospital bed. No! No snoozing off. Fuck that.ㅤㅤFu . . . ck . . .ㅤㅤ. . .ㅤㅤN . . .ㅤㅤNo . . .
●●●ㅤㅤI can't think.ㅤㅤI don't want to think. I don't want to feel anything right now.ㅤㅤBut I can see and hear. Even though I don't want to.ㅤㅤI'm looking up at the top bunk bed. But what I see is something else.ㅤㅤWhat I see is the repulsive sight of Mr. E having sex with Camilla.ㅤㅤWhat I hear are the repulsive sounds of Mr. E having sex with Camilla.ㅤㅤI've vomited multiple times by now. The other older kids have been helping me clean my sheets. Ms. G would have helped me. Mr. E, on the other hand, does the bare minimum. He just clicks his pen and does nasty things to Camilla.ㅤㅤI start to have evil thoughts, too. Maybe she deserves it. She seemed to be enjoying it. No. No, no, no. This is wrong. This is so wrong. This is wrong.ㅤㅤI beg the older kids not to let Mr. E know that I've been lacking sleep, haven't been eating, and have been vomiting. They give in. It’s obvious they pity me, but at least they listen to me. I begin to wash my own sheets and clothes. A lot of the younger kids are disgusted by how I often smell and avoid me completely. Eventually they all leave me alone. But I've overheard some of the children my age snicker near me right before we go to sleep.
●●●ㅤㅤIt's evening. Around thirty minutes before the rest of the children are called to go to bed. But right now, I'm already in bed. The other kids are at the Park or playing outside. My eyes are closed, but I hear footsteps enter the room. Must be another kid that wants to sleep in early.ㅤㅤI feel someone lightly tap my forehead. I open my eyes and look to the right.ㅤㅤCamilla.ㅤㅤMy head starts to ache, and I can feel my stomach turn.ㅤㅤ"Hey, Jaimie. I have something to ask. Do you ever wander around after midnight?" Camilla asks.ㅤㅤI don't want to see…I don’t want to talk to her.ㅤㅤ" . . . "ㅤㅤI don't say a word.ㅤㅤ"I asked you something, Jaimie. I think it's rude to ignore me when I'm talking right to you."ㅤㅤ" . . . N—No. I j—just wake up to . . . to use the restroom. I—I've been s—sick lately and need to use it often. Y—you probably don't. Don't want to be n—near me right now."ㅤㅤ"Hm. That's okay. You don't need to worry about me. I want to talk to you right now. I just want to talk. Have you ever been to the facilitator's section?"ㅤㅤ"N—No. Never . . . J—Just-"ㅤㅤ"Jaimie. I think it's rude to lie to someone when they ask you something."ㅤㅤMy hearts thumping fast, and I don't know what to say.ㅤㅤ"I..I..I just—"ㅤㅤ"So you have? So you lied to me for my first question."ㅤㅤ"N—No . . . "ㅤㅤ"You're going to just keep on lying, Jaimie? I don't think Ms. G would have liked that from you."ㅤㅤI'm starting to tear up. And I'm starting to lose my breath.ㅤㅤ"What's wrong? Saw something you didn't like?"ㅤㅤMy teeth are clattering, and my body is shaking.ㅤㅤCamilla leans over as her face's shadow casts directly over my face. I'm looking directly at her. I'm more terrified of closing my eyes than keeping them open.ㅤㅤShe places her hand on my lower region and whispers softly.ㅤㅤ"You wish you were me? You wish you were me, huh? You wish you could have the kind of power I do, huh? You wish you could win the favor of the facilitators. Just like Yusuf, huh? You wish Mr. E would like you, too, huh? You're just not enough like me. I can do it all. I can cook, clean, play sports, and make Mr. E feel good. What can you do, Jaimie?"ㅤㅤHer voice is chilling. I can't think right now.ㅤㅤ"Stay away from us. And if you think you can tell anyone about what you saw, don't worry. I will be right there in front of you. And I will make you regret ever thinking about it."ㅤㅤShe pats her right hand on my lower region and presses her left index finger down on my forehead.ㅤㅤ"Don't ever think about telling anyone. Mr. E likes me. And he'll do whatever I want. I might not even have to get rid of you. He will. And you wouldn't like that, would you? Yusuf wouldn't like that, either, huh?ㅤㅤI've wet the bed.ㅤㅤ"Haha. Better clean that up. Stay good, Jaimie. It's a good thing I moved my hand away from-"ㅤㅤI moved without thinking.ㅤㅤCamilla is on the ground. I pushed her away from me without saying a word.ㅤㅤShe starts laughing.ㅤㅤ"Jaimie, Jaimie, Jaimie."ㅤㅤShe brushes off her bottom and walks out.ㅤㅤI lie there for a few more minutes until the shaking stops. I eventually get up to clean myself.
●●●ㅤㅤIt's evening again the next day. I'm in bed, just like always. I'm playing a platforming game on one of the newer handheld gaming consoles. For the most part, everything is just fine. Especially ever since yesterday. I'm very anxious whenever I hear footsteps. Most of the time, it's just a kid stopping by the Quarters to use the restroom.ㅤㅤI'm good at this game. It's a little man jumping in the desert with pyramids in the backgr—ㅤㅤ"Hey, Jaimie."ㅤㅤI die in the game. I put my console down and look to my right just like yesterday.ㅤㅤThe anxiety is back, and my irregular breathing returns.ㅤㅤ"Drink this," Camilla commands.ㅤㅤWithout hesitation, she lifts my chin up and pours some liquid from a cup into my throat. I'm caught so off-guard that a lot of the drink is spilling onto the bed from my mouth. It's a strong taste, and it hurts my throat. I eventually start coughing, and Camilla pulls the drink back.ㅤㅤShe starts laughing.ㅤㅤ"Hope you liked it. Since you can't tell anyone anything, I thought it might be fun to show you. This is beer. Alcohol. Us kids aren't allowed to drink this stuff. But Mr. E made an exception for me. We started talking about things that adults do, and once he told me about beer, I didn't stop begging him for it. At first, he wouldn’t give in. So I told him that I would lie to the other kids about what he's been doing to me if he didn't get me some. So he eventually listened. But it's awesome! That was your sneak peek. You can probably drink more when you're older, Jaimie. I'm sure you've seen it in your video games," Camilla rants.ㅤㅤShe snatches the handheld console from me.ㅤㅤ"This game? Looks alright. Why don't you play the games on the TV anymore? This is old stuff."ㅤㅤI don't say a word.ㅤㅤ"Whatever. Good news for you, though. Mr. E doesn't know that you've seen us. This will be our little secret. And if it ever becomes more than that, I'll make you remember what I told you yesterday, alright?"ㅤㅤShe tosses the game back onto my bed and leaves.ㅤㅤI lie there for a few more minutes until the shaking stops. Soon more children come in, and it's time to sleep. I can't play my game when the lights are off, so I'm left there. Haunted by her words and unable to sleep. To top it all off, I have this unfamiliar taste in my mouth. But it's the smell that I don't like. It makes me uncomfortable.
●●●ㅤㅤMy Order Gear starts buzzing. I'm. I'm being summoned to the main hall. The area right next to the facilitator's section.ㅤㅤPlease. Not this.ㅤㅤNone of the other facilitators have visited recently. So this would have to be Mr. E.ㅤㅤPlease.ㅤㅤI don't want to see him right now. I don't want to hear the sound of his pen clicking.ㅤㅤThe buzzing does not stop. If children do not appear at the first buzz, it gets louder. This would wake up the other children. I can't risk this. I don't know what to do.ㅤㅤI get up slowly with the worst feeling of anxiety I've ever had.ㅤㅤI don’t want this. Being called over like this in the middle of the night. It reminds me too much of what things were like before the Crater.ㅤㅤThat's what the beer smelled like. That man. At this point, I have been seeing Mr. E as a younger version of him. Some of the other facilitators are men, and I get a little uncomfortable with them, too. But no one makes me as uncomfortable as Mr. E.ㅤㅤAlong with that pen clicking.ㅤㅤAs I leave the room, the buzzing gets louder.ㅤㅤI'm in the main hall.ㅤㅤAnd Mr. E is sitting at the front table. He looks...wrong. He has bags under his eyes and he looks at me. I wince a bit. He smiles, gets up slowly, and starts limping towards me. His body is staggering back and forth, but he finally ends up right in front of me. He looks down.ㅤㅤHe smells like how that man smelled. He smells like what I hate the most. He puts his hand on my shoulder.ㅤㅤHe begins to speak with his words slurred.ㅤㅤ"Thanks for coming, Jaiiiimie. Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Jaimie. I'm so proud of you. You think everyone likes you. Everyone keeps saying you're the right one for the project! It's amazing! You do nothing, but everyone acts as if they like you! I do everything, but no matter what, I can’t be as good as Ms. Gion—Ms. G. But now? Now? Now, my hard work has paid off! And now everyone likes me. You see, not everyone actually likes you, Jaimie. In fact, I used to fucking hate you and that filthy brown kid. Fucking terrorist kid and his Jewish sidekick making me do all kinds of slavework for their drone shows. So ironic! Without your little drone and Ms. G, they let me be the way I am! No matter how different I am from everyone else! I was so convinced it’d be Camilla. Even she’s out. So it’s your turn. Come here, Jaimie!"ㅤㅤWith his hand on my shoulder, he pulls me toward the facilitator's section. I am too weak from not having anything in my stomach. And I'm in a daze because I just woke up, too. But I could understand every word he said.ㅤㅤI can't tug away.ㅤㅤHe brings me through the ID-activated door and toward his room.ㅤㅤ"Beeeecause you're so amazing, you get to join me here! You haven’t been here, have you? And here—here’s my room! Loook—Camilla’s here, too! She might not be that fucking shit Yusuf, but she’s a friend, right?"ㅤㅤAs we get to the entrance of his room, I see an image I will never forget.ㅤㅤCans and bottles everywhere. Some on the table, some on the floor, and some spilt. There's white powder on the table. A messy bed with stains all over it. Some dark red stains and some clear stains. A lamp is on the floor. The smell is worse than I could ever imagine.ㅤㅤOn the floor next to the bed is Camilla. And she's not moving. She has some dried blood coming out of her nose.ㅤㅤShe's naked.ㅤㅤThe grip on my shoulders become tighter.ㅤㅤ"Jaimie. Jaimie, Jaimie, Jaimie, Jaimie, Jaimie, Jaimie, Jaimie . . . "ㅤㅤMr. E continues to say my name as he pulls me into the room. He picks me up from under my shoulders and throws me onto the bed.ㅤㅤI.ㅤㅤI don't want to describe what's happening. I can't. I don't want to.ㅤㅤPlease. Don’t rip my clothes off. Please.ㅤㅤPlease. I can't fight back. I can't scream.ㅤㅤPlease.ㅤㅤPlease.ㅤㅤI don't.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤWhy are you touching me?ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤIt hurts.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤHelp me.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI don't want this.
Chapter 22 ● The Epicenter
ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤI'm not waking up.ㅤㅤI'm Don. I'm dreaming right now.ㅤㅤI'm dreaming as Jaimie.ㅤㅤAnd I'm not waking up.ㅤㅤPlease.ㅤㅤPlease help.ㅤㅤI don't want this.ㅤㅤIt doesn't feel good.ㅤㅤIt doesn't feel good.ㅤㅤI'm sorry, Cerus. I'm sorry.ㅤㅤI'm sorry.ㅤㅤI'm sorry.ㅤㅤPlease make this dream stop.ㅤㅤI'm not waking up.ㅤㅤI'm so sorry.ㅤㅤI'm so sorry, Cerus. Please.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm.ㅤㅤI'm convulsing and repeatedly vomiting onto the bed.ㅤㅤI'm shivering completely cold on the bed with my entire body exposed.ㅤㅤMy eyes are itching from crying so much, but I can't move my hands to itch them.ㅤㅤMr. E is passed out on the floor.ㅤㅤI'm lucid dreaming now. I don't know if it's from the shock and the pain of what I just experienced.ㅤㅤBut I'm fully aware that I'm Don right now. I can't control my body in any way, shape, or form.ㅤㅤI'm stuck in this dream. I'm looking directly up at the room's ceiling. I'm terrified of closing my eyes. They're hurting and itching so much.ㅤㅤI can do nothing but stare at the ceiling. Even though it's a dream, it feels like time is passing in real life. In fact, everything feels real. I have enough strength to turn my neck to the right so I don't choke.ㅤㅤMore vomit.ㅤㅤEverything smells putrid.ㅤㅤThere is no clock in the room, so I can't tell what time it is.ㅤㅤI estimate that around two hours pass by. The vomiting occurs less often, and my convulsing has stopped.ㅤㅤI can start to feel my finger tips move. My throat is completely dry, and there's a disgusting taste in my mouth apart from the vomit. The beer didn't taste the worst. This did.ㅤㅤPlease wake up, me.ㅤㅤI do nothing for the next few hours. I estimate around four hours. This is devastating.
●●●ㅤㅤI've stayed awake within the dream until Mr. E woke up just now.ㅤㅤHe makes a gag sound as if he threw up. But he catches himself with his mouth over his hands. Out of the corner of my eye, I seem him get up and dash out of the room. I assume he's going to the restroom.ㅤㅤIt seems to be early morning from what I can tell from the window blinds. Around thirty minutes pass, and he doesn't return.ㅤㅤI don't control what my body does. I'm lucid dreaming, right? But it's like a 4D movie. I feel everything Jaimie does. But I don’t control her.ㅤㅤI slowly get up. My body is still shivering, but it's not shaking violently like before. Camilla is still passed out, it looks like. She's not dead or anything. My clothes are tattered, so I grab the blanket to cover myself. Though it is unbelievably disgusting with filth all over. I make my way out of the room.ㅤㅤI limp through the hallway toward the ID-activated door. I put my ear against it. Although it's almost completely soundproof, I can still hear the faint sound of the children scrambling to get their breakfast in the dining hall right next to the main hall. Just outside this door. It must be around 8:00 A.M.ㅤㅤThere's no way I can leave right now. The door can open from the inside, but do I want to be seen by all the other children in my current state? I'll never be able to live it down.ㅤㅤI already don't know if I want to live.
●●●ㅤㅤThere is no restroom in the facilitator's section, so Mr. E must have already left somewhere. That means he narrowly avoided being seen by the other children as they got up from bed. Sometimes, the children that are culinary enthusiasts will volunteer to share breakfast. But usually, Ms. G would taste-test the meals before letting the other kids try.ㅤㅤI'm stuck here.ㅤㅤI hear the sound of a door open behind me. Is it Camilla?ㅤㅤNo. It's the emergency exit door at the end of the hall. It's open, and I see four people enter.ㅤㅤIt's some facilitators. And none of them are Mr. E.ㅤㅤI can see the rest of the facilitators that were briefly introduced to us.ㅤㅤMr. V. I remember him. He did Yusuf’s physical exam twice.ㅤㅤMs. C. She did mine twice.ㅤㅤAnother man. I never learned his name. But I remember there being one more man. He doesn’t seem to be here.ㅤㅤI remember there being two other women, excluding Ms. G. So why is only Ms. C here?ㅤㅤLike I said, I don't see the facilitators often other than when they do medical checkups or help with event setup. I barely ever speak to them. And their noses and mouths are usually covered by their face masks.ㅤㅤBut right now, I need to ask for their help.ㅤㅤI'll tell them what Mr. E did to me. They'll help me. They'll put an end to this. They'll stop Camilla from harassing me.ㅤㅤThey walk up to me.ㅤㅤI open my mouth, but no words come out. I can't speak. I cannot speak.ㅤㅤI don’t understand. Nothing is physically preventing me from talking. But I genuinely cannot utter words.ㅤㅤEither way, the three facilitators should be able to see that I'm tattered. They should be able to see and smell the condition that I'm in.ㅤㅤAs they get closer, I see that they're wearing gloves. They must be preparing for the usual medical examinations for the other kids.ㅤㅤPlease help me.ㅤㅤI can't move my mouth muscles well, so I flail my arms up and down. They are all right in front of me, looming over me.ㅤㅤSurprisingly, they don't get on their knees to talk to me at eye level like they do when they give the medical exams.ㅤㅤThey stare at me for a few seconds. They then look at each other. Mr. V nods, and they all look back at me.ㅤㅤI inch forward and weakly grab Mr. V's pants, trying to get any kind of sympathy from him.ㅤㅤHe kneels down. Finally!ㅤㅤNot a word is said. He picks me up and carries me over his shoulder. The three follow Mr. V.ㅤㅤI can't scream or fight back. I'm still too weak. Behind me, I notice that Ms. C separates from the other three and enter Mr. E's room. She must be getting Camilla.ㅤㅤThey're not talking, but they must be taking me to the nursery, right? I don't have a reason to fight back.
●●●ㅤㅤMr. V places me in the middle. The complete center of the Crater. He lays me faced up at the sky. I'm starting to regain better control of my body, however. I turn my neck and see that the Quarter's front windows are completely covered. Not by blinds, but with metal sheets.ㅤㅤWhat is going on?ㅤㅤJust as I start to get up, Mr. V stands back and closes his eyes. The other male facilitator holds me down by the shoulders. No. Not again. Please don't touch me. Please don't hold me down like this.ㅤㅤThe other male facilitator pulls out a syringe. In my peripheral vision, I notice the last female facilitator that I was wondering about earlier walking up to me. Is this just another medical exam? But they aren't trying to comfort me like usual. And why is it outside on the cement ground? It's hurting my shoulder blades to be held down so hard onto the ground.ㅤㅤHe injects me through my neck. And.ㅤㅤI'm back to being unable to move. I. I don't like this. Please. No more. Please. I'm begging you all.ㅤㅤThis isn't a medical exam. What is happening? No more, please.ㅤㅤThe three stand back and form a circle around me.ㅤㅤAnd they start to speak in words I've never heard before. It doesn't sound like English. What are they saying?ㅤㅤThey continue. I still can't move. I can't even move my neck muscles. I can only move my eyes around.ㅤㅤThey keep speaking these weird words for five more minutes. I'm having trouble breathing at this point, and I swear that I can no longer control my lungs. I can't scream, and I can't do anything. I feel like I'm dying.ㅤㅤBut maybe that's for the best at this point.ㅤㅤMaybe I'll wake up.ㅤㅤMaybe once I die, I'll wake up from this dream.ㅤㅤIt's fading to black.ㅤㅤYes.ㅤㅤYes.ㅤㅤPlease, let me leave this fucking dream.ㅤㅤLet me go back to seeing Vein smile.ㅤㅤLet me hang out with my friends again.ㅤㅤI promise I'll never sleep again.ㅤㅤI promise I'll never dream again.ㅤㅤIt's getting darker.ㅤㅤI'm starting to lose my vision.ㅤㅤYes.ㅤㅤI'm sorry, Cerus.ㅤㅤI'm sorry.ㅤㅤLet me see Stag.ㅤㅤLet me see Helix.ㅤㅤLet me see Ante.ㅤㅤLet me see Crescent.ㅤㅤI want to see my friends.ㅤㅤIt's getting darker.ㅤㅤI'm finally dying.ㅤㅤIt's pitch black.
●●●ㅤㅤI open my eyes.ㅤㅤI'm not home.ㅤㅤI can see everything. A full 360-degree view. What is going on? I can literally see everything. It's . . .ㅤㅤI can see the entire Crater. All sides of the Crater simultaneously.ㅤㅤAnd I can see my own body. I see bones. I see muscles. I see veins. Everything pulsating. I'm dripping blood and I can feel pieces of my flesh everywhere. Everything's red.ㅤㅤI smell awful. I smell like rotting flesh. I feel, see, smell, and hear everything. I can even hear . . . screaming.ㅤㅤThe three facilitators. I can see them. They're on the ground with their hands covering their mouths. I smell their vomit. They’re not the ones screaming.ㅤㅤWhere is the screaming coming from? Where? Wait, I can trace it. It's coming from the Quarters. The screams belong to the children. All their screaming and shouting are blending together in dissonance. It's mostly screaming, but I can make out some words here and there.ㅤㅤHelp.ㅤㅤHelp.ㅤㅤMe.ㅤㅤI don't.ㅤㅤWant.ㅤㅤWant to.ㅤㅤDie.ㅤㅤCan I save them?ㅤㅤI try to move, but I can't. I don’t know how to control this body. As I attempt to control myself, my body pulsates harder. My bones are breaking while muscles are tearing apart. As they do, I hear a powerful shriek. I become a little frightened, unaware of where it's coming from, because I can hear it from every angle.ㅤㅤI realize. It's coming from me. I see the three facilitators move their hands from their mouths to their ears. I see blood coming out of their ears. They begin to scream as well.ㅤㅤThen it begins. I see red droplets fall from the sky. I still can't move.ㅤㅤBut I watch as the droplets fall onto the three facilitators, burning their skin. I watch as the acid melts their flesh. The female facilitator pulls out a device, aims it at one of the sides of the crater, and presses a button. Within seconds, the rain dissolves through her face, along with the device she’s holding.ㅤㅤI want to cry. But all of a sudden, I begin to feel myself more tangibly. Legs. I can sense my own legs. I have four of them. I don't feel any arms of my own. But . . . Wait. No. I can feel . . . I feel multiple arms.ㅤㅤI now can feel and see them.ㅤㅤThe trapezoidal platforms surrounding the main platform shoot upwards in increasing heights, resembling a giant staircase. Immediately, metal bridges form between them. Perfect! I can use my arms to help the children up the staircase and escape this red rain. Help them escape the Craterscape.ㅤㅤI try to direct my arms to help them. But instead, something else happens.ㅤㅤTentacles shoot out of my body towards the Quarters. I can barely maneuver them, but I pierce and smash through the front doors. The children come bursting out in hordes. They appear to be gasping for air.ㅤㅤBut as they leave the Quarters and look at me, they freeze in shock. And the rain begins to fall on them. How do I make it stop? I can’t let the red rain fall on them.ㅤㅤI have to make it stop. I have to make it stop. It can’t fall on the children.ㅤㅤIt's not working. I see the children start to fall slowly, one by one. I can’t avoid seeing their flesh melt as they hit the ground. Some manage to make it to the first trapezoidal platform, but quickly fall to the ground. I can even see a child floating face-down on the shallow water.ㅤㅤI still want to cry, but I can't. I scan the children crawling out, and can see the other Droneheads together.ㅤㅤSammy. Seth. Min-Min. Bao. Feng.ㅤㅤI can see every detail of their faces from every angle. I can see every pore. Every scare. Their eyelashes. Each crack of their lips. But I can’t begin to comprehend the terror they’re feeling.ㅤㅤI love them. But for some reason, I know I’m going to be the reason they die.ㅤㅤI extend my flesh-covered tendrils toward them. One for each of the five Droneheads. I wrap the tendrils around them and bring them closer to me. Maybe I can morph my body to be an umbrella for them.ㅤㅤAs I bring them closer, I realize what a mistake this was. I have burned their skin by grabbing them. I let go instantly, despite them being only a few meters away from me. They fall to the ground, and I can see the burn spread throughout their body.ㅤㅤMy flesh has the same effect as the red rain. Which means it’s coming from me.ㅤㅤI promise.ㅤㅤI can't do anything. I'm killing everyone. I'm not trying to. I promise.ㅤㅤI look back to the Quarters. As the last few children attempt to escape, I can see three people standing from inside. And they are all wearing gas masks.ㅤㅤMr. E.ㅤㅤMs. C.ㅤㅤAnd Camilla.
●●●ㅤㅤCamilla, with the gas mask strapped on, is still passed out in Ms. C's arms.ㅤㅤMs. C is there, with Mr. E standing behind her.ㅤㅤMr. E. He's dressed in his uniform. He looks nothing like he did last night. Both facilitators are horrified at the sight of me, but I can't believe it.ㅤㅤI was in tattered clothes, and Mr. E is dressed like he never.ㅤㅤLike he never raped me.ㅤㅤWithout thinking, I shoot two flesh tendrils towards their direction.ㅤㅤI have one of them wrap around Ms. C and Camilla, bringing them over to me.ㅤㅤI have the other tentacle pierce directly through Mr. E's chest. There's no way I'm bringing him anywhere near me.ㅤㅤI begin to mutilate his body. I burn both his arms off. I love hearing his screams. I burn his legs off. This is good. I don't want the rain to kill him. I want to kill him myself.ㅤㅤI burn his privates off. Finally, I wrap the tentacle around his neck and lift him. I don't think I can audibly speak. But with whatever eyes I have, I look directly at him. Disgusting filth. More disgusting that whatever I am. I never have to look at this again. I can't speak. But one word echoes in my head.ㅤㅤDie.ㅤㅤI wrap my tentacle tighter and tighter around his neck until it burns right through. I watch as his head rolls off onto the ground. The rain drips onto it and burns it until it's unrecognizable as a head.ㅤㅤI focus my view back onto Ms. C and Camilla. I . . . I think I can control the rain slightly. It's gotten softer after I killed Mr. E. I try my best not to look at the corpses of the other children and keep my eyes on Ms. C and Camilla.ㅤㅤMs. C is not moving. It seems the tentacle and the rain killed her. The tentacle barely touched Camilla, and the rain only slightly injured her because of Ms. C's protection. I drop Camilla onto the ground.ㅤㅤThis is perfect. I want to finish off Camilla.
●●●ㅤㅤThe rain changes to tiny droplets. A slight drizzle. Not enough to kill anymore. But it's too late for the children already hit by the stronger droplets earlier.ㅤㅤIt hurts to think about, so I fully shift my focus to Camilla and inch toward her. I notice that she's slowly beginning to awake. She opens her eyes and sees me instantly. She tries to scream, but the gas mask muffles it. She's underneath my front right leg. I feel myself extend around thirty tendrils and aim them all at Camilla.ㅤㅤThen I get the most uncomfortable feeling since obtaining this form. In my complete view, I see a figure with multiple wings fly down from the above the Crater.ㅤㅤIs that . . . ?ㅤㅤIt's . . . Ms. G? What . . . Why does she look like that? And she's so bright . . .ㅤㅤIt's hurting my eyes. I don't like it. But I can't turn my eyes away from it. I can see everything.ㅤㅤShe gets closer and closer. And she speaks.ㅤㅤ"J—Jaimie? I . . . I . . . Is that you?"ㅤㅤI wish I could answer her. I don't want to try and force it. I might shriek and hurt her ears.ㅤㅤ"I . . . don't know if you can answer me . . . Please. Whatever you're going to do to Camilla . . . don't do it. It's not worth it."ㅤㅤMs. G is crying. She seems frightened, but she's not terrified. She seems to be holding her own and isn't stuttering her words.ㅤㅤ"Let's try to calm down, Jaimie. Please."ㅤㅤThe rain isn't hurting her. That's a relief. Her brightness is hurting my eyes, but I deserve it at this point. I look down at Camilla.ㅤㅤShe's peed herself. Pathetic. Ms. G’s right. Why should I kill her? It would be more humiliating and painful for Camilla if she lay here petrified while the rain slowly melts her alive.ㅤㅤBut I'm suddenly blinded. I move backwards for the first time. Around twenty meters away from the center. I . . . I can control my body's movement now!ㅤㅤI regain my vision.ㅤㅤMs. G is shielding Camilla with her wings. The rain isn't penetrating the wings. Ms. G . . .ㅤㅤWhy are you saving her? Help me. I'm the one who needs help.ㅤㅤI'm the one who needed someone to reach out to me.ㅤㅤReach . . . out?ㅤㅤYusuf. I remember. How did I forget? He tried to reach out to Camilla.ㅤㅤAnd I didn't let him.ㅤㅤBut still.ㅤㅤMs. G is choosing Camilla over me.ㅤㅤI can't believe it. After all I've been through. Ms. G, you don't know what I went through. You don't know what it's like to be me. And now I'm stuck in this hideous body. All I can do now is kill.ㅤㅤIf you're not for me. You're against me.ㅤㅤI extend my tendrils and prepare to kill her.
Chapter 23 ● The Split
ㅤㅤ"Jaimi—"ㅤㅤI attempt to pierce my flesh tentacles through Ms. G, but her wings suddenly become sharp—they look like thousands of knives.ㅤㅤShe covers herself and Camilla with her wings. Although I'm the one lunging my tendrils at her wings, they slice through my tendrils piece-by-piece. It's very painful, but I shrug it off. It's nothing compared to what I experienced last night.ㅤㅤMs. G speeds toward me and spins, slicing more of my tendrils with her wings.ㅤㅤI shriek and back off. In the distance, I see Camilla covering her ears in pain.ㅤㅤMaybe I can just increase the amount of red rain droplets.ㅤㅤI tried to pulsate harder like I did before, but nothing happens. Meanwhile, Ms. G flies directly above me.ㅤㅤShe shoots her body straight down onto me.ㅤㅤI'm sliced in half by her razor-sharp wings. I can see blood and steam everywhere.ㅤㅤ"That won't kill you, human. I know it won't," Ms. G claims. That’s not how Ms. G talks.ㅤㅤBut she's right. One half of my body melts into red fluid. The remaining half is what I can still see out of. I can feel my flesh regrow.ㅤㅤI realize that Ms. G plans to protect Camilla. Not even my rain will kill her if Ms. G continues. So I have to do this myself.ㅤㅤI aim my leftover tendrils at Camilla. She's on the ground, passed out and foaming at the mouth.ㅤㅤMs. G turns in the direction my tendrils are aiming, and she dashes over to Camilla.ㅤㅤBut my tendrils are too fast. They almost reach her when suddenly . . .ㅤㅤShe's gone. Camilla is gone. I didn't even process when she disappeared. Despite my complete view of the Crater, I didn’t see it happen.ㅤㅤFrustrated, I turn the tendrils back toward Ms. G.ㅤㅤWe go back and forth. I regrow and shoot tendrils toward her, and she slices them off. Although it's painful, I'm sure that if I manage to overwhelm her, she won't be able to slice them off in time. This continues for about thirty seconds.ㅤㅤThen some immense pain shoots up through my body.ㅤㅤI try to back off again, but I can't.ㅤㅤA loud boom is audibly echoing through me. I can still see, but my vision is scattered. Some parts are overlapping. What happened?ㅤㅤI've . . . I've been blown up into pieces.ㅤㅤI can see parts of my own body scattered across the Crater.ㅤㅤCamilla is standing in the spot where my body was. Her glowing red hand is aimed toward the sky.ㅤㅤI only have control over half my body fragments. As they begin to regrow, I can hear Camilla laughing.ㅤㅤI'm angry at how upbeat she is. But I'm still recovering my fragmented body. Next to Camilla is Ms. G, who appears just as shocked as I am.ㅤㅤCamilla looks around her, noticing my fragments as they recover and reform.ㅤㅤ"This regeneration…You're better than I imagined," Camilla says with a smile.ㅤㅤThat is not Camilla.ㅤㅤShe looks at Ms. G. Ms. G stands there, confused.ㅤㅤ"Gionna. You have never met me, but I know all about you. I cannot believe you resorted to . . . Azazel? Yes. Lovely! It feels as though I am meeting a celebrity. Azazel, the Fallen angel. Rejected by both Heaven and Hell."ㅤㅤAzazel? Who is that?ㅤㅤ"Who . . . who are you?!" Ms. G demands.ㅤㅤ"Lovely. I am somewhat of a celebrity myself. I am Scythe, an Infernal Demon of Fate, a Demon of Pride, and the creator of the Craterscape project. I am also what you humans would call a scientist."ㅤㅤWait. Scythe? That piece of shit that Stag hates. Maybe I shouldn't be in such a rush to get out of this dream. Ms. G's face suddenly turns into one of anger rather than one of speechlessness.ㅤㅤ"HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME, DEMON OF FATE?! I AM NOT JUST A FALLEN ANGEL!" says Ms. G. But her voice sounds different.ㅤㅤ”Azazel. My most humble apologies. I did not intend to mock you nor your legacy. But the fact of the matter is that . . . "ㅤㅤCamilla spreads her arms and gestures toward my fragmented body parts maniacally.ㅤㅤ"You stand no chance against Laplace!"ㅤㅤThat's me. I'm Laplace. Wait. Wait. Ugh. This is so weird.ㅤㅤThis is Don speaking. Right now, I'm sharing a lot of the same emotions that Cerus–I mean Jaimie–is feeling. So I may not be speaking the most objectively. And I may not 100% be speaking as Don right now. But I know that name. Laplace. Isn't he the dude that thought you could predict the location of atoms and stuff? Which would imply that you could predict the future. Or decide to control the path of atoms or something. I don't know. I might be recalling it wrong. Learned about it in high school-level chem.ㅤㅤThere was a . . . there was a word for this. What was it?ㅤㅤ"I DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU SPEAK OF, YOU IGNORANT FATE!" says Ms. G as she assumes an attacking stance.ㅤㅤNo, wait. The one speaking must be that Azazel that Scythe is talking about. That would explain Ms. G's sudden superhero powers. I mean. I shouldn't call them that. Makes me feel like a villain.ㅤㅤLet me regenerate so I can kill this Scythe motherfucker! Agh! But shit. I should also let Scythe explain more about me. I need the information. I do NOT want to experience this dream again.ㅤㅤ"I would advise you not attack me, Azazel. I hold more information about Laplace's Demon that includes the only way to defeat it. Of course, I may be lying. Is there truly a way to defeat Laplace's Demon? Seems you are the ignorant one here, Azazel!"ㅤㅤThey’re speaking in English, which makes this more understandable to me, at least. But I don’t know what Scythe is talking about. I just know that I’m Laplace’s Demon.ㅤㅤScythe chuckles in Camilla's body. The laugh still sounds like Camilla's laugh, and it pisses me off.ㅤㅤ"SPARE ME YOUR PROVOCATIONS!" Azazel shouts in anger.ㅤㅤThe remaining body fragments slowly crawl toward each other. I am recovering faster now.ㅤㅤ"Haha! Say what you will. From the way Laplace is acting, it seems Jaimie's mind is active. It is only a matter of time until Laplace fully takes control. Once that is achieved, you will come to understand Laplace's true power."ㅤㅤAzazel and Ms. G, sharing the same body, give a battle cry and prepare to lunge toward Scythe.ㅤㅤNo. Right now, Scythe is Camilla. Camilla is Scythe. I want to be the one to kill Camilla. I don't care about getting more information.ㅤㅤUgh, wait! No! I need to be rational here. I'll let them fight and see if Scythe can give me more info!ㅤㅤNo. I want to kill Camilla.ㅤㅤShut up!ㅤㅤNo.ㅤㅤFuck you!ㅤㅤDon.ㅤㅤFuck you—Huh? What?ㅤㅤDon.ㅤㅤHello? What the hell is—ㅤㅤDon. Listen.ㅤㅤAre you Jaimie? Are you actually speaking to me? In my lucid dream?! You're just a little girl! And how do you know my na—ㅤㅤDon. It's me. Cerus.
●●●ㅤㅤC—Cerus? Huh? What?! How?!ㅤㅤI'm not dead, Don.ㅤㅤDude. What is going on? Please. Explain. And why is everything moving in slow-motion? You on some Matrix-shit?!ㅤㅤDon, we need to be serious. I can barely speak to you because of my past self–because of Jaimie’s emotions.ㅤㅤFine! I'll shut up. Please—explain.ㅤㅤOkay. Right now, there are four minds at play here. First is you—Don. Second is me—Cerus. Third is my past self—Jaimie. Fourth is Laplace—Laplace is still dormant right now but will soon affect us. You'll see. Neither Jaimie nor Laplace can hear us speaking. Their thoughts and actions are set in stone.ㅤㅤBro, that's crazy. Please explain the Laplace thing.ㅤㅤHey! Don! Y—you said you'd shut up!ㅤㅤS—sorry! Damn. You're meaner here than you were in real life. It's kinda hot.ㅤㅤWh—wha? D—Don't say that! And no, I'm n—not! Not meaner! And you were the one who kept saying 'sorry' to me like a baby next to my hospital bed!ㅤㅤYou heard that?! Cerus . . . You . . . Whatever! Fuck, this is embarrassing. I'm not used to anyone being able to read my mind. Shit! Especially not my crush!ㅤㅤC—Crush?! Did you—ㅤㅤOH, SHIT! FUCK! WAIT! NO! SHUT UP!ㅤㅤ. . .ㅤㅤ. . .ㅤㅤDon! You! I'm. Ah! A—Are you . . . Are you being serious right now?!ㅤㅤCerus! Um! P-pretend you didn't hear anything! This is cute as fuck. She's being cute as fuck. SHIT! STOP! I HATE THAT YOU CAN HEAR MY THOUGHTS! AHH!ㅤㅤI . . . I don't know what to say . . . I'm . . . I'm going to just keep explaining . . . Um.ㅤㅤDamn. You're rejecting me off-rip. Fuck my shit. Wait, actually, fuck you! You gave me this dream and used me as an experi—ㅤㅤDon, can you please shut the fuck up for two seconds?ㅤㅤ. . . Okay.ㅤㅤAhem! I never planned on revealing myself to you like this. I wanted to tell you in person. I spent a good amount of this dream trying to decide whether I should tell you I'm here or not. Um. I'm really sorry you experienced the dream. I didn't expect you to make contact with me. I don't have a clear vision of what's happening in real life, but I have specks of knowledge. Like hearing you apologize to me in the hospital. So. I'll explain as much as I know. Laplace's Demon. It sounded like you're a little familiar with the concept. The idea that you can control space and time. It sounds far-fetched, right? But I'll warn you. You won’t find out from Scythe. I know what's going to happen next. She’s not going to tell you very much. Not to Ms. G. Not to Azazel, either. So that's why I'm here.ㅤㅤCerus. May I say something?ㅤㅤYes, Don.ㅤㅤUm. I really like this version of you.ㅤㅤDon . . . It was a bad idea to let you talk. No talking for the next 10 minutes.ㅤㅤDude. Cerus. Bro. Time is passing so weird right now. I don't even know what 10 minutes is.ㅤㅤI can't believe this. I'm genuinely trying to help you, and you just won't shut up!ㅤㅤI'm sorry, Cerus! I just. Ugh. I really, really like you. My mind goes a billion different directions, so I can't really shut up. I'm hyperactive right now.ㅤㅤS—stop confessing to me like this! It's . . . It's so weird!ㅤㅤ. . .ㅤㅤOkay. Um. M—moving on. I'll be forward with you. I am not just a Mare. I have the ability to manipulate time. And space, to some extent. But I don't have complete control over this ability. You know as well as I do that Shophar and Helix fought. It was one of those few times that I was able to use my abilities. I'm sure I set some alternate timeline where they didn't get in a fistfight. That's what I'm capable of. I can go into more detail later, but right now, we have to focus on what’s happening in this dream. Causing the dream to pass by slowly is the most I can do to control it. I can't change the dream itself. Okay. Go ahead and ask any questions you have before I continue.ㅤㅤNone. I'll shut up.ㅤㅤGood boy!ㅤㅤI. Nevermind. Ahem.ㅤㅤMoving on. I am the demon you know as Cerus. You heard Scythe say it earlier—that Laplace would take over. That's true. Laplace is going to take over. But not in the way she thinks. When the events of this dream took place, the process you now know as Permanent Possession was still being explored. The reality is—the minds of Laplace and Jaimie are going at it back and forth, fighting for who controls the body. Scythe thought Laplace would win. But Jaimie did. That’s me. I am Cerus—the demon with the mind of Jaimie and the body of Laplace. Make sense so far?ㅤㅤYou are insanely sexy right now.ㅤㅤDon! I am literally a voice in your head! Right now, we are both a Lovecraftian flesh creature! How are you turned on right now?!ㅤㅤI can't help it!ㅤㅤI . . . I had no idea you were this much of a horndog. Unbelievable.ㅤㅤYeah. I'm a degenerate. Sorry. That's why I try not to say the shit I think out loud.ㅤㅤYou see, this would be kind of cute. Like, in a wholesome way—don't get the wrong idea. But I am trying to stay serious right now!ㅤㅤCerus. You are literally exuding vibes that I cannot describe right now. I'm forgetting all the fucked-up shit you did to me.ㅤㅤ. . . Oh. That's right. Um. I guess. Um. I'm sorry. I'm still sorry. For how I've manipulated you. I knew a lot more than I acted like I did. I'm fake. Do you even still like me?ㅤㅤAt this point, I don't know. At least from an emotional attachment standpoint. It’s just…You just sound very sexy right now. I am unhinged.ㅤㅤCan . . . can you still pay attention to what I'm explaining?ㅤㅤYes. Yes.ㅤㅤOh. Then moving on—ㅤㅤCerus.ㅤㅤCome ON! Wh—what is it now, Don?ㅤㅤI'm also sorry. I acted out of frustration and didn't let you explain yourself more. You know, when I stormed out of your apartment. I didn't know you were a rape victim. If you had been more open to me, I would’ve agreed to try and share some of the burden with you. It was painful, but I understand. There's an inevitable feeling of helplessness and loneliness. But I would have done everything I could to ease your pain. This is the dream. The one you experience every time you fall asleep. I don't know whether you've been able to have a good night's sleep every time I have a Crater dream. You know. Whether I actually take your dreams from you. Either way, I would have still agreed to dream it had you been honest with me before. And not just because of my crush. But with the way you manipulated me, it was frustrating. I know! It's insensitive of me to be . . . to be horny for you after all that happened. But that's what you get for hearing my thoughts. I apologize for that.ㅤㅤDon . . .ㅤㅤCerus, I'm truly sorry for what happened to you as a child. I can't say I completely understand, okay? But after experiencing it firsthand just once . . . I'm . . . I don't know how to put it in words.ㅤㅤDon. I really, really, really, really, really appreciate you. You're right. I had a good night's rest each time we made contact and you dreamt a Crater dream. I promise my goal wasn't to use you to get good sleep. But. I'm sorry again.ㅤㅤThanks. I'd much rather prefer a hug, though. Or a kiss or something.ㅤㅤAre you fucking stupid?ㅤㅤYeah.ㅤㅤ. . . Sending you a dream hug. That work?ㅤㅤYes.ㅤㅤOkay. Do you want me to continue my explanation? Are you going to be a good boy and shut up?ㅤㅤYou can't say shit like that and not expect me to have dirty thoughts about you.ㅤㅤDon, what?! Which part?ㅤㅤCalling me a 'good boy'.ㅤㅤWhat? Is that a sexual thing to say? I'm just trying to get you to listen!ㅤㅤYes, it is. Very, very sexual. Especially for me.ㅤㅤI . . . I didn't know. I don't really know too much about stuff like that…K—kinks and stuff. And I don’t talk to boys outside of video game chats. Yeah, I’ll get harrassed every now and then, but…Well, anyway–I especially don’t talk to horny idiots like you. I'll stop calling you a good boy.ㅤㅤNo. Please keep calling me that.ㅤㅤI swear, Don! You must have been absorbing Stag's Succubus tendencies or something!ㅤㅤMaybe.ㅤㅤWhatever! Okay. Um. Where was I? Oh. I am Cerus, but in a way, I am Laplace's Demon. Although it’s always been more of a scientific concept and not an actual demon, Scythe changed that and made it reality. Scythe, along with another Demon of Fate, had been trying to artificially create the most powerful demon ever.ㅤㅤHey, sorry to interrupt. It's something serious. I think the other Demon of Fate is Tower. The new bartender from our last day of work.ㅤㅤWait. Really?ㅤㅤYeah. I found out a bunch of stuff. Here, let me recall it all, since you can read my mind.ㅤㅤOh. Wow. Um. This is kind of an information overload. Wow. Seriously? Stag was . . . Stag knew . . . Wow.ㅤㅤYeah. But she doesn’t know you’re…who you are. I doubt she’s feigning ignorance.ㅤㅤOh. I need to talk to Tower then.ㅤㅤMe, too.ㅤㅤRight. Since she was the Pariah you grew up with. According to the thoughts you just showed me.ㅤㅤYep.ㅤㅤYou're not saying very much.ㅤㅤI am trying not to think anything unnecessarily horny.ㅤㅤFair enough. Okay. Um. Based on what I've found out through your thoughts, here's what I can say.ㅤㅤThe Crater project is actually called Craterscape, which was probably thrown around a few times. It was created to find a human host for Laplace's Demon. The Demons of Fate apparently lied to Ms. G that its purpose was to invent Permanent Possession, promising powers to help humanity. The truth is that Permanent Possession was already achieved shortly before the Craterscape program began. But it was never tested. It was used officially for the first time during my—Jaimie’s possession.ㅤㅤOh, wow. That's fucked up. So . . . what is Laplace's Demon exactly? Like. Literally. What did Scythe do to create it? Sorry, not 'it'. You, I mean.ㅤㅤOh. I get what you're asking. So . . . I don’t really know much myself. I have Jaimie’s memories, not Laplace’s. But I have learned this. Laplace's Demon is a mix of some strong demons. Scythe started with Mares, but they weren’t enough for her. She wanted more power for Laplace's Demon. I am an artificial reincarnation of the two most powerful demonic beasts—The Leviathan and the Behemoth.ㅤㅤWoah. Dude, you're uber strong.ㅤㅤYes, if I could control it well. But here's where I get most of my powers from. I am partly an artificial Nephilim. These demons cannot be born anymore. Only a select few Nephilim still exist—they are the oldest Fallen angels. And they're the most powerful Fallen angels with some ability to manipulate space. Azazel is a Nephilim himself.ㅤㅤThat's absolutely wild. Nephilim. They sound scary. It's me, Don, by the way.ㅤㅤWho are you talking to?ㅤㅤUm. This is kind of embarrassing. I mean. At this point, what do I have to lose? So like, I talk to myself in my head a lot. Like, I know most people do. But I'm pretty sure mine is on a whole other level.ㅤㅤHm. Not going to judge you for that. I'm a voice in your head, too. But in real life, I'm in a coma. But anyway, Don. There's something I've wanted to talk to you about for a while, and I just never had the chance to. And now that you shared some of your memories with me, I feel like I should finally ask you.ㅤㅤOh, shit. Did you find out about how I lost my virginity? Please. That first girlfriend was terrible. It was nothing!ㅤㅤ. . . No, Don. I think I only learned your memories from your recent dreams and what Stag told you during some dinner. After your . . . date with Wing.ㅤㅤHuh? Is this about Wing? Bro, she's just a coworker! Just a little flirty, but I swear I only like you, dude! Maybe Anvil, too. Oh, my God, I need to shut up.ㅤㅤNo, this is not about Wing, either. And yes, you're right. You need to shut up. This is about Vein.ㅤㅤVein . . . Oh, man.ㅤㅤThat's right. Is it coming together? Now that you see the form that Jaimie is in, is that dream you had after making contact with your little sister making sense?ㅤㅤHold on, Cerus. There's a lot for me to unpack here. Hm. Oh. Wait. Are you . . . Are you saying that . . . That you were the Red Honey? That dog-like creature that Vein met in her dream? But Red Honey looked so tame compared to . . . how Jaimie looks right now.ㅤㅤI don't really know what I looked like in Vein's dream. You have to remember. I only have Jaimie’s memories. I don’t know anything about the moments when Laplace’s mind took over. But I’m certain I met Vein before as Laplace.ㅤㅤCan you explai—ㅤㅤDon. I actually can't hold off the dream much longer. It looks like Scythe and Azazel are about to fight. And you're going to see what happens. I can't speak to you like this for much longer.ㅤㅤWait! There's so much more I want to talk to you about!ㅤㅤI'm sorry, Don! Okay. I'm going to spoil the rest of this dream for you. The dream ends shortly after Laplace takes over Jaimie's mind. Each time I dream this dream, I wake up after Laplace takes over. You'll notice that Jaimie controls your emotions, and there's very little you can do about it. Once the dream resumes from this pause, the dream will make its way to the end. Isn't that what you wanted?ㅤㅤUm. I lowkey wish I could talk to you forever like this.ㅤㅤDon!ㅤㅤI'm being serious.ㅤㅤO—oh.ㅤㅤI mean. I obviously want the dream to end. I just. Am I going to be able to talk to you again like this? Are you going to wake up from your coma?ㅤㅤI . . . I don't know, Don.ㅤㅤBut . . . can't you just use your abilities?ㅤㅤI don't have full control. I don't know why it specifically worked at karaoke. I'm sorry. I don't entirely know what's going on in real life. How did you even make contact with me?ㅤㅤI, um, I grabbed your hand by mistake.ㅤㅤOh. I'll . . . I'll believe you. But based on what I read from your thoughts earlier, this is most likely going to be goodbye. The doctors basically said I wouldn't make it, right?ㅤㅤCerus . . .ㅤㅤIt looks like the dream will resume really soon. I can offer you this sliver of hope. Even though Jaimie’s original body was destroyed in this dream, I was able to manifest it again using a combination of Laplace’s abilities and…someone else’s. This was before I met you. I don’t exactly remember who helped or what triggered it to work. But by that logic, there's still a chance for me to come back, even if this body in the hospital dies. Just. Please wait for me, Don.ㅤㅤO—Of course, I will!ㅤㅤThanks, Don. I know you have so many more questions. If we meet again, it won't have to end. I'll talk to you for as long as you like.ㅤㅤCerus!ㅤㅤBye, Don. Thank you so much for being the only one who reached out to me and was willing to share my burden.ㅤㅤCerus, I really don't want you to leave.ㅤㅤSorry, Don.ㅤㅤW—Wait! Oh! At least let me know—who stabbed you? Please! It might help me find out how to bring you back!ㅤㅤI'm not sure . . . if you should know . . .ㅤㅤCerus! Please!ㅤㅤYou're right! We don't have much time. It happened so fast, but I could tell. It. It was actually Shophar.
Chapter 24 ● The Library
ㅤㅤWait. Wait, wait. Cerus, don’t go. That’s so much for me to take in. Shophar?!ㅤㅤDon—ㅤㅤThe sounds of whiplash and steel scraping against steel. The sight of Camilla’s small body with razor-sharp nails. The feeling of Ms. G’s cries and stomps vibrating the floor underneath my body.ㅤㅤWhich has fully reformed. Now I can finally kill Camilla and Scythe.ㅤㅤI keep all my hundreds of eyes on Scythe, who’s jumping and dodging Ms. G’s attempts to slash her with her wings. Simultaneously, Ms. G is crying.ㅤㅤ“N—No! Azazel, please! Isn’t there some way without killing her?!” Ms. G cries.ㅤㅤSorry, Ms. G.ㅤㅤEven if Azazel is unable to kill Camilla, I will step in to finish the job.ㅤㅤAfter everything Camilla did to me, she deserves it. I don’t know who Scythe is, but if she’s controlling Camilla, then I’ll make sure she goes down, too.ㅤㅤI hear myself shriek, which stuns Camilla and Azazel. I ready my new tendrils and—ㅤㅤ . . .ㅤㅤ . . .ㅤㅤ . . .ㅤㅤI am terrified. What is happening? Where am I?ㅤㅤI look at the angel and demon in front of me. Why are they fighting? Why are they looking at me? No! I recognize that demon. That is the demon who created me.ㅤㅤThat demon promised me freedom. Is this that freedom?ㅤㅤ“Laplace? Is that you?”ㅤㅤYes! That is me. I am Laplace. My creator, you are speaking in human language.ㅤㅤ“It must be! I can feel it. Azazel. Go ahead and try to kill Laplace. By all means.”ㅤㅤKill? The angel is going to try and kill me? I do not want that.ㅤㅤ“AGAIN WITH YOUR PROVOCATIONS. I WILL KEEP MY ATTENTION ON YOU!”ㅤㅤ“So be it. Laplace! Remember! I created you! Help me and kill this angel!”ㅤㅤ“LAPLACE! YOU MAY NOT KNOW ME. BUT I AM NO ANGEL. DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR CREATOR’S LIES!”ㅤㅤNo. I do not trust this angel. I trust my creator. I will kill this angel.ㅤㅤWait. This body. It is different from the body I remember. I am larger. I can see more.ㅤㅤI am stronger.ㅤㅤI move toward the angel. My creator steps back, and the angel dodges my first attempt to pierce through them.ㅤㅤI feel my arm get torn off by the angel. I am angry. Instantly, the angel is wrapped around the neck in my arms. I do not recall lunging toward the angel. But I know. This is my power. I can control everything. As the angel struggles to free themselves from my grasp, I look around.ㅤㅤI am in a gray hole in the ground, and there’s water flowing. There are bodies scattered across the ground below me. Did I cause this? Creator, is this what you desired? If I did this, I do not remember. I did not make the decision to kill these creatures.ㅤㅤIs this freedom? You promised me freedom. I do not want to see these bodies. Attacking this angel is what you desired from me. I do not know this angel.ㅤㅤI do not want to be here. I no longer want to attack this angel.ㅤㅤ“Jaimie! Please let go—“ㅤㅤI shriek and glow red.
●●●ㅤㅤI am back home in Hell. But . . . I have never seen outside my birthplace. It appears that years of knowledge have been implanted in my mind before my birth. Although I have never seen this red sky, I know what it represents. I can hear flames surrounding my area in the distance.ㅤㅤThis area itself is not my birthplace. This is not the laboratory. I am no longer inside a room surrounded by demons looking at me. This is Hell.ㅤㅤI am lost in awe for a moment. After my amazement passes, I notice someone next to me. Through whichever method I used to be transported here to Hell, I have brought along the one my Creator called "Azazel". The angel.ㅤㅤAzazel is on the ground and trying to catch their breath.ㅤㅤI pay them no mind. I bring my attention back on the wonders of the world around me.ㅤㅤ"Azazel . . . Where . . . where are we? Is this . . . " Azazel begins to speak.ㅤㅤ"Gionna. This is Hell. The Lament, where banished and rejected demons reside."ㅤㅤFor some reason, the angel is speaking to itself. Ah. That must not be the angel’s body. It must belong to a human that the angel is possessing. So the angel is conversing with the human.ㅤㅤ"I should be ecstatic right now . . . but there's an entire flesh beast in front of us."ㅤㅤ"Laplace. It looks much more solid now. Smaller and more . . . "ㅤㅤ"More like a dog?"ㅤㅤ"I was going to say 'quadrupedal'. But it does look like a dog."ㅤㅤ"I mean. It . . . Sorry. She . . . She also has an aquatic looking tail. Do you see that?"ㅤㅤ"Yes, Gionna. But first, I’m slightly confused. How did we get here? And why is Laplace more tame in Hell than on Earth? It’s usually the other way around. She doesn't seem aggressive, either."ㅤㅤI turn my head toward the angel. They are very talkative.ㅤㅤAs I turn my head, they return to their defensive form. I am tired. I do not want to fight right now.ㅤㅤI begin to walk away. And I realize what they are referring to. I am no longer large. I can no longer see everywhere around me. My senses have been reduced.ㅤㅤI am in the form I was when I was first created.ㅤㅤ"She's . . . walking away," says the angel's softer voice. That is the human named Gionna.ㅤㅤ"We should follow her. If her powers include the ability to transfer herself, as well as us, to Hell . . . then that is concerning," says the angel's louder voice.ㅤㅤI am not accustomed to being alone. I have always been surrounded by Hell’s greatest scientists. Nevertheless, my engagement with them has been very limited within the laboratory.ㅤㅤI do not mind if Gionna and the angel follow me. But I will not like it if they bother me.ㅤㅤAnd . . . Huh?ㅤㅤWait. What the fuck?ㅤㅤIt's me, Don. I thought . . . I thought the dream was supposed to end by now? That's what Cerus said.ㅤㅤWhy am I still . . . Why am I still here? Damn. This is about to be one of those dreams that feel months-long, but when you wake up, you find out that only three hours have passed. I don't know.ㅤㅤI'm not going to question it too much. I'm honestly not surprised that I'm not experiencing the dream the same way that Cerus does. My abilities have been constantly unpredictable.ㅤㅤRight now, I’m dreaming as Laplace–not Jaimie. Jaimie and Laplace slowly became the combination that is Cerus. But Cerus pretty much has Jaimie’s mind and memories. Which means that what I’m about to learn from Laplace’s perspective is information that Cerus doesn’t know.ㅤㅤYeah. No shot. I still have no control over my body right now. Again, it feels like a 4D movie. At this point, I’ve confirmed it. I don't feel just the physical parts of the dream. I also feel the emotional part. Every emotion Laplace felt at this time . . . Well, I also feel.ㅤㅤAnd one of them is loneliness.ㅤㅤWhich—let's be honest—I'm no stranger to. Yes, I gained some priceless friends over the course of my time with Stag. But before Stag, I had nobody but Vein and mom. Despite my mom being so kind, I didn't spend much time with her because she was also working to feed us. Until she eventually couldn't.ㅤㅤSo, yeah. I feel you, Laplace. You're a baby demon. A smart baby demon. Some kind of lab experiment. I'm getting that vibe. Even having someone you were fighting earlier join you as you explore the Lament feels better than being alone. I mean—I’ve definitely changed. I used to prefer being alone, but now I can't get my mind off all my friends at the diner.ㅤㅤLaplace, you don't only remind me of myself, though.ㅤㅤYou remind me of Vein, too. The year before Stag joined us. The library.
●●●ㅤㅤI don't often prefer to call Vein by her human name, but I do like the name Kiki. And well, Vein was a very different girl before Stag brought her up. So I like to refer to her as Kiki when talking about her before Stag took us in.ㅤㅤNatsuki Watanabe. Unlike me, who is weak because I'm relatively lazy and don't eat much, Natsuki, or Kiki, is naturally frail. Not even capoeira can help her, if I'm going to be honest.ㅤㅤKiki was born with iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia, or IRIDA. You know iron deficiency anemia, right? The most common kind of anemia? Well, IRIDA is a special kind—it's a rare, inherited form of iron deficiency anemia. What makes it worse is:ㅤㅤ1. Because it's hereditary, it starts off at infancy.ㅤㅤ2. Oral iron supplements and IV iron infusions provide only limited relief compared to typical iron deficiency anemia.ㅤㅤOur mom never had it easy. Kiki and I weren’t supposed to be her only children, you know. Kiki had an older sister who never made it. Isoimmunization, Rh disease, HDFN–all different names for a disease where the mother’s blood kills her own child. Remember the 10-year age gap between Vein and I? Yeah, I already told you that one reason was my scum dad. Showing up out of nowhere to knock up my mom, then dipping. But the other reason was that my mom was heartbroken over my little sister’s death. Mom never even told me what she was planning to name her.ㅤㅤThinking about the fact that demons tend to find hosts with "affinity" and overall similarities, I believe that Vein's Overgrowth is a reflection of Kiki's IRIDA. But it never made sense to me. I mean, you'd expect the human counterpart of Overgrowth, which causes rapidly growing horns, to be something like cancer, right? Since cancer causes rapidly overgrowing cells? I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm very thankful Vein doesn't have cancer. But definitely something I've thought about.ㅤㅤKiki was a crybaby. She had a very specific silent cry. Her deficiency gave her extremely pale skin, constant fatigue, and frequent headaches. I don't blame her for being a crybaby. She literally cried every time she ate. From how I understand it, IRIDA created sores in her mouth, which is so unfair. Even had trouble swallowing food. I think you're getting the picture of why I've always been an overprotective brother.ㅤㅤShe didn't blabble off like most infants do, and it was so painful to see her grow the way she did. She was so quiet. And with the responsibility of taking care of her while my mom went out to work one of her many part-time jobs, it wasn't easy. Mom couldn’t afford daycare, so I’d skip school and bring Kiki to the local library. I never worried about her causing a loud fuss. Like I said, her cries were very quiet whimpers. But you could definitely see how much pain she’d be in. As much as I wished she'd cry like a normal baby, her quiet cries did let us stay in the library. Even the library staff knew about her situation and allowed a truant 10-year-old to stay with his sick little sister.ㅤㅤWhen Stag first adopted us, I couldn't forget how happy Kiki was. I was very hesitant to trust Stag so quickly, especially after I felt abandoned by my mom. Obviously, I'm careful when I handle Vein nowadays, since I have the ability to make people tired. I know my abilities shouldn’t affect her, since she’s the same demonkind. That’s what I told Wing, too. But the truth is, I don’t really know. Vein’s already very weak. I try not to take the risk these days. Before I was possessed, though? Always clung onto Kiki when I could. But, yeah. I was also going through some identity issues at the time we met Stag. But either way, I'll always be satisfied with what I chose to be with my body.ㅤㅤSorry, tangent.ㅤㅤBoth Kiki and I would hang out in the Children's Cove section of the library. I'd always be on my beanbag, and Kiki would be playing with the toys there. I remember some kids trying to make friends with me, but I'd sneer and shoo them away. Looking back, I wish I was a little more friendly. But I just didn't want to risk a kid taking my attention away from Kiki. I already had trouble maintaining my focus between my books and Kiki.ㅤㅤHaha. There were actually a few times some boys my age would come up to me and ask what I was reading. I'd tell them it was none of their business, and they'd get mad and storm away. But it was so funny. Sometimes, I'd see the same boy try to approach me again on a different day. I always gave them the same response, but they were tenacious. My hair was longer back then.ㅤㅤOne day, a girl approached me, called me pretty, and asked if she could move her beanbag next to mine.ㅤㅤI remember getting embarrassed, but I still rejected her request for Kiki's sake.ㅤㅤShe kept pestering me a few more times over the course of multiple library visits until I gave in.ㅤㅤWe eventually started sharing the kind of books we liked to read. I even opened up to her about Kiki's condition and why I couldn’t spend too much time with other kids. So we'd read together, and she'd interrupt the reading to direct my attention to Kiki every so often. I hate that she ruined my immersion, but I'm also thankful. Ironically, she eventually helped me improve my focus and ease my attentive disorder. If not for her, I probably wouldn't be as good of a waiter as I am now.ㅤㅤI let her play with Kiki. Kiki couldn't really play like other kids. Yes, she was a toddler, but she was only really learning basic Japanese at the time. My English was pretty good by that time. So when I say "play", I really mean that the girl would just sit next to Kiki as she played by herself using the library toys. But I did appreciate the girl for that effort.ㅤㅤI remember getting excited to go to the library to see her. Yes, I always prioritized Kiki and my books, but it was nice having someone to spend time with other than my little sister.ㅤㅤDespite my physical exhaustion from taking care of Kiki, I rarely dozed off in the library. The one time I did, I actually fell asleep and fell over to the girl's beanbag with my head on her shoulder. I remember waking up to the feeling of Kiki sticking her hand in my mouth and the girl laughing.ㅤㅤHer mother would pick her up late in the afternoon, but her mother didn't like me. It was very obvious why. I think it was when I started dressing like a boy. Yep. She would whisper to the girl every time she’d see me while picking her up from the library. To be honest, my own mom didn't really approve of the way I liked to dress, either. But it was to our family's benefit, since boys' clothes were cheaper than girls'.ㅤㅤI never got the girl's name. Seems silly, but neither of us thought to ask for each other’s names. At some point, we just got so used to spending time together at the library that we may have not found it necessary. No contact info, either. Her mom didn't like me, and our moms never met, since I would get home by myself and Kiki.ㅤㅤAnd yeah. If I'm going to be honest, I wish I were some very fortunate protagonist who would meet her again. But one day, she just stopped showing up at the library. I didn't expect it at all. Never got to say goodbye. Seriously. She's never going to just show up out of nowhere like in some rom-com.ㅤㅤI've always hated things like that. Meeting someone, getting really close to them, and then they just suddenly disappear from your life.ㅤㅤAlmost . . . almost like you met them in a dream. And you just wake up.ㅤㅤUgh. Whatever.ㅤㅤBased on the Fountain and Red Honey dreams I had from touching Vein, I have a good idea of what'll happen next. The fact that I'm going to encounter Vein as Laplace is exhilarating. But I'm also very nervous. I wonder how similar Vein and Laplace's encounter will be to my encounter with that girl.
●●●ㅤㅤThey are still following me. I still do not trust this angel and human. But it is fine. They seem to be following me out of curiosity and continue to speak amongst themselves.ㅤㅤ"Should we . . . talk to her?" The softer voice—Gionna—says.ㅤㅤ"I think it may be worthwhile. She seems to understand us." The louder voice, Azazel, says.ㅤㅤ"Yeah . . . actually—how do we go back to being in sync like before? We didn't need to talk out loud like this earlier," says Gionna.ㅤㅤ"Not entirely sure. Never been so synchronized with a host before, so I cannot really tell you. I assume it has something to do with the emotions we were feeling before. We should just be angry more often," explains Azazel.ㅤㅤ"So . . . should I talk or should you talk? I feel like we shouldn't alternate back and forth," says Gionna.ㅤㅤ"I should—"ㅤㅤI growl a little bit. I trust the Gionna person more than the angel.ㅤㅤ"Looks like I'm the winner here."ㅤㅤA few moments of silence. We walk for about a few more yards.ㅤㅤ"Um . . . Jaimie? No, Laplace. That’s what you were called earlier, right? I'm Gionna. I'm sorry about what happened in the Crater. We didn't want to fight you, and we know you were just listening to Scythe. But Scythe is not a good person. It's not your fault that you . . . the kids…"ㅤㅤHer words are faltering. She is losing her composure. I am listening to her words, but I do not understand most of what she is talking about.ㅤㅤI hear Gionna fall to her knees behind me. I turn around briefly.ㅤㅤShe is crying.ㅤㅤ"Th-The . . . children . . . They're all . . . I . . . I'm sorry, A—Azazel . . . I'm . . . It's really starting to hit me now . . . Everything at once. The condition that Camilla was in when Ms. C held her. Eric. I . . . I'm not in the condition to talk to L—Laplace right now . . . "ㅤㅤ"It's okay, Gionna. Any human would fall apart after seeing that. The energy I gave you probably steeled your resolve temporarily, keeping you from truly realizing the weight of the situation," Azazel responds.ㅤㅤThis is amusing. They are speaking from the same body. When Azazel speaks, the sniffling continues, but the words are spoken with full confidence.ㅤㅤBut now I understand. She is crying because of those bodies. The human children that I killed. It is clear those bodies meant something to her.ㅤㅤDespite being programmed with vast knowledge of sciences and culture, I know nothing about those children. I know nothing about that gray platform. I do not know the purpose of this project. It is as if my creator withheld the knowledge of this…crater.ㅤㅤBut it is clear that I have been at the center of it.ㅤㅤIf I could apologize to Gionna, I would. I am more comfortable with Gionna than Azazel.ㅤㅤThough I am unsure why.ㅤㅤI continue to pace forward, but the sound of them getting up from the ground begs me to turn around. This must be Azazel.ㅤㅤ"I'm Azazel. I wasn't lying when I said I'm not an angel. I used to be one. Now I am like you. A demon. To be completely frank, I am just here to make sure you don't do any more harm. I don't have any plans to hurt you unless you try to hurt Gionna. Or anyone else. You probably can't speak, but you definitely seem to understand us. Both English and demonic language. You're smart. As I would expect from an artificially-created demon."ㅤㅤAzazel is right. I was created with a lot of preset knowledge, which is apparent by the mix of hundreds of languages present in my thoughts.ㅤㅤ"We may have gotten off on the wrong f—"ㅤㅤI nudge my head into Azazel. I want Gionna to come back out. She is kinder.ㅤㅤ"Wha—what is—”ㅤㅤBring Gionna back out. Azazel speaks too much.ㅤㅤ"It doesn't hurt, Azazel. I think Laplace is trying to tell us something. What's wrong, Laplace?" Gionna says.ㅤㅤYes! Gionna is speaking. And it seems she has slowly recovered from her tears.ㅤㅤI turn around and continue walking.ㅤㅤ"Hm? Oh. I guess Laplace didn't have anything to say specifically."ㅤㅤ"I get the feeling that Laplace doesn't like me. What’s odd to me is Laplace’s appearance. There are some parts of her body that resemble her larger form we saw in the Craterscape—the tail and horns, specifically. Other than that…Laplace looks like a species of demon known as a Hellhound. But with no vocal chords,” Azazel responds.ㅤㅤAh! In the distance, I see some buildings and structures. Interesting!ㅤㅤI begin to run faster toward them.ㅤㅤ"W—wait, Laplace! Wait for us!" shouts Gionna.ㅤㅤI turn my head around briefly as I run. I hope she chases me. This is amusing! Will she catch me? I am much too fast. There is no possibility that . . .ㅤㅤI stop.ㅤㅤIn front of me is my creator, Scythe. In her original demon form as I remember her.
Chapter 25 ● The Seedling
ㅤㅤ"Lovely. I have finally found you, Laplace. Tower will never match my abilities to travel between Hell and Earth. After all, I am the one who created Permanent Possession."ㅤㅤI back away and take a defensive position.ㅤㅤ"Scythe! You're a Fate! How are you able to--"ㅤㅤ"As I said, Azazel. It is Permanent Possession. I need not explain it to you, as you would not understand its complexity. Tower may have created the concept of materializing Laplace's Demon, but it would be nothing without my Permanent Possession."ㅤㅤ"Tower?"ㅤㅤ"Hello, Gionna. That must be you speaking," Scythe says, speaking the English language.ㅤㅤShe looks at me.ㅤㅤHer crimson-colored eyes seem to pierce through me. It is no longer the same as when I was in the laboratory. This time, she represents someone who is controlling, manipulative, and…ㅤㅤCruel.ㅤㅤAnd why does that bother me? After all, I am a demon. Is our purpose not to be cruel? To survive by taking? Is that not the prerogative I have been given?ㅤㅤI snarl, yet no sound is made. Scythe’s eyes widen.ㅤㅤ"Has my precious Laplace found discomfort with me? No matter. I know the extent and weaknesses of your ability. Right now, you are no different from a Hellhound. It will be a while before you can become accustomed to your body while in Hell. This is your dilemma. You are invincible. Yet you are weak without someone like me to guide you. Any thoughts of rebellion you may have, any semblance of defying me, and, well..."ㅤㅤWith swift movement, Scythe suddenly dashes behind me and swipes her claws at Azazel and Gionna. I hear a shriek of pain, turn around, and sprint toward Scythe with my mouth open.ㅤㅤI bite Scythe's arm, but Scythe laughs. From the corner of my vision, I see Gionna groan in pain. There is an open slash wound across her right arm.ㅤㅤScythe kicks me away with full force. Despite seeming like a weak demon, my creator is powerful and agile. I am launched in the direction of the collection of buildings. A town. But it appears abandoned. I lay immobile at its entrance. Scythe zooms toward me and steps on me.ㅤㅤ"I considered calling Amay here. But it does not look like I need to. Azazel has spent too much time on Earth. It seems his abilities are not honed here. And you, Laplace, are nothing without my supply of sustenance. As expected."ㅤㅤI do not know what she is referring to. I cannot make any sounds, but I am struggling to get my creator off of me.ㅤㅤ"It would be so easy to hold you captive. But I would not desire to keep you in the same situation as when you were first created. A laboratory, connected to countless machines. No. I would much rather take note of how your invincible body is affected by the elements of the Lament. Here, you will learn your place more than you would in my laboratory. You see, Laplace, you are the most powerful demon to ever exist. But not without me. You will come to understand what you are. You depend on me, but you do not fully understand that yet. But when you do, you will obey me. And I will not even need to force you."ㅤㅤScythe grabs me by the neck and slams me into the ground. She instantly ducks, anticipating Gionna and Azazel's sudden appearance and wing attack.ㅤㅤScythe shifts her weight to her front leg. Out of her arms release four sharp horns in addition to her finger claws. She swipes the claws up and gashes Azazel and Gionna's chest. They are propelled upward. As they fall, Scythe lifts her arm up, positioned in their trajectory.ㅤㅤWhen Azazel and Gionna fall down, they will become impaled instantly by Scythe.ㅤㅤAnd they are. I watch as all five of my creator's claws pierce through their body. She swings her arm in the direction of the center of the abandoned town we are in, flinging their body off of her arms in the process.ㅤㅤ"Well. Very soon, Azazel will leave Gionna's body, knowing that it is doomed to die. I cannot kill Azazel. But he will have to return to Earth, as there is no longer any physical form he can take here.”ㅤㅤI cannot distinguish whether Scythe is speaking to me or herself.ㅤㅤ“Laplace. You are intelligent. You know that you are created with parts of a Nephilim's body. Regardless of Azazel’s status as the last living Nephilim, you should know how more powerful you are than him. Your power is immeasurable. How much of that body you can use is something I will need to see you improve on your own. But know that I will always be able to control your limits. Amay and the other Fates will question me for deciding to leave you here. But as your creator, I am pained by your decision to betray me. You are a disappointment. I will see to it that you suffer before you realize who I am.”ㅤㅤScythe breaks apart a piece of one of her elbow horns and stabs it into me. It is painful, but I am able to withstand the pain. Still, I am debilitated and unable to pull out the horn from my side.ㅤㅤ“You will remove this horn when you are ready to be subservient to me–when you desire control over yourself and your abilities. But in turn, I will control you. Once that horn is removed, it will symbolize the loss of any dread you have for me. Until then…do what you will. Goodbye. My lovely Laplace."
●●●ㅤㅤIt's me, Don. So…Laplace is kind of blanked out right now. So all I see is an empty void.ㅤㅤI am literally still stuck in this dream. Dude. If I ever see Cerus again, I'm going to marry her, but literally NEVER touch her.ㅤㅤI'm just kidding. I'm just playing. God. Chill, dude. It was just a joke.ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤI was kind of hoping Cerus would show up just now. In my mind like earlier.ㅤㅤI guess she's really not here anymore. Judging from our conversation earlier, she’s been silently watching my reaction to everything. But I have a feeling she isn’t here. At all. I believe she was only here for the parts of the dream she existed in. Since Laplace’s mind took over her body, this isn’t really her dream anymore.ㅤㅤThis is Laplace’s dream.ㅤㅤIt’s kind of cool that I can understand Laplace’s thoughts. Is she thinking in English? Or maybe it’s not that she’s thinking in any specific language. I’m just…feeling what she’s thinking, you know? But anyway, I guess I live in this dream now. Can't there be, like, dream food? Like popcorn? Or cereal? I wish I had least had a picture of Anvil so I could. Um. Gush over her. Yeah. Gush over her.ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤOh. Looks like Laplace is waking up. Well, this was fun while it lasted.
●●●ㅤㅤAh! I am on the ground! I was fighting my creator. And now I'm going to…I will.ㅤㅤI will go assist Gionna and Azazel.ㅤㅤBut after seeing how fragile human bodies are in that Crater, there is very little chance that Gionna is still alive.ㅤㅤI make my way toward the center of the abandoned town. I notice very small serpentine demons slither away as soon as they see my presence. Some smaller gremlin-shaped demons scurry away as well.ㅤㅤWith the scent of Gionna and the memory of the direction she was thrown, I arrive at what appears to be a broken fountain, with some shattered fragments. Some of the gremlins are gathered around. As I approach, they disperse at the sight of me. Gionna's body is lying there.ㅤㅤAnd…she appears alive. I can sense it. She is breathing as well. The injuries and fatal wounds appear to be healed. Only small bite marks from these weaker demons.ㅤㅤI see. Azazel is a Nephilim, as my creator stated. Azazel must have used what little ability he had left to heal her body. But I am aware of the abilities of a Nephilim. While my own abilities differ and are mostly unknown, I know that Nephilim do not have the ability to heal. But according to the knowledge I have, some have the ability to reverse time. And with it, a toll that renders them at their weakest state. Upon looking at the fountain in detail, I notice that some parts of the fountain–namely, where Gionna's body lay on top of–remain intact.ㅤㅤFrom the situation, it seems clear that Azazel reversed time within a certain diameter and vicinity of Gionna's body. It is not clear how far Azazel reversed time to, but it would most likely be around the time before Scythe impaled her. So it is not that Azazel can reverse time of the entire universe, but that he can reverse the physical properties of people or objects.ㅤㅤAzazel most likely left because his weakened state, combined with the surrounding hungry demons, placed his existence at risk. If these weaker demons were to consume Gionna while Azazel inhabited her, Azazel may dissipate from existence.ㅤㅤHow do I know this? Ah. It must be all the information on Nephilim, angels, and their methods of possession that my creator imbued within me.ㅤㅤI do not have any other purpose for my existence right now. And I do not want to held in the confines of Scythe's will any longer. Right now, I want to return Gionna's kindness. A human stuck in Hell. This is a unique situation that I have no knowledge of how to approach.ㅤㅤKindness.ㅤㅤAccording to my internal database on human culture, kindness is an emotion defined by altruistic intentions. Applying this concept to demons… Actually, it is not a foreign concept to demons. From what I am aware of, humans have misinterpreted demons in their mythos. In the culture of humans, demons are depicted as purely evil. But that is not true. Throughout the history of Hell that I have been given information of, copious amounts of demons have portrayed some level of kindness.ㅤㅤThen where is the concept of heartless, cruel demons from? There is a simple, yet often misunderstood answer.ㅤㅤSurvival. Rather, the need for survival. Demons are cursed with the required diet of human souls. And for some reason, the more sinful the soul, the more sustenance the soul provides. Sinful souls are more delicious and allow demons to live longer. The demons’ curse does not end with their diet, however. Demons are further cursed with living in Hell. They cannot stay in Earth for longer than the average demon’s lifespan. However, Scythe mentioned Permanent Possession. That is a process only applicable to angels. It is a fact that these curses that all demons share are from our origins as angels. And how we fell from the grace known as Heaven. I have been so distrusting of angels…but that is what we all once were.ㅤㅤI digress. These philosophical thoughts of mine. They cannot be something the average demons thinks of. Cruelty. Kindness. Survival. The only question I will posit after all this is:ㅤㅤWhat makes one demon more kind than another?
●●●ㅤㅤI will search around this area for someone that may be able to help. Scythe said that my power is currently equal to that of a Hellhound. Hellhounds are guard demons–only slightly weaker than the high-ranking demons, who have humanoid bodies. Surely, I am stronger than the demons here.ㅤㅤIt is unfortunate, but I do not have a way to carry Gionna to safety. I do not have opposable fingers. Even if I were in my full Crater form, my tendrils would only harm her. Because I cannot carry Gionna, I will need to assert my dominance in this area.ㅤㅤUnlike a Hellhound, I cannot roar or make audible sounds with my mouth. Instead, I leap up and slam my feet onto the ground. This creates a cloud of dust around me, leaving only my glowing red eyes visible.ㅤㅤAs the dust clears, I see the gremlin demons and serpentine demons gather around this fountain plaza. These are Drudes and Serpents. Demons that are powerful on Earth, but weak in Hell.ㅤㅤI stand in front of Gionna's body and glare my eyes at all of them. I stomp my feet one last time, and they jump backwards and flee.ㅤㅤI am hoping that this is enough for them to leave Gionna's body alone. If not, then I will just need to return in time before they fully consume her.ㅤㅤI begin to wander away from the town looking for help. My keen senses, especially scent, allow me to remember every step I take. One thing I can thank my creator's design for is the combination of a Hellhound and the Behemoth.
●●●ㅤㅤWhat? What is this creature?ㅤㅤIt is…circular and small. It has been jumping up and down ever since I nudged it in response to it tapping my head.ㅤㅤIts emotion appears to be joy. Ah. It is approaching me. It is now attempting to jump onto me, but it is too small.ㅤㅤYes. I met this creature mere moments ago. I found myself close to another small abandoned town, and this creature noticed me from across a few empty stone buildings. It quickly waddled up to me out of curiosity. Upon smelling this demon, I realize that it resembles the Elm demonkind, who are part of the Branching demon family. But this creature is not the same. I do not recognize it. Regardless, it must be an insignificant demon with a useful ability.ㅤㅤIt resembles an Elm demon, so it must have similar abilities, even if it is a baby. This should be enough to help Gionna.After familiarizing myself with its scent, I bite its small limb softly. I pull, gesturing for it to follow me. As we walk, I notice that the demon infant is jumping for joy every so often. It begins to slow itself down. I realize that it is growing tired from our walking. I lower myself to let it climb onto my back. It is much easier to carry this infant than it would be to carry Gionna.ㅤㅤBy all technicalities, I am an infant myself. Though my situation differs from the average demon.ㅤㅤI am Laplace. My creator alternates between 'Laplace's Demon' and 'Laplace' when referring to me. This is my first encounter with Hell outside of my birthplace—my birthplace being the development laboratory of the Demons of Fate. I do not know its official name.ㅤㅤI was born in the artificial Lake of Lost Souls. A copy of the real Lake of Lost Souls.ㅤㅤBut what is the Lake of Lost Souls?ㅤㅤPhysically, it is similar to the Lake of Fire, where humans were once sent to experience eternal damnation and pain. But rather than fire, it is filled with the blood of demons. Typically lower-class demons.ㅤㅤConceptually, the Lake of Lost Souls is more akin to what some humans might call an artificial Purgatory.ㅤㅤBut unlike Purgatory, souls in the Lake have already been judged to go to Hell. In the Lake of Lost Souls, they await to be graded by Demons of Fate. Note that the word ‘judged’ was not used. No, these souls are graded, just as the quality of meat would be graded for a human to consume. The more sinful souls are more nutritional.ㅤㅤI was born in a false copy of this Lake. It was fed with artificially-created souls. But why? Perhaps by looking deeper into the libraries of information I have…ㅤㅤAh. I see. It was originally designed as an experiment by my creator Scythe—an experiment testing whether these pseudo-souls cultured in a pseudo-Lake would provide the same nutritional value that a real human soul does.ㅤㅤIf so, the curse of the demon diet could be cured. Food could just be mass-produced. Demons would never hunger again. And they would never have to step foot on Earth. It would change the entire dynamic of the afterlife.ㅤㅤAfter continued trials, it worked. But not in the way Scythe and the other researchers expected.ㅤㅤThese pseudo-souls only provided sustenance when consumed by demons on Earth. Demons of Fate believe this is because pseudo-souls can only emulate the effects of souls on Earth because they are based on souls from Earth.ㅤㅤThis returns to one of the curses of demons: They cannot stay on Earth for very long.ㅤㅤEven my existence struggled to remain on Earth.ㅤㅤBut what was Scythe referring to when she mentioned “Permanent Possession”? My only understanding is that it seems similar to angelic possession.ㅤㅤFor that matter, who truly is Scythe?ㅤㅤIt is ironic, but Scythe did not leave me with much information about herself. I have vast knowledge from thousands of years of history and science, but very little about my Creator.ㅤㅤBut the little that I know is enough to make some strong assumptions.ㅤㅤScythe is a Demon of Pride—they are known for their power. But despite Scythe’s inherited strength, she chose a different path from those Demons of Pride before her.ㅤㅤShe pursued the path of a Demon of Fate with the goal of gaining as much knowledge as possible. I do not know what specific events in her life led her to creating me. But I do know that Scythe is well-known in Hell as the inventor of artificial souls—pseudo-souls.ㅤㅤI find it odd. Scythe did not give me details about herself and this crater.ㅤㅤBut I am thankful for my knowledge on humans. Seeing them in close proximity at the crater baffled me so much that I did not initially recognize them as the humans I already knew of. At the time, the mind controlling this body belonged to the human I possessed—Jaimie. Yet I still remember how they looked. The most amusing contrast between humans and demons I have noticed is their science. Actually, it is moreso how they study science.ㅤㅤWhen working on live experiments, humans treat their test subjects with scrutiny behind a glass, whether it be in a fluid-enclosed case or a cage of sorts. In my database of human history, humans often test on animals lower in the food chain. Rodents are the typical subjects. I am also aware of ruthless human experimentation. I see this as science at the expense of torture.ㅤㅤI, on the other hand, had all the freedom to move within the confines of my test chamber. While I did not have the same vision of my surroundings that a Demon of Fate would have, many ongoing events in Hell and Earth were often relayed to me. I am not an unreasonable savage beast. I am like Frankenstein’s monster from famous human literature.ㅤㅤI am the amalgamation of Hell's most powerful demons—the most potent being a Nephilim, the Behemoth, and the Leviathan.ㅤㅤI take many forms when I am properly fed, but the form I have grown the most comfortable with is a physical combination of a Hellhound and the Leviathan. No demon moves swiftly through water as the Leviathan once did.ㅤㅤIn my time spent preparing in the false Lake of Lost Souls, I learned how to swim. I found endless amusement in swimming. The lake itself is bright red, but its viscosity is less than that of demon blood. I absorb the fluid and the artificial souls into my body—consequently, the excess discharge of the fluid leaks from my porous body in a revolting manner. But that is what I am.ㅤㅤThe Leviathan lacked skills to move on land, which is why I have combined his form with the Hellhound.ㅤㅤI do not know what my true purpose is. My creator kept this from me, and I have always believed that I would find satisfaction after obtaining a host. But I didn't th--ㅤㅤ"Sidomor!" The infant demon says above me. It then lies flat with its face on my back and rubs it onto me.ㅤㅤSidomor. The demonic word for 'partner'. More likely, this infant is trying to call me a companion. Perhaps it has not learned that word.ㅤㅤThe solid mask on its face rubs against my back. A exoskeleton indicative of an Elm demon. But it is not an Elm demon. I know it is not.ㅤㅤBut what it is…is kind. Despite my horrific appearance.ㅤㅤI bend down to have the infant demon jump off my back safely.ㅤㅤUsing both its arms, the Seedling picks up a stone from the ground and tosses it a significant distance ahead.ㅤㅤI am confused. What does it want?ㅤㅤThe Seedling points in the direction of the stone and grunts.ㅤㅤ"Sidomor!"ㅤㅤDoes it want me to retrieve it?ㅤㅤI run over and grab the stone it threw. I bring it back to the Seedling. It jumps for joy and embraces my front left leg.ㅤㅤThis is very amusing. I believe this is a recreational activity of sorts.
●●●ㅤㅤDuh. She’s playing catch. Dumbass Laplace. Well, not really. Laplace is kind of a philosophical genius. Gets annoying after while, though. Rambles on and on. I am getting a shit ton of info, so I shouldn't complain too much. Especially that whole thing about a lake. Didn't know demons weren't really evil. Just cursed. Anyway, it’s just funny that Laplace can become a doggy just wanting to play catch at a moment’s notice. This shit is cute as fuck, bro. On Tib's fat jelly ass.ㅤㅤI can't believe it. So this is how Vein's original form looks? It's adorable. My adolescent Elm demon form was ugly. Vein. Never grow up. Both as a human and a demon.ㅤㅤThis is really cute. I'm kind of just watching Laplace play with Vein in the first-person. When I dreamt this encounter as Vein, the dream skipped this part. Dreams are usually scattered, but this long-ass dream seems to be very precise and chronological. I’ll admit—It is cool seeing it from Red Honey’s point of view. Red Honey turned out to be Laplace. I guessed it the moment Jaimie’s body deformed into Laplace in the crater. Even though it was in first-person, I could see myself. Must be one of the perks of having a thousand eyes on Laplace’s body.ㅤㅤBack to this dream. Hellhound-Leviathan Laplace finds an abandoned cloth, rolls it up into a ball in her mouth, sets it down on the ground, and wacks it towards Vein's direction using her gigantic tail. Vein springs up and unsuccessfully catches it with her stubby arms. She attempts to throw it back, but it doesn't arrive anywhere near Laplace, who’s much further away.ㅤㅤThis is pretty peaceful. Not minding the gigantic flames and the ominous red and black sky in the background. Hell is kind of nice when you look past that.ㅤㅤAs happy as I am, I can relate to my demon self with the anxiety of letting Vein go off on her own with a stranger. It's very fortunate that this stranger is kind. Even though this stranger is actually an omnipotent, interdimensional beast.ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤI'm bored. As wholesome as this is, there has to be a way to entertain myself. Right now, Laplace is launching Vein about 10 feet in the air, then catching her gently with her tail. Couldn't they at least pull out that racing game Cerus and I played? At least chess or something? Blackjack?ㅤㅤI’m obviously joking. If I could control this lucid dream, I would get false, subjective information, which is utterly useless. So I'll just need to wait this out.
●●●ㅤㅤAh. It appears I have neglected my original mission of helping Gionna. This infant demon may have an ability to help Gionna where I cannot. All other demons I have encountered have avoided me. Hellhounds, especially one as peculiar as myself, are too often feared, it seems.ㅤㅤI stop playing these games with the Seedling and tug her along. It seems somewhat disappointed, but continues to follow me.ㅤㅤAfter some time passes along our walk, the demon tries to speak to me.ㅤㅤIt…cannot speak demonic language fluently. Most of its words are infantile gibberish, seldom only speaking a few true words. But it is very enthusiastic about its words, even accompanying them with full body gestures and jumping.ㅤㅤI simply nod my head occasionally to pretend I understand it. But I am very intrigued by its delightful gestures.ㅤㅤI suddenly hear its small footsteps stop. I turn around and see its lower half fixed to the ground. It seems to be in an almost aqueous state. This must be its resting state. The eyes on its mask are showing a sleeping face. I once again lift the Seedling onto my back. In this state, it is even easier to carry than before.
●●●ㅤㅤWe arrive at the abandoned town with the fountain. As we enter the gates, the Drudes and Serpents scurry away, and their footsteps awaken the Seedling. The Seedling returns to its circular form and looks around. I have it jump off of me gently and follow me—but I keep my tail surrounding it in order to keep it safe from the other demons.ㅤㅤWe arrive at the fountain.ㅤㅤGionna remains unharmed since my last sight of her. I use my snout to tell the Seedling to look inside its bowl. The Seedling, though skeptical at first, eventually begins shaking Gionna. Unfortunately, little Seedling, that will not be enough to wake Gionna. I have attempted that earlier, and—ㅤㅤGionna awakes. I cannot comprehend this. Was I to simply wait for Gionna's recovery? Or just shake her more violently like the Seedling did? I cannot believe this. Was there truly any purpose to searching for help?ㅤㅤI am somewhat frustrated, but it is no matter. I have made a companion along the way. In fact, it is actually amusing that I did not need to go on this additional journey to find help. All I have done is create another liability.ㅤㅤGionna screams at the sight of me. I’m caught by surprise.ㅤㅤShe soon calms down and apologizes for screaming. She begins to introduce herself to the Seedling. For some odd reason, she calls herself Joni rather than Gionna.ㅤㅤ"I'm Joni! It's nice to meet you two cuties!"ㅤㅤI tilt my head in confusion.ㅤㅤ"Oh! Joni. See, I don't want to be associated with everything that happened while I was known as Gionna. With a new goal in mind to try and save my son and daughter, I wanted to go by something new! It's partly inspired by something my son came up with called Droney. I'm babbling on here. Oh, and Laplace—you can rest easy. I know you don't like Azazel. He’s gone.”ㅤㅤJoni’s face becomes much more serious. Her tone of voice shifts from one clearly meant for children to a solemn one intended for adults.ㅤㅤ“These last few years have been…mind-blowing for me, to say the least. All these years, humans like me have been jumping from religion to religion, trying to find purpose in the time that they’re alive. And here I am, only to find out that none of the established religions I know reflect what’s actually taking place. I’m in the afterlife, but I’m not dead. This is Hell, but it’s not exactly the place where sinners go. So where am I?”ㅤㅤA moment of silence passes. I cannot speak. She should know this.ㅤㅤ“Sorry, that was more rhetorical than anything. Laplace, you can’t really talk, right? And you…”ㅤㅤ”Yijom!” the Seedling exclaims. Yijom—The Demonic word for ‘younger sibling’. I recall that Branching demons are not given names.ㅤㅤ”Yijom? That doesn’t sound like any language I know. Yijom, I assume you’re a baby. I don’t think either of you could really answer the billions of questions I have—and that’s even after gleaning some of the info from talking to Amay. But what I’m getting at is this.ㅤㅤIn all senses of the word, I should be dead. Whatever Azazel did to strengthen my body wasn’t enough, and I was bleeding and dying on that fountain. And then, he just…reversed time. But only in the space around me. I didn’t even realize it until I woke up from consciousness. Azazel was gone, and I was healed. I don’t know if he’ll come back. Not really too sure how this possession thing works. And it sounds different from the permanent thing that Scythe was talking about. My realization was short-lived when I was knocked out by one of those smaller demons surrounding the fountain. Even right now, I don’t even understand why I’m alive without Azazel.”ㅤㅤI nod my head to show my comprehension of her words. Yijom the Seedling attempts to do the same, but falls backwards onto its back.ㅤㅤ”I’ve lost everything, Laplace. No way to get home, no food, and…I lost the kids.”ㅤㅤYijom makes some kind of whimper noise and waddles up to Joni. It places its arm on her leg, attempting to console her.ㅤㅤ“But you know the craziest part, Laplace? I’m not…really sad. Not sad anymore. In fact—this is the greatest day of my life!”ㅤㅤWhat? I am now confused. She was in tears earlier. What could be—ㅤㅤ“I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time! You see, it’s been my dream to even confirm an afterlife. And now, I’m actually in it! It feels like—like, this was meant to happen. Like this was my purpose.”ㅤㅤIs Joni…Is she putting aside the death of those human children to bask in this…personal achievement she’s made?ㅤㅤI am not necessarily the one who deserves to mourn for those children, considering the fact that I am the one who killed them. But even I can recognize the weight of my actions. My only defense is that it was not my own mind that was in control of my body. It was the mind of my human host—Jaimie.ㅤㅤBut in regards to Gionna, who now suddenly wishes to be called Joni…ㅤㅤIt is as if she is losing the one aspect that I came to appreciate her for.ㅤㅤHer humanity.ㅤㅤShe shines a radiant smile while eagerly explaining her life’s work and purpose.ㅤㅤAnd it is disturbing.
●●●ㅤㅤYijom is lightly jumping in glee as Joni expresses her own joy. Yijom does not understand her, but Yijom can detect Joni’s emotions. Being an infant, it is obvious that Yijom simply copies them.ㅤㅤAs I’m listening to Joni’s story of leading a coven of witches under the guidance of the demon prince Amay, I watch Yijom.ㅤㅤThe helplessness and naivety of this small creature continues to compel me. Why was it alone here in the Lament? In the place where banished demons are sent to die?ㅤㅤIt found me, wandering alone and looking around. Looking…ㅤㅤLooking for something.ㅤㅤPerhaps…its family? The fact that it is not a typical Elm demon may be the reason for its banishment. That leads me to believe this:ㅤㅤEither its family was banished along with it, or it was banished alone.ㅤㅤMy goal no longer aligns with Joni, but I will continue to help her where I see fit.ㅤㅤRight now, my primary goal is to reunite this infant demon with its family.ㅤㅤAfter all, I am the one who inadvertently kidnapped it.
Chapter A-1 ● The Princess and the Tomb
ㅤㅤI don’t have anything to say. You’re in the middle of me having the dream. It’s a good thing you’re at a relaxing part of it.ㅤㅤI guess. I don’t know. Okay. Well, here’s another alphanumerical chapter. Let’s talk about something that’s probably been on your mind while hearing my story. Stag and Gionna’s, too.●●●ㅤㅤAngels vs. demons. The same battle in virtually every form of media depicting Abrahamic lore. Sometimes, they get it right.ㅤㅤThat some demons have angelic features. Or that angels don’t always pull up in the form of a pretty white dude with wings.
And sometimes–they even get it right that angels and demons don’t always stay on one side.ㅤㅤI’ll keep the rest of this untainted by my opinion, but let me just say–I’m not a fan of angels. I mean, obviously. But I do like their power.ㅤㅤAngels don’t just have one form. I’ll spare you the details on the different classifications of angels.ㅤㅤOne–because at the time of the events in this story, demons collectively had a limited understanding of angels.ㅤㅤTwo–because angels are always changing.ㅤㅤMuch, much different from the shape-shifting that a demon like Stag could once do.ㅤㅤTheir form, their energy…Their power. It’s all unpredictable.ㅤㅤIf I were to explain to you what I know about angels now–in the present–you would be overwhelmed. Whatever organ you use to think wouldn’t be able to perceive 1% of it. And English doesn’t have the lexicon to describe it.ㅤㅤBut you get it. You understand how much demons hate angels. I mean, the first demon was an angel. Angels are strict, and their boundaries are black and white. Not trying to validate all the crimes that demons have historically committed, but there has always been a lingering frustration. Demons do what they do to survive.ㅤㅤImagine some dude. Raised in an abusive, financially irresponsible family. Neglected. Cheated by society over and over again until he was broken mentally and financially, leading him to take from someone else.ㅤㅤI bring up this topic to form the basis of the demon I’ll talk about.ㅤㅤAnd–I know I said I’d keep the rest of this objective, but let me say one more thing. As much as I’m not a fan of angels, I’m also not a fan of this demon.
●●●ㅤㅤThe Kings of Hell were very peculiar demons. They were the oldest, the wisest, and the most powerful. And as most powerful demons do, the Kings reincarnated and maintained all the memories they had in their previous existences.ㅤㅤAnd they produced offspring. Where the Kings differed from each other was the way they raised their own. As the most wealthy and busy demons, they could easily have other demons teach their young. Some Kings, such as the 18th reincarnation of King Asmodeus, were more intimate than their predecessors. They enjoyed spending precious time with their offspring.ㅤㅤThere were other Kings, such as the 19th reincarnation of King Beleth, who controlled everything their offspring did. All his offspring were to follow his exact directions in life, whether it be focused in music, mathematics, or writing. If an offspring of Beleth didn’t follow him, he had them executed with no questions asked.ㅤㅤAnd there was King Paymonia. This reincarnation went by Paymo. Honestly, a pretty cute name. She was the 15th reincarnation.ㅤㅤThat wasn’t a mistake. King Paymonia’s 15th reincarnation truly was a ‘she’. No one really knew why, but it was only after Paymo’s birth that the patriarchy fell apart in Hell. Well, maybe patriarchy isn’t the right word to use, but basically–all the political power in Hell was no longer male-only. The concept of Kings remained. No queens. Remember–the strongest demons have humanoid forms, so they naturally have sexual dimorphism. Big word meaning that male demons and female demons don’t only have different reproductive organs. They also have entire different appearances.ㅤㅤSo…It’s not that female demons were new, but that Infernal Kings were never reincarnated as biologically female. Up until Paymo was born. The Infernal Order decided to stick with the ‘King’ label for her rather than complicate the system with a ‘Queen’. At this point, ‘King’ had become more of an ungendered political title.ㅤㅤ15 entire reincarnations. Surely, this Paymonia was feared and admired by all.ㅤㅤNope.ㅤㅤActually, this reincarnation of Paymonia was barely known at all. Sure, she was the talk of Hell when it was first revealed that she would inherit the memories and power of Paymonia. But after that, no one really heard much about her. She fell out of relevance quickly.ㅤㅤHistorically, Paymonia’s predecessors were always one of the most glorious Kings in Hell, revered by many for his vast knowledge in sciences, arts, and philosophies. Most knew the previous reincarnations of Paymonia to be very outspoken and loyal to none other than Devil--the leader of all of Hell and the most powerful demon. Devil's true name was not pronounceable, not even for a demon nor angel, so he was referred to as Satan or Lucifer. But even these names striked terror in the average demon, so ‘Devil’ was usually used.ㅤㅤOutspoken and loyal–Words that were usually associated with Paymonia’s predecessors. Paymo, on the other hand, was only one of those things.ㅤㅤLike all Paymonia predecessors, Paymo continued to be very loyal to Devil. But a little too much. She was absolutely obsessed with Devil, spending most of her time either covering for Devil's work or staying in his shadow. So she was barely seen or heard about by most demons. Even high-ranking ones. So she was loyal.ㅤㅤOutspoken, though? Not so much. Paymo was not outspoken. She was very quiet and only spoke when needed. She was the most incognito of all Paymonia reincarnations.ㅤㅤHer obsession with Devil led to particular demon to have…mommy issues. That’s right. Paymo gave more attention to Devil's child than her own in hopes of appearing more useful to him.ㅤㅤSee, Thunder didn't let her mother's neglect affect her negatively. Ever since she was a young demon, she found all the previous accomplishments of both Paymonia and Devil's past reincarnations to be inspiring. In fact, she was motivated to improve as many of Hell's systems and foundations as possible. Her position was not just your average Heir of Hell–She was the daughter of the second-in-command King Paymonia. A princess. This allowed her access to the deepest archives and libraries of Hell. She delved deep into the histories and sciences. Though the incentive was mostly for Hell's improvement as a whole, she did have some desire for her mother to notice her efforts. So yeah, mommy issues.ㅤㅤPaymo paid more attention to Devil's child. This much was true. Paymo didn’t practice monogamy, so Thunder was the result of a surrogate demon. The same situation applied to Devil's child, yet Paymo clearly favored her over Thunder.ㅤㅤOnce again, Thunder strengthened her resolve and didn’t allow jealousy to take over. In fact, she was, for the most part, companions with Scythe. So she didn’t let mommy issues bring her down.
●●●ㅤㅤSimilar to how Stag was Shophar's tutor, Thunder and Scythe shared a tutor. The tutor in question was none other than Ronove the 17th—Rono—a very knowledgeable and approachable Marquis of Hell. Much more approachable than the notorious warrior demons.ㅤㅤEven though Rono tutored Thunder and Scythe, one of his main roles was the leader of the Demons of Fate. This is a more recent role for Rono, but his experience in soul-harvesting on Earth made it an easy transition.ㅤㅤThunder and Scythe were enthralled with the sciences. But remember that the main reason for Thunder's motivation was to revamp Hell. To glorify it.ㅤㅤAnd the best way to do that was to usurp the angels, she believed.ㅤㅤThunder was the first one to inquire Rono about the Demons of Fate. So Rono told Thunder more and more about the Fates. Specifically, the survey demons.ㅤㅤConventionally, only descendants of the three Infernal Judges are permitted to become Demons of Fate. Thunder clearly expressed interest in becoming a survey demon. After all, survey demons must know all there is to know about angels. Thunder needed that knowledge for her goal. Rono told both Scythe and Thunder that offspring of the two big shots of Hell shouldn't think about becoming survey demons. Compared to being the privileged princesses of these two Kings, pursuing a role as a survey demon would be deemed inappropriate.ㅤㅤScythe also had interest in becoming a Demon of Fate. But she didn’t specifically want to be a survey demon. To clarify, all survey demons are Demons of Fate, but not all Demons of Fate are survey demons. Scythe really wanted one particular benefit of being a Demon of Fate. They are naturally imbued with the ability of Omnipresence. They can view the Earth temporarily from their comfortable seats in Hell.ㅤㅤEssentially, Scythe's desire was to learn about Earth.ㅤㅤThunder's desire was to learn about angels.
●●●ㅤㅤThunder and Scythe grew up together. Raised hand-in-hand by deadbeat and busy parents. You could say they were friends, but they wouldn’t have agreed with that sentiment. They were both some of the smartest demons in Hell, but they had their differences.ㅤㅤThunder was more emotional and passive than Scythe was. So when Scythe wanted something, all she had to do was make threats.ㅤㅤAnd that’s what she did.ㅤㅤShe gave Rono the ultimatum that if he didn’t find a way for her and Thunder to become Demons of Fate, she would lie that Rono wanted to usurp Paymo and Devil's thrones.ㅤㅤRono did not want to take the risk of Hell prioritizing Scythe's words over his. As a Demon of Pride, Scythe was more powerful than Rono. Her higher-rank was an unstoppable force.ㅤㅤHell did have an organized registry system, but Rono pulled some strings for the both of them to pass as descendants of one of the three Infernal Judges.ㅤㅤIt was easy for Thunder to pass--she had a large serpentine tail from her surrogate father that resembled the Infernal Judge Minos.ㅤㅤScythe was a little more difficult for Rono, which worried him.ㅤㅤBut Scythe had a very simple solution to this.ㅤㅤShe just requested Aeacus, who went by Aeac and was one of the three Infernal Judges, if she could become one. Aeac knew better than to challenge the Princess of Hell. Thunder's position could definitely not pull that off. Even Rono told her that.ㅤㅤScythe could be open about her transition to becoming a Demon of Fate, simply because of her position. Scythe could do whatever she wanted.ㅤㅤBut Thunder still didn’t let jealousy take over.ㅤㅤEven with her tail, Thunder had to be secretive. She wasn’t as well-known as Scythe, but she was still high-profile. Thunder was so motivated to improve Hell that she was ready to sacrifice her own identity. At this point, she had already read every document in Hell's library archives, so she no longer cared to be known as Paymo's daughter.ㅤㅤThunder faked her own disappearance. The registry shows that Paymo's daughter Thunder had ran away to the Lament and was consumed by savage outcast demons. After all, that is the stigma surrounding the Lamented. Some rumors claimed that Thunder walked in on a Succubus mid-transport to Earth, got transported instead, and was stuck on Earth. Which doesn't make any sense. But deep down, she still would’ve appreciated her hard work being noticed by Paymo.ㅤㅤHer mother Paymo didn’t care. Paymo was simply too focused on aiding Devil. Upon learning of Thunder's disappearance, she decided she would aim to have another child eventually.ㅤㅤEven Rono was quite disturbed by Paymo's neglect, but it at least made it easier for Thunder to take on a new life as a Demon of Fate and survey demon.
●●●ㅤㅤThunder's singular horn both looked like a lightning strike and a radio tower from Earth. And so, Tower was "born". Rono was proud of how well the name fit. Scythe thought the name was lovely.ㅤㅤTower always wore a long overcoat and cloak to hide her defining features. Eventually, everyone would forget how Thunder looked, so it wouldn't matter down the road.ㅤㅤMeanwhile, Scythe continued to find ways to support her reasoning for becoming a Demon of Fate. Her cover story was:ㅤㅤScythe wanted to become a Demon of Fate to try and find her childhood partner Thunder if she happened to be stuck on Earth or the Lament. Who would say no to her?
●●●ㅤㅤScythe quickly rose in rank as a Demon of Fate and became a research demon. While it was mostly because she was the Princess of Hell, many of the older Demons of Fate knew she deserved the promotion–she was very intelligent. Her studies alongside Tower proved helpful.ㅤㅤIf Scythe was considered smart among the Demons of Fate, obviously Tower should’ve been considered a genius. But Tower held back. Tower had an irrational fear that if she got promoted too fast, it would be easily uncovered that she was actually Thunder. It also wasn't easy to be promoted once one became a survey demon.
●●●ㅤㅤScythe’s endeavor to experience Earth with no repercussions led to her development of the Theorem of Permanent Possession. It was praised by many as a potential way of securing undercover demons on Earth for generations. Scythe gained the support and sponsorship of the three Infernal Judges, as well as her own father.ㅤㅤIn their off hours, Tower and Scythe would meet. The documents on Permanent Possession were considered classified, but Scythe did not mind sharing her findings with Tower. In fact, Tower would often point Scythe in the right direction and help her in research. Scythe owed the success of Permanent Possession to Tower's help. The more they met, the more Scythe was improving on her own research. Scythe's Permanent Possession research was prospering. Alliteration.ㅤㅤAlong the way, Scythe independently developed another project completely on her own. Tower was impressed. Scythe playfully dubbed this project Mendax Anima, or Lying Soul. Heh. Sounds like a band. Anyway, it was a work in progress, but the purpose was to eventually eradicate the need to depend on real human souls for sustenance.ㅤㅤScythe successfully created artificial souls. But they had no nutritional value.ㅤㅤAnd as Tower aided Scythe, the Theorem of Permanent Possession and Lying Soul gave Tower a revolutionary idea. And it was an idea only she could have come up with, given that she didn’t just extensively study the sciences like Scythe. She also studied the history of Earth, Heaven, and Hell.ㅤㅤIt was an idea that she began to develop and research in secret. And it was an idea that had the potential to defeat the angels.ㅤㅤLaplace's Demon.
●●●ㅤㅤTower grew frustrated–she was given assignment after assignment as a survey demon. It seemed as though the number of Succubae, Incubae, and other Demons of Lust were increasing. And inconveniently during the height of her research into combining ancient demonic power together.ㅤㅤThen she learned the reason for the burst in Succubae and Incubae numbers–it was one Succubus named Stag. She inspired a boom in Succubae and Incubae activity. Demons of Lust declined in number ever since the angels shut down their nonconsensual sexual practices, but Stag brought back their prime.ㅤㅤTower’s frustration grew even more as she realized she had no way to access the ancient remains of the two Nephilim–Behemoth and Leviathan. So she couldn't even test her theories.
●●●ㅤㅤTower was assigned to Stag. The mission that would ruin everything.ㅤㅤEverything led to Tower's demise. Her growing frustrations of Stag's cockiness and negligence of her warnings had an unexpected effect on Tower. She consequently began to neglect her survey demon duties altogether. She barely checked in on Stag. She barely communicated with her from Hell as survey demons usually do. Tower figured being hands-off on Stag's mission would be fine. After all, other survey demons who'd been assigned to Stag claimed they didn't need to do very much.ㅤㅤWhich meant Tower had more time for research. So she dove into it. And she finally made her breakthrough! The last piece of the puzzle turned out to be the very same Permanent Possession that she’d helped with.ㅤㅤOne caveat about Laplace’s Demon I didn’t mention. Tower kept it a secret from Scythe. Scythe–who created the idea of Permanent Possession and eagerly told Tower, was in the dark about this project.ㅤㅤIt didn’t help that the two never had time to meet up anymore. Significant time had passed, and at this point, their differences in ranks and busyness led them to grow distant.ㅤㅤMeanwhile, all the Demons of Fate heard of Scythe's research, and rumors bloomed among the Fates that Scythe was finishing up a procedure to test out Permanent Possession. Since the contents of the research was kept confidential from common demons, only the Demons of Fates were sworn to oath and in the know.
●●●ㅤㅤTower felt it was time to reveal her research to Scythe. Like a friend ready to host a surprise birthday party, she was excited. Stag was off on her own, and Tower took a break from her research. It was the right opportunity. They hadn’t spoken for a while, but surely this would respark their camaraderie.ㅤㅤBut Scythe was working on Permanent Possession’s testing phase. She was getting even busier and was constantly surrounded by other high-ranked research demons. Tower couldn’t get close to her.ㅤㅤTower then decided she would try to sneak into the laboratory during off-hours. Some rumors said that Scythe would stay in the laboratory until late, so it would be the perfect way to approach her.ㅤㅤTower was used to moving around in her black cloak, so it was relatively easy to sneak into the laboratory. Admittedly, security was not the best.ㅤㅤAs the disguised and cloaked Tower crept through the dim laboratory, Tower began shaking with excitement. She would reunite with Scythe, learn the progress of Permanent Possession, and reveal her personal project!ㅤㅤBut unfortunately, Scythe was nowhere to be found. Instead, Tower saw a small tank full of red fluid. She began to examine it closely until she suddenly heard footsteps.ㅤㅤPanicked, she swiftly fled through the corridor until she reached the end of the hall. And that was where Tower witnessed something even more extraordinary.ㅤㅤThe entrance to the Infernal Tomb. Where the remains of the Leviathan and Behemoth were known to be kept. As Tower approached it, she heard a loud stepping sound behind her.ㅤㅤIt was Rono.
●●●ㅤㅤBefore attacking the suspect, Rono realized who it was.ㅤㅤ"Thund--Ahem. Tower. What are you doing here?" asked Rono.ㅤㅤ"I was…I was simply attempting to find Scythe! Previously, we often met in secret! But she has been quite busy, and it has been much more difficult to reach her."ㅤㅤRono responded, "I should not be seen here with you. This will seem very suspicious. Run along. I will convey this to Scythe, so she can meet with you. And be careful on your way out."
●●●ㅤㅤRono had arranged for them to meet at the retired equipment building next to the laboratory.ㅤㅤThere she was.ㅤㅤBut Scythe seemed…Different up close. She had a new look to her eyes. Her teeth were sharper, her four scythe-shaped horns were longer, and she appeared much more menacing than before. Tower knew how Demons of Pride grew in terms of appearance. But it was more than just how Scythe looked. Tower couldn’t really tell what it was.ㅤㅤTower clenched her teeth.ㅤㅤ"Scythe. It has been quite some time."ㅤㅤ"Tower. Well. You have not changed."ㅤㅤTower sighed in relief that Scythe wasn’t upset, but she did sense a different air of familiarity than before.ㅤㅤ"Meanwhile, you have changed plentiful. Everything is…sharper. But that is not what I came here for. I wanted to ask you about Perm--"ㅤㅤ"Tower. I cannot. I cannot disclose any information, now that it is in its testing stages."ㅤㅤ"What? But I assisted you--"ㅤㅤ"Tower. I am grateful for that. But it is a crucial time. Rono spoke of you breaking into the laboratory. I will not report you, but do not do that again."ㅤㅤ"I…I am sorry. I did not know how I could contact you. And I understand. If that is the case, so be it. But even if you will not tell me about Permanent Possession, I have something I want to tell you! In fact, I must show you!" yelled Tower excitedly.ㅤㅤ“You may tell me. But as for showing me, I do not have the time. It cannot be more important than–”ㅤㅤ“Laplace’s Demon,” interjected Tower.ㅤㅤScythe’s eyes widened.ㅤㅤ“What? What do you mean? Laplace’s Demon…That was…the causal determinism postulated by a human,” Scythe recalled.ㅤㅤ“I can create it. An entity–no, a demon–a demon that can bend the very events of the universe in their favor.”ㅤㅤAnd that was enough for Scythe to follow Tower.
●●●ㅤㅤTower brought Scythe inside her living quarters to show her papers and research.ㅤㅤBut they weren’t there.ㅤㅤ"Wh-what? It was--"ㅤㅤ"Did someone steal your research?"ㅤㅤ"No. No! We have to find it. Those are important documents! They have the potential to cause destruction to Hell!"ㅤㅤ"Tower. Let us be honest with ourselves. Your independent research does not have any backing. No hundreds of research demons gathering data on it. It cannot seriously pose a threat. If it truly bothers you, simply rewrite it."ㅤㅤ"Scythe! Listen! The demon utilizes your Permanent Possession and artificial souls in order to be created! It includes very meticulous designs to create an artificial Nephilim!"ㅤㅤ"Nephilim? Extinct, ancient demons? As lovely as that sounds, Tower, it sounds presumptuous. As I said, just--"ㅤㅤA rustling right outside Tower's home.ㅤㅤ"Who is that?!" Tower exclaimed as she ran outside.ㅤㅤShe came across a young Succubus with three line-patterned marks on her forehead. One of the marks belonging to Asmodeus. It was Asmo's daughter. What in the world was she doing here?ㅤㅤThe young demon was in tears. Yet she had a furious look on her face.ㅤㅤThree Princesses of Hell gathered in one spot. Not only were Paymo and Devil higher-ranked than Asmo—Tower and Scythe were much older than this young child of Asmo. For a brief moment, Tower forgot that she threw away her identity as Thunder, and decided to use her authority.ㅤㅤ“What are you doing here?! You should be in Asmo’s palace! And!”ㅤㅤTower noticed that the child had crumpled papers in her hand.ㅤㅤ“No…Is that…Are those my research documents?!”ㅤㅤThe demon child tilted her head down, aimed her horns toward Tower, and raised her arms forward. This was a very disrespectful gesture in Hell.ㅤㅤ“Why! I am…I cannot believe! I will put you in your place!”ㅤㅤTower readied herself to reprimand the child, who began to run away. Scythe grabbed Tower by the shoulder. Tower looked at Scythe, and Scythe shook her head.ㅤㅤ“You are not the high-ranked Thunder. You are Tower. You will be executed if you attempt to reprimand Asmo’s child. And I will not help you,” explained Scythe.ㅤㅤ“This is—“ Tower began to speak, but Scythe dashed forward, grabbed the child, and brought her to Tower.ㅤㅤThe speed at which Scythe caught up with the child was unlike anything Tower had seen before. Scythe had become much stronger since they last met.ㅤㅤ“Unhand me, beast! I—“ the child began to speak, looked at Scythe’s eyes, then fell silent.ㅤㅤScythe’s presence was too commanding for anyone. Scythe picked up the child under the arms, carefully controlling her strength so as not to harm the child. She set her down in front of Tower.ㅤㅤ“Tower. Address your concerns with Asmo’s child.”ㅤㅤ“My name is Shophar! Call me Shophar, or else—“ㅤㅤ“Tower. Address your concerns with Shophar.”ㅤㅤScythe’s demeanor once again shut up Shophar. Tower calmed herself, then spoke.ㅤㅤ“What are you doing with my research documents, child?”ㅤㅤShophar did not answer. Scythe proceeded to extend her claws slowly. They were so sharp that, as they extended, the space around her claws seemed to warp. As if the air around it was moving out of the way.ㅤㅤShophar answered.ㅤㅤ“I…I wanna know where Stag is. She’s been on her longest mission yet. And…I asked around. Everyone said she was assigned to some nobody survey demon named Tower. I found your home in the registry and…and I wanted to leave you a note to…” Shophar began, then stopped speaking.ㅤㅤScythe extended her fangs.ㅤㅤ“Wait, wait! I wanted! I wanted to leave you a note to threaten you!” admitted Shophar.ㅤㅤTower hated it. The speech patterns of the Demons of Lust. They were much more casual and crude. Must be an effect of their interactions with humans. Shophar claimed the papers in her hand were a note? Tower believed Shophar at first but looked at the papers in her hand.ㅤㅤ“Lies. Those documents are for my research, not some stupid note to threaten me. Hand me that back. Scythe—have the child give those documents to me. And make her regret ever—”ㅤㅤIn the blink of an eye, Tower was on the ground. Scythe was holding her down with her immense strength. Scythe’s claws were aimed at Tower’s eyes.ㅤㅤ“We are not children anymore. I am higher-ranked and more accomplished than you. Do not ever dare to command me again. I simply helped you out of pity. I am the one, true Princess of Hell. You are nothing. Know your place, or you will truly never meet with me again.”ㅤㅤTower was shaking out of fear, but also noticed Shophar running away. Yet Tower knew better than to prioritize catching Shophar over her life.ㅤㅤ“I ap—I apologize, Scythe! Please…Do not harm me!” begged Tower.ㅤㅤScythe retracted her claws and stood up from Tower.ㅤㅤ“This may be our final farewell. Permanent Possession and Lying Soul will soon overtake Hell by storm. A new era of Hell will dawn upon us, with me at its helm! I wish you well, but there will no longer be a reason for us to associate with one another.”ㅤㅤTower, still on the ground, continued to stare in bewilderment and fear.ㅤㅤTower’s childhood companion was going to abandon her for the fame and glory that she always had a right to. After everything Tower had done to help her.ㅤㅤ“Farewell, Thunder.”ㅤㅤScythe dashed away.ㅤㅤAnd the little Shophar had escaped.
●●●ㅤㅤMuch time passed. Tower, depressed at the thought of all her research stolen by the Demons of Lust, realized that her revolutionary ideas could easily be construed and plagiarized. And because she was not high-ranked, no one would vouch for her.ㅤㅤShe regretted her decision to keep the research a secret. In her frustration, she turned back to her duties. She checked in on Stag, who appeared to be spending time eating dinner with a human. But this human was not her assigned victim. Tower was disgusted by Stag’s leisurely activities, considering Shophar seemed to be yet another Stag enthusiast.ㅤㅤAfter some time, Tower gathered her resolve again. She did not have the will to recreate her research on Laplace’s Demon. If someone higher-ranked like Asmo had her existing research, and Tower came out with similar research, she’d be the one accused of plagiarism and executed.ㅤㅤSo she instead looked into Scythe’s research. Tower had helped with them the most. If she could find a way to improve them and present them, it might give her a chance to possibly talk to Scythe or become a research demon. Which she realized she should have aimed for all along.ㅤㅤTower dove deep into Permanent Possession and artificial souls, simply based off of what she recalled about them when helping Scythe with her research.ㅤㅤBreaking the barrier between death and life. Between Hell and Earth. Amniotic fluid for artificial souls. Permanently possessing a human and avoiding angel detection. An unlimited supply of food for demons. Tower recalled all these ideas from Scythe’s research and developed them on her own.
●●●ㅤㅤTower was stubborn. She was ready to sneak into the laboratory again. Her version of Permanent Possession would be different. If successful, it would give one demon the ability to transport other demons to Earth permanently. To test this, she needed a sample of the fluid she had seen in the laboratory before. Tower knew what its purpose was.ㅤㅤLaboratory security was still lacking. It was clear most demons would never think to do something like this simply out of fear of the stronger demons. Tower was able to sneak in past hours. Knowing that the rumor of Scythe staying in the laboratory during late hours was false, she was much more prepared this time.ㅤㅤShe found that same room with the red fluid, but things had changed. The tank was larger. There was more monitoring equipment, and…ㅤㅤThere was a creature in the tank.ㅤㅤA singular fetal creature, connected by multiple tubes and lines in the center of the tank.ㅤㅤWas this…Laplace’s Demon?ㅤㅤNo, Tower thought. That couldn’t be. It didn’t match her research. This creature must be an artificial demon Scythe was creating to test Lying Soul. She quietly collected a sample of the fluid in a tube and hid it deep in the pockets of her cloak.ㅤㅤShe was ready to leave, but the temptation was strong. She triple-checked her surroundings, and Rono was not here this time.ㅤㅤShe made her way to the entrance of the Infernal Tomb, and opened the door slowly. She walked through the creepy corridor, until she got to a room labeled ‘Nephilim’ in demonic language. She began to shake.ㅤㅤIn this room were the remains of the Leviathan and the Behemoth. The two most powerful demons to have ever existed. She could see the silhouettes of gigantic tanks on the other side, and she slowly crept past all the other Nephilim remains on the way.ㅤㅤGadreel, Ramuel, Azkeel, Suriel, and many more. Tower recalled these names from the historical stories she read in the library as a child. Others were missing, such as Tamiel and Azazel. Were they perhaps still alive? No matter. Tower reached over, grabbed a very small sample of Ramuel’s remains into a vial. This was too valuable. She couldn't just keep it in her cloak. She swallowed the vial, just as an extra precaution to make sure she would keep it in the case she had to abandon her cloak. After all, demons have slower digestive systems than humans, and it was mostly souls. Tower even changed her mind on her previous sample of the red fluid, took it out from her cloak, and swallowed it, too.ㅤㅤAs she made her way down the hall, her steps became quieter and quieter. The sound of fluid pumping and the whirring of machinery was drowned out by Tower's fear. Everything else became silent.ㅤㅤShe looked up at what appeared to be Behemoth's head. His skin looked almost metallic. Gigantic teeth—no…tusks? It was hard to tell. If Behemoth was an elephant-like demon, it was difficult to tell whether there was once a trunk or not. Regardless, what terrified Tower were his enormous eyes. They were not closed. It almost appeared as if they were staring right at her, and the beast was ready to roar and alert everyone of her trespassing.ㅤㅤWhich was obviously not the case. But Tower could not shake the feeling of being watched by Behemoth. She turned to the right of the Behemoth and forgot to breath for a moment. She had a short coughing fit, readjusted herself, and looked at the remains of Leviathan floating in a tube.ㅤㅤLeviathan's head down to his torso.ㅤㅤIt wasn't just her fear that caused her to have trouble breathing. The Leviathan had poisonous breath that couldn’t be stopped by physical barriers. At that moment, Tower wasn't sure why she didn't die. She was thankful to be the daughter of Paymonia. It was likely that a relatively stronger King could not be killed by Leviathan's breath. Temperature was rising as well--Leviathan could breath fire and transform his skin into scorching temperatures, despite being a primarily aquatic demon. In fact, Leviathan was known to boil the body of water he was in, mercilessly killing lesser angels, careless demons, and ancient humans while drowning them.ㅤㅤTower didn't stay for very long. The size of the Leviathan did not allow her to truly get a decent understanding of his body structure. Her demonic eyes' wide peripheral vision could vaguely see the body of the Leviathan, and the surface of the skin was indescribable. The Leviathan was truly a demon of Chaos.ㅤㅤShe left in more of a hurry than she was in when she first entered. She did slow down once she exited the Infernal Tomb.
●●●ㅤㅤShe sighed in relief. She was still safe. Tower was prepared to leave but noticed one more unlabeled room she had not checked. The temptation continued.ㅤㅤShe went into the room to find out it was the primary research room. Documents and high-tech Demonic technology made from precious metals were laid out across the room. Excitedly, Tower skimmed through the documents.ㅤㅤShe noticed Scythe's handwriting among the notes.ㅤㅤThere was a new project Scythe was working on. Its demonic language name roughly translated to ‘Opening to the Earth’. What…What was this? Tower was so confused. Upon reading through the project, it became somewhat more clear.ㅤㅤSome humans had contacted the Demons of Fate using ancient witchcraft. The Fates used this opportunity to manipulate them into gathering abandoned children in a secret facility to raise them. This was in order to find the perfect host for…ㅤㅤLaplace's Demon, perhaps?! No. Tower assumed the worst. She read on. It was a human experiment to find a host for Permanent Possession. Eventually, the rest of the children would be killed, and their souls would be harvested to test against the artificial souls that Scythe was creating. Interesting.ㅤㅤTower became so absorbed in reading the documentation.ㅤㅤShe did not notice the multiple guards that had arrived.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Tower. You are far too predictable. We watched your every move. Except, of course, your entry into the Infernal Tomb. We did not truly expect you to enter it. And as you entered, we were somewhat expecting that you would fall to the effects of Leviathan's breath. That you would not come out of the Tomb," Scythe spoke.ㅤㅤ"S—Scythe! I…I have ideas to tell you! I can improve your research! Arrange for me to become a research demon! I will prove to be useful to you! In fact, you would not have gotten this far if not fo--"ㅤㅤTower's arm had been sliced off within seconds.ㅤㅤStanding behind Scythe, Rono shook his head. The rest of the research demons shook in fear. They had never seen Scythe so infuriated. She did not speak another word and gestured for Tower to be taken away. The Calumniator demons holding Tower brought her out as she screamed in agony.ㅤㅤTower was stripped of all her belongings. No one had found the sample she took from the tank, but no one had any confidence that she would accomplish anything if she did have it hidden anywhere.
●●●ㅤㅤAfter Tower was captured, she was expecting to be executed. She must have been deemed powerful enough, right?ㅤㅤWrong. Yes, Tower was Paymo’s daughter. But she did not inherit Paymo's strength—only wisdom. And since she went by Tower, no one would even consider her to be strong as an average survey demon.ㅤㅤWhile Tower was relieved that she would not be executed, she wasn't fond of the idea of being considered a weak demon. Even though that was literally the case.ㅤㅤTower was brought to Stag and she expressed her frustrations at her. She was shortly exiled after, reunited with her ragged cloak.ㅤㅤTower damned all her misfortunes at the Demons of Lust. And the one who betrayed her. The Demon of Pride and Princess of Hell, Scythe.
Chapter 26 ● The Pain and the Warehouse
ㅤㅤVein has too many names, bro.ㅤㅤVein. Natsuki. Kiki. Yijom. Little blob thing. Last one is my own personal nickname for her. The next time I see Vein after I wake up from this dream, I'm going to squeeze the life out of her.ㅤㅤHere’s the recap. I’m having the dream that Cerus wanted me to have. I’m pretty sure it was supposed to end when Jaimie’s mind was taken over by Laplace’s Demon, though. But here I am. Seeing from Laplace’s eyes. In front of Joni. Lotta names. I’m really starting to hate names. But yeah. The motherfucking Joni. The one who started the restaurant I work at. Yeah.ㅤㅤ"Laplace. I won't ask you too much. I don’t even know how much you can understand me. And honestly, I'm happy to be away from that Scythe demon. But I just want to make sure. You're not going to attack us, right? And you're not going to hurt anyone else?" Joni asks.ㅤㅤI nod my head. There is no possibility that I would try to hurt Yijom. I do not completely trust Gionna, who now wishes to be referred to as Joni. But for the sake of this Seedling, I will not cause any harm to Joni. It was I who decided to help Joni after all.ㅤㅤWe begin to walk along the same path I took to find Yijom.
●●●ㅤㅤAlong the way, we encounter some minor aggressive demons. They must be smelling Joni's scent and wish to consume her. But once they see me, they usually retreat. And when they do not, I give them a sampling of my Hellhound strength. I would assume that Hellhounds are powerful enough to be executed, not banished. So it must be surprising for demons to see me, a demon that would not typically be found in the Lament.ㅤㅤMost of these rogue demons cannot audibly speak. Just like me. I am Joni's only point of communication, as I can understand English. Yijom only speaks…infant.ㅤㅤWe do encounter some demons that can speak. But since the three of us cannot audibly speak demon language, I figure it is better to ward them off. They eventually react the same way as the inaudible demons.ㅤㅤBecause we walk at Joni and Yijom's pace, it is taking us somewhat longer to get to our destination than it would if I were alone. But I do not mind. There is an instance where Joni claims she is hungry. Assuming Azazel granted her a half-demonic body, she should be able to consume demon food, which does not provide real sustenance as souls do. Regardless, demon food should satisfy her hunger. We find an abandoned orchard of various Hellfruits, and Joni is able to consume them.ㅤㅤWith my guidance, we arrive at the area relatively close to where I found Yijom. Ah, yes. It was behind those buildings in the distance where Yijom peeked and approached me. Time must be unreasonable for Joni, a human from Earth. If she did not have this enhanced body that Azazel gave her, she would have died from old age while she was in the fountain. Who is to say that–ㅤㅤWhat is that?ㅤㅤPink…No, it is bright red. It smells like…Like me. It is a floating demon of sorts. Based on its appearance, it must be some kind of Spectra.ㅤㅤOnce again, I am baffled. I do not have any knowledge of this kind of Spectra in my memory.ㅤㅤIt makes a squeak noise and dashes toward Yijom with relatively quick speed. I do not know this demon's power. I jump in front of Yijom, ready to attack.ㅤㅤBut the demon stops before it gets anywhere near me. Its eyes are focused on Joni.ㅤㅤ"Wait! Laplace, don’t attack it just yet! It looks harmless. I mean, look at its jelly body!" Joni says.ㅤㅤ"…Ooma!" exclaims Yijom.ㅤㅤ"Ooma?" Joni questions.ㅤㅤ'Ooma' is not a word in demonic language. Nor English, at least to my knowledge. It must be infant speak. Wait. Does Yijom know this floating demon? Perhaps it was searching for Yijom.ㅤㅤI get distracted by this analysis, and Ooma approaches Joni slowly and just looks at her.ㅤㅤIt starts squeaking rapidly and louder.ㅤㅤ"Wha–what's happening?! Are you okay, little jellyfish?" Joni asks in worry.ㅤㅤOoma slams into Joni, squishing its face into her chest. And its squeaking begins to sound like crying.ㅤㅤ"Aw! There, there. Are you lost? We can find your home!" Joni reassures Ooma.ㅤㅤOoma looks up at Joni as she embraces it.ㅤㅤ"Aw! It's so cute! I wish some humans could see how cute…" Joni begins to speak, but suddenly slows her words to a halt.ㅤㅤI tap my snout against Joni, trying to ask what is the matter.ㅤㅤ"Oh. It’s nothing. This jellyfish demon reminds me of an infant I took care of in the Crater,” she says.ㅤㅤOoma stops crying for a moment. Then it begins to cry louder. This prompts Yijom to begin crying as well.ㅤㅤYes. I am surrounded by 'crybabies', as humans playfully say. I am unsure who I should console first. My predispositions would prioritize Yijom the most.ㅤㅤBut as I approach Yijom, the unthinkable occurs.ㅤㅤYijom's small horns begin to grow. Unbelievably fast. Is this an attack? No, it must be a reaction to its sadness. But! I have never heard of such a demon whose horns grow this fast.ㅤㅤI bite Joni's arm, along with Ooma, and bring us back away from Yijom. Those horns do not resemble that of an infant. They look extremely sharp, even comparable to my Nephilim-level horns.ㅤㅤI release them both from my jaws and place them gently on the ground. Now that Joni and Ooma are a safe distance from Yijom, I try to slash away at the horns. But even with my speed and strength, it is difficult to slice through them all at the rate they grow. My power is not enough. Not in this form.ㅤㅤI must save Yijom, no matter what. Yjiom is crying in pain. I do not have any other way than to use my Nephilim powers. Even Azazel had more control over his abilities than I. How do I gain control?!ㅤㅤScythe. My creator.ㅤㅤI begin to pull Scythe's horn out, but quickly stop. I do not want to summon Scythe so close to possible victims and hostages. She very well could worsen Yijom's condition. I decide it is better for me to run away for now and come back with the ability to control my powers.ㅤㅤI dash away from Yijom's continued growing. Please stay safe, Joni and Ooma.
●●●ㅤㅤI am in an area with no buildings nor small abandoned towns in sight. I pull Scythe's horn out from my side.ㅤㅤEverything…Everything suddenly turns black and I cannot move.
●●●ㅤㅤI awake with Scythe's face directly hovering above me. I jolt and back away.ㅤㅤ"Laplace's Demon. It has been some time. Controlling time is a hefty power. Should you gain control of it independently, angels will flock to you and possibly bring about the beginning of a catastrophic Heavenly War. With my guidance, you can learn how to use them with no repercussions. And you will be able to save that infant demon's Overgrowth."ㅤㅤIn my attacking stance, I stomp my feet.ㅤㅤ"Fear not. I have not kept you under constant surveillance. I simply do not have the luxury nor the time. I simply looked upon your recent situation once I felt my horn loosening from your body. For your obedience, I will teach you how to use your Nephilim abilities and let you save that infant. But after that, you are sworn to me forever."
●●●ㅤㅤDude, I really really hate Scythe. That's so manipulative. I mean, like, yeah. That's been Scythe and Camilla from the start.ㅤㅤAs Laplace, I watch as Scythe grabs my horns with her left hand. With her right hand, she extends her teeth and bites into my neck in a vampire-esque fashion. Nice.ㅤㅤIt actually…Oh. Oh, shit. OH, SHIT! OH, FUCK!ㅤㅤBRO, THIS FUCKING! OW, HOLY SHIT!ㅤㅤTHIS IS SO FUCKING PAINFUL, WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL! IT'S LIKE EVERY--IT'S LIKE EVERY FUCKING NERVE IN MY BODY–ㅤㅤFuck. FUCK, dude!ㅤㅤAh ha…Help. Help. Fuck…Cerus…Please…It hurts so much…Why is Scythe's bite so…so fucking…painful…Holy shit…I…ㅤㅤAhaha…Ouch. Please make it stop…Oh, my God…ㅤㅤI'm burning up…I fucking hate this dream…I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it…This is worse than Vein's Overgrowth…I'd rather be stabbed a billion fucking times by my own horns than once by Scythe's teeth. This is…Oh, my God, I…Ah…ㅤㅤShit, shit…I want to wake up. I want to wake up. I want to wake up. Please, please. I feel like I'm going to die from shock. Please…
●●●ㅤㅤBeep. Beep. Beep. Beep.ㅤㅤMonitors beeping. I'm back. I'm awake. For real this time? Squish. This is. That's Cerus' belly. Oh. Sorry. Um. I lift my head up, and a voice speaks behind me.ㅤㅤ"Hello? Adonis? Um. We need to run some more tests on Julia. Do you mind stepping out of the room for a little bit?"ㅤㅤ"O--Oh, yeah, sure. And no worries."ㅤㅤThis nurse just watched me squish Cerus' belly. God. I'm so fucking stupid.ㅤㅤI leave the hospital room and just sit on a bench outside. I’m begging for that belly touch to not give me another Cerus dream. Anyway, how much time has passed? I swear, that was an eternal dream. Ugh. I'm just glad Scythe's bite was over. I'm still feeling chills from the pain. It was everything at once. Burning, stinging, nausea, dizziness. I was ready to die, honestly.ㅤㅤShit. I’ll get my mind off of it. Let’s just focus on what I know. So Laplace. Laplace is like…a handheld gaming console. From, like, the 2000s. An empty husk without AA batteries. In this case, Laplace’s batteries are the soul of a little girl. Wait, nah—scratch this nerdy-ass metaphor. Basically, Laplace needs Jaimie’s soul to work.ㅤㅤI am curious about what happens after the bite. Based on the dream I had after touching Vein, Laplace probably gained control of her power and managed to save Vein from her Overgrowth attack.ㅤㅤThen, I—as Don the demon—found Vein and Tib.ㅤㅤBut then it becomes a question of what happened to Joni and Laplace. And how Laplace eventually became the Cerus that I know today.ㅤㅤSome things aren’t lining up perfectly, but I can’t really dwell on it right now.ㅤㅤNeed to think about literally anything else. That dream is fucking me up. I know, I know. I'm suppressing the first half of that dream. It was so graphic. And I felt every part. So…don't want to think about it right now. Don't want to think about the events in the Crater. Think about something nice.ㅤㅤCerus. It was nice to talk to her again. But shit. I really outed myself as an uncontrollable horndog. But I didn't really have a choice there. I hope she comes back.ㅤㅤI really do.ㅤㅤBut…now that brings me to the most surprising thing Cerus told me.ㅤㅤThat Shophar is the culprit.
●●●ㅤㅤTurns out that insanely long dream was only 9 hours in real time. I don't remember exactly, but I fell asleep on Thursday night around 1:00 AM. It's currently Friday, 10:13 AM.ㅤㅤI call Stag and let her know that I'll be on my way to the warehouse soon.ㅤㅤNow that I know Cerus' condition, I don't think I need to stay with her at the hospital.
If anything, I'm more worried about Vein. If all the demon girls are at the warehouse with Tib's two older brothers, then that would mean Shophar is there, too.ㅤㅤI can't believe it.ㅤㅤShophar. I've known her since I was a teen. I know she's stubborn, a hardhead, mean-spirited, unapproachable, crude, straight-up a bitch…ㅤㅤAnd sexy. Sorry. That doesn't mean anything.ㅤㅤWait, no. I hate her! Why the fuck did she stab Cerus? Does she even know Cerus didn't die? If Shophar didn't make sure Cerus died, then did she consider that Cerus might survive and rat her out? What a dumbass plan.ㅤㅤI'm just glad she didn't straight up kill Cerus. That'd be a billion times worse.ㅤㅤWhat am I going to do? It's obvious that Shophar has Super Succubus Powers. I doubt that it's just the sexual attraction thing. I know she also has super strength, too. She hurt Helix pretty bad during their fight, even though Helix is definitely athletic and in-shape. The only ones who could stand a chance are Ante, Anvil, and Claw. But Ante is her best friend--she'll probably defend her and accuse me of being misinformed. Anvil and Claw are usually hands-off of pretty much everything. Who knows if they're even at the warehouse with everyone else?ㅤㅤI'll…I'll feign ignorance. There's no way it'll go down well if I make a big deal right from the get-go.ㅤㅤAnd it won't be suspicious if I act weird around Shophar. After all, Shophar probably already knows I'm uncomfortable with her, given that she…ㅤㅤOh, my God. She sexually assaulted me. Oh, my God. What the fuck? I know. I know. I had that nightmare where she went the full way. But…In real life. She really did assault me. How did I not process that as sexual assault? What the actual hell?! Wait, no. I know it's an effect of trauma. The fact that I haven't thought about it in a while means I probably suppressed it pretty hard. This is about to be the most fucked up thing I've ever said, but.ㅤㅤPersonally, the reality that people close to you could sexually assault you is more terrifying than Mr. E, a pedophilic piece of shit. But honestly, it's a similar case. Mr. E was someone physically close to Jaimie. Ugh. It's disgusting. I don't like thinking about the dream.ㅤㅤThat's reality. It's actually disgusting.ㅤㅤIt's gross. I don’t want to think about him again.ㅤㅤInvestigator Don time. Any motives that Shophar might have? Hm. Cerus barely spoke to Shophar. During work, Cerus has pretty much been with Helix for the majority of the time. At the karaoke bar, they didn't speak either. I think they've only ever greeted each other. Cerus has probably been scared of Shophar since first meeting her, given Cerus' personality. A motive, though? I don't know!ㅤㅤAaaaaand I'm here.
●●●ㅤㅤI hug Stag instantly. Really tight. I probably tear up a little, but I'm not going to admit that.ㅤㅤ"Don…"ㅤㅤStag starts to cry, too.ㅤㅤI'm right outside the warehouse with Vein and Stag. Looks like everyone else is inside. Probably out of respect for this family reunion happening.ㅤㅤ"Don! I love you! Hope you're okay!" Vein exclaims as she joins in on the hug. Stag releases me. I pick up Vein by the armpits and swing her around. I bring her down and kiss her a slobbery smooch on the cheeks.ㅤㅤ"Bleh! Ew!"ㅤㅤI put my pinky in her ears.ㅤㅤ"Ah! Don! Rrrg!"ㅤㅤVein bites me through my shirt. I forgot that demons have sharp canines and incisors. Ouch. I wonder if that counts as skin contact. I mean, I already kissed her, so it doesn't really matter.ㅤㅤI karate chop her head. Then I feel a karate chop on my head.ㅤㅤ"Why do you two do this? Let's just go inside," Stag orders.
●●●ㅤㅤLet me explain. I used the word 'storage facility' interchangeably with 'warehouse'.ㅤㅤWe're not just renting one storage room at a storage facility. We actually own the whole storage facility itself. So yeah, it's a giant warehouse with a main reception room. Genuinely suspicious of where Stag gets this money. Maybe Joni was just a rich bitch. Sorry, Joni. I mean Ms. G. I mean Gionna. Whatever. I don't really know.ㅤㅤEveryone's here.ㅤㅤStein is showing Wing and Dent some of her newest gem hauls. Hope they are actually entertained.ㅤㅤCrescent is asleep on the couch next to Swan, who's reading a book. Hot.ㅤㅤTower is sitting at the receptionist desk. Appropriate location for my babysitter from Hell who abandoned me.ㅤㅤThrough the reception room's window to the warehouse, I see Claw dribbling a basketball and playing with Helix and Tel. Claw may be a short pipsqueak, but she's clearly got handles compared to Helix and Tel.ㅤㅤTib is terrified of basketballs and is cowering behind her older brother, Buron. Behind Buron is the enormous Ranro, the eldest brother of the Tiblings. He's asleep. I'll make sure to greet Buron. He's cooler than Tib, at least.ㅤㅤAnte and Shophar are squatting near one of the open garage doors of the warehouse, with Shophar smoking and Ante just chilling. The chillest person in the world next to the girl who almost killed my friend. Among other things. Hm.ㅤㅤSo no Anvil? I should just leave right now.ㅤㅤJust kidding, obviously. Wonder where she is.ㅤㅤI'm a celebrity. For the most part. Most of the girls gather around me, interrupting their previous conversations. Majority of them know I don't like physical touch, so they just come up to me and greet me. I don't give a fuck whose dream I get. Just not Cerus'. Haha. Already touched Vein, too. Anyway, Crescent stays asleep through all this. Helix notices me from outside the reception room, blushes, and turns away, continuing to play with Claw and Tel. None of whom care to greet me. That's all good. The Tiblings, Ante, and Shophar haven't noticed me yet.ㅤㅤSwan asks how Cerus is doing. Before I answer, Stag makes a gesture for her to change the subject. She ends up just asking if I'm okay. Tower does her usual friendly greeting, which I'm still kind of wary of. Out of habit, I fist-bump Wing's shoulder. I know, I know. I did that with Cerus before. It's just a thing I do. Don't read into it. I look to the window, and it looks like Helix saw me fist-bump Wing. That's probably not going to go down well.ㅤㅤThings calm down in the reception room, and Stag stays with Tower. Stag says to meet back at the reception room in thirty minutes. I step out into the actual warehouse garage, where everyone else is. Vein follows behind me.ㅤㅤHelix has the ball in her hand, then notices me approaching. She scrambles and drops the ball, giving Tel a chance to take the ball and pass it to me unexpectedly.ㅤㅤI suck at any and all sports.ㅤㅤIt hits me in the stomach, and I cough and gag a bit.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Woops," says Tel.ㅤㅤHelix comes to my defense, saying, "Come on, Tel! You know Don can’t–”ㅤㅤ"Nah, he'll be alright. Look, he's getting back up!" answers Tel.ㅤㅤAs I collect myself together and get up, Claw immediately ignores me and dashes past me toward Vein. She embraces Vein.ㅤㅤ"Vein!" she exclaims.ㅤㅤ"Ngh!" Vein tries to weave out of her grasp.ㅤㅤHelix comes up to them and pries Claw away.ㅤㅤ"She hasn't seen her brother in over a day. Let her spend time with him, okay?" Helix tells Claw.ㅤㅤ"Oh…Okay," Claw looks disappointed, but she listens to Helix. It honestly feels like Claw respects everyone but me. Tel and Claw go back to playing together.ㅤㅤHelix just looks at me.ㅤㅤ"H–Hey, Don," she says.ㅤㅤ"Hey, Helix."ㅤㅤ"Glad to see you're doing good."ㅤㅤ"Yeah. It's good to see you, too."ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤI feel a tug on my shirt.ㅤㅤ"Um. I'm going to play with Tib. Are you going to hug big sis Helips?" asks Vein.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, go ahead. Um. Yeah, sure," I answer.ㅤㅤI go up to Helix, gesturing a hug.ㅤㅤShe backs up and is blushing like crazy.ㅤㅤ"…Or not."ㅤㅤVein has already walked off to Tib and her two older brothers.ㅤㅤ"Ah! Sorry, Don! Just--I'm honestly a bit flustered. I--If you really want to hug, I…I don't mind. Just need to mentally prepare myself…I'm sorry for blowing up at you the o--other day. It was--"ㅤㅤI hug her and she shuts up.ㅤㅤAfter a few seconds she hugs me back and tightens her grip.ㅤㅤ5-second hug. It shouldn't feel as long as it actually is. I'm so glad Tel is pre-occupied with Claw, or I'd be getting teased to Hell.ㅤㅤI look across. Ante and Shophar are faced away from the inside, so they still haven't noticed me. Good.ㅤㅤ"You're good, Helix. Let's catch up later. I'm going to greet the Tiblings," I say as I end the hug. I managed not to make skin-to-skin contact. It’d be interesting to eat Helix’s dreams, but now is not the time.ㅤㅤShe doesn't say a word and just walks toward the reception room.ㅤㅤI come up to Buron, who excitedly floats up to me. I return him with a massive hug. He's so gelatinous and huge, I can somewhat sink my face into him and leave a temporary imprint. It's hilarious. I do so, and Vein and Tib share a chuckle. I leave Ranro alone, since he's still asleep.ㅤㅤI turn to the next direction.ㅤㅤUgh. Let's do this. Time to talk to Ante and Shophar.
Chapter 27 ● The Sorry and the Suspicion
ㅤㅤ"Hey, Ante. Shophar."ㅤㅤAnte and Shophar jolt a little bit at my voice. Damn.ㅤㅤ"Oh! Don! Welcome back! Hope you're okay!" says Ante as she comes up. She almost hugs me, then stops.ㅤㅤ"I'm doing good! Just need to calm down a bit. A lot has happened."ㅤㅤI look toward Shophar, who hasn't stood up nor acknowledged me.ㅤㅤ"Yep, you definitely need to relax. Hey, Shophar. Go on," says Ante.ㅤㅤShophar turns her head away. She puts out her cigarette.ㅤㅤ"Shophar…Come on. You wanted to tell him," Ante continues to urge.ㅤㅤ"Ante. Just drop it," Shophar says sternly.ㅤㅤHuh? What?ㅤㅤ"Shophar. I knew you’d get cold feet. Come on. Tell Don what you wanted to tell him."ㅤㅤ"…" Shophar begins to bury her face in her arms.ㅤㅤLiterally what the fuck is happening?ㅤㅤ"Shophar. You did something wrong. Something I normally wouldn't ever forgive you for. I wouldn't even be talking to you right now in any other circumstance. But you have to prove yourself."ㅤㅤHuh?! Did Shophar confess to stabbing Cerus? And Ante is chill with that?! Hello?!ㅤㅤ"…" Shophar buries her face even deeper.ㅤㅤ"SHOPHAR!" Ante shouts.ㅤㅤWoah. Ante shouting. What is happening to the universe right now?ㅤㅤShophar stands up and crosses her arms together. She looks away from me.ㅤㅤAnd her eyes are bloodshot red from…crying? What.ㅤㅤLet me just explain to you. Shophar is the tallest demon girl. She's taller than Stag, who towers above the rest of us.ㅤㅤTo have this terrifying powerhouse cry in front of me is so…foreign to me.ㅤㅤBut she's still an evil person. I can't let this get to me. Especially not my sexual harasser.ㅤㅤ"Shophar. Say it now, or you will regret it forever. I don't care how long we've been friends. If you keep saying to drop this, I will drop you right now if you don't tell Don," says Ante.ㅤㅤ"…"ㅤㅤAnte begins to flare up, which--once again--is very rare.ㅤㅤ"SHO—“ㅤㅤ“Don…,” Shophar finally speaks to me. And Ante calms down.ㅤㅤI don’t know what to say, so I keep my mouth shut.ㅤㅤ“I’m sorry.”ㅤㅤHuh? For stabbing Cerus? Yeah, I’ll bet she is.ㅤㅤ“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You don’t have to forgive me. I’ll fucking get it if you don’t. I’m a piece of shit.”ㅤㅤ“You have to say it exactly. Otherwise, those are all just empty words. Do it,” encourages Ante.ㅤㅤ“…I’m really fucking sorry. For what I did at the karaoke bar. I can’t explain myself. I can’t forgive myself. I don’t fucking know! I don’t know why you and Helix haven’t told anyone. And now Cerus only knows me as a…” Shophar starts to speak, but falls silent.ㅤㅤAh. She doesn’t want to say it out loud.ㅤㅤWell, that’s not fair, is it? Putting aside the possibility of her faking all this because she fucking stabbed Cerus—I don’t think I plan to forgive her anyway. But how the fuck does she think this would work? I’m the victim here. And she can’t even admit to what it is she did specifically. She doesn’t even have the decency to say it. Unbelievable. I’m fucking pissed. And I’m not fucking scared of her.ㅤㅤ“…Say it,” I demand.ㅤㅤ“H—Huh—“ㅤㅤ“Say it.”ㅤㅤAnte steps in.ㅤㅤ“Shophar. He wants you to say specifically what you did. I know I told you that not everyone wants to hear it, but Don wants you to say it. Or he can’t accept your apology. Is that right, Don?” Ante explains and asks.ㅤㅤI nod my head.ㅤㅤShophar sighs. Her face is red. She shakes her head, pats both of her cheeks with her hands, and looks directly at me. The slit of her eyes are thinner than usual, and her eyes are getting more bloodshot…ㅤㅤOkay, I lied. I’m still a little scared of her.ㅤㅤ“Don. I’m sorry for sexually assaulting you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t ask for your consent. I’m sorry. The alcohol was no excuse. The truth is that alcohol doesn’t actually affect my body. I’m sorry for touching you the way I did. I have no excuse. I’m. I’m really…I’m—I’m re—really—really—re—really s—s…”ㅤㅤShophar is really breaking down into tears. She can barely speak. Oh, my God. Is this a legit apology? I mean. I’ve never seen her act before. She’s always been the same bitchy person. She’s never faked a customer service routine at work. I…I think it’s real? But that doesn’t explain the stabbing. Maybe she's had such a guilty conscience from the stabbing that it made her realize that what she did to me was wrong? Gah! I literally don’t know!ㅤㅤ“D—Don…D—D—Don…”ㅤㅤYeah. Nah, bruh. She can’t speak. Damn. I didn’t know she cries the hardest out of anyone I’ve ever seen. Even Tib.ㅤㅤWe’re not exactly completely outside of the garage. We’re kind of right where this garage door is. I’m sure Helix, Tel, and Claw will notice us in a moment. Vein, Buron, and Ranro are on the opposite end, so they wouldn’t see us.ㅤㅤAnte seems to notice this, too. She lightly pushes the crying Shophar outside and toward the wall where they can’t be seen by anyone else. I follow them. Then Ante speaks up.ㅤㅤ“Shophar might not be a crybaby, but when she cries, she cries, haha!” Ante says as she tiptoes to pretend-pat Shophar’s head. I guess Ante avoids touching her, too. Shophar is too busy crying and wiping her eyes and snot to notice Ante’s jab at her. Phew.ㅤㅤ“She can’t speak right now. She said this was most likely going to happen, and that it was okay for me to talk for her. At first, she started this really gigantic text. Then, I told her she should try to say it in person. She admitted she wasn’t the best at talking, so I told her to finish her text. Is it alright with you if I read it to you? Or would you rather wait for her to stop crying and try to tell you herself?”ㅤㅤHaha. The sadistic side of me wants to go with the latter. But I’m better than that. It’s cool.ㅤㅤ“It’s cool. You can read it, “ I affirm her.ㅤㅤ“Sweet. Shophar, you hear that? I’m going to read it to him, alright?” Ante turns to Shophar and says.ㅤㅤ“A—A—Al—Alrig—Eugh—Alright…,” Shophar attempts to say.ㅤㅤThis is great.
●●●ㅤㅤ“‘hey don. i know u prob aint tryna talk to me. i did some fucked up shit the night we did karaoke. i dont have any excuse. i cant say sum bullshit bout bein a succubus. that was all me n i admit it. youre pretty smart so i think u could tell i used some of my succubus abilities. im sorry. u dnt have to forgive me n shit. im pathetic for what i did. if u want me to give u a reason why i did it, i honestly dnt know what i would tell you. but i can tell u just how ive been feelin lately. again its no excuse. and this gon sound fucked up too but pls listen.ㅤㅤive known u the longest of all the employees here. i met u first before u were a boy. or wen u went by bein a girl. idk if thats the right way to say it. srry if it’s wrong. idk im not good at all that shit. i was rude abt all that wen u first got possessed. u got me to realize that its fucked up to think that way. and srry i curse so much. im just really bad w emotional things.ㅤㅤi watched u grow. at first i wanted to be a big sister to u. but i just have this weird thing w stag. i grew up in hell. i aint tryna tell u my whole life story, but i was a spoiled single child shit head that looked up to stag n wanted to be a good succubus like her. then she got all soft n brought me to earth w her. ive been so pissd off at her for a long time bc she kept disapointin me. n i realize i was never the older sister tht u could look up to. i kept goin for as many guys as i could to try and make up for what stag isnt. its not a lifestyle i enjoy, but its sumn i thought i needed to do for myself. i realizd this a lot of times, but i thought it was too late to try n be a good person to u. and i hav resting bitch face.ㅤㅤu grew up. youre a grown man, n i cant say that shit abt wantin to be your big sis figure. and now it gets weird as hell. youre actually cute. i didnt think id start likin u like this. idk what it is. so i got some thoughts in mmy mind n shit. cuz i pull lots of guys i thought youd be the same. but at the same time i was insecure n aint know if i was your type. n I didn’t want to use my abilities so i held back.ㅤㅤthen i noticed helix been likin u. she this cute bubbly chick. i aint know if she ur type but i kept my eye on her. wanted to make sure she dnt pull no moves on u. but u also started chillin w her a lot more. i even ask ante what she know abt it. idkㅤㅤthen serrus showd up. i could tell right away she was your type. tht fucked me up.ㅤㅤall the frustration boiled up n shit. i made the decision to touch u like that. im not proud of it no more. i dnt think i ever was.ㅤㅤi dnt deserve to be someone in your life after what i did. i planned to ask stag if i could move out to another state. but this whole thing abt scythe started happenin.ㅤㅤbut after its over, im going to go thru with my decision. u dnt gotta forgive me. but im rly sorry don. youre a good guy n i took advantage of that.’”ㅤㅤAnte takes a deep breath after reading all of that.ㅤㅤI have never heard Ante curse so much. Damn, Shophar. You got Ante cursing like Sailor Don.ㅤㅤI am astounded. No shot she’s faking this. And nothing seemed to slip up about stabbing Cerus. Wait. Hold on, hold on.ㅤㅤDid she actually stab Cerus? Why have I been so quick to believe Cerus? Cerus doesn’t really have a good resume when it comes to telling the truth.ㅤㅤShophar continues to bawl her eyes out after it was all read by Ante, who then follows up.ㅤㅤ"She told me she cried so much writing that message, by the way."ㅤㅤNo way. There's no way this girl stabbed Cerus. I'm so confused.ㅤㅤ"Ante. Can I talk to you for a minute alone?" I request.ㅤㅤAnte looks at Shophar, who's still bawling.ㅤㅤ"Yeah. Let's go over here and talk quietly."
●●●ㅤㅤ"What's up, Don? And sorry, I choked up a little reading that, too, haha," Ante says, wiping away a tear.ㅤㅤ"Has Shophar told you anything else? Apart from what happened at karaoke? Specifically about Cerus?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Um…No? Just what was in that text pretty much. She's admitted to me that she's jealous of Cerus. That's about it. Why?"ㅤㅤ"N--Nothing! Has she been out late lately? Haha. Late lately."ㅤㅤ"I'm not sure. I’m starting to think something’s up with you. Tell me, Don. You might regret not being honest with me later."ㅤㅤ"Ugh. You're right. Okay. Please don't think I'm crazy for this."ㅤㅤI briefly explain to Ante my interactions with Cerus. Not the mushy cute stuff. Just the parts about me having the ability to eat dreams. Which eventually leads me to explain that I was able to talk to Cerus in my dream. And who the stabber is.ㅤㅤ"Please believe me! I know it sounds crazy. But, I mean, look at you and Shophar's super strength! You have to admit that we don't know much about ourselves as demons."ㅤㅤAnte shakes her head.ㅤㅤ"You don't know Shophar that well. And I don't blame you at all. Yes, what she did to you was unforgivable. I can't abandon her because I love her. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that she didn't stab Cerus. She would never think of doing that. She wouldn't even hurt a fly. She's the most delicate girl you could ever know. It's just that she's terrible at even remotely expressing herself. She gets scared easily. She gets terrified even thinking of the future. When she was promiscuous back in the day with multiple guys, she would vent to me how frightened she'd be at every step in those temporary relationships. If you knew the things she’d let men do to her because she was afraid of lashing out and killing them from her strength, you’d understand. She didn't say it in that text, but she told me that after what she did to you at the karaoke bar, she planned to go outside and smoke. Right before she did, Helix approached her and got really upset. Shophar, doing what she always does, was just dismissive about it and ended up taking a taxi home. She admitted she cried that entire taxi ride. She felt unbelievably guilty and didn't tell anyone else but me.ㅤㅤShe plans to apologize to Helix, but she's such a coward. You might think that, just because she acts the same way all the time, that it's her true self. But it isn't. Just because she acts that same way in front of everybody doesn't mean that's who she really is. I know. It sounds counterintuitive. Shophar is a product of terrible parenting and constant expectations. Both from her dad and herself. She's the only demon other than Stag who came from Hell directly. The rest of us don’t know what it’s like in Hell. Even older demons, like Stein, only have spotted memories from Hell. That can't be easy to hold on to. That's bigger than just moving countries. The fact that she even trusts me enough to tell me her secret insecurities is the reason I love her and can't leave her alone."ㅤㅤ"I. Wow. Um…"ㅤㅤI look over to Shophar, who's now only sniffling. That’s progress.ㅤㅤOkay.ㅤㅤThese past two weeks have taught me some crazy shit. Everyone has insecurities. People you don't expect. You don't have to forgive people for the fucked up shit they do. You don't even have to accept their apology. It's not always worth seeing things from their perspective. But most of the time--it is.ㅤㅤ"Alright. That's all I needed. I believe you. I'm sorry if I came across as strong with those suspicions," I confirm.ㅤㅤ"It's okay. If I was in your shoes, I'd feel the same. But I just have to tell you how confident I am that you're wrong," Ante says.ㅤㅤI nod, walk up to Shophar, and look up at her. She covers her face and turns away.ㅤㅤ"I accept your apology, Shophar. But I need more time before I can forgive you. I consider those two things separate. And I'm alright with you being physically near me. It sounds weird, but maybe I should get to know you more before I decide whether I want to forgive you or not. And especially before you move. Is that okay?"ㅤㅤShophar nods.ㅤㅤI lightly grab her hands and pull it away from her face.ㅤㅤNow that she's not bawling, I realize how crazy Succubae are.ㅤㅤShe just cried the River Nile away, and she's breathtakingly beautiful. I'd even say her post-crying face is even cuter in its own way.ㅤㅤ"N—No…If you t—touch me, my powers w—will do something!” Shophar says.ㅤㅤ"So will mine." I remark.ㅤㅤ"H—Huh?"ㅤㅤ"Listen, Shophar. I have—"ㅤㅤSuddenly, I hear an announcement over the warehouse's PA system.ㅤㅤ"Everyone, please gather in the reception room!" calls Stag.ㅤㅤI look at Ante. I quickly say thanks for the explanation and that I feel a lot better about the situation compared to before.ㅤㅤ"Except for Buron and Ranro! You are both way too big. Everyone else–Inside, please!”ㅤㅤLooks like it’s time for us to go. But…Shophar wasn’t kidding. Her powers have done something to me. I didn’t hold her hand for that long. I am wet as fuck and thinking of some very…graphic things.
●●●ㅤㅤIt took me a while, but the effect of Shophar’s powers are finally gone. If it didn’t go away, I would’ve had to take an extra long bathroom break to…fix it. Ah, but if I did that, I’d be the only one missing from Stag’s meeting. And they’d search for me. So, yeah. It’s a good thing it’s gone. Anyway.ㅤㅤㅤShophar wouldn't even hurt a fly?ㅤㅤWhat about what I saw at the karaoke bar? When she clobbered Helix?ㅤㅤWhat about the stabbing?ㅤㅤCerus promised she wouldn't lie again or manipulate me. Was that yet another lie?ㅤㅤGive me a second to think about it. Breathe.ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤOkay. I think I get it. Playing the part of Laplace gave me a hint. Cerus doesn't have full control of her powers. They activate at odd times. She said that, like me, she also saw Shophar beating Helix's face against the bar counter. Then she used her powers to change reality.ㅤㅤBut I’m confused about Cerus’ wording. She didn’t say she could time travel. She didn’t say she could change time or anything like that. She said she ‘manipulates’ it.ㅤㅤLike, let’s be honest. My dream-eating dreams can sometimes feel like time traveling to the past, but they’re more like Ebeneezer Scrooge-type time traveling. You know, where I can only observe. Not like in Back to the Future. Where Marty’s mom started crushing on him. That was so fucked. Sorry, spoilers. I mean, come on. It’s an old movie. A classic. You can’t blame me.ㅤㅤOh, I also have to remember that my dreams may be allegorical depictions of the past. Not literal. So, they’re kinda like time-traveling to the past on acid.ㅤㅤNo, what Cerus said was different from any of that. Cerus said she ‘set an alternate timeline’.ㅤㅤThat part is stuck in my head. Right after that, she mentioned that she can’t change how the dream goes and where it ends.ㅤㅤIf that’s true for her dreams, it’s probably true in general.ㅤㅤCerus has no influence over the past.ㅤㅤShe can control the present, and consequently, the future. But remember—she didn’t say ‘change’. She said ‘manipulate’. So I don’t really know what she can do. I just know what she can’t.ㅤㅤI glance at Shophar. Ante is comforting her and keeping the other demon girls from seeing her post-crying face as we all walk toward the reception room.ㅤㅤAnte is the only person Shophar has ever opened up to. I have to trust that. I have to trust that Shophar wouldn’t have beat Helix that night.ㅤㅤShophar and I make eye contact for a split second, and she turns away instantly.ㅤㅤHold on. There’s a hole in Cerus’ story.ㅤㅤCerus can’t change the past, right? And according to Ante, Shophar has always been like this.ㅤㅤTherefore, Shophar was never going to beat Helix.ㅤㅤCerus didn’t have to do any time manipulating or whatever in order save Helix. She would have been fine. It’s not like we’ve switched to an alternate universe where Shophar has always been a raging, violent maniac since childhood. If Shophar had such a bad temper that she’d be willing to beat Helix, I’d have seen her beat down some bad customers we’ve had in the past.ㅤㅤBut she never has. Ante is right. Shophar is non-violent.ㅤㅤCerus’ ability—whatever it is—caused Shophar to beat Helix to near death. Maybe it wasn’t her time-related abilities. She must have more. Like, I think Cerus really does have the ability to manipulate time. It’s just that I’m doubting she used it to save Helix.ㅤㅤOne thing’s for sure. Cerus lied to me. Or, at the least, kept things from me. Again.ㅤㅤI can't imagine a reason why Cerus would go out of her way to keep things from me again. And what would be her motivation for hurting Helix like that?! After all Helix has done for her?ㅤㅤBut now the other hole in her story has gotten even bigger. Cerus’ hole. Haha. Wow, I am really out of line.ㅤㅤCerus claimed Shophar stabbed her. I don’t believe it. Shophar didn’t stab her. She could easily have stabbed herself. But that’d be so stupid. There’d be zero purpose to that.ㅤㅤEither Cerus was covering for someone, or she was being tricked by someone.ㅤㅤWho else could have done this?ㅤㅤWho could have stabbed Cerus?ㅤㅤOh, shit.ㅤㅤWhat if this has to do with Scythe?!ㅤㅤWhat if…What if Scythe has power that can manipulate time and space? Or what if she has some kind of shapeshifting ability like Stag and framed Shophar? She could’ve transformed into Shophar and purposely stabbed Cerus the way she did? How much of what's happening does Scythe know?ㅤㅤOH, SHIT!ㅤㅤIf she has a transforming ability, who's to say that…ㅤㅤThat she isn't in the warehouse right now?ㅤㅤThat she could be any one of the demon girls here?
Chapter 28 ● The Speech and the Approach
ㅤㅤWe’re all gathered in the reception room. I honestly think this place used to be an auto-repair shop before it was a storage facility. There are leftover sheds outside of the main facility, so it's a little bit ambiguous. From car shop to storage to mafia meeting spot. Nice.ㅤㅤHelix is at the opposite end of the room from Shophar. I guess things are a bit awkward between them. At this point, Shophar has her sunglasses on. She’s covering her post-crying bloodshot eyes.ㅤㅤStag grabs a step ladder, stands on it, and begins her announcement. That's gotta be an OSHA violation.ㅤㅤ“Everyone! Thank you so much for listening and coming all the way here! I know this is off-hours, but as most of you know, this is non-work related. This is for all of your own safety. And I’ll try to keep it brief. If you have questions—please save them for the end! I’m hoping I can answer as many of them just by going through what I need to.”ㅤㅤEveryone is attentive. Much different from a work meeting. Stag continues.ㅤㅤ“We have all kinds of demons gathered here. We have dream demons, fallen angels, reincarnations, descendants…the list goes on! However! Me and Joni’s main goal has always been to foster an environment where any demon can feel at home with a secure way of living among humanity. The goal was not to make demons feel like they have to become human. You are who you are, no matter what anyone tries to tell you or define you as. That’s always been my belief.ㅤㅤBut not every demon feels that way. Enter Scythe.ㅤㅤA few of you have some idea of who she is, but most of you have no clue.ㅤㅤOn the surface, she’s just like you all–she needs to possess a human just to be here. In a way, that’s the advantage that Sho—Shophar and I have over her. As you all know, neither of us two are possessing anyone. We’re in the same forms we took in Hell. Yes, I did shapeshift one last time before arriving to Earth, but my physical being was transported here. Meanwhile, Permapos is how you are all here. This is where Scythe is a little different. Her possession isn’t permanent. She can possess a human and return to Hell. This is how a Spectra demon–or ghost–works, but their abilities are extremely limited. Scythe can go back and forth, just like that. And you might be wondering how I know all this. That’s thanks to someone here who helped Scythe learn how to do this. None other than our newest bartender, Tower!”ㅤㅤMost of the girls gasp, not already knowing who Tower really is.ㅤㅤ“That’s right! Tower is the reason you are all here. If not for Tower, we wouldn’t be here.”ㅤㅤEveryone’s staring at Tower. Eager to see her get embarrassed, I curiously join them in staring. But I’m wrong. She’s grinning. It’s almost smug. Is…is she a narcissist?ㅤㅤ“While Tower can’t go back and forth like Scythe can, she invented Permapos. Though you might be familiar with it, there’s more than you probably know. Permapos is not actually a method that just any demon can use. It’s an ability. An artificially-made ability that’s granted to a single demon. It allows Tower to send a demon’s soul to a human’s body. And that’s any demon–not just herself.ㅤㅤShe can’t just do this whenever she wants, though. The skill takes an unbelievable toll on Tower, which is why we only use it once a year. The next step is difficult–that’s when Tower and I work together to find the demon we sent here. This can take months. Even years sometimes. We only recently found Wing and Dent. Even if you’ve seen Wing on posters as the supermodel Ye-Jun Seok, you’d never see her horns unless you meet her in person.ㅤㅤSo we’ve succeeded, but slowly. One major obstacle we haven’t truly overcome is memory. We can’t choose how demon memories and human memories mix and match–it’s almost always human memories that take over. You may remember when you were first possessed. You noticed changes in your body like it was puberty all over again. But nobody but you could see them. Some people would call you crazy. And some of you just accepted that something supernatural was happening to you. But your mental health would still constantly fluctuate. Your sense of identity was questioned.”ㅤㅤEveryone is listening even more intently now. Looks like those words struck a chord. Stag told me some of this that other night, but this amount of detail is unheard of from Stag.ㅤㅤ“And for that…I’m sorry. I’m sorry. We’re sorry. We’re truly sorry for causing that pain. I wish you didn’t have to go through that. I wish everyone could have been brought to Earth like Shophar and I. No human-demon mix-up. But there is a positive spin to this. You’re all unique. Whatever demon you are didn’t just choose any random human. The demon you are and the human you are were compatible for a reason. You are 100% demon, and you are 100% human. I don’t care if that math doesn’t add up–you are you. No one can take that from you. And the important part is that you are loved. You are wanted. Or you wouldn’t be standing here today,” Stag says, starting to tear up.ㅤㅤThe mood got all weird and emotional.ㅤㅤ“U-Uhm, anyway! Here’s Tower to tell you more about Scythe. S–Sorry for the little moment I had!”ㅤㅤStag, noticing the shift in attention, says, “Also—please don’t bombard her with questions later! She’s busy getting info on Scythe.”ㅤㅤTower comes up, and Crescent starts clapping. Claw claps twice, but quickly stops when she realizes no one else but Crescent is clapping. I’m surprised Vein didn’t join in. But then again, Vein doesn’t like Claw, so it makes sense she’d avoid copying her.ㅤㅤ“Ahem. Hi, everyone! I’ve already introduced myself to each of you. So I’ll jump straight into it. This is my first time on Earth. Ever. In my entire existence. I have seen Earth from the eyes of hundreds of demons for hundreds of years, but I have never stepped foot on this planet. I knew that one day, I would have to use Permapos on myself. And now that I have…I can no longer go back. You all are the last remaining Permapos demons.ㅤㅤBut the timing couldn’t have been better. Scythe chose to appear after I made it to Earth, so I can be more involved in helping you all. But hey! Let’s talk about Scythe. Her ability–Interpos–is versatile, but she can only use it on herself. But that begs the question: Does she possess the same human each time she’s here? And even more: How many times has she used it?ㅤㅤWe don’t know the answers. But we do know that her being on Earth poses imminent danger. As a Demon of Pride, a Demon of Fate, and a Sorcerer, Scythe is strong. Scythe is the true embodiment of chaos. Her goal isn’t to eradicate angels or bring glory to Hell. She doesn’t want to kill every human being or oppress weaker demons. Nothing like that.ㅤㅤNo—She wants to be the one everyone looks at. She wants to be the center of attention. Among all three realms—Heaven, Hell, and Earth.”ㅤㅤHonestly, this info-dumping is gruesome. I am getting a little sleepy. But now would be the worst time to dream another Shophar-induced dream.ㅤㅤA little voice pops up out of nowhere.ㅤㅤ“Is she evil?” Vein asks.ㅤㅤ“Vein! I told you to save questions for later!” Stag scolds her.ㅤㅤ“Sorry…,” Vein apologizes.ㅤㅤ“Stag, no need to be harsh on her! She’s just curious! Yes, she’s evil,” Tower confirms.ㅤㅤ“But she hasn’t done anything, and you said she doesn’t want to kill us,” Vein responds.ㅤㅤ“Yes, well. Um. She’s evil. That’s all you need to know. That may not mean much, given that you’ve all just met me. But you need to trust me.”ㅤㅤI glance around the room at the other girls’ faces. I’m sensing some distrust throughout the room. They’re thinking the same thing I’m thinking. Why didn’t Stag tell us about Tower before? Why are we only meeting her now? And she’s pretty insistent that Scythe is a bad person. Like, I know she is, thanks to the Cerus dreams. And that she was an ignorant douche to me. But everyone else here is expected to just believe all this. And they’re being told so by someone whose existence has been kept a secret for years. Tower continues.ㅤㅤ“As I said, we recently learned that Scythe is nearby. One of us here actually encountered her. I won’t name who exactly.”ㅤㅤMaaaaaaaan. Yeah, I’ll keep my mouth shut for now.ㅤㅤ“Imagine—for years, I’ve been trying to capture this villain, and, out of nowhere, she just suddenly decides to appear and—“ㅤㅤ“Was it Don? Was it Don who met Scythe?” asks Wing.ㅤㅤStag just shakes her head in disappointment from all these interruptions. But of course she’s nicer to the new girl and says nothing.ㅤㅤTower puts her finger up as if to say something, but she nervously doesn’t utter a word.ㅤㅤI step forward.ㅤㅤ“Yep.”
ㅤㅤVein, upon realizing that I was face-to-face with a bad guy, suddenly gets nervous, walks up to me, and hugs my leg. Everyone’s attention shifts to me this time.ㅤㅤ“What was she like?” Wing asks.ㅤㅤ “She was…She was kind of annoying,” I admit.ㅤㅤTower sort of just laughs.ㅤㅤ“A manipulative Demon of Pride who wants to ruin everything, and your complaint's that she’s annoying? You’re hilarious, Don!”ㅤㅤ“Tower—try not to be too negative. We have kids here,” Stag requests.ㅤㅤ“Right. Sorry. So. Scythe shouldn’t know where we are. Stag has kept the location of this warehouse extremely secret. She’s well aware of your human backgrounds to make sure we don’t have connections to Scythe."ㅤㅤUm. I don't think Stag did a very good job, considering Cerus IS THE FUCKING RED HONEY. A.K.A. LAPLACE. A.K.A. THE DEMON THAT SCYTHE CREATED. Cerus must have really pulled some strings to have a fleshed-out fake background as Julia Becker that slipped under Stag’s radar.ㅤㅤI've decided to keep my mouth shut about all my insane newfound knowledge from Cerus' dream. It would be too much to explain, it would worry everyone, and it would make them question my sanity. I wonder if Tower knows about Laplace.ㅤㅤBut I can't keep that thought from earlier out of my mind. The fact that it's possible one of us is Scythe. In this very room. I take a look at Vein, who looks right up at me and smiles. Yeah. Definitely not Vein.ㅤㅤStag and Tower alternate in explaining some safety precautions. Yeah. Definitely picking up a few words here and there. I'm honestly not listening. Too focused on the mystery at hand.ㅤㅤSome things I need to keep in mind:ㅤㅤㅤㅤ1. I don't know whether Scythe can literally transform her physical form or just create an illusion.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ2. If Scythe can transform physically, I don't know if she can use other demons' skills, like Drop's fire abilities.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ3. If she can transform but can’t emulate abilities, she could still blend in by pretending to be one of the demon girls with super strength.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ4. I’m doubtful that Scythe can emulate their personalities and mannerisms, so that’s helpful.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ5. But the scariest thing of all—I don't know how much Scythe knows. I don't know if she has been watching me from the start. Does she know all my interactions with every demon?ㅤㅤSo it’s definitely possible she’s pretending to be someone strong. But it’s more likely that she’s someone new. We don’t know the mannerisms and habits of the newer demons.ㅤㅤWell, these are assumptions. Let me try this one-by-one.ㅤㅤStein. Stein's an older demon, but she basically has no memories of her time in Hell. She’s no different from a middle-aged superstitious woman. I'm less suspicious of her, since she has a very peculiar personality. She's still next to Wing and Dent, both of which are listening very intently to Stag.ㅤㅤWing. Wing seems to really like and respect Stag. She's newer, but her bratty, spoiled, and tactless personality might be easier for Scythe to impersonate. Just because Scythe acts pretty similar. I'll be wary of Wing.ㅤㅤDent. Dent seems to really like Tower. She seems to be more attentive when Tower is the one speaking. I don't entirely know Tower and Scythe's history together, but Dent would definitely be a target for Scythe. I'll keep an eye on her.ㅤㅤCrescent. Crescent is still on the couch using Vein’s old Bunban plushie as a pillow. She keeps yawning. It's hard to fake a yawn. Especially a Crescent yawn. Show me a girl who can do a full mouth-gaping-open yawn and still look cute as hell. I'm less suspicious of her, but she is a very lowkey and under-the-radar person. I'll still watch her closely.ㅤㅤSwan. Swan the sweetheart. She was quietly reading a book earlier. I would have reason to suspect her…but she was stroking Crescent's hair while reading earlier. Like an older sister. Swan's an only child, so she's been known to do things like that. Scythe could never be Swan.ㅤㅤTower. She's too knowledgeable. I'd be hard-pressed to see someone actively talk shit about themselves if she was Scythe. But maybe that's what Scythe wants me to think. Grr. Well, I won’t suspect her for now.ㅤㅤDrop. Drop is standing there looking pretty. I'd buy the whole world for Drop if I could. If the whole world was against Drop, I'd burn it to ashes. Bro, I’d kill for Drop.ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤRight. If Scythe is impersonating Drop, I will not show any mercy to Scythe. Even though I know she could probably flick my forehead and kill me. I talk to Drop a lot. I’d detect it easily after a conversation.ㅤㅤClaw. Claw. An ex-Cherub. A literal ex-angel. You could be the reincarnation of a demon that used to be an angel. But to actually have lived as an angel at some point? That’s something only Claw and Anvil can relate to. There's no way Scythe would risk it. None of us know very much about Claw. Even more so with Anvil. We know next to nothing.ㅤㅤSpeaking of Anvil, where is she? She's probably the most powerful of us all. Who's to say she's not as powerful as Scythe? There's no shot that Scythe would even think of trying to impersonate her. Wait, pause. Maybe Anvil isn't here…because she is Scythe? Nah. I’m overthinking this. I'll ask Claw later why Anvil isn't here. But I do have Anvil under scrutiny. Let's be honest. She's always under my scrutiny. I’m trying to have her scrutinize me if you know what I’m saying. Sorry. Moving on.ㅤㅤHelix? I’m closer to her than most of the other demons. I know her pretty well. Her reactions earlier were definitely Helix-worthy. I'm doubtful that she's Scythe.ㅤㅤTel. Tel has a very specific personality that Scythe, even with her evil nature, could not emulate. No amount of murder can make you a theater kid. Theater kids honestly might be worse than murderers.ㅤㅤAnte and Shophar…If Scythe is Shophar, then I'm going to go absolutely insane and won't know what to believe anymore. But in all seriousness—Nah. I highly doubt it.ㅤㅤBut Ante…is a little bit suspicious. She has been somewhat out of character lately. I get it, using the fact that she cursed a lot earlier doesn't really justify my suspicion. But there is something else that seems a little off. It could be that I’m just not used to her being…less chill. I'll keep an eye on her.ㅤㅤThe Tiblings are out of the question. Yes, Scythe could disguise as one of them and observe everything that's going on. But I think there'd just be too many nuances with disguising as them. The mass ratio wouldn't make sense. And they're really one of a kind. Plus—if Scythe was one of them, the other two would have to be suspicious. They may not be able to speak English language, but they're not stupid. Well, except Tib. Tib's dumb. Stupid-ass crybaby blob.ㅤㅤThe only one left would be…Stag.ㅤㅤYou know what? That's possible. I won't rule it out. We may very well be manipulated by Scythe's words coming out of Stag's mouth. I don't know how, but it's possible. Though I feel like Tower would notice it, given that she's apparently known Scythe and Stag for a long time. Also, Stag’s my mom. I should know.ㅤㅤThat…that's everyone.ㅤㅤWing, Dent, Crescent, Ante, and Stag. Those are my top suspects. I won’t completely rule out everyone else, but those are who I'll actively keep an eye on.ㅤㅤOh. What? You're suspecting me? Are you fucking dumb? Get out of here with that shit.ㅤㅤOh. What? Cerus? You think Cerus might be Scythe? Are you stupid? Shut up. How would that even work?ㅤㅤI tune back into what Stag is saying.ㅤㅤ"Thanks, Tower. Pretty much everything she said is extremely important," Stag concludes.ㅤㅤNice. Good thing I heard none of it.ㅤㅤ"And with that—are there any questions?" Stag asks.ㅤㅤHelix raises her hand.ㅤㅤ"Yes, Helix?"ㅤㅤ"Tower said she might have unbelievable abilities, like teleportation and manipulating time and space. Isn't that impossible for us to fight against? We wouldn’t stand a chance. We wouldn’t be able to do anything against her if she does have those abilities."ㅤㅤ"That's a reasonable question. That's exactly why we're leaning toward the idea that she doesn't have these abilities. She hasn’t done anything all this time. If she had abilities, she likely would’ve used them by now. But it's important to tread lightly. Personally, I’m very skeptical of all of this. Not that I don't believe Tower. I've known Tower for a long time and I trust her. But it is a fact that I've never encountered Scythe. Tower?" Stag passes the ball to Tower.ㅤㅤ"You have to understand: Scythe is the Princess of Hell. She's very much real. We don't know much about the scale of her current abilities. I've already told you what we know about Demons of Pride and their pre-existing abilities. Make sure to stay cautious of anything else she might have. To my knowledge, both her and my research focused on giving abilities to artificially-created creatures. But if there's even a 1% chance that Scythe somehow also gave herself these abilities, then we have to stay light on our feet."ㅤㅤThe urge to tell them what I know is bubbling up, bro. If Scythe is among the demons here, then letting my suspicions be known might make her panic and slip up.ㅤㅤBut it would also create chaos, which Scythe would absolutely love.ㅤㅤI’ll keep quiet. Maybe tell one of the demons I trust here? In any usual case, I’d tell Helix, but she’s not in the right mind for it. Ante and Crescent would be next, but they’re under my suspicion right now. Should I tell Wing? No, I don’t know her well enough. Swan? I don’t really know her that well, either. I doubt she’d believe me. Hm… I need…ㅤㅤSomeone who’d be willing to listen to me right now. Probably should be someone strong. Someone I know well in terms of personality.ㅤㅤShophar?ㅤㅤBro. That’s a terrible idea.…ㅤㅤBut. She’d definitely listen to me. Yes, I’d be taking advantage of her emotional state, which is fucked up. But it’s not like I’d be ordering her around to grant her forgiveness. I just need someone I can trust right now. Ironically enough, I think she’s the only one I can trust right now other than Tower, who might cause panic.ㅤㅤI told Shophar I needed time from her…but fuck it. My logic isn’t the most sound, but I need someone to talk to right now.ㅤㅤI look around. It looks like everyone has some questions, but I don’t think anyone will get a good answer. Considering Stag and Tower keep saying ‘we don’t know’ to everything.ㅤㅤ“Is that all? Okay. To conclude, we will stay here for the whole day tomorrow or until Tower gets some more information. She’s working hard to get a better grasp of the situation. Okay! Dismissed! We’ll order pizza later tonight! If you can’t eat pizza, let me know.”
●●●ㅤㅤI catch Shophar before she can disperse with Ante. Ante notices, nods, and ends up walking over with Crescent and talking to her.ㅤㅤShophar notices me approaching her and forms a look of confusion. She begins to brisk walk away.ㅤㅤ“W—Wait, Shophar! Hold on!” I call after her.ㅤㅤShophar stops. I go up to her, panting like a dying hog.ㅤㅤ"Hue…Huff…Shophar…Hold up…" I try to speak.ㅤㅤShe looks at me in silence. She looks almost disgusted. Is it her attractive resting bitch face? Oh, her disgusted face also looks like her flustered face. Funnily enough, I’m also flustered, but it’s because I have the versatility of a brick.ㅤㅤ“Can I steal you for a bit?” I request with my breath catching up to me.ㅤㅤShe seems confused, looks around, then nods. Well, I assume she’s looking around. She still has her sunglasses. Hopefully Helix doesn’t notice us sneaking away together. Shophar and I walk back to the outside of the garage door.ㅤㅤI don’t go into too much detail, but I basically explain that Scythe might be among the demon girls here.ㅤㅤAt first, Shophar is shyly turning her head away, but she eventually turns directly to me after hearing about Scythe. I can sense her gaze. Her hot, steamy gaze. Sorry. It’s her Succubus powers, dude. I swear.ㅤㅤShophar speaks up, "If that's true, wouldn't I be the most suspicious? I mean, I even met her in Hell, and I act like her."ㅤㅤ"No. Your apology was for real. I may not know know you, but I at least know you."ㅤㅤShophar seems confused. Maybe because I suck ass at explaining myself.ㅤㅤ“Look–you’re not Scythe. I just know you’re not. I genuinely feel like you’re the only one I can talk to right now.”ㅤㅤShophar blushes behind her sunglasses. I can’t believe she likes me, dude. That’s the biggest paradigm shift ever. If I’d known she did, I’d…Um. I don’t know. Anyway. Wait. Did she just say…ㅤㅤ“Did you say you met Scythe in Hell?”ㅤㅤ“Yeah. As a kid. She was really quick and shit. Saw her with Tower. Here on Earth, I even didn’t recognize Tower at first, ‘cause I only know how she looked like in her demon form.”ㅤㅤ“That’s…wild. So Tower and Scythe used to be friends or something. Is there anything you know that would help us find out if she’s here?”ㅤㅤ“Hm…she has a superiority complex. I watched her betray Tower in front of me as I ran away from her. I don’t know. I think you may have spoken to her more than I did.”ㅤㅤ“True. Well. Here’s what we’re gonna do, Shophar. You’re now my partner in crime. Or. Um. My detective partner. Is there a word for that?”ㅤㅤ“Wha-what we gonna do?”ㅤㅤ“We’re going to interrogate everyone. Ask them questions only they would know the answer to.”
Chapter 29 ● The Interrogation and the Spoon
ㅤㅤShophar responds.ㅤㅤ“That makes sense, but what if Scythe knows all our shit and how we act?”ㅤㅤ“Well, if that’s the case, then this would still be helpful. Better than doing nothing.”ㅤㅤ“I’ll. I’ll only do it ‘cause you’re asking me to. I’m at your mercy right now.”ㅤㅤ“No, no. I want you to help me because you want to help me. Not because of the whole forgiveness thing. Say you want to help me.”ㅤㅤ“Hold the fuck up. Isn’t forcing me to say I want to help you the same thing as forcing me to help you?”ㅤㅤ“No.”ㅤㅤ“I…”ㅤㅤ“It isn’t. Because…It's not. It's different.”ㅤㅤShophar chuckles a little bit. She kinda cute with it, though.ㅤㅤShe takes her sunglasses off, trying to be cool before she speaks. But her eyes are constantly blinking and alternating between looking at me and away from me.ㅤㅤ“I want to help you,” she states and smirks.ㅤㅤ“Hell yeah!” I tiptoe and pat her head.ㅤㅤShe doesn’t swat my hands away. She’d probably break my wrists if she did. Instead, she drops to her knees and covers her head with her hands. Her mouth is open and she looks dazed.ㅤㅤGod! It feels good to tease her. She bullied me so much in the past. Am I taking advantage of her feelings? Maybe just a little. Hey, dude. I never said I was a good guy.
●●●ㅤㅤAfter we recollect ourselves, we begin our interrogation. This is about to be a whole episode.ㅤㅤMy plan is to talk to those five that I'm most suspicious of. Wing, Dent, Crescent, Ante, and Stag.ㅤㅤThe nearest to us is Ante. We're starting off strong, it looks like.ㅤㅤI walk up to her with Shophar following behind like a tall bodyguard. Ante speaks up first.ㅤㅤ"Don! I'm surprised. Did you two make up already?"ㅤㅤ"Kind of. She's still in timeout, technically."ㅤㅤI look behind me.ㅤㅤShophar looks pissed and is clenching her fists. I think I'm pushing her too far. Right now, I might not mind getting hit by her.ㅤㅤ"Don…Don't mess with her so much. She's under a lot of emotional stress. I know it's pretty much her fault, but there's no reason to stress her out even more."ㅤㅤ"I'm almost certain she's enjoying it."ㅤㅤAnte turns to Shophar.ㅤㅤ"Shophar. You know he's trying to get back at you for all the times you've messed with him. Is that okay with you?"ㅤㅤ"I…I don't mind," Shophar answers. Her ears are super red.ㅤㅤ"Don. What in the world are you doing to her?"ㅤㅤ"Nothing! I'm just playing! Anyway. Ante. Do you remember…When we were kids, what you did when we played Demonhunt, and I hid in one of the restaurant storage boxes?"ㅤㅤ"Don, we're talking about Shophar right now."ㅤㅤ"Ante, please answer his question," Shophar interjects.ㅤㅤ"I swear, Don. You're blackmailing her. It's messed up."ㅤㅤ"No! I swear I'm not!" I retort.ㅤㅤ"Alrighty, fine. If I remember right, I picked up the box and was surprised it was lighter than usual. I threw it aside, and you shrieked in pain."ㅤㅤThat's right.ㅤㅤ"Oh, yeah! Thanks!" I say abruptly.ㅤㅤShophar and I walk away instantly.ㅤㅤI glance behind and see Ante looking insanely confused.ㅤㅤThe reason I suspected Ante despite her being so knowledgeable about Shophar was that she was just acting so different than usual. But I guess the reason for that really was because of Shophar’s mental state.ㅤㅤIs she completely in the clear? I wouldn’t say so. But that’s enough for me.ㅤㅤShophar puts her sunglasses back on. I make my way toward Dent, but my eyes catch Drop, who’s at the door between the office room and the garage itself. Although Drop wasn’t one of the main five that I’m suspicious of, I’ll go ahead and interrogate her, too. You know. Gotta make sure Drop is cool. Yeah.ㅤㅤ“Don and Shophar! I’ve barely talked to you both today. Don—did you really meet Scythe? She sounds scary,” Drop asks.ㅤㅤ“Yeah. Apparently, Shophar also met her a long time ago in Hell. We’re both kind of just walking around right now. But that’s beside the point—do you remember that one time? When you showed off your fire abilities by pointing a finger at a birthday cake in the break room of Joni’s? Do you remember whose birthday it was and how old they had just become?”ㅤㅤ“Is this a trick question? It was obviously Vein’s birthday. The cake was strawberry. I don’t remember her exact age, though. It would’ve been less than two years ago, so . . . Either seven or eight?”ㅤㅤIs that right? I actually don’t remember. That was a dumb question to ask. Whatever. I believe her. I love you, Drop.ㅤㅤ“I lo—I mean. Yeah. Thanks, I actually forgot. I just thought about it and wanted to ask you. Alright, thanks—bye!”ㅤㅤShophar nods her head at Drop, and we both go on our way.ㅤㅤShophar speaks up, “You sure you going about this the right way? That was so out of left field. And they probably gon' talk to each other later about how you're quizzing them.”ㅤㅤ“Nah, don't worry about it,” I tell her.ㅤㅤShophar doesn't get a chance to respond before we reach Dent.ㅤㅤ“Hi, Dent!”ㅤㅤ“Don! Nice to see you again, and I’m glad you got here safe. And…I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I’m Dent.”ㅤㅤ“Shophar.”ㅤㅤDent extends her hand to shake Shophar’s, but I interject.ㅤㅤ“Oh, uh—Shophar can’t shake hands because of her demonic abilities. But anyway!”ㅤㅤAlright. Wait. I barely know her. What kind of question would I ask? At this point, I honestly know Scythe more than I know Dent.ㅤㅤ“Random icebreaker question, if you don’t mind me asking. Are you originally from this area?”ㅤㅤDent replies, “Well, I’m actually from New Delhi. I still kind of have my accent, but I’ve been learning English from a young age.”ㅤㅤ“Oh, wow. Sorry, my knowledge of geography sucks pretty bad. Where is New Delhi?”ㅤㅤBefore Dent can answer, Shophar butts in.ㅤㅤ“New Delhi is literally the capital of India,” she says.ㅤㅤ“O—Oh. I had no idea. That’s sick. Have you been to America before?” I ask Dent.ㅤㅤ“Yes—I lived in America for around 2 years in high school, then moved back. Mostly family stuff. That’s actually when I first met my boyfriend,” Dent reveals.ㅤㅤI’ve lost sight of my goal. We’re actually just talking to her like normal. Don't get me wrong—it is nice to get to know Dent.ㅤㅤBut—as she continues to talk about how her mom had an affair and ruined their family half-jokingly—I realize that it's a fleshed-out backstory. And one that’s not too far off from mine. Dent seems to be in the clear. Just because Scythe has the potential to control space and/or time doesn't mean she could just suddenly know the intricacies of a person's past. And definitely couldn't joke about it like this. I haven't known Dent for very long, but I get the idea that she's the kind of person that hides the pain they're going through using a heavy layer of a forced relaxed demeanor, along with self-deprecating humor.ㅤㅤCool.ㅤㅤWe eventually change topics and talk for a little bit more about music, but Shophar nudges me to move on.ㅤㅤI tell Dent that it was nice to talk to her some more and that I'm glad she was able to meet Shophar.ㅤㅤBut as we're about to walk away, Dent says one more thing.ㅤㅤ"Oh, by the way, you both are cute! Have long you been together?"ㅤㅤHuh.ㅤㅤWait, what.ㅤㅤ"Oh! No, no! We're just child—wait, no. We're not just childhood friends, haha. We are childhood friends. Oh, wait. But like! No, no! We're not anything more, either! We're—We've just known each other for a long time! Sho—Shophar and I are longtime homies, haha! Right?" I fumble through my words.ㅤㅤ"…Yeah," Shophar mutters with her eyebrows furled. I swear I can sense her eyes twitching through her sunglasses. Please don't be upset.ㅤㅤ"Ah, okay, okay! My bad, I thought you were introducing her as your girlfriend or something! Sorry, I just tend to assume things like that sometimes! Didn't mean to interrogate you," Dent says.ㅤㅤFuck. I'm the one doing the interrogating here. Caught me so off-guard.ㅤㅤ"No worries! I can see why you'd think that! Nah, just wanted to introduce Shophar! That’s all. Yeah. Well, see you later!" I say as I pull Shophar along.ㅤㅤThe next target is Crescent. But as I tug Shophar along, she whispers to me. Ah. She's about to tell me off or have some kind of passive-aggressive attitude about my denial earlier. I swear! I tried to make it as least insulting as possible. It didn't sound like a rude rejection, right? You know, like when people say things like, 'Oh, she's like an older sister to me' type bullshit. I didn’t do that. I made it as reasonable-sounding as I could. Please, Shophar. Don’t be mad.ㅤㅤ"Don, you're…really good with other girls."ㅤㅤ"Wh-what do you mean?" I whisper back.ㅤㅤ"Like. Ain't you autistic?"ㅤㅤ"What? No, no. That’s Vein. I have ADHD. We’re the mental illness siblings. Haha. Sorry. But yeah, ADHD doesn't affect me the way you think it does. Plus, it's gotten better recently."ㅤㅤ"My bad. I thought it was both of ya’ll. I mean, I've hit up so many parties before, but I'm usually staying in one corner. Especially if Ante ain’t there."ㅤㅤ"I think you're just anti-social. But you like to party. I'm sure it's a thing. I don't know. We're all different."ㅤㅤ“You used to be so shy. You’re better at conversing with customers than me at this point.”ㅤㅤ“But customers like you better. Because you’re hot. I’m—“ㅤㅤ“Don. 90% of that shit is Succubus stuff. Customers have told me that you got a doll face. Which is fucking weird.”ㅤㅤ“Huh.”ㅤㅤWe walk in silence until we get to Cre—ㅤㅤ“Hey!” a voice shouts.ㅤㅤWhat—Oh. It’s Claw.ㅤㅤ“What do you want, fool?” I taunt.ㅤㅤClaw snarls at me. Then she looks up at Shophar. She gestures for Shophar to lean over to her. Shophar does so, and Claw whispers something in her ear.ㅤㅤShophar nods, then straightens up.ㅤㅤClaw skitters away like a cockroach. Yeah.ㅤㅤ“What was that about?”ㅤㅤ“Nothing important.”ㅤㅤ“Come on, Shophar. Tell me!” I tug at Shophar.ㅤㅤ“It—It’s about Anvil.”ㅤㅤ“What about Anvil?” I ask.ㅤㅤ“…Claw just wanted me to tease you that Anvil is going to be gone for a while. Is that true? Do you like Anvil, too?”ㅤㅤ“Woah, woah, woah! One thing at a time. I don’t like Anvil like that! She’s just hot. Like, she-can-step-on-me type hot. Anyway, we got to find out wh—”ㅤㅤ“Am…Am I hot like that, too?” Shophar asks.ㅤㅤ“I…What? Um. Sure. Yeah. One-hundred percent.”ㅤㅤ“…Okay.”ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤI speak up again, “We've got to find out where Anvil is—She’s now under our suspicion, too.”ㅤㅤ“I guess she’s out on a trip or something," Shophar reasons.ㅤㅤ“So she says. So Claw says. This sucks! I don’t know who to trust anymore!”ㅤㅤ“Let’s focus on Crescent. Stop worrying about Anvil.”
●●●ㅤㅤ"Doooooooooon!” Crescent says as she stretches her arms out to grab me.ㅤㅤShophar steps in front of me with her arms crossed.ㅤㅤCrescent jolts and steps back.ㅤㅤ“Come oooooooon, Shophar! Don’t hog him all to yourself!” Crescent says.ㅤㅤShophar rolls her eyes.ㅤㅤ“How the fuck have you never done drugs? I swear, you act like—“ㅤㅤ“Shophar, it’s cool. Crescent. How’s the oboe we got you?”ㅤㅤ“It’s gooood! I can play all the major scales now, hehe. I’m rough and can’t get a good clean sound, though.”ㅤㅤ“I’m afraid that once you get a clean sound, it’ll be too soothing and you’ll make yourself fall asleep,” I quip.ㅤㅤ“Aha! You’re so funny, Doooooon!~” She says as she leans toward me. Shophar quietly snarls.ㅤㅤCould Scythe play the oboe? Wait, what a stupid question. I need something else to confirm that this is Crescent. Non-oboe related.ㅤㅤ“Crescent. What was the nickname you gave me as a kid? Like when you used to refer to me by my—“ㅤㅤ“Noooooo! I don’t like saying your old name! You don’t like being called by your old name!”ㅤㅤ“It’s fine, just this once. At least you gave me a cute nickname, from what I remember. What was it again?”ㅤㅤ“…Mimi.”ㅤㅤ“Ah! You’re right! I remember now. Cool!”ㅤㅤI still think Mimi is a cute nickname for Misaki. Yes, that’s not me at this point, but it wasn’t all that bad being called Mimi. Nowadays, most people who used to call me Misaki or Mimi have gotten used to ‘Don’.ㅤㅤ“Well, that’s all I had. I’ll talk to you more later, Crescent! Shophar and I need to ask Stag something.”ㅤㅤ“Awwww, are you both asking for her blessing to get marriiiiiiied?” Crescent teases.ㅤㅤI lightly punch Crescent in the side and walk away. Don’t worry. No skin contact through her shirt.ㅤㅤ“Urgh,” Shophar grunts.ㅤㅤ“What’s up, Shophar?”ㅤㅤ“Everyone…Everyone keeps teasing us today,” Shophar admits.ㅤㅤ“Are you not used to this? You’ve dated plenty of guys before, I—“ㅤㅤShophar snarls at me. Right. Bad take. She sighs.ㅤㅤ“I actually like you, dumbass. So no. I’m not used to this.”ㅤㅤ“Right. Sorry."ㅤㅤSo what I’m hearing is that she led other dudes on and manipulated them. Succubus things.ㅤㅤShophar continues, “It’s all good. This ain't easy. I shouldn’t even be near you right now. But I deserve all this shit.”ㅤㅤ“…”ㅤㅤI don’t want to say, ‘No, you don’t deserve this,’ or anything like that. I still feel bad, but what can I do? She’s the only one I can trust right now. She’s the only one that won’t think I’m crazy, because she actually met Scythe. She knows how powerful Scythe can be.
●●●ㅤㅤ“Baby!” Stag comes up to me as Shophar and I approach her, and she embraces me tight. No skin contact.ㅤㅤSwan is right behind her. Looks like they were talking.ㅤㅤ“Hi, Sho! Is everything okay?”ㅤㅤ“…,” Shophar doesn’t answer. After everything I learned about Shophar and how she feels about Stag, I was kind of hoping for a different response. But this seems like something that Shophar will have to deal with on her own. She needs to learn to be more honest.ㅤㅤ“Um! Don’t worry about her, Stag! And woops—I didn’t mean to interrupt anything with you and Swan,” I butt in.ㅤㅤ“Oh, no worries! What’s up?”ㅤㅤSwan is still standing there silently as part of the conversation.ㅤㅤ"I…"ㅤㅤShit. There's a lot I could ask. But I'm also nervous because Swan's there.ㅤㅤ"Do--"ㅤㅤ"Back in Hell, do you remember the first thing you trained me in?" interrupts Shophar.ㅤㅤWoah. Woah, woah. Shophar going out of her way to talk to Stag?ㅤㅤStag looks bewildered. Looks like Shophar never talks about their time together back in Hell.ㅤㅤ"Oh! Um…Ah! No, wait. Yea! Oh, wow. Um. It's a little weird saying it out loud, since you were a child. Um…I'm pretty sure it was basic seduction skills. Body language! That was it. Yeah!"ㅤㅤShophar looks like she's getting upset.ㅤㅤ"That. Wasn't it. Do you actually remember anything about teaching me in Hell?! How hard I worked to make you feel even an ounce of pride for me?! How--"ㅤㅤI tiptoe and place my hand on Shophar's shoulder. She shuts up.ㅤㅤ"Shophar and I were curious about something. Is there a specific reason you…"ㅤㅤI'm about to ask how she has never met Scythe, considering how involved she was in Joni and Tower's life. But I don't see how that would rid me of my suspicions of her being Scythe. It may help with the overall investigation with Scythe, but I'd rather focus on making sure Scythe isn't here.ㅤㅤ"Actually. Didn't Vein have a favorite spoon as a baby?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"What? Um…Yes. The pink translucent one. Why did you bring Sho all the way here to ask me that?"ㅤㅤ"What color was it?"ㅤㅤ"I just told you. Pink."ㅤㅤ"Oh."ㅤㅤWe all stare blankly at each other awkwardly.ㅤㅤYeah, this one didn’t go so well. Abandon ship.ㅤㅤ"Um. Thanks, Stag. Let's go, Shophar."ㅤㅤShophar nods, but before I pull her along, Stag grabs my shoulder. No skin contact.ㅤㅤ"Don. Swan. Can I talk to Sho alone for a little while?" requests Stag.ㅤㅤ"I! I…uhh…,"ㅤㅤ"Just a few minutes."ㅤㅤShit. I mean, yeah. I technically don't need Shophar with me to interrogate. I just wanted her to gauge each demon's reaction to determine how closely they may resemble Scythe. But no dice so far.ㅤㅤPlus, all that's left is really just Wing. Having Shophar with me might help, but it could also complicate things.ㅤㅤOoh! I see Tower in the office room. I think she’s alone. Wasn’t one of the original five I planned to talk to, but after finding out that she and Scythe were pals…I don’t know. I hope I’m just being overly cautious, and Scythe turns out to be nowhere here.ㅤㅤI’m curious what Stag will talk to Shophar about, but it's fine. I'll move on and reconvene with Shophar later.ㅤㅤ"Yeah. Go ahead. See you all. See you, Swan," I say as Swan waves goodbye.ㅤㅤ"Hm," says Shophar, seeming to understand my intention.ㅤㅤI begin walking toward Tower, and Stag notices.ㅤㅤ"Don. Please don't bother Tower with mundane questions."ㅤㅤ"I won't."ㅤㅤI walk away. I don't know. The mood got all weird. Is Stag upset about something? I hope she doesn't take it out on Shophar.ㅤㅤWell. Yeah, Shophar did kinda blow up at Stag. That's clearly when Stag's mood changed.ㅤㅤShophar reluctantly follows Stag, and Swan peacefully and sexily goes about her business.ㅤㅤI head over to the office room and confirm that Tower’s alone. She’s in front of a desk. No one seems to be nearby.ㅤㅤAs I approach her, I think about my relapsed memories. I owe my life to Tower, and she apparently fed me prerequisite knowledge of Earth that helped me get used to life here. And this will be my first time alone with her since Seedling Vein wandered off on her own, met Laplace, experienced Overgrowth, etc.ㅤㅤI want to ask her so much, but I need to focus on the task at hand. I don't have any leverage in knowing Tower's past. I think if I strike up a conversation, I'll naturally find out that she's not Scythe.ㅤㅤ"Don? What do you need?" Tower asks.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Tower! I wanted to ask you a quick question. Back in Hell, when--"ㅤㅤ"Don," Tower suddenly interrupts.ㅤㅤ"Hm?"ㅤㅤ"I'm not Scythe. Don't interrogate me if that’s what you’re trying to get at."
Chapter 30 ● The Nosiness and the Tongue
ㅤㅤ“Wait, what?! I'm not!” I say in panic.ㅤㅤ“I know what you’re doing, Don. You might be suspicious of me. Hell, this might even be making me more suspicious. But I promise you–I’m not Scythe,” Tower continues.ㅤㅤ“Wait, you’re misunderstanding!”ㅤㅤ“I may be weaker, but I’m still a Demon of Fate. I can’t directly read thoughts, but I can easily read intentions of people that I know well. I’m an analytical demon. Of course I’ve considered that Scythe may be among the demons here.”ㅤㅤ“That! That’s not much of an explanation. But fine. You’re right, you're right. I…I wanted to confirm whether you were Scythe or not. And what do you mean you 'know me well'? I mean, yeah, as a kid in Hell. But I’ve changed a lot since,” I admit and ask.ㅤㅤ“Stag has kept in touch with me throughout all these years using the abilities I still have. She tells me all about you, and though I don’t have the ability to view Earth from Hell, I would say I know you pretty well.”ㅤㅤ“Oh…That’s a little. Invasive. I mean. Sorry. Not attacking you. I’m just…really worried for everyone.”ㅤㅤ“I understand. I’m also not trying to accuse you of anything. But here’s the thing. Realistically, I feel as though you wouldn’t be reacting like this unless you knew more about Scythe."ㅤㅤ“Tower, I trust you. I really do. I know you’re the reason I’m here. That any of us are here. But before I say anything, can you tell me what you know about what’s going on? And how you know?”ㅤㅤ“Hoo boy. Well, let me start by saying that I’m going to assume that you’re not Scythe. If you are, then take this information as you hear it. My ability to read your intentions comes into question if you’re Scythe and have the ability to manipulate reality. But okay.ㅤㅤI know that, for some reason, you know more about Scythe than you’re letting on. Outside of what Stag said and what you know after meeting her in person.ㅤㅤI know that there is a very real possibility that Scythe could be one of the demons here.ㅤㅤAnd I know that there are two demons missing.”ㅤㅤ“What…what are you saying?” I ask.ㅤㅤ“You understand what I’m saying.”ㅤㅤ“You think Scythe is either Anvil or Cerus?”ㅤㅤ“Very likely. What have you learned from your detective work?”ㅤㅤ“Um. Nothing really. No one here seems to logically be Scythe.”ㅤㅤ“Based on what?”ㅤㅤ“Mostly conjecture.”ㅤㅤ“Okay. Well, here’s the thing. It’s Cerus that I’m more suspicious of. I heard from Stag that Vein cannot be near Cerus for some reason, even though Cerus is just a Hellhound. And honestly, that’s a bigger problem overall. Do you know the implications of Overgrowth for Vein?”ㅤㅤ“What do you mean? The surgeries?”ㅤㅤ“Not just the surgeries. I have no idea if Stag has told you this, and whether I should tell you this if she hasn’t.”ㅤㅤ“Tell me what?!” I say, growing impatient from not knowing anything.ㅤㅤTower looks at me for a few seconds. She seems to understand the look I'm giving. That I'm sick of being lied to, and I'm sick of things being kept from me. I get the odd feeling that she can relate in that aspect.ㅤㅤ“Vein’s not going to make it to your age, Don. She’s the first of her kind–a demon with Overgrowth that has permanently possessed a human. But even on top of that, Vein’s bodily makeup is just so…different. You see, having Overgrowth doesn’t change your cells, it only changes how they grow. I don’t know what Vein’s made of, but based on everything I know about Overgrowth, she’ll live to around 10 or 11, at most,” Tower reveals.ㅤㅤWhat?ㅤㅤ“I’m sorry, Don. Think of it as cancer. Her human body cannot keep up with the Overgrowth, which the attacks of have been occurring more frequently. And painfully. Eventually it’ll directly stab through a vital organ. Sorry to paint a gruesome image, but she would die from the shock of pain before actual bodily function shuts down. I don't know if you're aware of this, but her surgery is actually done by Anvil. Obviously, no human surgeon would know how to operate on this condition, let alone see Vein’s horns. That’s why my prime suspect is Cerus.”ㅤㅤOnce again, I'm making out Tower's words, but not processing them.ㅤㅤVein is 9.ㅤㅤ“I can’t know exactly what could be causing Vein’s reactions to Cerus unless I analyze her, and I’m deathly afraid that it’ll aggravate Vein’s cancerous Overgrowth if I don't find out.”ㅤㅤVein is fucking 9 years old. All those times Stag would get visibly uncomfortable when Vein would talk about wanting to be like her when she grows up. It makes sense. I don't know why I never considered this.ㅤㅤ"I don't know much about Cerus, in all honesty. Like I said, she’s a Hellhound that I found in an abandoned hut near a geyser very deep into the Lament–you know what that is, right? The outskirts of Hell? I remembered that Stag wanted me to try finding more quadrupedal demons to transport to Earth, and so that's what I did with Cerus."ㅤㅤVein is autistic. She’s anemic. And now I’m finding out that she has cancer? I don't know why I just assumed that she'd live a normal life just because it's been under control until recently.ㅤㅤ"So now you. You seem to have gotten to know Cerus pretty well. Do you know anything about her that might be useful? Anything that could be helpful for your sister may have a chance of being useful in finding Scythe."ㅤㅤWhy does Stag keep things like this from me? I've done everything I could to take care of Vein before her. And now I'm treated like I'll be a blown head gasket if I find out anything important about myself or my sister.ㅤㅤ"Don? Do you know anything about Cerus that might be helpful? Aw. Look. I know. I'm sorry for just giving you heavy news like that out of nowhere. I'm not really sentimental nor emotional like I used to be. I'd rather be direct than beat around the bush with you. You're a grown man. You can take this."ㅤㅤVein.ㅤㅤ"Don, I really need you to focus if you want to keep Vein and everyone safe. What do you know about Cerus?"ㅤㅤI should be spending every moment I can with Vein. Keep her away from Cerus. I was over here having my little romantic comedy while my sister has been dying?ㅤㅤ"Don. Focus."ㅤㅤI breathe in. I breathe out.ㅤㅤToo many thoughts at once.ㅤㅤI look at Tower. Humans can't see the demonic patterns of our eyes. Tower's eyes probably appear dark brown to humans.ㅤㅤBut to me, I see them as they really are. A horizontal scarlet streak across the center of her gigantic pupil. Almost like a goat's in a way. They appear gigantic as if she is seeking something. She says she isn't good at expressing emotions, but I can read her just as well as she can read me. She has the look of someone who has been taken advantage of, betrayed, and manipulated. She acts stoic as a front. On a different scale compared to Dent. Her gaze isn't one of inquiry–it's one of anger and aggression. She doesn't want to help Vein. She wants to kill Scythe.ㅤㅤNow I just have one thought in mind.ㅤㅤ"Tower. You're being really pushy to get this info out of me. I don't know you that well. It just seems like you're a little desperate to know about Cerus."ㅤㅤ"What do you mean? I'm trying to find out why Cerus and Vein can't be close together. I'm trying to help you, Don."ㅤㅤ"Well, I don't know! I don't know anything about Cerus. We just hang out! She's shy and introverted!" I say as I raise my voice slightly.ㅤㅤI don't know. My gut is telling I should be hesitant to tell her what I know.ㅤㅤ"Don. You must know more than you're letting on. How else would you be this intuitive about Scythe possibly being one of us?"ㅤㅤ"It's logical! Stag just told us that she might be able to control space–that includes light refraction and vision. Who knows? I'm just being extra cautious!"ㅤㅤTower closes her eyes, sighs, and backs off. She puts her right index finger on her forehead and rubs back and forth, shaking her head. Must be a nervous tick.ㅤㅤ"Fine. Fine. Apologies for being so forward. I'm not Scythe. Have you asked everyone you want to ask? Proved that, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Scythe isn't any of us here?" Tower asks.ㅤㅤI can't help but feel that she's being somewhat aggressive. Even Stag earlier. What's going on?ㅤㅤ"No. I'll go back and see what Shophar is up to. She was helping me earlier," I say, trying to ease myself away from this weird atmosphere.ㅤㅤ"Hold on. Shophar? Why Shophar?"ㅤㅤShe's asking too many questions.ㅤㅤ"It–it's just–I–"ㅤㅤ"Shophar shouldn't have anything to do with this. Why would you go to her for help?"ㅤㅤ"Shophar told me she met Scythe before in Hell!"ㅤㅤ"She what? No, no she didn't! I mean, she shouldn’t, but…What the hell is she talking about? Why would she say that? Don!"ㅤㅤTower starts to place her hand on my shoulder.ㅤㅤI carefully swat her arm away and dash outside of the room without making skin contact.ㅤㅤI begin to brisk walk in the main foyer towards the exit. I don't look behind me to see if Tower is following me, but I look around.ㅤㅤThe other demons seem a little alarmed, quickly glance at me, then go back to doing their thing.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm outside the main door. There's nothing in front but an empty dirt road surrounded by trees. The dirt road is a steep downhill from right to left. No one has followed me outside.ㅤㅤLogically, no one is Scythe. But I'm getting some really odd air. The atmosphere…It all just feels weird. Some of the demon girls are acting differently than usual. More direct and aggressive. I don't know. Ante isn't usually that straightforward when she's upset. It usually takes a lot to get Stag pissed off. And Tower is offputting and makes me uncomfortable. Like, they do seem to be themselves, based on their knowledge. But they're just…acting differently.ㅤㅤI snap out of my thoughts and feel someone's gaze.ㅤㅤAlthough no one followed me outside, I can feel someone looking at me from behind to my left.ㅤㅤI turn my head and see none other than Claw with her left hand behind her back. Swan is on the ground right below her, unconscious.
●●●ㅤㅤMy heart is racing and my breathing is heavy. I slowly walk toward them.ㅤㅤ"C–Claw? What's going on? I–Is she okay?"ㅤㅤClaw continues to stand there, not saying a word. What the fuck?ㅤㅤ"Claw…Is Swan…Is Swan alive?"ㅤㅤClaw, without blinking, looks straight down at Swan. She brings her left hand from behind her back. She looks straight at it. Her eyes look glazed over and her hand is shaking.ㅤㅤIt's covered in blood.ㅤㅤFuck, fuck. Fuck! Did Claw kill Swan? Wait, wait. Swan is not bleeding out. I don't see any physical injuries on her.ㅤㅤI scan around. Is there blood anywhere else on the ground around them? Okay, okay. I see some in the distance. There's a trail of blood going around to the other side of the building. The only blood I see on Swan are some tiny spots right below her neck. Clearly not her own blood.ㅤㅤAt this point, I'm around two meters away from Claw, who is still looking at her hand in silence. Now that her head's tilted down, I notice a streak of blood coming from the corner of her mouth.ㅤㅤ"Claw…Please tell me what's going on…" I say, slowly starting to tear up from fear. I know how powerful Claw is on her own. If she's. If she's Scythe, then she's just as terrifying. Because I don't know how powerful they’d be with their powers combined.ㅤㅤOkay. Not entirely true. I've seen Scythe fight Ms. G and that fallen angel. Hm. Yep. My weakass doesn't stand a chance. My little absorption skills don't mean shit.ㅤㅤClaw finally looks up at me. She doesn't tear up, but she seems to be going pale. She opens her mouth and sticks her tongue out.ㅤㅤOr what's left of it.ㅤㅤHer tongue seems to have been either ripped off or cut off. I see nothing but crimson red in her mouth. She can't speak. And I want to throw up.ㅤㅤClaw is in shock. She uses her right hand to point to the trail of blood around the building.ㅤㅤI'm now around four feet in front of her, maintaining eye contact with Claw, since I can't predict anything right now. Her eyes are fixated on me as she points, and I swear I'm about to piss myself. I crouch slowly and place my hands on Swan's sides. I…I can feel her breathing. No skin contact. Good.ㅤㅤClaw is now blinking like normal. She's still not crying. She doesn't even try to make a sound.ㅤㅤI don't exactly trust Claw with Swan, but it's not like I have the strength to carry Swan away.ㅤㅤFor a moment, I stop staring directly at Claw and walk slowly to the corner of the building.ㅤㅤClaw just watches me as I do, only turning her head and eyes. As I finally peer over the corner, I see an unfamiliar silhouette, just far enough from the windows to be visible from the inside. The sun's position and shadow don't let me get a good look from here, but I see that the figure is tall and appears to holding a sharp weapon of some kind. The blood trail leads directly to them.ㅤㅤI don't want to get near.ㅤㅤBut the figure has already noticed me. They turn what appears to be their head, and I see a glowing iridescent pattern appearing to shine between bright blue and yellow coming from it.ㅤㅤI blink once.ㅤㅤAnd the figure is directly in front of me. Rather than being able to analyze their appearance, I'm fixated on something else. The gigantic serrated and curved blade that is being pointed directly at me.ㅤㅤI fall backwards with my butt and hands on the ground below me as the figure leans in, closing the blade in onto my face. Ah. That's a scythe. Like. An actual scythe.ㅤㅤThe figure is hooded with a zigzag patterned coat, some kind of vest, and a cloth tunic made of some harsh material. An almost medieval look. But outside of my extreme feeling of terror, what strikes me as odd is the following:ㅤㅤTheir limbs appear as some very thin spectral amorphous matter.ㅤㅤNot a word is spoken by the figure as the scythe's blade is only mere millimeters from my face.ㅤㅤSo I speak.ㅤㅤ"Please. Don't hurt me," I beg. What else am I supposed to say?ㅤㅤThe figure tilts their head down and slowly rescinds the scythe back. They bring their head forward to a few inches from my face. Their head is also amorphous, rekindling itself like a flame. Very similar to my own original demon form. I can vaguely make out some tiny rotating rings inside this black flame.ㅤㅤThen I hear the most terrifying voice I've ever heard. More eerie than Scythe's voice. It's a voice that rings directly through my ears as if a megaphone was being used right in front of me. Multiple voices of varying tones and pitches as they speak.ㅤㅤ"You're an Elm demon."ㅤㅤThe figure slams the scythe onto the ground near where my hands are planted on the grass. I jolt, but then I shift my eyes to check my hand--to see if my fingers have been sliced off and I'm just adrenaline-rushing the pain away.ㅤㅤOkay. Fingers still intact. But the grass around my hand is withered and brown.ㅤㅤ"One of the last two of your kind. The brother of Yijom."ㅤㅤHuh?ㅤㅤ"I am not certain whether to trust you or not. But I know your strength and can kill you at any moment I desire. There is no harm in revealing myself."ㅤㅤI am in complete bewilderment and fear.ㅤㅤ"I am Rothiel. A Branching demon like you. But I am more–much more–than that."ㅤㅤWhat, what, what, what, what.ㅤㅤ"I am the first Reincarnation of a Nephilim–The Nephilim known as Azazel."ㅤㅤSuddenly, the complex and iridescent blue-yellow pattern on their face shifts into…ㅤㅤInto a smiley face?ㅤㅤRothiel. What…are you?
Chapter B-1 ● The Serpent and the School
ㅤㅤHey. How was that? Almost like a murder-mystery, right? Tower definitely gave off the wrong vibes. Also–Didn’t expect my harasser to become my partner, huh? Alright. Yeah, I know. It’s a weird situation.ㅤㅤSpeaking of Shophar. Here you go.●●●ㅤㅤ"Sho.. Listen to me. You’re not going to enjoy life like this. You’re living in the confines of this extravagant palace under the leadership of people who only care about your status. I’ll take you to a place where people are genuine. Where people will truly care for you."ㅤㅤShophar was confused. Why was Stag gripping onto her shoulders so tight? What was Stag so…worried for?ㅤㅤ"I…I don't understand! Let's just play!"ㅤㅤ"Once you become a full-fledged Succubus, you won’t be able to play anymore. You won’t have any freedom at all. Even now, there’s not much you can do outside of Succubus training. Is this really all you want?"ㅤㅤ"I don't know!"ㅤㅤBecoming a Succubus is all Shophar had ever known. She'd never questioned it. She'd always followed everything to a T.ㅤㅤAnd it was always Stag in her eyes. Shophar loved Stag like she was her mother and best friend. This was the first time Shophar hesitated to listen to her.ㅤㅤAsmo knew the details of Stag's wrongdoings on Earth, but he kept them from Shophar for the sake of her success. To Shophar, the only reason for Stag being MIA was because of that annoying Demon of Fate and the scary one with her.ㅤㅤAnd Shophar shuddered even thinking about the scary one. She was lightning fast, tremendously powerful, and had an unsettling aura that left Shophar trembling with fear as she ran away that night.ㅤㅤStag continued her inane rambles. Shophar became more and more confused. Shophar gripped onto the sheet in her garment's pocket. Today was the day Shophar was going to reveal the note she attempted to give that Demon of Fate. She wanted to show Stag how much she missed her while Stag was gone. But now Shophar was hesitant. Was Stag losing her mind?ㅤㅤ"Sho, I know you want to be like me, but even I don’t want to be like me. This isn’t the ideal life. We are forced to take advantage of people against their will. Even when they accept us for who we are."ㅤㅤ"People? What people? The humans? Why are you talking about humans like they're equal to us? You're the one who taught me that we're the ultimate beings! You even said that Succubae are the best!"ㅤㅤ"I know what I said! That’s before I learned how…How they love. They love unconditionally! That means that they love without caring what kind of person you are or used to be. They may judge and say things that hurt you, but they change. They love like they’re ready to be hurt just so that they can love you. And…It’s not fair that you do not get to experience that!"ㅤㅤ"I don't…I…"ㅤㅤStag slammed her hand on the table in Shophar's room, crying. Shophar was startled, but before she had a chance to think, Stag had already swooped her up.
●●●ㅤㅤ"St–Stag! Let–Ow! Let go of me!"ㅤㅤThey were flying at an unbelievable speed away from Asmo's palace. It was unclear to Shophar exactly where Stag was taking her, but it was clearly far from home.ㅤㅤShophar's Succubus wings were still developing. Just like Stag, she grew lower back wings as opposed to shoulder wings. Lower back wings were often associated with more sensual and successful Succubae.ㅤㅤAs she looked at Stag's fully-grown Succubae wings in action, she eventually stopped kicking and screaming, instead gawking at Stag's wingspan in awe.ㅤㅤShophar had something else, too. Head wings. They grew very slowly around the back of her head, but they don't serve any purpose for the most part. It is believed that they grew, albeit rarely, as a sort of a vestigial body part.ㅤㅤShophar attempted to flap them a little, and she realized very quickly that she was no match for Stag. Her constant flailing led her to losing stamina and eventually falling asleep.
●●●ㅤㅤShophar woke up to the sound of a demon screaming.ㅤㅤShe got up, and as she regained her vision, she saw the outline of Stag. Stag had pinned a familiar-looking demon to the ground. Ah, yes. It was none other than…The same Demon of Fate she’d been harboring a grudge against. The weaker one. The one that was, in this moment, begging for Stag to get off of her. There seemed to be a crowd of weak, unhealthy, and starving demons from the side. They were most likely waiting for one of the two to leave a corpse behind. While all demons need human souls to survive, lesser demons are known to cannibalize other demons in order to satiate their hunger response.ㅤㅤ"Rrggg!" grunted the Fate in frustration.ㅤㅤ"I won’t let you go until you promise to leave me be! I do not bear any more ill will towards you!" Stag shouted.ㅤㅤ"N–no! You and Scythe both! Demons of Lust and Pride! Ruined everything for me!"ㅤㅤ"Scythe? That genius daughter of Devil? That Scythe?"ㅤㅤScythe must be that scary one, Shophar thought to herself. She had heard the name thrown around before, but she never cared for any celebrities other than Stag.ㅤㅤTower then tried to bite Stag's arm, but to no avail. Stag's adult Succubus skin, albeit smooth, is shielded by layers of demonic coating. Tower winced in pain.ㅤㅤStag sighed and removed herself from Tower. Once Tower regained her composure, she backed away in a fighting stance and snarled.ㅤㅤStag then crossed her arms and shook her head, knowing Tower had no chance of winning against her.ㅤㅤ"I will tear you to pieces!" Tower shouted.ㅤㅤ"Yes, yes. Tear me to pieces. Just leave me alone."ㅤㅤShophar could detect Stag's annoyance with Tower’s speech pattern. Although everyone was speaking in demonic language, Stag taught Shophar to speak more informally, as it was a useful skill to have as a Succubus. But Shophar took it too far and now only speaks informally. On the other hand, Stag always spoke formally like any other demon. To Shophar, the fact that Stag slowly started speaking in a more modern tone since her return meant that something big happened to her on Earth.ㅤㅤShophar began thinking about her previous encounter with this Fate. She remembered the Fate's name. Tower. Shophar considered telling Stag how she had tried to leave a note for Tower in an attempt to get Stag back from Earth. However, Shophar remembered that Stag abruptly abducted her. So Shophar grew conflicted on what to do.ㅤㅤTower began to crawl towards Stag, but quickly fell flat on her face. Stag noticed Shophar was up.ㅤㅤ"Sho! You're awake! It was difficult trying to keep this Fate and these other demons away from you. Come here, Sho!" Stag said as she softly extended a hand towards Shophar.ㅤㅤShophar smacked her hand out of the way.ㅤㅤ"Sho?"ㅤㅤShophar turned and ran. The other demons cleared the way as she did. Stag began to dash towards Shophar, but she hesitated. She thought about how Shophar saw this situation. Being torn from your home out of nowhere? Stag realized Shophar needed some time away from her. Stag would instead just watch her from afar and make sure she stayed safe until they were ready to meet again.
●●●ㅤㅤShophar wandered and wandered. Some of the weaker demons from the previous crowd followed her out of curiosity. Shophar, deep in thought, had not noticed this.ㅤㅤShophar thought about Stag's words. What was wrong with being a Succubus for the rest of her life?!ㅤㅤSuddenly, she felt a bite on her leg. She turned around and backed away.ㅤㅤIt was one of the demons from the crowd. It appeared as a demonic baby goat. Shophar noticed the small group that had been following her and snarled. Shophar looked at her leg and saw a bite mark. She screamed and readied her claws at the demon. She swiped at the demon, but it dodged her attack. As soon as it did, another one of its kind jumped and rammed into her side.ㅤㅤShophar fell to the ground in pain. She should have been better than this, considering all her training. Was her mind clouded with her frustration of Stag?ㅤㅤShe got up quickly and was face-to-face with three of the goat demons. She breathed in and out and could hear the hissing of a serpent demon behind her.ㅤㅤThe goat demons lunged at her. She prepared to swipe, but instantly felt the serpent bite into her shoulder. She shrieked in pain, and the three goat demons successfully slammed into her stomach.ㅤㅤShophar was immobilized.ㅤㅤ"S…Stag," Shophar begged for help.ㅤㅤBut Stag was nowhere to be seen.ㅤㅤThe three goat demons began to consume her garments, while the serpent began to dig into her skin.ㅤㅤShophar closed her eyes and laid there, helpless. She began to despise Stag more and more. How had Stag become so different?ㅤㅤThen the pain stopped.ㅤㅤShophar opened her eyes and was looking at none other than Tower.ㅤㅤ"I cannot let these minor demons kill you. I can discern your importance to Stag. You will be a perfect hostage."ㅤㅤShophar didn't know what hostage meant, but it did not sound good. She tried to wriggle out of Tower's grasp, but she was weak and immobilized from the serpent's venom and the goats' attacks. She could not even speak.ㅤㅤAs Tower picked her up and carried her away, Shophar could see the other demons. They were dead. Wait. No, Shophar realized. They weren't dead. They were twitching. Does Tower even have the strength to kill? What did she do?ㅤㅤ"Hah! I can tell. You are curious about what I did to those demons, are you not? Well, I am not inclined to reveal to you my ability to temporarily draw souls out of weaker demons and render them immobile!"ㅤㅤShophar was astounded by Tower's stupidity.ㅤㅤ"At any rate, I will wait for Stag to find us. Then, I can at last exact my vengeance on her. In fact…Maybe I should redirect my anger towards you," Tower continued.ㅤㅤShophar slowly regained control of her facial muscles and could slightly speak again.ㅤㅤ"Wha-"ㅤㅤ"YOU STOLE MY RESEARCH!"ㅤㅤ"N–no, I didn’t!" Shophar muttered.ㅤㅤ"LIES! DEMONS OF LUST AND PRIDE ARE NOTHING BUT DECEPTIVE–"ㅤㅤ"Check my pockets!" Shophar finally shouted.ㅤㅤ"What?!" Tower questioned as she checked Shophar's pocket and pulled out a sheet of papyrus.ㅤㅤTower quickly skimmed the sheet.ㅤㅤ"What is this?"ㅤㅤ"I told you before! I wrote a note to tell you to bring Stag back!"ㅤㅤ"Th–that can't be…My research was gone from my own residence. No. No, no, no, no, no. This can’t be. What if some ill-willed demon stole the documents?! Those are dangerous documents that have the potential…"ㅤㅤTower fell silent.ㅤㅤ"Scythe."ㅤㅤTower put Shophar down, grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes.ㅤㅤ"What am I going to do?! Knowing Scythe, she will take all the credit for my research! And who knows what she will use it for?! This is dangerous! Terrible!" Tower complained.ㅤㅤ"What am I supposed to do?! I don’t even know what you’re talking about!" Shophar answered.ㅤㅤTruthfully, Shophar did not care about what Tower was talking about. She was biding her time, recovering until she could attack Tower and run away.ㅤㅤTower continued to complain and spurt nonsense. Suddenly a shadow cast over her, and Shophar looked up.ㅤㅤStag had caught up. She was clearly seething. Tower didn’t notice.ㅤㅤTower rambled on, "…And the demon could overthrow Hell! It could destroy everything you–"ㅤㅤ"What. What…did you do to Sho?" asked Stag from behind. She spoke so calmly despite her fists’ veins appearing as if they were about to pop at any second.ㅤㅤ"Huh–WAIT, WAIT!" Tower begged as Stag readied her claws to slice Tower.ㅤㅤ"Your last words will be heard by NO ONE!" Stag shouted.ㅤㅤ"I did not do this to her! I promise you! In fact, I saved her! Please!" Tower explained herself.ㅤㅤStag pulled back. She looked at Shophar.ㅤㅤ"Is this true?" she asked.ㅤㅤIt was true, but Shophar so badly wanted to lie. Tower looked at Shophar directly, as if pleading her to tell the truth.ㅤㅤShophar shook her head.ㅤㅤStag turned back to Tower.ㅤㅤ"YOU HURT HER AND YOU LIED?!" Stag shouted.ㅤㅤShophar spoke up again, "She didn't hurt me. But she didn't save me. I saved myself. Just took me longer than usual."ㅤㅤ"What are you talking about?! I did save you from the serpent demon and its lackies!" Tower claimed.ㅤㅤ"Tch. That's unlikely. Sho is plenty powerful enough to defeat a serpent demon. And you, obviously."ㅤㅤ"Look! The demons are further back! Right there!"ㅤㅤStag looked behind and saw the four demons on the ground. She sighed.ㅤㅤ"I see. Sho must have underestimated her enemies. Come here, Sho. I'm sorry I didn't arrive earlier."ㅤㅤShophar made her way toward Stag, stepping on Tower in the process. But as Shophar got closer to Stag, she became hesitant again. She stopped midway.ㅤㅤTower, still on the ground, spoke up.ㅤㅤ"I do not know if you are both having a family quarrel, but leave me out of it! I see now that the one I truly want vengeance on is Scythe. But…That is far in between and unlikely."ㅤㅤ"Shut up," said Stag and Shophar simultaneously.ㅤㅤStag sighed again.ㅤㅤ"Sho…I'm sorry I wasn't here. I…I saw two sibling Branching demons that I had met before. The older one is not much younger than you–In fact, they're the reason I was able to see you again. I didn't approach them, but I just wanted to see how they were doing. I got so distracted…I'm sorry," Stag explained.ㅤㅤ"What do you mean? They are why I could see you again? I thought it was all her fault," Shophar asked as she pointed to Tower.ㅤㅤStag began to explain.ㅤㅤ"Ah, that's…Um. I…Asmo never told you, did he? There are two main reasons why I couldn't see you for so long. The first was because I was in charge of capturing a high-quality victim. I had to dedicate all my time to luring him in…but I failed. While it was partly due to this Demon of Fate–what's your name again?"ㅤㅤ"…Tower."ㅤㅤ"…Right. Tower. It was partly due to Tower's lack of research into the victim's environment–ahem–and the victim ended up being an Angel's host. Not really an angel, but regardless... When I was put into confinement–Sho, that means that I was punished for failing–I lashed out at Tower and fully blamed her. But…if I'm to be honest…There's more to it than that."ㅤㅤ"You met an angel?! That must have been scary! They're really strong, right?" Shophar said as her eyes lit up.ㅤㅤ"Um…like I said, there's more to it than that," Stag said.ㅤㅤShophar listened to Stag's story as Stag tended to her injuries. Stag even tended to Tower's injuries, albeit very minimally. But the brightness and amazement that Shophar felt for Stag at the start of her story slowly faded to disappointment as she reached the end. It was the first time Stag had retold the full story. The story of Benny and Azazel.ㅤㅤBy the end of the story, Shophar and Tower were intently listening. Shophar looked over at Tower and saw how intrigued she was. Meanwhile, Shophar herself felt conflicted. Mainly upset, but conflicted.ㅤㅤShophar didn’t know what to say, but Tower spoke up.ㅤㅤ“Heh. The mighty Stag, fallen from grace, all because she—“ㅤㅤOne of Stag’s claws were instantly inches away from Tower’s face.ㅤㅤ“A—apologies. Um. Are these events what led you to running away from Hell?”ㅤㅤStag sighed and continued, “I believe there is a future for demons on Earth. Especially someone as passionate as Shophar here.”ㅤㅤ"Ah, I see. Sho is short for Shophar, a Hebrew instrument. How ironic for a Succubus," Tower remarked. Stag menacingly glared at Tower in response.ㅤㅤAs the two bantered, Shophar could still see that Stag cared for her, but she was so frustrated.
ㅤㅤShophar now understood that Stag's reasons for being gone were mostly from her own choices. Stag seemed to go through every emotion while telling the story. But Shophar could especially feel Stag's radiance when she talked about this 'Benny' individual. And she felt envy more than anything.ㅤㅤThe three sat in silence for around a minute, until Stag spoke up.ㅤㅤ"Tower. Do me a favor."ㅤㅤ"A favor?! Why would I…Alright! Alright! Don't hurt me. What is it? Please don't hurt me. I've amassed so much knowledge of Earth! Ask me anything you'd like!" Tower replied.ㅤㅤ"Okay. First, we need to form a truce. I have no desire to harm you unless you try to hurt me or Sho. Especially Sho. But I do see that you saved Sho's life, so I owe you that much, at the very least."ㅤㅤ"Yes! Yes. Absolutely. A truce! All yours!" Tower spoke and breathed a sigh of relief.ㅤㅤ"Yes. Okay. As an exiled Demon of Fate, do you still have the ability to bring Sho and I to Earth?" asked Stag.ㅤㅤ"That is a bold request. But. It sounds interesting. And perfect for me to try something I have been working on."ㅤㅤTower turns to Sho.ㅤㅤ"Just so you are aware, the way that Succubae are transported--"ㅤㅤ"A Demon of Fate sacrifices one damned human soul and one demon soul," Shophar interrupts.ㅤㅤ"Well, you are well-educated. Clearly, we do not have access to a human soul here. However! I have done research on the ability to transport any kind of demon to Earth wiithout the need for sacrifices. This would mean that Mares, like you both, could be transported to Earth with more ease. Simultaneously, a weak serpent demon could also be sent to Earth through human possession!"ㅤㅤStag's eyes opened wide. Tower could see her eagerness. She could tell what Stag was thinking. But then Stag shook her head.ㅤㅤ“We demons have existed for millennia. As ambitious as this sounds, I refuse to believe that we have only now–”ㅤㅤ“Not ‘we’. Me. I am the one who designed this,” Tower interrupts.ㅤㅤ“Right. I refuse to believe that this is something that’s only been devised now. And you? You are the breakthrough that demonkind needed? No offense, but that seems highly impossible.”ㅤㅤ“What alternative do you have?” Tower asked, with some slight irritation in her voice.ㅤㅤStag had no answer. Shophar spoke up.ㅤㅤ“Maybe there is no alternative. We should just stay here,” she said, starting to tug at Stag’s clothes.ㅤㅤStag shook her head again.ㅤㅤ“Tower. What do you call this method of transporting demons to Earth?”ㅤㅤ"Ah. I have named it 'Permanent Possession'. Unfortunately—as the name implies—it is a method of transporting to Earth that does not provide a way to return back."ㅤㅤShophar shivered at the idea. She definitely loved Stag more than her own father, Asmo, but she did not want to be permanently separated. Tower continued.ㅤㅤ“I have already created a small shelter for myself. I gathered some minor materials that I can use to record and research data if we proceed with this. Much more interesting than wasting away here in the Lament until we die.”ㅤㅤ“You’re more cooperative than I expected,” Stag said.ㅤㅤ“Well, aside from the fact that you are more powerful than me, this is something I have been trying to achieve for a long time,” Tower replied.ㅤㅤ“I appreciate that. Let’s put our past behind us and work together. We have different motives, but our goals are the same. In fact…I have one more thing to ask of you.”ㅤㅤShophar looked at Tower, who seemed to warm up to Stag. Tower had been hating Stag for so long. It was surprising to see them civilized like this. Stag continued.ㅤㅤ“Now—those two Branching demons I mentioned. They are Elm demons. I can imagine that the older sibling would be wary of me. I…I would like for you to find them in the Lament. You Demons of Fate have some minor abilities of omnipresence. Or…demipresence. However it’s called. Find them, and teach them things of Earth. I would like for them to eventually be transported to Earth. But I do not want them to be one of the first.”ㅤㅤ“Hm. That sounds like much extra effort that does not match with what you owe me. I would be more than willing to do so, but there has to be some incentive for me. Also—this would only yield results if I am even able to achieve Permanent Possession in the first place. There is a large margin for error here.”ㅤㅤ“I have some confidence in you. I stand corrected, and you are apparently more intelligent than you seem. Here is your incentive. I will—“ㅤㅤ“You will not kill me? Please. We are more mature than this. Do you really want to always threaten your way through things? In front of your daughter?”ㅤㅤ“First—Sho is not my daughter. Second—I was going to say something else. Your incentive is that I will…I will help you with your revenge on Scythe.”ㅤㅤ“You…you will? You will kill Scythe and return my stolen research to me?” Tower eagerly inquired.ㅤㅤ“I didn’t say ‘kill’. But I will find a way to help you,” Stag admitted.ㅤㅤ“Well…Sure. I will trust you on that. I will admit you are one of the strongest Succubae. I agree to find and assist these two Branching Elm demons.”
●●●ㅤㅤShophar did not particularly love Earth.ㅤㅤEverything she’d been taught by Stag before was now discouraged by her.ㅤㅤ‘Don’t do that to humans.’ㅤㅤ‘Don’t take advantage of them.’ㅤㅤ‘They’re not tools for you to use.’ㅤㅤTower had achieved Permanent Possession in such a short span of time, but she decided to remain in Hell until it was perfected. Before Stag was brought here, Tower had already used it twice, but neither of them could find the demons they transported. Luckily, this wasn’t an issue for Stag and Shophar, who used Permanent Possession to move to Earth permanently. They found each other on Earth with ease.ㅤㅤStag was able to forge her way through the life of an American immigrant. Shophar had to refer to Stag by the name she legally chose.ㅤㅤElena Aquino. Ms. Aquino.ㅤㅤStag's story was that she was a Filipino immigrant who was the official guardian of her Vietnamese-Filipino niece that went by the Americanized name Katherine. Stag found this complicated and didn't like the risk of explaining it. So she asked that Shophar remain quiet as often as possible.ㅤㅤWhile Stag’s original form was humanoid, there were too many features that wouldn’t let her pass as human. Which is why she would always resort to using her shapeshifting ability in the first place during her past missions. She’d arrive to Earth on assignment, kill a young woman, and take her place in society. But because of Permanent Possession’s unpredictability, she decided to take the form of the Filipino girl she regretfully murdered years ago. Just in case anything happened to her shapeshifting abilities as a result of Permanent Possession.ㅤㅤAnd that’s exactly what happened. She lost her ability to shapeshift once she arrived. This was different from her past missions, where she could change her appearance to whoever she made contact with. Now she was stuck with a constant reminder of the pain she caused to herself and Elena.ㅤㅤMeanwhile, Shophar…Well, she didn’t have to work as hard. Shophar had never been to Earth before, so no one had any way of predicting how her body would adapt.ㅤㅤIt adapted perfectly. Her lower back wings were small enough to tuck away in any shirt. Her head wings had completely disappeared. Plus, the effects of Permanent Possession keep humans from seeing a demon’s physical features.
All in all, Shophar looked just like a typical human being, despite maintaining her original form. But now, she’d live her life as Katherine.
●●●ㅤㅤDespite how much Shophar despised life on Earth, she adored the nickname Kat.ㅤㅤStag put Shophar through public school while she would go around the area, look for job listings, and apply for various positions.ㅤㅤAlthough Shophar would act like she dreaded the idea of public school in front of Stag, she was actually very excited. Something completely new to her. The chance to interact with so many potential victims.ㅤㅤStag drove home basic courtesy so as not to have Shophar attempt some crime without realizing it. But Shophar proved to be a problem child for Stag. Stag kept her patience with Shophar.ㅤㅤBut the same wasn't true for the staff and students at Shophar's public school.ㅤㅤShophar caused so many issues in class. She was rowdy, rude, and would find every opportunity to distract the class from the subject matter.ㅤㅤThe part that frustrated teachers was that she performed well academically. Her grades were always within the top five of her classes. She was frequently reprimanded, and teachers would scoff when she obtained some reward. After all, the teachers were obliged to treat the hardworking grade-A students with some level of class and respect.ㅤㅤHer peers, on the other hand, were not obliged to do any of that. Shophar was mentally unstable and easily irritable—she would get into fights very frequently. But one thing she quickly learned to hate was her name which she previously loved.ㅤㅤKat.ㅤㅤLike 'Cat'.ㅤㅤWhat would be considered low-hanging fruit to an older child would infuriate Shophar every time one of her classmates made that joke.ㅤㅤThey called her 'Cat-eating Kat'. She didn't really understand what that meant. At first, she thought it was another nickname. She asked her classmates what that meant, but they would never answer her directly. If anything, she soon began to discern it as an insult. Soon, she wouldn't hesitate to punch another student in the stomach if they so much as stared at her in a certain way.ㅤㅤEventually, she took the time to look at the other students. She glanced around at the way they presented themselves, their eyes, their hair, their faces, and their skin. There were different kinds of students with unique features. Curly hair, straight hair, light skin, dark skin, tall, short—the list went on. But she felt alone in the class. Apart from being a demon, she quickly realized that she was the only student of her type. Something…she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. So she asked Stag one day.ㅤㅤIt turns out, she wasn’t the only Asian student in her class. There were other Asian students. There was even another Vietnamese student, but he ignored her as well. The other Asian students weren’t often the ones attempting to bully her, but they would avoid her at the least.ㅤㅤShophar was the only Asian immigrant in her class. She spoke with a heavy accent that stemmed from how she was taught by Stag. Succubae do not just naturally adjust to their environment—they have to study the culture of their victim’s area. Unfortunately, she did not exactly have the time to prepare for American English.ㅤㅤStag knew she needed to keep a low profile, because a quick search into her background and false identity would lead to a lot of problems. But she couldn’t help it. She knew that Shophar had her own problems interacting with other students, but she believed the school staff would be able to help her. She stormed into the school, had an aggressive talk with the principal, and came to the decision to pull her from that school. She had the option of homeschooling, but she was still looking for a stable long-term job. So the most she could do was to move and change schools.ㅤㅤUnfortunately, the cycle continued and continued. She could never maintain friendships in her formative years. Shophar soon graduated from elementary school, and she shaped up. She was no longer the student getting bullied or teased. She lost her Tagalog accent. Soon she created a new image for herself. Her face was maturing, and a lot of students wanted to be like her. Teachers could tell that Shophar was intellectually sound, but it was almost as if Shophar held back on her schoolwork. She spent a lot of time with other students outside of school, and Stag saw her less and less.ㅤㅤBut this was fine. Stag was busy. She barely had time for Shophar, and her plan with Tower was finally falling into place. Tower succeeded in finding a way to locate the non-Mare demons they transported going forward. Unfortunately, those first two they already transported would have to wait.To everyone’s benefit, Stag now had a steady source of income. Stag kept most of the information from Shophar, but she did tell Shophar the following.ㅤㅤ“I met someone who’s really well off.”ㅤㅤApparently, this individual was human and knew about the demons. Shophar almost exclusively saw her twice. Behind the scenes, Shophar knew this woman was helping her and Stag extensively. Yet Shophar barely even saw her face.ㅤㅤSoon enough, Shophar, along with a few newer demons, were helping Stag run a diner under the mystery woman’s name, Joni. The diner helped launder some of the money from Joni’s treasure of wealth, and they were accumulating more wealth from both the restaurant and Tower’s economic advice. Even from Hell, Tower helped Stag invest in the right areas to build more and more capital. How Tower and Stag communicated between Hell and Earth was something Shophar hadn’t learned yet.ㅤㅤShophar lived her younger years on Earth through a lot of turmoil. Despite being aware of how much Stag cared for her, Shophar always carried some aggression toward Stag.ㅤㅤBut this changed one day. It was the day Stag brought two new demon children in. Shophar was told that the little baby sister wasn’t fully demon yet, and that her older brother was not possessed yet.ㅤㅤThis was no issue, since Shophar was already used to the system of how new demons were brought in. What differentiated these two was how Stag brought them in.ㅤㅤStag directly adopted them as her own children. The other new demons continued to live their lives as humans with their original parents and living situations. The more Shophar learned about these two children, the more conflicted she became. It wasn’t exactly jealousy. She couldn’t really describe it. With some time, Shophar eventually became independent and moved out of the house, leaving Stag, Don, and Vein to live on their own.ㅤㅤAnd she could finally cry by herself. She could finally let out all her frustrations without having someone like Stag barge in to ask what’s wrong. She’d cry until her eyes were bloodshot and dry. Shophar knew it wasn’t healthy, but it was the only way she knew how to express herself. Did she miss Hell? Did she miss her father? Not really.ㅤㅤShophar was the most thankful when Ante joined them. For the first time, Shophar found someone that she could truly be honest with. No image to uphold. She wasn’t sure what exactly clicked between them. She even found it ironic because she was older than Ante but seemed to depend on Ante more than anyone else. Shophar could vent the indescribable anxiety she constantly felt throughout her life.ㅤㅤWith some time, Shophar could finally place a word to the emotion she had been feeling for the longest time. It wasn’t sadness, jealousy, nor anger.ㅤㅤIt was fear. She was afraid of herself and of the future.
Chapter 31 ● The Culprit and the Hotel
ㅤㅤYou know what’s funny? One thing I could have done is make skin-to-skin contact with each of the demon girls, taking a nap in between touching each of them. Since Scythe cancels out my dream-eating, I’d just have to test if I have a normal dream or not dream at all. Process of elimination. Ah. A fun idea, but realistically, that wouldn’t have worked.ㅤㅤI’d be questioned, it’d take too long, it’d fuck up my circadian rhythm, and some other stuff. Even now, there’s still a chance that one of them is Scythe.ㅤㅤIn hindsight, none of that matters. There is a smiley face staring directly into my face. Holding a gigantic blade that could cut through me so smoothly that I’d probably become Butter-Don. Butter-Don.ㅤㅤAs always, I can’t think right now.ㅤㅤ“Are you going to kill me?” I ask.ㅤㅤ“I am considering it.”ㅤㅤ“Cool.”
●●●ㅤㅤI’m going to piss myself.ㅤㅤ“Wi—“ㅤㅤ“Stop speaking. It is irritating me,” Rothiel says.ㅤㅤRothiel gets up and brushes the dirt off of their robe.ㅤㅤOkay. So Rothiel is the reincarnation of Azazel. What do I know about Azazel? I know that Azazel is a Nephilim, possessed Joni, and has a fighting chance against Laplace’s Demon. Would Rothiel share the same motive as Azazel? What would that motive even be? From my understanding, Azazel seemed to really hate Scythe based on what he said in the Crater. Is Rothiel looking for Scythe? I have to train myself not to say what I think.ㅤㅤ“What did you just say?!” Rothiel demands. Without even noticing it, I’m being held up by my neck. Rothiel is wearing some kind of metallic gauntlet, so this is painful as all Hell. But at least I’m not making skin contact.ㅤㅤ“I…I didn’t say anything!” I say among my gasps for air.ㅤㅤ“You spoke of Scythe! You asked me if I was searching for Scythe!”ㅤㅤAh. So I did say that out loud.ㅤㅤ“Y-Yeah! I—If you are! I can help!” I admit.ㅤㅤRothiel drops me to the ground and stabs the bottom of their scythe near my leg.ㅤㅤ“You do not seem very intelligent. I am doubtful that you would be useful to me. Regardless of being a fellow Branching demon.”ㅤㅤRothiel is definitely considering killing me.ㅤㅤWait. Pause. Rothiel didn’t kill Claw. Rothiel didn’t kill Swan either. This has to be a bluff or something. There has to be a reason that Rothiel can’t kill us.ㅤㅤ“I know each of the demons here personally. I’ve been inv—investigating whether any of them are actually Scythe,” I offer as information while my throat recovers.ㅤㅤRothiel pauses before speaking again.ㅤㅤ“How could you possibly have enough information about Scythe to discern her from the rest? What could you possibly know about Scythe that I am not already aware of?” The smiley face says.ㅤㅤDon't say too much.ㅤㅤ"I know about the demon."ㅤㅤRothiel freezes.ㅤㅤ"The demon? What are you talking about?!" Rothiel questions.ㅤㅤ"I know more about the demon than you could probably ever know."ㅤㅤRothiel quickly snatches me up again. By the collar this time, so not as painful. Their scythe is pointed directly at my face again. But I'm confident.ㅤㅤ"TELL ME!" Rothiel shouts.ㅤㅤWhere the fuck is the sound of their voice even coming from? They don't even have a real mouth. Well. I'm not one to talk. I used to be a tree demon, too.ㅤㅤ"Kill me. You will never know what I know. About Laplace's De--"ㅤㅤRothiel slams me to the ground, landing me on my back once again. Ouch.ㅤㅤ"You should not be aware of that name. This cannot be!" Rothiel mutters.ㅤㅤ"But it do be. It really do be," I say, as I get up again. I like this shirt. Please don't get it dirty again.ㅤㅤRothiel paces back and forth, muttering to themselves.ㅤㅤI confidently smirk. Until Rothiel stops in their tracks. Rothiel walks past me towards the front of the warehouse again.ㅤㅤOh. Oh, shit. They're going to use Claw and/or Swan as collateral. Shit!ㅤㅤI dash toward Rothiel as they almost walk around the corner. But Rothiel quickly backs up, hitting me in the process. I fall to the ground once again. My shirt.ㅤㅤ"Do not speak," Rothiel says in a quieter voice somehow. I'm right behind Rothiel and back up against the wall. We’re both behind this corner, unviewable from the front of the warehouse.ㅤㅤI hear a voice from around the corner. It's Swan.ㅤㅤ"I'm not sure where Claw went. All I remember is seeing her cry outside by herself. I approached her to try and comfort her, but I quickly fainted. When I came to, I was lying here. There was blood around me, but I didn't feel anything. No injuries, either. I don't know what happened," says Swan.ㅤㅤ"Oh, my goodness! Baby! Poor Claw must be so scared. The blood spill looks intense. It sounds like she was acting odd, but maybe she was missing her sister. I’m not sure. But how convenient is it that Don disappeared right as Claw did? The one we need to keep an eye out for the most is Don. I…I hate to say it. He just hasn't been acting like himself lately. This really isn't your blood?" says Stag's voice.ㅤㅤ"No. It's not."ㅤㅤ"Should we check around the warehouse?" asks Stag.ㅤㅤ"Probably not needed. I assume Scythe has already detected that we're getting suspicious. She must have fled the area already. I'm terrified to think about where Don might be if Scythe has him captive elsewhere and is using his likeness," replies Swan.ㅤㅤ"I…I don't know if I should make an announcement to update everyone about our suspicions. But I haven't seen Don anywhere. I'm leaning toward doing it, but I'm hesitant because of Sho. It almost looked like Don was holding her hostage. She might be in on it, too! What do you think?"ㅤㅤ"I don't know, Stag. I still think it would be a good idea to bring everyone together. You already told everyone that Don is our biggest suspect before he even got here. I'll look around the area and catch up with you. Thanks for checking up on me," says Swan.ㅤㅤ"Stay safe out here, Swan. We don't really know whose blood that belongs to," Stag concludes as she heads inside.ㅤㅤA moment of silence as Swan waits for Stag to enter the warehouse.ㅤㅤ"Go ahead. Approach me," says Swan loudly in Rothiel's and my direction.
●●●ㅤㅤRothiel walks steadily around the corner, revealing themselves.ㅤㅤI'm almost offended. Rothiel moved so quickly to pin me to the ground, but here they are, walking very slowly and calmly around the corner to confront Swan. Wait. Maybe that means I'm a bigger threat. Hehe.ㅤㅤ"Don! Get away from that reaper! Come here–he's dangerous!" says Swan. Ah. Rothiel is a dude.ㅤㅤAnd woah, woah! Hold on just a second, Swan! Swan, you just dropped the bomb earlier that everyone thinks I'm Scythe. You obviously know I overheard it from around the corner. You think I'm going to fall for that? You're probably going to capture me or something!ㅤㅤBut honestly. I'd rather be on her side right now. Away from Rothiel. All I need to do is prove to her and the rest of the demons later that I'm not Scythe. I begin to speak.ㅤㅤ"I–Is that right? Guess I'll–"ㅤㅤRothiel swings his scythe and stops it right in front of me.ㅤㅤ"Elm demon. Do not approach this one. She is not who you think she is," Rothiel declares.ㅤㅤ"What? I'm–I'm not exactly inclined to trust you right now," I say.ㅤㅤ"She is–"ㅤㅤ"Don! Don't listen to a word he says! I just said what I said in order to get Stag back inside away from him! To keep her out of this! Yes, the other demons suspect you–but I don't! I know that's you!" states Swan.ㅤㅤThat…that checks out. Something the loving Swan would do. If anything, Rothiel could easily be one of Scythe's henchmen or something.ㅤㅤRothiel readjusts his stance to challenge Swan.ㅤㅤ"Alright. You're not going to let Don go? I'll make you!" Swan says.ㅤㅤThis is so out of character for her. Like, what? Was Swan a weak demon? Can't remember off the top of my head. I did learn recently that she was traumatized by her human parents' expectations but is still a big sweetheart with the culinary talent of a legend.ㅤㅤSo what's about to happen? I have no clue.ㅤㅤRothiel speaks, "You will make me do nothing!"ㅤㅤRothiel quickly turns his head to scan the area.ㅤㅤ"Where is the little cherub demon?! I was not done with her!" he follows up.ㅤㅤSo Rothiel did hurt Claw. I don't like Claw very much, but it's fucked up to cut a child's tongue off, brat or not. If only I were stronger, I could actually get a hit on Rothiel while his guard's down.ㅤㅤBut I'm weak as shit.ㅤㅤSwan lunges in Rothiel's direction but is more aimed towards me. Let's fucking go! Come to my rescue!ㅤㅤRothiel swings his scythe, and Swan is able to shift her trajectory by slamming her leg on the ground right before it hits her. She jumps up and lands right on the scythe's blade as it's turned on its side. In a split second, she crouches and springs up once again, sending the scythe flat on the ground.ㅤㅤI consider using this opportunity to split.ㅤㅤBut before I can even move, Rothiel abandons his scythe, grabs my arm with his left hand, and extends his right hand toward Swan's neck. Swan dodges it at the last second. But her focus on dodging it leads her to land roughly, to which Rothiel is on the uptake. He grabs her by the back of her shirt, flips her over, and steps on her chest, all while keeping me in his left hand's grasp.ㅤㅤI don't want to see Swan hurt. I look away, knowing I can’t do anything. I hear the sound of Rothiel’s metallic gauntlets slamming against skin. Whether Rothiel is actually a henchman of Scythe or not, all these other demons are the same. I can't trust them.ㅤㅤBut at the same time, no one seems to trust me.ㅤㅤSwan and Shophar are probably the only ones that still believe me now. Claw would maybe on my side after happened here. Still–while I don't blame her for abandoning Swan, she could have at least tried to retreat with Swan. She's also powerful enough to heal quickly, I'd think.ㅤㅤI hear Swan’s grunts of pain, trying to escape. I look back at her.ㅤㅤI brace myself. I watch as Rothiel…misshapes his right hand to slip out of its gauntlet? He places his palm on Swan's chest.ㅤㅤSwan starts to groan something.ㅤㅤ"Don. Save Vein and run. You can't trust him…You don't know him…You can't--"ㅤㅤHer voice stops. It's soon followed by a swift slicing sound.ㅤㅤI should've. I should've closed my eyes.
●●●ㅤㅤSwan's pretty cool.ㅤㅤI met her less than a year after being possessed. According to Stag, my human memories had taken over by then.ㅤㅤSwan would have been 18 at the time. When she first began, she seldom worked at the restaurant. I can't remember if it was only a weekend gig for her, but it was something like that. She must have been spending most of her time in an extracurricular culinary arts program or something.ㅤㅤI never found out what kind of demon she was. I never bothered to ask Stag either. Her obvious defining feature are her horns. Funnily enough, when I first met her, I'd stare at her two horns protruding from her head. It looked like two swans facing away from each other–almost as if they were saying goodbye. Nothing deeper to it. I just thought it was sad to imagine.ㅤㅤLike I've said, she's always been the silent, mysterious type. In some ways, I've known her to be even less talkative than Anvil, despite their similar personalities. Her anxiety attack and breakdown from last week was probably the most I've spoken to her in years. And the most I've learned about her in years.ㅤㅤBut I look up to her. In a way different from, say, Stag. This will sound stereotypical, but I've always been the eldest sibling doing everything I could to take care of Vein. So having an older sibling figure to depend on was kind of new for me.ㅤㅤI tried to find that in Swan. Buuuuut she never scolded me. When I would fuck up as a waiter with no one but her witnessing my mistake, I wouldn't even get a glare. No look of disappointment. Nothing. Stag, Shophar, or someone else would find out my mistake later and berate me for it.ㅤㅤIn the end, I couldn't really find the older sister figure in anyone. Definitely not Shophar, even if she's older than me. I've felt…a little unique from the rest of my demon friends. You could pin that on my ADHD, my identity, or a bunch of other things. I don't really know. I looked up to Swan solely for her diligence and seriousness. None of which I have. But ironically enough, I love how Swan never treated me differently from anyone else. She's always been extremely objective and efficient. She gets the job done, and she does it well. Kind of puts a new spin on why I was so surprised when she opened up to me out of nowhere, huh?ㅤㅤI could never read her. Did she even care about me? I want to say yes, especially with how she acted with Rothiel. She seemed extra worried for me. Maybe her opaque personality disappeared at the moment of crisis.ㅤㅤThose two swans on her head saying goodbye. How ironic.ㅤㅤThey're now both in front of me on the ground. One swan faced directly at me, while the other one is tilted toward the ground.ㅤㅤI don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. As always. I could curse in my head like I always do. Say my 'fucks', my 'shits', and everything else. I could lash out in anger at Rothiel, but I'm smarter than that. I'm not exactly level-headed right now, but I also know better.ㅤㅤThis is probably shock. It could be. Yeah. No adrenaline rush. No special power that erupts out of nowhere to help me beat Rothiel.ㅤㅤJust me, still in Rothiel's left hand. Standing completely still.
●●●ㅤㅤRothiel lets go of me.ㅤㅤ"She was dangerous, Elm demon.”ㅤㅤI say nothing.ㅤㅤ“She was plotting to murder all of the demons collected here, Elm demon. Whether or not you believe me is up to your discretion. I do not have anything as complicated as a voice recorder. But that is what she claimed during our first encounter. If you truly believe that I am the one who injured that smaller cherub, then you must use what intelligence you have to think about how that would be possible.”ㅤㅤI am still speechless, but I’m trying to process all this as fast as I can.ㅤㅤ“Elm demon. I understand. You have been deceived by a companion. I do have empathy, so I will tell you. Between your dead companion and I, it is obvious why you would assume that I am the one who hurt the cherub’s tongue. But ask yourself what kind of injury the tongue sustained.”ㅤㅤI…What? What does he mean? Okay, fine. Her tongue was sliced off, right? It was bleeding a LOT. It was putrid. A completely visceral gory scene. And…I never really saw a clean slice of her tongue.ㅤㅤOh. I see.ㅤㅤThe rest of Claw’s mouth was uninjured. There’s no physical way Rothiel’s enormous scythe could have sliced Claw’s tongue without injuring some other part of her face and mouth. Even if it did, no demon-possessed human body is capable of healing that fast. It wasn’t that long ago that I saw Claw in the warehouse, so her injury was recent. In fact, I didn’t see a slice in the first place.ㅤㅤClaw’s tongue was forcefully torn out.ㅤㅤCould Rothiel have done that himself? Maybe. But look at how huge Rothiel’s gauntlets are.ㅤㅤIt really was Swan?ㅤㅤRothiel continues, “I never truly had the intention to kill any of you demons. Except for her. I was simply unfamiliar with you and assumed the worst, since you appeared shortly after I encountered her.”ㅤㅤI stare at Rothiel.ㅤㅤ“I will tell you more. But not until you respond,” Rothiel requests as he adjusts his scythe.ㅤㅤI continue staring.ㅤㅤ“Well?”ㅤㅤI.ㅤㅤI fall to my knees and start crying. I bawl my eyes out. Absolutely destroy my eyes. Constantly itching my eyes as if Rothiel just pepper sprayed me.ㅤㅤI can’t tell if Rothiel is watching me or still here, but I continue crying for about five more minutes.ㅤㅤI don’t really think too hard while I’m crying. I’m kind of just…sad. You know. Someone I’ve known for a long time was killed in front of my eyes. And now I’m being told she wanted to kill me. Swan finally opened up to me, and I could share some of her pain. Was she ready to stab me in the back at any time? I don’t fully believe it yet. After all, I was just told all this by a random stranger. I don't want to describe her decapitation to you. I already had trouble describing the scene in Cerus' dream.ㅤㅤAfter my tears die down, Rothiel picks me up by the waist. He tells me that there’s a good chance the girls will begin searching around the storage warehouse soon. That we should leave.ㅤㅤI don’t bother trying to fight back.
●●●ㅤㅤ"We will remain here for the night."ㅤㅤWe're in front of a hotel. I'm familiar with this hotel. We pass by on the way to the downtown area. Like, on the way to where the barcade is.ㅤㅤHow did we get here? Well…Rothiel literally drove. Motherfucker drove a fucking red Jeep Wrangler. It was parked along the side of the road a few ways away from the warehouse. That Wrangler pissed me off so bad, it distracted me from my grief for a few minutes.ㅤㅤWe spent most of the ride in silence. And no, I didn’t wear my seatbelt. I honestly expected him to explain the whole situation, but he didn't. I didn't ask, either. He's warmed up to me to some extent. He kind of mentioned it himself. He genuinely feels sorry for me. My eyes still hurt, and I don't want to talk to the front desk.ㅤㅤRothiel has some luggage in his hand. I can't really tell how he appears to humans, but I assume he has some other form of disguise, because he's still wearing the same getup.ㅤㅤAs we walk toward the hotel entrance, I think about how I've never actually seen the inside. I haven't really been to many hotels. We barely travel, if I'm being honest.ㅤㅤSuddenly, I notice Rothiel has completely changed clothes. I didn't even see it. How the fuck did he…?ㅤㅤWhatever. If he's Azazel incarnate, he probably has more abilities than I know or care about. His body is the same–dark amorphous tendrils and shit. But casual clothes. Nice khakis, a polo, and boating shoes.ㅤㅤI watch as he speaks to the front desk in perfect American English. Like, slang and contractions, too. Completely unlike the formal way he talks to me.ㅤㅤThe front desk employee asks if I'm going to be in a separate room, but I'm too zoned out and didn't process what she asked. I get a bit embarrassed and hide behind Azazel. I mean, Rothiel. Whatever. Plus, I don't want my bloodshot eyes to be seen.ㅤㅤThe front desk lady chuckles a bit.ㅤㅤ"Doesn't go out much, does she?" she says.ㅤㅤ"Ahah, afraid so," Rothiel responds.ㅤㅤ"In any case–Room 213. Here are your room keys. Complementary breakfast at 7:00 AM, fitness and pools down the hall to the left. Isaac, right? Enjoy your stay!"
●●●ㅤㅤIsaac. Lmao. He is NOT an Isaac. At most, he's a Jared. Or Kyle. Or even Lyle.ㅤㅤ"You will rest for now. I do not fully trust you, but I will tell you what I believe you deserve to know. As long as you–"ㅤㅤ"Rothiel. You gruesomely murdered one of my friends in front of me. I still smell blood, even if the hotel staff can't. I can't really think straight right now. You expect me to just sleep in a bed next to a murderer?! Why do you think I wouldn't just leave from here in the middle of the night?"ㅤㅤRothiel's face has changed. It's a spiral with four tear-drop shapes surrounding it.ㅤㅤ"Just do not. Do not leave."ㅤㅤMore silence.ㅤㅤI end up just tucking in and closing my eyes. Sorry, I didn't brush my teeth. Don't really have a toothbrush right now.ㅤㅤI don't even know how I got here. I'm not as nervous sleeping next to Swan's murderer as I should be. I think this just feels like a long dream. It's hard to keep track at this point.ㅤㅤ"Rothiel. Please just talk like you did with the front desk. I don't like formal talk very much," I say. Who cares, I'll say what's on my mind. Rothiel doesn't plan to kill me, it looks like.ㅤㅤ"I speak how I like, Elm demon."ㅤㅤI readjust my sheets, sigh, and fade.
Chapter 32 ● The Seafloor and the Pool
ㅤㅤIt's like the salt flats in Utah. The ground is a perfect reflection of the sky. But for some reason, the sky isn't actually the sky. No clouds, no sun, nothing. A grand, black vignette clouds my vision, but I can see shimmering stars. I can also see gigantic pitch-black silhouettes of sea creatures swimming above. I can barely make out their fins, and they definitely swim like fish. They appear to be getting smaller, but I can tell. It’s not that they’re getting smaller. I’m just getting further and further away. The ground is getting lower and lower.ㅤㅤI'm sinking into an endless sea.ㅤㅤI watch as more of these pitch-black sea creatures phase through the ground upwards. The fact that I am sinking along with the ground creates the illusion that the creatures are floating up. I can't tell if what's above me is actually the surface of the water, because I can't make out a pattern of refraction.ㅤㅤThe ground isn't sinking very fast. It's like a slow elevator. I seem to be the only creature that is physically affected by the ground. Every other creature phases through it like a ghost.ㅤㅤThat is, until I see a new humanoid silhouette approach me. It's a young girl. Shorter than me, with unimaginable volume to her hair. She's holding some kind of string in her hand.ㅤㅤAs she gets closer, she is no longer a silhouette. The stars illuminate her just enough so that I can see what she looks like. She puts her hands behind her back and hides the string she's holding.ㅤㅤWhat I thought to be her hair turns out to be some kind of large, translucent veil over her head. Her actual hair is underneath. Long, unkempt, straight hair. But the most noticeable feature is its silky, off-white color. Her bangs are scattered and cover most of her eyes. It's a miracle she could see enough to approach me. She’s a little younger than I am.ㅤㅤUnlike me, she doesn't have horns.ㅤㅤ"Hi!" she says.ㅤㅤ"H–Hello," I say very shyly.ㅤㅤ"Why are you crying?"ㅤㅤ"I don't like it here. It's dark. These fish–they’re gigantic," I say in between some sniffles.ㅤㅤ"They're not scary! I'll cheer you up. Let’s do something else. Hmm. Oh! Want to play hide and seek?"ㅤㅤ"N–No, thank you. I'm too old for hide and seek."ㅤㅤ"Come on! It'll be different! Let’s just play!"ㅤㅤI see her place the string in some kind of small pocket on her dress. Just as one of the creatures phase upwards from the sinking ground, she grabs onto its fin. She climbs on top of it and jumps onto another one passing by.ㅤㅤ"Hey!" She shouts, "It's not hiding if you don't close your eyes!"ㅤㅤ"But…But what if you’re too high up?" I respond.ㅤㅤ"Close them! I promise I won't be too high up!" She demands as her voice fades away in the distance.ㅤㅤI close my eyes and count to fifty.ㅤㅤI open them and…ㅤㅤI'm back to square one. Alone. But now I have to find her. I try to copy her moves, but my fingers slip as soon as I try to grab onto the first fish. The second attempt has the fish wiggle its tail violently and throw me across the sinking ground.ㅤㅤI grow frustrated. Why can she do it, but I can't?!ㅤㅤThe string! It must be the string! It's some kind of special string that allows her to climb these fish. No, that doesn't make any sense.ㅤㅤI spend the next few hours trying over and over. At this point, I've forgotten about the girl and just want to succeed in climbing these fish.ㅤㅤOn what I counted to be my 95th try, I land flat on my back from my slippery fingers failing me. The land was so rough that I feel myself black out for a moment.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Haha! You couldn't find me, huh?"ㅤㅤWhen I open my eyes, the girl's face is hovering over mine. Her hair is lightly tapping my face. I feel a piece of hair get in my mouth, and I spit in disgust.ㅤㅤThe girl laughs.ㅤㅤ"Sorry! I should really cut my hair!"ㅤㅤBefore I have a chance to respond, she grabs a hold of her bangs and rips them out with her bare hands.ㅤㅤI watch in horror as she continues this for the next few seconds.ㅤㅤ"No! It's not painful! My hair falls out easily. It's okay!"ㅤㅤIn doing this, she’s shortened her bangs. Very unevenly. But now, I can see her eyes clearly. They’re like pink rings. Not red. Not even a bright red. They’re actually pink. Maybe magenta. Her pupils are large and dilated—my guess is that it’s from being in this darkness for so long. But I also suspect that they might be that size naturally. Finally, I notice two triangular slits surrounding each iris.ㅤㅤI shake my head and remember what I was going to say.ㅤㅤ"Where…Where were you?! I was alone for hours!" I complain.ㅤㅤ"Sorry! I was talking to the microbes and phytoplankton!" she responds.ㅤㅤ"The…the what?!"ㅤㅤ"The microbes and phytoplankton! They're the really small creatures that you can sometimes see when the stars' light hits the sea juuuuuuust right!"ㅤㅤI readjust my focus. I don't see anything."I know what they are! I just…I just! I don't see them! Ugh, this isn't fair! You can do everything here! I can't even climb the fish like you! Ugh!"ㅤㅤ"Hey, hey, it's okay! Look."ㅤㅤThe girl reaches into her back pocket and pulls out the string from before.ㅤㅤ"Is…Is that some magical string that lets you do all this?!" I question.ㅤㅤ"Oh? No, no. It takes a loooooot of practice to climb fish and talk to the plankton. This is something else. Look closer."ㅤㅤ"'Look closer'. As if I'm going to be able to see anything special—"ㅤㅤThe string moves. It wiggles around for a bit, and I'm able to make out a tiny bump at the end of the string. It's a head. Actually…ㅤㅤIt's a snake. A really tiny and thin snake. With big eyes.ㅤㅤ"Woah…Is that…Is that going to bite me?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Well…For now, just don't make him angry," she responds.ㅤㅤI place my hand close to the snake, and it wraps itself softly around my pointing finger. It flicks its tongue at my thumb.ㅤㅤ"Haha! It kind of tickles!" I exclaim.ㅤㅤ"His name is Pyo!"ㅤㅤ"Pyo…I like Pyo!" I say.ㅤㅤ For a while, the girl and I play with Pyo, having him climb us and wrap around whatever he can. He eventually wraps himself around my left horn.ㅤㅤ"Your horns are so pretty!" exclaims the girl.ㅤㅤ"Thanks…I don't like them very much."ㅤㅤ"Well, that's stupid! You should like them like I do!" As she leans over and feels the surface of my right horn.ㅤㅤ"I'll try," I respond, "Are snakes your favorite animal?"ㅤㅤ"I love snakes, but no. My favorite animals are lions! You?" she asks.ㅤㅤ"Dolphins," I respond. Before I go into detail, I realize something.ㅤㅤ"If Pyo has a name, what's yours?" I ask.ㅤㅤThe girl giggles.ㅤㅤ"I'll tell you if you win at hide-and-seek!" she says.ㅤㅤI roll my eyes and say, "Don't be like that! I'm already tired. And we're still sinking. I want to go somewhere else."ㅤㅤ"Oh. You don't like the bottom of the sea?" she asks, looking concerned.ㅤㅤ"I don't know…I just…It just keeps sinking and sinking. The stars are beautiful, but there has to be more, right?"ㅤㅤThe ground stops moving. The perpetual feeling of falling as if I were on a slow elevator is over. The sudden stop in motion leads me to vomit a little bit in my mouth, but I swallow it back in.ㅤㅤ"Okay. Follow me," the girl says.
●●●ㅤㅤThe girl, with her hand leading me along, guides me along a path of complete darkness for a few minutes. I can't keep track of time. Along the way, I can hear sounds of small creatures scurrying. I even hear a low humming and growling noise at one point. Pyo, still wrapped around my left horn, hisses back. I get a feeling of complete anxiety. The air feels heavier around here. That black vignette is gone—not because it's clear, but because it's been swallowed into my entire vision. The hums and growls seem to get closer and closer until…ㅤㅤUntil I see a glowing light in the distance. The black vignette is back, and the parts of the ground I can see clearly are limited to the path toward the light. Unlike before, the sky is pitch-black.ㅤㅤWe walk and walk and walk and walk towards it until I can make out what exactly it is.ㅤㅤIt's a square building with a glass exterior. Completely see-through except for the foundational parts of the walls and ceiling. The light from earlier turns out to be a myriad of colors coming from a giant pool inside the building.ㅤㅤA singular glass door is the only entrance. We enter, and…ㅤㅤIt's stunning. One of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen.ㅤㅤA 10-foot deep pool with vibrant, cool-colored underwater lighting. Fake palm trees spread throughout the tiled floor. More ambient lighting on the corners of the ceiling diffusing onto the surface of the water. The water itself is so clear that every white tile is perfectly visible from the surface. But so are the pitch-black fish swimming within the pool. Much smaller than the ones from earlier. My favorite detail has to be the reflection and refraction of the pool on everything above the water. It's all so…liminal. That’s the word.ㅤㅤAt this moment, I’m not really thinking too much about the implications of there being a pool at the bottom of the ocean. If this even is the bottom of the ocean like the girl says.ㅤㅤ"Isn't it gorgeous? Isn't it…," the girl blurts then pauses.ㅤㅤShe seems to be thinking. After about five seconds, she continues.ㅤㅤ“Isn’t it enchanting?” she says.ㅤㅤ"Gorgeous…doesn't begin to describe this. And…‘enchanting’ is a big word. Why do you know that?"ㅤㅤ"I'm just a really smart fish!" she responds playfully.ㅤㅤ"You're telling me you're a fish…with a pet snake."ㅤㅤ"Well, I actually had to learn that word. I read it from one of the books I found. And…I'm not really a fish. But I live down here, so I live like one."ㅤㅤ"You're more like a mermaid then!" I tease her, knowing she has a more childish sense of humor.ㅤㅤ"A mermaid…I like that! I'm just missing a tail, then!" she responds, wiggling her waist playfully.ㅤㅤI laugh then ask, "So…what exactly is this place?"ㅤㅤ"It's one of my Cloverscapes!"ㅤㅤ"…Clover?"ㅤㅤ"Yep! I call them Cloverscapes because for a long time, I was stuck with only four of them. So I thought four was my lucky number! But nowadays, I find hundreds of them. And I keep track of all of them in my head!"ㅤㅤ"There are other places like this?"ㅤㅤ"Yep! This is the first one I ever found. I spend most of my time at the bottom of the sea looking for these. Once I find one, I can visit it anytime. There are even bigger and prettier ones! Ones with loops, slides, bigger trees, and so much more!"ㅤㅤ"Wow. Um. Can…Can I swim in this one?"ㅤㅤ"Go ahead!"ㅤㅤI walk down the tiled stairs into the pool. The silhouetted fish swim away from me.ㅤㅤThe next few hours are so fun. We race, play Marco Polo, and even have Pyo swim around for a bit.ㅤㅤAt one point, I'm just floating up on my back staring at the pitch-black sky through the glass ceiling. I hold my breath and float face down to see the clean white pool floor illuminated by the colorful lights. Pyo swims up to me underwater and curls around my horn again.ㅤㅤAfterwards, we dry off with some towels on a rack.ㅤㅤ"Thank you so much for bringing me here! Much more fun than if we played hide-and-seek out there," I say.ㅤㅤThe girl's expression shifts.ㅤㅤ"Well. We still have to play hide-and-seek, okay?" The girl responds.ㅤㅤ"O—Oh. Okay. Um. Anyway, are we going to go to a different Cloverscape now? There aren’t many places to hide here," I comment.ㅤㅤ"Maybe. I don't know what will happen if I take you to my Cloverscapes. You’re the only one who survived this one."ㅤㅤ"I…I'm sorry, can you say that again?"ㅤㅤ"You’re the only one who survived this one."ㅤㅤ"What do you mean by that?"ㅤㅤ"Only the sea animals and Pyo can be here. So every time I meet someone new, I take them to this Cloverscape."ㅤㅤ"Wait, wait! So what happened when they didn't survive?"ㅤㅤ"Well. It's really boring. I just removed them from the bottom of the sea."ㅤㅤ"Like…You removed them after they die?"ㅤㅤ"No. I remove them because they’re in pain."ㅤㅤ"You…You kill them?!" I ask, confused.ㅤㅤ"No! I don't kill them! Don't say that! That's too mean."ㅤㅤMy breathing gets a little heavy. But I calm myself down. I don’t know what she’s capable of.ㅤㅤ"Okay, okay. I'm glad I'm welcome."ㅤㅤ"Same! Promise me you won't enter another Cloverscape of mine without me?"ㅤㅤ"Yes."ㅤㅤI don’t think I could, even if I wanted to.
●●●ㅤㅤWe are walking back across the pitch-black path we took going to the Cloverscape.ㅤㅤI'm a little sad and asked her earlier if I could stay at the Cloverscape. She said no. That she didn't want to risk anything.ㅤㅤOnce again, the feeling of anxiety returns. Growling and humming. Air getting heavier. I hold my breath as often as I can. I already miss the Cloverscape.ㅤㅤSuddenly, my heart sinks. I feel my breath leave me in a way it hasn't before.ㅤㅤI feel her hand let go of mine.ㅤㅤ"Wh—Where are you?! Hey! Hey! Please! It's…reeeeaally, really dark. Hey!"ㅤㅤI reach for my left horn.ㅤㅤPhew. Okay. Pyo is still there. I'm not entirely alone. Pyo doesn't hiss or anything. Yeah. Pyo seems more afraid when the girl isn't here. I can even feel Pyo tightening his grip around my horn in fear.ㅤㅤ"This isn't f—funny! I don't want to play hide-and-seek if you do this!"ㅤㅤThen it occurs to me. Maybe this is the hide-and-seek game? But she didn't say anything ahead of time.ㅤㅤ"HEY!" I try one last time. No response, of course.ㅤㅤI take one deep breath, cover my ears, and continue walking in the darkness.
●●●ㅤㅤI walk for what feels like days. But I'm sure only a few hours have passed. If I could find my way back to that pool Cloverscape, I'd be fine. But nothing yet. Even if I returned to the original place I started where the ground was moving down like an elevator under the stars, I'd—ㅤㅤMy thoughts are interrupted by the murmurs getting louder. It’s as if thousands of screeching locusts are buzzing around me. All while the sounds of a dozen cruise ships’ obnoxious horns reverberate simultaneously around me from all directions in painful dissonance. The piercing sound makes me want to shout, but I hesitate out of fear for what might happen if I do. Instead, I cover my ears the best I can. I close my eyes.ㅤㅤI don't bother to move for a while.ㅤㅤUntil everything stops. I lift my hands off my ears. Complete silence. No humming. No growls.ㅤㅤI begin walking, making sure that Pyo is still with me.ㅤㅤIt doesn't take me too long to eventually see a light—no, multiple lights—off in the distance. Excited, I begin to run toward them. I want to eat something. I’m not really hungry, but I can’t remember eating since I got here. But I'm sure I'll find something to eat once I arrive where those lights are. If it's another Cloverscape, maybe the girl will be there. Maybe she'll feed me something.
●●●ㅤㅤThis Cloverscape is…much, much bigger than the previous one. It's an entire city. There are skyscrapers. Business buildings. Apartment complexes. Condos everywhere. Interweaving highways. Shops with illegible writing on the storefront. Convenience stores, too. It’s like New York City.ㅤㅤAs I walk through, I notice all the small pitch-black fish avoiding me. Unlike the ones from the first Cloverscape, they don't pay attention to me at all. They just swim around me and move on.ㅤㅤThere was no gate or border of any sort to enter the city. The buildings just start and end. If there was going to be a city-sized Cloverscape, I would have expected a gigantic glass dome or something.ㅤㅤNow that I am inside the city and walking around, it strikes me as odd that the buildings are all lit up and functioning. No cars or anything, but entire roads. The fish are entering and leaving the buildings as if this entire city was an abandoned shipwreck. As if this is a sunken city or something. Like a high-tech Atlantis.ㅤㅤAfter a few hours of exploring the area, I get to the entrance of the highest skyscraper in the center of the city.ㅤㅤBefore I enter, the main door opens.ㅤㅤThere she is. She greets me.ㅤㅤ"Hi again!"ㅤㅤ"Y—You! You left me alone! You left me all alone in the complete darkness! I can't—"ㅤㅤ"Shh! Don't be too loud! You'll wake him. And no, I left Pyo with you, didn't I?" she asks.ㅤㅤI'm too stunned to speak, because I'm worried about what she meant by 'him'.ㅤㅤ"Who? Who would I wake up?"ㅤㅤ"Haha! Let me explain! We're going to play my new version of hide-and-seek!" the girl responds.ㅤㅤShe spins around lifts and her arms up, as if she's showing off something.ㅤㅤ"Welcome! To my first Cloverscape! This is actually the first one that I found. I thought this one would be perfect for hide-and-seek! Well, anyway—Here are the rules of hide-and-seek:ㅤㅤFirst, you will have to find me. If you are too far from me, you will disappear.
Second, you will have to hide from my friend. If you are too close to him, you will be hurt.
Third, I will let you swim for a little bit. If you swim for too long, you will have to take a break. While you swim, my friend can't see or smell you."ㅤㅤI am frantically trying to understand what she means by any of this. Before I get to ask more questions, she speaks again.ㅤㅤ"Alrighty! My friend is very fast and has a great sense of smell, so be careful! I'll wake him up now. Good luck!" she says as she enters the door to the large skyscraper.ㅤㅤ"Wait! Wait, wait! Wait! What?!" I open the door just a few milliseconds after it fully closed.ㅤㅤAnd there's nothing inside. It's a dead end. It's almost like an empty closet. There’s something on the floor, but it’s too dark to see what it is. I’m not going to go near it to find out. I look up. There's no way to get up the skyscraper.ㅤㅤI notice some of the fish in my peripheral vision begin to swim a bit faster. My chest tightens. I can't feel my arms for a second. I feel Pyo tighten once again around my horn. I feel physically weak. I stagger away from the skyscraper. In the distance, I notice a torrent of small fish leave from the corner of a building. My curiosity gets the best of me, and I approach that corner.ㅤㅤAnd then I see him. Her friend. He's looking for me, for sure.ㅤㅤHe has a soft and translucent body. His eyes are empty and soulless. Lines that look like stitches cover most of his face—it almost looks like multiple creatures' body parts were sewn together to create him. Two monstrous fins on each side flap up and down eerily, making him seem like he's flying. On his back is a protruding, sharp spine. Unlike every other sea creature I've seen, I can clearly see the details of this one.ㅤㅤBeing a fan of marine biology, I actually recognize this fish. It goes by many names. The ghost shark. Spookfish. Rat fish. Even rabbit fish. Very creative names for this ominous creature.ㅤㅤBut this species of creatures is primarily known as the chimaera to most marine biologists. Species? Or was it order? Classification is too complicated for me. I forget. The point is, these are called chimaera, which doesn't help ease my mind with how zombified the girl's friend looks.

ㅤㅤThe most unnerving part about him is not how he looks, though. It's his size. I don't remember exactly what I read about chimaeras, but they can't be bigger than around five feet. This one—He's as big as a great white shark.ㅤㅤNot even two seconds after I recognize that he's a chimaera, he turns in my direction. His slow and eerie demeanor shifts into some kind of hunting mode.ㅤㅤWith a sudden burst of speed, he swims toward me and Pyo with immeasurable terror.ㅤㅤI quickly jump out of the way as if I were playing dodgeball. Although he misses me, his sharp fins scratch the side of my leg.ㅤㅤI shriek in pain, and Pyo hisses as well. Quickly analyzing the situation, I realize that the chimaera didn't open his mouth. Instead, he tilted his head down as he rammed towards me.ㅤㅤI remember. The spine on his head is poisonous. But there's no way a real chimaera would attack like that. Those spines are supposed to be for defense, not offense.ㅤㅤThe chimaera is readjusting himself, ready to turn around.ㅤㅤThink! Think! The girl said that he wouldn't be able to see or smell me if I swim. Ugh! Chimaera use electroreceptors more than they do their nose! And they barely see at all! Unless that's what she meant by 'see'. I don't know! She's so confusing! But geez. I never thought my interest in marine biology would come in handy.ㅤㅤHe's preparing to lunge as fast as he can.ㅤㅤNot thinking, I jump up and begin to dolphin kick my feet back and forth.ㅤㅤSure enough, I'm swimming in the air. And the chimaera stays still, looking confused.
Chapter 33 ● The Hide and the Seek
ㅤㅤPyo is affected by my 'swimming', too!ㅤㅤGood, good. Okay. We're safe.ㅤㅤSwimming breaststroke, I'm able to distance myself at least 10 meters away from the chimaera. In terms of height, I'm around 10 feet above the ground. I should probably swim to the top of a building. I make my way to the top of a convenience store that's a good distance away from the center of the city where the skyscraper was.ㅤㅤBut before I successfully make it to the top of the building, I fall.ㅤㅤLuckily, I land on the awning of a small store before bouncing off and landing on the ground. As if I were in a movie or something.ㅤㅤI say a quick 'ow' before realizing that I need to get moving before the chimaera catches me again. It is a little difficult to move with that gash across my leg, but I think I'll be fine. Come to think of it, what clothes am I wearing? I wasn't naked when I first woke up. Yeah. I've had these clothes for a while. Right? These are…ㅤㅤNot right now. I see some fish swimming faster, as if moving out of the way. He's close by.ㅤㅤI run and run and run and run, holding onto Pyo so that he doesn't fall off. Truth be told, he's holding onto my horn pretty tight, so I shouldn't have to. But I'm not risking anything. I'm at least three blocks down before I have to take a break. A break. Yeah. I remember what the girl said now.ㅤㅤI can only 'swim' for a short while. I can't remember exactly how much time I had before I fell, but I'll estimate around 30 seconds. The girl seems to really like numbers, so a good, even number like 30 would make sense. I'll try to do it again and jump. Okay. Not working. I've been running for way longer than a minute, which means the cooldown for swimming is significantly longer than the time I can actually swim. I'll just have to try again later and find out.ㅤㅤBut what if I test the cooldown, find out how long it takes, and the chimaera appears? I won't be able to swim away. Can’t risk that. I'll save it for when I need it. Surviving is more important than learning how this 'swimming' thing works.ㅤㅤThe chimaera doesn't seem to be anywhere nearby right now. So after a few minutes of calming down and cooling off, I begin running again, watching the pitch-black silhouetted fish make way for me. I'm also making sure to watch if they're swimming faster because of the chimaera.
●●●ㅤㅤThere it is. The exit of the city just a few blocks down. Haven't seen the chimaera since. Although I say 'exit', it's actually like I said earlier. The buildings just kind of end here.ㅤㅤI'm tired after running so much, so I begin walking toward the edge. I have a feeling the chimaera can't really leave this Cloverscape.ㅤㅤBefore I get any closer, I suddenly…I start to feel lightheaded. I don't know. I put my hand on my forehead, and I'm heating up. Pyo lowers his head to where my hand is and flicks his tongue at it. I gesture to have him wrap around my hand, lower it, and give him some light petting with my other hand.ㅤㅤIt doesn't click until a few seconds of looking at my hand. It's becoming…transparent? I'm fading away. That's right. The girl did say that if I'm too far away from her, I'll disappear. I didn't know whether to take that literally. But that seems to be the case. I feel a sharp stinging pain in my abdomen to accompany my headache. I quickly step backward toward the city, and the pain subsides–although very gradually. I freeze for a moment and realize: I have to play her game. I'm locked into her Cloverscape.ㅤㅤAs I'm thinking about that, I can feel the stinging pain returning. I look down again, and I'm fading away. I wasn't really sure if there's a radius around her–you know, a specific distance I can be from her. This seems to answer that.ㅤㅤI continue walking, and the pain subsides. I stay still again, and the pain returns. I get it.ㅤㅤThe girl is moving, and she getting further away from me.ㅤㅤI'll think of it as a bubble. There's this huge invisible bubble around her, and if I'm at the border of it, I start to disappear. What I don't know is:ㅤㅤ1. How big her bubble is.ㅤㅤ2. How long I can last outside of it.ㅤㅤA bubble. A bubble would imply that it's a three-dimensional border around her. So if I fly too high or somehow traveled underground, it would still affect me.ㅤㅤOkay. I also still don't know how long I can swim for or how long the cooldown is. I'll admit–I can swim, but I'm not the fastest. 30 seconds to swim away from the chimaera. And if I swim too high off the ground, the last 10 seconds would have to be spent swimming to a height that won't hurt me if I fall.ㅤㅤThere's a way for me to detect if the chimaera is nearby. The fish around it will start to swim faster.ㅤㅤSo that makes me curious. Is there a way for me to detect if the girl is nearby?ㅤㅤCurrently, no. I only have a way to detect if she's too far away. If the border is a bubble, I could try to feel for the shape of the bubble and try to find the center based off of that. Only problem is that she keeps moving. Also, it's really painful to teeter on the edge of this bubble.ㅤㅤSo to conclude–it's really a game of hide-and-seek. I should have done a better job of memorizing the layout of the city when I first entered. Were there any good hiding spots?! Are the buildings guaranteed to have an interior, or will they be like the entrance of the center skyscraper?! Ugh!ㅤㅤPyo hisses. The fish in front of us are swimming faster. Let's do this.
●●●ㅤㅤ30 seconds!ㅤㅤ12…ㅤㅤ13…ㅤㅤ14…ㅤㅤOkay, he lost sight of us!ㅤㅤ16…ㅤㅤLet's swim toward…Um…let's check out that clothing shop!ㅤㅤ18…ㅤㅤPerfect. It's not too high off the ground. Almost there!ㅤㅤ20…ㅤㅤ21…ㅤㅤHuh? Huh?! Oh, no. No, no. Ouch. This hurts. Ah. I'm…I'm fading right now. It stings. I'm…I'm at the edge of the barrier. Gotta go back.ㅤㅤ24–ㅤㅤNo!ㅤㅤA thud.ㅤㅤOw. Must have landed around 8 feet off the ground. This stinks. It's only 24 seconds. Not 30. Why would she go for a number like 24?ㅤㅤI'm okay. I landed fine. Not that painful. Just need to let my legs recover. None of the fish nearby are swimming faster, so I've gotten a good ways away from the chimaera.ㅤㅤBut…I have to go towards him. I'm near the edge of the bubble.ㅤㅤThis isn't fair! Couldn't the girl just stay right next to the chimaera? No. She wouldn't do that. But she must be in the same relative area.ㅤㅤI walk backwards. I can't envision the orientation of the bubble right now. But I'm not disappearing, so I'm okay.ㅤㅤUnfortunately, I start to see fish swimming faster. It's only been a few minutes since I last swam. But this moment merits using it. I jump. It doesn't work. The cooldown is not kind.ㅤㅤI do what I believe to be the smartest thing to do in this situation. I go inside a building. What is it? Oh. It looks like a bank. I go inside the bank and hide behind the counter with multiple computers and monitors. Fish are frantically swimming among the buildings surrounding the bank.ㅤㅤSome of the fish begin to swim toward me.ㅤㅤThey begin lightly tapping me. Pyo silently waves his head around, trying to shoo them away. But the fish keep on drawing attention to me.ㅤㅤThen I hear the sound of a big bubble bursting. And I see a shadow cast on the walls of the bank. The chimaera is here. How did it manage to fit through the…No. The chimaera can phase through walls. That's…that's not fair!ㅤㅤThe fish continue to peck at me. No! Don’t point towards me! The chimaera! The chimaera! He's!ㅤㅤHe's hovering right over me. His shadow casting over the entirety of the counter. This is it. I'm going to be poisoned. Pyo tightens around my horn.ㅤㅤI close my eyes and wait for it. This is going to be painful. I've read that chimaera stings are not fun. I can't imagine what this big one's poison feels like. I can feel him tilt his head down.ㅤㅤ…ㅤㅤThen I see the shadow disappear from behind my eyelids. I open my eyes and see his shadow cast on the wall on the opposite end of the hallway.ㅤㅤI don't know what just happened, but I'm just thankful he didn't catch me. Although I decide to keep my mouth shut, I still grab a tiny gasp for air. I don't know enough about this chimaera to know if he can feel the vibrations of my voice alongside the electroreceptors.ㅤㅤWait, that makes sense. Maybe the computers and heavy electronics here threw off the chimaera? I won't count my eggs, though. I have a feeling that the other fish's unease will lead to the chimaera still finding me. I have to get out of here.ㅤㅤI see the shadow stay there for the next few minutes. With some less-than-perfect timing, the stinging pain returns. I'm getting a little bit used to the pain, but because it's so unpredictable, I can't keep risking anything by staying here. I think it's been around 10 minutes since I last swam. I want to try it again, but if I jump, I'll be noticed by the chimaera.ㅤㅤNo! Um! The pain is getting worse! Hm?ㅤㅤPyo starts to slither off of me to the ground. He repeatedly taps his head on the ground, flicking his tongue at it simultaneously. The ground? What is Pyo trying to tell me? Come on! I hope Pyo is trying to tell me something useful!ㅤㅤThe computers suddenly go on sleep mode, and I hear the devices power down. Either they did that on their own, or the chimaera did something. If so, he’s much smarter than I give him credit for. But I start to see the shadow on the wall move back towards me. Ugh! I'll…I'll just try to swim anyway!
●●●ㅤㅤI'm so confused. I'm flat on the ground. But not in the way I'd think. From my waist down is the floor. Well, actually–I'm sinking. I'm sinking through the floor?!ㅤㅤWait, wait! Okay, Pyo is still with me. I think I know what's happening.ㅤㅤI wave my arms, and my guess is right. I'm swimming through the floor. Wait, no. Not the floor. I'm swimming underground. Oh, my gosh! That means that this whole time, I've been able to swim through objects! I'm like a ghost? I never really tried swimming through objects before.ㅤㅤI look up, and the chimaera looks confused once again. I sink all the way underground, and I see nothing but pitch-black. The underground is kind of scary, but at this point, I've walked through so much pure darkness. I'm not phased.ㅤㅤI'm more worried about my time limit. If I run out of swim time while underground, the chimaera would detect me and also 'ghost' underground. He doesn’t have a time limit like me. I'm also worried that if I run out of swim time while I'm underground…would I be physically stuck underground and suffocate?!ㅤㅤAm I overthinking this?! Ugh! I'll just! Just need to keep count. I've already been doing so very naturally. It’s a habit I picked up from all my cooking back at home.ㅤㅤHome?ㅤㅤUgh! Not important right now.ㅤㅤI swim underground frantically in some random direction. As long as it's away from the chimaera. Need to spend the last five seconds swimming up and getting my body above ground.ㅤㅤ18…ㅤㅤ19…ㅤㅤOkay, swim back up.ㅤㅤIn the last four seconds, I safely plant my feet in the middle of a room, not the middle of the street. I'm lucky I didn't land with my body phased inside a wall or something. I'm greeted by some of the fish, but they quickly swim away. Yes, they're swimming away from me, it looks like. Not the chimaera. Good.ㅤㅤThe first thing I do is look out the window of this building. I don't see the bank anywhere in sight. I'm surprised that I was able to swim this far in 20 seconds. But I can't be that far from the chimaera. On the bright side, I'm closer to the girl. No pain or transparency right now.ㅤㅤThis looks like a reception room–based on the arrangement of the rooms down the hall, this is probably some kind of medical practice. I don’t have the time to check what kind, so I go ahead and leave the building. A single road is in front of me, and some fish are swimming faster from right to left. So I'll go left.
●●●ㅤㅤIt's been about an hour since my last encounter with the edge of the bubble or the chimaera. I'd like to think I'm getting closer to the girl. That's assuming that she's not moving very much.ㅤㅤSo the cooldown is around 7 minutes. To be safe, I'll assume 8.ㅤㅤ24 seconds to swim. 8 minutes to walk. I'm getting the hang of this. I pet Pyo. He slides into my sleeve, which tickles me. Pyo is so cute! But as I look at my sleeve, I start thinking about my clothes again. They stayed on me when I went underground. The rules of this Cloverscape and hide-and-seek game aren't the most consistent. Most of it is unrealistic. I've probably been overthinking things. How am I even surviving here? I ate some bread I found in a bakery earlier, but I haven't thought about other survival needs. I haven't had to use the restroom or anything.ㅤㅤPyo looks directly at me. Haha. Maybe I should use this opportunity to eat as many sweets that I can find. Actually, that's probably not a good idea. I can't let food bog me down when I need to keep my athletic ability in tune. I need some protein or something.ㅤㅤI walk slower to let myself rest as I explore the city. I stop by a small camping supply shop and grab a compass. This is the opposite side of the city from where I first entered. It looks like I entered from the west and am now headed east. I haven't seen any of these buildings before. It's nice to see a variety of buildings on this side of the city. There are a lot less corporate buildings here. Instead, there are more apartments and living spaces.ㅤㅤI'm aware of the risk. It's smarter to stay near the corporate buildings with more electronics in case I encounter the chimaera. But I have a gut feeling that the girl is on this side of the city.ㅤㅤI stop by what looks to be a local handmade clothing store. They have some cute clothes here. I grab a cute light blue sundress and change in the dressing room. Blue is fine. The chimaera has terrible eyesight, anyway. I shoo a lot of the pitch-black fish wandering into the changing room. I look at myself in the mirror. Pyo flicks his tongue happily and slithers across my shoulders. He decides to stay around my neck this time.ㅤㅤI peek my head out of the front door as a precaution. I'm safe. I continue and pass through some alleyways just for the fun of it. This place doesn't look familiar at all. Most of the infrastructure is very generic.ㅤㅤUntil I get to a very small neighborhood park in the middle of some apartment complexes. As soon as I approach it, the fish swimming near it disperse.ㅤㅤIt gives me some kind of reminiscent feeling. I can't put my finger on it. There's a playground, swings, a sandbox, and spring riders. Its main feature is the tall statue in the center. It's mostly a rectangular platform, but there's a replica of a women. It's too high up. I move Pyo from my neck to my horn. I've been safe for a while, so I decide to swim up to the top of the statue to get a closer look. Doesn’t look like anyone I know.ㅤㅤBefore the 24 seconds are over, I'm back on the ground. I place Pyo on the ground and ride the swings for a bit. Don't want Pyo to fly off.ㅤㅤSome more minutes pass by. Still uneventful. I'm not complaining. I just don't know where I'd find the girl. Is she hiding in plain sight? Wait, maybe the statue is a clue! Is she maybe on a tall structure? The center skyscraper, maybe? But it had nothing in it! Plus, 24 seconds is not enough to get to the top of it. I get off the swings, grab Pyo, and continue.ㅤㅤThere's not really anything of note. Maybe I should check out each and every one of these apartments. But I find that so unreasonable. Would she just hide like that? Like in a closet? Ugh. While I'm safe here, it's probably best that I check anyway.
●●●ㅤㅤWhat…What is that?ㅤㅤAre those…Wait, I'll get a little closer. Are those ribs?! Are those actual human ribs?!ㅤㅤThat's not right. That's so messed up. What in the world? It's all bloody and gross! There's still flesh on it! Oh, my gosh. Ohhh, my gosh.ㅤㅤI'm going to puke. Ugh!ㅤㅤAfter I vomit, I walk toward the ribs. It smells putrid. And not just because I puked.ㅤㅤIt's actually a pair of ribs. A real pair of human-sized ribs. But…on the smaller side. It matches the proportions of the girl! No way! Did she get killed by something? There's not even a trail of blood across this alleyway. I'm…actually pretty scared.ㅤㅤIt didn't really occur to me just now, but there have been less and less fish as I've gotten through this side of the city. And now, there are probably one or two fish that swim through this specific alleyway. They all ignore the ribs.ㅤㅤIt's fresh. This is terrible! I cook a TON, so I'm used to the smell of meaty ingredients, but this is just too much! Imagining that poor girl in pain like this is too much for me.ㅤㅤThen I notice that Pyo is no longer on my horn. I was so grossed out by the bloody ribs and the lack of fish, I didn't even notice that Pyo has slithered toward the ribs.ㅤㅤHe's eating some of the flesh around it.ㅤㅤPyo…that's disgusting.ㅤㅤI shake my head in disgust and disapproval, but when I think about it, this is the first time I’ve seen Pyo eat. Pyo didn't eat any of the pastries earlier. And it doesn't seem like he can eat the fish. I let it be for the time being. I'm accepting the life cycle. Though I'm really disgusted by this.ㅤㅤThere's no way the chimaera did this. His mouth is not for thrashing, and he's the girl's friend!ㅤㅤThen…who did this?ㅤㅤI clench my fists and decide to move on, with Pyo climbing me and readjusting himself on my horn. He smells disgusting. Whatever. I'll take it over being alone. He's a little heavier. I walk through the alleyway.
●●●ㅤㅤI've gone through a lot of apartment complexes. The past few hours have been pretty relaxed. I even used my swimming ability a few times to phase through walls and check through buildings more quickly. Been swimming freestyle instead of breaststroke, but it's a little difficult when it's as if I'm fully submerged in water. I'm very careful not to get stuck inside any inanimate objects. I don't like thinking about what might happen if the 24 seconds end while I'm inside another object.ㅤㅤI hate to think about it, but I've seen some more bloody body parts throughout these buildings. I've tried to suppress it, but some of the rooms have smelled the absolute worst. Very little ventilation and the iron smell of blood. At the very least, it's not rotting flesh, but it's still gross. I don't know enough to estimate how long these body parts have been there. I don't even know if I'm still looking for her. I don't enjoy the blood, but I'm at least enjoying my exploration of this empty city. Better than pitch-black darkness and motion sickness.ㅤㅤIf these are her body parts, then I'm doubtful she's alive. I just…I wish she gave me more clues. There's always the chance that this isn't her, and that she's still out here.
●●●ㅤㅤI…I don't even know what happened.ㅤㅤI feel like time is moving so differently. The puddle of vomit in front of me as I'm facing the ground on all fours is not welcoming. I look forward.ㅤㅤThe severed head of the girl is facing me at the worst angle. I can see all the insides of her neck from this angle. I can see where her spine would have connected–where her airways, esophagus, and other…I'll stop right there.ㅤㅤI shiver and get up slowly. I should walk away.ㅤㅤWhere am I? I'm just on the front walkway of a duplex. Her head is sitting right here in the middle of it. I wipe the rest of the vomit off with my forearm. Don't want to get this dress dirty. If I go to a kitchen sink or bathroom sink, it'll be easier to wash my forearm than wash my dress and walk around with wet clothes. I haven't been lucky in finding clothes in closets here. No clothing stores nearby either.ㅤㅤI regrettably walk around the bloody head and walk into the left duplex's entrance.ㅤㅤIt's really tight. Very little space at all. Unlike what I'm used to at home. Nothing in the living room or kitchen, either. I go up to the bedrooms. Nope. Nothing here, either. I leave this left duplex.ㅤㅤI go outside, see the head again, cringe, and begin walking into the right duplex. Before I even open the door, Pyo is tightening his grip on my horn.ㅤㅤNobody in the almost-identical living room and kitchen, mirrored from the left duplex. But…ㅤㅤThe kitchen supplies are a mess. Metal cutlery scattered across the floor. Drawers open. Some broken ceramic mugs, too.ㅤㅤI breathe, gulp, and go up the stairs to the bedrooms.ㅤㅤFirst bedroom is clear. I open the door very slowly for the second and last bedroom.ㅤㅤClear.ㅤㅤI walk back down and turn right to leave the duplex.ㅤㅤThen the chills run through my spine.ㅤㅤIn the corner of my eye, I see the silhouette figure of the girl through the backyard blinds. Just from the outline I see, she's fully intact.ㅤㅤI'm kind of terrified, but I can't leave this be! This is what I've been aiming to do for hours! Possibly even days!ㅤㅤI jolt towards the backyard door and move the blinds. Right as I'm about to slide open the backyard door, I witness the girl's face, separated only by the glass of the backyard door.ㅤㅤShe is looking directly at me with her eyes wide open. I'm frozen.ㅤㅤHer eyes are bloodshot red. Her skin is pale. Her bangs are covering most of her hair, but I can see the veins sticking out on her forehead–they're hypnotizing, almost as if they're moving across her face. Because I'm so close to her face, I don't get a chance to see her body before she slides the door all the way open herself.ㅤㅤI step back and see the rest of her.ㅤㅤHer flesh is half-melted into the ground. Maybe not melted, but…it's morphed in with the ground. There are various body parts strung out from the fleshy ooze on the ground behind her. In her hand is a ripped and torn stuffed animal–a lion–with buttons for eyes. Its shoulder is torn and its arm is falling off. The detail that bothers me the most is the red and beige flesh that seems to have been stuffed inside of it. It almost looks like intestines.ㅤㅤAnd she's smiling wider than I've ever seen her smile before. Than I've ever seen anyone smile before. Her lips are barely visible, and her mouth is melting, too.ㅤㅤ"You found me!"ㅤㅤIn complete shock, I say nothing.ㅤㅤ"Haha! That must have been hard. Okay! You won this time, so I'll tell you my name, okay?" she says.ㅤㅤPyo slithers off my left horn and into the collar of my dress.ㅤㅤ"My name is Jeimy! I'm so happy to be friends with you, Gooseneck!"
Chapter 34 ● The Dragon and the Couch
ㅤㅤ"J–Jeimy?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Yeah! J-E-I-M-Y!" she responds.ㅤㅤ"Jeimy! Hold O–on! I…I never said we were friends! And…and I don't really want to play with you!" I say.ㅤㅤ"What? Of course we're friends! Come on! You finally found me. We have to celebrate!" she responds eerily.ㅤㅤ"I don’t care! I just want to go home! And why the heck did you call me ‘Gooseneck’?!"ㅤㅤ"Your horns! They look like a goose’s neck! So your name is Gooseneck! Duh!"ㅤㅤHer voice is a little distorted. I can't really explain it.ㅤㅤ"Gooseneck! You have a real name, I just . . . I don’t remember it. But Gooseneck is a fun name!"ㅤㅤ“I don’t like it!”ㅤㅤ“Okay! We can make it more fun–how about Goofneck? Goof, not goose! Haha!” Jeimy responds.ㅤㅤMy real name? I’m not exactly sure what she means by that, but I know she’s right. I have a real name. I can’t remember it either. Everything’s fuzzy. How did I forget? I switch between looking at her and her fleshy extensions behind her on the ground.ㅤㅤ"Oh? This?" she says as she steps to the side to show her grotesque body, "This is what I look like sometimes. It takes a while to look normal again. I'm still me!"ㅤㅤ"I…Okay…Um. Why were there body parts outs–"ㅤㅤ"Haha! I can't tell you too much, or you'll know my magic tricks!"ㅤㅤ"Magic tricks. Jeimy…your body looks like it’s melting into the ground. Your eyes are really red. Is that a magic trick, too?"ㅤㅤ"Well, no. That's just me! Don't be scared."ㅤㅤ"'Don't be scared?! Don't be scared?! You sent a chimaera for me! Those have poisonous spines! Is that what you were ready to risk our friendship for? What was going to happen if the spine touched me?!"ㅤㅤ"Wow! That’s what he’s called. Chimaera. Is it because he looks like a camera? That doesn’t make sense.”ㅤㅤ“I asked you a question!”ㅤㅤ“If he touched you, you would die."ㅤㅤI can't believe this.ㅤㅤ"Why?! That's messed up! That's not how you treat a friend!"ㅤㅤJeimy, despite her slightly disfigured face, seems uncomfortable with my words.ㅤㅤ"But…no one else could find me. They didn't know about his poison. Or they stay still after seeing my body parts.”ㅤㅤJeimy pulls part of her mangled right leg forward.ㅤㅤ“A real friend would do anything for me. Like you, Goofneck."ㅤㅤGoofneck. I’m too focused on everything else to complain about the name. Instead, I think about my love for marine biology and my cooking skills. They’re what helped me survive. It sounds like the people before me expected to be eaten by the chimaera instead of stung. Jeimy must also mean that the people before me froze in shock from seeing the body parts. What she said implies that I wanted to follow her rules, and that still bothers me.ㅤㅤ"What? I didn’t want to do anything like that for you. I barely even know you! I’m not even sure who I am!"ㅤㅤ"You're a Spectra! The only kind of demon that can survive my Cloverscapes. I used to bring humans here, but I found out they can't stay here. Then I started to bring Spectra here. All of them possessed humans like you! They could stay, but then they kept losing my game. At first, I thought you'd be like the others. But…for some reason, your bond with your human is different. Your human…Ah! Your human name was Jazz… Jazz…I forgot again. Oh, well.”ㅤㅤJazz? Wait, no. Jazzy! Suddenly, my mind clears up, and I remember more about who I am. It's all coming back.
●●●ㅤㅤMy name is Jasmine Powell. I’m 14 years old.ㅤㅤIt’s 2005. At least, from what I can remember. For the past three years, I have had these two horns on the sides of my head. They suddenly appeared in 2002, along with some odd gaps in my memory. At the same time, I’ve been having these visions and dreams where I’m floating–almost like a ghost. They oddly feel like…they feel like memories to me. But ones I don’t recall having myself.ㅤㅤBecause of how complicated my living situation is, I haven’t told anyone about my horns. It’s been very obvious that my parents can’t see them. And I don’t want to risk being labeled as crazy by any doctors. I’ve been cursed with something. So I’ve adjusted to it. I don’t wear hats, hoods, anything like that. I’ve been keeping my hair high volume so the horns aren’t obvious when I have to wear a hairnet.ㅤㅤRemembering all this is pretty useful…but I don’t remember what I was doing before I got here.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Whatever! Why are you trying to kill me?!" I accuse Jeimy.ㅤㅤ"Hey! It's not nice to say things like that! I’m not trying to kill anyone. I just wanted you to be my friend."ㅤㅤ"That…that doesn't make any sense!"ㅤㅤ"Goofneck…you're making me a little angry. I don't like being told that."ㅤㅤI'm feeling even more uncomfortable right now. She knows more about this place than I do. If she was capable of sending the chimaera after me, who knows what else she can do? I have to stay on her good side.ㅤㅤ"I'm sorry, Jeimy. Yes, we are friends. Do you know if there's a way for me to get home?"ㅤㅤ"Haha! We’re best friends now! I'll always forgive you. You don't need to worry about home. Come on! Let's celebrate your win!"
●●●ㅤㅤIt's an even bigger pool than before. Jeimy is back to looking like a normal little girl. I couldn't see her while she led me through the pitch-black darkness, but she must have gradually changed back while she did. The floor doesn’t move like it did before–like an elevator. Now it’s just like an actual seafloor. Complete darkness, but with the feeling of uneven sand and gravel under my feet.ㅤㅤAccording to Jeimy, this is the fourth Cloverscape. The Cloverscapes seem to follow a pattern of pool paradises for even numbers and some kind of game arenas for odd numbers.ㅤㅤThis one is even more beautiful than the first. There are the usual pitch-black fish swimming in it, but there are also newer sea creatures here. Most are beautiful deep-sea creatures that I recognize.ㅤㅤA vampire squid moving slowly with its iridescent photophores.ㅤㅤA large peacock mantis shrimp with brilliant colors shimmering on the pool floor.ㅤㅤThere are even a few giant isopods on those same tiles.ㅤㅤOh, my goodness! Ah! It's a stygiomedusa gigantea! A big jellyfish with curtain-like oral arms.ㅤㅤAh! A sea cucumber! Some pretty sea slugs! Ooh, ooh! That one is Willan's chromodoris! Such a pretty shade of blue! I've always wanted to see one in person! That's much bigger than they're supposed to be! A bunch of comb jellies, like the Venus Girdle. They shouldn’t even be in water this shallow! A giant blue glaucus! So pretty. As if to match, I can vaguely see a blue-ringed octopus trying to camouflage on one of the underwater lights. As neat as that is, I should stay away from that one.ㅤㅤPyo notices my eyes lighting up, loosens his grip on my horn, and flicks his tongue at my cheek.ㅤㅤNone of these other animals are pitch-black like the fish. They're all like the chimaera.ㅤㅤOh. Speak of the devil.ㅤㅤThere he is.ㅤㅤ"These are all my friends!"ㅤㅤ"Do you have names for all of them?" I ask out of curiosity.ㅤㅤ"No, no! They aren't important enough to have names."ㅤㅤ"Well, I don't know. I think if you want them to be your friends forever, you should try to name them."ㅤㅤ"You…you think so?"ㅤㅤ"Yeah."ㅤㅤ"Hm. Okay. Name my friend that you met already," she requests, pointing to the chimaera.ㅤㅤI breathe a heavy sigh. I look at the chimaera that could have killed me. I notice that he’s actually missing a fin.ㅤㅤ"Um…Uh. Kim."ㅤㅤ"Kim? Haha! That's way too human! Come up with a more animal name! Like Pyo!"ㅤㅤ"Ah. Okay. Plane. He's shaped like a plane."ㅤㅤ"Come on, Goofneck! He's not a demon! Don't name him after how he looks!"ㅤㅤ"Fine! Let's go with…Ugh! Hem. Or Stitch? Because the lines on his face look like stitches."ㅤㅤ"I like Hem. You're Hem now," Jeimy says to the chimaera. Now I can be terrified of 'Hem' instead of 'the chimaera'. We spend the next few minutes coming up with 'animal names' for the rest of the sea creatures. The one to really be careful of is Roong–the blue-ringed octopus.ㅤㅤAlthough I'm wary of these animals, I can't help but enjoy swimming alongside them. Most of these are animals that humans have never even seen in person--only through the lens of an unmanned vehicle. Even in this weird fantasy world called a Cloverscape, I'm still enjoying my captivity.ㅤㅤNo. I can't let this be a case of Stockholm Syndrome.ㅤㅤAhhhhh! All the animals are swimming around me. This is so beautiful! Jeimy claps, and the ambient lights shut off except for one. This emphasizes the bioluminescence of these deep-sea creatures as they surround me. I'm speechless, and nothing could make me happier right now.ㅤㅤExcept going home. I can't let this distract me.ㅤㅤAfter a few hours of relaxing at this fourth Cloverscape, Jeimy tells me the news I didn't want to hear.ㅤㅤPyo, as always, tightens his grip in either anticipation or anxiety.ㅤㅤ"Okay! It's time to play our next game! Let’s go to the third Cloverscape!"ㅤㅤAn odd-numbered Cloverscape. So we’re not going in chronological order. Two, One, Four, Three. I wonder if we’ll continue like this.ㅤㅤWith all these dangerous sea animals at Jeimy's beck and call, I don't hesitate to follow her out of the pool and back toward the darkness.
●●●ㅤㅤShe lets go of my hand again. I keep walking, ignoring the sounds of the pitch-black darkness. Again, the floor doesn’t move like an elevator anymore. And as expected, I see a light in the distance. From a glance, it's not as expansive as a whole city.ㅤㅤ"I hope this one won't have any chasing involved. Hmph," I mutter out loud to myself. The murmurs get a little louder after supposedly hearing me.ㅤㅤI start to brainstorm to myself as I walk toward the Cloverscape. A simple game of tag? If it were, I doubt it would be 'simple'. It'd be something terrifying. Oh! Maybe it'll be ocean-themed. Like a game of sharks and minnows but with actual sharks. Maybe not. Cops and robbers? Maybe even more elementary, like hopscotch. No. Haha. Red-light-green-light would be kind of funny.ㅤㅤThis Cloverscape has a glass exterior, too. As I approach the entrance, I look up and see the finer details of the building.ㅤㅤIt's a furniture store–wait, no. A department store? No–mainly a furniture store. It has 3 floors. I can see plenty of the usual pitch-black fish swimming about the building.ㅤㅤI already see Jeimy standing from the other side of the door. I enter, knowing full well that I most likely won't be able to leave.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Goofneck! Are you excited to play with me again?" She asks eagerly.ㅤㅤ"Yes. Are you going to actually be with me this time?" I respond and ask back.ㅤㅤ"You ask too many questions! I'll tell you what you need to know, okay? This is my special version of The Floor Is Lava. Here are the rules:ㅤㅤFirst, some furniture is actually me. Don't step on me!ㅤㅤSecond, you win when you get to the top floor. To get to the next floor, you have to get each of my big friends to touch the lava.ㅤㅤThird, you can swim again! Yay!"ㅤㅤ‘Get each of my big friends to touch the lava,’ she said.ㅤㅤI hate Jeimy so much. What a psychotic freak. I don’t know if it’ll be real lava, but it’s most likely going to have the ability to kill. I already know she's not going to answer my questions. The lights completely go out for a second. As expected, she's gone once they come back on.ㅤㅤAnd in her place are fingers. Two fingers. Blood is leaking from where they would attach. From this far, they look like index and middle fingers. Not that it matters. Is that it? Every time she teleports, she leaves something behind? Maybe that’s what was at the bottom of the skyscraper when she disappeared in the first Cloverscape. Either way, I’ll ignore this and walk around the fingers for now.ㅤㅤI'm still on the same floor. It looks like this main foyer is fair game. But the floor ahead is colored crimson red. The first piece of furniture is a loveseat. It isn’t jumping distance from here.ㅤㅤI instead ignore that loveseat and aim for the more budget-looking loveseats that look to be a few yards away. I'm betting on the hope that Jeimy didn’t change the 24-second swimming time limit.ㅤㅤWith Pyo safely on my horn, I swim towards the cheaper loveseats. The pitch-black fish move out of the way as usual. I notice some sea bunny slugs and isopods wandering on top of the other furniture. Some of them honestly look dead and have missing legs. Oh. Around the corner, I see the last thing that I expect.ㅤㅤIt's the corpse of Hem, the chimaera. He's on the floor. It’s not actual lava—I half-expected it to be like underwater volcanoes or something. Hem’s not on fire or anything, but he's completely immobile. Smells disgusting. Though I'm usually emotional over the death of any animal, I have no remorse here.ㅤㅤJeimy made it sound like each floor has its own 'boss' that I have to defeat. That's already unclear as is, but what about Hem? I didn't kill him, but was he supposed to be the boss of this floor?ㅤㅤI safely land on a tan loveseat. Yep. Still 24 seconds. I begin to carefully jump from the loveseat section to the larger couches. Their cushioning makes this pretty easy. But I can't let my guard down. That first point she made didn't really make sense to me. Some of the furniture is her? I need to bide my time and have swimming ready just in case. I'll wait on this couch before I keep going. 8 minutes.ㅤㅤThe peacock mantis shrimp, which we named Peek, from the fourth Cloverscape swims across me and lands on the brown couch adjacent to me. He's not in the way of my path, so I just nod my head at him. Don't think he's the boss. She said my 'big friends'. He's bigger than an actual mantis shrimp's size, but nowhere near as big as Hem. Plus, he looks weak–some of his legs are missing. Probably got in a fight with another sea creature.
●●●ㅤㅤ6-minute mark. Only 2 minutes left. Pyo tightens his grip as I stare face-to-face at the giant blue glaucus from before. He's missing one of his swimming arms. We named him Glook. He's across the hall and he's slowly swimming toward me.ㅤㅤI really want to believe that Glook isn’t the boss here. If you’ve ever seen how a blue glaucus looks like, you probably know how beautiful they are. They have different shades of blue and white that complement each other. Pretty tendrils that give it the nickname ‘blue sea dragon’. They’re typically really small. And they’re actually just sea slugs!ㅤㅤBut they eat man o’ wars. The extremely deadly Portuguese man o’ war. Blue glaucus store the man o’ war’s stinging cells in their bodies. They reuse the weapons of their prey, so they can be just as deadly.ㅤㅤI don’t remember seeing any man o’ war in the fourth Cloverscape, but the fact that Glook is roughly the same size as Hem means that he probably doesn’t follow the same exact biology as a real blue glaucus.

ㅤㅤI’m not taking any chances. Plus, I already tried to swim through objects like in hide-and-seek, hoping I could just cheat the system and phase through the ceiling. Didn’t work. Glook is swimming towards me, and I have about 1 minute and 30 seconds before I can evade him.ㅤㅤThe floor is relatively spacious, but I’m able to maneuver myself off this couch and onto the next area, which is mostly futons. I watch as Glook turns around the corner and targets me. It’s clear that Glook is trying to either poison me or push me onto the floor. Also, no stairs nor elevators in sight. Maybe they'll appear after I win against Glook. It’s kind of morbid, but I think Jeimy had Hem die to set an example of how to win. How do I lead Glook to touch the floor? He’s floating!ㅤㅤHis diet? Is there a man o’ war I can use as bait or something? No, no. Hey, they also eat jellyfish and some sea snails. Ugh! Nothing like that here. Wait, wait! Peek! The oversized mantis shrimp from earlier! Mantis shrimp have club-like appendages that punch their prey with the velocity of a bullet. If I can get Peek to kill or stun Glook, it'll be easier to get Glook to float down to the floor.ㅤㅤ1-minute mark. I go backwards on the path of couches to the brown one that Peek was on.ㅤㅤBut he's not there. Meanwhile, Glook is closing in on me. I still have around 30 seconds before I can–ㅤㅤHuh?ㅤㅤThis couch I'm currently on. I didn't step on it before. It feels…different.ㅤㅤWhy are there wet stains on it? Also, it's a little less stiff than the average…those are…ㅤㅤOh, my gosh.ㅤㅤThis couch is like the lion doll that Jeimy had. It's stuffed with organs. There's a hole where the wet fleshy organs bled through the fabric. I want to vomit.ㅤㅤI feel something touch me. I turn my head around. I see nothing but bright blue.ㅤㅤGlook has wrapped some of his tendrils around my arm.ㅤㅤThe pain I feel is indescribable. I do nothing but scream as Glook continues to add more and more tendrils. Pyo is dodging the tendrils, and he eventually slithers off of me and onto the couch.ㅤㅤGlook eventually backs off as I begin slouching on the couch. My feet almost touch the floor, but I use every muscle fiber to force myself to lift my feet up despite constant surges of burning pain.ㅤㅤThis is what a Portuguese man o' war sting feels like.ㅤㅤGlook hovers around in the area, keeping watch of me. Pyo…ㅤㅤPyo is nowhere to be seen.ㅤㅤI completely black out from the pain.
●●●ㅤㅤI open my eyes and am staring up. I see vague blurs, but I recognize where I am. This is the fourth Cloverscape.ㅤㅤ"Ah! You're waking up! Yay! But come on! You couldn't even finish the first floor? That was supposed to be the easy one! The next floor was going to be a lionfish! I’m so sad you never got to see the lionfish. She's the closest thing I have to a lion down here. You want to know about the third floor? It was going to be Roong! Remember? That slippery, slimy octopus that you named? Haha!"ㅤㅤMy vision returns, but I feel odd. Something is missing. My breathing is different. My chest is in pain and I'm nauseous.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Don't worry. You're not missing an arm or anything. Just a. Um. Lung! Yes! You're missing one of your lungs."ㅤㅤWhat?! A lung?!ㅤㅤ“What do you mean a lung?! And–And wasn’t I supposed to die if I lose?”ㅤㅤ“Die? No, no! Now that you’re my best friend, I’ll make sure you won’t die. You’re different from the others, Goofneck. I really, really like you! I saw the way you tried your hardest, and it made me so happy. You make every day so fun! But...but I also know you get a little upset when you talk about home. So…I changed my mind. You can go back to Earth for now. But this is your real home, okay? With me! Anyone who tries to get in the way of our home can’t stay with you, okay? So you have to make time for me. I'll make sure to see you every now and then–we can play more games!"ㅤㅤ"…Please…help me. Jeimy," I beg, struggling to breathe.ㅤㅤ"I'm sorry. I don't really know anything about your lungs. You’ll be okay! Well. Goodbye for now, Goofneck! I love you!"ㅤㅤThe very last thing I see is Pyo.ㅤㅤPyo slithers up to me and bites me on the neck.
●●●ㅤㅤWhat.ㅤㅤWhat. What. What. What. What. What. What. What. What.ㅤㅤWhere the fuck was Shophar? I touched her, like, 10 fucking times!ㅤㅤThink! Was that a Shophar dream? Goofneck…That’s who I was. Think…That hide-and-seek game. I remember the mirror in the changing room.ㅤㅤI got it. The horns I saw in the mirror. They were unique, but I’ve seen them before. Only they were smaller in that mirror.ㅤㅤGoofneck…ㅤㅤGoofneck is Swan.ㅤㅤThat was a Swan dream.
Chapter 35 ● The Waffle and the Cloverscape
ㅤㅤI don't even get how the Hell that was a Swan dream! But, like, did I even touch Swan?! I swear, I never made contact with her once! I might’ve even touched Rothiel.ㅤㅤAnd who was Jeimy? She looked nothing like the Jaimie we know and love, A.K.A. Cerus. It might be a coincidence. It was spelled differently, too.ㅤㅤSuddenly, I get the chills. I’ve witnessed two decapitations in a short time span. I can act all mentally strong, but I think I’m slowly losing it. One was in a dream, so I need to take into account that it may have been allegorical.ㅤㅤBut. But that was a little girl. I just. That’s so fucked up. Is this some more shock factor bullshit?ㅤㅤIt's 8:12 AM. Actually, no. fuck that. This isn't the kind of dream that I can just continue my day and let bother me. I want to understand it now.ㅤㅤThat douche Rothiel better have answers for me. He knows about Swan. He's not in his bed. No way this ethereal death demon is eating a continental hotel breakfast. I head to the elevator.
●●●ㅤㅤThe ethereal death demon is eating scrambled eggs, bacon, and a big-ass waffle. I sigh, grab some food, and sit in front of him.ㅤㅤ"Good morning," I say.ㅤㅤ"What's up?" Rothiel responds.ㅤㅤ"Nothing. How's the food?"ㅤㅤ"It's not bad. The waffles could be better."ㅤㅤWait just a damn second.ㅤㅤ"Hold on, hold on. Why are you all of a sudden talking normally? I mean, yeah. I get that you and I are trying to stay lowkey as," I say as I transition to whispering, "demons…but we're kind of late to breakfast. No one would hear us. Didn't you say you speak how you want?”ㅤㅤ"I…It doesn't matter! Besides. This is how I want to talk, Elm dem--what's your name again?" Rothiel answers, seeming kind of flustered.ㅤㅤ"It's Adonis," I say. There's no shot I'm okay with this murderer calling me 'Don'.ㅤㅤ"Alright, Adonis. Let's eat normally. Afterwards, we can take one of the office rooms to talk, as long as there are no cameras."
●●●ㅤㅤ"Rothiel–Before you say anything, you swear that you won't hurt me?" I attempt to get verification.ㅤㅤ"I don't have a reason to hurt you, Adonis. I swear," Rothiel says.ㅤㅤ"Cool."ㅤㅤThe usual moment of silence between us occurs.ㅤㅤUntil Rothiel suddenly drops loads of information with no real warning.ㅤㅤ"There is a demon roaming free. A destructive demon unlike any demon before. And I'm here to find it and destroy it myself," Rothiel says.ㅤㅤI soon feel myself get more aggressive, now that I am at least 80% sure he won't hurt me.ㅤㅤ"You're not hurting Cerus! She's already badly hurt! I know all about it! Laplace's demon. I’m not an idiot!" I blow up at Rothiel.ㅤㅤRothiel flinches and is taken aback. He then makes a gesture for me to quiet down. He speaks.ㅤㅤ"I won't ask you how you know about Laplace's demon. You must have your sources here and there. I already know who Cerus is. Looks like you do, too. She’s the demon who possessed the human named Jaimie, correct?"ㅤㅤI'm surprised, but I just nod for now.ㅤㅤ"Jaimie was the fruit of the Crater project. She bore the Laplace demon who became Cerus. Jaimie plus Laplace equals Cerus. You know that much, correct?"ㅤㅤThat's right. Rothiel knows his stuff, huh.ㅤㅤ"Well, Adonis. Like I said, I don't know what you know. But you seem to misunderstand things. I'm here because I learned Cerus is near her death. And I can guarantee you that Scythe is nowhere near this area."ㅤㅤ"O–Oh. Okay. So what are you talking about then? Laplace's demon is basically dead and absorbed into Cerus. And Cerus can’t control Laplace’s powers fully, so I don't even understand what Scythe's goal is."ㅤㅤ"Adonis. Listen to me very carefully."ㅤㅤI lean in a bit, nervous about what he might say next.ㅤㅤRothiel gestures as if he’s taking a deep breath. He puts his hand on his forehead, looking stressed to even tell me this. He looks directly at me.ㅤㅤ"Cerus is one of two. There is another Laplace's demon. And it’s. It’s a lot more powerful because of its control."ㅤㅤNo way. I just stare silently after hearing Rothiel's words. He continues.ㅤㅤ"At its core, the Crater project, known as Craterscape in Hell, was intended to serve as a test–To explore the optimal way to find a host for the Frankenstein monster that is Laplace's demon. Although it seemed like it, the scope of the project wasn’t only to have Laplace's demon possess Jaimie to create Cerus. In fact, Laplace wasn’t even fully ready to possess Jaimie when it actually did. Laplace, as you know it, isn’t ‘complete’ in the way that Scythe originally designed.ㅤㅤThe space in the Crater was originally intended for having average demons possess Jaimie. Like Spectra. The original plan was to gradually ease Jaimie into eventually getting possessed by the completed Laplace's demon.ㅤㅤScythe, who headed this project, got a little ahead of herself and decided to have the unfinished Laplace's demon Cerus fully possess Jaimie. Scythe soon realized that she had very little control over Cerus– but that Cerus also had very little control over herself.ㅤㅤScythe, realizing that she had made a mistake, decided to focus on the future. The real project intended for Laplace's demon and its possession."ㅤㅤI can’t believe what I’m hearing right now. Come on, bro.ㅤㅤ"You see, Adonis–The half-completed Laplace's demon known as Cerus is only able to manipulate time. Not space. Only time. And she can't even do it well. Scythe believed that she could create the full Laplace's demon that can manipulate time and space."ㅤㅤ"I can't believe it! You're telling me this Laplace 2.0 can control space and time?! Like, legitimately control it at her will?!" I ask in panic.ㅤㅤ"Not exactly. Unfortunately for Scythe, the second Laplace's demon could only manipulate space. Scythe miscalculated. The power of time was not achievable with a second iteration of Laplace's demon, since all the resources had been poured into Cerus. Most of the vital parts of the Leviathan and Behemoth were already used on Cerus."ㅤㅤ"I see. So that's likely why Scythe has come back after all this time. To find Cerus," I conclude.ㅤㅤ"That's what I think. Despite all this, the results of the second Laplace are substantial. This is in part due to the recent passing of one of the Kings of Hell. His name is Vinea. Scythe found a way for Vinea to reincarnate as the new Laplace's demon. This worked differently than the usual reincarnation. This second Laplace was born as an infant demon and didn't retain the memories of Vinea. Only his abilities. But these abilities were enough to complement the remaining resources needed to create a demon that can control space."ㅤㅤ"Vinea? What's special about him?"ㅤㅤ"Vinea has some abilities allowing him to control the sea–this helped with the Leviathan's remaining parts. Vinea also destroys land like the Behemoth. Vinea helped build many towers and infrastructures of Hell from nothing–this helps with the ability to control space. But most of all, Vinea has oracle abilities to see the past, present, and future. He can’t control time like Cerus can, but he can make wiser decisions with his knowledge of the passage of time.ㅤㅤBut this is where I’m confused. Where is Vinea’s reincarnation? Where is this second Laplace? I don’t really know the intricate details of Scythe’s designs–but for Vinea to exist, I imagine it would still need a soul–a human to possess. Like how the first Laplace needed Jaimie.ㅤㅤTake me, for example. Even though it looks like I don't have a human possession, I'm possessing a human like you. But for Vinea–I don't know the details myself. Most of this information is from my father, one of the Branching demons that worked on the manual labor for all of these experiments."ㅤㅤ"Oh. That’s how you know all this. But alright. Vinea. Um. Let me just look something up," I say.ㅤㅤThis phone is slow and sucks at browsing, so I use the hotel’s office room computer to search him up.ㅤㅤAs I read about Vinea, my heart begins to sink.ㅤㅤVinea is often depicted with the head of a lion. He's one of the deadliest demons.ㅤㅤAnd he is always depicted as carrying a viper with him.ㅤㅤ"O–oh. Did…Did your dad find out any other names that Vinea’s reincarnation might’ve gone by? You don’t go by ‘Azazel’, so I’d think–"ㅤㅤ"Well. It's a bit odd. From what my father told me, there was never a clear name that was given.”ㅤㅤ“R–Really…okay. Hm, looks like we have to come up with our own codename for it then, haha–”ㅤㅤ“Wait. No, I do remember something. My father did overhear Scythe speaking to something at some point during that second project’s development. Most likely before it had a physical form. She was calling for ‘Crown’. Maybe its horns are shaped like a crown?”ㅤㅤPhew. For a second, I deadass thought I’d met Vinea’s reincarnation in my dream. The Jeimy from my dream didn’t have any horns. Just that mysterious, translucent veil over her head that kind of resembled a lion’s mane. So it was most likely an allegorical dream. But now I have a name for the villain in this story. Crown. Yet another fucking name to keep track of.ㅤㅤWe’re interrupted as someone else walks into the office room to use the other computers. Rothiel and I leave to a specific corner of the main lobby, where we end up having to use our inside voices. Rothiel uses his human voice. Which irritates me, but at least I don't have to hear his stupid deep voice. We’ve checked out of our room, so we can’t exactly go back.ㅤㅤThis feels like an Ask Me Anything session. I start by asking what exactly happened at the warehouse.ㅤㅤ"Right. You deserve to know at least that much, considering you were deceived by that demon named Swan."ㅤㅤI don’t like that Rothiel keeps antagonizing Swan, especially considering what she went through with Jeimy in my dream. That’s physical and psychological torture. I mean. There’s a chance that the dream wasn’t a literal experience of her life and more of an allegorical one. But I’m sure there’s more to Swan than Rothiel gives her credit for. I let Rothiel continue.ㅤㅤ“I am a Nephilim. I’m not as powerful as a true Nephilim from the older ages, but think of me as a fusion between your original demon form and an ex-angel with powers to control space on a tiny scale. The tiny wheels in my head with eyes scattered throughout–that is my true body. Remnants of me being an ex-angel. I only tell you this because you’re so weak and no one trusts you.ㅤㅤAlright! Damn.ㅤㅤ“Your point is…?” I say.ㅤㅤ“Demons can’t sense the presence of angels. But a demon can detect the presence of other demons around them, including Nephilim. But as a Nephilim, I have a different effect on demons. What’s that folklore thing humans believe in? Werewolves? Yeah. I’m like the moon. You guys are the werewolves. I make you all more irritative, aggressive, and emotionally vulnerable.”ㅤㅤThe normally-chill Ante acting more aggressive. Stag getting super irritated. Shophar, who was apparently already a crybaby, spilling her heart out. Tower being Tower. That checks out.ㅤㅤ“This is why I try to avoid your group. Our goals do not exactly align. The demon named Stag seeks to live a peaceful life away from everything to do with Scythe. I, as well as the demon named Tower, wish to stop Scythe. But Tower is too emotional and has…anger management issues. She is not objective enough. She may have a few hints leading to Jeimy’s existence, but I doubt that she is as certain as I am.”ㅤㅤ“Why wasn’t I affected?” I ask.ㅤㅤ“What makes you so confident that you aren’t being affected?” Rothiel, in the voice of a dude named Isaac, questions back.ㅤㅤI don’t have a comeback. I don’t want to think too hard about that.ㅤㅤHe continues, “Now—the ex-Cherub. What do you call her?”ㅤㅤ“Claw,” I answer.ㅤㅤ“She experienced the effects of my presence. I’d been in hiding nearby the warehouse. Yesterday, I decided to approach the warehouse, but immediately saw the ex-Cherub–Claw–crying on her own outside the entrance. I backed away and watched from afar. And that’s when the demon you call Swan appeared.”ㅤㅤOhhhhhhhhhhhhh.ㅤㅤ“Swan walked up to Claw and comforted her. But behind her back, I noticed her readying her hand, as if she were about to attack Claw. As powerful as an ex-Cherub is, a Spectra can still perform non-physical attacks. My best guess is that Swan was planning to temporarily freeze Claw’s soul–a skill that only Spectra have. This is not something a weaker Spectra can do. Even the most powerful demon, if caught off-guard, can be defeated through this. Some Spectra can even temporarily control another soul.ㅤㅤYes–If anything happened to that ex-Cherub, it would cascade into a mountain of problems for me.ㅤㅤI felt bloodlust from Swan.ㅤㅤPure bloodlust.ㅤㅤI dashed behind her and readied my scythe. As if Swan had some kind of premonition, she moved out of the way, leaving Claw nearby my scythe's swinging radius.ㅤㅤI pulled all the stops to keep my scythe from even scathing Claw, as I didn't want to start a fight with her.ㅤㅤClaw looked confused at my presence and threatened to call for help. I braced myself, but it was more important to fight Swan. Without hesitating, Swan ripped the Cherub's tongue out. This was my opening, and though I didn't have time to readjust my scythe for a full swing, I was able to stab her with the bottom of my scythe."ㅤㅤSwan? She really did do it. And right. He's talking about the blade on the bottom of the scythe. It's completely separate from the main blade of the scythe itself.ㅤㅤI speak up, "Let me guess, the rear of your scythe does something different from the main blade."ㅤㅤ"Well, you're smarter than I gave you credit for, Adonis! Yes. The bottom blade doesn't do physical damage. Instead, it can…well—freeze a demon's soul. Much like—"ㅤㅤ"The Spectra thing you mentioned? Hold on–Is freezing souls also a Branching demon ability?! Can I do that?! Or is it more of a Nephilim thing?!" I ask in excitement.ㅤㅤ"Neither. It's this weapon specifically," Rothiel says as he pulls out an octahedron-shaped object.ㅤㅤ"It appears as a stick of lipbalm to humans. When ready, it can extend to become the entire scythe you witnessed yesterday," he continues.ㅤㅤBro. Not even a pen or something? Lip balm? I guess even spinning eye wheels need to stay moisturized.ㅤㅤ“Is…there more to the scythe? That bottom blade. Did you, like, make it out of dead Spectra or something?” I ask.ㅤㅤRothiel just looks at me.
ㅤㅤ"That’s not important. The gist of it is, I stole this scythe from, well, someone. Don’t need to get into that. Anyway, I suspected that a Spectra-based attack against a Spectra wouldn’t do very much. So I readied to swing again with the main blade. Suddenly, I heard the door open and retreated instantly. That's when you appeared. If I had known it would be the weakest demon in the entire warehouse, I would have continued my battle. I doubt you would’ve been able to alert the other demons like Claw planned to. Seeing as you entered into shock so easily."ㅤㅤAlright, alright. I get it.ㅤㅤ"Fuck you. Sorry. I mean. Sure. Whatever. I believe you now. Whatever. But I know something you don't, Rothiel. That's right. You might think I got most of my information from the other demons, don't you? I bet Tower probably doesn’t even have the kind of information I have on Craterscape. Have you ever heard of an Elm demon that can eat dreams?"ㅤㅤ"What? What are you talking about?"ㅤㅤAnd for the thousandth time, I explain my ability to eat dreams. I explain the general details that I know–I don't go into explicit detail, especially about the end of Cerus' Crater dream. Throughout most of it, Rothiel stays quiet. He's a great listener. Perfect for my rants.ㅤㅤBecause I don’t know much about Vinea’s reincarnation, I decide to hold back from talking about my dream last night. My dream about Jeimy.ㅤㅤ“Adonis? What…what are you?” Rothiel questions.ㅤㅤ“What do you mean?”ㅤㅤ“The ability to consume people’s dreams–there are demonic abilities similar to it, but this is the first I’ve heard of this specifically. You’re telling me you take the dreams of the people you make contact with. Not only that, but the dreams–in one way or another–reflect the person’s memories. Even exploring the possibility of you being a Reincarnation of some powerful demon from the past, you still wouldn’t be able to do this.”ㅤㅤ“I mean, sheesh. Maybe I am a Reincarnation. Do y’all have pedigrees for that kind of thing?”ㅤㅤ“...No.”ㅤㅤ“Um… Like I said–this ability of mine only recently showed up. I’m confident I got it after making contact with Cerus for the first time.”ㅤㅤ“If that’s true, then why did you have your dream about Stag and the church tower first?”ㅤㅤ“Because I shook hands with Cerus the day before.”ㅤㅤ“Ah. So you didn’t have a dream about Craterscape until the second time you touched her. Your first contact with her triggered the ability. The second contact was when the ability was used on her.”ㅤㅤI think to myself for a bit and recall the oboe dream. Crescent has never had dream powers. Yet I dreamt her dream. Way before I ever met Cerus. To be honest, my theory about only getting this ability after touching her might be wrong. Maybe it’s something I’ve always had. Dormant or something. Cerus just activated it like a sleeper cell. I snap out of my thoughts and respond to Rothiel.ㅤㅤ“Yeah. There are a bunch of things I don’t fully understand about Craterscape, but…there is one main thing I’ve been thinking about,” I begin to say.ㅤㅤ“And that is?”ㅤㅤ“The other children. What really happened to them? I get that Jaimie, er, I mean Laplace, killed them unintentionally. But there’s no way all the facilitators were able to just hide a bunch of children’s deaths from whatever registries they use. And what did they do with the corpses? Burn them or something morbid like that? That’s fucked.”ㅤㅤ“I don’t know what they did with the bodies. They very well could have been cremated. But you’re misunderstanding something. They didn’t gather a bunch of children to have some kind of contest for who gets to be possessed by Laplace and become Cerus. The other children had their own purpose, too.”ㅤㅤ“Oh, shit. Were their souls harvested or something? That’s some grim reaper shit,” I respond.ㅤㅤ“That’s not what the grim reaper does. But you’re actually quite close. If the first Laplace was created during Craterscape, and the second Laplace was created after Craterscape, what makes you think they wouldn't have created artificial demons in between?”ㅤㅤ“Huh. Nothing. I guess if I were a mad demon scientist, I’d keep making little cyborg demons where I could.”ㅤㅤ“And what do you need to create an artificial demon?”ㅤㅤ“Um. A soul, right?”ㅤㅤ“Right.”ㅤㅤI think about it for a second.ㅤㅤ“Are you…are you telling me they shoved a bunch of dead kids’ souls into robot demons? Dude, come on. Wouldn’t the kids have to be alive? For that to work?”ㅤㅤ“You're mostly correct...The soul of a living person was needed for Laplace to possess Jaimie and become Cerus. Jaimie needed to be alive. But that's not true for the other children. Scythe didn't need those children alive for the kind of artificial demon that their souls would be used for. The Spectra," Rothiel reveals.ㅤㅤIt's always the Spectra. This is what I get for never asking Stag about demonkinds.ㅤㅤ“Spectra are ghosts, right? That makes sense. They’re spirits of the dead. Okay, then. Here’s my best guess, Rothiel:ㅤㅤThey made artificial Spectra bodies–”ㅤㅤ“Vessels,” Rothiel interrupts, “They’re called vessels.”ㅤㅤ“Fine, vessels. They made artificial Spectra vessels that needed souls of the dead to work. They mass-produced ghosts that need souls to work. Whether dead or alive. So they used the kids. They planned to kill the kids the whole time, huh?”ㅤㅤ“Spot on. From what I found, the facilitators had no idea the children were meant to die,” Rothiel assures.ㅤㅤGood thing he said that. Otherwise, I would’ve come to hate Joni. The woman I never met.ㅤㅤRothiel confirms my assumption, explaining that the artificial Spectra are known as Chrono Spectra, since they’re made of the same red ooze that the first Laplace releases. He continues that the Spectras’ sizes correspond to how close in proximity they were to Jaimie the exact moment Laplace possessed her. Laplace Ground Zero. He even explains that, according to the documents he’d seen from his father, the Chrono Spectra look like floating red ghost things with white tentacle-like appendages…Wait.ㅤㅤWait.ㅤㅤWait, wait.ㅤㅤHold on.ㅤㅤNah. Couldn’t be.ㅤㅤBut like.ㅤㅤShut up. No way.ㅤㅤThe Dronehead siblings were closest to Jaimie the moment she became Cerus.ㅤㅤMin-min. Bao. Feng.ㅤㅤTib. Buron. Ranro.ㅤㅤTib is Min-min.ㅤㅤ“D—Do artificial demons age? Like, physically?” I ask.ㅤㅤ“No. They don’t age like demons or humans do,” Rothiel answers.ㅤㅤGod.ㅤㅤ”Judging from the look on your face, I think you’ve realized that the Ulma demons are made from the children of the Crater,” Rothiel confirms.ㅤㅤMy mind is blown. That little crybaby I held in my arms in Cerus’ dreams–that adorable little blob full of love—is the same piece-of-shit blob Tib.ㅤㅤ“So that’s it. Wow. Okay, fine–if that’s the case, then why is Cerus basically my age in human years? Actually, scratch that–the last scene in my dream was Cerus being a Hellhound thingy. How did she get back on Earth, have a human form, and age?”ㅤㅤ“I don’t know. That’s why that damned Succubus and Tower never suspected Cerus of being Laplace. By all accounts, Cerus should be an adolescent Hellhound.”ㅤㅤ“Another mystery, huh,” I sigh, “It’s really hitting me that the cute baby I was always playing with in those dreams is the same dumbass crybaby I still play with.”ㅤㅤ“Yes. If you’re wondering how Stag is in possession of them, I don’t know, either. From my understanding, Tower helped steal them from Scythe.”ㅤㅤ“I don’t really care about those details. Okay. My last question is about the child who wasn’t there at the epicenter of Jaimie and Laplace merging to become Cerus.”ㅤㅤ“The child named Yusuf?”ㅤㅤ“Yup.”ㅤㅤRothiel begins laughing–a hearty laugh that echoes throughout the lounge area of the hotel lobby.ㅤㅤ“Dude, what? What is it? Don’t tell me you’re Yusuf?” I half-jokingly say.ㅤㅤ“Me? No, no. That’s exactly what makes this funny, though. Nothing special happened to Yusuf. You might have expected him to be dead or something. The hospital released him, and any possible charges were dropped. He suffered massive brain injuries and was left paraplegic. He’s basically now a retarded potato and is probably staying in some special–”ㅤㅤI punch Rothiel as hard as I can in the arm.ㅤㅤWhich is basically nothing.ㅤㅤ“Adonis…what was that?” Rothiel asks before bursting into more laughter.ㅤㅤ“That’s not fucking funny, Rothiel. Don’t call him that. Fucking piece of shit,” I say, seething.ㅤㅤ“I–I…I, uh, I see. Alright. Fine,” Rothiel says.ㅤㅤSome awkward silence while I try to calm down.ㅤㅤ“Look, I just don’t like things like that. I have my own physical issues, too. And my little sister Vein, too. So I don’t appreciate you talking about people like that. Use whatever technical terms you want, but that was going too far,” I say.ㅤㅤ“Oh. Sorry,” Rothiel says.ㅤㅤSome more silence. Rothiel speaks up, sounding a bit more nervous than before.ㅤㅤ“B-back to the topic. The main thing isn’t focusing on how we defeat Scythe. It’s finding out where Crown is and making sure Scythe isn’t able to harness its power.”ㅤㅤI’m slightly pissed. I don’t say anything back. So Rothiel continues.ㅤㅤ”Adonis, we’re going to need more power in our arsenal. Which of the demons could we trust?”ㅤㅤ"Fine! Power is what you want? We can get Shophar. Shophar would love to join us. She still has all her succubus powers from Hell."ㅤㅤRothiel loosens up again.ㅤㅤ“Alright, we can go for that. I just wish I knew more about the Cloverscape project so we could dig into where Crown could be.”ㅤㅤSuddenly, my anxiety comes back. My breathing gets heavy, and I envision complete darkness. The terror of voices murmuring in between each of my ears. The sight of a little girl.ㅤㅤ“What. What did you just say?”ㅤㅤ“We need to dig into where Crown could be,” Rothiel repeats.ㅤㅤMy heart beats faster.ㅤㅤ“No. You just said. You just said ‘Cloverscape’,” I say.ㅤㅤ“Oh. Yes, that’s the name of the project for creating Crown. I don’t know the origins of it, but that’s what my father told me,” Rothiel says.ㅤㅤAnd faster.ㅤㅤ“You didn’t think to tell me that first?!” I say, panicked.ㅤㅤ“It left my mind. Sorry. I don't see the issue, though. Does ‘Cloverscape’ mean something to you?” Rothiel asks.ㅤㅤEven faster.ㅤㅤI start weighing the options in my head. Should I spill everything to Rothiel?ㅤㅤFlashing images of Jeimy’s decapitated head, her malformed body, and the sea dragon wrapping his tendrils around me alternate in broad daylight. Radiating pain in my head spreads throughout my body.ㅤㅤ“Hold o-”ㅤㅤCalm down.ㅤㅤI shake my head.ㅤㅤI take one long breath.ㅤㅤThe pain subsides. I’m back in the hotel.ㅤㅤNo. Telling him can wait.ㅤㅤ“No. It just. It took me by surprise. Wh-what a cool-sounding name. Like Cloverfield. Also about a monster, haha.” I say.ㅤㅤRothiel eyes me. But then he sighs.ㅤㅤ“Let’s get going,” he says.
●●●ㅤㅤThere’s a lot on my mind. I’m recovering from a panic attack. But all these thoughts keep coming up and turning me blind to the pain I just experienced. There are a lot of key points I could make. Scythe not being our main enemy, Cerus’ trustworthiness, Tib being Min-Min, yada yada.ㅤㅤStill…ㅤㅤTwo things are bothering me.ㅤㅤFirst—Cloverscapes. That’s what the Jeimy from my dream called those places where she had Swan play her messed-up games. There’s a high probability that Jeimy is Crown. Vinea’s reincarnation. And…ㅤㅤSwan.ㅤㅤThat’s the second thing.ㅤㅤI believe Swan is the serial killer. I can’t exactly put my finger on it, but…ㅤㅤOn the news, the bodies were bludgeoned and mangled. Toxicology and forensic reports also showed that they were incapacitated first via poison. No signs of victims fighting back.ㅤㅤAfter witnessing the way she fights, I totally could see her attacking her victims with a lot of vulgarity. She fucking ripped off a child’s tongue, dude. I didn’t see it happen, but I feel I can trust Rothiel’s testimony here. After all, everything he’s told me matches up with my dreams.ㅤㅤAnd poison?ㅤㅤSwan is our best chef. She’s got to know how to mask poison. It’d be a clear-cut case if any of the victims happened to be one of our customers at any given point. Nope. None of the victims were any of our customers. Ever.ㅤㅤBut that’s the thing. In a reverse-psychology sense. It’s almost…suspicious in its own way. Jelly Joni’s is a pretty popular place in our area. Definitely a restaurant that foodies would flock to and spread word about. I’m probably thinking too much about this.ㅤㅤBut Claw. Why did Swan know that Claw would be outside by herself? And why was Claw even crying? Could she have been poisoned first? I mean, I doubt a ex-angel could be poisoned. But then again, who knows? If Claw was poisoned, the MO matches.ㅤㅤSwan’s got to be the serial killer.ㅤㅤHer anxiety attack. I’m not doubting its legitimacy. It’s just that…I think Swan is not in the right mind mentally. Which led to that anxiety attack. I don’t know if she’s being forced to kill—like she’s being controlled by Jeimy or something.ㅤㅤBut there’s only one way to find out. And I’m going to hate myself for this but…ㅤㅤI need to go back.ㅤㅤI don’t have a guarantee that I’ll have another Swan dream again.ㅤㅤBut I need to go back and get some answers.ㅤㅤI need to dream about the Cloverscape again.ㅤㅤI need to sleep again.ㅤㅤI’ll get some answers.●●●ㅤㅤThe floor is reflective again. The stars are looming above. A black vignette surrounds my vision. In front of me, a small girl with a snake curled around her arm.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Goofneck! Welcome back! I missed you!"
xxxx ● xxxxx
1 | Do You Remember Now? ● #10 Infinity Pool
ㅤㅤDo you remember now?ㅤㅤHey. Do you remember now?ㅤㅤReally?ㅤㅤThen how painful was it for you to keep it to yourself?ㅤㅤThat bad?ㅤㅤThese Cloverscapes only get more and more complicated.ㅤㅤEvery game you play will drive you closer to insanity.ㅤㅤBut every time you see her, you can't help but feel comfortable.ㅤㅤEach time you play with her, you can't help but feel welcome.ㅤㅤWere you even welcome before meeting her?ㅤㅤDid anyone ever welcome you with open arms before her?ㅤㅤHer name is Jeimy, but she could have been anybody.ㅤㅤIf anybody offered to give you company, you would have taken it anyway.ㅤㅤRight?ㅤㅤCome to think of it, did your parents really welcome you?ㅤㅤReally?ㅤㅤNo, that's not right. You were forced to welcome them. You were forced to make them happy.ㅤㅤBut you were happy doing what they told you to do, right?ㅤㅤYou should feel really lucky to be born under such a bright star. Rich parents, too.ㅤㅤWell, I wish you even more luck.
●●●ㅤㅤ"Do you remember now? Goofneck?" Jeimy asked me.ㅤㅤI'm wading my arms in the shallow end of a pool. An infinity pool. Gorgeous, ambient lights stretch across the floor below me.ㅤㅤJeimy calls me Goofneck, which came from Gooseneck. My horns are shaped like one. At this point, she knows my name is Jasmine, but she insists on calling me Goofneck. I don’t let it bother me.ㅤㅤJeimy's missing her ring finger, but it doesn't surprise me. I know that her body doesn't always recover the same way when she moves between Cloverscapes. There's a little bit of blood dripping off the edge, but I know she'll find a way to cauterize the wound. It’ll eventually heal up.ㅤㅤI can't swim as well as I used to. I'm missing one of my lungs after all. My parents paid for my thoracic surgery after my left lung collapsed. The pulmonologist couldn't find out why. I don't blame him. He could dig into my family history and find a great-great-great grandfather whose smoking habits may have bled into his posterity. And he'd be wrong. No. I can't tell them. None of them. No one can know I'm a Spectra. And no one can know about Jeimy.ㅤㅤMy throat itches.ㅤㅤ"Yes," I answer, "I remember."ㅤㅤ"Then why are your hands shaking? You know you won't die from the poison!" Jeimy asks.ㅤㅤI grab my own arm to stop it from shaking. She's right. I'm better than this.ㅤㅤ"You're right. Sorry," I respond.ㅤㅤ"It's okay! I forgive you! We can get to the Liseré quicker if you stop being such a crybaby!" Jeimy coerces me.ㅤㅤ"I didn't cry. It just hurts a little. I'll get over it, Jeimy," I tell her.ㅤㅤ"You're so brave! Okay, let's get out of the water, now!ㅤㅤA thin tree snake slithers in a spiral around my forearm. His name is Pyo. He's the main reason my throat itches. His venom grants me immunity to death here. Just like Jeimy. No matter what happens to me in the Cloverscapes, I cannot die. He bites my neck in every even-numbered Cloverscape—enough venom to last me through the odd-numbered Cloverscapes.ㅤㅤCloverscapes are all about poison. Venom. Toxins. Anything to do with chemicals that can hurt me. No, Pyo's venom isn't an antivenom. But it's definitely a curse. It doesn't negate the effects of other venoms that I may be hurt by within odd-numbered Cloverscapes. It simply keeps me alive while suffering.ㅤㅤThe Liseré would be the next topic of discussion…if I knew what it was. I've looked it up during my Wakes. It means 'border' or 'edge' in French. I think Jeimy is a bit of a romantic. She talks about the Liseré as if it's my final goal. When I ask whether it's a way to go home, she answers that it's a secret.ㅤㅤWakes are real life. Sorry—wait, that wasn't very clear. I'm in a Wake when I'm outside of Jeimy's world, and I'm in the real world. On Earth.ㅤㅤSo now when I ask Jeimy about going home, I don't know what I mean exactly. Well, yes—At first, I meant going back to the real world. But Jeimy lets me do that. Not whenever I want, but whenever she deems acceptable.ㅤㅤIt's been three months since I first met Jeimy. I only see her once each month at no specified time, and she makes me clear four Cloverscapes each time. It's actually only two, since the odd ones are the actual games. But it feels better when I say four.ㅤㅤPyo flicks his tongue on my shoulder. I love having Pyo as a companion, but I've been less inclined to trust him. He seems to be Jeimy's servant. Those times he's hissed at Jeimy's presence must have been part of her plan to intimidate me.ㅤㅤJeimy is the enemy. There's no doubt about that.ㅤㅤBut she's also my only friend. In the sense of having a friend that I can talk to. Can't really talk to Pyo, can I?ㅤㅤI don't consider her other sea creature servants to be my friends. I had to run away from a ghost shark and a blue sea dragon two months ago. I lost to the blue sea dragon, but don't worry—I've learned since. Jeimy never made the stakes of these games clear, but in my eyes, it's apparent by the lack of my left lung.ㅤㅤAfter exiting the tenth Cloverscape, I'm now holding Jeimy's hand through complete darkness. At some point, she'll let go of me. That's when I'll find the ninth Cloverscape. Sometimes Jeimy gives me a clue as to what game I'll be playing. Sometimes, the venomous creatures I meet in the even-numbered Cloverscape end up being part of the game. She's very inconsistent and disorganized. I'm not entirely sure why she lets go of my hand instead of leading me all the way to the Cloverscape.ㅤㅤShe lets go. I no longer let the eerie sounds of humming and growling in the darkness scare me. I walk confidently onwards with Pyo around my neck.
●●●ㅤㅤI see a horizontal line of lights in the distance. Is this one an airport?ㅤㅤAs I get closer, I actually can't make out exactly what kind of building it is. It seems like some kind of event venue. Jeimy is waiting behind the front entrance glass door. Nothing new.ㅤㅤ"Welcome, Goofneck! The ninth Cloverscape is where I like to imagine myself singing in front of a biiiiiiiig crowd! But today, you won't be singing. Maybe for another time?" Jeimy says with excitement.ㅤㅤIt's a convention center. Or a concert hall. It’s definitely not big enough to be a sports stadium.ㅤㅤ"This one will be good! How lucky do you feel today?" Jeimy asks.ㅤㅤOh.ㅤㅤNo. No. No. Not a luck-based game.ㅤㅤShoot. Not now.ㅤㅤ"I…I think I feel lucky today," I answer, hesitantly.ㅤㅤ"Yay! Here are the rules of my special version of Pop-Up Pirate!ㅤㅤFirst, you will pick off the spines off of my friend.ㅤㅤSecond, only one spine will hurt you, as long as you're careful pulling out the other spines!ㅤㅤThird, you can ask my friend if a spine you want to pull out is the bad one. But only four times!ㅤㅤThat's it, Goofneck! You don't need to swim for this one. Okay! You ready?" Jeimy explains.ㅤㅤ"Wait. Jeimy. Who will I be playing against? I'll lose if I'm only playing with myself. That isn't fair!" I complain.ㅤㅤ"Oh, Goofneck. You're so goofy! You'll be playing against me, of course!" she responds.ㅤㅤThis is different. This game is different. I've never faced off against Jeimy directly in a game.ㅤㅤJeimy probably won't answer any other questions, so we both walk through the double doors that were behind her.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm walking past an absurd number of empty seats. Yes, there are Silfish swimming around the area, but they are not our audience. Oh. Silfish are silhouette fish, since they appear pitch-black. They're ambiguous-looking fish, but if I were to guess what species they are, I'd say sardines. In a Wake, even thinking about sardines would make me hungry. But not here. I don’t get hungry on the Seafloor. But I still want to eat. I don’t know if my body uses up carbs for the physically-demanding games down here, but I won’t take the risk of having no energy. That being said, my stomach still audibly growls, and it decides to do so at this very moment, echoing across the auditorium. I don’t really get embarrassed anymore. Jeimy has seen me at my worst. These odd-numbered Cloverscapes sometimes have food available. And if Jeimy will be with me for this one, I think she'd provide me with something to eat if I ask.ㅤㅤOn the center of the stage in front of us is a large red and pink sea urchin. Not the kind of sea urchin you're probably imagining. It's a flower urchin. As always, the creature in question is much larger than its real-life counterpart. It's about the size of a washing machine.ㅤㅤNature loves betrayal. The flower urchin looks like a spherical flower patch, but it actually happens to be one of the most venomous urchins on the planet. Muscular paralysis. Respiratory failure. And death, of course. When you think venomous sea urchin, you usually think of a spiny porcupine-like purple sea urchin. No, the flower urchin almost looks like coral. It's very deceiving.ㅤㅤAnd it's almost insulting. I'll be slowly ripping apart the pieces of this beautiful creature as if I were peacefully picking flowers.ㅤㅤBut now that I know Jeimy meant a flower urchin, I realize that this game will take a long time. There are at least 200 'flowers' on it.ㅤㅤWhoever picks the bad flower will lose.ㅤㅤI'm now facing Jeimy across the other side of the flower urchin. I did not see this urchin in any previous Cloverscape. So it is currently nameless.ㅤㅤ"Hehe. I've started naming my friends on my own! You've been working soooo hard to make names for the others! So I named her Bloom!"
●●●ㅤㅤI'm past the anxiety of picking Bloom's flowers. Now I’m just bored. We're at the 32nd turn. I pick them haphazardly without thinking too much. This isn't the most exciting game. I'm not even sure when the best time to use the four chances would be.ㅤㅤFrom what I remember about flower urchins, the flowers are actually 'claws' that grab victims and inject the deadly venom. They also look like eyes, which is pretty unsettling. Each flower I hold feels smooth for the most part. I'm careful not to touch the top of the flowers and instead grab by their 'stems'. They actually have sensory hairs that jitter each time Jeimy and I take a turn, and…ㅤㅤWait a minute. These sensory hairs. They must react a certain way when the flower is bad. Or not. Is that what Bloom uses to answer the four chances?ㅤㅤI'm estimating around 200 flowers. I think using one of the chances every 50th flower is logical.ㅤㅤDespite the fact that I may lose a body part if I mess up, the anxiety I'm feeling isn't from picking Bloom's flowers.ㅤㅤIt's from Jeimy.ㅤㅤShe's usually chatty. But she's dead silent. Her ring finger has fully regenerated, but I can see the dried blood that's run down her arm. She stares at me in silence when it's my turn. She doesn't even watch my hands or care which flower I pick. She just keeps her glare on my face. When I look back at her, she smiles. But I can feel her smile going away when I'm not looking at her.ㅤㅤBut despite my chills, I have some intrusive thoughts. What if…what if I just walked to the other side, held Jeimy down, and choked her? I'm bigger than she is. I have more muscle than she does.ㅤㅤBut then what? Even if I was able to kill her, how would I leave this Cloverscape? How would I get back to reality? There’s no guarantee Pyo could bring me back without Jeimy.ㅤㅤI shake my head, and my thoughts wander back to the game with even more questions.ㅤㅤIs there a chance she already knows which flower it is? I'm doubtful. She's not the god of this universe.
●●●ㅤㅤ50th flower. I decide to try it out.ㅤㅤWithout asking Jeimy how it works, I go ahead and ask Bloom.ㅤㅤ"Bloom. Is this one the bad flower?" I ask, pointing to one nearer to the center top of Bloom.ㅤㅤSure enough, Bloom's sensory hairs point toward the flower I chose. I assume that means it's safe. I look at Jeimy for validation.ㅤㅤJeimy gestures to go ahead.ㅤㅤ"Bloom says it's safe. I promise."ㅤㅤI pick it just like any of the other flowers.ㅤㅤI drop it onto the pile next to me, then speak up.ㅤㅤ"Jeimy. Can I take a break to walk around the Cloverscape?" I request.ㅤㅤ"Yes, Goofneck! Of course you can. Did you want to play some hide-and-s—"ㅤㅤ"No, thank you. I just want to look around. Please stay here with Bloom," I say.ㅤㅤJeimy looks disappointed, but she nods in agreement.ㅤㅤPyo and I exit back stage. I've always wanted to see what backstage looks like.ㅤㅤIt’s dimly lit. The doors to the backstage room are open with Silfish swimming in and out.ㅤㅤI leave the auditorium and walk around the large, empty hallway. There are escalators that go up to the second floor. When I arrive on the second floor, there's a hotdog stand. And the hotdogs are fresh. This would have made more sense in the fifth Cloverscape’s sports stadium, but I guess concert halls or convention centers can have hotdog stands, too. I go ahead and grab a bun and hotdog using metal tongs. I chow down as Pyo swings his head back and forth playfully.ㅤㅤAfter I finish my meal, I walk back into the auditorium, but from the second floor. There's more seating here.
I plan to ask Jeimy from the second floor if I can try and swim across the auditorium—it's an ability I've had for the previous Cloverscapes.ㅤㅤBut as I peer over the balcony's edge, I don't see Jeimy. Just Bloom.ㅤㅤOut of panic, I go ahead and jump in an attempt to activate my swimming levitation. Fortunately enough, it does work! I swim down to the stage again.ㅤㅤ"Jeimy! We have to finish our game! So I can get to the Liseré, remember?" I shout down the auditorium. My voice reverberates and echoes back to me.ㅤㅤDid she get bored?ㅤㅤWell, now it's just Bloom, Pyo, and I. I can't really play this game without her. Not like I can just pick them without…ㅤㅤWithout waiting her turn?ㅤㅤWhat's really stopping me? What do I have to lose? At the end of the day, this entire game is a gigantic scam that doesn't make use of the athletic skills I've been honing in the past four games. It's not fair for me.ㅤㅤI go back to the hotdog stand, grab the metal tongs, and make my way back to the stage. I'll pick them off with these. Less risk.ㅤㅤAnd so I start doing so. Rapidly. The quicker the better.ㅤㅤBloom's sensory hairs start to wave in panic. Some try to swat at me, but they're harmless and soft.ㅤㅤI can tell Bloom is in pain. She makes shuffling noises as she tries to inch away from me slowly. I don't stop.ㅤㅤI start to tear up a little bit, but I know I can't hesitate. I've been counting, too.ㅤㅤI get to the 97th and slow down.ㅤㅤ"Bloom! Is this one a bad flower?!" I demand aggressively on the 100th.ㅤㅤBloom seems to hesitantly point her sensory organs at it. I pick away.ㅤㅤFaster. Faster. Faster.ㅤㅤPyo starts to mock Bloom by mimicking the panicked waves of her sensory hairs.ㅤㅤAnd I laugh. I laugh and laugh and laugh.ㅤㅤBecause this is fun. It's fun to be the one in power. I deserve this. I deserve this! I worked so hard! Is it wrong to be a little bit selfish for once?!ㅤㅤ135.ㅤㅤ144. That's a good number.ㅤㅤ148.ㅤㅤ"Bloom! Is this one a bad flower?! Huh?! Is this one going to kill me?! Is it going to poison me?!" I shout and point.ㅤㅤBloom's sensory hairs shake and point, and I rip it out. I accidentally pushed the tongs too far in and ripped out a chunk of Bloom's test—that's what the main body of an urchin is called.ㅤㅤBloom has inched towards the edge of the stage. Why not?ㅤㅤI kick her down, and she lands upside down directly next to the front row of seats. The Silfish swim away.ㅤㅤHer mouth on her underside is fascinating. I grab some of the flowers and throw them in her mouth. She rejects it, but I do this a few more times. She eventually gives in and starts to eat some of them. I laugh.ㅤㅤI kick her forward to get her back upright and continue my picking.ㅤㅤMy echoing shouts earlier have been replaced by my laughs.ㅤㅤI like hearing myself laugh. I don't get to hear it often.ㅤㅤBloom has stopped moving. I walk around in a circle around Bloom as I pick the remaining flowers. In the process, I step on the previous flowers.ㅤㅤ199.ㅤㅤ"You stupid! Stupid fucking pincushion! You and Jeimy! Pieces of! Pieces of shit!" I say. I've never cursed out loud before. In my rage, I forget the reason I spoke up.ㅤㅤ"Bloom! Is this one a bad flower?! Is this one a bad flower?! Is this one a bad flower?! Is this one a bad flower?! Is this one a bad flower?!" I repeat, completely ignoring whether Bloom actually pointed or not.ㅤㅤNow I can count how many individual flowers are left.ㅤㅤThere were actually 236 to start with. And I'm down to 6 left. What are the chances? My luck really is with me today!ㅤㅤ5.ㅤㅤ4.ㅤㅤ3—ㅤㅤA misty cloud erupts out of Bloom.ㅤㅤWhat?! I thought… I thought the bad flower would grab onto me!ㅤㅤWhat is…ㅤㅤIs she releasing eggs?!ㅤㅤThat's disgusting!ㅤㅤAnd…Oh. Oh, no, no, no.ㅤㅤIt's burning. It's burning me.ㅤㅤIt's burning me!ㅤㅤBut who cares at this point?! I was going to be in pain anyway! I'm not going to die, after all.ㅤㅤI begin to laugh in the middle of the pain.ㅤㅤI laugh and laugh and laugh. I start stomping on Bloom's body, as if to urge her to release more spores.ㅤㅤAs Bloom's body withers and the mist clears, I can feel nothing but an extreme burning sensation throughout my body. I'm having trouble breathing, but I still chuckle and laugh however I can.ㅤㅤUntil I hear Jeimy's voice behind me.ㅤㅤ"G—Goofneck? What…What happened?!" she asks.ㅤㅤI turn around and see Jeimy with two sandwiches on a plate. And her entire left arm is missing.
2 | Did You Forget To Breathe? ● #9 Concert Hall
ㅤㅤAmidst all my gagging and coughing, Jeimy continues speaking.ㅤㅤ"A—Are you okay, Goofneck? What happened to—What happened to Bloom? Is she dead?!"ㅤㅤI look at Jeimy. Why is she acting worried? She's killed plenty of her sea friends before. Why is it any different if I killed Bloom? Actually, we were both killing her in the first place by playing this stupid game.ㅤㅤJeimy drops the sandwiches.ㅤㅤShe runs up to me and covers my mouth and nose. She grabs Pyo gently below his head and brings him to my neck.ㅤㅤHe does the usual by biting my neck. Alongside the pain, I'm starting to feel my body enter paralysis. I stop my laughing, fall to my knees, and eventually fall to the ground. But before I lose complete control of my muscles, I speak up.ㅤㅤ"J—Jeimy. Wait. Please. Please don't move me to another Cloverscape like you do for yourself. I don't. I. I don't know. I don't want. I don't want to lose another body part. Please. I can ba—barely breathe," I beg her.ㅤㅤJeimy's frown intensifies. Within a few seconds, I'm no longer able to move on my own. Jeimy grabs me by the back of my shirt and tries to drag me along the ground. I only move a few inches—Jeimy doesn't seem strong enough. Jeimy coughs a little bit from the cloud of tiny eggs that Bloom released in her death. She lets go of me and I lay there as I feel my ability to breathe slowly disappear through my clogged airways.ㅤㅤShe coughs up some blood onto the off-white colored dress she wears.ㅤㅤI obviously can't die, but the minute breathing accompanied by the burning pain finally puts an end to my consciousness.
●●●ㅤㅤAm I in a Wake?ㅤㅤCan I see my parents again?ㅤㅤNo, I'm not. I'm laying at the edge next to the same infinity pool. I tilt my torso up and see the same horizon meet with pitch black darkness. Not much of an infinity pool effect when I think about it.ㅤㅤMy skin is clean of all blood, mucus, eggs, and pieces of Bloom's body. But I'm soaked and am feeling nauseous.ㅤㅤI look at the infinity pool, and I see some parts of Bloom's inner body and mucus floating on the surface. None of the Silfish are swimming near them. No blood or liquid, but I assume that it's been filtered. However that works in the even Cloverscapes.ㅤㅤBack to the 10th Cloverscape, it looks like. I did so well last month with the 5th and 7th Cloverscapes. It just wasn't fair to have me play a luck-based game this time. This is Jeimy's fault.ㅤㅤI know Jeimy's behind me, but I don't turn around. I can even hear the sounds of Pyo feeding on something. It must be either Jeimy or Bloom's flesh, but I don't care to find out. Jeimy begins to speak.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck! You're awa—"ㅤㅤ"My chest hurts, Jeimy. Please don't talk for a few seconds," I interrupt.ㅤㅤI clutch onto my chest for a few seconds to try and calm my anxiety.ㅤㅤI take one deep breath and exhale.ㅤㅤ"Okay. You can talk now," I say, still faced away from Jeimy.ㅤㅤ"Can you turn around and look at me? I don't like talking to you when you're not looking at me," Jeimy requests.ㅤㅤWhich is stupid. I've heard her speak to me in pitch-black darkness where I can't see her. She does nothing but lie and make me feel stupid. I hate it.ㅤㅤ"No. Not until you promise that I won't play anymore games where I need to be lucky," I declare.ㅤㅤ"What? Oh. Um. Okay, Goofneck. I promise. No more luck games," she promises.ㅤㅤI press on.ㅤㅤ"And I want to hear you say 'sorry' to me. I told you! I told you that I'd leave! I told you to stay with Bloom! And you left me! Just like you always do!"ㅤㅤJeimy doesn't say anything for about 10 seconds. My anxiety starts to return. Is Jeimy…Is she going to lash out at me? Am I about to be actually killed?ㅤㅤI hear Pyo hissing.ㅤㅤ"I'm sorry, Goofneck. I won't leave without telling you first."ㅤㅤWhat a relief. As my breathing settles down, I feel like my sinuses have cleared fully. I smell blood behind me. She must be missing some body parts. I don't want to see it.ㅤㅤ"I wanted to surprise you. I heard your stomach growling while we played Pop-Up Pirate. So I went to a different Cloverscape to get you sandwiches," Jeimy admits.ㅤㅤI hate it. I hate when Jeimy does one nice thing amidst all the other terrible things she's done to me.ㅤㅤ"There was a hotdog stand on the second floor of the 9th Cloverscape," I reveal.ㅤㅤ"Oh. I forgot about that. I haven't been to the 9th Cloverscape in so long," Jeimy replies.ㅤㅤSince Jeimy seems to actually have the ability to feel guilt, I remember my next question.ㅤㅤ"Did I lose? Not the game. Did I lose a body part?" I ask.ㅤㅤJeimy responds while walking closer to me. I hear flesh sliding along the floor as she does.ㅤㅤ"I don’t know. Do you feel like you did? I didn't check the 9th Cloverscape before we left. I don't want to go back there. It was hurting my chest, too," Jeimy says as she stands directly behind me.ㅤㅤRemorse. Jeimy only feels it for me. None for Bloom. She doesn't feel it for any of her venomous sea friends. Actually. I'll call them something. Venomals. Just shortening 'venomous animals'.ㅤㅤ"I guess I don't know yet. Can we move on to the 12th Cloverscape? I don't want to swim in this nasty pool," I request.ㅤㅤSuddenly, Jeimy's shadow is next to mine. She's standing right by me, and she drops her stuffed lion plushie.ㅤㅤRight. The disgusting blood-stained lion plushie stuffed with her own organs and multiple tears throughout.ㅤㅤ"We can go. But can you please name my lion? You're better at naming my friends than I am," Jeimy requests.ㅤㅤI look at the plushie. The organs look different every time. It looks like Jeimy replaces the stuffing every so often so that it doesn't rot. It's repulsive.ㅤㅤ"Blood," I say. I didn't even mean to say that out loud.ㅤㅤ"What? That's not a good name. Come on, Goofneck! Please give him a good name," Jeimy begs.ㅤㅤDespite unintentionally saying 'Blood', I decide to double down.ㅤㅤ"Blood. You either name him Blood, or I start calling him Blood. He’s all bloody. So his name is Blood," I say, defending my abrupt decision.ㅤㅤI see Jeimy's shadow step back a little bit.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Okay. Blood. Y—Yay!" Jeimy says, walking in front of me, picking up the plushie, and swinging it around.ㅤㅤI decide to retract my forcefulness.ㅤㅤ“Fine. We’ll name him something else. B…Bel…Belmont. How is Belmont?” I suggest.ㅤㅤ“Belmont! I love it! You’re Belmont!” Jeimy says, continuing to swing the plushie, but even more joyful this time.ㅤㅤI get a good look at Jeimy.ㅤㅤHer body is…it's actually intact. Completely regenerated. Wait.ㅤㅤShe didn't Rapture.ㅤㅤWhen any creature is transported instantly between Cloverscapes—aka Raptured—a piece of them is left behind. The only way around this is by manually walking to a Cloverscape. But only Jeimy knows the direction and has the Cloverscapes mapped in her head. Jeimy is the only one who can perform Rapture, and she's the only one who can regenerate at an unbelievable pace.ㅤㅤThat means she walked to this Cloverscape by foot. From the convention center in the 9th Cloverscape to the infinity pool here in the 10th. She didn't Rapture herself. And she took me with her? Good. I probably didn't lose any body parts.ㅤㅤHold on. She didn't have the strength to carry or drag me here. Then how did…ㅤㅤI finally decide to turn around.ㅤㅤI can't believe it.ㅤㅤLaying behind me is the a bare corpse.ㅤㅤI don't mean a dead body laying flat on the ground.ㅤㅤIt's a bloody pile of flesh. I should be used to this, having seen the effects of Jeimy's Rapture on herself—I've seen her bloody visceral organs too many times to count.ㅤㅤBut. This is wrong.ㅤㅤ"What's wrong, Goofneck? Haha! Did you forget how to breathe?" asks Jeimy.ㅤㅤI vomit. Some of it gets into the pool.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck…," Jeimy says concerningly.ㅤㅤI can vaguely hear Jeimy telling me off for making a mess. But I'm zoned out right now. Blurry vision all around, but my focus seems to stay on the flesh in front of me.ㅤㅤIt's a teenager. Male. Looks to have been somewhat older than me.ㅤㅤI walk up to his pile of flesh.ㅤㅤ"…and I don't want to have to clean this Cloverscape! We already have bits from Bloom and—Goofneck! Leave him alone!" urges Jeimy.ㅤㅤBut I'm not listening.ㅤㅤI hold my breathe to stop smelling the stench of this fresh corpse. I crouch down.ㅤㅤI lift the remains of the detached head and neck upward. Although his face is mostly peeled off, I can make out a face.ㅤㅤI know who this is. This.ㅤㅤThis is Jackson.ㅤㅤMy eyes start to lose focus.ㅤㅤ"How do you know Jackson? How is he here? What's going on, Jeimy?" I ask very calmly so as not to put Jeimy on edge.ㅤㅤThough I'm asking calmly, my hands are shaking.ㅤㅤNot out of fear this time. Out of rage. I want to kill Jeimy.ㅤㅤ"You remember him? Yeah! That's Jackson! Your classmate? Or cousin? I forgot, haha!" Jeimy says.ㅤㅤI am past the state of shock. If I retain my injuries from Cloverscapes in my Wakes, then there's no hope for Jackson.ㅤㅤI am enraged. And I say nothing as my jaw clenches.ㅤㅤ"Don't worry! He might recover! I mean, your cuts heal up. Maybe his will, too!" Jeimy attempts to assure me.ㅤㅤJeimy is not human. She doesn't understand how human bodies work. She's heartless. She thinks that my tiny cuts and scars heal in the same way that she heals entire body parts. She doesn't even question why I don't just grow a new lung.ㅤㅤJackson is not going to recover. I still do not speak.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck. It's okay! Look—he did an okay job carrying you! He listened to me when I told him you were hurt. He asked me questions, but I told him that you were more important. He really loves you, Goofneck. Just like I do!" Jeimy continues.ㅤㅤI want to kill her. No. I want to torture her. I want to make her suffer. Every bone in my body is yearning for lunging at her right now. I want to strangle her and bash her skull in.ㅤㅤBut I need to be smart. I have to. Before I attempt any attack, I need to get as much information as I can. I breathe in, smelling the rancid fumes of Jackson's body. I finally talk.ㅤㅤ"Who else has been to the Sea Floor and the Cloverscapes before me? And I mean people or demons. That can talk. Not your animal friends," I ask.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck! You know I don't like when you ask so many questions! But I forgive you," Jeimy says.ㅤㅤI point at Belmont.ㅤㅤ"Belmont wants to know, too. Belmont and I both want to know," I say.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck, Belmont already knows! He's been here for longer than you. Silly!" Jeimy says.ㅤㅤ"He wants me to know. Belmont wants me to know," I say, much more sternly.ㅤㅤJeimy frowns. She looks at Belmont.ㅤㅤ"Do you want Goofneck to know about the Spectra before her?" Jeimy asks.ㅤㅤIn a high-pitched voice, she answers herself while lifting Belmont's arm. As she does, some pieces of skin fall out of Belmont's open tears.ㅤㅤ"Yes, Jeimy! I want her to know! You are too mean to her. She thinks you’re a bad friend!" she answers as Belmont.ㅤㅤI grow even more frustrated. I don't like words being put into my mouth. But I still stay silent. Jeimy smiles again.ㅤㅤ"Okay! Belmont wants you to know. Goofneck, you know you’re a Spectra. A ghost demon that haunts people and places. But you know that you're a special Spectra. You're a Spectra that is stuck with the human you possessed forever! You possessed your human so much that you actually are the human you possessed. You are both Goofneck and Jasmine at the same time! It's so neat!" Jeimy explains.ㅤㅤWhat's she trying to get at? I want to know about the Spectra that she said visited before me. The ones that didn't make it out alive.ㅤㅤI move my mouth to speak, but Jeimy begins talking again.ㅤㅤ"But the Spectra before you were worse. Some were younger than you and dumber. Some were older than you and weaker. I tried to love them, but I can't love dead friends. I brought them from the memories I had when I was born. I don't know why, Goofneck, but for some reason, I know they are from the Craterscape," Jeimy reveals.ㅤㅤ"Craterscape? What's that? Is it like a Cloverscape?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"Too many questions! I don't know what a Craterscrape is! I just know that's where they're from! Whenever I tried to talk to them, they would always panic and cry. They're not very fun. They just asked questions like you do, Goofneck. 'Where am I?', 'Who are you?', and a lot more," Jeimy says.ㅤㅤ"What does Jackson have to do with that?!" I ask somewhat more aggressively.ㅤㅤ"Too! Many! Questions!" Jeimy says as she stomps her feet and pouts.ㅤㅤThe Cloverscape shakes and tremors. I stick my arms out to regain my balance. It relaxes again after a few seconds.ㅤㅤPyo hisses.ㅤㅤ"Pyo wants me to know!" I say.ㅤㅤJeimy stops pouting. She looks at Pyo.ㅤㅤ"Pyo, do you want Goofneck to know why Jackson is here?" she asks.ㅤㅤPyo wiggles and flicks his tongue, which usually means yes.ㅤㅤJeimy sighs.ㅤㅤ"I know a lot about you because I see through you, Goofneck. I can't go to Earth, but I can see what it's like through you. I see with your eyes, smell with your nose, and feel with your fingers. I breathe with you, too! And all I know are Jackson, your mommy, your daddy, and your teacher! I can even cook because of your classes," Jeimy says.ㅤㅤI want to kill her. She has been seeing everything I do in my Wakes ever since…ㅤㅤEver since when?ㅤㅤSince before she met me? She's been here long before I ever met her. How does that work? I won't risk irritating her by asking another question. I'm hoping that question answers itself.ㅤㅤ"I didn't know anything about humans before you, Jeimy. I only learned how to talk because of all the Craterscape Spectras and the books I find from my Cloverscapes. But you want to know about Jackson. I know Jackson is your friend, Goofneck. But he's not your best friend. I am, okay? Even after Jackson recovers and we are all friends, I will still be your best friend," Jeimy insists.ㅤㅤOkay. So it was only after I met her. My eyes quickly dart around the area. There's nothing I could really use to stand a chance against Jeimy. I wonder if incapacitating her tiny body here will keep her from using any metaphysical powers that I don't know about.ㅤㅤPyo hisses. Louder and louder. The loudest he's ever hissed. It actually ends up hurting my ears, so I cover them.ㅤㅤ"Ouch! Pyo! Stop that! Oh. You're saying I didn't answer Goofneck's question? Hmph. Okay. Goofneck—because of your memories, I can bring more human friends in! I finally got to try it!"ㅤㅤShe brought Jackson in because he's all she knows. I don't talk to many people. Only those four Jeimy mentioned. Jackson, my parents, and my teacher. Jackson being the one I spend the most time with. I don't pay attention to anyone else.ㅤㅤJeimy can materialize anything she has from memories. And she can't create memories on her own. She takes pieces of the memories she finds and weaves them into these small worlds.ㅤㅤShe weaves dreams that become reality. A Dreamweaver.ㅤㅤThe sea floor theme seems to have been here before I arrived. It looks like I really was lucky to be knowledgeable about these sea animals. Where does Jeimy get such specific ideas for the Venomals? Maybe Cloverscapes are made from my memories. But some things here just don’t align with my experiences, so that may not be true.ㅤㅤWait.ㅤㅤWait, wait. As long as I speak in affirmations and not questions, Jeimy may be willing to tell me more information. It's hard to translate her childlike phrasing, but I'll try. I choose my words carefully.ㅤㅤ"Oh, okay. Jackson carried me from the 10th Cloverscape back here to the 9th Cloverscape," I say.ㅤㅤ"No! No, no. He tried to! He carried you as far as he could. He got as far in the darkness as he could. I couldn't hold his hand, so I kept whispering to him where to go. I don't know why, Goofneck, but he gave up in the middle. He laid you on the ground and fell. He was begging for some water. Silly! There's water everywhere! We're in the Sea Floor! Even you don’t need to drink water down hereI told him he wasn't a good friend because he gave up on helping you. He said some mean words to me, got back up, and tried to pick you up again. But he fell again. He fell over and over and over again. I got really bored, so I decided that I couldn't bring you here without doing it right away. So here you are!"ㅤㅤIt works! As long as I don't say it in the form of a question, she'll tell me more. Amidst my anger at her words, I realize I need to rationally translate what she means.ㅤㅤJackson is human. I don't know much about the Sea Floor, but it seems that humans aren't as strong here. This is a place for demons and otherworldly beings. Maybe the pressure of this Sea Floor? Either way, he brought me as far as he could. When he couldn't physically carry me any more, Jeimy Raptured us both. Here's my hypothesis.ㅤㅤWhen I Raptured—because of the distance already traversed—I only lost a minor piece of my body. Possibly some red blood cells or something. That explains my nausea.ㅤㅤWhen Jeimy Raptured, she lost some minor body part, too. Not sure what exactly. But judging from Jackson's corpse, we've been here for a while. She must have recovered whatever minor body part she lost by now.ㅤㅤWhen Jackson Raptured…It’s obvious what happened. I will kill Jeimy. She assumes humans are on the same level playing field as Spectra. Or whatever she is.ㅤㅤ"Okay, Goofneck! No more questions, okay? Let's go to the 12th Cloverscape!" Jeimy says excitedly.ㅤㅤ"Jackson should recover," I say, practicing my no-questions rule.ㅤㅤJeimy looks back at Jackson, whose corpse lay completely still.ㅤㅤ"Hm. I don't know. He's not moving. I was wrong, Goofneck. But it's okay. He wasn't a good friend, Goofneck. He left you behind!" Jeimy says.ㅤㅤI breathe in the odor again. I will remember this smell. It'll remind me of my ultimate goal. Now's not the best time, but I'll have a chance.ㅤㅤI will kill Jeimy.ㅤㅤLet's keep playing.
3 | Is That Possible? ● #12 Lazy River
ㅤㅤI was born in Arizona. My parents are originally from San Fernando in Trinidad. My dad lived most of his life there while my mom spent most of her college days here in the United States. They have high expectations for me because of how they lived their lives. My mom unfortunately couldn't have children after having me, so I'm all they have. They don't want a disappointment. They weren't going to force me to work in a field I don't want to. But when they found out I liked cooking, they started doing everything they could to make sure I was the best at it. When more of their relatives moved to New York, it was decided that we move there, too. And so here I am.ㅤㅤI don't know much about being a Spectra. I just know that I am one. I only recently learned the word ‘Spectra’ from Jeimy, but I also know innately that I am one. Either way, my memories about being a Spectra are scattered, so in complete honesty, I'm more Jasmine than I am Goofneck.ㅤㅤJackson was my classmate and senior in culinary arts school. My parents enrolled me in an extracurricular program that isn't entirely extracurricular. It exempted me from certain core classes to give me more time to develop my culinary skills. I was taught the bare minimum when it came to science, literature, and history.ㅤㅤBut math was always interesting to me. You need to know math to know cooking. But at the same time, following a recipe is like following a science experiment. But to even do a science experiment, you need to know basic math.ㅤㅤSo at the end of the day, math runs the world.ㅤㅤHow did I get into marine biology? Well, that's actually more recent. In our culinary classes, we recently started a gourmet-centered unit. And caviar was the gateway to my obsession with marine biology. No one usually expects fish eggs to be gourmet. Technically, the term 'caviar' is used in the context of a high-quality sturgeon's eggs. I went to my local library to look for cooking references. But I got curious and wandered into the biology section to look up information about sturgeons. From there, it was a rabbit hole into all kinds of marine life.ㅤㅤBut that wasn't without the help of Jackson. Jackson was more into wildlife than I am. Just like in my case, he appreciated the life cycle as a cook. He wanted to be an elite gourmet chef one day, but he admitted that he would have been a veterinarian if life had gone differently for him. He was a member of our local zoo’s volunteer program, as well as some national zoo foundations. He doesn't take me too often, since I don't like to go out very much.ㅤㅤBut he knows my favorite animal is the dolphin.ㅤㅤSo I always go around the time of year when less people visit the zoo or aquarium. One time, he even signed us up for a hands-on dolphin exhibit while our culinary class took a trip to Florida. I met a dolphin named Delpha, and she was so cute and funny! I can't forget that day, though. And not for a good reason. A flash flood and thunderstorm ended up keeping us in the gift shop for the rest of the day until evening. We were so bored and hungry. I remember Jackson and I spending all our money on the arcade machines, so we didn't have any money left to buy whatever snacks they had left. But the cashier was kind enough to let us eat them anyway.ㅤㅤWhen the storm finally cleared up, both my parents and Jackson's parents pitched in to help pay for the snacks we ate.ㅤㅤI remember Mr. Amos, our primary culinary arts teacher, asking me where we were on the day of the storm. After we told him how we got stranded, he told us his side of the story. Apparently, he was stuck in his hotel, working on paperwork during the day with plans to go sightseeing in the evening. The next worst thing that happened was on the way back to the airport the next day. We got into a minor car accident and, long story short, missed our flight back to New York.ㅤㅤOur airline wasn't the most kind, so we were not provided any kind of reimbursement. The earliest flight was two days later. And though Mr. Amos wanted to have us stay overnight for the next two nights, it wouldn't have been covered by the program.ㅤㅤAnd unlike me, Jackson and Mr. Amos aren't the most well-off. Ugh. Thinking about it, I wish I'd have begged my mom and dad to help out. But of course, I've always been intimidated by them. So we ended up staying at the airport for the next two nights.ㅤㅤThe logical thing to do was to get some sightseeing done. Although most tourist spots were pretty far, we were willing to walk.ㅤㅤBut the storm came back. So much so that the flight two days later got delayed to three days. So we got stranded again. We eventually got home, but I can't forget how bored I was for those three days.ㅤㅤEver since then, I've kind of adopted that mindset. A survival instinct, in a sense. That I should always be prepared to be stranded.ㅤㅤAfter the flight incident, Jackson would tease me for always bringing snacks, a first aid kit, and lots of cash everywhere I went. I was always that tiny little girl always wearing a gigantic backpack.ㅤㅤTo be honest, I didn't really go anywhere special for a while after that incident. Just back and forth from my family's apartment to our class. So realistically, it was kind of silly for me to be lugging around so much baggage.ㅤㅤBut I refuse to be unprepared.ㅤㅤThe less liability, the better. The only thing I can think of would be a pet dog. In the future, I'll definitely get my own dog. I'll take care of them and be prepared to help them at the drop of a hat.ㅤㅤBut that's beside the point. All I mean to say is—Nothing could have prepared me for Jeimy.ㅤㅤThe last two months have been terrorizing for me. I had gone through the first four Cloverscapes, encountered two horrifying Venomals, and was back in my Wake. As in, back to real life.ㅤㅤWith the collapsed lung I've been mentioning. That's when I found out that injuries in the Sea Floor carry over to Wakes.ㅤㅤMy parents pulled some strings to get me through thoracic surgery with such a short turnaround. At every waking moment, I was afraid of when Jeimy would suck me back into the Sea Floor and her Cloverscapes. I tried to spend as much time as I could in bed, just in case Jeimy pulled me in, causing me to faint.ㅤㅤYou can imagine how scared I was to be in the kitchen in front of the stove. If Jeimy were to bring me down to the Sea Floor while I was cooking, I would faint and possibly land my face on the stove.ㅤㅤBut with the new knowledge that Jeimy sees through my eyes–while a complete invasion of privacy–tells me that she's wary enough not to do that.ㅤㅤObviously, I haven't fully recovered from my surgery, but it seems the surgery hasn't affected my athletic abilities here in the Sea Floor.ㅤㅤEach time I get pulled into the Sea Floor, I experience minor amnesia. It doesn't last for too long, but I briefly forget my name and where I came from. My memory eventually returns, but the journey to get there isn't fun, because I feel completely lost.ㅤㅤLast month, I was brought into the Sea Floor while in the middle of the subway. That means I fainted in the middle of a huge crowd. After clearing Cloverscapes 5 through 8, Jeimy let me leave. I woke up, and apparently only 10 minutes had passed in the real world.ㅤㅤI'm not stupid. I know what'll happen if I try to tell anyone about what I'm experiencing. It would lead to a lot of problems for me—I'm mentally stable. I know I am. I also don't want anyone to find out that I'm a demon-human.ㅤㅤSo when my dad was asked by the emergency personnel where he was on the day of both of my collapses, he would give a long, thorough explanation of the complexity of his job. But he always ended these explanations the same.ㅤㅤ"On the clock."ㅤㅤHere's what I hate the most. This third time. Going through the 10th Cloverscape. Trying to beat Jeimy in Pop-Up Pirate.ㅤㅤI was so prepared.ㅤㅤBut I'm always stranded.
●●●ㅤㅤHey.ㅤㅤDo you remember now?ㅤㅤOkay, good. Looks like you do.ㅤㅤOh. Sorry. I wished you luck, but that wish didn't seem to come true.ㅤㅤBut you're not dead, right?ㅤㅤYou have to be thankful for that, at least.ㅤㅤActually—that's how much of a star you are.ㅤㅤEven when you're unlucky, you're lucky.ㅤㅤEven when you lose your mind, you'll still be in control of it.ㅤㅤIs that possible?ㅤㅤBeing in control of something you lost?ㅤㅤWell, here's some more luck.ㅤㅤDon't let Jeimy take it away from you.ㅤㅤAnd maybe we'll meet in person one day, Goofneck.ㅤㅤAnd I'll be able to make you happy.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm zooming down a slide into a gigantic pool.ㅤㅤAs I land butt-first in the water, Pyo flings off of me about four meters ahead. I laugh as he plops down into the pool with such a miniscule splash in comparison to mine.ㅤㅤHe regains his bearings and swims to me again. Though it takes him a few tries since I'm so slippery.ㅤㅤThe 12th Cloverscape is a mini-waterpark. I've never been to a recreation center, but I heard that some of them have miniature waterparks like this.ㅤㅤThe lurking threat that Jeimy could kill any of the three remaining people I care about hasn't gone away. The grief of seeing my best friend's bloody mangled corpse hasn't gone away.ㅤㅤWhy am I taking this so nonchalantly?ㅤㅤWhy am I laughing while sliding down this water slide?ㅤㅤWhy? Why am I grinning from cheek to cheek as I plop myself onto this donut-shaped floating tube?ㅤㅤWhy am I so relaxed on this lazy river circling around that large water slide?ㅤㅤWhy do I giggle when a bucket of water spills over my head as I pass by?ㅤㅤI want to grieve more.ㅤㅤBut it's so much easier not to.ㅤㅤSome normal deep-sea animals are at the bottom of this lazy pool. It looks like all the new Venomals are floating on their own float pads. Maybe a precaution so that I don't make contact with them while I float down the lazy river?ㅤㅤWhich one'll be the 11th Cloverscape's boss is still a mystery. As I've said, there's a chance it won't even be any of the ones here.ㅤㅤA blue-ringed octopus that I met back in the fourth Cloverscape is here on a floatie in front of me. We named him Roong. He seems to be missing a few tentacles. No. Wait. Yeah, he's missing only two of them, actually. That makes sense.ㅤㅤI failed the third Cloverscape's game of The Floor Is Lava. It actually had three Venomals, but I failed at the first one. A blue glaucus we named Glook. The next one was going to be a lionfish I never met. The third was going to be Roong the blue-ringed octopus.ㅤㅤHe had been transported to that third Cloverscape. Then here. That's two tentacles he's lost. It’s been about two months since the third Cloverscape, so if Roong could regrow tentacles like a typical octopus, he would’ve already done so. He can’t.ㅤㅤWhat else? Who else?ㅤㅤJust some normal-sized common shrimp swimming alongside Silfish underneath me. Not Venomals. I lean over to see the other side of the lazy pool.ㅤㅤA cone snail. A stonefish. These are two animals that could kill me.ㅤㅤThey're always tame in the even-numbered Cloverscapes. They've never attacked me in them. I'm not entirely sure if they're venomous while they're here, but I'm never going to try and find out.ㅤㅤI don’t know what the next Cloverscape could be. It's not always just a single building. The first Cloverscape's hide-and-seek took place in an entire city. With my decreased lung capacity, I'm hoping it's not a Cloverscape that spans a wide area. A building would be nice.ㅤㅤI play for a while longer. I alternate between enjoying the moment with the slides and remaining deep in thought on the lazy river. Jeimy acts exactly like a healthy little girl, laughing and smiling. Belmont the stuffed lion is laying on one of the sunlounger chairs. Those reclined chairs you usually find at pools.ㅤㅤOn one of the other sunloungers is an enlarged, frightening Crown-of-thorns starfish. If we played Pop-Up Pirate with that, it would've played out much differently.ㅤㅤIt's beautiful, yet unsettling at the same time. I'm mesmerized as always, but I'm glad to be nowhere near it. They're alien-looking disk-shaped sea stars with around 21 arms riddled with sharp spikes. Normally, they're one of the largest starfish species in the world. Here in the 12th Cloverscape, it's the largest one I've ever seen.ㅤㅤBut it's not as large as Bloom. It's probably 1.5 times larger than a normal crown of thorns—they're usually around 15 inches wide from what I can remember. This one looks to be around 23 to 25 inches. Too many numbers to think about.ㅤㅤI'm wary of it. The fact that it's treated differently from the cone snail and stonefish gives me a bad feeling. It’s on a sunlounger. It has to be the next Venomal.ㅤㅤWithin five minutes of this thought, I get bored.ㅤㅤAt this point, I'm becoming more excited about the next Cloverscape—11.
●●●ㅤㅤ"You're so funny! You want to go to the next Cloverscape now? We were going to stay here for another five hours!" Jeimy admits.ㅤㅤFive hours. That's sounds relaxing, but boring.ㅤㅤThe sooner I kill Jeimy, the better.ㅤㅤ"Yes," I affirm.ㅤㅤ"Okay! I'm glad you're enjoying my games now! This will be fun! The most fun we'll have!" Jeimy asserts.ㅤㅤShe's said that multiple times. As long as it's not a luck-based game, I'll be fine.ㅤㅤJeimy and I dry ourselves off. She grabs Belmont, I grab Pyo, and we make our way out of the 12th Cloverscape.ㅤㅤAs we leave, I look behind at the four Venomals that I've encountered here and analyze their sizes.ㅤㅤRoong, the blue-ringed octopus. A little larger than a typical blue-ringed octopus. Around one foot tall.ㅤㅤSnok, the cone snail. About two feet tall.ㅤㅤWeen, the stonefish. Also about two feet tall.ㅤㅤAnd Roth. The crown-of-thorns starfish. About one foot tall. Three if you count his spines' height.ㅤㅤOddly enough, they’re all around the same height range.ㅤㅤThese names make me laugh. I've started to enjoy giving them stupid names. It keeps me sane, in some way or another. If I enter a new dimension of pain, it might help me to know that it's caused by a Venomal named Snok or Ween.ㅤㅤWe leave and walk through darkness. My least favorite part of this process is holding Jeimy's hand.ㅤㅤAs she lets go, I brace myself. I'm not scared of the sounds and the darkness.ㅤㅤActually, I'm not scared at all. As long as I can't die, what's a little pain?
●●●ㅤㅤI'm walking with Pyo wrapped around my right arm. Lights.ㅤㅤA string of lights along a bridge going upward. And they lead to a cylindrical building. It almost looks like a power plant or a grain silo. But I doubt it's either of those.ㅤㅤI get to the front door and attempt to read the sign above it.ㅤㅤAs always, the building signs are unintelligible. It's some foreign, unreadable language. It might be demonic language, which I can't read. Books and other things are the same, too. So when Jeimy told me she learned how to speak English from the books found in Cloverscapes, it makes me think that it's either demonic language, or her own language.ㅤㅤBut if that's the case, where is the information from? She must be pre-programmed with information, whatever she is.ㅤㅤWhatever she is. That means she was created. Not naturally-born.ㅤㅤPutting these thoughts aside, I walk into the building.ㅤㅤThere’s…nothing really. Just a main foyer of sorts. There’s a bulletin board in front, but the only peculiar feature are some spiral stairs that lead down. It’s like a reverse lighthouse or tower, with spiral stairs going down instead of up.ㅤㅤJeimy’s not here. I’m hesitant to go down the stairs without any direction or warning, so I wait here for a while. Can’t read the papers on the bulletin board, of course. I see photos of very vague-looking fish. They’re almost pixelated, like they were printed in low quality.ㅤㅤIt’s dimly lit here.ㅤㅤ“I’m down here, Goofneck! Come down the stairs!” Jeimy’s muffled voice is heard from below.ㅤㅤAs I walk down, the lighting becomes more sparse.ㅤㅤThe lower floor is beautiful.ㅤㅤI can’t believe my eyes.ㅤㅤIt’s an undersea observatory. I’ve never been to one, but I’ve heard of them.ㅤㅤScarce blacklight lighting along the ceiling. Oval-like airplane-style windows surrounding the walls of this gigantic cylindrical room. Basically, a donut shaped room with the spiral staircase in the center. An echo sounds with each step I take towards the last stair. At first glance, I can’t count how many windows there are—mainly because of the pillar in the middle of the room that is the stairs. But I estimate around 30 windows.ㅤㅤAlong the floor are multiple snails of some sort. From afar, I can see that they have…scales? Also—there are no Silfish here.ㅤㅤJeimy’s at the end of the stairs with her arms up—Belmont is hanging from a loose string on her right hand.ㅤㅤI was right. It's Roth. The crown-of-thorns starfish.ㅤㅤBut he's not situated how I expected. He's actually laying on top of Jeimy's head. It's very decrepit, seeing a crown-of-thorns being worn for its namesake.ㅤㅤAll his thorns are on the outside, so none are making contact with Jeimy's head. They move very slowly and minimally, but if one were to somehow make contact with Jeimy's head, it would not be good for her.ㅤㅤI start to think of ways I could get that to happen. But there's no realistic way I could grab Roth and turn him upside-down on Jeimy. I'd probably be hurt just as much.ㅤㅤ“Ready? Well, you looked ready in the 12th Cloverscape, so let’s go ahead! Welcome to the 11th Cloverscape! I don’t like the number 11, but this Cloverscape is one of my favorites! Look—we were already at the Seafloor, but this place lets you see even lower!” Jeimy exclaims.ㅤㅤI’m having a hard time understanding this. The building’s door was at ground level. So I’m technically underground. But this underground part of the undersea observatory. Ugh! I'll just have to see where this goes.ㅤㅤ"Ooh! Do you like how I have Roth with me? Ever since I gave you Pyo, I missed having my own friend with me. Belmont is really nice to have, but he doesn’t move on his own. The closest animal here to a lion is Liney the lionfish, but he's too big to bring with me. But Roth! He looks like a lion's mane! And if I wear him on my head, it's like I'm the king! Instead of King of the Jungle, I'm the King of the Seafloor! Haha! Don't I look so cool?" Jeimy explains.ㅤㅤJeimy tilts her head down to showcase Roth, but he slips down a little bit.ㅤㅤ"Roth! Stay on better! No!" Jeimy scolds.ㅤㅤHere it is. I'll found out how Jeimy will move Roth.ㅤㅤBut it's as I feared. Roth himself moves back up on Jeimy's head. He appears to suction himself more aggressively on Jeimy's head.ㅤㅤI gulp and nod my head. Roth is beautiful in his own way, but as always—Venomals are as frightening as they are gorgeous.ㅤㅤ"Oh. Sorry. You were really excited for this Cloverscape. We're going to be playing Simon Says!" Jeimy announces.ㅤㅤWait.ㅤㅤThis is the best possible outcome.ㅤㅤI can't believe it.ㅤㅤI'm amazing with memorization. I don't have photographic memory, but whatever memorization skills I have are very close. I've played Simon Says countless times and always come out the winner.ㅤㅤThis will be a breeze.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck? You're smiling a big smile. You're usually sad or look really scared when I tell you about the game. It's so different. Is this game too much for you? Is it a luck game?" she asks.ㅤㅤ"N—No! This is great. It'll be fun and challenging. Perfect. Just perfect, Jeimy. You can go ahead and tell me the rules," I reassure her. Can't risk her changing the game to something more difficult.ㅤㅤ"Yay! Here are the rules of my special version of Simon Says:
First—Fon will glow at each window in the order for you to remember.
Second—You will stick these Scaloos to the windows in the order he glowed. If he glows on the same window twice, you put two Scaloos. You will remove the Scaloos after each round!
Third—Box is here. He will swim to wherever the light is. Don't let him touch you!" Jeimy explains.ㅤㅤThat's so much! That's too much for a simple game of Simon Says! I don't understand most of what she just said. Ugh! I need to think for a minute. Wait! Wait! I'm panicking. No! I need to remain calm. Get information out of her before it begins. First of all, I need to found out how to win. She didn’t even explain how to win. Do I need to get past a certain amount of rounds? I shouldn't ask it as a question. I'll make assumptions for her to correct.ㅤㅤ"Oh, okay. I need to beat eight rounds. And Fon is a squid. Scaloos are these snails. Box is…a…a…," I begin to say.ㅤㅤ"No! No, Goofneck! That's not right! You need to beat three rounds! So silly! And you have never met Fon! He's not a squid. I don't know what he is. I haven't found him in my books. But he looks like a funnel!" Jeimy states in order to correct me. My technique worked, as always!ㅤㅤ"And what's Box?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"NO QUESTIONS, Goofneck!" Jeimy screams.ㅤㅤThe Cloverscape shakes, and the scaly gastropods hide in their shells. Roth wiggles in fright. Pyo just hisses from around my neck.ㅤㅤ"I'm…I'm sorry," I apologize to Jeimy. I got too eager.ㅤㅤ"Well. I'm going to go upstairs. No swimming here. Bye, Goofneck," Jeimy says as she walks upwards. I hear the echoes of her steps fade away. I lean over and look up. The upstairs have become complete darkness. I know that if I try to go up the stairs, I'd go through endless darkness. No chance of trying to escape this one.ㅤㅤI lean down to pick up one of the Scaloos. Upon closer inspection, I recognize what they are.ㅤㅤScaly-foot snails. The sea pangolin. Volcano snail. Multiple names for this creature. As the third name implies, they're deep-sea snails that live around scorching deep-sea volcanoes, measuring around 5 centimeters. These are bigger than that—big enough to cover those windows. And I see that the windows have metal lining.ㅤㅤFun fact about the scaly-foot snail. They're magnetic. They incorporate gregite deposits into their exoskeletons.ㅤㅤThat'll help with getting them to stick on these windows. As I inspect this Scaloo in my hand I notice the window in front of me light up.ㅤㅤIt lights up for about a second. But in that second, I could see who was creating the light.ㅤㅤWhat I thought would be a giant squid was not a giant squid at all.ㅤㅤFon is something much different.
4 | What Is This Torture? ● #11 Observatory Part 1
ㅤㅤFon is a siphonophore.ㅤㅤThe same order as a Portuguese man-o-war. Riddled with nematocysts—stinging cells—all over.ㅤㅤMost are familiar with how a man-o-war looks like. But the siphonophores that live in the deep sea are a bit different.ㅤㅤThink of siphonophore like this. Imagine if all the individual stinging tentacles of a jellyfish were alive. Then imagine that they were tied together to make a cylindrical tunnel–like the kind a cat would play with. Gelatinous strings–a colony of thousands of clones making up one body. Thousands of translucent tentacles hanging off with neurotoxins ready to release into any victims it touches. Throughout its body are lures and specialized cells that glow. The same bioluminescence that most deep-sea creatures share. The tentacles are grouped into specific functions like this. A siphonophore a city of animals combined to form one venomous creature.ㅤㅤFon is specifically a giant siphonophore. I’m not just describing his size. Giant siphonophore. That’s the actual species name for siphonophores that grow up to 130 feet long. Which is already very long. But Fon is an oversized giant siphonophore. That may seem redundant, but think of it this way.ㅤㅤNormal giant siphonophores grow up to 130 feet long, or 40 meters long. But they’re usually about the width of a broomstick handle.ㅤㅤIn that second where Fon glowed in front of one window, I could see the vague outline of his mostly transparent body throughout the rest of the windows. He is the largest Venomal that I've seen yet. I can't even estimate his width. His length is at least the circumference of this room—it seems that he wraps around it like a donut. He's like a dragon curled around a vault of treasure.ㅤㅤIt's a blessing that he's outside of this room.ㅤㅤThe Scaloos and Fon have been identified. Now it's just Box that needs to be identified.ㅤㅤFon continues to glow two more times in a specific order. It would be a little unfair if he decides to glow from one end of the room to the other, since the staircase in the center of the room covers my view. It blocks at least three windows.ㅤㅤAfter three glows, he stops. I wait for a little bit. Looks like Jeimy doesn't announce it. It's my turn.ㅤㅤTo give you a good idea of how dim it is compared to how bright Fon's glows are, think of the difference between a tiny candle compared to a stage spotlight. Not that I've ever been to a stage. Well—actually, I guess now I have with the last odd Cloverscape.ㅤㅤI can still see, but it takes a while for my eyes to adjust in between glows. At least I don't have a time limit. I pick up two Scaloos, since I can't physically carry three. They're heavy.ㅤㅤI bring them to the first window and stick him on.ㅤㅤThe moment I do, Fon glows. The brightness takes me by surprise, and I drop the second Scaloo. Pyo hisses as always.ㅤㅤFon doesn't stop glowing. Is this how it works? When it glows for a second, it's not that bad. But when it stays on like this, it kind of hurts my eyes.ㅤㅤI dash to the second window. It's six windows away from that first one. I stick the second Scaloo on.ㅤㅤI turn my head the other direction in preparation. Sure enough, Fon glows from this second window. I glance at the first window. It's turned off.ㅤㅤThis looks pretty tame. Like I said, the memorization part is easy.ㅤㅤI dash to 11 windows to the right, picking up a Scaloo on the way. I place it on the third window.ㅤㅤI turn my head around, but Fon doesn't just glow from this third window.ㅤㅤHe glows from behind every single window.ㅤㅤThis ends up burning my eyes, and I scream in pain. I swing my head and can feel Pyo fall. I place my hands over my eyes and apply as much pressure as I can. I walk forward, knowing I'll get towards the staircase. I feel the staircase.ㅤㅤI crouch down, bring my forehead toward the pillar, and form a cup around my vision with my hands. I slowly open my eyes—I'm looking at the pillar. But some light leaks through my fingers. I close my eyes again.ㅤㅤI'm a demon. This must be what it's like for my kind to witness an angel.ㅤㅤThe light still does not die down. This can't be a punishment. I know I got the right windows!ㅤㅤDon't tell me. I have to take down the Scaloos that I just placed down with all these lights.ㅤㅤWithout being able to see?! Ugh! What is this torture? Why does Fon have to glow like this?ㅤㅤI get up slowly. I have no idea where Pyo is. I begin to walk in the opposite direction of the staircase pillar. Suddenly, I feel Pyo slither up my lower right leg. He's tugging on it.ㅤㅤOh! He's telling me which way to go! Yes, Pyo!ㅤㅤThat's right. Pyo doesn't need to see that well, he can lick the ground. Maybe he can tell where I've stepped on before? I don't know. Either way, he seems to have a great sense of direction.ㅤㅤI keep walking, having to press onto my eyes even harder, since I'm getting closer to the lights. I get to a certain point after walking forward, and Pyo stops tugging. I reach my hand forward and feel the Scaloo on the window. Based on how Pyo tugged me around, I can tell. This is the second Scaloo. Does order matter in the removal?ㅤㅤI take the risk. Using one hand to cover my eyes, I peel him off the window. One hand does very little to cover my eyes. In a rush to avoid spending time letting light leak into my eyes, I unfortunately pull the Scaloo off with a lot of force. I hear him slam onto the ground behind me. I instantly go back to covering both my eyes. I stay still and wince.ㅤㅤNothing happens. Looks like order doesn't matter when I remove them.ㅤㅤI repeat this process another time with Pyo. It's a little odd, but Pyo doesn't ever lead me in a straight line. He seems to maneuver me for some reason.ㅤㅤOn the way to the last Scaloo to be removed, I realize that I can just feel my hand along the walls and windows and remove them that way. After all, the order doesn't matter.ㅤㅤ"Pyo—thank you for your help. I can just feel along the walls," I say, trying to ignore the pain from putting so much pressure on my eyes.ㅤㅤPyo tries to tug back.ㅤㅤ"Pyo! I just said it's okay!" I say a little louder.ㅤㅤPyo keeps tugging. He hisses a little bit.ㅤㅤ"Ugh! Fine, Pyo. I don’t need this help," I say. I feel for him and gently pull him off of me.ㅤㅤI'm already at a side of the wall, so I begin feeling along the wall.ㅤㅤThen I trip.ㅤㅤI place my hands in front of me, and my left hand lands on something sharp.ㅤㅤI shriek in pain from that and land back on my butt. I use my right hand to feel my left hand's injuries, but quickly realize the state I'm in.ㅤㅤI'm looking directly at the bright windows.ㅤㅤI scream even louder, get on my knees and elbows, and place my forehead on the ground. I feel a Scaloo approach my arm and poke at it. It doesn't hurt, but I understand what's happening.ㅤㅤPyo was keeping me from tripping on the Scaloos—they aren't so sharp that they hurt to touch. But if I fall and land my hands on one, it hurts. I can even feel my left hand bleeding right now.ㅤㅤ"Pyo! I'm sorry. Please come back," I beg.ㅤㅤWithin a few seconds, Pyo is slithering back onto my leg. Thank goodness he's not mad at me.ㅤㅤ"I love you, Pyo!" I say.ㅤㅤWait.ㅤㅤNo. I shouldn't say things like that. I can't fully trust Pyo.ㅤㅤI shake my head. Pyo tugs, and I eventually get to the last window Scaloo.ㅤㅤThe moment I pull it off aggressively, the lights begin to fade slowly. As they almost fully dim, I open my eyes.ㅤㅤFor about three seconds, I see four tiny floating black dots in front of me. Then the lights go out fully. It takes a while for my eyes to readjust, but I can no longer see those floating black dots.ㅤㅤWhat…was that?ㅤㅤWhat could I think of that they could be?ㅤㅤI'll…not think about them for now.
●●●ㅤㅤRound 2.ㅤㅤI wish I had shades. Any form of eye protection.ㅤㅤI watch as Fon glows, starting with the same three windows from the first round. He glows again, the fourth window being two windows to the left. As with any game of Simon Says, the memorization stacks from the previous round.ㅤㅤThe fifth window is six windows to the right of window four. I'm standing right in front of it.ㅤㅤThe sixth window is where Fon pushes me to my limits.ㅤㅤIn the corner of my eye, I see a glow directly behind the staircase. Then it quickly fades.ㅤㅤBecause it was behind the staircase, I couldn't see exactly…I couldn't see which it was!ㅤㅤOh, no.ㅤㅤUgh! The middle staircase is about three windows wide. Three windows were behind! No!ㅤㅤI can't memorize what I don't know. There were already high expectations of me since the game began with three, instead of how a normal Simon Says begins. Now I have to guess out of three?ㅤㅤAs I carefully walk over to the other side to assess which of the three windows behind the pillar was the sixth one in the round, I see another glow from the corner of my eye.ㅤㅤBut I wasn't paying attention! I was too busy focusing on the sixth window in the round! I had no idea there would be at least seven! Last round was three, so it would have made sense for there to be three more.ㅤㅤNo, no! All I know is that the seventh was on my left side.ㅤㅤAnother glow, vaguely near where the seventh window might have been.ㅤㅤUgh! Eight?!ㅤㅤI at least know where the eighth one is.ㅤㅤI wait for a few seconds before making any rapid movement. My eyes are constantly scanning, ready for Fon to glow.ㅤㅤNothing.ㅤㅤEight.ㅤㅤWe went from three windows at a time to eight.ㅤㅤWhat is Jeimy's problem? There's no sense of consistency! Ever! From three to eight?ㅤㅤLights off except for the dim blacklights above. It’s time to decide.
●●●ㅤㅤI get through the first five windows smoothly, squinting my eyes with each. The anxiety builds up as I walk toward the windows that could be the sixth window.ㅤㅤI have a 1/3 chance to pick the right one.ㅤㅤEeny, meeny, miny, moe.ㅤㅤUgh. I’ll. I’ll pick the left one. I vaguely feel like the light shined from the right corner of my eye when my back was faced toward it.ㅤㅤI pick up a Scaloo and place it on.ㅤㅤI close my eyes. It shines.ㅤㅤI…ㅤㅤI did it!ㅤㅤI got it!ㅤㅤI guessed right! I can’t believe it. Thank goodness!ㅤㅤYes!ㅤㅤPyo flicks his tongue at me in happiness, and I pet him lightly.ㅤㅤOnto the seventh one. It was somewhere here.ㅤㅤAround here. It has to be one of these five.ㅤㅤBefore I start to even consider which one, Pyo slithers off of me, onto the ground, and slides against the wall. He extends his body along the wall. Out of the five, he reaches up and points toward the fourth from the left.ㅤㅤNo way! Did Pyo turn his head when I panicked earlier? He saw which one the seventh window was!ㅤㅤI get it.ㅤㅤThis Cloverscape needs teamwork.ㅤㅤAnd I almost sabotaged it earlier with my tantrum.ㅤㅤ“I’ll need to treat you later somehow, Pyo,” I say.ㅤㅤI go ahead and place the Scaloo, and the window glows. I squint harder. I have the feeling that the more windows that the game cycles through, the brighter they get. So the eighth is the brightest so far. Definitely not as bad as when they’re all on at once.ㅤㅤEight. The eighth was close to the seventh. Pyo?ㅤㅤPyo hisses.ㅤㅤWhat’s happening?ㅤㅤPyo continues, he facing me, but it’s hard to tell what he’s trying to do. The lights are kind of overwhelming me and my vision is obscured by my squinting.ㅤㅤSuddenly, I feel something bump against my back.ㅤㅤImmediately, I jolt forwards and turn around. I refocus my vision and see them again.ㅤㅤFour tiny black dots. Now that I have a better view—they are really tiny. I mean extremely tiny. All together, they’re about the size of my thumb.ㅤㅤThis time, it’s bright enough to see a slight outline.ㅤㅤWith Pyo by my side hissing, I finally learn what Box is.ㅤㅤBox is the world’s most venomous marine animal.ㅤㅤThe Australian box jellyfish. The sea wasp. Its body is so clear and transparent that it’s a miracle that I’m even able to distinguish its body.ㅤㅤWait!ㅤㅤWait! No!ㅤㅤIt’s too small!ㅤㅤIt’s not even the size of a normal Australian box jellyfish! Their bodies are about a foot in diameter with tentacles up to 10 feet long. Venomals are usually larger than their real life counterparts.ㅤㅤWhat is…? Maybe it’s smaller instead?ㅤㅤOh!ㅤㅤThe Irukandji box jellyfish. I briefly read about them. They’re miniature versions of box jellyfish with all the same potent stinging capabilities, if not worse.ㅤㅤI could go through all the intricate details about box jellyfish, but what’s important are the four black dots.ㅤㅤThose are rhopalia. Each of the four have clusters of eyes that don’t just detect light like normal jellyfish. They can actually see—these eyes have lenses, corneas, retinas, and an iris.ㅤㅤI should take into account three more details about box jellyfish.ㅤㅤ1. Box jellyfish are faster than normal jellyfish that just go with the current.ㅤㅤ2. Box jellyfish can maneuver themselves more intentionally than normal jellyfish.ㅤㅤ3. The Irukandji box jelly’s adult size is one centimeter. That’s it. But their tentacles reach to one meter. Sorry to change units, but that’s how small they are. Not even an inch.ㅤㅤThe first two are the reasons biologists believe that they actively hunt their prey.ㅤㅤWell. I guess I did end up going through the details. Obviously, they’re box-shaped. The Irukandji box jelly may not be as large as the Australian box jelly, but they share most of the same features.ㅤㅤOne of the scariest ones being the transparency.
As much as I hate Fon's lights, they’re the only reason I can see Box the Irukandji box jellyfish.ㅤㅤIt’s trying to swim toward me, but I just back away and watch my step. It keeps following me, but I just back away. It's not fast enough to catch me.ㅤㅤIt’s all making sense. Box swims toward wherever there is light. Once I'm visible, Box hunts for me.ㅤㅤSo when all of Fon’s lights are off, Box swims to the ceiling where the blacklights are.ㅤㅤLast round, I’d been constantly moving—each window has been relatively far from the previous one. So I’ve never had to worry about Box.ㅤㅤBut these recent windows are starting to get clumped together, giving Box more time to swim closer to me.ㅤㅤI shouldn't place the eighth Scaloo down just yet. I need to strategize before the bright lights begin.ㅤㅤAfter I completed last round and all the lights turned on, I took my sweet time in taking down all the Scaloos. All through that, Box did not find me. Based on that, I can assume Box gets blinded when all the lights are on. I'm not entirely safe from Box, but it's better to know that Box isn't actively hunting for me when they’re all on.ㅤㅤHold on! I have an idea.ㅤㅤ"Pyo. Your venom is an anti-venom to all these animals. Couldn't you just eat Box? Look! It's so tiny!" I ask Pyo as I back away and dodge Box.ㅤㅤPyo waves back and forth slowly. This usually means 'no'.ㅤㅤBut why? My question makes sense. Don't tell me it's just some stupid rule Jeimy made. Can't forget that Pyo is Jeimy's servant at the end of the day. Ugh!ㅤㅤI take a closer look at Box. Yeah. Box is definitely an Irukandji box jellyfish, matching the average size of a real one. Although Box is a Venomal, its size is not modified.ㅤㅤYes. Box's tentacles are a meter long. I'm fortunate to have not made contact with them.
●●●ㅤㅤStill have not placed the eighth Scaloo down.ㅤㅤAfter Pyo points me to the eighth window, I count my steps between all eight of them. I do so with some swiftness, since Box is following me. Every now and then, I panic while looking for Box. But my eyes eventually refocus and I find those four tiny black dots. Yes, Pyo can help me once all the lights are on, but now that the windows get brighter, Box can see me more easily. Once I place the eighth Scaloo down and I'm blinded by all the lights, I need to be able to get through more quickly without depending on Pyo.ㅤㅤGood. I have the steps memorized. Next thing to do.ㅤㅤIt's too much of a hassle to pick up the Scaloos and move them while Box is slowly chasing me like a zombie. I kick them all toward the center of the room. I even pick up a few of them and place them on the stairs. They'll probably move around, but they're not fast enough to get in my way once things get heated.ㅤㅤGood. Steps memorized. Scaloos out of the way. Won't need to depend on Pyo once I'm blinded.ㅤㅤPyo slithers off of me and points to where the eighth window is one more time.ㅤㅤLet's do it.
●●●ㅤㅤMy plan goes off perfectly.ㅤㅤThe moment I place the eighth Scaloo down, I strategically walk where I memorized to take the seventh one down. I don't take them down in order - I take them down in the most efficient order—depending on where the closest window is.ㅤㅤI take note of where Box is—he's blinded, so his movements are unpredictable. But I carefully remain against the wall, where Box is less likely to be.ㅤㅤAs I remove the last Scaloo, the lights start to dim. I open my eyes, experience the painful adjustment, and scan for those four black dots. It takes about a second, but I find them. I see them float upward towards the ceiling.ㅤㅤI've been right about everything so far.ㅤㅤWith Pyo by my side, the last round of this game of Simon Says should be easy.
5 | What Happens If I Die? ● #14 Observatory Part 2
ㅤㅤEventually the lights dim. A minute passes, and the lights begin to glow consecutively. I already have the first eight memorized, so I don’t bother to pay attention to where they glow. I spend most of the time with my head tilted up, watching for the small black dots. I was right. When Fon cycles through the memorization portion of the game, the glowing doesn't last long enough for Box to go down from the ceiling.ㅤㅤI've already piled the Scaloos on top of each other near the stairs. Phew! Not having all of them scattered on the floor is such a relief.ㅤㅤEighth window. I start to pay attention. It goes out.ㅤㅤNine…Come on!ㅤㅤTwo glowed at the same time. They were two windows away from each other, so it's not the worst. I saw where they were.ㅤㅤThis means the difficulty just increased. I'll call them 'turns' instead of windows to avoid confusion.ㅤㅤFrom the ninth turn onward, it's possible for more than one window to glow at once. That opens up a lot of questions. When it's my turn to place the Scaloos down, do they need to be placed at the exact same time? I hope Pyo can carry a Scaloo.ㅤㅤThe 10th. Two windows glow a few windows away from where the ninth turn windows were. Ugh! This is getting confusing. No. Calm down. I know where they are. I just need to keep calm and pay attention. And be ready for Jeimy to switch things up suddenly.ㅤㅤJust as I thought she'd do.ㅤㅤThe 11th windows—two of them—glow for half a second. Way more quick than all the previous ones. It's okay, though. I saw them. They were right next to each other.ㅤㅤHere comes the 12th. I can't imagine what's going to happen. Are three going to glow at once?!ㅤㅤThe room shakes.ㅤㅤNo.ㅤㅤJust one glows. And it's the one facing the last step of the staircase.ㅤㅤIt glowed for less than half a millisecond. Like a flicker. Or so I think. I'm just guessing at this point.ㅤㅤI breathe in. Before I breathe out, I hear footsteps.ㅤㅤDown the stairs. I turn backwards, and it's Jeimy.ㅤㅤShe doesn't say a word. She gets towards the end of the stairs where the pile of Scaloos are. She looks at them and stops.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck. Please move these out of the way," Jeimy says. She's completely serious. She looks…angry?ㅤㅤOh, no. Oh, no, no, no. Was I not supposed to move the Scaloos like this? Jeimy's the one who gave me free reign! Come on!ㅤㅤ"Y—Yes, Jeimy! Um! Here!" I say in a panic as I pick up the Scaloos and move them out of Jeimy's way. One by one. And I can feel her staring at me the entire time.ㅤㅤ"There! Um! Go ahead, Jeimy," I say extending my arms out like a servant showing their king the way.ㅤㅤAnd it does match the situation. Jeimy's frayed clothes run along the stairs and ground like a wedding dress' train or like a royal robe, with Roth as her crown.ㅤㅤJeimy's eyes are a deep, bright pink, but right now, they're actually glowing. It's beautiful, yet frightening. I wonder if it's bright enough for Box to want to come to her.ㅤㅤShe begins walking toward me. I back up against where the 12th window was.ㅤㅤAs she gets closer to me, I finally notice. Box has caught up and swims to Jeimy. There's the answer to my earlier question. Box sticks itself to Jeimy's left forearm, to which she shakes a little bit. Jeimy makes a pained face, but she does something unbelievable.ㅤㅤJeimy rips her own forearm off. Just completely rips it off—a clean rip. It's disgusting, and a lot of fluids leak out. She grunts a little bit, but that's it. She grabs her own left forearm with her right hand and swings at Box. She smashes the forearm at Box against the ground, as if she were swatting a bug. She repeatedly smashes it over and over and over again in a fit of rage. And she starts laughing.ㅤㅤJust…Just like I did with Bloom.ㅤㅤOut of nervousness, I start to laugh as well. Jeimy notices, turns toward me, then laughs even harder. We both maniacally laugh, as if we've lost our minds.ㅤㅤAs if.ㅤㅤAs if we lost our minds.ㅤㅤJeimy gets tired. Blood from her own forearm is all over her face and the floor. Some have gotten on my shoes. Her face becomes visibly angry again. My mind wanders back to her rage, and I'm back to my senses. Thinking about it, she seems to have superhuman strength only for her own body. Like ripping her hair and forearm off. But she couldn't even drag me across the floor.ㅤㅤIf that's true, then I really could beat her in a fight.ㅤㅤBut—like I said—there's no guarantee I can leave without her. I need to confirm that first.ㅤㅤRight now, though, I'm fearing for my life.ㅤㅤJeimy walks up to me.ㅤㅤI step aside, as if dodging her.ㅤㅤAnd she walks past me.ㅤㅤShe's staring out the window.ㅤㅤShe's staring at Fon.ㅤㅤ"Fon," Jeimy says, gritting her teeth.ㅤㅤFon glows once, although very dimly.ㅤㅤ"You…You're not supposed to glow at two different windows at the same time. That's not fair for Goofneck. I never told you to do that," Jeimy says sternly.ㅤㅤFon dimly glows, then slowly fades the light. As if to apologize.ㅤㅤ"YOU'RE NOT!"ㅤㅤShaking. Jeimy picks up a Scaloo.ㅤㅤ"SUPPOSED!"ㅤㅤShaking. Jeimy aims it at the window.ㅤㅤ"TO GLOW TWICE!"ㅤㅤShaking. Crack.ㅤㅤThe window cracks. And spreads. Soon—pitch black fluid starts leaking in. As the crack grows bigger, the leaks turn into flows. And from flows to sprays.ㅤㅤI panic and dash toward the stairs.ㅤㅤJeimy walks around the room, picking up Scaloos and cracking each window. The floor starts to flood with the black fluid. It's not water.ㅤㅤ"It's your turn, Goofneck! It's your turn!" Jeimy says as she continues.ㅤㅤI'm on the stairs. The floor is ankle deep in the black fluid.ㅤㅤIt's not…poisonous, is it?ㅤㅤ"J—Jeimy…I don't think—"ㅤㅤ"IT'S! YOUR! TURN!" Jeimy screams.ㅤㅤOne of the blacklight fixtures from the ceiling comes crashing down, and the glass shards shift through the water.ㅤㅤI don't know! Um. I just need to grab some—ㅤㅤSuddenly a thick film with multiple tentacles gets sucked into the room from the windows from the pressure. It's Fon.ㅤㅤFon's body is getting torn apart from getting pulled into the room from different windows. Fon doesn't make any noises, but he's definitely in pain.ㅤㅤAnd honestly? He deserves it.ㅤㅤBefore I can bask in the righteous torture of Fon, he starts to glow rapidly in an erratic manner. Some lights glow dim and some glow bright like a broken fluorescent bulb.ㅤㅤThe quick glows burn my eyes, so I immediately dash up the stairs.ㅤㅤAnd as I thought, it's an endless darkness—it doesn't currently lead to that ground floor. I don't care. I keep running up the endless stairs.ㅤㅤPyo tightens his grip. Thank goodness I'm not alone.ㅤㅤAfter about five minutes, I give up. It's not worth it.ㅤㅤI turn around and walk down the stairs slowly. Somehow, it only takes a minute before I get back and…ㅤㅤJeimy is on her knees in the black fluid crying.ㅤㅤThere are glass shards stuck in her body. Most are on the back of her hand. Roth is still on her head, frantically moving his spines back and forth. She's covered in blood—I'm used to that.ㅤㅤIt's her crying that I've never heard before.ㅤㅤFon's body is completed separated into multiple pieces. It's extremely dangerous to touch this black fluid. Fon's nematocysts may be floating in it. Not to mention Jeimy's disgusting blood.ㅤㅤI have no remorse for Jeimy. I'm not one to feel sympathy for a terrible person just because they're crying. Yeah. I'm not sure what to do. I just want to get out. I'm not touching the fluid.ㅤㅤI'll play the part.ㅤㅤ"Jeimy. Are you okay?" I ask. Does that count as a question?ㅤㅤ"Yes, Goofneck. S—Sorry. Sorry I tried to make you keep playing. These games never finish! They're always interrupted!" she says. She's not shouting, but her voice is irritated amidst her crying.ㅤㅤ"Why don't we lea—I mean, let's leave! I'll leave back to my family! Yeah! Maybe you need some time on your own!" I say. I need to remember not to ask questions. It's been four Cloverscapes. She'll let me leave to my Wake now.ㅤㅤRight?ㅤㅤRight?!ㅤㅤShe tilts her head up at me from below, removing her hand from her face.ㅤㅤShe's smiling. Despite having bloodshot eyes and disheveled skin. She had better not keep me here.ㅤㅤ"Okay. I was going to having you go to the next Cloverscape, since you've been more excited for them. Are you sure you want to go back?" Jeimy asks.ㅤㅤI smile in response.ㅤㅤ"I don't like questions, Jeimy."ㅤㅤThat felt good to say. Jeimy claps.ㅤㅤ"Well, okay! If you go, I'll need to bring someone here for company," Jeimy states.ㅤㅤWait, what?! No! No, no!ㅤㅤ"Jeimy?! Why?! Weren't you okay with me?" I beg.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck! No questions, please. Hm. I miss you when you're not here! I don’t have fun with anyone but you! But, hey! Now that I can bring people that aren't Spectra here, I don't see why I should always wait for you. You're my best friend, but I can bring more friends here," Jeimy explains.ㅤㅤI'm not letting her touch my family. Not my teacher.ㅤㅤ"I—I ch—I changed my mind, Jeimy! You—You're my best friend! I want to spend more t—time with you! Let's play another one!"ㅤㅤJeimy's face lights up.ㅤㅤShe walks toward me and the stairs. Pyo slithers up to my horns, as if to avoid her.ㅤㅤJeimy extends her arms forward and hugs me.ㅤㅤEverything I guessed about the black water was right.ㅤㅤNematocysts everywhere.
●●●ㅤㅤIt's a blessing that I was stung by Fon instead of Box.ㅤㅤIrukandji jellyfish can cause cardiac arrest, heart failure, constant vomiting, and lung edema. Any lung problems for me would have been catastrophic.ㅤㅤActually, no. None of this is a blessing. I had so much trouble breathing. I couldn't die—but at the moment Jeimy hugged me, I would have loved to die.ㅤㅤIt's unclear whether Jeimy feels pain or not. But considering how she winced at Box’s tentacles yet was unfazed she was from Fon's tentacles all over her, she likely feels pain. She probably just has a high pain tolerance.ㅤㅤIt keeps happening like this. It's becoming predictable. In a way, I'm sharing Jeimy's frustration.ㅤㅤNone of the games have finished recently. I can't count them as successes. My only successes were Cloverscapes 1, 5, and 7.ㅤㅤIt would be nice to have Jeimy praise me for winning. Just one more time before I kill her.ㅤㅤKilling. Death. What happens to her if she dies? Actually. What happens if I die?ㅤㅤI'm a demon inhabiting a human body. Would my human body die, leaving my demon self to return to Hell? I doubt it. From my scattered memories of being a Spectra demon, moving between Hell and Earth is something that requires the strength of a more powerful demon. The dream demons. I forget what they're called.ㅤㅤI don't even want to go to Hell. That sentence seems silly, since most don't. But if that would keep Jeimy away from me, it wouldn't be so bad. I'd just miss my family, teacher, and Jackson.ㅤㅤDoes Jackson go to Hell?ㅤㅤOr does dying here create a different effect?ㅤㅤI don’t want to think about what happens if I die here. If Pyo had bitten Jackson—wait, no. As a human, Jackson most likely wouldn’t survive Pyo's venom.ㅤㅤJeimy Raptured us both, and I'm recovered from the Fon stings. But I'm missing pain receptors or whatever that's called. Sensory loss. I'm not a doctor. I can't feel my left pinky and ring finger. I'm glad I still have them, but they have no sense of touch at all. Nerve damage from the Rapture. Better than a lung.ㅤㅤI'm at a wave pool. 14th Cloverscape.ㅤㅤThough I was immersed in the last even-numbered Cloverscape, I'm very lost in my own thoughts right now. Jeimy is on her own tube floatie with Roth on her head. Belmont is once again laying on a sunlounger. Pyo is on my arm.ㅤㅤNo Venomals other than Roth are present in the wave pool. Just Silfish, shrimp, and plankton, I assume.ㅤㅤSome of Jeimy's flesh is laying on the side of the wave pool. Pyo flicks his tongue…ㅤㅤHold on.ㅤㅤI've never really thought about it.ㅤㅤPyo never loses anything from the Raptures. Is he immune? Why would he be immune, while Jeimy…ㅤㅤPyo silently slithers along. Right!ㅤㅤShedding! He's a snake! That's my only logical answer. Otherwise, Pyo would be the secret to defeating Jeimy.ㅤㅤWell, he still could be. I just don’t know how to get Pyo to turn on Jeimy. And I can't risk asking him outright. Even though he understands English.ㅤㅤIf it's not shedding, he might be getting shorter in length or something. I'll do a mental measurement of Pyo in between the next Cloverscapes.ㅤㅤOutside of the wave pool…Right. Still no Venomals.ㅤㅤI'm bored.ㅤㅤThe beautiful tiled walls of this liminal space, the fake palm trees, the ambient lighting, and the relaxing atmosphere.ㅤㅤThey're getting stale.ㅤㅤI follow the same pattern of actions I did in the last even-numbered Cloverscape, trying to coerce Jeimy into speeding up the process to get to the next Cloverscape.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck…It's too early. Let's relax here a little longer!"ㅤㅤI sigh. I get out of the wave pool and walk around. Walking around to the deeper end of the wave pool, I can actually see a sand shark. It's camouflaged pretty well. I jump in and swim toward it. I reach my hand toward it, hoping it interacts. Even biting me would be fine. It just swims away.ㅤㅤIt's really hard to describe, but I've always gotten the feeling that every single sea animal here in the Sea Floor and the Cloverscapes is afraid of me. Legitimately frightened. It wasn't that apparent before, but ever since my encounter with Bloom, they evade me quicker. They stay further away from me.ㅤㅤThey really are slaves to Jeimy, huh?ㅤㅤIt's difficult to gauge how much power Jeimy holds over these subspaces. She has some weaknesses, such as physical strength. Also—I'm starting to believe that the sea animals have some kind of mental network allowing them to communicate with each other. How else would this sand shark, who I've never encountered before, be this afraid of me? The sand shark has to know about what I did to Bloom.ㅤㅤI don't know much about how companies are run, but Jeimy is like an intimidating CEO that the rest of the employees are afraid of. And the employees like to gossip to one another. It's a matter of whether the CEO overhears the gossip.ㅤㅤMy current belief is this. I believe that Jeimy creates these subspaces based on the information she was pre-programmed with. Because of the limitation of her knowledge, she's like a clockmaker. Once she makes the clock, she lets it run, only doing maintenance when needed. She weaved these dream-like liminal spaces, but once she started weaving, she had to continue a pattern. She has limited control. She can move animals around, but she's stuck with what she has.ㅤㅤI don't think she has an infinite supply of animals. Or Cloverscapes.ㅤㅤI usually try my best not to strike too much conversation in the even Cloverscapes. I usually want to relax. But I should get some intel this time.ㅤㅤI swim back to the shallow end of the wave pool where Jeimy is. I splash water on her.ㅤㅤ"Aha! Goofneck! You scared me! Grr. I'll get you back!" Jeimy says happily.ㅤㅤI play with her for a bit, and all the Silfish in the wave pool swim away instantly to one edge of the wave pool away from us.ㅤㅤWe both get tired and lay down on the other two sunloungers to the right of Belmont the flesh-stuffed lion.ㅤㅤI reach my hand out to the side, and Jeimy grabs it.ㅤㅤThis is kind of nice.ㅤㅤIf Jeimy wasn't so easily angered, so emotional, and so unstable, I wouldn't actually mind being her friend. I've never made a friend around my age or younger—Jackson was basically like an older brother to me.ㅤㅤI would play with Jeimy. I'd make her the newest dish I've learned to make. I'd maybe teach her some basic cooking skills myself.ㅤㅤIt'd be fun to talk to someone like her about my love for marine biology. She gets so outwardly excited about things. I've always been reserved with things like that, but when I was with Jackson, I was noticeably more outspoken.ㅤㅤAnd the day I fall in love, I'd be able to tell Jeimy all about it. She'd laugh and tease me about it. She'd ask me who it is. I wouldn't tell her at first, but she'd keep teasing me until I give in. We'd play games without having to worry about pain, poison, venom. None of that. We'd just be two teens enjoying what life could bring.ㅤㅤActually. That would never happen.ㅤㅤAnd not because of Jeimy and her Cloverscapes.ㅤㅤBecause of me. Not because I'm a demon either. None of these supernatural things. No. It’s because I'm the one who's afraid. I'm more afraid of myself than any of these sea creatures ever could. The fear of getting stranded is one thing, but I hate being stuck with my own thoughts of the future.ㅤㅤI'm afraid of people cutting me off. Of people using me. Taking advantage of me. I'm afraid of losing what I don't even have. Why try to obtain something when the risk of losing it is never zero percent? It's a psychotic thought, but that's exactly it. I'm too emotionally weak. I like to think rationally on the short term, but every interaction I've had growing up has given me the fear of becoming someone I don't want to be or losing someone I don't want to lose. If I were friends with someone like Jeimy, would my temper get worse? If I always spent time with my parents, would I be completely emotionless with the people who are supposed to matter the most to me? Most of my recent social skills were picked up from Jackson. But what if I’d met someone else?ㅤㅤSo many questions.ㅤㅤAll these Cloverscapes leave me with these kind of thoughts. Not even thoughts. They're always questions.ㅤㅤUgh.ㅤㅤI squish Jeimy's hand. They're really coarse in a fragile sense. As if her skin was made to fall apart.ㅤㅤIf Jeimy is a different kind of being—neither demon nor human, then maybe this frail frame of a child isn't her true body.ㅤㅤ"Jeimy. I wish I were taller so I could give you a piggyback ride," I say.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck! Haha! I wish I was taller so I could give you a piggyback ride! We can ride on the sea animals, though," Jeimy retorts.ㅤㅤ"Yeah, but…If you were older, it would be nice," I posit.ㅤㅤ"O—Oh. Sorry, Goofneck. I'm stuck like this. I'm stuck with my body. Oh! I'm also stuck with my brain, heehee! Oh! That reminds me, Goofneck. There's someone I want to meet later on, because we have the same blood. But…I wouldn’t be able to meet them, since I'm stuck here.”ㅤㅤWhat? What is she talking about?ㅤㅤ“But anyway, you should still try to give me a piggyback ride! You’re really strong," Jeimy says.ㅤㅤPanicked, I say something to keep the topic from shifting.ㅤㅤ"I—I could find this person for you, Jeimy! But…but you'd have to promise that I’ll be your only friend," I say in an attempt to keep anyone else I love from meeting the same fate as Jackson.ㅤㅤ"But Goofneck! I want this person to be a friend, too!" Jeimy complains.ㅤㅤ"Well, then. It'll be hard for me to help you," I say, challenging her complaint.ㅤㅤ"Bleh. It's okay, Goofneck. It would be hard to for you to help me, anyway," Jeimy explains.ㅤㅤ"Jeimy? I'm confused. You would just have to tell me about her and I could find her somewhere in the world," I respond.ㅤㅤ"But Goofneck. She hasn't been born yet," Jeimy says.
6 | Is He Avoiding Me? ● #14 Wave Pool
ㅤㅤHasn't been born yet? How does that make any sense at all? Even the stuff she said before that, none of it made sense.ㅤㅤNo. I need to focus on trying to get more information instead of wallowing in despair.ㅤㅤWhile on the sunlounger, I turn my head to look at Jeimy. Pyo flicks his tongue in amusement.ㅤㅤ"Oh, okay. She's from the future!" I say.ㅤㅤ"That's right, Goofneck! She’s from the future. It sounds like it’s from a movie, right?” Jeimy says.ㅤㅤ“Yeah…a movie. She’ll be born sometime in the future, then,” I guess.ㅤㅤ“Yep! Sometime soon, I think. I don’t know,” Jeimy claims.ㅤㅤ“You have the power to control the future then!” I continue to guess.ㅤㅤ“Haha! Goofneck, that’s funny! No, I don’t! Don’t you know what the Seafloor is? It’s not part of Earth. It’s not Hell or Heaven. It’s part of me, and I’m part of it. We’re the same, but we aren’t. Goofneck, my soul is weird. It doesn’t belong anywhere but here. I created the Seafloor, but it wouldn’t be here without my older sister. Haha! Even I wouldn’t be here without my sister’s help. I love her! Hehe. Goofneck. I’ll tell you a little secret, too…”ㅤㅤ“Oh…Please tell me!” I say, playing the part.ㅤㅤ“Sis said that I’m so cute that I need a soul that hasn’t been born. Then she said the Seafloor is so big that it also needs a soul that hasn’t been born. But it doesn’t need as much as I do. I don’t really get it, but there’s one soul for me, and half a soul for the Seafloor.”ㅤㅤ“So your sister can control the future!” I exclaim.ㅤㅤ“Hm. Sis said not to say that she can control the future. That’s wrong. She can read the future. Then, she can choose a future she wants. She said it’s like a magazine catalogue!” Jeimy explains.ㅤㅤThat’s a lot to try and interpret. But I understand that Jeimy is stuck here.ㅤㅤ”Ah, okay! I wonder if your older sister and the two souls from the future have cute names,” I ponder out loud. I hope I can get some names at least.ㅤㅤ“My sister is really pretty! We have the same name, but they’re spelled a little differently. The girl my soul is from doesn’t have a name, because she will never be born. But the girl the Seafloor’s soul is from will be! I just don’t know her name. “ㅤㅤOkay—they’re all female.ㅤㅤ“So the person you’re looking for is who your soul is from—“ㅤㅤ“No, I’m looking for the second one! I’m looking for the girl that the Seafloor’s soul is from. I can’t really meet the girl my soul is from because…because she’s me.”ㅤㅤI am so confused.ㅤㅤ“The Seafloor girl will still be born, but you won’t,” I say, trying to gauge if Jeimy will correct my assumptions.ㅤㅤ“Yes, you’re right! And I want to meet her when she’s born. She’ll be like my little sister! Sis said that the Seafloor girl will be weak when she’s born, so I want to take care of her like Sis did for me. I just…I don’t know how.”ㅤㅤI get up off the sunlounger and stand.ㅤㅤ“Like I said, Jeimy! I can help you with that! I can go back to Earth and find this girl once she’s born.”ㅤㅤ“Really? You’re sure you’d be able to find her?” Jeimy says, lifting her torso off the sunlounger.ㅤㅤ“Yes! You just need to tell me everything you know about her.”ㅤㅤ“But…everything I told you is everything I know. I just know she’ll be born soon.”ㅤㅤAh. That’s not good. I don’t really have any clues. But I have to keep my family and Mr. Amos safe.ㅤㅤ“That’s okay. I’ll find a way.”ㅤㅤ“Ah! Goofneck, that means so much to me! I love you!” Jeimy says excitedly.ㅤㅤJeimy gets up off the sunlounger and walks up to me to hug me. I keep her from doing so by pushing against her forehead. Pyo flicks his tongue. He’s laughing at this situation.ㅤㅤ“Wait, wait, Jeimy. I could also find your older sister! She must already be born. Or maybe she’s like you,” I indirectly ask.ㅤㅤJeimy stops trying to hug me.ㅤㅤ“My sister was born! She’s alive on Earth right now. You could find her, but you have to be careful. It might be bad for me and the Seafloor girl. I don’t know why I know that, but…I just know.”ㅤㅤJeimy seems hesitant to see her older sister again. Maybe they had a falling-off? I should find out more about her. About how they interacted.ㅤㅤ“I wonder where you met with your sister…Must have been here,” I ponder out loud.ㅤㅤ“No, no! We met in the Liseré. I said it before. I wanna go there again. But without Sis this time. I wanna go with you,” Jeimy reacts.ㅤㅤThe Liseré. I still don’t know what it is. Last month, when Jeimy was still fine with me asking questions, I asked about it. She said it’s something she wants us to go to. She said she couldn’t remember anything about it past that. But what confused me was the way she answered that question. To this day, I assume that it’s a place. But she didn’t say it’s ‘somewhere’ she wants to go to. She said it’s ‘something’ she wants to go to. And just now, she revealed that she met her sister ‘in’ the Liseré.ㅤㅤSo I’m leaning toward the Liseré being a place. But…who knows?ㅤㅤBack to focusing on the Seafloor girl.ㅤㅤ“Okay, I’ll just focus on finding the Seafloor girl, then.”ㅤㅤThe fact that Jeimy admitted it’s possible to find her older sister means she’s not like Jeimy. Not stuck here.ㅤㅤI’ll want to find her older sister, too.ㅤㅤ“Jeimy. When the Seafloor girl is born, I’ll find her. I’ll make a way for you both to meet. And us three can be friends. But no one else. Just us three. So no one else joins the Seafloor, okay?” I continue.ㅤㅤJeimy’s eyebrows curl a bit in anger. I tense up, but she thinks about it. Then she smiles and closes her eyes.ㅤㅤ“Okay! Now I’m really excited! Thank you, Goofneck!” Jeimy says as she approaches me.ㅤㅤWatching Jeimy’s shift in emotion reminds me of my primary goal. Now that I have some kind of lead, I need to explore my options. Especially about that Seafloor girl. I put my hand forward, gesturing to her to stop. Pyo flicks his tongue again.ㅤㅤ“One more thing. The Seafloor girl’s soul is linked somehow to the Seafloor. And you say she’s weak. I wonder what might happen if her weakness leads her to…you know. She might die.”ㅤㅤ“Oh! Um. It’s a little sad, but if she dies…The Seafloor would break. That’s what sis said. She didn’t tell me what would happen to me, either. Maybe I would die, too. Ah! It scares me just to think about it!”ㅤㅤAt this moment, all the anxiety I’ve felt from feeling completely hopeless is slowly dissipating. There is a chance of killing Jeimy. And it yields a higher probability of success than just trying to physically kill her here.ㅤㅤ“Okay. Thanks for letting me know. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen,” I respond.ㅤㅤPyo slithers off of me and onto the ground. Jeimy goes ahead and hugs me.ㅤㅤBut during this embrace, I know there’s a smirk across my face. The next time I make it back to a Wake, I know what I’ll do.ㅤㅤI’ll find the Seafloor girl and kill her.ㅤㅤAnd that’ll help me kill Jeimy.
●●●ㅤㅤThree hours more at the 14th Cloverscape.ㅤㅤJeimy again gives me the option of going back to Earth, so I can start looking for the girl.ㅤㅤThe clear answer would be to take that option. But…something tells me to go for this next Cloverscape. I don’t know what it is, but I feel like I need to go for it before heading back to my Wake. Also, there’s still the risk of Jeimy breaking her promise and bringing one of my loved ones here while I’m gone.ㅤㅤWe prepare to leave. As I do, I see the sand shark swim close to the shallow end of the wave pool. It sticks its dorsal fin out of the water, then splashes around with its tail. At first glance, it’s like it’s saying ‘goodbye’, but it seems to be more of a ‘good riddance’.ㅤㅤThere weren’t any Venomals in the 14th Cloverscape other than Roth. But from how Roth tags along on top of Jeimy, it’s apparent Roth probably won’t be the boss of this next Cloverscape.ㅤㅤ13. The unluckiest number. I’m not one to actually believe in luck—my shpiel earlier was just to make Jeimy feel more guilty for making me play Pop-Up Pirate.ㅤㅤAnd once again, I’m upset. Simon Says was supposed to be so easy, yet everything worked against me. Yes, it was obviously Fon’s fault. But even if Fon hadn’t gotten carried away with glowing twice simultaneously, I still would have been sabotaged. It’s clear that, no matter what game we play, the odds will be against me.ㅤㅤI’m walking through the pitch-black darkness with Jeimy’s hand in mine and Pyo around my horn. Jeimy lets go, as expected. The darkness is still there, but the murmuring, whispers, and humming on the way to the 13th Cloverscape seems to have become quieter.ㅤㅤOut of fear of me.
●●●ㅤㅤIt’s a simple-shaped building. Could be an office building, maybe? Not very clear. It’s two floors—I don’t know if that’ll matter for the game. Like how Pop-Up Pirate didn’t really utilize the auditorium.ㅤㅤThe front entrance is made of sliding glass doors, but past it are another set of doors that aren’t glass. Seems kind of counterintuitive, but I continue. The doors slide open, and there are posters laid out in the vestibule before the second set of doors. One of the posters shows an orca whale popping out of a book with very cheap-looking CGI effects. Just like with the underwater observatory, the poster is pixelated.ㅤㅤI walk inside, and Jeimy is not in the very front of the doors. She is instead at the front desk, where there’s space for at least two other people.ㅤㅤIt’s a library.ㅤㅤ“Over here, Goofneck!” Jeimy says.ㅤㅤI walk to the front desk as if I were actually at a library. In reality, I’ve only been to a library twice my whole life. Most of my cookbooks are from retail bookstores, and I’ve learned most of my information about sea animals using the World Wide Web.ㅤㅤ“You see the second floor? We’re going to start there—this way!” Jeimy says as she excitedly walks around the desk.ㅤㅤOnce we get past the main foyer, I realize how gorgeous this library is. It’s like the main plaza of a mall—There’s a gigantic room in the center. A bunch of desks, tables, and computers spread throughout, with the second floor peering above. All the bookshelves are organized towards the walls. Some pillars hold the second floor’s balcony above.ㅤㅤAs we approach the stairs going to the second floor, we pass by an area with shorter shelves. It’s the children’s area. Books with pixelated covers and unreadable text are found on these shelves. In the corner of the children’s area are paper cutouts of bubbles, as well as that same orca whale taped to the windows. Outside the window, of course, is pitch-black darkness.ㅤㅤThere are four beanbags. As we step away, I only just now notice the arch separating the children’s area—It’s stylized to look like the entrance to a cave or a cove. It makes me feel a little sad. Wish I’d gone to my local library more often. I’ll pay it a visit in my next Wake.ㅤㅤWe go up the stairs. But something seems…off. One of the shelves on the first floor seem to—misshapen a little bit? It quickly returns to normal.ㅤㅤJeimy stops at the edge of one of the balconies on the second floor.ㅤㅤ“Come a little closer, Goofneck!” Jeimy requests.ㅤㅤI walk to the railing.ㅤㅤ“Have you ever played the game Twister?” Jeimy asks.ㅤㅤ“Twister? No. But I know about the game. There’s a mat with colored dots. You step on the color a little wheel points to, then you touch that same colored dot on the mat. Whoever falls first loses. Or…whoever’s knee or elbow touches the mat is out,” I summarize. Saying the rules out loud may cause Jeimy to correct it with her version’s rules.ㅤㅤ“Yay! We’re going to play it! Here are the rules!ㅤㅤFirst—Tutu will pick a book from that shelf to copy the color of. You’ll touch that color from Roong’s spots!ㅤㅤSecond—Tutu will point to a hand or foot on this poster. Use that body part to touch Roong’s spot!ㅤㅤThird—You’ll take turns with Roong and I. Roong is out when he uses up all his tentacles, which he’s put some of his spit on. Yuck!”ㅤㅤOh, sh…Roong? The blue-ringed octopus? Let me guess. That was him camouflaging near the bookshelf earlier. Octopuses are really versatile and can fit in-between tight spaces, so it makes sense. And their camouflage is near perfect.ㅤㅤI don’t really understand using Roong as the Twister pad, though. He’s only a little bigger than the average blue-ringed octopus. Plus, if he were Raptured here, then he would only have five tentacles left.ㅤㅤTutu, who Jeimy pointed to as she explained the rules, is a small cuttlefish. I don’t know much about them, but I just know they’re also masters of camouflage. They use color-changing cells called chromatophores, just like octopuses do. Octopi?ㅤㅤThere’s a book shelf Tutu is next to filled with a non-fiction series of books based on the various body systems. Each book has a different color. At the side of the book shelf hangs a poster with a diagram of the human body.ㅤㅤI slowly peer over the edge of the balcony and don’t believe what I see.ㅤㅤRoong is much more massive than before. Before, he could fit in the float tube in a lazy pool. Now, his head is tall enough to reach the second floor.ㅤㅤJeimy has changed Roong’s physical size. Something I’ve never seen happen before.ㅤㅤMy hypothesis that Jeimy can’t add physical matter to the Seafloor—only move things around—is in jeopardy. She isn’t really a clockmaker like I thought. Because if that were true, then how did Roong grow? For now, I'll assume that some animals can change their size and others can't. Actually, I shouldn’t assume. I’ll do this instead.ㅤㅤ“Roong…he’s so much bigger than the last time I saw him,” I say, aiming to get some kind of explanation from Jeimy.ㅤㅤ“Maybe he got really hungry and ate all my other friends!” Jeimy says, followed by her snickering.ㅤㅤI tilt my head in confusion. That’s totally possible, but there are a lot of implica–ㅤㅤ“I’m just kidding, Goofneck! I had this idea for playing Twister, and Roong was perfect for it! This was my first time changing one of my friends to be this big! I hope you like him–he’s all squishy and soft!” Jeimy says.ㅤㅤI…I don’t know what to think right now. Probably shouldn’t dwell on it.ㅤㅤPutting this new information aside, the reason I can see Roong is that he has slightly reduced his camouflage, and I can see his body, complete with his blue spots. Within seconds, he changes them to different colors. I’m not entirely sure whether real blue-ringed octopuses can do that.ㅤㅤEven weirder is that he still has six tentacles—meaning he wasn’t Raptured here. Maybe he traveled here himself. I know Venomals can’t leave Cloverscapes on their own, but nothing indicates that Jeimy has solved the underlying issue of Rapture causing bodily harm. Ah! Maybe the distance between the 13th and 14th Cloverscape is small enough that he didn’t lose any limbs when he was Raptured.ㅤㅤAnyway, this game seems straight forward.ㅤㅤAnd yes, I’m aware that blue-ringed octopuses’ saliva contain venom.ㅤㅤBut if Roong’s tentacles are just covered in it, it shouldn’t be a problem. The saliva can’t enter my bloodstream without him biting me. Yeah. That, or an open wound would…ㅤㅤOh. Wait. All my bruises from previous Cloverscapes. Even the cut on my left hand from Simon Says. The venom can enter through those.ㅤㅤShouldn’t be surprised at this point. I need to be careful. I’m most likely going to get hit by his tentacles at some point, but if I can at least try to angle my injuries away from his tentacles, it should be fine. It isn’t really fair that all his limbs are the same and the hand and foot thing don’t matter for him.ㅤㅤWhat’s interesting to me is that Jeimy is also playing. This could easily be a two-player game with me against Roong. Maybe Jeimy wants to be more involved ever since the last two games. She must be losing trust in her Venomals.ㅤㅤ“Okay, Goofneck! Go ahead and step over and jump onto Roong! Oh, and leave Pyo at the railing. You’ll go first,” Jeimy says.ㅤㅤPyo slithers off of me and wraps around the railing. I climb over and jump off. I land on Roong. It’s a little slippery at first, but I’m able to regain my bearings. Roong rumbles a little bit. He must not be used to anyone being on top of his head.ㅤㅤHis body flashes a plethora of colors repeatedly until he settles on an erratic arrangement. Unlike how a real Twister mat is arranged, the colors are scattered randomly and include much more than the standard green, yellow, blue, and red.ㅤㅤ“Tutu,” Jeimy says.ㅤㅤTutu releases some black ink, concealing himself for a few seconds. Once it clears, he is attached to a red textbook, copying its color. Hate his name, by the way. I didn’t name him.ㅤㅤHe quickly leaves the book, staying red. He moves to the human body poster, and latches himself onto the right arm.ㅤㅤAlthough Roong's surface is slippery, I slightly bend my knees and place my right hand on the nearest red spot.ㅤㅤTutu goes again, and it's now Jeimy's turn. Red again. Left hand.ㅤㅤDespite there being red dots at least a meter away from me, Jeimy goes for a red spot very close to the one I have my hand on. She ends up on her feet directly mirroring my pose in front of me. She looks at me and smiles.ㅤㅤOh, no.ㅤㅤRoth. The crown of thorns starfish. He's only a few inches from my face. I was so focused on Roong that I forgot about him being on Jeimy’s head. Jeimy is shorter than me, so of course Roth would level with my head.ㅤㅤI need to take everything into account. Tutu does the usual. Red again. Left hand. What?ㅤㅤJeimy tilts her head down to shout toward Roong—I lean my head back to evade Roth.ㅤㅤ"Roong! Red, left hand!" she shouts.ㅤㅤA rumbling underneath. The library shakes.ㅤㅤOne of Roong's giant tentacles rise up from underneath him and towards Jeimy and I.ㅤㅤAnd Roong sets it down on one of the red spots a meter from us.ㅤㅤIt's kind of disgusting, but I can see some of his saliva dripping from his tentacles. This "twister mat" isn't a flat surface, so I watch as the saliva drips down his head to the library floor. The spot he chose is angled downward away from us.ㅤㅤThat's another thing to consider. That his saliva could slide down towards me and make contact with my foot injury from tripping on a Scaloo.
●●●ㅤㅤRed. Left Foot.ㅤㅤI choose a red one to Jeimy's side. I lean back with my elbow off the ground. That'll keep Jeimy's head away from me.ㅤㅤJeimy’s turn. Red. Right hand.ㅤㅤJeimy chooses a red spot to my side. She leans forward—Roth is a good five inches from my belly. I notice Roth trying to climb back up on the back of Jeimy's head.ㅤㅤRoong’s turn. Red. Right foot. Red again?! This is starting to seem very suspicious to me. Is this game rigged?! I look at Tutu. The moment I do, Tutu shifts his color to the same gray color of the book shelf. Jeimy repeats the color and body part to Roong.ㅤㅤRumbling, followed by Roong's tentacle rising and lowering to a red spot a foot away from me. I'm a little nervous, but it's angled downward away from me as well. I’m safe.ㅤㅤWe are running out of red spots. Tutu continues.ㅤㅤMy turn. Blue. Left foot. Finally! A different color. It’s making sense. The black ink Tutu releases before choosing a color is meant to prevent Tutu from seeing properly. Therefore, he can’t exactly choose which color he wants.ㅤㅤWould that make this a luck-based game? Well, only partly. I can't get upset at her if it also requires at least some skill. That would discredit most games. Heck, that would make the Simon Says game invalid. I just hated that the Pop-Up Pirate game was fully based on luck.ㅤㅤI move my left foot to a blue spot on the opposite side of Jeimy. My aim is to slowly move away from Jeimy. Tutu continues.ㅤㅤJeimy’s turn. Is that…Pink? Or light red? Can't tell from here. Right foot.ㅤㅤPredictably, Jeimy moves her foot close to me. We are slowly becoming entangled, which I absolutely despise her for.ㅤㅤRoong’s turn. Dark green. Left foot.ㅤㅤRoong chooses one of the only three dark green spots I noticed. And he chose the one farthest from me.ㅤㅤIs he…avoiding me?
●●●ㅤㅤAs Tutu prepares for my turn, I do something I've never really done before.ㅤㅤI place my left hand arbitrarily on Roong. It hasn't been used it in the game yet.ㅤㅤI rub my hand back and forth on Roong, attempting to placate him.ㅤㅤ"Roong?" I ask loudly.ㅤㅤI can feel Roong's body shake.ㅤㅤ"Do...do you hate me?" I ask him.ㅤㅤJeimy watches me do this, and I see her raising her eyebrow.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck, what are you doing? We're in the middle of the game. You don't have to—You don't have to talk to Roong. Y—You shouldn't be asking him questions, either," Jeimy says.ㅤㅤI ignore her and continue.ㅤㅤ"Roong, I'm sorry if I made you angry. I'm sorry. You don't deserve to be doing something like this if you don’t want to. Look at you! You're so beautiful, changing your spots into so many different colors. You shouldn't be—"ㅤㅤ"Goofneck. We're playing Twister right now. Please be quiet," Jeimy says, sounding upset.ㅤㅤI keep rubbing my hand on Roong, and I feel him rumbling again. Much softer this time.ㅤㅤI feel something. It's poking my palm. That's right—octopuses like the blue-ring octopus don't just change color to camouflage—they can change shape and texture! I think he just made this part of himself pointy. Is he answering me?ㅤㅤIt quickly goes away.ㅤㅤI look behind, and Tutu's chooses my turn for me.ㅤㅤYellow. Right hand.ㅤㅤI choose a nearby yellow spot. Though it's relatively close to Jeimy, I can't force my hand to go towards any other yellow spot. I’m close to her, but I’m actually faced away and can’t see Jeimy right now.ㅤㅤTutu continues.ㅤㅤJeimy’s turn. Light red or pink. Left hand.ㅤㅤJeimy moves her left hand towards the side of my belly.ㅤㅤIt's a little hard to see her face from the angle I'm at, but I'm cautious not to touch Roth.ㅤㅤTutu continues.ㅤㅤRoong’s turn. Green. Left hand.ㅤㅤRoong's fourth tentacle is brought up, then down onto a spot right…right underneath Jeimy.ㅤㅤI can barely tell, but it's definitely underneath Jeimy. Meaning it's not too far from me. But…it's angled just right that I know the saliva isn't going to drip down towards me. In fact, isn't Jeimy's body covered in scars and injuries, too? Couldn't—ㅤㅤJeimy grunts in pain. I try to turn my head in surprise, but I really can't see Jeimy's face from where I am. Her grunts begin to turn into shrieks.ㅤㅤ"Jeimy? You—"ㅤㅤ"T—Tutu!" Jeimy shouts.ㅤㅤTutu continues.
7 | How Can I Word This? ● #13 Library
ㅤㅤMy turn. Purple. Left foot. Jeimy’s screaming and writhing in pain. I can confirm she feels pain, but I’m surprised she’s in more pain from this than Box’s sting.ㅤㅤI still can’t see behind me very well, but I move my left foot away from Jeimy onto a purple spot ahead. I’m almost in a superhero-just-landed-on-the-ground action pose.ㅤㅤLike I said, Jeimy’s pain doesn’t seem to correspond with Fon and Box from the last odd Cloverscape. But then again, blue-ring octopuses might be more potent. It’s either that Roong is just more powerful than Fon and Box, or that Jeimy’s anger towards Fon gave her some kind of adrenaline rush that kept her from feeling her pain.ㅤㅤMe—I’ve lost my feeling of touch on my left pinky and ring finger. I don’t think I could really use that to my advantage, because neurotoxins will still affect the rest of my body.ㅤㅤJeimy doesn’t shout Tutu’s name because she’s too busy screaming in pain. Haha. Good for her. And now it’s her turn.ㅤㅤGreen. Right hand.ㅤㅤIt takes longer than usual—most likely because Jeimy is having trouble seeing Tutu from where she’s at—but she audibly crawls in my direction. I hear her place her hand down behind my feet.ㅤㅤI make a slight grunt in frustration, but now I’m excited.ㅤㅤExcited for Roong’s turn.ㅤㅤ“Tutu!” I shout over Jeimy’s shrieks.ㅤㅤRoong is up. Orange. Left foot.ㅤㅤRoong’s fifth tentacle—his second-to-last tentacle—slips through the air, barely scratching the top of my head, and reaches down to pick some orange spot behind me. Once again, I can’t see behind me. But it’s very close to Jeimy.ㅤㅤHer painful screeches only become louder. I actually chuckle just a little bit, but quickly stop myself—not that she’d be able to hear me.ㅤㅤ“Tutu!” she shouts.ㅤㅤMy turn. Orange again. Left hand.ㅤㅤOh.ㅤㅤThere.ㅤㅤThere’s no orange spot here.ㅤㅤThe nearest orange spot is a meter ahead of me to my right.ㅤㅤThere’s no way I could move my left hand there without falling over. My elbow would definitely touch Roong at that point. I see Pyo behind the rails underneath Tutu hissing in worry over me. Sorry, Pyo. I have nothing.ㅤㅤI forcefully and painfully turn my neck to my left as much as possible, trying to scan if there’s any other orange spot.ㅤㅤNone.ㅤㅤMy anxiousness slowly turns to fury as I glare at Tutu again.ㅤㅤTutu briefly changes into a more muted and unsaturated version of orange, then turns back.ㅤㅤI delay my turn for about ten seconds trying to think of a solution, all while listening to Jeimy’s noises.ㅤㅤNothing.ㅤㅤI bite my lip and decide that I’m going to go for it. As I lift my left hand off the ground and reel it back to try and reach the far orange spot, the unexpected happens.ㅤㅤA spot, not even two feet away, changes from brown to orange.ㅤㅤIt catches me off guard, almost making me lose my balance. But I haphazardly land my left hand on that spot at the last minute.
●●●ㅤㅤJeimy’s turn. Bright blue. I think it’s Cyan. Right hand.ㅤㅤMore screaming. In the very corner of my peripheral vision, I see Jeimy’s hand on my right side trying to reach for a cyan spot right next to me.ㅤㅤI see her hand successfully land on it.ㅤㅤBut so does the rest of her arm.ㅤㅤI can’t. I can’t believe it. She lost.ㅤㅤJeimy’s elbow is touching Roong. She actually lost.ㅤㅤI won.ㅤㅤNow it’s just between Roong and I. Plus, Roong is on his last tentacle, so I’m on the way to winning! Roong even seems to be on my side, so this’ll be an easy win.ㅤㅤ …ㅤㅤRoong?ㅤㅤRoong’s final tentacle rises from in front of me. It extends and moves past me on my right. I hear it wrapping around Jeimy. Her arm? No… Her waist? I can’t tell. Then I hear the sounds of Jeimy’s screams move from behind me to above me. I tilt my head up—Jeimy’s shadow is casted over me. Roong has lifted her above me.ㅤㅤJeimy gets louder and louder. I then hear a cracking noise. Jeimy coughs, and I see some blood land in front of me.ㅤㅤI don't move a muscle.ㅤㅤWithout looking up, I can feel the vibrations and watch the shadows of Roong’s tentacles bring Jeimy right above me.ㅤㅤJeimy's shadow springs up and is separated from Roong's tentacle. Roong has just tossed her in the air.ㅤㅤI watch as the rest of Roong's remaining tentacles lift off of their own spots so quickly, I barely process it.ㅤㅤI blink.ㅤㅤIn a split second, shadows in the form of columns surround me.ㅤㅤA delayed sound—the sound of something sharp piercing through the air—reverberates through my ears.ㅤㅤWhat just happened? R—Roong?ㅤㅤWhat?ㅤㅤOne of the chandeliers are broken, changing the direction of the shadows above me. The shadows are now visible on the wall in front of me. Roong's tentacles. They're completely straight, all meeting at a point directly above me, like the poles of a tent meeting at the top. I'm terrified to move. At the point where the tentacles meet is the shadow silhouette of Jeimy's body. Her spine is completely bent backwards, and the tentacles—which are now honed sharp—are pierced through her.ㅤㅤJeimy does not move.ㅤㅤFrom looking at her shadow, I watch blood pour directly in front of me. As the blood lands, a decent amount splatters onto me.ㅤㅤAhead of me, Pyo is completely curled into himself, which is not a typical snake's biological reaction to fear.ㅤㅤI don't see Tutu. Wait. I see a bit of distortion on the poster. He's camouflaged.ㅤㅤI start to shake, and my heart beats harder and harder. My breathing gets too loud, and I stop it quickly.ㅤㅤRoong rumbles. Continuing to watch the shadows, I see all tentacles but one wrapped around Jeimy's lifeless body, retract back down. Roong violently throws Jeimy's lifeless body against some shelves, toppling them down consecutively like dominoes.ㅤㅤThat same final tentacle lowers itself down to the front of my face. It's bloody.ㅤㅤMy eyes go crossed as it points mere inches from my face. The smell of iron.ㅤㅤIt begins to feel around my cheek. Although it lasts for a few seconds, it feels like minutes.ㅤㅤIt wraps itself around my waist.ㅤㅤHe won't. He can't! He can’t kill me! I didn't lose! I did everything right! The cheating? Roong, that was him! This isn't—This isn't fair! I need. I need to fight back. Should I try to fight back? No, I saw how powerful he is. N—No!ㅤㅤHe lifts me up off of his head, and my body doesn't want to fight back. I freeze in shock.ㅤㅤI close my eyes, ready for whatever might happen.ㅤㅤTime seems to pass slower and slower.ㅤㅤSlower and slower.ㅤㅤSlower.ㅤㅤAnd slower.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm sitting on the floor with my back against the shelf with the poster of the human body.ㅤㅤPyo is curled on my lap.ㅤㅤTutu is a few feet away from me, distorting the look of the ground using his camouflage.ㅤㅤRoong is nowhere to be found.ㅤㅤAs I recollect myself, I finally recall Roong gently placing me down here. He then camouflaged and sneakily morphed his gigantic body to fit through the walls of the library. I went unconscious after. Not sure how, but must have sedated me somehow. I don't know where he could be. Now I’m convinced that he can’t leave the library without the help of Jeimy.ㅤㅤBack to present time. I get up and peer over the balcony to the first floor. Jeimy's mangled body is still there, laying slanted on a fallen shelf.ㅤㅤWould Roong have done that to me if I had lost? Jeimy guaranteed I wouldn't die in the Cloverscapes. Did she only mean death by venom? She had her spine broken and her body impaled!ㅤㅤDid I even win? The rules. Yeah, I did. Roong used up all his tentacles, and Jeimy fell. I was the last one standing.ㅤㅤI was first introduced to Jeimy's regenerative abilities during the very first Cloverscape, which took place in a city. Hide and seek. I'd found various body parts of Jeimy scattered throughout the city. I eventually found her mid-regeneration, which was unsightly.ㅤㅤFrom my understanding, Pyo's diet seems to consist only of Jeimy's body. Kind of disgusting. Whether this grants Pyo his antivenom abilities or not is something I’m unsure of.ㅤㅤNow I'm going to watch Jeimy's regeneration happen in front of me. I decide to sit and wait.ㅤㅤAfter all, I can't really leave without Jeimy either.
●●●ㅤㅤI play around with Pyo for a bit while waiting, twirling his tail around my fingers. I then jokingly chop him into pieces with my hands. I notice Tutu, out of curiosity, change into red and inch closer.ㅤㅤOh. So Tutu's real color is red. Is that why he kept choosing red? Maybe he was just bad at camouflaging earlier. Still. That would have sabotaged my game.ㅤㅤEvery now and then I peer over and see Jeimy's body looking less like a corpse. Some of the holes pierced through her are sealing up. At least I've confirmed that she doesn't just get an entire new body or something sci-fi-like. There's no Jeimy factory.ㅤㅤRegardless, I decide to get up. I walk down the stairs. My legs are still shaking—I'm deathly afraid of Roong, but it's clear he doesn't hate me. I don't know where he is.ㅤㅤI'm on the first floor. The floor is extremely sticky with Roong's leftover mucus and spit. I'm careful not to step in a way that would make the venom reach my foot injury.ㅤㅤI’m in front of Jeimy’s corpse. Upon getting a closer look, most of the holes have sealed up. Outside of that, she’s not moving. Looking around, I don’t see any glimpse of Roong. Pyo just remains around my neck. Tutu, who followed us, floats close to Jeimy, but bloops away quickly.ㅤㅤWait. Wait. Something’s missing from Jeimy.ㅤㅤRoth.ㅤㅤThat’s suspicious. Jeimy’s shadow was too far for me to be able to see if Roth was on her head when Roong threw her across the library. That, or I just wasn’t paying attention and don’t remember.ㅤㅤRoth can’t move very fast. I don’t see him on the ground anywhere. We’ll be fine.ㅤㅤBy “we”, I mean Pyo and I. Tutu’s on his own.ㅤㅤI walk over to one of the study tables and sit down. Not much I can do until Jeimy’s conscious again. I put my head down on the table, close my eyes, and attempt to sleep.ㅤㅤBut as always, sleep doesn’t really happen here. I’ve tried it before. I always end up just sitting here until I give up.ㅤㅤI get tired, but I don’t get sleepy. I’d love to sleep. It’d be the perfect way to escape the Seafloor, even if temporarily.ㅤㅤI lift my head up, and Tutu’s actually here, laying on the table. I guess he’s no longer afraid of me. I wish he would be. I stick my hand forward, and he inks a little bit. I pause. After a few seconds, I stick my finger out, and poke him.ㅤㅤHe changes from red to a dark, crimson red.ㅤㅤI laugh.ㅤㅤI try to poke him a few more times, and he dodges me. This becomes a dumb little game for a while. I take a break and Pyo takes a shot at it. He doesn’t open his mouth to bite Tutu, though—don’t worry.ㅤㅤThen I hear a book fall. I look back at Jeimy.ㅤㅤI stand up from the table and take a cautious stance with Tutu behind and Pyo around my neck.ㅤㅤJeimy slowly gets up with her back facing us. It’s been about three hours.ㅤㅤEven from the back, I can tell her left shoulder is still dislocated. She places her hand on the shoulder, feeling for it. Then she suddenly rams her shoulder into the fallen bookshelf. At first I’m confused, but then I realize she did so to pop it back into place.ㅤㅤShe turns around, revealing the same disheveled look I know her for. Strands of her hair pointed in every cardinal direction, dried blood across her body, Her hair is back to its original long length, covering her chest. Her tattered and ripped clothes are barely hanging onto her.ㅤㅤHer jaw is also dislocated. She does not speak a word as she limps over to us.ㅤㅤ“Jeimy. I’m glad you’re…okay,” I say as she continues to limp.ㅤㅤMy view becomes distorted for a split second, as if the library was underwater for a moment.ㅤㅤJeimy is no longer in front of us but is instead slammed against a pillar.ㅤㅤRoong is back. I can vaguely see where he is by seeing where things seem distorted, but his camouflage is on another level.ㅤㅤHe’s attacking Jeimy?ㅤㅤThis. This is definitely not part of the game.ㅤㅤJeimy is still unable to speak, but she lifts herself off the pillar and walks forward.ㅤㅤBehind her. On the pillar is some excess flesh. There are remnants of eyeballs and fingers in the mass of flesh stuck on the pillar. Jeimy pulls herself forward until she finally disconnects from the pillar.ㅤㅤThis is the same as when I found Jeimy during our hide-and-seek game. She was connected to a mass of excess flesh, almost as if she were trying to recover her body parts too fast and ended up creating more than intended.ㅤㅤIt's a fear response of sorts. She has the ability to heal herself too fast and create excess flesh. I assume there's some sort of limit or reason why she doesn't always do this. I mean—clearly, the excess flesh isn't a good thing. It holds her back, ruins her mobility, and…it's gross. That's what she did during hide-and-seek! Every time I'd get close to finding her, she would teleport away. Which was cheating! Are you serious? Should have never expected anything more. Back to her reasoning for using this rapid growth right now.ㅤㅤThe fear response is to Roong.ㅤㅤI'm not stupid. I can tell Roong is doing this out of anger.ㅤㅤI radicalized him with my words earlier.ㅤㅤYou don't deserve to be doing something like this if you don't want to.ㅤㅤThat's what I told him.ㅤㅤThe blob of flesh splattered against the pillar moves around for a few more seconds until it finally stops. Jeimy storms slowly in the opposite direction. She doesn't seem to be able to see Roong either. When it all boils down to it, Jeimy isn't really that strong. She has Rapturing, regeneration, and the ability to temporarily turn off pain receptors using what I believe to be bursts of adrenaline. The issue still stands that I don't know how to get out of here on my own. But.ㅤㅤI could easily kill her.ㅤㅤI don't want her to die easily, though. I want her to die painfully, slowly, and horrifically.ㅤㅤLooks like Roong is going to beat me to it.ㅤㅤDespite Jeimy's assumption that Roong is in front of her, she's suddenly slammed from behind, tripping her still-recovering body to land on her face. She's picked up by an invisible tentacle, and slid across the carpet floor.ㅤㅤThis is…brutal. It's one thing to see the mangled corpse of an invertebrate animal.ㅤㅤWhen it's a creature resembling a human child, it's gruesome.ㅤㅤBut I can rest in the knowledge that it's Jeimy.ㅤㅤOh.ㅤㅤOh, wait.ㅤㅤRoong. He needs to stop. He needs! He needs to stop!ㅤㅤI won’t be able to leave without her.ㅤㅤThis won't kill her based on what she told me. She could die by killing the Seafloor girl. Maybe even killing her sister.ㅤㅤUnless she was lying?ㅤㅤI can't! I can't think right now. I can't risk Jeimy dying and leaving me stranded.ㅤㅤI…I can't. I can't handle the feeling of knowing I could be stranded here. My cleithrophobia. That's what it's called. The fear of being trapped. I don't want to be stuck in this library forever. Time doesn't actually even flow here, so nothing would change. And I wouldn't be able to die.ㅤㅤ"ROONG!" I shout.ㅤㅤThe tentacle drops Jeimy onto a table.ㅤㅤI can't see him well, but most of my peripheral vision is distorted slightly. He's enormous, and he's right in front of me.ㅤㅤMy breathing gets heavy. I'm afraid of him, but my fear of being stuck here is stronger.ㅤㅤI shift focus to Jeimy's body, then back to Roong in front of me.ㅤㅤRoong.ㅤㅤDon't kill her until she brings me home.ㅤㅤThat's what I want to say out loud.ㅤㅤBut Jeimy would hear. That would put me on Jeimy's bad side.ㅤㅤI can't lose the trust I've built up. But I can’t just ask Roong to leave Jeimy alone. That might put me on Roong’s bad side and make him think I stand with Jeimy. Can’t lose his trust either.ㅤㅤHow can I word this without revealing my true goal to Jeimy and still keep Roong on my side?ㅤㅤI got it.ㅤㅤ"Roong. I'm very weak. You're strong. Tell Jeimy to bring me home. I want to go home, Roong," I say.ㅤㅤWith those words, I come to a even more paradigm-shifting realization. Paradigm-shift? I don’t even say words like that! Ugh! That’s exactly it. I’m so confused.ㅤㅤThese thoughts I have to myself. They’re so…intricate. My words are so verbose. But when I speak out loud…my words are that of a typical 14-year old. It often feels like my words aren’t one-to-one with my thoughts. I know I’m smart! I know I am. But I’m not a bookworm. English was never my best subject. So what’s going on? No, what has been going on since I first met Jeimy?ㅤㅤMy realization is interrupted by the wood beneath the carpet creaking slightly.ㅤㅤRoong finally does it. He removes his camouflage. The light yellow and bright blue creature reveals his entire body. He's now in the center of the library. Three tentacles are hovering over Jeimy's incapacitated body on the table. I notice that one of the three tentacles—the one that held onto Jeimy, is colored darker than the other two. Don’t tell me that Jeimy has some kind of resistance to the poison.ㅤㅤThen Jeimy does something I've never seen before. The tentacle that grabbed onto her is being raptured. The space around the tentacle is distorted for less than a second. And it's gone. Completely vanished from thin air faster than my brain could process. Roong's blue blood spills out of where the tentacle was. The other two tentacles retract. Clearly, Roong is in pain. So Jeimy doesn't need to Rapture someone's main body and leave a body part behind. It can be vice-versa. She can Rapture a body part and leave the main body behind. Why did she do that here? She would have won this fight instantly with an overpowered ability like that. I don’t know just yet.ㅤㅤBy this point, there is a mass of flesh underneath Jeimy on the table. She slowly gets up. Her horrifying and misshapen mouth begins to finally speak after all this.ㅤㅤ"I heard you, Goofneck. I'll take you home. I'll take you home after I punish Roong. I'll take you home, Goofneck. I'll take you home—"ㅤㅤAnother tentacle stabs through Jeimy's chest again. She spits out blood and quickly grabs onto the tentacle with both hands. The tentacle grows darker. The tentacle begins to retract away from Jeimy, but it is Raptured. Roong's movements reverberate throughout the library, expressing his pain.ㅤㅤWith his remaining tentacles, Roong reaches all the way toward the ceiling, latching onto it with his suction cups. In doing so, he knocks down a few ceiling fans, hanging lights, and the main chandelier in the center. As lights flicker, I cover my eyes and wince in fear of the chandelier glass shattering as it hits the ground. When I recover my view, Roong has latched himself onto the ceiling with his mouth and beak exposed. He's not yet directly over Jeimy. But as he begins to move across the ceiling tentacle by tentacle, he camouflages again. It's even difficult to see the transparent saliva drip from his mouth. I back away immediately in fear that it may drip onto any of my injuries.ㅤㅤJeimy stands completely still.ㅤㅤShe tilts her head up slightly, but doesn't look all the way up.ㅤㅤDroplets of saliva drip onto her. Some land on her shoulder lacerations.ㅤㅤSome land on the flesh wounds visible on the extra lumps of flesh that surround her. At first, she winces at the pain. She soon stops, clearly turning off her pain receptors temporarily.ㅤㅤSlowly, the sounds of Roong's tentacles disconnecting from the ceiling echo throughout the library. As funny as a noise it makes, I’m too bewitched by his smooth movements that I physically can’t see. But I know he’s beginning to fall and plans to eat Jeimy.ㅤㅤJeimy places her hand nearby her head.ㅤㅤHe falls.ㅤㅤBut in the few milliseconds that he's falling, I watch Jeimy's plan unfold.ㅤㅤDistortion above her head.ㅤㅤRoth appears.ㅤㅤRoong's giant mouth precisely lands over Jeimy's frail body, excess flesh and all. As well as Roth.ㅤㅤNot even a second after Roong lands on the ground, Roth's spines extend unbelievably long.ㅤㅤThey pierce through Roong's entire body.ㅤㅤThe spines are so long that one of them less than a foot away from my eyes.ㅤㅤRoong's body begins to change into darker colors.ㅤㅤAs Roong bleeds profusely throughout each stab and the library floor becomes painted blue from his blood, I have another horrific realization that Jeimy can Rapture anything from the Seafloor away from and to herself at will.ㅤㅤShe really is a Dreamweaver.
8 | Is This Really The Last One? ● #16 Jacuzzi
ㅤㅤHas she always been able to do this?ㅤㅤNo, it has to be recently learned. It could also be something that can only be done with Roth.ㅤㅤWait, I got it. It’s not Roth. Jeimy’s doing this the same way she grew Roong to the massive size he is.ㅤㅤThinking about it. At first, the sizes of animals in comparison to their real-life counterparts have been sporadic and inconsistent. As if Jeimy was experimenting with the ability to change the size of animals.ㅤㅤThen, by the time we were at the 12th Cloverscape–the water park with the lazy river–the animal sizes were more consistent. They were averaging at around 1 to 2 feet tall.ㅤㅤJeimy has been practicing her abilities.ㅤㅤAnd Roth was the perfect piece to build upon her superiority and princess complex. She was content with his size. Not too big and not too little like Goldilocks or something. Plenty poisonous and toxic.ㅤㅤAnd Roong’s change in size was her testing her abilities to the max. It all makes sense.ㅤㅤThe sandshark was definitely afraid of me. But it had to have seen some of the failed experiments that Jeimy has messed with. It knows that I'm the catalyst for Jeimy wanting to improve her skills. So it avoided any possibility of becoming a favorite of Jeimy's. Or of mine.ㅤㅤIt's all.ㅤㅤIt's all to impress me.ㅤㅤJeimy does it all for my sake.
●●●ㅤㅤLaughs.ㅤㅤThe sound of Jeimy’s laughs echo through the library.ㅤㅤInstead of Rapturing Roong's body all at once, she's rapturing it piece by piece. She raptures what's left of Roong's tentacles one by one. Then forcefully Raptures his beak. Then his eyes.ㅤㅤThis is why she didn’t do this sooner. So she could enjoy this.ㅤㅤShe's gotten so precise that she then Raptures half of his body, leaving a lateral view of Roong's anatomy.ㅤㅤ"Look, Goofneck!"ㅤㅤShe walks up to Roong, and touches each of his organs, each getting Raptured consecutively. At this point, Roong has stopped moving, but she doesn't care. I don't even know where she's Rapturing them.ㅤㅤShe never laughed like this until I did.ㅤㅤShe was never this violent until I was.ㅤㅤI act so righteous, but she really is just a little girl. I can’t be a good example when my life is at stake.ㅤㅤRoong tried his best to subdue her, but Jeimy has the power to teleport things.ㅤㅤThe power to teleport things.ㅤㅤLike any superhero or villain's powers, it has to have limits. It has to have a weakness. I mean, that's been the case with Jeimy so far. She’s had weaknesses.ㅤㅤLet's see. This new version of the Rapture ability is stronger, because she doesn't need to actively be touching something to Rapture it. For example, she basically made Roth appear out of thin-air, teleporting him from who-knows-where.ㅤㅤBut she still needed to touch him at some point. At least once, she needed to touch him. She touched Roth the starfish at least once.ㅤㅤEarlier. The way she needed to touch Roong the octopus in order to Rapture him made that clear. One touch from her is worth one teleportation that she can use. Even right now, she’s needing to touch each individual organ she wants to teleport. But she doesn’t need to teleport it right away. She can delay it.ㅤㅤShe touched Roth twice. First, it was to Rapture him away from the library. Then, she saved the second Rapture to bring him back. I can’t be sure, but he’s most likely losing needles each time he’s teleported. Jeimy’s body was wrapped in Roong’s tentacles, but that didn’t count as a touch.ㅤㅤWhich means her weakness is her hands. The same hands I held.ㅤㅤTheoretically, she could high five me twice, teleport me away from the library, teleport me back to the library an hour later, and I would be missing both arms. That’s how this works.ㅤㅤNow for her ability to change the size of things. If she—ㅤㅤSuddenly, I pull my hand away. What just happened?ㅤㅤI snap out of my thoughts and back to reality.ㅤㅤRoong's entire body is gone, the library is silent, and Jeimy is in front of me.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck…why won't you take my hand?" Jeimy says with the largest frown I've seen.ㅤㅤI look down at my hand that dodged Jeimy's out of reflex. Shaking.ㅤㅤ"You look scary right now. Maybe later," I say.ㅤㅤJeimy takes a look at herself.ㅤㅤ"You're right. We can hold hands again after I heal. Well. That was fun! Roong was a little bit of a meanie. He didn't need to do that to me! Would you have liked it if he did that to you?" she asks me.ㅤㅤI so badly intend to say 'no questions', but I am in fear for my life right now.ㅤㅤ"No," I respond.ㅤㅤ"After I made him big, too," Jeimy says, continuing her look of disappointment.ㅤㅤ"Can—Can we go?," I say, "I don't want to be here. Let's go to a pool."ㅤㅤ"You won fair and square, Goofneck. Come on! Let's go to the 15th Cloverscape!" Jeimy exclaims.ㅤㅤWith Pyo around me and some ruffling in my shirt, I inevitably take her hand.
●●●ㅤㅤDo you remember now?ㅤㅤWe haven't met in person, but you have to remember who I am.ㅤㅤHer games must be exhausting.ㅤㅤDon't you want to take a rest?ㅤㅤWhat about those pools?ㅤㅤNo?ㅤㅤThose aren't relaxing?ㅤㅤI guess that makes sense.ㅤㅤYou're very stressed.ㅤㅤBut hey! You're not as scared as you used to be!ㅤㅤI'm proud of you, Goofneck.ㅤㅤOnce we meet, I'm giving you a big hug!
●●●ㅤㅤRarely does Jeimy ever speak in between Cloverscapes.ㅤㅤBut today is an exception for some reason.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck," Jeimy says as her voice disappears into the pitch-black darkness amidst the murmuring and vague whispering around me.ㅤㅤ"Yes, Jeimy?"ㅤㅤ"Do you think Roong acted like that because of what you said?" Jeimy asks.ㅤㅤAh. This isn't good. How can I make her trust me again? I can't tell her not to ask me questions. It's the worst time. I'm in between Cloverscapes. If I get lost here, I could be lost forever, unable to die.ㅤㅤI don't have temperament problems. Jeimy does. But that moment with Bloom the flower urchin really pushed me to my limits. Unfortunately, that did nothing but ruin Jeimy's temperament even further.ㅤㅤ"No," I answer, "I don't think it was because of me. I think you made Roong's head too big."ㅤㅤ"Hm. Maybe you're right, Goofneck," Jeimy says.ㅤㅤNothing else is said. I have no idea what I meant by that.
●●●ㅤㅤAs we walk, I'm once again absorbed in my own thoughts. My short-term goal is to get out of the Seafloor. I really thought that encountering Jeimy would be a once-a-month occurrence. But Jeimy found out that she could bring people from my life to the Seafloor—and so that pattern is broken.ㅤㅤJeimy has changed a lot since I first met her.ㅤㅤShe lives in a world where time is stopped—or rather, a space separate from where I’m from. From my miniscule memories of Hell, I know that time is also different there. Despite all this, Jeimy herself isn’t static. She adopted some of my mannerisms, just as I have hers.ㅤㅤFor some reason, she hasn’t left my side during our journey.ㅤㅤWe finally arrive at the next even-numbered Cloverscape. At first glance, it looks exactly like the second Cloverscape—a glass box-shaped building with a pool in the middle.ㅤㅤAnd once we enter—that is almost exactly what it is.ㅤㅤBut it’s a jacuzzi pool instead. The shape of the pool is a little different, but it’s more or less the same as the second Cloverscape. Fake palm trees, tiled floors, beautiful ambient multi-colored lighting.ㅤㅤAs I take a good look at Jeimy, her body has recovered. Of course, she still has a lot of scars, but her whole body is intact. Roth is on her head, and Pyo is around my neck.ㅤㅤWith some more rustling around my chest area, I remark, “Th—This looks very relaxing!”ㅤㅤ“Yes, I like warm water. Pyo does, too! I hope Roth likes it. Maybe some of my friends here can convince him!” Jeimy says as she steps down into the jacuzzi.ㅤㅤHolding the rails carefully, I notice the animals other than the Silfish.ㅤㅤI see some weird noodles hanging off the bottom. Ah, those are tubeworms. Not venomous. And not actual worms.ㅤㅤI see—oh, my gosh. Is that an angler fish? No, no. It’s a frogfish. Not as terrifying as a deep-sea angler fish like the kind you often see in cartoon fish movies.ㅤㅤThe entire pool is a jacuzzi, so it’s a testament of my knowledge of marine biology that I could recognize these animals through the bubbles.ㅤㅤIf you’re curious, a frog fish is a very interesting-looking species of anglerfish that uses its fins to “walk” on the seafloor. They have a lure they use to snatch fish up and, of course, resemble a frog.ㅤㅤFrom what I can recall, they have a venomous bite—not a fatal one by any means. Definitely a painful bite that leaves the area swollen and burning. I remember seeing a nature documentary segment on them from a show about the weirdest animals on earth. From how it looked, there’s a chance its spines are poisonous, but I wouldn’t be able to confirm. Well, there is one way to confirm, but I’ll pass.ㅤㅤThere’s a very real chance that he may be the next Venomal. He may be only slightly larger than his real-life counterpart, but Jeimy’s abilities are unpredictable at this point.ㅤㅤI finally sit down and let my body enjoy the warm water. The air is foggy, and my heart feels lighter than it’s been for a while. Jeimy, our animal companions, and I lay there in silence. I don’t get sleepy while in the Seafloor, so no worries about falling asleep in the jacuzzi. Jeimy is the same way. I know she’s not sleeping.ㅤㅤBut her eyes are closed.ㅤㅤ“Goofneck,” she begins speaking with her eyes closed, “I can change the size of any of my animal friends here in the Seafloor when I close my eyes and imagine them changing size. I’ve never kept my eyes closed before I met you—when you started closing your eyes while we walked in the dark, I got curious and tried doing the same. It’s amazing! Is that something all Spectra can do?” Jeimy asks.ㅤㅤI don’t answer. I’m too comfortable, and half my face is in the water.ㅤㅤ“Are you mad at me?” Jeimy asks.ㅤㅤI still don’t answer. I’m not any more upset than usual. I still want to kill her painfully. Right now, though, I’m just relaxed.ㅤㅤJeimy sighs. She opens her eyes.ㅤㅤ“I know you want to see your mommy and daddy again. But, Goofneck, you know that I’m your family now. If I let you see them again, you’re not going to forget me, right? Because when I bring you back here, it takes a while before you remember me again.”ㅤㅤI start to blow some bubbles along with the jacuzzi.ㅤㅤ“Can we play one more game?”ㅤㅤI stop blowing bubbles.ㅤㅤ“One more game, then you can go back. Maybe you can find the person I’m looking for after she’s born. And when I take you back to the Seafloor, we can talk all about her. But please don’t play any dangerous games with her. She doesn’t have much of her soul left, so if she gets hurt really bad…I might get hurt, too,” Jeimy concludes.ㅤㅤ“I’m not mad at you Jeimy, I’m just tired. Yes, we can play one more game. Then I can go home,” I say, very monotone.ㅤㅤ“Okay! I have a good one ready for you!” Jeimy exclaims.
●●●ㅤㅤGetting to the 15th Cloverscape didn’t differ much from the norm.ㅤㅤAnd as we approach, it’s very obvious what kind of building it is. This has to be the most ironic building we’ve been to yet, since I’m a demon. Jeimy’s also some kind of demonic creature. It’s blasphemous that she’s taking the form of a little girl.ㅤㅤIt’s a church, complete with rows of pews, a pulpit, and a modern PA system. No fancy mosaics or anything like that.ㅤㅤSilfish are everywhere. It looks kind of goofy, but the frogfish is sitting on the very front left pew, but missing a fin. As we make our way toward the front, I start to analyze the church. Will this game make use of the church’s architecture? Or is it just for show? If it’s a game that’s some variation of tag, would I have to jump over these pews? Will I have the ability to swim? These questions will undoubtedly get answered very soon.ㅤㅤWe pass by the front pew, and I nod at the frogfish, who instantly tries to turn the other way. Jeimy and I walk up to the front stage behind the pulpit.ㅤㅤAnd hiding behind the pulpit is a new Venomal that I haven’t seen up until this point.ㅤㅤIt’s a stargazer. In some ways, very similar to the frogfish. The venom is in the spines. However, this is most likely an electric stargazer. In addition to the spine venom, they can also deliver an electric shock like an electric eel. But, stargazers are flat—they’re the kind of ambush predators that hide under sand, waiting for something to swim by. Or, if a human, step on it.ㅤㅤThe fact that it’s now in between Jeimy and I makes it obvious that it’ll be part of the game.ㅤㅤ“Okay, Goofneck! My last game! Are you excited?” Jeimy asks.ㅤㅤI nod.ㅤㅤIt’s almost as if the frogfish is being trained to be like the stargazer, who appears more confident. The stargazer’s face is unsightly, but I still find it fascinating. It remains tranquil and still, completely immovable except for its eyes, scanning me up and down.ㅤㅤ“We’ll be playing my version of Truth or Dare! But my version of Truth and Dare also uses the rules of Two Truths and a Lie! I just thought of this recently, too! It was going to be just Truth or Dare, but since this is our last game, I went ahead and mixed it with the game we were going to play next."ㅤㅤOh, no. I can imagine it now. We're going to use the stargazer to mimic a lie detector that shocks people when they lie. It makes sense. This is not going to be good at all.ㅤㅤJeimy continues.ㅤㅤ"Here are the rules:ㅤㅤOne, for each round, we will take turns saying two truths and one lie about ourselves.ㅤㅤTwo, we each get three wrong guesses. After the third one, you lose!ㅤㅤThree, the winner gets to ask the loser for any Truth or Dare."ㅤㅤThat’s…very tame compared to the other games.ㅤㅤBut I have to be wary.ㅤㅤBecause of the power of the dare.ㅤㅤBased on how it's used, this game might be the most terrifying yet.
●●●ㅤㅤ“Okay, let’s star—“ㅤㅤ“Jeimy, if you win and dare me to do something, can I use my swimming?” I ask.ㅤㅤ“Yes, Goofneck, of course you can!”ㅤㅤI nod again.ㅤㅤ“We each get two minutes to think of our two truths and a lie. I already have mine! Starting…Now!” Jeimy says.ㅤㅤThe moment Jeimy said ‘Two Truths and a Lie’ earlier, I’d already started thinking of mine. In fact, I’ve planned for the possibility of Two Truths and a Lie for a long time now.ㅤㅤWith not even ten seconds passing, I tell Jeimy that I’m ready.ㅤㅤ“Wow! That was fast. You’re so smart, Goofneck. Okay—Let’s play Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who’s first!”ㅤㅤI win. With Paper.ㅤㅤ“Um! Can we do best out of three?” Jeimy requests.ㅤㅤ“No,” I say. I’m not taking any chances.ㅤㅤ“O—Okay, it looks like I’ll have to guess first,” Jeimy says.ㅤㅤHere it goes.ㅤㅤ“One—I’m going to be a marine biologist when I grow up.ㅤㅤTwo—I know how to make ratatouille.ㅤㅤThree—I’m very happy you’re my best friend.”ㅤㅤJeimy stands in front of me, looking bewildered.ㅤㅤ“Can you say them one more time?” She requests.ㅤㅤI repeat them.ㅤㅤJeimy thinks for a few seconds.ㅤㅤ“Wellllll. I know you really like sea animals, since you know a lot of them, so that’s probably a truth! I also know that you’re very happy to be my best friend, so that must be the other truth! I don’t know what rat-tat-too-mee is, so I think that’s the lie!”ㅤㅤ“Nope! I do know how to make ratatouille,” I say.ㅤㅤ"Aw," Jeimy responds, looking crushed that she guessed wrong.ㅤㅤJeimy has lied to me before. Well—they’ve been more like overpromising and underdelivering.ㅤㅤUnintentional lying—her lies haven't been specifically told with the motivation to cause me harm. They've been a result of her carelessness and naivety.ㅤㅤAt her core, Jeimy is just immature—but honest.ㅤㅤVery much unlike me just now.ㅤㅤAll three were a lie.
●●●ㅤㅤLies are an extremely difficult thing to trace. The way I see it, there are three main kinds of lies for a game like this.ㅤㅤThe first one is what I’ll call a nested lie. ‘Nested’ is a computer word, I believe. Basically, you could lie about something being a lie. A lie within a lie, like a Russian Matryoshka doll. This is similar to a conditional, subjective lie. But it’s more like saying a lie that can’t be proven. I could say my favorite color is blue. That would be a lie, since my favorite color is green. If someone were to claim it’s a lie, they’d be correct. But then I could just lie again. And say that blue is my favorite color. A lie that no one can prove.ㅤㅤThe second one is an objective lie. If I say I’m a whale, then I’m lying. There are no if’s, and’s, or but’s.ㅤㅤThe third is what I’ll call a fluid lie. A little similar to a nested lie that you can’t prove, but it’s different. It’s a conditional, subjective lie that could become true in milliseconds. For example, I could lie—be sad and say I'm happy. Then someone could claim that I'm lying. Instantly, I could refute them by saying I was sad a second ago, but am happy now. So it would be true that I lied—past tense—but I wouldn't be lying—present tense. There are lots of other examples. Using the favorite color example, I could change my favorite color from green to blue after my opponent makes their choice.ㅤㅤThose are the three. A nested lie, an objective lie, and a fluid lie.ㅤㅤThat being said, here's the meaning behind my choices.ㅤㅤI chose my words carefully in case Jeimy has some supernatural force to detect lies.ㅤㅤ‘I’m going to be a marine biologist when I grow up’.ㅤㅤMy statement wasn’t ‘I want to become a marine biologist’, it was ‘I will become one’. Truthfully, I love marine biology, but I have no desire to become a biologist. I aim to become a gourmet cook. There is no way to know for sure that I'll become one. My life could change drastically—I could get some kind of food allergy that would severely limit my ability to become a cook. So that was a Schrodinger's lie, in some ways. If my plans to become a chef fall through, there's always a chance that I could become a marine biologist. So this lie can’t be proven one way or the other.ㅤㅤ’I know how to make ratatouille’.ㅤㅤThis is an objective lie. I genuinely don't know how to make ratatouille. I can probably make it, but I don’t know how at the time of telling the lie.ㅤㅤ’I’m very happy you’re my best friend’.ㅤㅤThis third one is special—happy to be Jeimy's friend? Obviously not. This is a subjective lie that can't be proven, as well as a lie that could change into a truth in an instant. I can bend it to be a truth or a lie how I want. I could genuinely be happy Jeimy is my friend, since that makes it easier to kill her.ㅤㅤWith plenty of time to think in between Jeimy's games, I planned ahead in the case of us playing Two Truths and a Lie. I've only played this game a few times with Jackson. But it definitely seemed like a game Jeimy would play.ㅤㅤSo there we go. I'm testing whether Jeimy has a lie detector. Can she detect a nested lie? An objective lie? A fluid lie?ㅤㅤBased on her responses—No, she can't. She seems to fully trust that I’m actually giving two truths and one lie.ㅤㅤWait. Once again, why do I think like this?ㅤㅤWhy do I over analyze like this? I'm a child.ㅤㅤI have been rambling about philosophical concepts for lying in my head.ㅤㅤWhy? Why does the language in my head surpass—why do I use such big words for a child?ㅤㅤI feel like I'm getting extra help to play against Jeimy. Yes, I've been helped by my knowledge of marine biology and math, but there's clearly more than that going on here.ㅤㅤWho's giving me my cognitive abilities?ㅤㅤWell—Nevermind that for now. Jeimy has a preconceived notion that I wouldn’t lie to her.ㅤㅤI'm playing Truth or Dare with a child right now.ㅤㅤ"You have two minutes, starting now," I say.
9 | Is She Toying With Me? ● #15 Church
ㅤㅤJeimy sits down on the cold and marbled church floor, sitting cross-legged.ㅤㅤFor two minutes, I look around at the intricate details of the church.ㅤㅤIt doesn't seem to necessarily be a Catholic church. But it also doesn't seem to be a specific Protestant church either.ㅤㅤThere's imagery here that…that kind of matches both. At least from what I know. I'm not a religious person. I've heard of these—they're like a fusion of both. I don't know what they're called. Putting that aside, this place has a modern feel to it.ㅤㅤThe pulpit looks custom-made, having incomprehensible writing on the front—it's where the name of the church would be engraved in. It's high-quality wood with a nice red felt material laid on the top.ㅤㅤThe other rooms' doors leave more for me to be curious about. If I have a chance to check them out later, I will. It's not as large as the auditorium, or concert hall, Cloverscape—no second floor here.ㅤㅤJeimy's two minutes are over, so I begin to speak up.ㅤㅤ"Alr—"ㅤㅤ"I got it!ㅤㅤOne—You're my favorite friend!ㅤㅤTwo—I can bring in any sea creature I want to the Seafloor.ㅤㅤThree—My favorite color is orange.ㅤㅤOkay, go!"ㅤㅤIs…is she toying with me? Obviously, the second choice is the false one. She's called me her best friend and her favorite animals are lions—which are typically orange. Wait. Yellow? They're usually colored yellow in children's books. Now I'm not so confident. Plus, the idea that she could only bring some sea creatures to the Seafloor was just my own speculation. Why is her second choice so specific compared to the other two?ㅤㅤI'm…overthinking.ㅤㅤIt's got to be the second choice. Like I noticed, she's been using the same animals repeatedly. She's running out. She can't bring new sea animals. But! But. It's too risky. How can I be sure? There's gotta be—ㅤㅤTwo taps.ㅤㅤPyo just tapped my back twice with his tail.ㅤㅤThat's right. Pyo is a mystery to me, but I know that Pyo has been with Jeimy for a while. He knows.ㅤㅤ"Two. Two is the lie," I say haphazardly.ㅤㅤJeimy looks down, slants her head, and shakes it slightly.ㅤㅤWas I wrong?ㅤㅤ"Ah! Goofneck, you're too good at this game! You're right."ㅤㅤRoth's spines move in rapid succession, almost like a wave running through his body.ㅤㅤLooks like I was right. Jeimy's not omnipotent and doesn't have the ability to just create matter. To some extent. She can regrow her cells at a fast rate. She can move things around. And, with the help of her sister, is the creator of the Seafloor and the Cloverscapes. But she can't create life from scratch.ㅤㅤ"Well? It's your turn again, Goofneck! Go ahead!" Jeimy urges excitedly.ㅤㅤNow that my first round tested for Jeimy's lack of a lie detector, it's time to mess around and see what else I can find. What's unfortunate is that this game only allows for information about myself. I can't assert that Jeimy has the ability to do something, then have her say it's a lie. This has to be about me.ㅤㅤI take about a minute and 20 seconds to come up with my choices.ㅤㅤ"One—My favorite land animal is the snake.ㅤㅤTwo—I once brought a saucepan to a family party.ㅤㅤThree—I don't like this Cloverscape."ㅤㅤAll truths.ㅤㅤShe can’t prove any of them. Well, there’s a chance she could look into my memories for the one about the saucepan. But that’s what I want. To find out if she can.ㅤㅤ"A pan? Haha! That's so goofy. Goofneck, you would do something like that! The lie has to be the third one! You really like to explore my Cloverscapes. I know that."ㅤㅤI can enjoy exploring them while still hating them. I hate the whole idea of them. They're very interesting, but I hate them. I'm fine with her thinking that I like them, though.ㅤㅤI need her to lose, so I'll go ahead and, well, lie.ㅤㅤ"Wait! I change my mind. Your horns look like goosenecks! Your favorite animal has to be the goose, right? Wait…Hm. Actually…your horns look more like a swan’s neck! Those can bend a lot more. Wow, I should have called you Swanneck, but that’s okay. Goofneck is still a cute name! Your favorite land animal is either a goose or a swan–it wouldn’t be a snake. But that would also mean you don't like this Cloverscape…" Jeimy says, disappointedly.ㅤㅤI look to the side, surprised by her idea.ㅤㅤI hate swans.ㅤㅤ"Ah! I don't even know what a saucepan is. Is it a bigger pan? Wait, I can't ask you questions. Hm! I don't know!" Jeimy says, getting somewhat frustrated.ㅤㅤI start tapping my feet. She didn't mention a time limit on guessing. Which is a little frustrating, considering our game of Simon Says.ㅤㅤ"Okay! I'll go with the first one. Your favorite land animal isn’t a snake. That’s the lie," Jeimy decides.ㅤㅤI shake my head.ㅤㅤ"You should have went with your first guess. You're wrong again. My favorite animals are snakes. The lie was the third one. I do like this Cloverscape. My parents used to take me to church when I was a child. This reminds me of it," I say.ㅤㅤNot true at all. I've never been to church. I hate this Cloverscape. I'm a demon. I don't feel even remotely comfortable here. As nice as it looks.ㅤㅤAnd yes, I do like snakes. Because of Pyo. Before Pyo, I didn't really care for many land animals. But I definitely like snakes a lot now.ㅤㅤ"Aha! I need to be careful, or I'll lose this one…," Jeimy says, concerned.ㅤㅤMaybe I'm reading into it too much…but is Jeimy losing on purpose? There's a chance I'm wrong—that Jeimy is smarter than she acts.ㅤㅤI entertain the idea that she's not. I want to leave and go back home—that's my main goal right now.
●●●ㅤㅤIt's Jeimy's turn.ㅤㅤBefore another crazy event happens, like the stargazer suddenly going on a murderous rampage, I decide to quickly explore the church for the two minutes that Jeimy has to think of her three things.ㅤㅤAfter letting Jeimy know, I walk over to the two rooms to the right of the front entrance when I walked in. The three doors on the other side are clearly restrooms—based on how they're arranged—and an audio-visual room—based on what I can see through the transparent windows. The two rooms in the back right are what I've been most curious about.ㅤㅤI open first door slowly, cautious that there might be some sea animals in there. Despite me opening the door slowly, dozens of Silfish burst out quickly.ㅤㅤIt's a classroom. It seems to be intended for younger children—preschool age to kindergarten. Spread across the walls are decorations portraying a very obvious theme. Ocean. Ships. Sails. Sea captains. Sailors. Pirates. Fisherman. Fish. Octopuses. As if it was forced in, there are crosses scattered in sections of these decorations that make them look somewhat out of place.ㅤㅤNow that I think about it, the shape of the building was very peculiar when I first saw it. It wasn't obvious to me until I walked inside that it was a church. The protruding structure on the top of the building made it playfully resemble a ship's sail. This church must have some kind of Noah's Ark or some kind of ship theme in its name.ㅤㅤAfter absorbing this sight, I walk over to the other room next to it.ㅤㅤI open its door slowly, and there are even more Silfish that race out of the room. In front of me is a tiny gate. As I unhook the gate, I see what's beyond it. Shelves, buckets, and bins full of toys. There is even a section with a crib. On the back end is yet another restroom.ㅤㅤThis must be a playroom that also functions as a daycare and nursing area.ㅤㅤI begin to imagine what it would be like, making friends in a place like this. Public school was never for me, and I avoided interacting with other people as often as I could. But maybe in a place like this could I have made more meaningful connections.ㅤㅤI doubt it.ㅤㅤBefore I get a chance to walk further and take a look at what toys are here, Jeimy calls me back.ㅤㅤI take a deep sigh, and walk back.
●●●ㅤㅤ"I hope you liked the playroom—I used to play there a lot with some of the sea friends after I first found this Cloverscape. I don't really know how to use some of the toys in there, though."ㅤㅤKnowing the sea animals here, Jeimy probably forced all them to play with her. Jeimy continues.ㅤㅤ"Here are my last three choices:ㅤㅤOne—Pyo has been with me ever since I was born.ㅤㅤTwo—I've never tried seafood.ㅤㅤThree…"ㅤㅤJeimy pauses, to which I respond by raising my eyebrows.ㅤㅤ"I'm happy you spent time with me here."ㅤㅤDid…did she say 'last'?ㅤㅤI'm taken aback by the third option. She's been talking like this since the beginning—overly familiar and loving. All while simultaneously torturing me without any real sense of responsibility nor accountability. Option three is not the lie.ㅤㅤGoing back to option one—it's a good chance this is true. After all, Pyo is treated differently from all the other sea animals. In fact, he's the only land animal—actually, wait. He could very well be a sea snake. In all my research into marine biology, I never looked into sea snakes. I assumed he was a tree snake, since he's a thin, small snake. But he could be a sea snake that was turned smaller with Jeimy's powers. Plus, Jeimy was quick to abandon him once she noticed how much he liked me more. I could also be reading that wrong. I have to take into account that he has some kind of antidote for Venomal poison. But none of this means that he's been with her since birth. It just doesn't make any sense. I take it back. Option one could be the lie.ㅤㅤAfter thinking about that, I realize that option two is more realistic as the other truth. I'm doubtful that she's tried seafood. The Cloverscapes have had sources of food despite neither of us needing to eat any. But oddly enough, there has been no seafood in any Cloverscapes. Maybe I just didn't notice them, but I'll lean toward this. And despite Jeimy's savagery, I don't think she would ever eat one of the sea animals here.ㅤㅤ"I don't believe that Pyo has been with you ever since you were born."ㅤㅤJeimy shakes her head, just like in her last turn. She's disappointed that I'm correct again. Now it's just a matter of—ㅤㅤ"Wrong," Jeimy blurts.ㅤㅤ"W—what?" I respond.ㅤㅤ"I told you, Goofneck—I've been here for as long as I can remember. And Pyo has always been with me," she says, pointing at Pyo.ㅤㅤIt takes me a few seconds to come to terms with this outcome, but I speak.ㅤㅤ"S—So that means you've eaten one of the sea animals here," I say.ㅤㅤ"Well…I've never eaten any of my friends…but the sea plankton just swim into my mouth sometimes. It's not my choice!"ㅤㅤWhat?! What kind of…Ugh! I hate that it's technically true. When I first met her, she mentioned plankton.ㅤㅤJeimy beckons Pyo to move towards her.ㅤㅤI get startled as Pyo slithers away from me slowly, onto the ground, and towards Jeimy.ㅤㅤOnto the ground? Hold on. Pyo has been with Jeimy since birth, too.ㅤㅤPyo is not a sea animal. He doesn't swim or act anything like a sea snake would. The only other creature in all of the Seafloor that isn't a sea animal would be Jeimy.ㅤㅤPyo is part of Jeimy. Pyo has to be some kind of extension of Jeimy. Does that make them one and the same? No! That wouldn't make sense for a number of reasons. But I am sure that Pyo is linked to Jeimy.ㅤㅤMy first guess wrong. It's no problem. Jeimy is on her last strike with this next turn.ㅤㅤThis time, I decide I'm going to use up all my two minutes.ㅤㅤFirst thing I do is crouch down and get a closer look at the stargazer. Jeimy hasn't mentioned it this entire time. I'm assuming it's nameless. Throughout this, Jeimy's eyes are wide open, staring right at me. She seems as if she's about to talk about the stargazer after witnessing my curiosity. Before she gets a chance to talk, however, I dash to the playroom again.ㅤㅤWithout Pyo.ㅤㅤBecause my time is so limited, I dig through the shelves and bins ferociously. I knock things off and turn everything over, making a complete mess as I absorb as much information as I can.ㅤㅤAction figures. Some I recognize from real-life toy stores. Stuffed animals. Building blocks. Toy cars, too. There are toddler toys, like toy instruments. This adds to my confusion as to where Jeimy got all the information to create this.ㅤㅤSome more action figures. I don't recognize some of these.ㅤㅤI knock all the children's books off the shelves. None are legible, so I can't tell if they're generic, Catholic, or Christian-themed.ㅤㅤAll except one.ㅤㅤThe Selfish Stargazer. This doesn't strike me as a religious children's book.ㅤㅤI open it and attempt to briskly read it in one minute.ㅤㅤThe story follows an unfriendly stargazer fish that hides underneath the sand to scare and shock everyone who passes by. The first few pages are a variety of different sea animals getting bullied by the stargazer. One day, he scares a stingray, who fights back and chases him. After narrowly escaping, the stargazer ends up in a shallow part of the water. Here, the moonlight reaches him, and he begins to want to go to the moon. Because he's in the more shallow part, he scares and shocks a new creature he's never seen before—a young human man. Other people arrive at the scene. They rescue the young man and take the stargazer. They place him in a bucket and carry him overhead. As they do, he sees the moon once again. He believes that the humans are rewarding him for doing a great job of scaring others. As he's about to be cooked outdoors, he's placed next to an octopus. Having never scared an octopus, the stargazer tries to shock the octopus. But the octopus stops him and tells him to look at the moon one last time. The octopus shares a stereotypical monologue on why it's wrong to bully others. The two are about to be cooked, but the stargazer wakes up and realizes it was all a dream. He's where he left off in the shallow water, where a kind octopus passes by.ㅤㅤAnd the story ends.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck! It's your turn now!"
●●●ㅤㅤI stand in front of Jeimy, ready to give my last choices. Pyo slithers back to me.ㅤㅤ"One—I have a backpack that can fit 45 liters.ㅤㅤTwo—I'm going to miss Pyo when I leave.ㅤㅤThree—My favorite book is The Selfish Stargazer."ㅤㅤ"Ooh! I love that book—did you read it in the playroom? I have Stargo here because of that book, haha!"ㅤㅤI don't respond in any way to her statement.ㅤㅤ"I wish I could give you Pyo when you leave the Seafloor, but I don't know if I can. I need him here," Jeimy says with a solemn look.ㅤㅤI still don't respond.ㅤㅤ"And I don't think you have a backpack that can fit that many leaders! Even one leader is too much for a backpack. That one’s the lie," Jeimy decides.ㅤㅤOh. She doesn't know what liters are. She thinks I mean leader, as in the leader of a group. Well, it doesn't matter. For this turn, I legitimately gave two truths and a lie. She chose one of the truths. I have no remorse this time, since she is genuinely wrong.ㅤㅤ"You lose, Jeimy. I do have a backpack that big," I reveal.ㅤㅤ"Th—that doesn't make any sense! You can't fit—"ㅤㅤ"Liters are a unit of volume. It's spelled L-I-T-E-R," I explain.ㅤㅤ"Volume? I thought that was a sound thing," Jeimy responds.ㅤㅤ"It's like—It's…It's for measuring liquids and things like that!" I desperately try to explain.ㅤㅤ"Liquid…" Jeimy mutters.ㅤㅤShe's an idiot. No wait. A child. I'm one, too, but the gap in our knowledge is too much for me sometimes.ㅤㅤ"Anyway, that was wrong," I say.ㅤㅤ"I don’t know! It sounds like you're lying and making things up so you can win!" Jeimy accuses.ㅤㅤAt first, this worries me. But after a few seconds of thinking about it, I get excited. Is this where the game is going to go? Are one of us going to go on a rampage, accusing each other of cheating?ㅤㅤI breathe in and calmly collect myself. I'm so close to leaving—I shouldn't risk anything.ㅤㅤ"I mean it. That's real. It's what I learned in school back on Earth," I assert for myself.ㅤㅤ"Oh, okay…," Jeimy responds, once again looking disappointed.ㅤㅤShe starts kicking her feet at the ground. She even nudges Stargo the stargazer very lightly. I see Stargo's eyes dart between Jeimy and I.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck, you can choose a truth or dare from me," she says.ㅤㅤI snap out of staring at Stargo and look up at Jeimy.ㅤㅤThis is it.ㅤㅤMy chance to learn as much about her as I can.ㅤㅤ"Jeimy. I want you to tell me the tr—"ㅤㅤBefore I finish, I catch myself.ㅤㅤPyo is biting me. It's not as deep of a bite as when he delivers the antidote for the Venomals.ㅤㅤIt's more like...like he's desperately trying to get my attention. He would usually just tap me with his tail or nudge me.ㅤㅤBiting me? He’s never been so desperate to the point of biting. To get my attention, he’s always just flicked his tongue at me or booped his head against me.ㅤㅤHe's…he’s trying to warn me.ㅤㅤWarn me that I shouldn't ask Jeimy for information?ㅤㅤI try hard not to wince, but I shrug my shoulders to tell Pyo that I get it.ㅤㅤHe stops, and I breathe in.ㅤㅤ"Goofneck, you want me to tell you a truth? What do you want?" Jeimy asks and tilts her head in confusion.ㅤㅤ"I dare you to step on Stargo," I demand.
10 | Have You Forgotten? ● #0 Wake
ㅤㅤJeimy's eyes suddenly widen. She frowns, and her entire expression sinks into fear.ㅤㅤ"I…I understand," Jeimy says.ㅤㅤHer face worries me. Before she steps on Stargo, I lean forward and use my hands to stop her.ㅤㅤ"Wait. What happens when you step on Stargo?" I ask.ㅤㅤ"It's...don't worry, Goofneck! I'll send you back to Earth like I promised. I just…" Jeimy's words falter and she doesn't finish her sentence.ㅤㅤI step back and am not sure what to anticipate.ㅤㅤJeimy stays where she is—shaking.ㅤㅤShe looks straight down and begins crying. She sheds her tears so profusely, barely making a sound. It's the most quiet cry I've ever heard.ㅤㅤ"G–Goofneck…Before I step on S—Stargo…Can we—we dance together? Play together one last time?" Jeimy whimpers.ㅤㅤAs always, I'm bewildered. I never know what to expect with Jeimy.ㅤㅤAfter trusting Pyo, I anticipate him to nudge me or give me a clue as to what I should do.ㅤㅤBut I feel nothing. I quickly dart my eyes towards my shoulder where Pyo is, but he's staying still.ㅤㅤ"Okay," I say.ㅤㅤJeimy leans forward and grabs my hand.ㅤㅤSuddenly, music begins playing through the church's sound system.ㅤㅤI have never heard music in any Cloverscape before. Many Cloverscapes have clearly had ceiling speakers and sound systems. But they've never been used. I quickly glance behind to the audio-visual room.ㅤㅤI can't visibly see anything—no sea animals. Could be a transparent one, but it's too far for me to see.ㅤㅤAs for the song, it's…it's a waltz of some sort. It's unfamiliar to me. Not the kind of song I'd expect to hear in a church.ㅤㅤAnd it's very…sad. For lack of a better word.ㅤㅤJeimy leads the way—she clearly has more control than I do. I'm not a dancer.ㅤㅤBut there's something about what I'm experiencing right now that I can't describe.ㅤㅤI misstep a few times, but I quickly get the hang of it, despite being much taller than Jeimy. The church's front stage has plenty of space for dancing.ㅤㅤDancing. This is unlike Jeimy. I’m not the best to judge, but I can tell that Jeimy is an experienced dancer. She’s smooth and elegant with her movements. The translucent veil over her shoulders, along with the raiments attached to it, flow in a refined manner. As natural as she makes this look, I notice how precise her steps are. There’s muscle memory involved. The distance between each of her steps are uniform and consistent. She’s even able to compromise with my lack of dancing skills and make up for my mistakes while keeping form.ㅤㅤAll while crying. Her tears don't subside—instead, they become tears of joy. She's no longer sobbing. It's softer, like a solemn weep.ㅤㅤShe's grinning from cheek to cheek with her eyes closed, making perfect steps in each direction. I soon follow suit, closing my eyes. Jeimy looks beautiful. Despite her same disheveled look, she’s somehow beautiful right now.ㅤㅤBy all logic, this scene should feel really stupid. Two girls dancing in an empty church with two ugly fish watching. But I don’t know. I don’t care.ㅤㅤI really can't describe this feeling. It's a different kind of euphoria from relaxing in a Cloverscape pool.ㅤㅤAs we dance, I reflect on everything I've done in the Seafloor. Every pair of even and odd Cloverscapes that contrasted one another.ㅤㅤ2 and 1. The small hotel pool and the city. The Venomal was Hem the ghost shark.ㅤㅤ4 and 3. The enormous pool and the furniture store. Glook the blue sea dragon.ㅤㅤ6 and 5. The Olympic pool and post office. Stip the striped pyjama squid.ㅤㅤ8 and 7. The sauna and the grocery. Puffo the pufferfish.ㅤㅤ10 and 9. Infinity pool and the concert hall. Bloom the flower urchin.ㅤㅤ12 and 11. The waterpark and the underwater observatory. Fon the giant siphonophore and Box the Irukandji box jellyfish.ㅤㅤ14 and 13. The wave pool and the library. Roong the blue-ringed octopus.ㅤㅤWith the exception of the city from the first Cloverscape, these are all places I've never been to on Earth. I’ve been to some similar places, but these were mostly unfamiliar. The city, for some reason that I still don’t understand, resembled Manhattan. But other than that, they’re all mysteries. From my time in the Seafloor, I've seen creatures that I've only read about in science fiction books. Through all the pain and mental duress I've been through, I'm…ㅤㅤI'm thankful.ㅤㅤFor a brief second, Jeimy makes one wrong step. I open my eyes and notice that my vision is fading slowly. Jeimy stops dancing, but continues to hold my hand. She pulls me back to where we first began, with Stargo in between us. The waltz is still playing in the background.ㅤㅤDon't get me wrong. I had the suspicion that Jeimy might try to manipulate me to step on Stargo while we danced and my eyes were closed. But I know that Jeimy always sticks to her rules, as inconsistent as they are.ㅤㅤShethat holds my hands and squeezes them. She returns to sobbing.ㅤㅤShe lets go and smiles.ㅤㅤShe curtsies in her tattered dress.ㅤㅤ"Goodbye, Goofneck," Jeimy says.ㅤㅤWithout realizing it, I've begun to cry as well.ㅤㅤWhen all is said and done, she's someone I've spent a lot of time with.ㅤㅤMy visions continues to fade slowly.ㅤㅤShe lightly pushes me forward, and I step back a meter or two.ㅤㅤShe brings her right foot up and brings it above Stargo.ㅤㅤShe steps down.ㅤㅤAnd instantly collapses.ㅤㅤShe's on the ground. I see that her eyes are closed and her fingers are twitching. Roth has fallen off her head and is a foot away from her. He’s slowly crawling back towards her.ㅤㅤMy vision continues to fade further into black.ㅤㅤBut I can see what's happening to Jeimy.ㅤㅤNothing.ㅤㅤI thought that she would transform, grow, or go on a rampage.ㅤㅤBut she's laying completely still.ㅤㅤAll is quiet while my vision fades.ㅤㅤUntil I feel shaking.ㅤㅤThe same kind of shaking I would often feel when Jeimy would get overly upset.ㅤㅤThe church shakes, and some of the drop ceiling's material drops down and falls on me.ㅤㅤThen the walls begin to morph. Into something.ㅤㅤInto a tan color. Skin.ㅤㅤAnd speckled in is red and white. Muscle and bone.ㅤㅤIt's the same flesh present inside of Belmont the stuffed lion—yet it's the entire building.ㅤㅤThe way that the building morphs isn't entirely clear to me, since my vision is slowly blurring and fading to black.ㅤㅤI step back. I step back, and back, and back.ㅤㅤIt begins to rain nothing but red liquid.ㅤㅤCrimson droplets fall onto me, and it burns my skin. Pyo holds onto my shoulder tight and hisses.ㅤㅤSome of the rain hits my face.ㅤㅤRoth, as if realizing what he needs to do, extends his needles as he did in the library. Some reach only a few inches above my head and catch some of my hair. I carefully dislodge my hair from the needles.ㅤㅤIn the midst of my fading vision, I feel something leave from my chest area.ㅤㅤI vaguely notice him.ㅤㅤIt's Tutu. I had forgotten that I had snuck him in from the last two Cloverscapes.ㅤㅤWith swift movement, Tutu changes his body shape to be as wide as possible, and he covers my head, protecting me as much as he can from the rain.ㅤㅤI can barely see, but I stumble across the rows of pews and make my way to the exit of the church, which is now an opening of flesh.ㅤㅤI miss a step and fall towards the ground, which is only a thinner layer of skin.ㅤㅤBefore I can pick myself back up, Pyo squeezes my shoulder harder and harder.ㅤㅤUntil I can no longer see.
●●●ㅤㅤDo you remember now?ㅤㅤOr have you forgotten?ㅤㅤI know you're alone right now, but I'll wait to meet you.ㅤㅤIt's really hard to believe that we haven't met.ㅤㅤIt feels like I've always been right here with you.ㅤㅤYou've suffered so much. I want to help you.ㅤㅤThe way the snake has.ㅤㅤI want you to love me the way you love the snake that holds onto you tightly.ㅤㅤOnce I meet you, I don't want to let you go.ㅤㅤI'm waiting to meet you.ㅤㅤWe've both suffered so much.ㅤㅤSo once we meet, I only ask that you don't take my life.ㅤㅤInstead, I'll give it to you.ㅤㅤAll your luck has turned you blind.
●●●ㅤㅤI'm getting up off the ground. I'm on the street a few blocks away from my culinary school. Based on the time of day, it looks like I was making my way back home.ㅤㅤSomeone walks up to me and helps me up. She asks if she should call 911. I tell her that I'm okay. I place my hand on my chest and breathe.ㅤㅤObviously, I still have my other lung.ㅤㅤMy memories of the Seafloor are coming back to me slowly. Yes. I collapsed here, went to the Seafloor, and was sent back.ㅤㅤI’m where I belong. Here. With my parents. Mr. Amos. Jackson.ㅤㅤI finally get to the subway entrance. I suddenly feel lightheaded. A sharp pain enters my side.ㅤㅤI wonder what I’m missing. I’m still not entirely sure, but this must be some kind of internal bleeding. I’m still alive, so whatever I’ve lost, it’s not vital. But only time can tell.ㅤㅤI regret not asking that lady to call 911. I place my heavy backpack down and sit. It’s getting late and dangerous. I have the phone my parents gave me to call them in times of emergencies. I shuffle for it inside my backpack. I always make it a point to consistently place all my belongings in their proper pockets and spaces inside my bag.ㅤㅤBut I can’t find my phone. In fact, I can’t even find my wallet.ㅤㅤJust my luck. Definitely turned me blind, as that mystery voice said.ㅤㅤIt’s pretty obvious who it is. It has to be the Seafloor girl.ㅤㅤSomehow she has been communicating with me. That whole soul link thing still doesn’t fully make sense to me. But maybe it’s not supposed to. Maybe it’s just out of my understanding.ㅤㅤI know I just came back from the Seafloor, but I can’t remember a lot of the details. I can’t even really remember what the Cloverscapes were. Some Venomals are kind of blurry, too. There was…a blue-ringed octopus. Not worth my time trying hard to remember the rest. This happens every time I come back. I only remember a few details. I know Jeimy collapsed, but there’s no confirmation that she’s dead. Good thing I remember the Seafloor girl thing.ㅤㅤI need to find her.
●●●ㅤㅤIn a matter of seconds, everything I thought I understood fell apart. I’m standing in front of our apartment.ㅤㅤPolice are everywhere.ㅤㅤEventually one officer approaches me, kneels down, and identifies me.ㅤㅤHe then asks me if I know where my parents are. I answer that my mom should be home by now, and that my dad should be finishing up work. The police officer shakes his head and looks at his colleagues.ㅤㅤMy father is missing. He didn’t show up at work today, and my mom hasn’t seen him all morning. His office hasn’t seen him. He hasn’t been seen for the entirety of his daily commute.ㅤㅤMy anxiety is pushed further as the police wonder out loud if this is related to the death of Jackson Banks. I become speechless, and the officer behind the one talking to me slaps him in the back of the head.ㅤㅤI stop being able to hear the sirens and the officer’s words. My eyes are crossing and my vision is blurring yet again. But this time, because I’m losing all focus.ㅤㅤI remember now. I saw Jackson’s corpse in the Seafloor.ㅤㅤI drop to my knees, but before I even think of crying, I desperately claw at the officer’s arms. I ask if anything’s happened to a man named Mr. Amos. Despite my stuttering, I explain that I don’t know his full name and that both Jackson and I knew him.ㅤㅤThe officer looks back at the other officer and shrugs. They reply that they have no news about a Mr. Amos.ㅤㅤI breathe a sigh of relief. That makes sense. He literally taught us today. I even saw Jackson in class today.ㅤㅤSo Jackson died during my walk home from class—when I went to the Seafloor.ㅤㅤI can’t mourn. I can’t keep mourning. I already mourned on the Seafloor. I’m the reason he’s dead. No, I can’t blame myself. Jeimy’s the reason he’s dead. I have to focus on finding a way to kill her.ㅤㅤI decide not to ask the police officers how Jackson died—honestly, I don’t ask for any details of how his body was found.
●●●ㅤㅤPhysically, Mom is okay. But she is extremely distressed.ㅤㅤFor the next few weeks, I basically live through my life without Dad and Jackson. Mom’s been too stressed to take care of me completely, but I’m fine with it. I’m pretty self-sustaining. I’ve gotten past the pathetic feeling of constantly missing a father that always did the bare minimum for me—that’s not to say I don’t care about him. But I can’t stay stuck on him. It’s been difficult to focus on my classes—Mr. Amos notices. But he doesn’t know that it isn’t because of any kind of mourning. It’s due to me planning how I will kill Jeimy. How will I find the Seafloor girl? I don’t even know when she’ll be born.ㅤㅤI even consider the fact that Jeimy might have placed the souls of people she’s seen through me—whether I know them or not—into the sea animals from the Seafloor.ㅤㅤI’ve even considered that the Venomals were people from my life.ㅤㅤWhat if Dad’s missing because he was one of the Venomals? What if he was the blue-ringed octopus?ㅤㅤThat’s stupid. If that were true, I’d be hearing about multiple disappearances from the local news. There are way too many Venomals for that to be true.ㅤㅤSo that one is shot down.ㅤㅤMy obvious suspicion is that Jeimy pulled Dad into the Seafloor, breaking her promise.
●●●ㅤㅤA year has passed.ㅤㅤNothing has really changed. Mom and I have been managing just fine. She’s always been doing well as a real estate agent. We’ve moved to a different apartment complex, because she gets sad about Dad. But it’s also to save some money, since we don’t make as much without Dad. Dad hasn’t been declared dead or anything, so we haven’t processed any kind of life insurance or inheritance. I don’t really know about all that stuff.ㅤㅤThere have been a few new culinary students, but I avoid most of them. They know me as extremely meticulous and precise with my cooking. Mr. Amos tells me that the younger kids look up to me, but that I shouldn’t let it pressure me or inflate my ego.ㅤㅤWhich it doesn’t.ㅤㅤAbout a month later, I find out the most unexpected news.ㅤㅤDad fled the country. He had been money laundering and evading taxes for years—a minor slip-up revealed it. His workplace wasn’t in on it, but they had done such a terrible job of tracking records and finances. Mom and I never really knew much about his workplace, but his company soon fell apart. Complete bankruptcy. The police never caught on when Dad first disappeared.ㅤㅤI never really pay attention to the theatrics. Not to the technicalities. I don’t really care about any of the financial repercussions of what my dad did. My mom and I are fine on our own. Plus, I’m doing really well as a chef in training.ㅤㅤNo Seafloor. It’s been a year and a month, and I haven’t been to the Seafloor.ㅤㅤWell, that’s not entirely true.ㅤㅤI haven’t felt the Seafloor. But I see the Seafloor.ㅤㅤEvery night.ㅤㅤEvery night, I dream about the Seafloor.ㅤㅤI dream about Jeimy.ㅤㅤI dream about the experiences I’ve been through. I relive the memories. I feel the pain in a dream-like sense. I even dream made-up scenarios, as if my mind is making up new Cloverscapes.ㅤㅤBut they never feel real. I just know in my heart that I’m not actually being sent to the Seafloor. And the Jeimy I meet in my dreams just isn’t the same.ㅤㅤThe biggest giveaway that they’re dreams and not me actually visiting the Seafloor is that I wake up with no injuries.ㅤㅤBut my mind is corroding.ㅤㅤI’m losing all sight of who I am. Everyday is the same. And even though that applies to my dreams, I’ll have those fake Cloverscape dreams every now and then, too.ㅤㅤI’ve been enjoying them.ㅤㅤI look forward to them.ㅤㅤAnd because they’re my dreams, I get to choose what I want to do, to a certain degree.ㅤㅤLucid dreaming. I’ve learned how to do it. Unfortunately, I can’t choose the scenario, but I’ve learned to become vividly aware of what I’m doing in my dreams. I get to make my own choices, and I don’t feel like I’m watching a movie.ㅤㅤSomething I’ve been doing recently is taking out my frustrations in my dreams. I dreamt about one of the Venomals—I believe the name was Hem. It’s the ghost shark. I’ve been using various item from Cloverscape 1, the city, to attack it. Once, I found a loose stop sign. I was able to pull it out of the ground and smash Hem’s entire body into pieces.ㅤㅤI don’t get to choose when they end, but it’s always nice knowing that there aren’t really any repercussions to how I act in my dreams. I usually try not to hurt the sea animals and Venomals that I remember helping me. For example, I try not to hurt Roong or Tutu. But I did try it one or two times. I didn’t like the feeling and stopped.ㅤㅤThere are two things that I don’t like about my dreams, however.ㅤㅤOne—I can never attack Jeimy or Roth. Every time I try to, Roth extends his needles, stabs me, and the dream ends.ㅤㅤTwo—and this bothers me the most—The absence of Pyo.ㅤㅤPyo is nowhere to be seen. There are times when I’ve tried to gain full control of my dream and wish for Pyo to appear. But he never does.
●●●ㅤㅤThrough an absolutely unexpected turn of events, Mr. Amos and Mom get married. I won’t get into all the details, but I’ll just say that they’ve known each other for a long time and started spending more time together after my Mom officially cut all ties with Dad. I decide not to be one of those kids that refer to their stepdad by their given name. I fully trust and love Mr. Amos, so I’ve gotten to start calling him Mr. Dad. It starts out as one of our little inside jokes, but it sticks. Mom doesn’t like it, but we don’t care. I’m far enough in the curriculum that he’s no longer my direct teacher, so there are no worries about professionalism at this point.ㅤㅤThe next few years fly by great. I’ve gotten used to this lifestyle. My culinary skills are immaculate—no thanks to having one of the best chefs, at least in my opinion, in New York teach me at home.ㅤㅤEverything changes one day.ㅤㅤI’m on my commute home in the evening. My classes have been ending much later than before, but I’m a full-fledged young woman now. I carry my own pepper spray and knife. I work out and exercise regularly, since I need to keep my lung healthy. I know my way safely around the city, despite always carrying such a large backpack.ㅤㅤBut today was a particularly strenuous day in classes. My non-culinary classes have had very tight schedules, including short turnarounds for tests and projects. I sit and wait at a bench in the subway and greet a familiar stranger that usually takes the same line as me around this time. I don’t know his name. Together, we watch a subway performer play some percussion using common objects—a bucket is his main drum. I’m not a big music person, so I don’t know what it’s called. I watch as a mother and her two kids approach nearby.ㅤㅤThe mother decides to take a call and stops, gesturing for the older sister to take care of the younger one.ㅤㅤThe younger sister, basically a toddler, starts gleefully laughing and clapping from inside her stroller. The familiar stranger and I share a laugh together at this moment. I stop after realizing how unamused the older sister is. Must be in a bad mood.ㅤㅤThe mother finishes her call and now gestures for the kids to come along. The older sister turns the stroller around and…ㅤㅤMy heart suddenly sinks.ㅤㅤIn the baby’s lap is a small children’s book.ㅤㅤFor a second, I see it. The cover with a picture of an ugly flat fish and an octopus on it.ㅤㅤI stand up so suddenly that the familiar stranger asks me if I’m okay. Before I answer, I watch as the family of three walk through the subway gate away from my view. I hurriedly answer that I’m fine, and prepare to dash after the family of three to ask about the book. But before I get to follow them, my train arrives. The next train after will take very long to arrive and is known to be crowded at this exact time. And I’m exhausted. It’s fine. I don’t need to follow them—I just need to look into a library’s catalog for The Selfish Stargazer. There’s a chance that it’s a borrowed book from the library. I walk into my train.ㅤㅤThe familiar stranger sits across from me.ㅤㅤI ask him kindly to wake me up, since I’ve been so exhausted, and he happily agrees and reassures me.ㅤㅤI end up falling asleep.ㅤㅤAnd it’s the usual kind of dream. But I want to say that this one takes place in a made-up Cloverscape. Appropriately enough, it’s a subway Cloverscape. It’s…It’s actually this exact subway. My own subway. The real Cloverscapes never took place where I’ve actually been in real life. Regardless, I let it play through like a usual dream.ㅤㅤThe Venomal in this case is one that I’d actually seen in a previous real Cloverscape—but it was never the main Venomal that I’ve fought in an odd-numbered Cloverscape. It’s a lionfish. I remember. Liney is his name. I’ve only seen him once in the second Cloverscape, the hotel-sized pool. According to Jeimy, Liney was going to be my third opponent in the furniture store Cloverscape.ㅤㅤHe chases me through the subway and gets stuck at the entrance of a train. The door doesn’t actually close, and the train doesn’t start moving. But he’s stuck. I find a pair of lost leather gloves on the subway floor and put them on. I grab and break off the sharp pieces of his fins and spine, laughing maniacally. I then stab him repeatedly using his own spines, beating him at his own game.ㅤㅤAfter beating him, the door closes and the train starts moving. It eventually arrives at some unidentified stop. When the door opens, Jeimy is waiting outside with Roth.ㅤㅤShe only says one thing to me.ㅤㅤ“Thank you.”ㅤㅤAnd I wake up.ㅤㅤWearing oversized leather gloves.ㅤㅤCovered in blood.ㅤㅤI’m holding my knife in one hand.ㅤㅤMy shift focuses to what’s in front of me.ㅤㅤA dead body.ㅤㅤEven though his face is unrecognizable, I know who it is instantly from his clothes.ㅤㅤHe wore them this morning as we both left our apartment.ㅤㅤI open my mouth to scream, but quickly stop myself.ㅤㅤOne—this could still be the dream.ㅤㅤTwo—in the case that it’s not, screaming will alert anyone around me and ruin everything I’ve worked so hard for. I realize I’m in an alleyway, so I decide to play it safe.
●●●ㅤㅤI’m losing my mind.ㅤㅤI’m not waking up.ㅤㅤI don’t understand.ㅤㅤDespite my mental state, I’m still making such rational decisions. I turn the gloves inside out to make sure no blood gets on me, my clothes, or bag. I always bring sanitized alcohol wipes with me, along with plenty of hand sanitizer and napkins. I carefully clean my face of the blood, stashing the used cleaning materials back into a Ziploc bag and into the insulated “lunchbox” section of my bag. I’ll easily clean any leftover blood later. Luckily, I wore a black leather jacket, so the blood comes off easily. I use the low setting on the flashlight I always bring with me to make sure there aren’t any residue or bloodstains left. I wore a black shirt underneath, so I just make sure no blood is visible. Because Mom was always so busy the last year, I’ve been doing all my own laundry, so she won’t be suspicious if I make sure to wash the shirt thoroughly. I’ll even clean the leather gloves before I dispose of them. I’ll dispose of all bloodstained things in a trashbin far from my apartment.ㅤㅤI…ㅤㅤI’m a murderer.ㅤㅤI’m a criminal.ㅤㅤI leave the alleyway very slowly and carefully, covering all my bases in terms of surveillance or witnesses. I’m safe.ㅤㅤI put on a beanie and put it on very low so that my eyes are mostly covered and unidentifiable.ㅤㅤI recognize where I’m located. It’s three blocks down from our apartment.ㅤㅤI make my way home.
●●●ㅤㅤThe next few weeks are torturous.ㅤㅤFor obvious reasons, I can no longer focus on any daily tasks except cooking—I find myself in rooms wondering what I was there for. Mom and I were questioned plenty, and there’s nothing they could find on me. I’ve gotten so good at lying throughout all those times with Jeimy. Yes, she was easy to convince, but it still taught me how to keep my poker face or act distressed when I need to.ㅤㅤOverall, with my fear of being stuck, always being over prepared, and being a goody-two-shoes culinary prodigy…ㅤㅤI may just be the perfect criminal. I eventually ask the familiar stranger what happened that night when I asked him to wake me up. He said that I woke up on my own and left.ㅤㅤOne thing I failed to consider are cameras. There were no cameras in the alleyway, but I’m told by police that there were cameras right outside of it. I don’t exactly know what I did before the murder itself, so this worries me at first. It turns out that cameras show he was dragged to the alleyway by some unseen force before being brutally stabbed to death. This leads me to learn that I now have the ability to appear invisible, even being able to include the clothes I wear. Either I’ve always had this ability as a Spectra or only recently obtained it.ㅤㅤBut despite everything, the reason I say ‘torturous’ is for different reasons.ㅤㅤLong story short, I’ve been getting abused by Mom. I don’t need to go into details, but you can imagine her frustration after all of this. Both of her former husbands are dead. She has this irrational belief that I’m a curse and a burden. Especially since I’m the biological daughter of her evil ex-husband, she now looks at me with pure disdain during her drunken fits. The fact that I’m only good at cooking now makes her believe I signed a deal with the Devil.ㅤㅤIf only she knew.
●●●ㅤㅤThe police have done nothing to help me, even though I’ve provided all the evidence I have of Mom’s abuse. Not substantial enough. She doesn’t let me keep any recording devices, so that’s just my luck.ㅤㅤSo I killed her.ㅤㅤI don’t feel anything by it.ㅤㅤI’m easily the most obvious suspect. But that doesn’t matter in this case.ㅤㅤI killed her by poisoning her, and I disguised it as me trying out a new avant-garde recipe and blend that I didn’t properly prepare.ㅤㅤPufferfish. A delicacy that, if not prepared properly, can poison a person with fatal tetrodotoxins that paralyze the entire body.ㅤㅤSo I fully admit to killing her. Yes, to the authorities.ㅤㅤI cry and cry and put on a show as a lonely orphan who just wanted to make her mother happy by making a delicacy. There are obviously permanent repercussions to my records and credibility as a cook, but I’ll just need to request this be kept as private as possible. I’ll build myself up again and still become an amazing gourmet chef.ㅤㅤPlus, it wasn’t hard to bribe and pull some strings to keep the situation low. Our law department isn’t the most morally clean.ㅤㅤOver the course of all of this, I’m so focused on covering up my crimes that I forget to check my local library. I eventually use the newer library computers and still don’t find anything. I even use the World Wide Web–no, wait, we call it the Internet now–to look up the book. I don’t trust it, so I’m willing to bet that local libraries may still have information about the book.ㅤㅤNothing.ㅤㅤI’ve tried multiple public libraries, even though I know they use the same databases and catalogs. Was The Selfish Stargazer just a Jeimy original? It can’t be.ㅤㅤRegardless, I’m now well off, make my own money, and am fully independent. To save money on living expenses, I got a job at a new restaurant in Virginia that has been doing exceptionally well—It apparently has a lot of financial backing and great benefits.ㅤㅤWell…that’s all true, but there’s a much more simple reason why I got this job at a diner all the way in Virginia.ㅤㅤThe job listing had demonic language spread throughout. “If you can read this, call me using this number instead” is what it said.ㅤㅤAnd that’s how I met Stag, her son Adonis and her daughter Vein.
Stag has all her memories from Hell and isn’t possessing a human like me, so she educates me on how the whole Permanent Possession process works. And she gives every demon who joins the restaurant a new demon name if they didn’t already have one.ㅤㅤSo I go by Swan now.
●●●ㅤㅤAfter continuing to have my fake Cloverscape dreams for a few months in Virginia, the last piece to my puzzle is finally solved.ㅤㅤAt Stag’s residence. No—Elena’s residence. Her human name. The Aquino residence.ㅤㅤThey invited me to dinner, but I end up cooking for them. Afterwards, the kids take me upstairs.ㅤㅤTo Vein’s room.ㅤㅤIn the corner on a shelf is none other than the one thing that made me believe in some kind of twisted fate existing in my reality.ㅤㅤThe Selfish Stargazer.ㅤㅤNatsuki Aquino is the vessel I’ve been searching for.ㅤㅤThe Seafloor girl.ㅤㅤThe mother in the subway years ago was the original mother of Adonis and Vein. The older sister was Adonis. Getting close to Vein triggered some kind of bend in the reality of my dreams. This has to be what caused me to go on a sleepwalking rampage and kill my stepdad—no, it may have not been sleepwalking. It could totally have been something outside of the standard realm of physics knowing Jeimy.ㅤㅤAll this to say that the power Vein holds is immeasurable if she’s connected to the Seafloor and Jeimy. And it will only affect me and anyone associated with Jeimy—including Jeimy’s older sister that manipulates time.ㅤㅤThe question of why Vein is the chosen vessel is a mystery, but it’s not one I’m worried about.ㅤㅤIt’s a matter of how I’m going to either bring her to Jeimy or kill her.ㅤㅤBecause the longer I wait to make a decision, the more I will lose my mind.ㅤㅤThe more I will break and lose control of myself.ㅤㅤThis luck of finding you really is making me blind.ㅤㅤThank you, Jeimy.ㅤㅤThank you, Pyo.ㅤㅤAnd thank you, Vein.
Chapter 1 ● Recruitment
ㅤㅤ"Vein, try this and tell me how it tastes!" I request.ㅤㅤ"What is it?" Vein asks back.ㅤㅤ"An egg tart!" I answer.ㅤㅤ"Huh…" Vein responds. She doesn't know what to say. She has no idea what an egg tart is… It's not worth her time for me to explain it to her. She just needs to try it!ㅤㅤ"Just try it! It tasted fine for me."ㅤㅤVein takes a bite! And…ㅤㅤI have never seen a little girl make such an ugly face. And this is Vein—the cutest little demon girl in the world.ㅤㅤ"Uh! Eugh. Ah! It's nasty. Crezem!" she blurts.ㅤㅤ"No way! It was okay for me! Ah, here—give it to me! I'll wipe the rest off your face. Come oooooooonnnnnnn! Tel!" I call out.ㅤㅤVein and I hear a voice on the other side of the kitchen.ㅤㅤ"What, Crescent? Did she do exactly what I told you she would?" Tel says.ㅤㅤ"I…I was so sure it would be good this time! Come ooonnnnnnnn!" I complain.ㅤㅤI give Vein a glass of juice. After she sips, she makes another face. Not as bad as the first one. Juice doesn't match with egg tarts?ㅤㅤ"Sorry, Vein! I'll go ask Tel what I did wrong! Will you try them again?" I ask.ㅤㅤVein looks at me. She blinks and looks off to the side. She tries to whistle, but she can't. She's just blowing air.ㅤㅤ"That's a no, huh? It's okay, Vein. I love youuuuuuu!" I say.ㅤㅤI give Vein a pat on the head, and she giggles. Most of us at the restaurant tell Vein we love her. It cheers her up every time. And it's true! I love her to bits.ㅤㅤI'm caught off-guard as Tel taps my shoulder.ㅤㅤ"Hey. That egg tart looked bad. You can do better than that. Come on."ㅤㅤ"Can you help me get better?" I plead.ㅤㅤTel rolls her eyes.ㅤㅤ"No. This is pathetic. You literally need to just follow what I told you earlier."ㅤㅤ"You didn't give me measurements to use…"ㅤㅤ"Then use a recipe, idiot! Wasted ingredients, too," Tel says as she storms away.ㅤㅤTels words hurt a little, but I know that she just wants me to be a better baker. She's a little mean, but I know she's trying to motivate me.ㅤㅤAnd it might have worked. I'm going to prove her wrong!ㅤㅤ"I'll bake some on my ooooown! And you have to try them!" I shout across the hall.ㅤㅤI shift my attention to Vein, who's already heading towards the breakroom.ㅤㅤAs she walks away, she stumbles and falls. Oh, no!ㅤㅤI run toward Vein and help her up. She scraped her knee. Not a big deal—she's a tough girl. Even so, I help her get to the breakroom.ㅤㅤAhhhhhhhhh, the breakroom. You see that couch in the back? That's my area. Once my butt hits that couch, I knock out immediately. According to Don, the tibbie-wibbies like to jump on my face while I'm schleep. Don jokes that when I sleep, I enter an Schrodinger's sleep dimension.ㅤㅤI'm a sleepwalker. Half the time. Don says that, when I sleep, one of two things happen.ㅤㅤEither I lay completely still like a corpse, or I become Usain Bolt. Okay, it's not like I become some extremely strong lightning-speed demon slayer when I sleepwalk. It's more like, the usual bout of sleepwalking. I’ll walk, or even run, around aimlessly. I don’t pick anything up or try to really do anything. I’ll knock things down every now and then, but according to Don, I’m pretty attentive when I sleep walk. Good thing my subconscious knows its way around buildings and doesn’t burn things down like some other demons.ㅤㅤA lot of my friends seem to misunderstand me. I think a lot. I think more than I speak. I think more quickly than I do. That’s the thing. I speak so slowly—I can’t help it. It's one of the things I inherited from my demon dad, Belph.ㅤㅤAnyway—when I sleepwalk while the tibbie-wibbies are playing on my face, I tend to wack them across the room. You’d think they hate this, but they love it. They think of it as me launching them like a catapult. I guess it doesn’t hurt for them. Don’s recorded it before. They line up on my face, ready to be smacked.ㅤㅤAfter I slowly bandage Vein’s knee, I pat her head.ㅤㅤVein giggles, then speaks.ㅤㅤ“Crezem, why are you bad at making eggtarts?”ㅤㅤMy eye twitches a bit.ㅤㅤ“Um. I’ll ask Tel, okay? I promise I’ll make gooooooood eggtarts that you can enjoy,” I answer.ㅤㅤVein kicks her legs back and forth on the couch.ㅤㅤ“Do you want my help?” Vein asks.ㅤㅤ“No, thank you. I’ll be okay, Vein—thank youuuuu,” I answer.ㅤㅤ“Please?” Vein asks again.ㅤㅤ“…”ㅤㅤVein’s cheeks are so chubby. I poke them.ㅤㅤ“Ehheheh..” I say as I smirk.ㅤㅤ“Crezem?”ㅤㅤI speak as I continue to poke them.ㅤㅤ“If you help me, you’ll have to taste them again. Is that what you want, Vein?” I ask her.ㅤㅤ“Hmm….No. But if it makes you happy, I want to help!” Vein says.ㅤㅤI sigh, knowing that I won’t be able to say no to her.ㅤㅤ“Come here!” I say as I embrace her.ㅤㅤAnd so began my journey to make the perfect eggtart with someone who is basically a little eggtart in human/demon form.
Chapter 2 ● Recipe
ㅤㅤ"You sure about this?" Don asks.ㅤㅤ"Yeeeees! Vein and I just want to grab a recipe book, get some ingredients, and make some egg tarts," I answer.ㅤㅤ"Okay, but…you know you can find a ton of recipes on the internet nowadays, right? I know you're not tech-savvy, but even Vein could probably find something. Heck, Tel could probably—"ㅤㅤI lean in close. Don steps back. He's blushing. How cute!ㅤㅤ"Come ooooon. I just want some bonding time with Vein," I say.ㅤㅤ"O-Oh. You could've just said so. I mean. Ahem. Stag already gave the go-ahead. Go for it, I g-guess."●●●ㅤㅤI'm Crescent. I'm a 16-year-old high-school sophomore and a demon girl. By that, I basically mean that I was a normal girl up until six years ago when I was possessed by the daughter of the demon Belphegor. Or Belph. I think? Ever since then, I've had this speech impediment that makes me talk slow. And I sleep a lot. But to be honest, I’ve always slept a lot. Even before I was possessed. Other than that, I'm more or less the same. Always been a sleepwalker.ㅤㅤDon is 15—Stag said we're old enough to work at the restaurant if we want to. I have a huge family—got three little brothers I take care of. Lots of our family's money goes to raising them, so the extra allowance would be nice.ㅤㅤSo here I am. I'm a cashier at Jelly Joni's. Admittedly, I don't think I could be a waiter like Don decided to do. I do eventually want to be part of the kitchen staff, so I've been starting off by baking. And as you can tell, I'm not the best at it.ㅤㅤI'm actually stronger than a lot of people think. In my dreams, I move around a lot. I don't know how, but I stay pretty fit. Even though I sleep a lot. That might actually be another demon power I have. Not really sure. It's pretty convenient—as long as I exercise in my dreams, I stay healthy in real life. No one's ever really asked about it.ㅤㅤI got my license a few months ago. I’m surprised Don was fine with me driving Vein around. He’s always a huge worrywart about Vein. Means he trusts me!●●●ㅤㅤ"Psst. Erica. Do…Do you have any discounts for…thiiiiiiiis?" I say, showing Erica an East Asian dessert recipe book.ㅤㅤ "Ha! Of course. I gotchu, Erin!" Erica answers.ㅤㅤThat's us. Erin and Erica. Oh, sorry. Probably need more context. My human name is Erin. I only go by Crescent with the other demons. I don't fully understand why we need demon names, but I remember Stag telling me that using demon names keeps our possession strong and intact. Which is why she encourages us to use them as often as we can with each other. Anyway, I have a really cool human name. I know I'm bragging, but I'm serious. I sound like a secret agent.ㅤㅤErin Rosales. Since I'm always doing something cool in my dreams, I like to pretend that I'm Agent Rosales or something. Really cheesy, but can you blame me? Don is also into the whole 'dream' thing, too. If he were an agent, he'd be Agent Aquino. Also pretty cool. Names are awesome.ㅤㅤOh, yeah. I mention my name because that's how Erica and I became friends. We introduced ourselves, had similar names, and we just clicked. Erica works at this bookstore, so I'm getting whatever discounts I can get.ㅤㅤ"Oh, my goodness, is that your little sister? No, wait. She looks Asian. Did you kidnap a Chinese kid?" Erica says.ㅤㅤ"No, Erica! Don't say that so loud! Come oooooon. This is Kiki. She's a family friend I'm taking care of today. And she's Japanese."ㅤㅤ"Oh, wow. I am so sorry. Um. Hi, Kiki! Wow, she's freaking cute!"ㅤㅤVein just stares at Erica and doesn't say a word.ㅤㅤ"Kiki, don't staaare. It's rude. Say 'hi'!" I tell Vein.ㅤㅤ"Hi," Vein says very quietly.ㅤㅤI think Vein's just tired. Oh, well.ㅤㅤ"We'll go ahead and get this book. Come on, Kiki!"ㅤㅤAfter purchasing the book, I skim through the Hong Kong egg tart recipe page.ㅤㅤTime to hit the grocery for some ingredients.●●●ㅤㅤI place the little demon girl in the shopping cart’s child seating. She smiles.ㅤㅤ“Crezem,” Vein says.ㅤㅤ“What’s up, Vein?” I respond.ㅤㅤ“Why do you have a blue drink? Do you need a blue drink for eggtarts?”ㅤㅤ“What? No. Um. This is for me. Don't worry about it, Vein!" I say.ㅤㅤWe've gotten most of our ingredients for the egg tarts. Okay, fine. I'll tell you. I'm addicted to electrolyte drinks. Not energy drinks, but more like Gatorade and Powerade. Drinks you shouldn't really be drinking unless you're athletic. But that's the thing! This demon power thing, or whatever it is, makes me really active in my dreams, right? And since it affects my actual body, I wake up extra tired and thirsty. Water can only do so much for a parched girl like me. But anyway! Enough about that.ㅤㅤWe finish up at the grocery store. As I bring the cart across the parking lot, I realize something that I overlooked.ㅤㅤMy home is way too lively. My little brothers are loud. They'd somehow loop Vein into playing with them. There's no way they'd leave us alone to work on the egg tarts. Not to mention that my kitchen is really tiny, and the countertops are really tall.ㅤㅤI'll call Don or Stag and maybe see if we could bake at their place.ㅤㅤBy complete coincidence, my phone is ringing—Tel is calling me.ㅤㅤ"Hey. Crescent. Look, I'm. I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I'm glad you're trying to learn how to bake. I'm just not good at showing it, and I should be better about helping you out. I'm actually calling to offer you to bake your egg tarts at my place. I know you—"ㅤㅤ"Who's that? Crezem, who's that?" Vein asks curiously. Her grogginess seems to have gone away.ㅤㅤ"It's Tel," I answer.ㅤㅤ"Is that Vein? You're with Vein? Is she helping you out with this?" Tel asks.ㅤㅤ"Yeeeeep," I respond.ㅤㅤ"Then you definitely need to come to my place. I was saying—I know your brothers are loud. If Vein is there, it'll be chaos. Your egg tarts might become even worse," Tel asserts.ㅤㅤTel lives with her mom, and her dad is in the Navy and stationed somewhere else. I've never been to her place, but it should be better than my mine.
Chapter 3 ● Rudeness
ㅤㅤTel's mom is like a clingier version of Stag. And that's saying a lot.ㅤㅤ"Welcome in, welcome in! Tel told me all about you two. You must be Erin!"ㅤㅤ"Yes that's me! Hiiiii, Mrs. Doyle!" I greet.ㅤㅤ"Which means you're Kiki! Nice to meet you, Kiki!" Mrs. Doyle says as she kneels down.ㅤㅤVein shakes her hand with a huge grin on her face.ㅤㅤ"Hi, Ms. Ess-Doyle!" Vein says. Does Vein seriously think her name is Esdoyle? She hasn't learned the difference between miss and missus yet. She is so cute.ㅤㅤ"Oh, you are just…You are just so…"ㅤㅤFor a brief second, I see Mrs. Doyle's hands roll up into a fist. Stag told me about this. There's a Tagalog word that doesn't directly translate into English. It's 'gigil'—meaning 'cuteness rage'. Like when middle-aged moms see a baby and say something crazy like 'Oh, I am just going to eat you up!'. Mrs. Doyle is gigil-ing right now. Or however you say it in Tagalog.ㅤㅤ"Mom, leave them alone! Go! Shoo. Shoo!" Tel says behind her.ㅤㅤ"Now, Tel—Don't be like that! You were like this the first time you met Mr. Braddock. You said he reminded you of one of your, uh, your Doctor Who's? And then you wouldn't leave him alone! What a—"ㅤㅤ"MOM, SHUT THE HELL UP! Oh, my God! What is wrong with you? I—I…Ugh!" Tel shouts.ㅤㅤ"Haha, alright, alright, sweetie. I'll leave you alone. Make yourselves at home! Daisy, make sure to take care good care of our guests," Mrs. Doyle says as she walks upstairs.ㅤㅤI'm not really surprised that Tel is rude to her mom. I'm also not surprised that her mom just takes it. If I ever spoke to my mom like that, she'd bust my brains open with her chancla. And my brothers would dance on my grave. And yep—Tel’s full name is Daisy Doyle. Honestly, I can't defend that one. That's a very Barbie-ish name for someone who tries to be punk. Also, everyone at the restaurant knows Tel is into Doctor Who, so she honestly doesn't need to be too embarrassed. She'd inevitably be into older men.ㅤㅤHer reaction reminds me of this one time I fell asleep onto Don's lap. I woke up really embarrassed. Don't get me wrong, I like to tease Don, but he's more of a little brother to me. On top of all the other actual little brothers I have. Well, actually—it's more complicated than that. Don says he's a boy, but, like…he's a girl, right? I'm not crazy, right? Like—his chest sticks out sometimes and…Well, I shouldn't question it. Stag made it really clear that I should never, ever call Don a girl. I don't understand it fully, but it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Don is Don to me. I’ve known him for four years, and it’s never actually bothered me. And at this point, he's basically my fourth brother.●●●ㅤㅤWe set up in the kitchen and start the process. Right now, I'm showing Vein how to squish the softened butter into the flour-salt mixture.ㅤㅤShe's not really paying attention to me. She's focused on the fish tank in the living room.ㅤㅤ"Come on, Vein—you have to focus!" I say.ㅤㅤ"O-Okay," Vein says. To be completely honest, she's not doing much. Her tiny little five-year-old hands are barely mixing the butter in. But it's so cute.ㅤㅤAfter the dough is done, Tel continues to give me some pointers with creating the filling. As I'm whisking the evaporated milk, vanilla, and eggs together, I notice that Vein left her post and went up to the fish tank.ㅤㅤBut she's too short to even see the fish.ㅤㅤ"Hey Tel—let's take a quiiiiiiick break. Can Vein take a look at your fish?"ㅤㅤ"Yeah, that's fine. You go ahead. I'll whisk it better than you've been," she answers.ㅤㅤI go up to Vein and lift her up to see the fishes. The moment I do, all the fish swim away from Vein into one corner of the tank. I move to that side, and the fish swim the opposite side. Vein starts to look pretty sad. Before I have a chance to cheer her up, we hear Mrs. Doyle come down the stairs.ㅤㅤMrs. Doyle interrupts the situation by asking us three if it's alright for a family friend and her son to stop by. Tel seems to already know who she's talking about.ㅤㅤ"Sure. Whatever," Tel says as she rolls her eyes.ㅤㅤWe continue making the egg tarts, and Mrs. Doyle starts tidying up in the living room. We start shaping the dough with fluted cutters, and Tel explains that the family friend in question is Mrs. Braddock, the wife of the Mr. Braddock that her mom mentioned earlier.ㅤㅤAnd that Mrs. Braddock's son is a guy closer to my age. Tel doesn't even get to tell me his name when all of a sudden—the extra guests arrive.●●●ㅤㅤ"Erin and Kiki. Nice to meet you both! You can call me Mrs. Braddock. This is my son, Harvey. Thanks for accommodating us on short notice! We're not exactly neighbors with the Doyle's, but we're very close. I just needed to talk to Delilah about something that happened at work. I won't bother you both," Mrs. Braddock explains.ㅤㅤHarvey looks to be a geeky kid. He's holding a Nintendo DS Lite. Or is that the DSi? I don't really know video game stuff. My brothers each have a DS—That's all I know. Harvey doesn't say a word, but he does wave his hand to greet Vein and I.ㅤㅤTel and Mrs. Braddock talk a little bit, leading to her learning about which school I go to. Harvey and I are the same grade, but he goes to the school that mine tends to rival with in terms of sports. Neither Harvey nor I seem to care, though. Mrs. Braddock encourages Harvey to help out with the baking, but he shakes his head and sits on the couch. He plays his DS.ㅤㅤVein walks up to him. This'll be fun.
Chapter 4 ● Romance
ㅤㅤ"What are you doing?" Vein asks Harvey.ㅤㅤ"Playing a game," Harvey says. He doesn't elaborate.ㅤㅤAiming to keep the conversation from going in an awkward direction, I jump in.ㅤㅤ"Vein, let's leave Harvey alone, okay? Come ooooon, let's look at the fish again," I request.ㅤㅤ"Hm. Maybe you should look at your egg tarts and make them better! Since they're so bad," Vein replies.ㅤㅤI drop to my knees and look up at the ceiling in shock from her words.ㅤㅤVein uses this opportunity to try and hop on my back, which topples me face down onto the carpet.ㅤㅤI hear Harvey chuckle.ㅤㅤ"Vein…the egg tarts are baking right now. We can't really do anything," I say as I gently take Vein off of me.ㅤㅤNot just that. Both Mrs. Doyle and Mrs. Braddock are in the kitchen and seem to have looped Tel into a conversation she can’t leave. And from the look on her face, she wants nothing more than to get out of it. It's best we stay here, or we'll get caught in the crossfire.ㅤㅤ"Harvey, what game are you playing?" I ask, deciding to strike up conversation and continue where Vein left off.ㅤㅤHe brings his face closer to his DS to avoid eye contact with me.ㅤㅤ"It's a Kingdom Hearts game. It has a really long title. I don't want to bore you," Harvey answers. He doesn't stutter like Don does, but he's just as shy. Geekier than Don, for sure.ㅤㅤ"You won't bore me! What's Kingdom Hearts? Please tell me more," I say, trying to get him to open up a bit. I lean a bit forward to get a look at his DS screen. Or screens.ㅤㅤHarvey's eyes dart left and right. He's blushing. Haha, I love doing this.ㅤㅤ"Um. Kingdom Hearts is an action role-playing series of games about characters who get thrown into different Disney universes to save their friends. The main character usually team up with Donald Duck and Goofy. It sounds weird, I know. This specific game is called Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, and it…"ㅤㅤOh. He's…he's rambling. I am listening, I promise. But. Wow. That really is a long title. He just said the name Zee Nuh Nort. This game sounds so silly. It must be really fun for him to like it. I do like Disney, though. Maybe I can bounce off of that topic. And no, my favorite princess is not Sleeping Beauty. It's Mulan. Well, she's not a princess.ㅤㅤWhile listening to Harvey explain the game, I notice Vein's eyes light up. She obviously wants to try playing it.ㅤㅤInterrupting Harvey, Vein asks, "Can I try?"ㅤㅤ"Uh…No. I'm almost at an important part. You might die and ruin things," Harvey says.ㅤㅤVein seems disappointed, as you would expect. Harvey's eyes dart left and right again. That does it. I'm going to convince Harvey to let Vein play. I'm up for this challenge. How much do I need to tease Harvey to change his mind?ㅤㅤI lean in and say, "Harvey, come ooooon! You should—"ㅤㅤ"Yeah, you know what? Maybe I should let her play. Sh-She can just fight smaller enemies," Harvey says.ㅤㅤThat was anticlimactic. I barely did anything. Plus, he stuttered, too. He must really like me. That, or I just intimidate him.ㅤㅤHarvey shows Vein the basics. Eventually, Vein is in the middle between Harvey and I on the couch. I don't really understand what's going on, but based on Harvey's expressions, Vein is surprisingly really good at the game. Harvey catches me staring at him, and I just smile. You can probably guess his reaction to that. Vein continues to play for a while, and Harvey gives her some pointers.ㅤㅤMrs. Braddock walks over and does what every parent is obliged to do at a scene like this.ㅤㅤ"Delilah, do you see this? If Tel doesn't come over here soon, Erin might steal Harvey away! Look—it's like Kiki is their daughter, haha!"ㅤㅤI imagine how commercially appealing this looks. A short Mexican girl, a Japanese kid, and a white boy on a couch together. We probably look like we were ripped straight from a health textbook.ㅤㅤ"Well, would you look at that. Tel, what do you think?" Mrs. Doyle asks her daughter.ㅤㅤTel walks over.ㅤㅤ"Haha. Yeah," Tel says. She's not jealous of me at all. She obviously doesn't see Harvey in any romantic way.ㅤㅤHarvey, not paying any attention to the conversation at all, continues to help Vein.ㅤㅤNothing happens for a while, but then I notice Tel drop one of the cutters. She's shocked at something. I turn in the direction she's looking and I see what happened.ㅤㅤTwo of the fish in the tank are upside down and dead. It's almost look like their bodies were burnt. Must be something specific to how that species of fish dies.ㅤㅤTel goes up to the tank and stares intently at the fish. She covers her mouth and runs upstairs to her room.ㅤㅤAt this point, all of us are paying attention to what just happened with Tel. It gets awkward between the two moms.ㅤㅤ"I'll go…check on Daisy. Be back in a bit," Mrs. Doyle says.ㅤㅤBut Mrs. Braddock speaks up again.ㅤㅤ"Actually—I think it's about time for us to go and leave you all to it. Harvey, get ready to leave soon."ㅤㅤMrs. Doyle says a quick goodbye before heading upstairs to talk to Tel.●●●ㅤㅤ"It looks like the fishies were cooked. Can we eat them?" Vein says.ㅤㅤI scold her for being insensitive. Good thing Tel isn't downstairs with us.ㅤㅤMrs. Braddock and Harvey are about to leave, but Mrs. Braddock suddenly snaps.ㅤㅤ"Oh! I can't believe I forgot. My homemade casserole. I left it on our kitchen counter. I was going to bring it. Harvey, feel free to stay a little longer. I'm going to quickly drive back home and grab it. I'll be back."ㅤㅤ"Mrs. Braddock, I'm sure Tel and Mrs. Doyle wouldn't mind if you're not able to bring them the casserole tonight, ma'am. Noooooo need for you to drive back and forth," I say.ㅤㅤ"No worries, Erin! We live five minutes away. After all, our family wouldn't be able to finish that casserole ourselves!" she answers.ㅤㅤFair enough. I don't like wasting food. So our time with Harvey is extended. Vein and I will make the most of it. I lean back on the couch, stretch, and yawn for a bit. I lay my head back and look up at the ceiling again.●●●ㅤㅤAfter Mrs. Braddock fully leaves, Harvey laughs and speaks up.ㅤㅤ"Don't like casserole? I can tell."ㅤㅤ"Whaaaat? Casserole's okay," I say.ㅤㅤ"Your face. You were cringing when my mom said ‘casserole’. It's the same face my friend Yusuf makes when my mom makes us casserole. Then again, he doesn't exactly have a typical face," he says.ㅤㅤI lift my arms up.ㅤㅤ"You caught me. I hate casserole. And why were you looking at my face, hm?" I respond.ㅤㅤBefore I get to enjoy his reaction, the egg tarts are done.ㅤㅤVein hops up off the couch in excitement. I carry her and bring her over to the kitchen.ㅤㅤI carefully take the egg tarts out. I'm sure Tel won't mind if we sample them first while they're fresh. Harvey walks up to us in the kitchen, wanting to try one, too.ㅤㅤ"Here! This one should be cooled down. Try it!" I say, handing an egg tart to Vein.ㅤㅤVein's mouth is drooling, but she shakes her head and raises an eyebrow.ㅤㅤ"Crezem, are you sure this will be okay?" Vein asks.ㅤㅤ"Absolutely! Tel helped us with it, after all!" I say.ㅤㅤ"Crezem? Tel? What? Are those nicknames?" Harvey asks.ㅤㅤOh.ㅤㅤOh, no, no, no, no, no. Shoot. Shoot, shoot, shoot. Ah, shoot.ㅤㅤIt's incredibly dangerous for a human to know our demon names. There's a chance it'll lead them being able to see our demonic features, like our horns. I've never slipped up like this. I'm pretty sure there's a demonic force in place that keeps this from happening, too—Even if we accidentally say our demon names. So how did Harvey hear? What's going on?!ㅤㅤ"I…I uuuuum. The…We," I try to speak.ㅤㅤI don't know what to say. He already suggested that they're nicknames. I just have to hope he can't see—ㅤㅤ"What the. What in the world. Are those horns?" Harvey asks.ㅤㅤOh, no.ㅤㅤ"The…They're—"ㅤㅤVein takes a bite of her egg tart.ㅤㅤShe vomits.ㅤㅤ"Vein! Are you—I mean Kiki! Are you ooookay?!" I ask in panic.ㅤㅤI kneel and lean in to check and…ㅤㅤVein is vomiting rainbows?ㅤㅤ"Kiki's nickname is Vein? And she also has horns? What is happening right now?" Harvey continues to ask.ㅤㅤ"N—No! Kiki is a nickname for Natsuki! V-Vein is—"ㅤㅤSuddenly, Harvey's head pops off. It just. It just…jumps up from his head.ㅤㅤAnd it transforms into an Ulma. It looks like Buron—Tib's older brother.ㅤㅤThe Harvey head tries to float away, but I jump up and grab it quickly. I secure it back onto Harvey's body.ㅤㅤHarvey, with the head of Buron, accidentally pushes me away in the process.ㅤㅤThen he starts dancing. Along with Vein. They're both dancing. I don't think I could be any more confused than I am right now.ㅤㅤEven weirder, the house starts to change. The walls are melting and changing color. They're turning yellow and transparent. The melting ceiling drips onto me. It smells like egg yoke.ㅤㅤYeah. The house is turning into egg yoke. Actually—right now, the egg yoke is beginning to change into egg tart filling.ㅤㅤI grab Harvey and Vein and run outside the door, which turns into egg tart filling mere moments after I exit.ㅤㅤHarvey and Vein are on the driveway and continue to dance.ㅤㅤThis culdesac doesn't look busy, so I pull them onto the street. I walk back toward the house.ㅤㅤThe house is morphing into some kind of monstrous creature. At first, it looks like a massive goo monster with large arms and a giant egg tart on its head.ㅤㅤBut then I see Tel and Mrs. Doyle underneath it. They're reaching forward and begging for help, but the monster enraptures them fully in egg tart filling. The monster retracts and begins to take the form of a golem. But made of egg tart filling.ㅤㅤIt growls, and egg yoke drips out of its mouth.ㅤㅤ"I AM EGGTARTARUS, THE EMBRYONIC DEITY OF THE UNDERWORLD. YOU HAVE EGG-TARNISHED THE NAME OF EGG TARTS AND COMMITTED THE GRAVE SIN OF POACHING MEDIOCRE EGG TARTS! YOU ARE NOT ALL YOU ARE CRACKED UP TO BE! I WILL BEAT YOU AND SCRAMBLE YOU UNTIL YOU ARE LEFT RUNNING LIKE YOKE!"ㅤㅤI have no words. Except I actually do .ㅤㅤ"Heh. I can egg-nore your insults, and I don't claim to be an egg-spert. Omelette that slide. But I can't forgive you for controlling my friends! And that's no yoke! I'm no chicken and I'm not terri-fried of you! " I shout.ㅤㅤThat’s right. This is a job for Agent Rosales.ㅤㅤ"Rrrrraaaa!" Eggtartarus darts toward me with his mouth open.ㅤㅤI quickly dash out of the way and head toward the area where the kitchen was. I pick up the whisk I used earlier. The moment I wield it, the whisk itself grows in size—This will be my weapon against Eggtartarus.ㅤㅤ"Looks like I can't egg-scape this battle. I hope my dream egg-sercise pays off," I say out loud to myself.ㅤㅤEggtartarus turns around, opens his mouth, and blasts scalding-hot egg yoke in my directions. I quickly pick up a baking pan and block it.ㅤㅤAs soon as his attack is over, I drop the pan and serpentine toward him.ㅤㅤI jump and slice Eggtartarus in pieces with my whisk.ㅤㅤ"Hah! Omelette stronger than I look. Can't judge a deviled egg by its shell! Actually, can you?" I say.ㅤㅤ"FOOLISH HARD-BOILED DEMON! THIS DOES NOTHING!" Eggtartarus groans as his body reforms back together.ㅤㅤ"NOW. YOU WILL R-EGG-RET WHAT YOU'VE DONE! THIS WILL BE OVER EASILY—I MEAN OVEREASY!" Eggtartarus says as he readies his next attack.ㅤㅤI stand back. But he does something else. He snaps his fingers.ㅤㅤSuddenly, Harvey and Vein approach me.
Chapter 5 ● Results
ㅤㅤVein tries to grab me, and it doesn’t really do anything. So I just gently push her away.ㅤㅤHarvey, on the other hand, grabs my hands. His grip is immoveable, no matter how hard I try to wriggle out of it.ㅤㅤHe forces me to dance with him.ㅤㅤTartarus laughs.ㅤㅤ“LOOK HOW EGG-LY YOUR PATHETIC DANCING IS! SUFFER IN EGG-ONY WHILE I CONSUME THE REST OF THIS TOWN, ALONG YOU WITH IT!”ㅤㅤA car drives up to us. It's Mrs. Braddock. She rolls down the window and shouts.ㅤㅤ"Erin! I don’t know what’s going on, but try some of my signature casserole!"ㅤㅤShe throws the casserole onto the ground next to us. Right afterwards, Eggtartarus absorbs her and her car. He turns even bigger and laughs. Great job, Mrs. Braddock.ㅤㅤI realize I have play Eggtartarus’ game. I dance with Harvey and memorize the step pattern. With a few seconds of practice, I'm able to control the flow of the dance.ㅤㅤI see a spatula on the ground. Must be from the kitchen. I lead us both toward it.ㅤㅤHarvey steps on the spatula, sending it flying upwards and hitting him in the shin. He doesn't react at all and continues dancing.ㅤㅤShoot, shoot. What else can I use?ㅤㅤAn orange juice carton. Once again, I lead us toward it.ㅤㅤHarvey steps on the orange juice carton, bursting it open—orange juice leaks on the floor, and Harvey trips. He lets go of me and lands on the floor with his butt and palms on the puddle of orange juice.ㅤㅤHe shakes his head and looks at his hands.ㅤㅤ"Wh-What? First horns. Now this? Orange juice?"ㅤㅤHarvey's back to normal! Well, his head is still an Ulma. It's off-putting to see Buron talk in English. Anyway! Why did he snap out of it? The orange juice? What is it about orange juice that…ㅤㅤWait! Egg tarts don't go well with fruit juice! That must be Eggtartarus' weakness.ㅤㅤ"Harvey! Don't worry about the horns for now. Pour some of the leftover OJ from this carton onto your knuckles and punch Eggtartarus," I request.ㅤㅤEggtartarus, who has consumed some of the houses nearby and gotten even larger, turns back to look at us. He realizes what's happening. He roars, dashing toward us while shooting egg yoke.ㅤㅤ"AAAAHH! Okay, okay, fine! Whatever you say, Erin!" Harvey says.ㅤㅤ"Rosales. Call me Agent Rosales," I say with a grin.ㅤㅤAfter Harvey pours juice on his hand, he runs toward Eggtartarus with his arms cocked back.ㅤㅤI scramble to—ha, scramble—I scramble to grab the orange juice carton.ㅤㅤOnly two droplets fall onto my left hand.ㅤㅤ"Harvey! I told you to only pour some of it!" I shout to him.ㅤㅤ"Huh? Oh, sor—"ㅤㅤEggtartarus blasts him backwards with the egg yoke blast.ㅤㅤ"Harvey!" I shout.ㅤㅤHarvey is flown back close to me. He looks unscathed. Looks like the orange juice protected him.ㅤㅤ"DO NOT THINK THAT KNOWING MY WEAKNESS MAKES YOU THE WINNER-WINNER-CHICKEN-EGGS-AND-DINNER!" Eggtartarus taunts.ㅤㅤHe slams one of his giant egg tart-filling arms onto both of us, and we manage to roll out of the way in time. I end up somewhere near Vein, who is still dancing. She sees me and begins to dance toward me.ㅤㅤWith the miniscule amount of orange juice on my palm, I grab Vein and wipe her cheek with orange juice.ㅤㅤShe snaps out of it.ㅤㅤ"Crezem? What's hap—"ㅤㅤ"Vein! Quick—what tastes nasty when you eat it with egg tarts?" I ask in a rush.ㅤㅤ"Hm? Your egg tarts by itself—"ㅤㅤ"A—Anything else?" I say, ignoring the insult.ㅤㅤ"Juice?"ㅤㅤ"Yes, yes! What else?"ㅤㅤ"Hm. I don't know!"ㅤㅤI groan in frustration. Harvey is dodging Eggtartarus' attacks. And he's making the same grunting noise that the player character from his Kingdom Hearts game makes.ㅤㅤ"Wait! Crezem. What about that thing? That looks nasty," Vein says, pointing at something.ㅤㅤ"No, Vein! It has to be food. Eggtartarus can easily absorb anything that isn’t—"ㅤㅤVein is pointing at the casserole.ㅤㅤ"Wait. That's it, Vein! You're a genius!" I exclaim, kissing her on the orange juice-covered cheek.ㅤㅤI dash over to the casserole. The moment I do, Eggtartarus shifts his focus to me.ㅤㅤ"HUH? WAIT! NO, NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT! THAT DISH IS FOWL! FOWL LIKE CHICKEN OR OTHER KINDS OF POULTRY!" Eggtartarus screams.ㅤㅤI secure the casserole.ㅤㅤI pour the contents of the casserole foil container onto my whisk, quickly run toward Eggtartarus, and spring upwards with my giant whisk held high.ㅤㅤ"PREPARE TO BE EGG-SECUX-A-CUTED! SUNNY-SIDE DOWN!" I shout.ㅤㅤ"WHAT?! DON'T YOU MEAN EGG-SECU—"ㅤㅤBoom! Sliced into pieces.ㅤㅤ"NOOOO! THIS IS EGG-SACTLY WHAT I FEARED! NOOOO!" Eggtartarus cries as his voice fades away. All parts of his body dissipate. Tel and the two moms are fainted on the ground, but safe.ㅤㅤ"Heh. Go to shell. Like Hell, but egg shells," I say with an even bigger grin than before.ㅤㅤ"Um. You should get off of me, Erin," Harvey says.ㅤㅤ"Huh? We're celebrating right now. Let's go grab Tel and Mrs. Doyle," I say.ㅤㅤ"We're going to go soon, Erin. Mom is on the way. Come on," he says.ㅤㅤWhat?ㅤㅤI open my eyes, and I realize I'm resting on Harvey's shoulder on the couch.ㅤㅤVein is playing the Kingdom Hearts game next to us. I quickly lift my head off of him.ㅤㅤHarvey is blushing like crazy. But this time, so am I.ㅤㅤThe doorbell rings. Tel and her mom go down the stairs and open the door.ㅤㅤMrs. Braddock is back with her casserole. It looks a lot worse than the one in my dream.ㅤㅤIt looks like Tel has cheered up, but her eyes are red from crying.ㅤㅤAs the moms talk, the oven dings. So the egg tarts weren't actually done.●●●ㅤㅤThat was by far the coolest but most cringeworthy dream I’ve ever had. Why was Agent Rosales so corny?! And those egg puns made me want to rip my hair out.ㅤㅤVein hops up off the couch in excitement. I carry her and bring her over to the kitchen.ㅤㅤI carefully take the egg tarts out. Tel decides to stay on the couch, embarrassed from how she looks. I'm sure Tel won't mind if we sample them first while they're fresh. Harvey walks up to us in the kitchen, wanting to try one, too.ㅤㅤ"Here, Vein! This one should be cooled down. Try it!" I say, handing an egg tart to Vein.ㅤㅤVein's mouth is drooling, but she shakes her head and raises an eyebrow.ㅤㅤ"Erin, are you sure this will be okay?" Vein asks.ㅤㅤ"Absolutely! Daisy helped us with it, after all!" I say.ㅤㅤHere it is. The moment of truth.ㅤㅤVein takes a bite.ㅤㅤAnd…ㅤㅤHer face.ㅤㅤI have never seen a little girl make such a cute face.ㅤㅤThis is Vein—the cutest little demon girl in the world.ㅤㅤI get it. I get why Don is overprotective of Vein. Look at her. Her eyes are sparkling. Her cheeks are so rosy. Only Tel and I can see it, but her ears and flopping up and down.ㅤㅤ"AAAAAAAAA!" Vein exclaims in pure joy.ㅤㅤI almost cry, but then Mrs. Braddock comes up to us in the kitchen.ㅤㅤ"Wow! Amazing job on the egg tarts! Now you just have to try my signature casserole. Tel loves it!"ㅤㅤI glance over at Tel. She looks at me and shrugs. I guess she doesn't mind it.ㅤㅤI glance over at Harvey. He is shaking his head. But he's also smirking.ㅤㅤI look at Mrs. Doyle, who is cleaning up the dead fishes.ㅤㅤI look at Vein, who ignores the situation and goes for more egg tarts, even though they're still hot.ㅤㅤ"Go on, Erin! I promise you'll love it!" Mrs. Braddock continues.ㅤㅤI look down at the casserole. From pure familial habit, I do a Catholic trinity with my hands.ㅤㅤI take a bite.
Chapter Z-2 - The Summon and the Rain
Chapter 21 - The Dream
Chapter 22 - The Center
Chapter 23 - The Split